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I enrolled on this track because I wanted to escape the subject Mathematics, but I did
not imagine that Electrical Installation Maintenance is not easy either. It would require not
only the intellect but also our physical capacity. Also, working with electricity puts our self in
On the Job Training is a part of the curriculum we have to comply with it in order to
graduate, that is my first impression about OJT- merely a completion to graduate. Some says
it is an event where we, students are deployed to the field of the real world in order for us to
gain enough experience about how to work with other people.
I learned to appreciate that we have this OJT program because it really help me to
mature as an individual. Those experiences thought us well that might help us facing the
future. Our training nurture our minds on what working in this industry are really like and
what are the things we might be facing in the future. I did not find it hard working in
Southern Baptist because of their very approachable and friendly church head. Yes, it was
very tiring but working with my friends is fun too. Never a dull moment when I am with
them. There are times that some of my classmates are just idling around doing nothing but as
for myself, I know my responsibilities and I should work for it. I should not mind them and
just concentrate on the task given to me.
I can’t describe how much thoughtful and supportive sir John is .He thought
everything that we want to learn in work and building our perspective. He also made us
realize about other things outside the field of work we even share our personal lives with him.
In the end I believe that OJT help us to build our fundamentals in order to face the world
towards our future.
Furthermore, the training made me realize that it is really good to know what you’re
doing and to love it. OJT is not just a requirement to be completed but it is an opportunity to
show what skills, knowledge and talents that I have and also an opportunity to experience the
feeling of being a professional already. As a student, what I can do for now is to learn
whatever I can in school, be inspired and love the path I am taking, and do my best in
everything I do, with positive outlook in mind. I realized that I should be more focused in
school and do everything heartily and with all that I can.
Also, opportunities did not stop after our training, we landed a job to do the electrical
wirings at the newly constructed building in our school. Surely, it was not a mistake that I
enrolled in TVL-EIM track. It was a blessing in disguise.

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