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Cover Letter

David Mijatović

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am an undergraduate at the Faculty of Economics in Novi Sad. I have finished a QA course at
Vivify Academy, where I have learned how to manually, as well as automatically, test software
programs. After finishing the course, I was offered an unpaid internship which lasted for a
month, and I finished the internship in August. Due to a change in the company’s ownership, I
had not been offered a job there.
The comprehensive linking of knowledge from the field of manual and automatic testing, as well
as finding a cause-and-effect relationship is something I find extremely important for further
planning and developing each individual project, especially in a large, corporate system like
Continental. The internship that Continental offers would be a big challenge for me, it would
enhance my current knowledge as well as offer insights from experts from Continental and gain
more experience while working on projects, and would improve my analytic and cognitive
abilities. In my career future, I see Continental as a dynamic system in which I could further
improve in both a professional and personal aspect, and through teamwork I could contribute in
the further development and expansion of the business process that will contribute to the
strengthening of Continental and reinforce its position as the best in the region.
For my personal enjoyment, I attend acting classes in the Novi Sad Amateur Theatre. Through
acting I have learned how to better understand people who are a part of my team, as well as see
their value and recognise what they are good at. I have also been able to spot where people might
need improvement, and how I can contribute to their growth. I have learned how to manage
situations where conflict might arise, simply by turning the situation into something positive
where we can all gain something. I am ready to face any challenge in order for my team to get
the best results and reach the best conclusion.
I have been a big fan of both MotoGP and F1, as well as the automotive industry as a whole, in
which Continental operates without equal.

If you might have further questions, or any ambiguities, you can contact me at any time. I am
also always ready to come and meet in person.

Yours faithfully,
David Mijatović

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