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Semester Project Title

Project Proposal

Mam Mahwish

Submitted by

Bisma Hafeez
{22979 }

Saba Noor
{26850 }
Faculty of Computing,
Riphah International University, Islamabad.

[Date of Submission]
1. Introduction
University management system.

2. Objective
Our system will add, update, delete, search on students record, teachers
records and management records through a specific IDs that very participant

3. Problem Description
Managing the records of very single participant in university management
system manually was very tough. That’s why we decide to make a online
system and store a records in database instead of registers.

4. Project Scope
Our team will provide a lifelong maintenance on it. Error will be detected and
will be resolved in a specific time.

5. Requirements
Module: Teacher
 System should add information about teacher.
 System should delete, add, and update information of a teacher.

Module: Student
 System should add information about student.
 System should delete, add, and update information of a student.

Module: courses
 System should add information about courses.
 System should delete, add, and update information of a courses.

Module: workers
 System should add information about workers.
 System should delete, add, and update information of a workers.

6. Solution Application Areas / How DBMS are better for

that System?
It will help universities to maintain the records and make changes in it. It will
be a database system of university management system.

7. Tools/Technology
8. Expertise of the Team Members
Saba Noor:
Saba is expert in coding and have good logical scene.
Bisma hafeez:
Bisma is expert in logic building and have good skills in coding.

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