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Computer – an electronic device that is used for processing and storing data

Main Parts of Computer System

1. Hardware – Parts of computer system that is tangible and can be touch its physical parts and
components. Ex. Monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, webcam, etc
2. Software – programs or application that is used to run a computer its operation and system.
Ex. Ms word, calculator, chrome, games, recycle bin, google docs, etc.

Computer Storage

RAM (Primary Storage) – Random Access Memory – considered as the short-term memory of the
computer. Once the computer turned off, the data will be automatically erased.

ROM (Secondary Storage) – considered to be the long-term memory of the computer. Data stays
permanently on the computer memory.

Most Common Computer OS (Operating Systems) – Windows, UNIX, Linux, IOS, etc

- Developed by Dr. James Gosling on 1991 under the supervision of Sun Microsystems Inc. (now
bought by Oracle Corp.)
- They named the software “OAK” which is patterned on the oak tree found outside the office of
Dr. Gosling.
- After couple of years, they changed its name to “GREEN”
- On 1995, they finally introduced the software to public and tested on UNIX OS as their testing
period and changed the software name into “JAVA”, until now, we are using it.

First line – Access Modifier

Class Name – Filename of the program
Main Method – the public method that makes the program available for the users
Parameters – Access parameter used to device the program identifiers
Data types – these are the primitive and non-primitive in nature
Some consist of literals and string
Variable – names given to a data types used in the program
Value – equivalent value of the variables
Body – the visible part of the program
Punctuations – necessary to put in every statement of the program

- Text editor is used to input the program and generate source code (.java extension)
- Read and analyze by the java compiler the produce byte code (.class extension)
- Once the program is complete will be interpreted by JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and
- Will execute and display the results. (Program Execution)

E. compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming

language and turns them into machine language or "code" that a computer's processor uses.


an interpreter is a computer program that directly executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a
programming or scripting language, without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a
machine language program


1. Open browser and type
2. On the website, look for JAVA SE (Standard Edition Latest Version)
3. Look for the Operating System of your device and check the specification (32-bit, 64-bit)
4. Download the software and install on your device (Run as administrator)
5. After downloading, look the Java File on the Main Drive (Drive C), and look for the BIN Folder,
copy the URL.
6. On the start search menu, type “View Advanced System Settings”, Click open
7. Dialog Box will appear, choose “Environment Variable” and click
8. Dialog box will appear on the second Box, look for “PATH’ and click EDIT, another dialog box will
appear, click “NEW” and paste the link of BIN.
9. Go back to start search menu, type “CMD”, on the black screen, type “javac”.
10. You can start your java program to run on your device.

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