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Module 4: Media Literacy

Activity No.1
Directions: On a letter size coupon, write your discussion to the following tasks for 10 points
each. Cite supporting studies. (Not less than 100 words for each task)


1. What is media literacy? Explain,
2. What are the important roles of media literacy?
3. Discuss Media Information Literacy(MIL), its aspects and dimensions.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of media?
5. How can you integrate MiL in the curriculum across discipline? Cite examples.


Directions: Analyze the following research abstract and cite its implication on the teaching-
learning. You may download the full paper of this research on the website given
below. (10 points for every task below: Analysis and implication). Only the
responses to the tasks must be submitted. (Not less than 100 words for each

Study of digital media literacy of the 5th and 6th grade primary students in Beijing
Zhang (2016)

With the aim of examining the digital media literacy of primary School students, a
perceived digital media literacy of primary student scale was developed. A cluster
sampling was conducted, and 796 primary students in Beijing took part in this study.
Results indicated that the instrument demonstrated good reliability and validity. The
participants (the 5th and 6th grade primary students) reported rather a high level of
critical understanding and technical skills. Regarding digital media literacy, although
significant differences appeared within different grades and age groups, there was no
significant difference between female and male students. Moreover, primary students’
digital media literacy was significantly influenced by students' digital media experience
and parental mediation. The implications regarding the findings of the digital media
literacy of primary students were discussed.
(Source: Zhang, H. (2016). Study of digital media literacy of the 5h and 6h grade primary students in
Beijing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 25(4). March 2016 do 10.1007/s40299-016-0285- 2)

Analysis: How do you describe the digital media literacy in the primary student scale
that was developed in this study?

Implication: How does the result or the study impact student learning?


Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the leter of the best answer. Only
thr answers must besubmitted.

1. If you will employ song analysis as a teaching strategy and you would Iike to look for
an old time folk music, which media tool will you utilize ?
A. Compact Disk C. Spotify
B. FM Love Radio 101:1 D. Podcast

2. Media is a two-way process - the information provider and the receiver. Both have
corresponding responsibilities, such as: “Think Defore you click" and "Assess before you
access". In this case, which dimension of media literacy is being shown?
A. Emerging technology literacy B. Research literacy
C. Resource literacy D. Critical literacy
3. Which of the following teaching strategies best demonstrates the use of media tools to
respond to the demands of 21st century education in the classroom?
A. Have the reports presented in class using the latest innovative
powerpoint formats.
B. Have the pictures scanned and printed for submission.
C. Use iPad in showing a topic uploaded from Youtube and search engines.
D. Utilize Google classroom in performing blended Ieaming in an out-of-
class setting.
4. Which form of media is becoming popular and practical because the interest it brings to the
public while generating income from the obtained number of views on the videos uploaded
A. Instagram B. Youtube
C. Linkedln D. Twitter


1. A
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. C
5. Which learning material is can be best utilized in discussing a lesson on “Philippine Tourist
Destinations” in a Social Studies class?
A. Pictures taken using cellphone
B. Photo clips downloaded from the Google and flashed screen using an
LCD projector
C. Tourism documentary video footage played from Youtube
D. Colorful photos posted through Facebook and Instagram accounts.



LEARNING OUTPUTS: Be sure to have your own output for every activity. The moment your
work will be found to have been copied from any source, NO grade will be given.

Activity No.1
Directions: On a letter size coupon, write your responses to the following tasks for 10 points
each. Cite supporting studies. (Not less 100 words for each task)


1. What is financial literacy? Explain.

2. Differentiate budgeting, saving, spending and investing.
3. What are ways of avoiding financial scams?
4. How do you understand insurance and what type do you want to avail of?
5. When can we say that a person is financially stable?
6. How will you integrate financial literacy in the curriculum for related disciplines?

Activity No. 2 - Life and Values integration

Directions: Write a 100 word essay about the following. (20 pts.)

Share a personal experience in which you were confronted with financial crisis or scam.
What life lessons and values have you realized and learned?

Direction: Analyze the following research abstract and cite its implication on teaching-
learning. You may download the full paper of this research on the website given below. (10
points for every task below: Analysis and implication). Only the responses to the tasks must be
submitted. The discussion must not be less than 100 words per task.

Financial literacy and financial planning among teachers of higher education: A study
on critical factors of select variables
Surendar and Subramanya Sarma (2018)

Teachers are the most influential people in our society. Apart from academics, they have the
ability to positively affect many aspects of people's lives. By having financial literacy and
managing personal finance properly, they can become role models to the students and help
to develop fiscally and socially responsible citizens. An individual with good financial sense
may plan better his/her personal finance, particularly teachers who are key contributors to the
development of society. In this background, this study has been conducted to know the
critical factors using factors analysis in enhancing the financial literacy levels and study their
impact on select variables of financial planning among teachers of higher education. The
study found that the level of financial literacy among higher education teachers is satisfactory.
It demonstrates the importance of contexual variables that may influence the financial literacy
and personal financial planning. It also explored the relationship among tthe select varibles of
financial literacy and personal financial planning using a methodology that is free from the
influence of the attribute of the respondents. The study found that the majority of higher
education teachers have a high level of financial literacy, are aware of various aspects of
personal financial planning and are able to plan on their own irrespective of their subject. It
also revealed that retirement planning, tax planning and control, financial planning, financial
capacity and inflation are critical factors financial in personal financial planning among them.

Source: Surendar, G. & Sarma, S. (2018). Financial literacy and financial planning among feachers of nigner
education: A study of critical factors of select variables. Intematon JOurnal of ure and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 118 No. 18 2018, 1627-1649 ISSN: 13T77 RO80. url: Special Issue)

Analysis: 1. What are the critical factors in personal financial planning among higher education
Implication: 2. What is the impact of each of the factors on financial Iiteracy and planning
among teachers?

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Only the computerized answers must be submitted

1. Surveys reveal that some teachers face their retirement without savings at hand which
usually bring them to worse poverty scenario. What are the reasons behind this?
I. Culture of extended family dependency
II . Lack of priority on retirement preparation during earning career years
III.Strong passion and value for the teaching profession
IV. Lack of value on their career effort and remunerations

A. Iand Il only C. Il and IV only

B. Il and Ill only D. I, II, Il and IV

2. Who among the following would be mostly target victims of financial scammers?
A. The rich and powerful
B. The generous and kind
C.The passive and submissive
D. The financially illiterate

3. Which of the following strategies can teachers LEAST consider in preparing for their
A. Continuing professional development towards promotion and increment
B. Sustain expenses relatively lower than salaries
C. Avail of life and retirement insurance
D. Frequent trips with grabbed promo fares and freebies

4. According to previous researches, teachers go into unreasonable debts and loans

which eventually lead them to payables and unnecessarily leading them to surrender
their ATM cards. Which financial factor is considered the least to affect this practice
and its results?
A. Savings C.Compensation and fringe benefits
B. Expenses D. Emergency funds

5. Why are people victimized by financial scams that end up to the loss of properties,
investments and savings, and even to ruining their lives?
A. They have not learned in school how to avoid being scammed.
B. They desire for easy and quick money.
C. It is already their destiny that may happen anytime a sketched in the palm of
their lives.
D. It is always part of life and it is just that they are not wise enough to cope with it.

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