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Avi isn't very intelligent and lacks ability in school. She is in class F, the least intelligent
class in her grade. Despite this, she has been in love with the school's most handsome and
most intelligent guy, Akihiro, ever since she saw him give a speech at the high school
entrance ceremony.

In her third year of high school, she writes him a love letter but is rejected instantly. She is
crushed to see her letter was not even looked at and decides to give up on the jerk who
rejected her without even reading it. On the same day, Avi’s house is hit by a shooting star
and collapses. As it is being rebuilt, her dad gets a phone call from his longtime friend and is
invited to stay with them. When she arrives, she is in shock to see that this is the house of
Akihiro and his family. Although he shows a cold attitude, she realizes she can't help but
love him. What will happen when fate takes over, and Avi’s chance of winning Akihiro’s
heart falls in her hands?

One day, Avi wants to reach the top 100 like Akihiro, but she can’t process all the lessons,
so she blackmails Akihiro by saying if Akihiro refuses to help her with her exam, she will
reveal to their school a picture of Akihiro wearing a skirt when he was a year old, and
Akihiro doesn’t want to ruin his image on the school. So he decides to study with Avi, and
that’s the start of their love story.

And Avi reached her goal of reaching the top 100 with the help of Akihiro. Teaching
someone like Avi is difficult for Akihiro, but it is made easier by the fact that they live in the
same house. But Akihiro didn't notice that he was starting to like Avi. For Akihiro, Avi is
just a retarded girl with low grades, so he is sure that he will never ever like Avi.

One night, Avi and her father announced to the family of Akihiro that they were leaving
because they had finally found a house to stay in. That is good news for Akihiro, but for Avi
it is kind of sad because she can’t eat breakfast with Akihiro anymore. Weeks passed after
they left the house of Akiro’s family. Akihiro felt something was wrong or he was just
starting to miss Avi, but he didn’t want to admit that. Sometimes Akihiro sees Avi in school
with a guy. And that guy is the suitor slash friend of Avi. Akihiro felt something weird again,
seeing Avi with another guy. Not just any guy, but a guy who has feelings for Avi.

Avi is aware that her friend is in love with him, but she can’t love her friend because she
still loves Akihiro. She is starting to feel that she wants to give up her feelings for Akihiro
and focus on her friend, who can see her worth, not like Akiro, who can’t see her worth. So
Avi decides to tell Akihiro that she is starting to forget her and decides to focus her
attention on her friend, who can see her worth. Akihiro can’t hold his feelings for Avi
anymore. So before it’s too late, he finally confesses to Avi that he is in love with her. Avi is
starting to cry because her dream has finally come true.

Decades passed, and they were still in love; Akihiro became a doctor, and Avi became a
nurse; they are married, and they have one adorable little girl. 

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