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“Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

” The National Day in

Malaysia is celebrated on the 31st of August to
commemorate and celebrate the freedom and
independence gained. During this whole month of August,
we can hear the shouts of independence echo from every
nook and corner of the country. We will also see most
Malaysians express their patriotism and love to the country
by raising the Malaysia flag on their vehicles, balcony of
their homes, and even along the streets.

But it is certainly more joy and happiness for the children,

as they can prepare and celebrate in many different ways
on this day, whether in terms of the clothes they choose,
preparing the flags, drawing their faces with the flag of their
country, or decorating the car with the country’s flag and
going out to celebrate in long marches that include
everyone who loves his country and loves to celebrate the
National Day.

In short, Independence Day serves as a reminder to all our

students to appreciate the tough fight our ancestors had
fought and to educate them about the spirit of
Independence. By celebrating this event we commemorate
those all great people who had sacrificed their lives and
loved ones in making Malaysia an Independent country.

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