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Topic 4

In my point of view, good driving habits are obeying the traffic rules such as wearing helmets and
stopping at the red lights. Good driving habits not only help declining traffic jams but also make us more
civilized. More importantly, obeying traffic regulations, we can reduce traffic risks. Whereas bad driving
habits such as driving too fast without wearing helmet, surpassing the red light, driving under influence,
and driving on the pavements are dangerous behaviors which can cause harms and destructions not
only to the drivers but others. I haven’t witnessed an accident in reality but I saw plenty of them on TV
and the Internet. The most damaging accident I used to see on the Internet was that a container driver
using drugs while driving, and he didn’t stop at the red light. Consequently, he crashed through a bunch
of people who were waiting at the traffic light. This accident was haunting, and a lot of people couldn’t
survive. I believe nobody wants themselves to be in this tragedy

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