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Gapoy, Frednixen B.

November 10, 2022




Essay: Explain why effective communication are so important onboard and ashore

We can define effective communication as a process of exchanging ideas, opinions,

thoughts, knowledge, wisdom and information so that the message will be received and
understood clearly and efficiently. When we properly communicate, the sender and receiver
will feel fulfilled.

Effective communication is of great significance onboard because it can be utilized

to resolve conflicts and avoiding potential ones. The goal of it is to make sure all parties are
heard, and come up with a solution that works for everyone. Aboard a ship, this has to be
ensured because failure to do so will hinder work. If the crew members have ill-feel against
one another, commands and daily operations won’t be effectively and efficiently carried out.

Moreover, by having effective communication, you can clearly set expectations and
goals. Finding constructive ways to point out when something isn't working, as well as
providing helpful criticism to get crew members back on track, is part of this. They will be
aware of their unique tasks and responsibilities, as well as those of their teammates,
reducing conflicts and confusion.

In addition to that, the crew will be able to freely discuss and share ideas without
being judged or condemned. This will help them to be innovative and think beyond the box.
This increases the crew’s creativity and innovation. Employee motivation rises as a result of
being able to contribute to the overall growth of the team. This is important because as we
are all aware, we have different strengths, weaknesses, and experience. For instance, the
AB is experienced in maneuvering. On the other hand, the 2 nd mate is good in navigation.
By working together and combining their skills using effective communication, they can
navigate the ship safely.

Last but certianly not the least, if there is effective communication, the crew will be
able to trust and rely on one another more. This enhanced division of labor will foster
pleasant attitudes and relationships among team members, leading to higher morale and
better work experiences. After all, the crew will spend a lot of months together. If they are
not in good terms, their entire stay will be horrundous. Effective communication can help to
foster and ensure pleasant work experiences for the entire crew. As others feel heard and
understood by you, your work atmosphere improves automatically.

MMMA-ACADFM-008 rev. 01

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