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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Arts & Sciences

Social Sciences Department

Readings in Philippine History

2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021 – 2022

Module # 3
Week 3

Task #1:

Pre-conceived notions of Jose Rizal and Bonifacio

This is a formative activity for your instructor to be able to evaluate your present
knowledge of Jose Rizal


1. Each student will draw/sketch your preconceived notions of Rizal and Bonifacio, their
physical appearance and their work and achievements in the background (NO DIGITAL

2. Since not all of you can draw well, so I don't really give importance to how beautiful your
drawings are. The relevance of this activity is for you to portray honestly what you know of
them, so i discourage you from copying pictures of them from the internet. Basically what’s your
idea about them, you will simply draw it, that simple.

3. Take a picture of your drawings and submit in Celo or in our FB page not later than February
28, 2022

4. Here are samples of this activity

Even before you study the Rizal course in school, you already have a an idea about Dr. Jose
Rizal. This is because you've known him, heard his name every now and then and see him
everywhere, the same as Andres Bonifacio. Therefore, you already have a preconceived
notion/idea of who they are and how they looked like in our history. When Filipinos speak of
heroes, we always have a list of names to think about like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Lapu-
Lapu, Apolinario Mabini, etc..During the American period, Governor W.H Taft asked the
Philippine assembly to select a national hero based on the ideal hero being perceived by the
Americans for the Philippines. The Philippine commission then decided that Rizal should be the
national hero among other contestants like Bonifacio, Aguinaldo or Mabini for various reasons.
Despite the issues of Rizal as an American sponsored hero, still many Filipinos agree that he is
a valuable choice than others, at the same time a number of Filipinos believed that it should be
Andres Bonifacio. Be it as it may, these two heroes are both portrayed in many ways in our
country today, you will see them anywhere as monuments, paintings, books, coins,and many
others. So, if this is the case, how correct are their representations? Something that you will
learn after this activity.



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