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Cali and Gio’s conflict have two origins.

The first being Cali’s schemes of trying to ruin Gio’s reputation.

Which affected not only Gio, but also their friend Lee’s marriage. Because of these schemes, Lee’s fiancé
broke up with him, angering Gio. Stating that because of Cali’s vengeful and petty actions, she’s ruined
their friend’s wedding. In the scene presented, we see Gio confronting Cali about the different instances
that he suspected were her plans to catch him in the act of being a “babaero”.

And the second conflict being the root of Cali’s discord with Gio, that he cheated on Cali. This was also
the reason for their separation. Because of this incident, Gio continuously pursued Cali’s forgiveness in
the hopes of getting back together. However, this only aggravated Cali further, thus having a snowball
effect on the choices Cali made in the movie. Because Gio was oblivious to the severity of his action to
Cali’s life, and Cali was not forthcoming to how she felt about Gio’s actions, they were not able to
resolve their conflict.

The confrontation scene where Gio demands Cali the reason for her actions was what pushed them into
the first stage of their resolution. As Cali reaches an overwhelming level of frustration, she discloses to
Gio her true feelings about his cheating. How his actions affected her self-confidence, her family, and
her whole lifestyle. This would allow Gio to reflect more on how much damage his actions have done to

As the movie progressed past their first confrontation scene, the two continued to interact with one
another while suppressing their issues. Though they’ve communicated their concerns, Cali and Gio
made it as if they were indifferent to their issues with each other. This was to put helping their friend
Lee first before trying to resolve their own relationship.

At the end of the movie Cali sought Gio once again to reach a compromise, giving him her forgiveness
and trust, if not only to be in a relationship with her once again.

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