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This Curriculum expert believes that teachers should participate in developing a


Ralph Tyler
Harold Rugg
Hilda Taba
All of the answers mentioned below are the types of curriculum evaluation, EXCEPT:

Formative evaluation
Collective evaluation
Summative evaluation
Diagnostic evaluation

Usually, when does analysis of diagnostic evaluation occur?

Content of curriculum is updated

Something is added
Something is taken out
All of the above
Long before the start of every school year, teacher Elsie has already started developing
her own comprehensive plan based on the recommended curriculum. Which explains
best teacher Elsie's action in relation to the curriculum?

Planning personalizes the curriculum making it her own.

Planning is entirely dependent on the prescribed curriculum.
Planning "screened" possible differences between the curriculum plan and the implementation
Planning includes evaluation.

Children's interests are heavily influenced by their upbringing. Which of the following
statements does this sentence imply?*

A large part of the subject matter has to be easy if they are interesting and within the learner’s
The experience of the child reduces the area in which the school may choose to develop
The school should not develop an interest outside the experience of the child.
The curriculum should provide vital experiences if the school must use its opportunities to
develop interest.

NAME: (Last name, First Name, Middle Initial) ALL CAPS PLS*

Curriculum is interpreted to mean al organized courses, activities, and experiences
which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not,
is said by -

John Dewey
Ralph Tyler
William Kilpatrick
Hilda Taba
The following statements are characteristics of the subject-centered curriculum
EXCEPT for ______.

the main task is mastery learning

the teacher has full control of the lesson
there is a high level of cooperative interaction
it covers much of the content in a short span of time

It is an informative-processing change strategy that enables the system to improve its
operations and the quality of interaction among its members to facilitate the introduction
of change.

Organizational development model

Overcoming resistance to change model
Linkage model
Leadership-obstacle course model

They are stakeholders who plan, design,teach, implement and evaluate the curriculum.
No doubt, the most important person in curriculum implementation is the teacher.

Learners are the core of the curriculum

Teachers are curricularists
School leaders are curriculum managers

Ms. Natividad, a classroom teacher, wants to try-out to her class another strategy she
has learned from a seminar-workshop she has attended. Which level of curriculum is
shown in this situation?


Who said that the key to learning in early years of life is to train them with what you
want them to become ?

Ivan Pavlov
Edward Thorndlike
Jean Piaget
Howards Gardener

They should have in-depth knowledge about the planned change and of the
implementation process.

Principal or School Heads
Defines curriculum as a science and extension of School's philosophy.It is based on
students needs and interest.

Ralf Tyler
Hilda Taba
Hollins Caswell
Franklin Bobbit

The following curricularists are considered to have great contribution in historical
foundation of curriculum development, except:

Franklin Bobbitt
Werret Charters
William Kilpatrick
Ralph Tyler

Ms. Oliveros, a language teacher, has noticed that Bryan, a diagnosed dyslexic child,
has already improved in his reading, writing, gross and fine motor abilities. She
recommended to her principal that Bryan should be learning in a regular classroom.
Which of the following does the teacher want to happen?

All are examples of Ralph Tyler Model: Four Basic Principle, EXCEPT:

Purpose of the school

Organization of the experience
Selection of the learning experiences
Evaluation of expenses

He believed that curriculum is a set of experiences in which the subject matter is
developed around social functions and learners’ interests.

Werret Charters
Harold Hugg
William Kilpatrick
Hollis Caswell
Which of the following is the purpose of curriculum evaluation:  I. To improve curriculum
product  II. To determine its value and worth  III. To identify weaknesses and strength  
IV. To support student to become environmentally responsible

I and II
I, II and IV
I, II, and III
All of the above

They are important school collaborators.
School leaders

This type of evaluation generally takes place before or during a project’s implementation
with the aim of improving the project’s design and performance.

Formative evaluation
Collective evaluation
Summative evaluation
Diagnostic evaluation

The sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization and designing, implementation
and evaluation sum up the process of _____.

Curriculum and instruction

Curriculum management
Curriculum Development
Curriculum Assessment

This curriculum implementation models data to determine the extent and nature of the

Linkage model
ORC model
RCA model
LOC model

These are the reasons why we need to evaluate the curriculum, except?
To meet the regular program review requirements
To follow the guide questions and different curriculum evaluation model
To determine which aspects of curriculum are working well and which one need to be change
To demonstrate the effectiveness of a program of an implemented change

Which of these statements belong to William Kilpatrick of the Historical Foundation?

Curriculum are activities which are teacher-centered

Curriculum is always related to instruction
He described how curriculum change is a cooperative endeavor
Curriculum develops social relationships and small group instruction
When developers try to obtain relevant information to be able to judge the worth of an
educational program, its product, procedures, and objectives, the developers are in the
process of curriculum ______.


Teacher A has found out that the results of the curriculum that was implemented call for
an alteration in the set of objectives and competencies. Which of the following
curriculum development stages does teacher A want to do?*

Curriculum improvement
Curriculum evaluation
Curriculum change
Curriculum planning

 When the aim of the curriculum is to provide the learners with the needed skills in this
ever-changingworld, the curriculum reflects the belief that it should -

provide learners with the knowledge needed for social relevance.

perpetuate cumulative tradition of organized knowledge.
provide avenues for the students to do self- expression.
allow learner’s self-actualization.
Teacher S has found out that the results of the curriculum that was implemented call for
an alteration in the set of objectives and competencies. Which of the following
curriculum development stages does Teacher A wants to happen?

curriculum planning
curriculum evaluation
curriculum change
curriculum improvement

This model involves a cycle of diagnosis, search, and retrieval, formulation of solution,
dissemination and evaluation.

Organizational development model

Overcoming resistance to change model
Linkage model
Leadership-obstacle course model

What is the sequence in the linear model of Hilda Taba’s model?   I. Formulation of
learning objectives   II. Selection of learning experiences    III. Organization of learning
activities    IV. Diagnosis of learners’ needs and expectations of the larger society    V.
Organization of contents    VI. Determination of what to evaluate and the means of
doing it    VII. Selection of learning contents



Children’s interests are generally largely dependent on their experiences. Which of the
following  is an implication of this statement?

The curriculum should provide vital experiences if the school must use its opportunities to
develop interest.
large part of the subject matter has to be easy if they are too interesting and within the learner’s
The experience of the child reduces the area in which the school may choose to develop
The school should not develop interest outside the experience of the child.

What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify
certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?

Curriculum change
Curriculum design
Curriculum implementation
Curriculum improvement
Principals and school heads, too, have important roles in the curriculum implementation
process in school.

School leaders
Which of the following statements is the view of Ralph Tyler in the curriculum
development based on historical foundation?

Curriculum is organized around social functions of themes, organized knowledge and learner’s
Curricula are purposeful activities which are child-centered.
Curriculum is a science and an extension of school’s philosophy. It is based on students’ needs
and interests.
Curriculum should develop the whole child.

Of the three models of curriculum process models (Tyler, Saylor, Taba) all followed a
similar pattern of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating. However, Taba
begins with?

Establishing Objectives
Determining the purpose of the school
Organization of Experience
Diagnosing learners need

Mr. Reyes, the principal of Bagumbato National High School, opted to use the
curriculum that employs the integration of Music, Arts, P. E. and Social Studies on a
longer time block. This situation clearly shows that the principal prefers to use,

Core curriculum
Correlated subjects
Broad fields
Single subject

What is the sixth step in Taba’s Grassroots Rational Model?

Organization of content
Selection of Learning
Organization of Learning Experience
Determination of what to evaluate

Which of these statements belong to the Franklin Bobbit of Historical Foundation?

Curriculum develops social relationships and small group instruction.

He started the curriculum development movement.
He posited that the curriculum is science and emphasizes students’ needs.
Curriculum prepares teachers.

Principals and school heads, too, have important roles in the curriculum implementation
process in schools. They should understand fully the need for change and the
implementation process. They should be ready to assist the teachers and the students
in the implementation.

Learners are the core of the curriculum

Teachers are curricularists
School leaders are curriculum managers

When the aim of the curriculum is to provide the learners with the needed skills in this
ever-changing world, the curriculum reflects the belief that it should _____.

provide learners with the knowledge needed for social relevance

perpetuate cumulative tradition of organized knowledge
provide avenues for the students to do self-expression
allow learner's self-actualization

It provides a means for generating data relating to four stages of program operation;
Context, Input, Process and Product.
Scriven’s model
Stufflesbeam’s model
Elliot Eisner’s model
Smith’s model

It focuses on the gathering of data to determine the extent and nature of the resistance
in order to deal with it appropriately.

Organizational development model

Overcoming resistance to change model
Linkage model
Leadership-obstacle course model
 Tyler shared that curriculum workers should respond to four basic questions. What is
the second basic question according to Tyler?

How can we determine whether these purposes are organized?

How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
What educational experiences are likely to attain these objectives?
What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?

Johnny, a Junior HS student, connected his lesson on fractions with his Social Studies
lesson on land ownership during the time of Feudalism. Which curriculum design
element is reflected in Johnny’s practice?


Stakeholders who plan, design, teach, implement and evaluate the curriculum.

School leaders

Which of these statements belong to Hollis Caswell of the Historical Foundation?

urriculum is a set of experiences. Subject matter is developed around social functions and
teachers’ interests.
Teachers and curriculum specialists constitute the professional core of planners.
Curriculum is organized around social functions of themes organized knowledge and learner’s
Curriculum is always related to instruction. subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge,
skills, and values.

The phase of curriculum development which involves a survey of the current needs of
the learners and the demands of society is curriculum ______.


What type of curriculum is a teacher using when students are confronted with a
scenario and asked to generate hypotheses and solutions?

An outline of a subject that is covered in a specific time.


Other than to improve, why do we need to evaluate curriculum?*

dentify strength and weaknesses

Monitor desired results
Guide if can be labelled as success
All answers above are correct

What is the focus of a learner centered curriculum?

A. Interests
B. Learnability
C. Significance
D. Standards

The following characterize a child-centered kindergarten EXCEPT

a. Focus on the education of the whole child

b. Importance of play in development
c. Extreme orientation an academic
d. Emphasis on individual uniqueness

The following are the benefits of curriculum mapping, EXCEPT:

A. enhance communication and collaboration

B. provide arguments and disputes among teachers and students
C. increase student achievement
D. performance survey and tracker

They relate to what individuals need to know and be able to do, or what is expected of
the learner.

A. Competencies
B. Process Questions
C Comprehensive Standards
D. Content Standards
Which of the following are designed to guide students in engaging in thinking,
reasoning, and reflecting on content as structured around contextual problems to be

A. Standards
B. Course design
C Curriculum
D. Process Questions
Once you have unpacked standards to identify what students should know and be able
to do, you can do three important things, EXCEPT:

A. Craft your vision of mastery for specific standards.

B. Align lesson plans and accompanying resources to that vision.
C. As you teach and report progress, create student-friendly learning objectives to better
communicate required skills to students and community stakeholders.
D. Master the complex competencies are efficient due to congested curriculum

Which of the following is NOT true regarding unpacking standards?


A. To serve as your guide in lesson planning

B. To make the learning targets easier and achievable for students
C. It’s important that teachers share a common understanding about the goals and targets of a
D. To make lessons easier for learners.
Process evaluation is used if the intent of curriculum evaluation is to

a. Provide empirical data and information

b. Assess degree of implementation
c. Provide assistance to plans
d. All of them
The main task of this element is to ensure that the means are actually implemented.

a. Input evaluation
b. Process evaluationl
c. Product evaluation
d. Context evaluation

The result of evaluation serves as basis for improving curriculum and for suggesting
innovations to improve learning.*

Helpful in determining how well learners achieved the objectives of the curriculum
Essential in providing feedback to learners
To improve curriculum
All of the above
Which of the following is the focus of curriculum evaluation?*

Determining the merit and worth of a program of study

Identifying curriculum's weaknesses and strengths
Decision making for curriculum revision
Providing for the relevance of curriculum

Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable?*

Instruction is the actual engagement of learners in the planned learning activities.

Curriculum determines what assessment should be done, and how to do it.
Instruction requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of functions.
Assessment establishes what is to be accomplished in teaching and learning.
It shows teachers, how students learn and discover through the learning process*

unpacking learning competencies

importance of unpacking learning competencies
steps in unpacking learning competencies
identify the target skill and pre-requisite skill
These are the steps of unpacking curriculum standards and competencies, except for
Classifying standard and competencies based on the basic knowledge
Identifying appropriate activities and strategies
Identifying prerequisite knowledge, skills, and values for each competency
Classifying standard and competencies as knowledge, skills and values

Evaluate which of the following sources of curriculum evaluation will provide the most
objective opinion on the
course content and methodology.

a. Students
b. Self
c. Peer groups
d. Professional evaluators

Ralph Tyler believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of a school’s
philosophy. It means that: 1) it is based on students’ needs and interest; 2) it is always
related to instruction; 3) subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and
values; 4) the process emphasizes problem solving; and 5) curriculum aims to educate
generalists and not specialists.*

1,2, & 3
1, 2, 3 & 4
2, 3, 4 & 5
1,2,3,4, & 5
Tyler's curriculum development model begins with which of the following?*

What teacher does in school

School and teacher's philosophy
The learners as inputs
School's mission-vision
Which is the most specific and detailed among the following?

a. Content standard
b. Performance standard
c. Proficiency standard
d. Learning competency

Teacher Emmanuelle sees evaluation as a process of looking into the possible
improvements that can be applied in the learning process. He is influenced by

A. Hilda Taba
B. John Dewey
C. H. Rugg
D. Tyler

Which one is the main concern of Input Evaluation?

a. provide information for selecting procedures and resources

b. provide information for describing context
c. provide information for determining appropriate evaluation tools
d. provide information for describing products of evaluation

What is the initial task of curriculum designers?*

Identification of an educational vision

Planning teaching strategies
Evaluation of curriculum
implementation of planned strategies

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about formative evaluation?

a. Involves data obtained during curriculum implementation

b. Done at the same time the program is running
c. Usually involves data collection at the end of the program
d. Intended to improve the program while it is implemented

Dr. Magracia intends to open a school with a curriculum that must be primarily
experience-centered. Which of the following criteria must she NOT follow to ensure that
the curriculum is that which she wants?

A. The curriculum should promote the use of active and dynamic process so that learning is
B. The curriculum should be used with a high level of cooperative interaction.
C. The curriculum content should be primarily based on the learners’ needs, ability levels and
D. The curriculum should emphasize the teaching of facts and knowledge.

The following questions EXCEPT ONE may be considered when evaluating a

Why evaluate the curriculum?

What is expected in the conduct of curriculum evaluation?
What part of the curriculum is going to be evaluated?
How is evaluation going to be done?

(Given a provincial map), the learner should be able to trace the correct route of the
Death March. What criteria in evaluation is emphasized by the words enclosed in

a. content
b. behavior
c. criterion
d. condition

Which of the following is NOT a reason for evaluating the curriculum?*

To identify the strength and weakness of the existing curriculum

To monitor the progress of the implementation
To recruit new teacher for the new curriculum
To determine if the outcomes are achieved

Teacher Gen has designed and owned the changes in the curriculum ensuring an
effective and lasting change. Which guide does Teacher Gen carry out?

A. The Curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.

B. The Curriculum is a complex of details.
C. The Curriculum complements and cooperates
D. The Curriculum has administrative flexibility.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about formative evaluation?

a. Involves data obtained during curriculum implementation

b. Done at the same time the program is running
c. Usually involves data collection at the end of the program
d. Intended to improve the program while it is implemented

Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the identified important purposes
and functions of curriculum evaluation in a school setting according to Print?

A. To improve curriculum
B. Essential in providing feedback to learners
C. Helpful in determining how well learners have achieved the objectives of the curriculum
D. To increase teacher’s rating and salary
Which statement is false about fundamentals of curriculum design?

A. Curriculum development is an ongoing process

B. Curriculum development is more effective when it follows a strict tradition
C. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist concurrently with newer curriculum changes
D. Curriculum reflects as a product of its time

A school's curriculum committee conducts an evaluation of curriculum materials such as
curriculum guide and lesson
plans. What intent of curriculum evaluation is involved?

a. Appraisal of curricular attainments

b. Determine the task of implementers
c. Improvement of materials
d. None of them
The following questions EXCEPT ONE may be considered when evaluating a

a. Why evaluates the curriculum?

b. What is expected in the conduct of curriculum evaluation?
c. What part of the curriculum is going to be evaluated?
d. How is evaluation going to be done?

The following statements below refer to the concepts and parameters of curriculum
quality audit except one. Which
is the exception?

a. Curriculum quality audit determines competencies to be taught across courses and

disciplines in various programs
b. Curriculum quality audit identifies overrepresentation of the competencies anchored on
c. The process ensures alignment of course content, activities, assessment to support student
d. The audit includes mapping the competencies in the course syllabi to the standards

CIPP Model is divided into 2 categories which are curriculum introduction & structuring
and curriculum operation. Which of the following step fall under curriculum operation?*

Context evaluation and Process evaluation

Product evaluation and Process evaluation
Input evaluation and Product evaluation
Context evaluation and Input evaluation

Why is it important to unpack standards?

A. It is easier to catch students quickly when they do understand and to provide extension when
they do understand.
B. The unpacking process distracts the focus of students learning at high levels.
C. It provides students with a basic understanding of the lesson.
d. Unpacking standards is not necessary.

 The use of descriptive model of evaluation usually results to ____.*

a model description
formulating empirical theory
theoretical support

Which of the following is the correct steps in unpacking standards?
I. Identify the target skills and pre-requisite skills.
II. Identify the objective and the pre-requisite objective.
III. Identify the competency and the pre-requisite competency.
IV. Identify the content and the pre-requisite content.

A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. I and IV
D. II, III, and IV

How many categories are in Curriculum Development Models?*


Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences
which students have under
the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is stated by:

A. John Dewey
B. Stephen Romine
C. H. Rugg
D. Hilda Taba
 Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable?*

Instruction is the actual engagement of learners in the planned learning activities.

Curriculum determines what assessment should be done, and how to do it.
Instruction requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of functions.
Assessment establishes what is to be accomplished in teaching and learning.
At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year old pupils were tested to find out who
among them can already read.
The result was used to determine their sections. What kind of test was given to them?

a. Diagnostic
b. Formative
c. Placement
d. Summative

Knowledge is one source of a curriculum design. With the present situation of
information explosion, which should curricularists be primarily concerned with?

a. Squeezing all the information in the time schedule of the school

b. Stop postgraduate education of teachers and make them focus with teaching all the
c. Asking themselves on what knowledge is of most worth
d. Extending the school time to accommodate all of the information available

What is curriculum implementation?

A. Developing a curriculum
B. Assessing a curriculum
C. Discussing a curriculum with families
D. Putting a curriculum into practice
Do parents have a role in curriculum implementation and instruction?*

No, they have no formal training in pedagogy.

Yes, they may provide insights on the curriculum.
Yes, but only in helping their children with school work.
It depends on a school's private or public status.

A person who involved in curriculum knowing, writing, planning, implementing,
evaluating, innovating and initiating a curriculum is a

A. curricularist
B. planner
C. writer
D. initiator

Which of the following ideas in evaluation is incorrect?*

Evaluation follows implementation.

Implementation continues after planning
Planning is the initial step in curricular development.
Evaluation follows a linear process.
According to Stufflebeam, it is the most basic kind of evaluation.*

Context Evaluation
Product Evaluation
Input Evaluation
Process Evaluation

Dr. Magracia intends to open a school with a curriculum that must be primarily
experience-centered. Which of the following criteria must she NOT follow to ensure that
the curriculum is that which she wants?

A. The curriculum should promote the use of active and dynamic process so that learning is
B. The curriculum should be used with a high level of cooperative interaction.
C. The curriculum content should be primarily based on the learners’ needs, ability levels and
D. The curriculum should emphasize the teaching of facts and knowledge.

Choose the correct sequence of the right CIPP model.*

Content, Input, Product, Process

Content, Information, Progress, Procedure
Context, Information, Procedure, Progress
Context, Input, Process, Product
 The following are the four basic principles of Tyler’s Rationale, except:*

Purposes of the School

Educational experience related to the purpose
Organization of expected graduate outcomes
Evaluation of the experience

NAME: (Last name, First Name, Middle Initial)*

Bulawit, Mhel Angel B.

What is the primary end goal of evaluation?

a. As a basis for teacher’s accomplishment report

b. As a basis for educational decision
c. As a basis for giving award at the end of the year
d. All of the above
Which of the following is the purpose of curriculum evaluation: i. To improve curriculum
produc ii. To determine its value and wort iii. To identify weaknesses and strength. iv.
To support student to become environmentally responsible*

i and ii
i, ii and iv
i, ii, and iii
All of the above

A school's curriculum committee conducts an evaluation of curriculum materials such as
curriculum guide and lesson plans. What intent of curriculum evaluation is involved?
a. Appraisal of curricular attainments
b. Determine the task of implementers
c. Improvement of materials
d. None of them
Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the identified important purposes
and functions of curriculum evaluation in a school setting according to Print?

A. To improve curriculum
B. Essential in providing feedback to learners
C. Helpful in determining how well learners have achieved the objectives of the curriculum
D. To increase teacher’s rating and salary
The following EXCEPT ONE are regarded as change agents in curriculum change and

School Administrators

Whose model of curriculum development is called the “grassroots approach”, which
means that teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in
developing it?*

Hilda Taba
Ralph Tyler
Benjamin Bloom
Francis Hunkins

Which of the following is the focus of curriculum evaluation?

a. Determining the merit and worth of a program of study

b. Identifying curriculum's weaknesses and strengths
c. Decision making for curriculum revision
d. Providing for the relevance of curriculum

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about formative evaluation?*

Involves data obtained during curriculum implementation

Done at the same time the program is running
Usually involves data collection at the end of the program
Intended to improve the program while it is implemented

angel baby angel

Which source provides a major role in the evaluation of any curriculum?

a. Students
b. Self
c. Peer groups
d. Professional evaluators
Which of the following is considered a critical factor in doing summative evaluation?*

Identifying the indicators of summative evaluation

Specifying the questions to be asked in the evaluation
Nature of the items to be constructed
All of them
What is the initial task of curriculum designer?*

Planning teaching strategies

Evaluation of curriculum
Identification of educational vision
Selecting subject matters

Steps or stages in curriculum development are almost similar to Tyler’s Model. The
main difference is in the need to carry out a __________________ in Taba’s Model*

steps of assessment
needs analysis
pre-determine test
diagnosis of needs

A school's curriculum committee conducts an evaluation of curriculum materials such as
curriculum guide and lesson plans. What intent of curriculum evaluation is involved?*

Appraisal of curricular attainments

Determine the task of implementers
Improvement of materials
None of them
What is the correct order in the evaluation cycle?

A. Preparing, Implementing, and Evaluation

B. Preparing, Evaluating, and Implementing
C. Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
D. Evaluation, Planning, Implementing
Considering that curriculum is a dynamic process, this person put premium in the role of
the teacher’s participation
in developing the curriculum:

a. William Alexander
b. Galen Saylor
c. Hilda Taba
d. Ralph Tyler

Which of the following is the example of Skills*

Appreciate various forms of literatures

Discuss rules in subject-verb agreement
Solve word problems
All of the above
School X conducts tests for all incoming students. The results will be used to determine
the needs and abilities of the students and use it for design. Their curriculum is
influenced by

A. The resources
B. The teacher
C. The environment
D. The learners

Among the following steps in Hilda Taba Model of curriculum development, what is the
last step?*

Diagnosis of learners’ needs and expectations of the larger society

Evaluation of the experience
Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it
Checking students’ needs and wants

Describe the abilities and skills that learners are expected to demonstrate in relation to
the content standards and integration of 21st century skills.*

Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competencies
Learning Standards

The following questions EXCEPT ONE may be considered when evaluating a

a. Why evaluates the curriculum?

b. What is expected in the conduct of curriculum evaluation?
c. What part of the curriculum is going to be evaluated?
d. How is evaluation going to be done?

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