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The final exam comprises 50 items, multiple choice. Select the best answer.

1. It is considered a high-risk procedure that allows medication administration, management of

fluid balance, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and serves as venous access in emergency
a. Parenteral injection
b. Intramuscular injection
c. IV cannulation.

2. When securing an IV access, it is important to,

a. ask the patient to gently open and close their fist
b. lightly tapping/stroking the vein
c. All of the above
3. It is a formal process that includes correctly identifying existing needs, as well as recognizing
potential needs or risks. Furthermore, it is to facilitate standardized, evidence-based and holistic
a. Documentation
b. Nursing Care Plan
c. All of the above
4. It refers to a written statement or photograph that is false or damaging.
a. Slander
b. Libel
c. Malpractice
5. It is one of the ethical principles that accepts responsibility for one's own actions, accepting all
of the professional and personal consequences that can occur as the result of their actions.
a. Fidelity
b. Veracity
c. Accountability
6. All statements show principles of communication except,
a. Communication involves the total personality
b. Communication is circular, and not linear.
c. Commination is a simple process
7. It is one of the communication barriers that shows huge ego and inconsiderate behaviors.
a. Psychological Barriers
b. Perception Barriers
c. Attitude Barriers
8. It is a collection of techniques that prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of
patients. Nurses provide patients with support and information while maintaining a level of
professional distance and objectivity.
a. Communication
b. Therapeutic communication
c. Holistic communication
9. Therapeutic communication statement that shows a nurse giving recognition to patient.
a. “Yes, I understand.”
b. “You seem to be upset; can you tell me what is bothering you? “
c. “I noticed you took all of your medications”
10. It is a therapeutic communication technique that asks about what the client is experiencing,
whether they may be sensory issues or hallucinations in an encouraging, non-judgmental way.
a. Reflecting
b. Seeking Clarification
c. Encouraging descriptions of perception
11. The patient is found to be disturbing the other clients, the nurse is being non-therapeutic when
she says,
a. “I see that you are not being helpful to other patients, but showing a negative behavior.”
b. “I understand that you are upset, can you tell me more about what you are feeling right
c. “Why do you have to be difficult sometimes? Please do not make it hard for us too. “
12. All are therapeutic communication techniques except one.
a. Validating what is being said
b. Closed ended questions
c. Confrontation

13. When spiking the IV bag, and priming the IV tubing, you will FIRST spike the IV bag and then
prime the tubing.
a. True
b. False
14. The nurse is found to be washing his hands before inserting a feeding tube. Based from the 5
moments of hand-hygiene, it describes which of the following
a. Before touching a patient
b. After body fluid exposure risk
c. Before clean or aseptic procedure
15. The nurse is performing a correct intramuscular injection when she is demonstrating
a. Disinfecting the site in a circular manner, starting from an outward manner going inward.
b. Administering the medication without checking any presence of backflow of blood.
c. Performing a Z-track technique, with a 90-degree angle.
16. All are recommended sites for intradermal injection except.
a. Abdomen
b. Upper chest
c. Forearm
17. The student nurse should be corrected when
a. The nurse secured an intravenous access without getting verbal consent from the patient.
b. The nurse administered an oral medication despite patient’s complain of vomiting and
c. All of the above
18. A type of medication administration which is held in the mouth against the mucous membrane
of the cheek Until the drug dissolves.
a. Sublingual
b. Oral
c. Buccal
19. It is performed when hands are not visibly soiled.
a. Handwashing
b. Surgical handwashing
c. Hand hygiene
20. The nurse is explaining the medication indication, possible side effects, and adverse reactions.
What does the nurse practice when it comes to medication rights
a. Right Education
b. Right assessment
c. Right evaluation
21. When storing a multidose vials, it is important to
a. Label the medication vial with date, time, amount of diluent, and name of the patient.
b. Dispose it right away after taking the appropriate dosage calculated from the vial.
c. Label the medication vial with name of the patient, and date and time it will be discarded.
22. Three checking of the medications include
a. Before withdrawing the medication
b. Before administering it to client
c. After dispensing from the pharmacy
23. It is advised to vigorously shake a vial when dissolving a medication
a. True
b. False
24. Intradermal mode of medication administration is indicated when
a. Skin testing is done.
b. Mantoux test is ordered
c. All of the above.
25. Maximum amount of medication given through vastus lateralis to an infant
a. 1 ml
b. 1.5 ml
c. 0.5 ml
26. The student nurse is about to administer a medication to an infant in a deltoid muscle, what
should the registered nurse do
a. Allow the student nurse to administer the medication, given that they both will monitor the
patient after the administration.
b. Approach the student nurse, and stop the procedure.
c. Supervise the student nurse during administration.
27. If Asepsis refers to the absence of infectious material or infection, surgical asepsis is the absence
of all microorganisms within any type of invasive procedure.
a. True
b. False
28. All are principles of sterile technique except,
a. A sterile object becomes nonsterile when touched by a nonsterile object.
b. The border of one inch at the edge of the sterile drape is considered sterile.
c. Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile
29. If there is any doubt about the sterility of an object, it is considered non-sterile.
a. True
b. False
30. The nurse is to walk or pass a sterile tray that contains all the sterile equipments needed for the
surgical procedure, what should the nurse do.
a. Make sure that his back is turned towards the sterile field.
b. His front body should face the sterile field.
c. All of the above.
31. Maintaining a patent IV line includes
a. Flushing the catheter every 12 hours with 3 to 5 ml of normal saline.
b. IV line must be assessed every 1 to 2 hours or more frequently if required.
c. All of the above.
32. The escape of non-vesicant solutions from the intravascular space into extravascular tissue is
known to be
a. Extravasation
b. Infiltration
c. Phlebitis
33. IV complication which refers to the dislodgment of a free-floating blood clot (or emboli) in the
pulmonary vasculature.
a. Air embolism
b. Pulmonary embolism
c. Cardiac overload
34. The patient suddenly develops pruritis, uticarial rash, local oedema, watering eyes/running
nose, dyspnoea, and tachycardia. Based from the gathered data, what should be the client
a. Cardiac overload
b. Speed shock
c. Allergic reaction
35. The medication given 10 minutes ago caused an IV complication, extravasation, what should the
nurse do.
a. Stop the medication infusion.
b. Assess the IV insertion site, and continue the medication until it is fully administered.
c. Elevate the extremity where the medication is infusing.
36. When D5 Water is administered through a vein, it becomes
a. Hypertonic
b. Isotonic
c. Hypotonic
37. The nurse is to start a blood transfusion, of Packed Red Blood Cells, what should the nurse
a. 0.9% NSS and BT set
b. 0.45% NSS and BT set
c. D5Water and BT set
38. Type of IV fluid that are usually used to provide free water for excretion of body wastes, treat
cellular dehydration, and replace the cellular fluid.
a. Isotonic
b. Hypertonic
c. Hypotonic
39. The nurse is to start a 3% NSS to a client with hyponatremia, or low serum sodium level in the
blood, what should the nurse do?
a. Select a bigger gauge of needle for IV insertion as it may likely cause extravasation.
b. Administer at a slower rate as prescribed by the physician.
c. All of the above.
40. Type of Hypertonic solution that is used to treat severe hypoglycemia and is administered
rapidly via IV bolus.
a. D5NSS
b. Dextrose 20% in water
c. Dextrose 50 % in water
41. For intravenous insertion, an aseptic non-touch technique is used.
a. True
b. False
42. When the nurse is having her rounds, she notices that the IV fluid is not infusing well, and
caused infiltration, what should the nurse best do to decrease the swelling?
a. Stop the infusion, remove the cannula and apply pressure to the area to decrease the
b. Stop the infusion, remove the cannula and elevate the extremity with a pillow.
c. Stop the infusion, remove the cannula and insert another line to continue the infusion.
43. All should be avoided when inserting an IV cannula except.
a. Hard, or sclerosed area.
b. Side with mastectomy
c. A straight, and palpable vein.
44. A health care provider who is responsible for explaining the consent.
a. Nurse
b. Social worker
c. Doctor
45. There is no one available at the moment to witness a consent but a student nurse who is
observing the procedure, when the doctor told that she should witness and sign the consent,
what should the student nurse do?
a. Sign the consent and let the charge or registered nurse know.
b. Do not sign the consent and call the charge nurse to answer the doctor’s request for signing.
c. Acknowledge the opportunity and sign the consent, and let the charge nurse know for
46. All actions show that the nurse is observing privacy and confidentiality for his patients except.
a. Closing the curtains or door whenever a certain procedure is to be performed.
b. Sharing your encounters and experiences with a friend.
c. Answering a question from an involved physician who is included for the care of patient.
47. Sources of data include
a. Client records
b. Patient
c. All of the above.
48. Data collection method which takes into account the physical assessment of patient in a
cephalocaudal manner
a. Observing
b. Examining
c. Interviewing
49. Act of “double checking” to confirm that data is accurate or factual.
a. Documentation
b. Observing
c. Validating
50. A data which does not change overtime is a constant data.
a. True
b. False

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