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Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium

Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Universitas Indonesia

Anggota Kelompok : 1. Muhammad A. A. Rahman - 2106658490

2. Arijuddin Adi Prayoga – 2106658383

3. Adly Naufal – 2106658244

4. Jasper Lightart – 2206022544

Kelompok : Group 28

Hari/Tanggal Praktikum : Thursday, 6 October 2022

Judul Praktikum : 03 – Contour Map

Nama Asisten : Rubby Anistia

Tanggal Pengumpulan :

The main objective of the experiment in the third module is to construct a contour
map using the surveyed region as a base.

The contour mapping of the surveyed territory is the primary objective of this
experiment. The third module and the second module are connected using a similar
methodology. The data from the second module is then shown as a contour map.

Similar to the prior experiments, this experiment makes use of the total station, leveling
staff, measuring tape, and wooden pegs. The first and most important piece of equipment
is the tripod and the full station. Because it precisely calculates the distance between two
points, the total station serves as both the experiment's main tool and its most crucial piece
of equipment. A laser that is positioned on the total station will be able to see the measuring
object. The tripod supports and guarantees that the total station is firmly in place. The
second tool in the experiment is a leveling staff. It acts as a height extension for the spot so
that the distance can be calculated by the total station's laser. The leveling team computes
the contour level differences in addition to measuring the point's vertical height. The third
tool that is utilized is a measuring tape. It is used to manually calculate the total station's
height above the ground and to roughly calculate how far away a point is from the total
station. The last piece of gear is a wooden peg. In this experiment, seven wooden pegs were
utilized, each of which represented a point on the polygon.
Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia

These pegs, which also serve as a representation of the coordinate

system, will serve as the location of the entire station. The polygon's points
ABCD and an additional benchmarked point, BM, were measured for the
second module. In this experiment, points A1, B1, C1, and D1 will be
measured in addition to the other points. To put it another way, point A1
lies between A and B, point B1 between B and C, point C1 between C and
D, and point D1 between D and A. These points are located in the middle
of two main points.

Figure 1: Contour Map Illustration of the Points (Source: Surveying


Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia

Data results:

Horizontal Vertical
Height of Elevasi Calibrated Local
Local Coordinate Distance Distance
Instrumments (m) Coordinate
Observed (m) (m)
Observation Point Zone
Northing Easting Northing Easting Zone
Point HD VD HI (Z) =
(N) (E) (N) (E) (Z)
0 0
BM 4,650 -0,655 4,7 9,30 1,19 8,11 4,650 -0,655 8,11
Center 11,313 15,00 1,19 -6,108 9,523 13,81
-6,108 9,523 13,81
B -0,825 14,974 14,997 16,30 1,19 15,11 -0,825 14,974 15,11
A1 8,348 15,70 1,19 2,055 8,091 14,51
2,055 8,091 14,51
D -11,195 4,401 12,029 14,70 1,19 13,51 -11,195 4,401 13,51
BM - -
6,879 15,017 16,518 5,40 1,21 4,19 6,879 15,017 4,19
Center 7,597 10,90 1,21 -4,728 -5,946 9,69
-4,728 -5,946 9,69
B C -8,413 0,315 8,419 13,00 1,21 11,79 -8,413 0,315 11,79
B1 5,042 12,60 1,21 -4,033 3,026 11,39
-4,033 3,026 11,39
A - -
2,075 14,788 14,933 8,00 1,21 6,79 2,075 14,788 6,79
BM - -
34,898 3,90 1,14 23,999 2,76
23,999 25,337 2,76 25,337
Center 7,259 9,30 1,14 3,563 -6,325 8,16
3,563 -6,325 8,16
D - -
C -1,152 11,686 11,743 9,00 1,14 7,86 -1,152 11,686 7,86
C1 7,085 9,40 1,14 -3,810 -5,973 8,26
-3,810 -5,973 8,26
8,456 10,40 1,14 8,438
8,438 -0,550 9,26 0,550 9,26
BM -15,947 4,365 16,533 7,20 1,25 5,95 -15,947 4,365 5,95
Center 7,179 12,80 1,25
-4,789 -5,349 11,55 -4,789 -5,349 11,55

D A -11,242 3,826 11,875 9,60 1,25 8,35 -11,242 3,826 8,35

D1 7,364 11,90 1,25 -5,497 4,901 10,65
-5,497 4,901 10,65
C - -
11,672 14,80 1,25 -1,384 13,55
-1,384 11,590 13,55 11,590
Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia

Local Coordinates from BM

Total Station Titik
Northing (N) Easting (E) Z (m) z (cm)

A -4,650 0,655 8,110 811

B -6,879 15,017 4,190 419
C -23,999 25,337 2,760 276
D 15,947 -4,365 5,950 595
A 4,705 -0,539 8,350 835
B -5,475 15,629 15,110 1.511
C -15,292 15,332 11,790 1.179
D -25,151 13,651 7,860 786
A -4,804 0,229 6,790 679
B -15,561 24,787 9,260 926
C 14,563 -15,955 13,550 1.355
D -15,845 5,056 13,510 1.351
A -1,583 0,115 7,750 775
B -9,305 18,478 9,520 952
C -8,243 8,238 9,367 937
D -8,350 4,781 9,107 911

Table 2: Data Calculations and Elevations of

Points (Source: Group 3123123123123)

Practicum Analysis

Because they both use the same calculations and measurements to create the contour
map in the third module, the second and third modules are related. Before the experiment
began, draw a polygon with the labels ABCD, BM, and the center using six wooden pegs
on the survey area. The total station should then be calibrated by adjusting the leveling
screw and vertical angles. The total station is initially set up at point A, much like the
second module, and the instrument's height is measured using a measuring tape. The
distance between point A and points B, D, BM, center, and A1 should be calculated. Note
the vertical distance between these locations and the levelling staff, as well as their north
Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia

and east positions. On each of the points, adhere to these guidelines. Once all the necessary
measurements and records have been made, calculate the elevation differences between the
sites to ascertain the actual height.

Result Analysis

The northing and easting of the locations were calculated using three separate origins.
In order of importance, BM comes first, then foresight, and then backsight. The height of
the results from the various calculation methods also varied. When the total station is
positioned in reference to point BM, Point A has an elevation of 8,110, Point B has an
elevation of 4,190, Point C has an elevation of 2,760, and Point D has an elevation of 5,950.
When the projected distance is estimated by the total station, Point A has an elevation of
8,350, Point B has an elevation of 15,110, Point C has an elevation of 11,790, and Point D
has an elevation of 7,860. Last but not least, the elevations between the points are as
follows: point A is elevated by 6,790, point B is elevated by 9,260, point C is elevated by
13,550, and point D is elevated by 13,510 when the total station calculates the distance
between the points' backsights.

Error Analysis

When doing experiments, especially fieldwork experiments and research, mistakes

are unavoidable. Both human and mechanical errors may have contributed to the
experiment's errors. The accuracy of the measurements could be impacted by purely human
errors, such as inaccurate measurement or calculation when using the measuring tape to
calculate distances or the leveling staff not being level with the ground. The positioning of
the total station incorrectly or not perpendicular to the ground, forgetting to activate the n/t
feature, or failing to direct the total station's laser at the object being measured are all
examples of human errors that can affect a total station's measurement and exacerbate
mechanical errors.


Contour lines, which are fictitious lines linking places of the same height, make up
a contour map. Once lowered levels have been established at many places in the area,
these lines are drawn on a map of the area. The height difference between two
succeeding lines is kept constant while drawing contour lines in a specified area. Using
contours to deduce the terrain's characteristics is a useful method. This is crucial for
site selection, determining a drainage basin's catchment area, determining station
Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia

intervisibility, etc. The paragraphs that follow provide descriptions of contours'

primary applications.
o The average of the elevation of point A is 7,750
o The average of the elevation of point B is 9,520
o The average of the elevation of point C is 9,367
o The average of the elevation of point D is 9,107

1. Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan FTUI. Surveying Practicum
Modul. 2022. Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Indonesia.
2. V.Y., Berchuk. “Total Station”. Institute of Natural Resources. Departament
of General Geology and Land use planning
Constraction and Surveying Laboratorium
Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Universitas Indonesia


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