Character and Places Descriptions

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Character and places descriptions

The Feral Vale

-looks like hell, only dim lights from lava, torches and signs, (nesto kao afterparty vibes), generally
friendly free spirited demons, party enjoyers, not particularly rich, but get a little above average income
in general from tourism, a lot of nightclubs, pubs, motels, red districts, they like fighting, betting, having
a good time, protective of their fellow residents, specialize in bombs (which are mostly used for
entertainment purposes, aside from the black market which is nicely developed, but others don’t
condemn it as long as it does not pose a threat to their subrace). They don’t have a governing party, but
they do have some influential people, who would gather in a time of need for counseling if necessary.
-They are humanoid looking, skin tone varies from pink to purple, all have batlike ears, and hear very
well, and have two small horns facing upwards. They can transform into more monster, demon-like
creatures (usually they do so during fighting, but there is a high chance of turning when angered). In this
state they have long thick tails, spike like shape arise from their arms and legs, no clothes, eyes turning
completely black, long sharp claws and sharklike teeth.

Liliya Valentynivna Martynelo (alias Ayla)

-Appearance: height-167cm weight-60kg age-looks like she is in her early 20s, red-purplish skin, has
glitter all over her body (from all the glitter stuck over the years), tattoo stretching from her left thigh up
the waist to her bosom (only from the side, not back), curvy, piercings on ears, honey gold-colored small
almond eyes, blonde wavy hair with bangs, trendy, revealing, sexy clothes, long nails, bold makeup.
-Personality: extroverted, flirty, bold, loyal, sinister, dominant, it girl, party girl, popular (knows everyone
and everything), fashionista, speaks her mind, Tanja vibes, protective of her subrace, especially towards
Djapex with whom she has a strong relationship with and considers him her most precious person, even
though she will lash out on him and mock him, as well as diminish him.


-djapex vibes, submissive, very intelligent but often gets overlooked, the voice of reason, is somewhat a
scaredy cat compared to Ayla. He gets defensive over Ayla because he looks at her like she is his big
sister, even though they quarrel often. He is rational, and likes order.
-rather small and round, purple skin, big green eyes, square thick dark brown glasses, no hair. Wears a
white shirt with a green tie, and black pants with a belt. When he transforms, look a lot like gnar from
league of legends.


-very big muscular man, wears blacksmith gloves, military boots, cargo pants, olive shirt, black apron (he
is a blacksmith). Black hair black beard, crocked nose, cross scar on his left forearm and on his face.
Wears googles on his head sometimes, usually when he is working. Has a very stern face, expect when
he is with his closest ones and having fun with his mates.
-he is the chief among the council. He is respected by all, and has an authoritative, commanding aura.
He is coolheaded, rarely gets angry. Loves jokes. Responsible.

-very tall, skinny, bony cheeks, thin lips, sharp monolid black eyes. Elderly in appearance, white hair.
Long dark dress with ono nazad na ledjima sto se prostire iza glave pojma nemam kako se zove.
-stoic, cold, strict, rational, proud, hybris, she is in charge of healing, even though she appears cold she
cares deeply for her fellow citizens, but merciless towards outsiders.


-small, old, wrinkles and one staracke pege, baldish, long thin beard, just around the mouth and on the
chin, shirt, pants, formal shoes, west with a pocket watch and small round glasses he wears when he
reads. Brown eyes.
-in charge of trade and economy, open minded, like to have fun, cheerful


-tall, muscular, has abs has tattoos, sleeveless shirt, black pants, defined jawline, sharp teeth, yellow
slender eyes, hot guy, short dark brown messy hair, burning red skin, appears as if he is in his late
twenties, no facial hair.
-bold, short-tempered, playboy, in charge of all the fighters and illegal things, flirty, sadistic, antagonistic
towards outsiders, stubborn, rebellious.


-highly sophisticated, prestigious, Greek style, fantasy realm, one of the stronger ones, focuses on riches
and military centered around the capital, the further the district the less fortunate people are. Residents
are proud, looking after their own personal interests and goals, not so friendly and open to outsiders,
especially for those they consider a lower rank. It is primarily a military realm, but has a decent amount
of trade and research domains. They hide their increased sinister and sadistic masks behind their stoic
-They look closest to humans, with different skin tones ranging from white to black, only thing that
separates them from humans are their longish pointy ears and devil like longish spiky horns facing
upwards, which they can hide, some choose to do so, some don’t, but they will show when the demon is
feeling angry or embarrassed or scared or overjoyed. The military uniform is burgundy in color with gold
embodiments. When in combat mode, they turn to muscular black monsters, with white detail, no
clothes, pointy devil tail and a pair of bat-like wings and claws. Their eyes turn black with glowing red


-Mysterious, dominant, arrogant, ego centric, powerful, high-ranking soldier, cold-hearted, sadistic,
cruel, loyal, beliefs in his own ways, manipulative, strategic, intelligent, possessive, logical
-Tall, skinny, but muscular, pale, shinning grey eyes, jet black hair, bangs going over the left side, short in
the back, has a tattoo on his right shoulder. Besides his red uniform with gold threads, for his casual
outfit he wears black leather pants with two crisscross belts, black sleeveless turtle neck and a black
leather jacket with martins. He always carries a dagger on his right side, and on duty wields a sword. In
his monster mode he wields two blades, and his hair becomes much longer, also gain a thorn like crown
on his head.

-kind, smart, protective, serine, introverted, after the war began, she became cynical, but stronger,
loyal, can turn her emotions off (after the war began).
-167, 50kg, really long wavy light brown hair, has two dot earrings, full, rosy lips, big amber eyes, pale.
Usually wears long flowy dresses with sleeves that drape along her arms, and are longer than them, they
are pastel in color and of simple design, when it’s cold she wear a red velvet cape. Her hair usually has a
crown of some sort that goes beneath the hair around the forehead, and is parted symmetrically, with
two strands being in the front, after the ears, and the rest of the hair is behind them. She hasn’t yet
been able to release her demon mode.

Romeo (one of Panas’ most loyal men)

-loyal to Panas because of their bg and won’t tolerate anyone bad mouthing him, courageous, playboy,
extroverted, party goer, without a care in the world, but gets serious when work is concerned.
Charming, aloof, reckless a bit, adrenaline junkie, initiator, liberal.
- tall, masculine, ginger messy hear, tanned. Onix black eyes. Does not hide his horns. Has a few scars.
Signature weapon claymore.

Maximus (other one of Panas’ most loyal men)

-extreme loyalty to his realm, but to Panas as well, respectful, well mannered, sophisticated, proudful,
opposite of Romeo, but they are the best duo, their skills and personalities complement each other.
Serious, reserved, calm, conservative. Likes to read.
-tall, lighter skin tone, long straight white hair, tied in a ponytail, parted bangs. Wears gloves. Signature
weapon is bow and arrow

Taddea (high-ranking soldier like Panas)

-cruel, sadistic, dominant, proud, psychotic tendencies, scarry presence, intelligent, manipulative,
sodoma, gomora. Lustful, bloodthirsty.
-very curvy, sexy outfits, bold make up, signature weapon is a whip.

Barbados (Taddea’s right hand mand)

-cruel, sadistic, proud, cocky, views people from height, torments others that are weaker than him. Has
an ego problem, that causes him to be reckless. Short tempered. Spoiled, Sodom, gomora, bloodthirsty.
- big, very muscular, brown hair, thick beard. Tattoo arms sleeves and on back and neck as well, army
boots, army pant, green shirt tucked in, that is his casual outfit. Has two large bracelets on both wrists,
wears a thick gold chain around his neck. Signature weapon is a hammer.

Detalje koje nisam stavila ti ostavljam da sama zamislis kako god se tebi dopada, imas generalne opise, I
nadam se da ce ti I opis licnosti pomoci, ako sta treba ti cimaj ofc, realmovi su boldovani I likovi koji su
ispod njih su iz tih realmova.

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