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1st BACH (1ª EV.




Here you have the script that you must follow to carry out group work on first aid in
physical activity and sports. It is a work that will constitute 20% of the final grade, so its preparation
must strictly follow the instructions, contain the minimum requirements and the sections that are
specified. The deadline will be Friday, November 18 and you must send it through the virtual


For the work to be suitable and be qualified with a grade of "5" or higher, it must meet
the following requirements:

• It will be done in groups of 2/3 people. You must write your names in the cover.

• Presentation. You must follow the following format in a Word document: Font Calibri
(Body) 11, line spacing 1.5 and justified text.

• It must be delivered before the established date. Otherwise, it will not be graded.

• Have a minimum length of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 (without counting cover or index).

• The bibliography or webgraphy used must be extensive (more than four bibliographical
references), varied and with a scientific nature, avoiding web pages such as, personal blogs, non-scientific articles, etc.

• Contain all the sections specified below:

o Cover with the names of the members of the group, title of the work and class.

o Index that includes all the sections of the work:

▪ 1. Introduction → You must contextualize where and when first aid

situations can appear in physical-sports practice. You should include
some examples.

▪ 2. General principles → It must include one or more definitions of the

concept of “first aid”, as well as its general principles (PAS, in
Spanish), and main objectives. The general rules for providing first aid
should also be included in this section.


▪ 3. Types of first aid in the practice of physical activity and sports →

It is the main section of the work, in which the main first aid situations
that can occur in sports practice and how to act must be included and
explained. You should include:

▪ Most frequent injuries → Muscle ruptures, sprains,

traumatisms, breakages, etc.

▪ Loss of consciousness → due to heat stroke, dehydration, low

blood pressure, etc.

▪ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) → include how and in

what situations it should be performed.

▪ 4. Conclusion → The importance of knowing how to perform first aid

should be included here, as well as the personal assessments that are
considered appropriate.

▪ 5. Bibliographic references → Books, magazines, web pages or

articles used to carry out the work must be included in this section.


The following aspects will be valued positively in case the group wants to achieve a grade
higher than “notable”:

• Include audiovisual material through links to videos of interest, images or self-made

graphic representations that facilitate the acquisition of content.

• All original material that allows a better understanding of the concepts included in the
work and related to first aid.

• Extension of some of the sections with any innovative element.

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