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Skimming and Scanning

For me, the best reading style or technique for reading great books and I think the best
that is applicable to me is the “Skimming and the Scanning”. Honestly, I am not fan of reading
books or any reading materials even if it is books, magazines, journals etc. I chose “Skimming
and the Scanning” because, when I required to read books or other readings materials, I love,
and I like looking for the main point of the reading and identify the ideas that develop it.
Skimming effectively means physically moving your eyes rapidly along the page and tracing your
finger along the lines of the text to speed up your reading. This skill also involves quickly going
through beginning and concluding sentences or paragraphs because these usually talk about
the topic of the text. Meanwhile, scanning the reading is looking for specific information. To
scan the text effectively, we need to have an idea of the details we are looking for. Either the
instructions of our teacher or questions about the reading may help us in knowing what to scan
for. This reading style or technique also involves physically moving our eyes quickly along the
lines of text. We do not have to read every word; just read until we locate the details we are
searching for. In addition, I love these two-reading style or technique because “Skimming and
the Scanning” are very useful when doing research, reading, and taking examinations.

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