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In five years I would want to be a video producer, the reason being would be that I’ve

been enjoying seeing other creators make these good, funny, informative and even

masterpieces of a video/show. Plus, you can see a different style from each person. So five

years from now,I would like to see myself editing a video for others to enjoy, just like how they

did the same for me.

2.For me to even reach this goal, I would need to start off with using an editing software,

since there’s plenty of free video editing apps, I would be able to use one of these and start

practicing. Ways I would practice would be to come up with an idea for a video, outline how I

want to do it, then start the recording process. But for me to start any of this I would either need

a phone (like the one I’m using to type this essay), or use a Desktop computer. I can also start

off by obtaining videos from my friends and edit those as well.

3. I am currently recording videos atm, but sadly I haven't edited any of them. I am

looking for a specific editing software that’ll allow me to have more options to choose how my

video would be played. I also have been getting some information from another group who have

had experience with editing.

4. I will know when I reach these goals when I’ve made three videos by the end of

October. Plus being able to start helping my friend edit their videos as well, since he works for a

university and creates documentaries from their travels. I would also like to try to create 50

videos by the end of next year, be it 5 minute videos, or even 10 minute videos.

5. The resources to reach my goal would be to put in two hours a day into making

videos, but also be in a more quiet environment to focus on my work as well, so my room will

do. Financially I’m fine, but I would need to by a bigger storage drive for my Desktop computer,

which would be around at least $150 for a very large drive. I would also need to look for a

buyable editing program when I start creating more videos. Emotionally I should be fine, but I

could add some emotion to the videos I would create, so it doesn’t sound very monotone.

Finally socially I was able to get into a group where people edit videos a lot so I would be able to
create videos and show it to them to see if there's anything I could change about it, with the

addition of my documentary friend I’ve mentioned earlier.

6. My priorities to reach this goal is to start making videos, and I should trade my free

time for it. Or if I have time in the day and nothing to do, I should start making videos. Though I

would have to place a time slot where I only try edit the videos, and learn from the others on

how to edit efficiently and productively.

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