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Wordlist Speakout Starter 2nd Edition (A-Z)

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’m 23 abbrev m bin (io) sono suis ben I’m going to go to bed now.
’s 23 abbrev s ist è est is Where’s my book?
a 23 article ə, eɪ ein/e/n un(o), una un, une een Would you like a drink?
a lot 142 adv ə ˈlɒt viel un sacco di beaucoup veel Tickets to the match cost a lot.
a.m. 145 abbrev ˌeɪ ˈem vor 12 Uhr mittags di mattina avant midi voor de middag He leaves at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.
accident 80 n ˈæksədənt Unfall incidente accident ongeluk There’s been a bad accident on the motorway.
actor 10 n ˈæktə Schauspieler attore acteur acteur/actrice He wants to be an actor.
actress 139 n ˈæktrəs Schauspielerin attrice actrice actrice Sarah was a famous actress in the 1920s.
afraid 140 adj əˈfreɪd ängstlich, verängstigt aver paura avoir peur bang I’m afraid of the sea.
after that 55 prep ˌɑːftə ˈðæt danach dopo quello après cela daarna After that, I came home.
afternoon 43 n ˌɑːftəˈnuːn Nachmittag pomeriggio après-midi middag We can meet in the afternoon.
airport 144 n ˈeəpɔːt Flughafen aeroporto aéroport luchthaven The airport is a long way from the city.
all right 78 adj ˌɔːl ˈraɪt in Ordnung (va) bene d'accord in orde The food’s all right, but it’s not great.
alone 138 adj əˈləʊn allein (da) solo seul alleen I am alone at the moment.
American 139 adj əˈmerəkən amerikanisch, americano américain Amerika That’s an American car.
American football 40 n əˌmerəkən ˈfʊtbɔːl amerikanisches Football calcio americano football américain American football Do you like American football?
angry 140 adj ˈæŋɡri verärgert arrabbiato en colère boos, kwaad My parents are angry.
answer 138 v ˈɑːnsə beantworten rispondere répondre (be)antwoorden Can you answer my question?
apple 143 n ˈæpəl Apfel mela pomme appel I eat an apple every day.
April 75 n ˈeɪprəl April aprile avril april We went to Egypt in April.
Arabic 106 n ˈærəbɪk Arabisch arabo arabe Arabisch I find writing in Arabic difficult to read.
Argentina 139 country ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə Argentinien Argentina Argentine Argentinië Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
Argentinian 139 adj ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən argentinisch, argentino argentinien Argentijns He’s Argentinian.
around 110 prep əˈraʊnd rund um, um intorno a autour de bij, uit de buurt van I come from the area around Denver.
arrive 76 v əˈraɪv ankommen arrivare arriver aankomen, arriveren When does the next train arrive?

ask 138 v ɑːsk fragen chiedere demander vragen Can I ask you a question?
ask 76 v ɑːsk fragen chiedere demander vragen Can I ask you a question?
at 43 prep ət, æt an a à/ le hier: in, tijdens We’ll see them at the weekend.
at 85 prep ət, æt in a, da, di à in We’ll see them at the pub.

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ATM 46 n ˌeɪ tiː ˈem Geldautomat Bancomat distributeur automatique geldautomaat We went to the ATM to get some money.
August 75 n ˈɔːɡəst August agosto août augustus My mum’s birthday is in August.
Australia 139 country ɒˈstreɪliə Australien Australia Australie Australië Canberra is the capital of Australia.
awful 78 adj ˈɔːfəl furchtbar, schrecklich horrible horrible, affreux afschuwelijk, vreselijk It was an awful concert. The band wasn’t very good.
baby carrier 102 n ˈbeɪbi ˌkæriə Babytrage marsupio (per bebé) porte-bébé draagzak She likes those baby carriers that you wear on your back.

bag 140 n bæɡ Tasche borsa sac tas What’s in your bag?
banana 143 n bəˈnɑːnə Banane banana banane banaan Bananas are usually yellow.
bank 138 n bæŋk Bank banca, banco banque bank I go to the bank to get money.
baseball 40 n ˈbeɪsbɔːl Baseball baseball base-ball honkbal Do you like baseball?
bath 100 n bɑːθ Bad bagno bain bad- Is there a clean bath towel?
BBC 40 abbrev ˌbiː biː ˈsiː BBC BBC BBC BBC (Britse publieke She works at the BBC as a news reporter.
be 142 v bi, biː sein essere être zijn He wants to be a teacher.
beach 14 n biːtʃ Strand spiaggia plage strand Shall we go to the beach today?

beautiful 14 adj ˈbjuːtəfəl schön bello beau mooi The village is very beautiful.
beauty 100 n ˈbjuːti Schönheit bellezza beauté schoonheid She went straight to the beauty counter.
become 84 v bɪˈkʌm werden diventare devenir worden He became president in 2012.
bed 100 n bed Bett letto lit bed Where can I find beds in the store?
behind 88 prep bɪˈhaɪnd hinter dietro derrière achter The box is behind the desk.
between 88 prep bɪˈtwiːn zwischen fra, tra entre tussen I sit between Joe and Maria in class.
big 14 adj bɪɡ groß grande grand groot He drives a big car.
bike 64 n baɪk Fahrrad bicicletta biciclette fiets Do you ride your bike to college?

bike 106 n baɪk Fahrrad bici biciclette fiets He rides his bike to work every day.
bike helmet 102 n ˈbaɪk ˌhelmət Radhelm casco da bicicletta casque de vélo fietshelm You must have a bike helmet before you go on the public

biscuit 54 n ˈbɪskɪt Keks biscotto biscuit koekje Who ate all the biscuits?

black 32 adj blæk schwarz nero noir zwart Can I have a black coffee, please?
blog 142 n blɒɡ Blog blog blog blog She writes her blog every day.
blue 32 adj bluː blau blu, azzuro bleu blauw The sea is very blue today.
book 30 n bʊk Buch libro livre boek Have you read this book?

book 142 n bʊk Buch libro livre boek Have you read this book?

bored 22 adj bɔːd gelangweilt annoiato qui s'ennuie zich vervelen I’m bored. Let’s go to the cinema.
boring 78 adj ˈbɔːrɪŋ langweilig noioso ennuyeux saai Her speeches are always very long and boring.
box 30 n bɒks Schachtel scatola, casella boîte doos There are two boxes on my desk.
boy 140 n bɔɪ Junge ragazzo garçon jongen Who is that little boy?

Brazil 9 country brəˈzɪl Brasilien Brasile Brésil Brazilië They are from Brazil.
bread 143 n bred Brot pane pain brood This bread isn’t very nice.

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break 23 n breɪk Pause pausa pause pauze It’s time we took a break.
break 84 v breɪk brechen rompere rompre breken Why have you broken your promise?

British 139 adj ˈbrɪtɪʃ britisch, Brite / Britin britannico britannique Brits It’s a British custom.
brother 18 n ˈbrʌðə Bruder fratello frère broer James is Sarah’s brother.

brown 32 adj braʊn braun marone brun bruin He has brown hair.

building 14 n ˈbɪldɪŋ Gebäude edificio bâtiment gebouw The hotel is a big building.
bus 6 n bʌs Bus autobus bus bus I usually catch the bus to college.

bus station 66 n ˈbʌs ˌsteɪʃən Bushaltestelle stazione delle corriere arrêt de bus busstation Go to Stand 5 at the bus station.
business card 140 n ˈbɪznəs kɑːd Visitenkarte biglietto da visita carte de visite visitekaartje Do you have a business card I can take?

businessman 10 n ˈbɪznəsmən Geschäftsmann uomo d'affari homme d'affaires zakenman John’s father is a businessman.
businesswoman 10 n ˈbɪznəsˌwʊmən Geschäftsfrau donna d'affari femme d'affaires zakenvrouw She has a career as a businesswoman.
buy 96 v baɪ kaufen comprare acheter kopen I bought my camera in Seattle.
buy gifts 56 v ˌbaɪ ˈɡɪfts Geschenke kaufen comprare regali acheter des cadeaux cadeaus kopen I like to buy interesting gifts for my friends.
bye 111 interj baɪ tschüs ciao salut dag, tot ziens Right, I must go now. Bye!
café 56 n ˈkæfeɪ Café caffè café café Shall we have breakfast in the café?
café 62 n ˈkæfeɪ Café caffè café café Shall we have breakfast in the café?
camera 138 n ˈkæmərə Kamera (tele)camera appareil photo camera, fototoestel I’ve got a new camera.
camp 99 v kæmp campen, zelten andare in campeggio faire du camping kamperen I used to hate camping with my parents.
capital letter 75 n ˌkæpətl ˈletə Großbuchstabe maiuscola majuscule hoofdletter You need a capital letter at the start of a sentence.
car 40 n kɑː Auto macchina voiture auto I drive a small car.
carpet 36 n ˈkɑːpət Teppich tappeto tapis tapijt There is a big red carpet in the room.
carrot 143 n ˈkærət Karotte carota carotte wortel Carrots are orange.
cash 146 n kæʃ bar (denaro) contante espèces contant Can you pay by cash?
cash machine 62 n ˈkæʃ məˌʃiːn Geldautomat Bancomat distributeur automatique geldautomaat I got cash from the cash machine to buy dinner.
catch 147 v kætʃ fangen afferrare, prendere attraper vangen Jackson caught the ball perfectly.
cereal 143 n ˈsɪəriəl Zerealien cereale céréales cornflakes, muesli Would you like a bowl of cereal?
chair 30 n tʃeə Stuhl sedia chaise stoel There are twenty chairs in the room.
change 146 n tʃeɪndʒ Münzgeld spiccioli monnaie wisselgeld I haven’t got any change for the parking machine.
change jobs 108 phr ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈdʒɒbz den Job/die Arbeitsstelle cambiare lavoro changer d'emploi van baan wisselen She changed jobs at the end of September.
change money 56 v phr ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈmʌni Geld wechseln cambiare i soldi changer de l'argent geld wisselen Where can I change some money into dollars?
chat 99 v tʃæt reden chiacchierare parler kletsen She likes chatting on the phone for hours.
cheap 145 adj tʃiːp billig economico bon-marché goedkoop The train ticket was very cheap. It was only four dollars.
check 138 v tʃek prüfen controllare vérifier controleren The teacher checked the answers.
cheese 54 n tʃiːz Käse formaggio fromage kaas They eat a lot of cheese.
chef 139 n ʃef Chefkoch / Chefköchin chef, capo, padrone chef chef-kok/chef-kokkin Jane is a chef in a restaurant.
cheque 146 n tʃek Scheck chèque chèque cheque He wrote me a cheque for £200.
chess 106 n tʃes Schach scacchi échecs schaken I used to play chess for my school.

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chicken 54 n ˈtʃɪkən Huhn pollo poulet kip She likes chicken.
child 140 n tʃaɪld Kind bambino enfant kind He was very good-looking when he was a child.
children 18 n ˈtʃɪldrən Kinder bambini enfants kinderen Sarah and James are Mary’s children.
Chile 139 country ˈtʃɪli Chile Cile Chili Chili Santiago is the capital of Chile.
Chilean 139 adj ˈtʃɪliən chilenisch, Chilene / cileno Chilien Chileens Have you ever had Chilean food?
China 9 country ˈtʃaɪnə China Cina Chine China Beijing is the capital of China.
Chinese 139 adj ˌtʃaɪˈniːz chinesisch, Chinese / cinese chinois Chinees The Chinese language isn’t easy to learn.
chocolate 6 n ˈtʃɒklət Schokolade cioccolato chocolat chocolade Can I have some chocolate, please?
cinema 138 n ˈsɪnəmə Kino cinema cinéma bioscoop I watch films in the cinema.
circle 138 v ˈsɜːkəl einkreisen fare un giro intorno a entourer omcirkelen Please circle number six.
city 14 n ˈsɪti Stadt città ville stad We live two miles form the centre of the city.
city centre 85 n ˌsɪti ˈsentə Stadtmitte centro (della città) centre ville (stads)centrum The theatre is in the city centre.
class 85 n klɑːs Klasse classe classe klas Harry is in my class.
clean your teeth 147 phr ˌkliːn jə ˈtiːθ die Zähne reinigen pulire i denti nettoyer les dents je tandenpoetsen Clean your teeth twice a day.
cleaner 139 n ˈkliːnə Reinigungskraft addetto(-a) alle pulizie femme de ménage, schoonmaker/schoonma He is a cleaner in a hotel.
climb 147 v klaɪm klettern scalare, salire monter klimmen He climbs mountains for fun.
clock 140 n klɒk Uhr (Wanduhr) orologio horloge klok There is a big clock on the wall.
clothes 36 n kləʊðz, kləʊz Kleider abiti, vestiti vêtements kleren, kleding He is an assistant in a clothes shop.

cloudy 146 adj ˈklaʊdi bewölkt nuvoloso nuageux, couvert bewolkt It was cloudy in the morning but now it’s sunny.
coat 141 n kəʊt Mantel, Jacke cappotto manteau jas It’s cold. You need your coat today.
coffee 40 n ˈkɒfi Kaffee caffè café koffie I’d like a coffee now.
coffee maker 102 n ˈkɒfi ˌmeɪkə Kaffeemaschine caffettiera cafetière koffiemachine A coffee maker is a bit of a luxury, I think.
coin 146 n kɔɪn Münze moneta pièce munt He had a silver coin in his hand.
cold 14 adj kəʊld kalt fresco, freddo froid koud It’s cold today.
Colombian 139 adj kəˈlʌmbiən kolumbianisch, colombiano colombien Colombiaans Colombian coffee is too strong for me.
come 84 v kəm, kʌm kommen venire rentrer, venir komen He came home at about 7.
come home 142 v phr kʌm ˈhəʊm nach Hause kommen andare/venire/tornare a rentrer (à la maison) thuiskomen He comes home at six in the evening.
comma 75 n ˈkɒmə Komma virgola virgule komma Where do I put the comma?
computer 138 n kəmˈpjuːtə Computer computer ordinateur computer Do you like computer games?
concert 44 n ˈkɒnsət Konzert concerto concert concert The concert was great!
cook 139 n kʊk Koch / Köchin cuoco cuisinier/cuisinière kok/kokkin Frank is a cook in a restaurant.
cook 99 v kʊk kochen cuocere cuisiner koken Cooking takes up a lot of my time.
cost 142 v kɒst kosten costare coûter kosten My T-shirt cost 18 euros.
countryside 14 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd Land campagna campagne platteland I like walking in the countryside.
credit card 140 n ˈkredət kɑːd Kreditkarte carta di credito carte de crédit creditcard You can pay by credit card.
crisps 58 n pl krɪsps Kartoffelchips patatine (fritte) chips chips What flavours of crisps do you have?
crowded 68 adj ˈkraʊdəd voll besetzt pieno, affollato plein vol The bus is crowded. There are no seats.
cup 30 n kʌp Tasse tazza tasse kop, kopje They sat down and had a cup of tea.
dairy 89 adj ˈdeəri Milch- fatto con il latte laitier melkproducten, Dairy foods include milk and cheese.
danger 144 n ˈdeɪndʒə Gefahr pericolo danger gevaar He’s in danger. We must help him.
dangerous 68 adj ˈdeɪndʒərəs gefährlich pericoloso dangereux gevaarlijk It’s dangerous to cross the road without looking.
dark 145 adj dɑːk dunkel scuro foncé donker She’s got short dark hair.

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daughter 18 n ˈdɔːtə Tochter figlia fille dochter Sarah is John and Mary’s daughter.
day 43 n deɪ Tag giorno jour, journée dag The sun rises every day.
December 75 n dɪˈsembə Dezember dicembre décembre december They usually have a holiday in December.
delicious 78 adj dɪˈlɪʃəs lecker, köstlich delizioso délicieux heerlijk The pizza was delicious.
dictionary 140 n ˈdɪkʃənəri Wörterbuch dizionario dictionnaire woordenboek You can find the word in your dictionary.
did 87 aux dɪd tat faceva, aveva faisais had, deed Did you enjoy your holiday?
dinner 106 n ˈdɪnə Abendessen cena dîner eten He’s cooking dinner for the whole family.
do 53 v duː machen, tun fare faire doen Do your homework at the weekend.
do 89 aux duː tun fare, avere faire doen Do you like cheese?
do exercise 56 v ˌduː ˈeksəsaɪz trainieren, Sport machen esercitare faire de l'exercice zich bewegen, sporten Do you do exercise every day?
doctor 10 n ˈdɒktə Arzt / Ärztin dottore médecin dokter Nina is a doctor.
dollar 142 n ˈdɒlə Dollar dollaro dollar dollar A sandwich will only cost a few dollars.
draw a picture 147 phr ˌdrɔː ə ˈpɪktʃə ein Bild zeichnen tracciare un quadro dessiner een tekening maken Can you draw me a picture of the man?
dress 141 n dres Kleid abito robe jurk Her new dress is very beautiful.
dress 102 n dres Kleid abito robe jurk She wants a new dress for the party.
drill 80 n drɪl Bohrer trapano perceuse boor I need a small drill to make a hole for this screw.
drink 86 v drɪŋk trinken bere boire drankje, iets te drinken Would you like a drink?
drum 96 n drʌm Trommel tamburo tambour, batterie drums He plays the drums in a band.
DVD 6 n ˌdiː viː ˈdiː DVD DVD DVD dvd I have the DVD.
eat 22 v iːt essen mangiare manger eten Let’s eat a pizza.
eat 86 v iːt essen mangiare manger eten Where shall we eat?
egg 54 n eɡ Ei uovo oeuf ei How many eggs do we need?
eight 6 number eɪt acht otto huit acht The number is zero eight one.
eighteen 20 number ˌeɪˈtiːn achtzehn diciotto dix-huit achttien Is your sister eighteen?
eighth 75 adj eɪtθ achter ottavo huitième achtste She goes into hospital on March the eighth.
eighty 20 number ˈeɪti achtzig ottanta quatre-vingts tachtig She’s old. She’s eighty.
eleven 20 number ɪˈlevən elf undici onze elf He is eleven years old.
email 138 n ˈiːmeɪl E-Mail E-mail courrier électronique e-mail I got an email from my friend this morning.
empty 145 adj ˈempti leer vuoto vide leeg There’s no milk. The bottle is empty.
engineer 10 n ˌendʒəˈnɪə Ingenieur/in ingegnere ingénieur ingenieur My father is an engineer.
English 40 n ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ Englisch inglese Anglais Engels Where did you study English?
entrance 144 n ˈentrəns Eingang entrata entrée ingang This is the entrance to the school.
euro 142 n ˈjʊərəʊ Euro euro euro euro My T-shirt cost 18 euros.
evening 40 n ˈiːvnɪŋ Abend sera soir avond He often works in the evenings.
every 43 determine ˈevri jede, jeder, jedes ogni chaque elk, ieder They visit France every year.
exclamation mark 75 n ˌekskləˈmeɪʃən mɑːk Ausrufezeichen punto esclamativo point d'exclamation uitroepteken Did you put an exclamation mark after “Wow”?
excuse 89 v ɪkˈskjuːz entschuldigen scusi/scusa s'excuser pardon, neem me niet Excuse me, can I help you?
exercise 40 n ˈeksəsaɪz Sport esercizio exercice lichaamsbeweging, sport She doesn’t do enough exercise.
exercise bike 96 n ˈeksəsaɪz ˌbaɪk Heimtrainer cyclette vélo d'intérieur hometrainer Would an exercise bike help you to get fit?
expensive 68 adj ɪkˈspensɪv teuer caro cher duur This coffee is very expensive!
factory 144 n ˈfæktəri Fabrik fabbrica usine fabriek They make cars in this factory.
family 80 n ˈfæməli Familie famiglia famille familie Where does your family come from?
fantastic 78 adj fænˈtæstɪk fantastisch fantastico fantastique fantastisch The special effects were just fantastic!

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far 145 adj fɑː weit lontano loin ver The museum isn’t far from here.
farm 144 n fɑːm Bauernhof fattoria ferme boerderij My family has a farm.
fast 145 adj fɑːst schnell veloce, rapido vite snel We have the fastest internet connection you can get.
father 18 n ˈfɑːðə Vater padre père vader John is the father of Sarah and James.
February 75 n ˈfebruəri, ˈfebjʊri Februar febbraio février februari It’s always cold in February.
festival 44 n ˈfestəvəl Festival festival, festa festival festival How much are tickets to the festival?
fifteen 20 number ˌfɪfˈtiːn fünfzehn quindici quinze vijftien The hotel is fifteen minutes from the city centre.
fifteenth 75 adj ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ fünfzehnter quindicesimo quinzième vijftiende The concert is November the fifteenth.
fifth 75 adj fɪfθ fünfter quinto cinquième vijfde Her birthday is December the fifth.
fifty 20 number ˈfɪfti fünfzig cinquanta cinquante vijftig His father is fifty.
film 142 n fɪlm Film film film film They watched a film on TV last night.
film 44 n fɪlm Film film film film Do you want to see a film?
finally 55 adv ˈfaɪnəl-i schließlich finalmente finalement ten slotte I had a busy today and finally got home at 10 in the evening.
fine 140 adj faɪn gut bene bien goed I’m fine today.
finish 76 v ˈfɪnɪʃ beenden finire finir beëindigen Finish your conversation – I can wait.
fire exit 144 n ˈfaɪər ˌeɡzət, ˌeksət Notausgang uscita di sicurezza sortie de secours nooduitgang There are two fire exits on this floor.

first 55 adv fɜːst zuerst per primo d'abord eerst, als eerste First, I put the eggs in the bowl.
first 75 adj fɜːst erster primo premier eerste Ken came first in the marathon.
fish 54 n fɪʃ Fisch pesce poisson vis They don’t like fish much.
five 6 number faɪv fünf cinque cinq vijf It’s five o’clock.

flat 40 n flæt Wohnung appartamento appartement flat They live in a flat.

football 6 n ˈfʊtbɔːl Fußball calcio football football, voetbal The children are playing football.
forty 20 number ˈfɔːti vierzig quaranta quarante veertig My mother is forty.
four 6 number fɔː vier quattro quatre vier There are four books on the table.
fourteen 20 number ˌfɔːˈtiːn vierzehn quattordici quatorze veertien There are fourteen students in the class.
fourth 75 adj fɔːθ vierter quarto quatrième vierde My birthday is April the fourth.
Friday 43 n ˈfraɪdi, -deɪ Freitag venerdì vendredi vrijdag We see our parents on Fridays.
friend 40 n frend Freund/in amico / amica ami/amie vriend/-in My best friend works in Italy.
fruit 54 n fruːt Obst frutta fruit fruit We eat a lot of fruit.
full 145 adj fʊl voll pieno, completo plein vol This suitcase is full – I can’t get any more in it.
full stop 75 n ˌfʊl ˈstɒp Punkt punto point punt Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.
furniture 100 n ˈfɜːnɪtʃə Möbel mobili meubles meubels Now we need to buy some furniture for our new house.
game 106 n ɡeɪm Spiel gioco jeu spel Do you want to play a game?
gate 66 n ɡeɪt Gate uscita d'imbarco porte gate, uitgang The plane leaves from gate five.
Gentlemen 144 n sing ˈdʒentlmən Herrentoilette signori toilettes pour hommes herentoilet The men’s toilet says ‘Gentlemen’ on the door.
deutsch, Deutscher /
German 139 adj ˌdʒɜːmən Deutsche tedesco allemand Duits The maths teacher is German.
Germany 9 country ˈdʒɜːməni Deutschland Germania Allemagne Duitsland Berlin is the capital of Germany.
get 142 v ɡet erreichen arrivare arriver bereiken When does the train get to London?
get 96 v ɡet bekommen, werden ricevere obtenir, recevoir krijgen Ben got a cold when he went swimming.
get a haircut 56 n ɡet ə ˈheəkʌt sich die Haare schneiden tagliarsi i capelli se faire couper les naar de kapper gaan You can get a haircut in the hotel.

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get dressed 147 phr ɡet ˈdrest sich anziehen vestirsi s'habiller aankleden I need to get dressed and go out.
get fit 108 phr ɡet ˈfɪt fit werden mettersi in forma se mettre en forme fit worden I want to get fit, so I’m going for a walk in the park.
get home 52 v phr ɡet ˈhəʊm nach Hause kommen arrivare a casa rentrer à la maison thuiskomen He gets home at about 8.
get organised 108 phr ɡet ˈɔːɡənaɪzd sich organisieren organizzarsi s'organiser orde op zaken stellen We must get organised this year and repair the house.
get up 52 phrasal v ɡet ˈʌp aufstehen alzarsi se lever opstaan I get up at six o’clock every morning.
gift shop 56 n ɡɪft Geschenkeladen negozio con articoli da boutique de cadeaux cadeauwinkel I like the gift shop in the museum.
girl 140 n ɡɜːl Mädchen ragazza fille meisje A little girl offered my son a sweet.
girlfriend 32 n ˈɡɜːlfrend Freundin ragazza copine vriendin Does you girlfriend like shopping?
give 96 v ɡɪv geben dare donner geven He gave me his phone number.
glass 30 n ɡlɑːs Glas bicchiere verre glas I’d like a glass of water, please.
glasses 141 n plural ˈɡlɑːsəz Brille occhiali lunettes bril I’ve got glasses because my eyes aren’t good.

glove 141 n ɡlʌv Handschuh guanto gant handschoen My hands are cold. I need some gloves.
go 22 v ɡəʊ gehen andare aller gaan We go to a good school.
go for 99 v ˈɡəʊ fə gehen auf (Spaziergang), andare a aller faire gaan There’s nothing better than going for long walks in the
go swimming 56 v phr ˌɡəʊ ˈswɪmɪŋ Schwimmen gehen andare a nuotare/in aller à la piscine gaan zwemmen They go swimming on Saturdays.
go to 99 v ˈɡəʊ tə gehen zu andare a alle à gaan naar They like going to football matches.
go to bed 52 v phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed Schlafen gehen andare a letto se coucher naar bed gaan They go to bed at 10 o'clock.
go to work 52 v phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈwɜːk zur Arbeit gehen andare al lavoro aller au travail naar het werk gaan You need to go to work early tomorrow.
golf 142 n ɡɒlf Golf golf golf golf Do you play golf?
good on you 32 phr ˈɡʊd ɒn ˌjuː gut an dir bene su di te/voi te va bien staat je goed That jacket looks really good on you!

great 32 adj ɡreɪt toll, super fantastico, grande super geweldig You won? That’s great!
green 32 adj ɡriːn grün verde vert groen Is the apple green?
guided tour 56 n ˌɡaɪdəd ˈtʊə Führung visita guidata tour guidée rondleiding The guided tour round the city starts at 10 o’clock.
guitar 142 n ɡɪˈtɑː Gitarre chitarra guitare gitaar Do you play the guitar?
gym 56 n dʒɪm Fitnessstudio palestra salle de sport sportschool, I go to the gym three times a week.
hairdresser's 56 n ˈheəˌdresəz Friseur parrucchiere(-a) coiffeur/coiffeuse kapper Marie goes to the hairdresser’s once a month.
half past 142 phr ˈhɑːf pɑːst halb e mezzo et demie half It’s half past ten.

hamburger 40 n ˈhæmbɜːɡə Hamburger hamburger, carne tritata hamburger hamburger I really liked that hamburger.
happy 140 adj ˈhæpi glücklich felice heureux gelukkig, blij He was happy when he won the race.
hard 145 adj hɑːd hart duro dur hard This bed is very hard.
hat 32 n hæt Hut cappello chapeau hoed My head is cold. I need a hat.
have 53 v həv, hæv haben avere avoir hebben He doesn’t have a job just now.
have a break 22 phr hæv ə ˈbreɪk Pause machen fare una pausa prendre une pause pauze nemen I’m tired – I need to have a break from work.
have a coffee 22 phr hæv ə ˈkɒfi Kaffee trinken prendere un caffè boire un café koffie drinken Would you like to have a coffee?
have a drink 22 phr hæv ə ˈdrɪŋk etwas trinken bere qualcosa boire qc. iets drinken Come and have a drink with us.
have a shower 147 phr hæv ə ˈʃaʊə duschen farsi la doccia prendre une douche douchen Are you going to have a shower tonight?
have breakfast 52 v phr hæv ˈbrekfəst frühstücken fare colazione prendre le petit déjeuner ontbijten I have breakfast at half past six.
have dinner 52 v phr hæv ˈdɪnə zu Abend essen cenare dîner eten Shall we have dinner now?
have lunch 52 v phr hæv ˈlʌntʃ zu Mittag essen pranzare déjeuner lunchen Where do you usually have lunch?
hear 147 v hɪə hören sentire écouter horen I can’t hear what you’re saying.

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heavy 145 adj ˈhevi schwer pesante lourd zwaar Is that bag too heavy for you?

help others 108 phr ˌhelp ˈʌðəz anderen helfen aiutare gli altri aider d'autres anderen helpen She wants a job where she can help others.
her 21 adj ə, hə, hɜː ihr (sing.) suo(-a) sa haar Her sister is very happy.
her 96 pronoun ə, hə, hɜː ihr le à elle haar The teacher gave her a one-to-one lesson.
him 96 pronoun ɪm, hɪm ihm gli lui hem I sold him my old bike.
his 21 adj ɪz, hɪz sein suo(-a) son/sa zijn His wife is French.
holiday 85 n ˈhɒlədi, -deɪ Ferien, freier Tag vacanza jour férié, vancances vakantie I’m not working today, I’m on holiday.
home 85 n həʊm zuhause a casa chez moi, à la maison thuis I’ll be at home all day on Monday.
home 100 n ˌhəʊm Unterhaltung zuhause intrattenimento divertissement à home-entertainment We make a lot of money selling home entertainment
homework 40 n ˈhəʊmwɜːk Hausaufgabe compiti devoirs huiswerk I do my homework when I get home.
horse 106 n hɔːs Pferd cavallo cheval paard I ride my horse every day.
hospital 144 n ˈhɒspɪtl Krankenhaus ospedale hôpital ziekenhuis He is in hospital because he is ill.

hot 14 adj hɒt heiß (molto) caldo chaud warm, heet It was very hot today.
hotel 6 n həʊˈtel Hotel albergo, hotel hôtel hotel We are in a small hotel in Paris.
hotel 62 n həʊˈtel Hotel albergo, hotel hôtel hotel Which hotel are you staying in?
hour 40 n aʊə Stunde ora heure uur She studies for ten hours a week.
house 40 n haʊs Haus casa maison huis Do you live in a house in the country?
how 87 adv haʊ wie come comment hoe How did you get to the airport?
hundred 20 number ˈhʌndrəd einhundert cento cent honderd There are a hundred people at the conference.
hungry 22 adj ˈhʌŋɡri hungrig affamato, avere fame avoir faim, affamé hongerig, honger We’re hungry. Let’s have a pizza.
husband 18 n ˈhʌzbənd Ehemann marito mari man John is Mary’s husband.
ice skate 102 n ˈaɪs ˌskeɪt Schlittschuh pattino da ghiaccio patin à glace schaats Where can I buy some ice skates?
ill 140 adj ɪl krank malato malade ziek Susan isn’t at school today. She’s ill.
in 43 prep ɪn in, an in, a dans / le in I have breakfast in the morning.
in front of 88 prep phr ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv vor davanti a devant voor My car is in front of my house.
India 139 country ˈɪndiə Indien India Inde India He is a student in India.
information 106 n ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən Information informazione information informatie Will you remember all this information?
interested 140 adj ˈɪntrəstəd interessiert interessato intéressé geïnteresseerd I’m interested in business.
interesting 78 adj ˈɪntrəstɪŋ interessant interessante intéressant interessant There was an interesting programme on TV last night.
internet 85 n ˈɪntənet Internet internet internet internet I was searching for it on the internet.
internet café 62 n ˌɪntənet ˈkæfeɪ Internet-Café internet café cybercafé internetcafé I sent an email home from the internet café.
it 96 pronoun ɪt es esso, essa il het Can you see what it is?
Italian 139 adj ɪˈtæliən italienisch, Italiener/in italiano italien Italiaans He usually eats in the Italian restaurant.
Italian food 106 n ɪˌtæliən ˈfuːd italienisches Essen cibo italiano cuisine italienne Italiaans eten Can you cook any Italian food?
Italy 9 country ˈɪtəli Italien Italia Italie Italië Rome is the capital of Italy.
its 21 adj ɪts sein suo(-a) son/sa zijn/haar The hotel has kept its charm.
jacket 32 n ˈdʒækət Jacke giacca veste blazer, jas Her black jacket is old.
January 75 n ˈdʒænjuəri, -njʊri Januar gennaio janvier januari They don’t enjoy January.
Japan 139 country dʒəˈpæn Japan Giappone Japon Japan Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
Japanese 139 adj ˌdʒæpəˈniːz japanisch, Japaner/in giapponese japonais Japans Many Japanese students visit Britain.
jeans 32 n pl dʒiːnz Jeans jeans denim, jean spijkerbroek My new jeans are black.

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jewellery 36 n ˈdʒuːəlri Schmuck gioielleria bijoux sieraden Their jewellery is very beautiful.
job 142 n dʒɒb Arbeit, Job lavoro travail baan I really want a new job.
July 75 n dʒʊˈlaɪ Juli luglio juillet juli My favourite month is July.
jump 147 v dʒʌmp springen saltare sauter springen Can you jump over the table?
June 75 n dʒuːn Juni giugno juin juni Her birthday is on 6th June.
keep in touch 111 phr ˌkiːp ɪn ˈtʌtʃ in Kontakt bleiben tenersi in contatto rester en contact contact houden When you move to Australia, you must keep in touch.
keep out 144 phr v ˌkiːp ˈaʊt Bleib draußen, nicht vietato l'ingresso! rester (en) dehors buiten blijven Keep out! You can’t go in the room.
key 30 n kiː Schlüssel chiave clé sleutel Here are the keys to your office.
Ladies 144 n sing ˈleɪdiz Damentoilette signore toilettes pour dames damestoilet Where’s the Ladies?
lamp 96 n læmp Lampe lampada lampe lamp I need to switch the lamp on so that I can read.

language 106 n ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ Sprache lingua, linguaggio langue taal He speaks four languages very well.
last 145 adj lɑːst letzter ultimo dernier laatste, vorige Where were you last month?
learn something imparare qualcosa di apprendres de nouvelles
new 108 phr ˌlɜːn sʌmθɪŋ ˈnjuː etwas Neues lernen nuovo choses iets leren Every day I like to learn something new.

leather 36 n ˈleðə Leder cuoio cuir leer He has a black leather bag.
leave 142 v liːv verlassen lasciare, partire da quitter weggaan, vertrekken I left school at age fifteen.
thuis weggaan, thuis
leave home 142 v phr ˌliːv ˈhəʊm von Zuhause weggehen andarsene/uscire di casa partir de chez soi vertrekken She leaves home after breakfast.
let 23 v let lassen lasciare laisser laten Let me see your hands.

lettuce 54 n ˈletəs Salat lattuga salade sla I can’t stand lettuce.

library 144 n ˈlaɪbrəri, ˈlaɪbri Bücherei biblioteca librairie bibliotheek I get books from the library.
lift 147 v lɪft hochheben sollevare, alzare lever, soulever optillen The bag is too heavy. I can’t lift it.

light 145 adj laɪt hell chiaro clair licht My mother has got light brown hair.
lighting 100 n ˈlaɪtɪŋ Beleuchtung illuminazione éclairage verlichting You can find a lamp in the lighting department.

like 53 v laɪk mögen piacere, volere aimer leuk vinden Do you like dancing?
listen 138 v ˈlɪsən hören, zuhören ascoltare écouter luisteren I always listen to music.
live 99 v lɪv leben vivere vivre wonen I used to live in Scotland.
local 86 adj ˈləʊkəl vor Ort local, del posto du coin lokaal The local people are very friendly.
long 145 adj lɒŋ lang lungo long lang Her friend’s got very long blonde hair.
look 138 v lʊk schauen guardare regarder kijken Look at your books, please.
in beide Richtungen vedere entrambi i naar links en rechts
look both ways 144 v phr ˌlʊk bəʊθ ˈweɪz schauen modi/lati regarder des deux côtés kijken Look both ways before you cross the road.
lose weight 108 phr ˌluːz ˈweɪt abnehmen perdere peso perdre du poids afvallen The doctor told me I needed to lose a lot of weight.
luggage 100 n ˈlʌɡɪdʒ Gepäck bagaglio bagages bagage We need some new luggage before we go on holiday.
make 106 v meɪk machen fare faire maken Would you make me a coffee please?

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man 140 n mæn Mann uomo homme man I bought this from a man in a pub.
gestore(-trice), direttore(-
manager 139 n ˈmænɪdʒə Manager/in trice) manager, gérant/e manager Mr Jones is a hotel manager.
mango 58 n ˈmæŋɡəʊ Mango mango mangue mango Mango goes really well with ice cream.
map 106 n mæp Landkarte, Karte mappa carte plattegrond, kaart Can you read a map? I’m lost!
March 75 n mɑːtʃ März marzo mars maart It sometimes snows in March.
match 44 n mætʃ Spiel partita match, rencontre wedstrijd We can watch the football match.
May 75 n meɪ Mai maggio mai mei Is your birthday in May?

me 23 pronoun mi, miː mich mi moi mij Watch me and do what I do.
meat 89 n miːt Fleisch carne viande vlees Marie doesn’t eat meat.
meet 84 v miːt kennen lernen incontrare rencontrer ontmoeten I met her in Manchester.
menswear 100 n ˈmenzweə Herrenbekleidung abbigliamento uomo vêtements pour hommes herenkleding You can get a jacket for your father in the menswear
Mexican 139 adj ˈmeksəkən mexikanisch, messicano mexicain Mexicaans Mexican food is often very hot.
Mexico 139 country ˈmeksəkəʊ Mexiko Argentina Mexique Mexico He’s not from Mexico.
microphone 80 n ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn Mikrophon microfono micro microfoon The singer had the microphone in his hand.
milk 143 n mɪlk Milch latte lait melk We’ve run out of milk.
miner 80 n ˈmaɪnə Bergarbeiter minatore(-trice) mineur mijnwerker/-ster The miners were underground for 69 days.

minute 43 n ˈmɪnət Minute minuto minute minuut I’ll be ready in a minute.

miss 91 v mɪs verpassen perdere manquer missen He arrived late and missed the train.

mixer 102 n ˈmɪksə Rührgerät frullatore mixer mixer I want a mixer to make bread with.
Monday 43 n ˈmʌndi, -deɪ Montag lunedì lundi maandag He works on Mondays.

money exchange 56 n ˈmʌni ɪksˌtʃeɪndʒ Geldwechselstube scambio (di soldi) bureau de change wisselkantoor We need to get some dollars from the money exchange.
month 43 n mʌnθ Monat mese mois maand I visit my grandparents every month.
monthly pass 66 n ˌmʌnθli ˈpɑːs Monatskarte tessera mensile carte mensuelle maandkaart I have a monthly pass for the buses.
morning 43 n ˈmɔːnɪŋ Morgen mattina matin morgen, ochtend He arrives at 8 every morning.

mother 18 n ˈmʌðə Mutter madre mère moeder Mary is the mother of Sarah and James.
motorbike 64 n ˈməʊtəbaɪk Motorrad moto moto motor He travels to work on his motorbike.
mountain 14 n ˈmaʊntən Berg montagna montagne berg We like climbing in the mountains.
move home 76 v ˌmuːv ˈhəʊm umziehen traslocare a casa déménager verhuizen We moved home last year, from London to Manchester.
museum 144 n mjuːˈziːəm Museum museo musée museum It’s free to get into the museum.
music 106 n ˈmjuːzɪk Musik musica musique muziek People quickly remember how to read music.
my 21 adj maɪ mein mio mon/ma mijn My dad lived in India for a few years.
near 88 prep nɪə nahe bei vicino a près de in de buurt van We live near the park.

new 14 adj njuː neu nuovo nouveau nieuw He has a new car.
news 142 n njuːz Nachrichten telegiornale,notizie nouvelles nieuws I watch the news on TV.

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agente/venditore(-trice) (kranten)kiosk,
newsagent's 62 n ˈnjuːzˌeɪdʒənt Zeitungshändler, Kiosk di stampa marchand de journaux kioskhouder We buy our newspapers from the newsagent.

newspaper 140 n ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpə Zeitung giornale journal krant Can I see your newspaper, please?
next to 88 prep phr ˈnekst tə neben accanto a à côté de naast The museum is next to the cinema.
night 43 n naɪt Nacht notte nuit nacht It get very dark at night.
night 145 n naɪt Abend, Nacht notte nuit nacht, avond When do you go to bed at night?
nine 6 number naɪn neun nove neuf negen There are nine women in the class.
nineteen 20 number ˌnaɪnˈtiːn neunzehn diciannove dix-heuf negentien Nineteen people are in the room.
ninety 20 number ˈnaɪnti neunzig novanta quatre-vingt-dix negentig He’s very old. He’s ninety.
ninth 75 adj naɪnθ neunter nono neuvième negende I’m visiting Paris for the ninth time.
no entry 144 n ˌnəʊ ˈentri kein Zutritt nessun accesso entrée interdite geen toegang There is no entry to museum today.
no smoking 144 n ˈsməʊkɪŋ Rauchen verboten vietato fumare fumer interdit verboden te roken The sign says ‘No Smoking’. You can’t smoke in here.
noisy 68 adj ˈnɔɪzi laut rumoroso bruyant lawaaierig, druk The café is very noisy.
noon 145 n nuːn Mittag mezzogiorno midi middag, twaalf uur 's They arrived at noon.
not bad 78 adj ˌnɒt ˈbæd nicht schlecht niente/non male pas mal prima ‘How are you today?’ ‘Oh, not bad.’
not very good 78 adj ˌnɒt veri ˈɡʊd nicht sehr gut non molto buono pas très bien niet zo goed The main course was nice, but the pudding wasn’t very good.
note 80 n nəʊt Mitteilung nota, appunto mot, note aantekening Here’s a note from your teacher.
note 146 n nəʊt Geldschein banconota billet biljet Have you got a twenty pound note?
notebook 30 n ˈnəʊtbʊk Notizbuch notebook cahier, carnet laptop Write this in your notebook.
November 75 n nəˈvembə November novembre novembre november My parents usually go to Spain in November.
nurse 139 n nɜːs Krankenschwester infermiere(-a) infirmier/infirmière verpleger/verpleegster Chris works as a nurse at the hospital.
nut 58 n nʌt Nuss noce noix noot This chocolate has nuts in it.
October 75 n ɒkˈtəʊbə Oktober ottobre octobre oktober We had a big party last October.
of 89 prep əv, ɒv von di de van She waited in front of the post office.
office 40 n ˌɒfəs Büro ufficio bureau kantoor Do you work in an office each day?
office worker 139 n ˈɒfəs ˌwɜːkə Büroangestellte/r impiegato(-a) employé/e de bureau kantoormedewerker/- I used to be an office worker, but now I work at home.
oil 143 n ɔɪl Öl olio huile olie Use oil for frying the onions.
old 14 adj əʊld alt vecchio vieux oud We live in an old house.
on 43 prep ɒn an su, il/la sur / le op She goes to the gym on Fridays.
on 85 prep ɒn auf su, in, a sur op Your cup is on the table.
on the left of 88 prep phr ɒn ðə ˈleft əv links von a sinistra di sur la gauche de aan de linkerkant My house is on the left of the street.
on the right of 88 prep phr ɒn ðə ˈraɪt əv rechts von a destra di sur la droite de aan de rechterkant My chair is the one on the right of the window.
one 6 number wʌn eins uno un een I have one brother.

online 142 adv ɒnˈlaɪn auf dem Internet online en ligne, sur Internet online I read about her online.
opposite 88 prep ˈɒpəzət gegenüber di fronte a en face de tegenover The sports centre is opposite the hotel.
orange 141 adj ˈɒrəndʒ orangefarben arancione orange oranje Orange is the colour between red and yellow.
orange 143 n ˈɒrəndʒ Orange arancia orange sinaasappel How much are those oranges?
orange juice 143 n ˈɒrəndʒ ˌdʒuːs Orangensaft succo d'arancia jus d'orange sinaasappelsap, jus I’ll have a glass of orange juice.
our 21 adj aʊə unser nostro(-a) notre ons Here is our hotel.
over 146 prep ˈəʊvə über sopra, su à travers over We walked over the bridge.

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over 89 prep ˈəʊvə drüben, über di là là-bas daarginds, daar Stand over there and be quiet.
p.m. 145 abbrev ˌpiː ˈem nach 12 Uhr mittags di pomeriggio, di sera après midi na de middag They arrive at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
paint 147 v peɪnt malen dipingere peindre schilderen Her father paints beautiful pictures of the sea.
pair 138 n peə Paar paio paire, groupe de deux paar We all had to work in pairs.
parents 18 n ˈpeərənts Eltern genitori parents ouders Sarah’s parents are John and Mary.
park 144 n pɑːk Park parco parc park The children are playing in the park.

party 44 n ˈpɑːti Party festa, party fête feest Are you coming to my party?
passenger 66 n ˈpæsɪndʒə Reisende/r, Passagier passeggero passager passagier There are ten passengers on the bus.
pasta 54 n ˈpæstə Pasta, Nudeln pasta pâtes pasta I always have pasta in the Italian restaurant.
pay 96 v peɪ bezahlen pagare payer betalen They paid a lot for their meal.
payphone 62 n ˈpeɪ fəʊn Münzfernsprecher telefono pubblico téléphone à pièces telefooncel I can’t find my mobile phone. I need to use a payphone.

pen 30 n pen Stift, Kugelschreiber penna stylo pen Can you lend me a pen?
pencil 140 n ˈpensəl Bleistift matita crayon potlood Use a pencil to write this down.
pepper 143 n ˈpepə Pfeffer pepe poivre peper I don’t like peppers much.
pharmacy 62 n ˈfɑːməsi Apotheke farmacia pharmacie apotheek The pharmacy sells medicines.
phone 6 n fəʊn Telefon telefono téléphone telefoon The phone is ringing. Please answer it.
phone number 106 n ˈfəʊn ˌnʌmbə Telefonnummer numero di telefono numéro de téléphone telefoonnummer Do you remember her phone number?
piano 106 n piˈænəʊ Klavier piano piano piano She taught him to play the piano.

picture 140 n ˈpɪktʃə Bild immagine image foto This is a picture of my sister.
pink 141 adj pɪŋk pink rosa rose roze Her skirt is pink.
pizza 54 n ˈpiːtsə Pizza pizza pizza pizza Are we having pizza again tonight?
plane 64 n pleɪn Flugzeug aereo avion vliegtuig What time does your plane leave?
plane 91 n pleɪn Flugzeug aereo avion vliegtuig The plane leaves from gate five.
platform 66 n ˈplætfɔːm Bahnsteig marciapiede quai perron The train leaves from platform six.
play 142 v pleɪ spielen giocare, suonare jouer spelen Do you play the guitar?
play 44 n pleɪ Theaterstück opera teatrale pièce toneelstuk I like Shakespeare plays.
play tennis 76 v ˌpleɪ ˈtenəs Tennis spielen giocare tennis jouer au tennis tennis spelen, tennissen Do you play tennis well?
Poland 139 country ˈpəʊlənd Polen Polonia Pologne Polen Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
police officer 139 n pəˈliːs ˌɒfəsə Polizist poliziotto(-a) policier politieagent/-e My brother is a police officer.
Polish 139 adj ˈpɒlɪʃ polnisch, Pole / Polin polacco polonais Pools Many Polish people live in Britain.
popular 68 adj ˈpɒpjələ beliebt benvoluto, popolare populaire populair Indian food is very popular in Britain.
post office 144 n ˈpəʊst ˌɒfəs Post ufficio postale bureau de poste postkantoor We can take our letters to the post office.
potato 143 n pəˈteɪtəʊ Kartoffel patata pomme de terre aardappel Chips and crisps are made from potatoes.
pottery 36 n ˈpɒtəri Keramik, Töpferware ceramica poteries aardewerk This old pottery is from China.
power tool 102 n ˈpaʊə tuːl Elektrowerkzeug utensile a energia outil électrique elektrisch gereedschap You can never have too many power tools.
PowerPoint 106 n ˈpaʊəpɔɪnt Powerpoint powerpoint PowerPoint PowerPoint They don’t like you to use PowerPoint – just write it down.

problem 23 n ˈprɒbləm Problem problema problème probleem The problem was that I couldn’t remember.
pull 144 v pʊl ziehen tirare tirer trekken Pull the door closed, please.
purple 141 adj ˈpɜːpəl lila violetto violet paars They both have purple dresses.

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push 144 v pʊʃ drücken spingere pousser duwen Push the door to open it.
quarter past 142 phr ˈkwɔːtə pɑːst Viertel nach e un quarto et quart kwart over It’s quarter past nine.
quarter to 142 phr ˈkwɔːtə tə Viertel vor meno un quarto moins le quart kwart voor It’s a quarter to ten.
question mark 75 n ˈkwestʃən mɑːk Fragezeichen punto interrogativo point d'interrogation vraagteken When you write a question, don’t forget the question mark.
quiet 145 adj ˈkwaɪət ruhig calmo, tranquillo calme rustig, stil It’s very quiet where I live.

radio 142 n ˈreɪdiəʊ Radio radio radio radio I was listening to the radio.
rain 91 v reɪn regnen piovere pleuvoir regenen It’s raining today so we can’t play tennis.
raisin 58 n ˈreɪzən Rosine uva passa raisin rozijn I bought a pack of chocolate-covered raisins.
reach 147 v riːtʃ erreichen raggiungere atteindre bereiken Can you help me? I can’t reach the top shelf.
read 53 v riːd lesen leggere lire lezen I hardly ever read a newspaper.
receipt 146 n rɪˈsiːt Quittung ricevuta reçu bon When you buy something you must get a receipt from the

receptionist 139 n rɪˈsepʃənəst Rezeptionist/in receptionist réceptionniste receptionist/-e The hotel receptionist is Polish.
red 32 adj red rot rosso rouge rood Her new bag is red.
relax 99 v rɪˈlæks sich entspannen rilassare se détendre ontspannen What do you do when you feel like relaxing?
remember 106 v rɪˈmembə sich erinnern ricordarsi se souvenir herinneren She can’t remember what time she’s meeting Geoff.
rescue 80 n ˈreskjuː Rettung salvataggio secours redding The story of the miners’ rescue was in all the newspapers.
restaurant 40 n ˈrestərɒnt Restaurant ristorante restaurant restaurant We went to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday.
retired 139 n rɪˈtaɪəd in Rente, pensioniert in pensione retraité iemand die met Mrs Green is retired. She’s seventy years old.
return (ticket) 66 n rɪˈtɜːn ˌtɪkət Hin- und Rückflug, Hin- biglietto di ritorno aller-retour retour, retourtje Do you want a single or a return?
rice 54 n raɪs Reis riso riz rijst Do you want white rice or brown rice?
ride 106 v raɪd fahren andare in/a, guidare conduire rijden Can you ride a motorbike?
ring 32 n rɪŋ Ring anello bague ring Jack bought her a silver ring.
river 14 n ˈrɪvə Fluss fiume fleuve rivier The Nile is the longest river in the world.
room 40 n ruːm, rʊm Zimmer stanza pièce kamer Go to room ten and ask for Marie.
run 99 v rʌn laufen correre courir hardlopen Did you go running yesterday?

Russia 9 country ˈrʌʃə Russland Russia Russie Rusland Moscow is the capital of Russia.
Russian 139 adj ˈrʌʃən russisch, Russe / Russin russo russe, Russe Russisch Her husband is Russian.
Saturday 43 n ˈsætədi, -deɪ Samstag sabato dimanche zaterdag The football match is on Saturday
save money 108 phr ˌseɪv ˈmʌni Geld sparen risparmiare soldi/denaro épargner geld besparen Going to this supermarket instead will save you money.
say 84 v seɪ sagen dire dire zeggen I said I wasn’t hungry.
scared 140 adj skeəd ängstlich, voller Angst spaventarsi effrayé bang They are scared of the dog.
school 144 n skuːl Schule scuola école school The school closes at around 6.
sea 14 n siː Meer, See mare mer zee The Red Sea lies between Arabia and North Africa.

second 75 adj ˈsekənd zweiter secondo deuxième tweede February is the second month of the year.
see 86 v siː sehen vedere voir zien I want to see Edinburgh castle.
see the town 56 v phr ˌsiː ðə ˈtaʊn die Stadt sehen vedere la città voir la ville de stad bezichtigen We thought we’d see more of the town if we took a guided
see you in two 111 phr ˌsiː jʊ ɪn ˌtuː ˈwiːks bis in zwei Wochen ci vediamo tra due on se revoit dans deux tot over twee weken Are you going on holiday? OK, I’ll see you in two weeks.
see you later 111 phr ˌsiː jʊ ˈleɪtə bis später a dopo à plus tard tot later I must do some work now. See you later, Mike.
see you soon 111 phr ˌsiː jʊ ˈsuːn bis bald arrivederci (a) presto à bientôt tot gauw OK, I’m going now, I’ll see you again soon.

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sell 96 v sel verkaufen vendere vendre verkopen She sold her boots on eBay.
send a text 147 phr ˌsend ə ˈtekst eine Nachricht schicken mandare un testo envoyer un SMS een sms sturen I’ll send you a text when I get there.
September 75 n sepˈtembə September settembre septembre september I went to France in September.
seven 6 number ˈsevən sieben sette sept zeven There are seven men in the class.
seventeen 20 number ˌsevənˈtiːn siebzehn diciassette dix-sept zeventien He’s seventeen years old.
seventy 20 number ˈsevənti siebzig settanta soixante-dix zeventig He’s seventy.
shirt 32 n ʃɜːt Hemd camicia chemise hemd Is this your shirt?
shoe 32 n ʃuː Schuh scarpa chaussure schoen My new shoes are great.
shop 40 n ʃɒp Geschäft negozio magasin winkel We had a crash when we were driving to the shops.
shop assistant 139 n ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt Verkäufer/in assistente di negozio vendeur, vendeuse winkelbediende I am a shop assistant in Marks and Spencers.
shopping centre 144 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə Einkaufszentrum centro commerciale centre commercial winkelcentrum We often go to the shopping centre at weekends.
short 145 adj ʃɔːt klein corto petit klein He was short – maybe only five feet tall.
sign a letter 147 phr ˌsaɪn ə ˈletə einen Brief firmare una lettera signer une lettre een brief ondertekenen It’s a long time since I had to sign a letter.
singer 10 n ˈsɪŋə Sänger/in cantante chanteur / chanteuse zanger/zangeres Jodie is a singer with a pop band.
single (ticket) 66 n ˈsɪŋɡəl ˌtɪkət einfach biglietto di andata simple (aller) enkele reis, enkeltje He’s got a single ticket to France.
sister 18 n ˈsɪstə Schwester sorella soeur zus Sarah is James’s sister.
sit 84 v sɪt sitzen, sich setzen sedere s'asseoir zitten She accidentally sat on the cat!
sit down 22 phr v ˌsɪt ˈdaʊn sich hinsetzen sedersi s'asseoir gaan zitten Let’s sit down and talk.
six 6 number sɪks sechs sei six zes We have six classrooms.
sixteen 20 number ˌsɪkˈstiːn sechzehn sedici seize zestien I’m sixteen today.

sixty 20 number ˈsɪksti sechzig sessanta soixante zestig An hour is sixty minutes.
skirt 141 n skɜːt Rock gonna jupe rok She has a white jacket and a black skirt.
slow 68 adj sləʊ langsam lento lent langzaam In rush hour, the buses are very slow.
small 14 adj smɔːl klein piccolo petit klein He lives in a small house.
smartphone 106 n ˈsmɑːtfəʊn Smartphone smartphone smartphone smartphone Does you mum know how to use a smartphone?
snow 146 v snəʊ schneien nevicare neiger sneeuwen In winter it snows for four months.
sock 141 n sɒk Socke calza chaussette sok Put your socks on before your shoes.
soft 145 adj sɒft weich molle, morbido moelleux zacht The bed is very soft.

son 18 n sʌn Sohn figlio fils zoon James is Mary and John’s son.
Spain 32 n speɪn Spanien Spagna Espagne Spanje My photographs are all from Spain.
Spanish 106 n ˈspænɪʃ Spanisch spagnolo espagnol Spaans They spoke Spanish, so I couldn’t understand them.
speak 86 v spiːk sprechen, reden parlare parler spreken I’ve never spoken to him before.
spend more time 108 phr ˌspend mɔː ˈtaɪm wɪð mehr Zeit mit Freunden passare più tempo con passer plus de temps meer tijd doorbrengen He gave up his job to spend more time with his friends and
spice 36 n spaɪs Gewürz spezia épice specerij I love spices in my food.
sport 40 n spɔːt Sport sport sport sport Do you do much sport?
sportsman 139 n ˈspɔːtsmən Sportler sportivo athlète, sportif sportman Ronaldo is a famous sportsman.
sportswoman 139 n ˈspɔːtsˌwʊmən Sportlerin sportiva athlète, sportive sportvrouw Who’s the most famous sportswoman you know?
start 76 v stɑːt anfangen cominciare commencer starten, beginnen I’m going to start eating healthy food.
steak 54 n steɪk Steak bistecca steak biefstuk He eats a steak once a week.
stop 22 v stɒp anhalten, aufhören fermare arrêter stoppen Let’s stop now.
stop smoking 108 phr ˌstɒp ˈsməʊkɪŋ mit Rauchen aufhören smettere di fumare arrêter de fumer stoppen met roken John is going to stop smoking this year.

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student 40 n ˈstjuːdənt Student/in studente(-essa) étudiant/e student/-e I visited the USA when I was a student.
study 53 v ˈstʌdi studieren studiare étudier studeren Did he study at Oxford University?
Sunday 43 n ˈsʌndi, -deɪ Sonntag domenica dimanche zondag I play basketball on Sundays.
sunny 146 adj ˈsʌni sonnig di sole ensoleillé zonnig The weather was hot and sunny yesterday.

supermarket 138 n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkət Supermarkt supermercato supermarché supermarkt We bought the food in a supermarket.
surface 80 n ˈsɜːfəs Oberfläche superficie surface oppervlak After 69 days the miners came to the surface.
surprised 140 adj səˈpraɪzd überrascht sorpreso surpris verrast He’s surprised to see you.
sweater 32 n ˈswetə Pullover maglione, pullover pull-over trui Her red sweater is beautiful.
sweets 58 n pl swiːts Süßigkeiten dolci sucreries snoep Which kind of sweets do you like best?
swim 99 v swɪm schwimmen nuotare nager zwemmen Swimming is good for your health.
swimming pool 56 n ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl Schwimmbad piscina piscine zwembad We take the children to the swimming pool on Saturdays.
table 30 n ˈteɪbəl Tisch tavolo table tafel Bring your chair up to the table.
tablet computer 30 n ˌtæblət kəmˈpjuːtə Tablet tablet computer tablette tablet We have a new tablet computer.
take 84 v teɪk nehmen prendere, volerci, aver prendre vergen What took you so long?
talk 76 v tɔːk sprechen parlare parler praten Can I talk to you for a minute?
taxi 40 n ˈtæksi Taxi taxi taxi taxi Fred used to drive a taxi.
taxi driver 10 n ˈtæksi ˌdraɪvə Taxifahrer/in taxista, tassista chauffeur de taxi taxichauffeur/taxichauffe The taxi driver took us to the hotel.
teacher 10 n ˈtiːtʃə Lehrer/in insegnante professeur, enseignant/e leraar/lerares Miss Lind is my English teacher.
television 85 n ˈteləˌvɪʒən, Fernsehen televisione, TV télé televisie Did you see me on television?
ten 6 number ten zehn dieci dix tien He’s ten years old.
tennis 138 n ˈtenəs Tennis tennis tennis tennis We played tennis yesterday.

tent 96 n tent Zelt tenda tente tent We spent the night in tents on the mountain.
terrible 78 adj ˈterəbəl schrecklich terribile terrible vreselijk, verschrikkelijk It’s a terrible film.
text 142 n tekst Textnachricht testo SMS, texto tekst John wrote me a text today.

Gran Bretagna,
the UK 9 country ðə ˌjuː ˈkeɪ Großbritannien il Regno Unito Grande-Bretagne het VK London is the capital of the UK.
the USA 8 country ðə ˌjuː es ˈeɪ die USA U.S.A., Stati Uniti les États-Unis de VS Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA.
theatre 144 n ˈθɪətə Theater teatro théâtre theater We saw the actors going into the theatre.
their 21 adj ðə, ðeə ihre (pl.) loro leur hun They are brother and sister. Their parents are French.
them 96 pronoun ðəm, ðem ihnen loro leur hun I told them about my holiday.

then 55 adv ðen dann poi ensuite dan We get up at 6 and then we have breakfast.

think 84 v θɪŋk denken pensare penser denken I thought you said you were coming?
third 75 adj θɜːd dritter terzo troisième derde We were in London on May the third.

thirsty 22 adj ˈθɜːsti durstig assetato, avere sete avoir soif, assoifé dorstig, dorst hebben We’re thirsty. Let’s have some water.
thirteen 20 number ˌθɜːˈtiːn dreizehn tredici treize dertien My brother is thirteen.
thirty 20 number ˈθɜːti dreißig trenta trente dertig The restaurant is thirty years old.
thirty-first 75 adj ˌθɜːti ˈfɜːst einunddreißigster trentunesimo trente et unième eenendertigste Tomorrow is the thirty-first.

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three 6 number θriː drei tre trois drie Look at page three.
throw 147 v θrəʊ werfen lanciare jeter gooien, werpen The children threw the ball into my garden.
Thursday 43 n ˈθɜːzdi, -deɪ Donnerstag giovedì jeudi donderdag I meet my friends on Thursday evenings.
tick 138 v tɪk ein Häkchen setzen, spuntare cocher aanvinken Please tick the correct answer.
ticket machine 66 n ˈtɪkɪt məˌʃiːn Fahrkartenautomat biglietteria automatica distributeur automatique kaartjesautomaat You put some money in the ticket machine and it gives you a
tie 141 n taɪ Krawatte cravatta cravate stropdas My father always wears a tie.
time 110 n taɪm Zeit, Uhrzeit ora, tempo l'heure tijd Do you know what time it is?
tired 22 adj taɪəd müde stanco fatigué moe I’m tired. I need to sleep.

toilet 144 n ˈtɔɪlət Toilette bagno toilette toilet, wc The toilets are upstairs.
tomato 143 n təˈmɑːtəʊ Tomate pomodoro tomate tomaat Can I have a cheese and tomato sandwich?
too 23 adv tuː auch anche aussi ook You can learn English too.
tourist information 139 n ˌtʊərəst ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən Angestellte/r der assistente d'informazioni adjoint de l'information medewerker/-ster He is a tourist information assistant in Paris.
toy 100 n tɔɪ Spielzeug giocattolo jouet speelgoed I want to buy some toys for my baby brother.

train 64 n treɪn Zug treno train trein The train leaves from platform six.
trainers 141 n plural ˈtreɪnəz Sportschuhe scarpe sportive chaussures de sport sportschoenen Where are my new trainers?
travel 76 v ˈtrævəl reisen viaggiare voyager reizen Helen travels to London first, and then on to Brussels.
travel 100 n ˈtrævəl Reise viaggio voyage reis- Travel goods are located on the fifth floor.
trousers 141 n ˈtraʊzəz Hose pantaloni pantalon broek I love your blue trousers.
try 76 v traɪ versuchen provare essayer proberen We always lose, even though we try hard.

T-shirt 141 n ˈtiː ʃɜːt T-Shirt T-shirt T-shirt t-shirt This is my white T-shirt.

Tuesday 43 n ˈtjuːzdi, -deɪ Dienstag martedì mardi dinsdag She has Spanish lessons on Tuesday.
tunnel 80 n ˈtʌnl Tunnel galleria, tunnel tunnel tunnel They drilled a tunnel to get to the miners.
Turkey 9 country ˈtɜːki Türkei Turchia Turquie Turkije Ankara is the capital of Turkey.

Turkish 139 adj ˈtɜːkɪʃ türkisch, Türke / Türkin turco turc Turks We have a Turkish carpet in the living room.
turn on the radio 147 phr ˌtɜːn ɒn ðə ˈreɪdiəʊ das Radio anschalten accendere la radio allumer la radio de radio aanzetten Turn on the radio! My favourite band is on.
TV 46 n ˌtiː ˈviː Fernsehen TV télé tv There’s not much on TV.
twelfth 75 adj twelfθ zwölfter undicesimo douzième twaalfde What day is the twelfth of July?
twelve 20 number twelv zwölf dodici douze twaalf She’s twelve tomorrow.
twentieth 75 adj ˈtwentiəθ zwanzigster ventesimo vingtième twintigste Come to London on October the twentieth.
twenty 20 number ˈtwenti zwanzig venti vingt twintig Twenty people work in the hotel.
twenty-eight 142 number ˌtwenti ˈeɪt achtundzwanzig ventotto vingt-huit achtentwintig Concert tickets are twenty-eight dollars.
twenty-second 75 adj ˌtwenti ˈsekənd zweiundzwanzigster ventiduesimo vingt-deuxième tweeëntwintigste He was born on the twenty-second.
two 6 number tuː zwei due deux twee I have two sisters.
type 147 v taɪp tippen scrivere a macchina/al taper typen Some people can type very fast.
under 146 prep ˈʌndə unter sotto sous onder The dog is under the table.
underground 64 n ˈʌndəɡraʊnd U-Bahn metropolitana métro metro The underground is the best way to travel round London.
underground 80 adv ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd unterirdisch sotterraneo sous terre onder de grond They travelled underground for about three kilometres.
underline 138 v ˌʌndəˈlaɪn unterstreichen sottolineare souligner onderstrepen Underline the name of the book.

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unhappy 140 adj ʌnˈhæpi unglücklich infelice malheureux ongelukkig We are unhappy because the hotel isn’t good.
university 40 n ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti Universität università université universiteit I studied at York University.
us 96 pronoun əs, s, ʌs uns ci notre ons Our daughter never phones us.
use 106 v juːz benutzen usare utiliser gebruiken Do you know how to use a smartphone?
use a computer 147 phr ˌjuːz ə kəmˈpjuːtə mit Computer arbeiten usare un computer utiliser un ordinateur een computer gebruiken I’ve been using a computer for over 20 years.
vegetable 54 n ˈvedʒtəbəl Gemüse verdura légume groente Carrots and potatoes are vegetables.
village 14 n ˈvɪlɪdʒ Dorf villaggio village dorp I come from a small village in France.
wait 76 v weɪt warten aspettare attendre wachten You can wait in my office.
waiter 10 n ˈweɪtə Kellner cameriere serveur ober/serveerster She asked the waiter for the menu.
waitress 139 n ˈweɪtrəs Kellnerin cameriera serveuse serveerster The waitress explained everything on the menu.

walk 76 v wɔːk zu Fuß gehen camminare per aller à pied lopen Let’s walk through the park to the café.
Brieftasche, portefeuille, porte-
wallet 36 n ˈwɒlət Portemonnaie portafoglio monnaie beurs, portemonnee The money is in his wallet.
want 76 v wɒnt wollen volere vouloir willen What do you want to do?
watch 140 n wɒtʃ Armbanduhr orologio montre horloge It’s ten o’clock by my watch.
watch 53 v wɒtʃ schauen guardare regarder kijken I watched TV all night last night.
way out 144 n ˌweɪ ˈaʊt Ausgang uscita sortie uitgang I can’t find the way out.

weather 146 n ˈweðə Wetter tempo temps weer What’s the weather like where you are?
Wednesday 43 n ˈwenzdi, -deɪ Mittwoch mercoledì mercredi woensdag We go the cinema on Wednesdays.
week 43 n wiːk Woche settimana semaine week I see my mum every week.
weekend 43 n ˌ​wiːkˈend, ˈwiːkend Wochenende fine settimana week-end weekend They have a rest every weekend.
well 140 adj wel gut bene bien goed Are you well?

what 87 pronoun wɒt was che cosa que wat What did you do in France?

where 87 adv weə wohin, wo dove òu waar Where are you going?

white 32 adj waɪt weiß bianco blanc wit Milk is white.

why 87 adv waɪ warum perché pourquoi waarom Why did you tell him that?

wife 18 n waɪf Ehefrau moglie femme vrouw Mary is John’s wife.

windy 146 adj ˈwɪndi windig ventoso venteux, il y a du vent winderig It was very windy by the sea.

woman 140 n ˈwʊmən Frau donna femme vrouw Can you see that woman in the black dress?
word 106 n wɜːd Wort parola mot woord What the Spanish word for “fly”?
work 80 v wɜːk arbeiten lavorare travailler werken I worked hard on this essay.
work less and relax 108 phr ˌwɜːk ˈles ənd rɪˌlæks weniger arbeiten und lavorare di meno e più travailler moins et se minder werken en meer You need to work less and relax more to get healthy.
wrap 99 v ræp einpacken, einwickeln avvolgere emballer inpakken Wrap the presents in this special paper.

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write 139 v raɪt schreiben scrivere écrire schrijven He wrote some very famous books.
year 145 n jɪə Jahr anno an jaar Last year we went to Canada.
yellow 141 adj ˈjeləʊ gelb giallo jaune geel Bananas are yellow.

yesterday 145 adv ˈjestədi, -deɪ gestern ieri hier gisteren What did you do yesterday?
you 96 pronoun jə, jʊ, juː dich ti te jou, je I’ll see you tomorrow.
zero 6 number ˈzɪərəʊ null zero zéro nul The temperature is zero degrees.
zoo 144 n zuː Zoo zoo zoo dierentuin Many interesting animals live in the zoo.

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