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h h n t 2:16 CH


Determine Demand
- MTO: make to order, base on the order of customer => combine all order => plan: receive order => combine order to make plan = > produce => delivery to customer
- MTS: make to stock, base on historical data, combine with other method to make forecast: do forecast (data,…) => make plan => produce (keep) => demand comes, delivery to

Plan 1: Constant workfore (không sản xuất vượt giờ, không dùng dữ trự an toàn, không hợp đồng phụ)

Demand forecast: Cầu

Monthly inventory change: Dự trữ tháng
Ending inventory: Tồn kho
1,100 units (Jan) = 50*22
900 units (Feb) = 50*18

Produce 50 productions/day => how many workers do we need?

Becase labor-hours to produce a unit is 1.6h/unit and worker do 8h per day
=> 1 worker can do 8/1.6 = 5 units/day
=> 50 units day need 50/5 = 10 workers
Inventory carrying 1,850 * 5$/unit/month = 9,250$
Regular-time labor (124 days) 10 * 40$/day * 124 = 49,600$
Others cost (overtime, hiring, layoffs, subcontracting) 0 (because constant workforce)
Total cost 58,850$

Plan 2: Subcontracting (Sử dụng hợp đồng phụ, không dữ trữ) - duy trì mức sản xuất thấp nhất

Chapter (On 17-03-2022) Page 1

• In-house production = 38 units/day * 124 days = 4,712 units (Tổn sản phẩm sản xuất)
Subcontract units = Total expected demand - In-house production = 6,200 - 4,712 = 1,488 units
• Produce 38 productions/day => how many workers do we need?
Becase labor-hours to produce a unit is 1.6h/unit and worker do 8h per day
=> 1 worker can do 8/1.6 = 5 units/day
=> 38 units day need 38/5 = 8 workers
Regular-time labor 8 * 40$/day * 124 = 39,680$
Subcontracting (10$/unit) 1,488 * 10 = 14,880$
Total cost 54,560$

Plan 3: Hiring and Firing (Thuê người và sa thải theo khối lượng công việc) - sản xuất theo yêu cầu

Month Forecast Daily production Basic prod cost Extra cost of incresing Extra cost of decresing Total
(units) rate (demand*1.6h/unit*5$/h) Production (hiring) Production (layoff) cost
Jan 900 41 900 * 1.6 * 5 = 7,200$ - - 7,200$
Feb 700 39 700 * 1.6 * 5 = 5,600$ - (41 - 39) * 600 = 1,200$ 6,800$
Mar 800 38 6,400$ - (39 - 38) * 600 = 600$ 7,000$
Apr 1,200 57 9,600$ (57 - 38) * 300 = 5,700 $ - 15,300$
May 1,500 68 12,000$ (68 - 57) * 300 = 3,300$ - 15,300$
Jun 1,100 55 8,800$ - (68 - 55) * 600 = 7,800$ 16,600$
6,200 49,600$ 9,000$ 9,600$ 68,200$

Comparison of 3 plan
Cost Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Inventory carrying 9,250$ 0 0
Regular-time labor 49,600$ 39,680$ 49,600$
Plan 2 is the lowest cost option
Overtime labor 0 0 0
Hiring 0 0 9,000$
Layoff 0 0 9,600$
Subcontracting 0 14,880$ 0
Total cost 58,850$ 54,560$ 68,200$


Expected damand = 400 + 440 + 500 + 400 + 500 + 600 + 700 + 520 = 4,060 units
Number of production days = 25 + 22 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 25 + 18 = 170 days
Average requirement = 4,060/170 = 23.8824 units = 24 units
Month Production at 24 units/day Demand forecast Monthly inventory change Ending inventory
1 24 * 25 = 600 units 400 +200 200
2 24 * 22 = 528 units 440 +88 288
3 24 * 20 = 480 units 500 -20 268
4 24 * 20 = 480 units 400 +80 348

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4 24 * 20 = 480 units 400 +80 348
5 24 * 20 = 480 units 500 -20 328
6 24 * 20 = 480 units 600 -120 208
7 24 * 25 = 600 units 700 -100 108
8 24 * 18 = 432 units 520 -88 20
Becase labor-hours to produce a unit is 3.2h/unit and worker do 8h per day
=> 1 worker can do 8/3.2 = 2.5 units/day
=> 24 units/day need 24/2.5 = 9.6 workers = 10 workers
Total ending inventory = 200 + 288 + 268 + 348 + 328 + 208 + 108 + 20 = 1,768 units
Inventory carrying 1,768 * 8$/unit/month = 14,144$
Regular-time labor (170 days) 10 * 7$/h * 8h * 170 = 95,200$
Others cost (overtime, hiring, layoffs, subcontracting) 0 (because constant workforce)
Total cost 109,344$

Month Expected demand Production days Demand per day
1 400 25 400/25 = 16
2 440 22 440/22 = 20
3 500 20 500/20 = 25
4 400 20 400/20 = 20
5 500 20 500/20 = 25 Minimum requirements is 16 units per day

6 600 20 600/20 = 30
7 700 25 700/25 = 28
8 520 18 520/18 = 29
• Becase labor-hours to produce a unit is 3.2h/unit and worker do 8h per day
=> 1 worker can do 8/3.2 = 2.5 units/day
=> 16 units day need 16/2.5 = 6.4 workers = 7 workers
• Expected damand = 400 + 440 + 500 + 400 + 500 + 600 + 700 + 520 = 4,060 units
Number of production days = 25 + 22 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 25 + 18 = 170 days
In-house production = 16 units/day * 170 days = 2,720 units (Tổn sản phẩm sản xuất)
Subcontract units = Total expected demand - In-house production = 4,060 - 2,720 = 1,340 units
Regular-time labor 7 * 56$/day * 170 = 66,640$
Subcontracting (10$/unit) 1,340 * 20 = 26,800$
Total cost 93,440$

Hiring and Firing

Month Forecast Daily production Basic prod cost Extra cost of incresing Extra cost of decresing Total
(units) rate (demand*3.2h/unit*7$/h) Production (hiring) Production (layoff) cost
1 400 16 400 * 3.2 * 7 = 8,960$ - - 8,960$
2 440 20 440 * 3.2 * 7 = 9,856$ (20 - 16) * 200 = 800$ - 10,656$
3 500 25 500 * 3.2 * 7 = 11,200 (25 - 20) * 200 = 1,000$ - 12,200$
4 400 20 400 * 3.2 * 7 = 8,960 - (25 - 20) * 400 = 2,000$ 10,960$
5 500 25 500 * 3.2 * 7 = 11,200 (25 - 20) * 200 = 1,000$ - 12,200$
6 600 30 600 * 3.2 * 7 = 13,440 (30 - 25) * 200 = 1,000$ 14,440$
7 700 28 700 * 3.2 * 7 = 15,680 - (30 - 28) * 400 = 800$ 16,480$
8 520 29 520 * 3.2 * 7 = 11,648 (29 - 28) * 200 = 200$ - 11,848$
90,944$ 4,000$ 2,800$ 97,744$
Option 2 is lowest cost

Option 4: Production rate + Overtime + Inventory (Mixed option)

Requirements: Number of overtimw hour <= 30% working hours/day
8 working hours => overtime should be smaller than 2.4 hours


YIELD MANAGEMENTS (Quản trị tố ưu doanh thu)

Chapter (On 17-03-2022) Page 3

YIELD MANAGEMENTS (Quản trị tố ưu doanh thu)


Agg plan

To produce 50 units of item A, we need:

BOM (Bill of material) Level 1: Part B: 2 * 50(A) = 100
Part C: 3 * 50(A) = 150
Level 2: Part E: 2 * 100(B) + 2 * 150(C) = 500
Part F: 2 * 150(C) = 300
Level 3: Part D: 2 * 100(B) + 2 * 300(F) = 800
Part G: 1 * 300(F) = 300

Gross material requirement plan

• Lead time: Th n sản xuất
Level 0: Item A - 1 week => Level 0: 1 week
Level 1: Item B - 2 weeks => Level 1: 2 weeks
Item C - 1 week
Level 2: Item E - 2 weeks => Level 2: 3 weeks => Total: 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8 weeks
Item F - 3 weeks
Level 3: Item D - 1 week => Level 3: 2 weeks
Item G - 2 weeks

Required date: Ngày hoàn thành sản phẩm

Order release date: Ngày tập kết vật tư (ngày bắt đầu sản xuất)

Net material requirement plan (Kế hoạch nhu cầu vật tư thực tế)

On hand: lượn hàng tồn kho

Schedule receipts: lượn hàng được nhận tron th n cụ thể
Net requirement: lượn hàng thực tế cần sản xuất
If Gross requirement (t) <= Schedule receipts (t-1) + On hand (t-1)
Net requirement (t) = 0
If Gross requirement (t) > Schedule receipts (t) + On hand (t-1)
Net requirement (t) = Gross requirement - Schedule receipts - On hand

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Net requirement: lượn hàng thực tế cần sản xuất
If Gross requirement (t) <= Schedule receipts (t-1) + On hand (t-1)
Net requirement (t) = 0
If Gross requirement (t) > Schedule receipts (t) + On hand (t-1)
Net requirement (t) = Gross requirement - Schedule receipts - On hand


No on-hand inventory is caried through the system

=> Total holding cost = 0$
There are 7 setups for this items in this plan (7 week have Planned order releases)
=> Total setup cost = 7 * 100 = 700$

EOQ lot size Example

= + + -
= 0 = 35 + 0 + 0 - 35

EOQ = 73 units
Average weekly GR = = 27 units

Annual demand D = 1,404 units (đề cho)

Total cost = Setup cost + Holding cost
= 1,404/73 * 100 + 73/2 * (1$/w * 52weeks)
= 3,798$
Cost for 10 weeks = 3,798$/52w * 10w = 730.38$

Holding cost = 1$/week; Setup cost = 100$; Lead time = 1 weeks

Different between Agg plan and MPS plan

• Agg plan (Medium term), MPS (Short term)
• Agg make for general products (accumular product) - beer, MPS make for specific product - Haniken beer

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