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GEVEROLA 4/27/22





1. A literature review is best described as:

____/____A list of relevant articles and other published material you have read about your topic, describing the
content of each source

________An evaluative overview of what is known about a topic, based on published research and theoretical
accounts, which serves as a basis and guide for present research

2. A literature review is

________Conducted after you have decided upon your research question

____/____Helps in the formulation of your research aim and research question

3. Which is the most reliable source of information for your literature review?

_______A newspaper article

___/____A peer reviewed research article

4. Considering the ethical standards in writing a review of related literature, which is not a reason for accurate citation
in your literature review?

________Accurate citation is needed so that research coach can follow up your sources and check that you have
reported them accurately.

____/____Accurate citation is needed so that researchers who read your work are alerted to source that might be
helpful for them.

5. Jane wants to search for information about the variety of attention disorders that are seen in childhood. Which of
the following sets of keywords would best get Jane started on an

effective and efficient literature search?

________“ADHD,” “ADD,” and “children”

____/____“attention disorders” and “children”



Anti-diabetic property according to Stringer and Thomas (2016), is any substance or drug that lowers anomalies in
glucose levels in the blood. _BESIDES__, many plants encompass alkaloids, phenolics, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins,
xanthones, polysaccharides and other compounds that often-indicated anti-diabetic property (Malviya et al. 2010;
Singh et at. 2014). _CONTRARY TO___, Shahidi et. al. (2018) stated that multiple studies show that fruit and vegetable
consumption containing high levels of phytochemicals ameliorate or at least reduce the risks of chronic diseases related
to oxidative stress in the human body. ___ALONG WITH___, Pandey and Sohng (2013) revealed that flavonoids, which
are present in the plant kingdom, have beneficial health effects in humans. Nowadays, flavonoids were observed to act
on biological targets involved in type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is a very potential compound in the development of anti-
diabetic drug development and design. ___SPECIALLY_______, the use of flavonoids as a component for a novel anti-
diabetic drug could be an adequate approach together with the market and its existing anti-diabetic property.





1. Microsoft PowerPoint is not used to present information, as everyone who has used it knows. rather of
communicating ideas, it is preferable to not convey ideas. A PowerPoint presentation with slides Its well-
organized bullets, generic clip art, strong, clear language, and bright colors cleverly mask the fact that it is
a spoof. the fact that you haven't actually got anything to say( 2001), Joe Jackson

2. Most people use the same presentation software, which inevitably forces us to do things we don't want
to do. things in the same way Almost every presentation is transformed into something that looks like a
PowerPoint presentation using PowerPoint. When a sales presentation isn't always necessary. Perhaps
the issue isn't so much with the as well as the perceived scarcity of options Maranjian, Selena, (2003)

3. Despite its blemish, PowerPoint may still be a useful tool for presenting information.
Just three easy actions can help you improve your presentation. First and foremost, refrain from using
templates. They make watching dull. Second, rather than using words, utilize photos to fill your slides.
rather than color Finally, draw attention to yourself by explaining everything in your presentation.
presentation. Cliff Atkinson was born in the year (2003).

“Factors Affecting Students’ Performance in Practical Research 1 Subject”


Several variables influence children' academic achievement, including their learning abilities, family
background, peer influence, teacher quality, and learning infrastructure, among others.
One of the most significant parts of human resource development is education. The Students' success is critical
in developing high-quality graduates who will contribute to the economy. become outstanding leaders and
manpower for the country, thereby being accountable for the economic well-being of the country
and social advancement Academic achievement is one of the most important aspects that employers examine.
Employers are looking for staff, especially recent grads. As a result, pupils must put the maximum effort in their
studies in order to achieve high marks and prepare for the future Academic options in their career while also
meeting the employer's need The students' success at the colleges of education affects whether they will
continue to the next level. university for a higher degree or to find a teaching position. Students’ performance
also influences the educational quality that will be provided


Many factors influence students' research, including the fact that we are not in school but at home, so we
are more likely to be distracted in our activities, or it could be the lack of teachers, as we sometimes do not
understand what is in a paragraph because we are studying without anyone, which is known as a self-learning
module. Barricading might also induce you to disregard your studies since there are good and bad companions
here, which we refer to as positive influence With negative influence, as I previously stated, laziness or distraction
may also be a factor. We are at home, thus we are lazy or distracted.


The kids interviewed were all between the ages of 15 and 25, and they were quite active.
Yoruba ethnicity, primarily female, with parental/guardian assistance, living off-campus
Their parents were both educators who believed in their children's ability to learn and participate actively in
class activities.The majority of the persons in the study were married, literate, and had 5–9 people in their
families, with an average monthly income of $1,500.
60,604.5 in income Friends are mostly female and come from the same department as me, thus English is a
common language. Language was chosen as the top subject, and students performed well academically (3.1 and
above CGPA). Communication, topic expertise, and class management are all skills that lecturers possess.
Lectures are a type of presentation that is delivered to an audience. frequent attendance in class with a detailed
lesson plan Classrooms, labs, and power are all things that are available to students.
Water supplies, a play area, staff offices, and hostels were all in need of repair. However, the limited number of
options one is useful The utilization of instructional materials in the classroom was rare.

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