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Quote: Step out faith and walk into your purpose

As I read this quote, it actually gave me a sense of hope and faith that God would guide and help me
achieve my dreams and serve my purpose as a health care provider in the future. To step out in faith
means to take a risk for God, knowing that He is going to catch us and be there with us if anything
should happen. It is going above and beyond to do God’s will, even if we don’t know what the steps in
the process are yet, or what the end result is going to be yet. When we’re walking in our purpose, God
will give us the provision and resources to make things happen. Stepping out in faith is frightening, but if
God has a plan, and we are part of that plan, we need to shift our focus to being honored that God
chose us instead of thinking that it’s our plan that we can do on our own. God puts dreams in our hearts
and writes a destiny over our lives. And if we trust Him enough to take Him at His word, we will find
ourselves on a journey toward the fulfillment of that dream. Unfortunately, the path that takes us to the
promise is always wrought with thickets and thorns. Nothing worth having ever comes easy or without
opposition. Storms will come, lions will roar, and our fears will be confronted. God allows the path to be
difficult because He intends on refining us and preparing us for our place of promise, for our purpose.


Stepping out in faith is frightening. It doesn’t make sense. But if God has a plan, and we are part of that
plan, we need to shift our focus to being honored that God chose us instead of thinking that it’s our plan
that we can do on our own.

This quote gave me hope and faith that God will lead and assist me achieve my goals and serve
my purpose as a health care professional in the future. Stepping out in trust involves taking a chance for
God, believing that He will catch us and be there for us if anything goes wrong. It means going above to
fulfill God's plan, even if we don't know what the next steps are or what the final result will be. When
we're walking in our purpose, God will provide the resources and provision we need to make it happen.
Stepping out in faith can be scary, but if God has a plan for us and we are a part of it, we need to focus
on being honored that God selected us rather than thinking we can do it on our own. God instills dreams
in our hearts and assigns a fate to our life. And if we put our faith in Him enough to believe what He
says, we'll be on our way to realizing that dream. Unfortunately, the path to the promise is invariably
thicket-lined and thorn-infested. Nothing worthwhile ever arrives without difficulty or opposition.
Storms will rage, lions will roar, and we will face our anxieties but we must always remember and keep
in our hearts that God enables the journey to be tough in order to refine us and prepare us for our
promised land, our purpose in this world. 


This quote gave me hope and faith that God will lead and assist me in achieving my goals and
serving my purpose as a health care professional in the future. Stepping out in faith involves taking a
chance for God, believing that He will catch us and be there for us if anything goes wrong. It means
going above to fulfill God's plan, even if we don't know the next steps or the final result. When we're
walking in our purpose, God will provide the resources and provision we need to make it happen.
Stepping out in faith can be scary, but if God has a plan for us and we are a part of it, we need to focus
on being honored that God selected us rather than thinking we can do it on our own. God instills dreams
in our hearts and assigns a fate to our life. And if we put our faith in Him enough to believe what He
says, we'll be on our way to realizing that dream. Unfortunately, the path to the promise is invariably
thicket-lined and thorn-infested. Nothing worthwhile ever arrives without difficulty or opposition.
Storms will rage, lions will roar, and we will face our anxieties, but we must never forget and keep in our
hearts that God enables the journey to be tough to refine us and prepare us for our promised land, our
purpose in this world.


5 Signs You Know You’re Walking In Your Purpose – Courtney Connley. (2016, December 1). Courtney

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