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Static and Dynamic Balancing, Balancing of Rotating Masses in Single and Several Planes, Primary and

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Secondary Balancing of Reciprocating Masses, Balancing in Single Cylinder Engines, Balancing in
Multicylinder In-Line Engines, Direct and Reverse Cranks Method - Radial and V Engines. Introduction to
Balancing machines – Types, Classification and Methods

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Ex. 1.5.8 : A shaft rotating with three masses m1, m2 and m3, as shown in Fig. P. 1.5.8. It is proposed to attach masses in
plane m2 and m3 at a radius of 50 mm, so as to completely balance the system. Find the masses to be attached
and their angular location with respect to the X axis. Use following data : m1 = 9 kg, m2 = 10.5 kg, m3 = 4 kg,
bl w
1 = 90, 2 = 210, 3 = 255, r1 = 125 mm, r2 = 75 mm, r3 = 150 mm. (SPPU - Dec. 11, 10 Marks)
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Fig. P. 1.5.8

Soln. :
Given : m1 = 9 kg ; r1 = 125 mm ;
1 = 90 ; m2 = 10.5 kg ;
r2 = 75 mm ; 2 = 210;
m3 = 4 kg ; r3 = 150 mm ;
3 = 255.
Let us consider two masses mA and mB are placed in planes of Q and R with radius rA = rB = 50 mm respectively. Let us
assume that plane Q is reference plane (R.P.).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-2 Balancing

1. Force and Couple Data [Table P. 1.5.8] :

Table P. 1.5.8
Plane Mass (m), Radius (r), m Centrifugal Force  Distance from Couple   (mrl),
2 2
kg  (mr), kg-m R.P. (l), m kg-m

P 9 125 1125 50 56250

Q(R.P.) 10.5 75 787.5 0 0

R 4 150 600 200 120000

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Q mA 50 50 mA 0 0

io dg
R mB 50 50 mB 200 10000 mB

at le
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bl w n

(a) Position of Planes of masses

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Fig. P. 1.5.8

2. Couple Polygon :
o b = 10000 mB = 3.35  20000
mB = 6.7 kg …Ans.
and B = 62 …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-3 Balancing

3. Force Polygon :
od = 50 mA = 4  200
mB = 16 kg …Ans.
and A = 328 or 32 from ‘x’ axis …Ans.

Ex. 1.5.9 : Four masses A, B, C and D, carried by a rotating shaft at radii 80 mm, 100 mm, 160 mm and 120 mm
respectively, are completely balanced. Masses B, C and D are 8 kg, 4 kg and 3 kg respectively. Determine the
mass A and the relative positions of the four masses, if the planes are spaced 500 mm apart.

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SPPU - May 12, 8 Marks, May 14,12 Marks

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Soln. :
Given : mA = To be found ;rA =80 mm = 0.08 m;
mB = 8 kg ; rB = 100 mm = 0.1 m;
mC = 4 kg ; rC = 160 mm = 0.16 m;

at lemD = 3 kg ; rD = 120 mm = 0.12 m.

It is assumed that the plane A is a reference plane (R.P.) The positions of the planes and masses are shown in
Figs. P. 1.5.9(a) and P. 1.5.9(b).
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1. Force and Couple Data [Table P. 1.5.9] :
Table P. 1.5.9
bl w

Plane Mass (m) kg Radius (r) m Centrifugal Force  2 (mr), kg-m Distance from Couple  2 (mrl),

R.P. (l), m kg-m2

A(R.P.) mA 0.08 0.08 mA 0 0

Pu K

B 8 0.1 0.8 0.5 0.4


C 4 0.16 0.64 1 0.64

D 3 0.12 0.36 1.5 0.54

2. Couple polygon :

The angular positions of masses mC and mD are obtained by drawing the couple polygon [Fig. P. 1.5.9(c)] from the data
given in Table P. 1.5.9.
(i) Let us assume that the mass mB is in horizontal direction as shown in Fig. P. 1.5.9(b).Now, draw the couple
polygon as shown in Fig. P. 1.5.9(c).
(ii) First, draw ob = 0.4 kg- m2, parallel to OmB to some suitable scale (1 mm = 0.05 kg-m2 ).
(iii) Form points o and b draw two lines equal to 0.54 kg-m2 and 0.64 kg-m2 respectively such that they intersect at c.
(iv) Now from couple polygon we get the angular positions of masses mC and mD from mass mB. Therefore,
C = 120
and D = 255
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-4 Balancing

(a) Assumed Positions of Planes

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Fig. P. 1.5.9

3. Force Polygon :
bl w
Now draw the force polygon [Fig. P. 1.5.9(a)] to obtain the magnitude and direction of mass mA,

(i) Draw ob = 0.8 kg-m, parallel to OmB to some suitable scale (1 mm = 0.05 kg-m)

(ii) From ‘b’ draw bc = 0.64 kg-m, parallel to OmC.

Pu K

(iii) From ‘c’ draw cd = 0.36 kg-m, parallel to OmD.

(iv) Join d and o. Vector do represents 0.08 mA

(v) Now, do  Scale of force polygon = 0.08 mA
0.5 = 0.08 mA
 mA = 0.08

 mA = 6.25 kg
(vii) Also from force polygon, the angular position of mass mA is,
A = 210
Ex. 1.5.10 : A shaft carries four weights A, B, C, D of 120, 200, 300 and 160 N respectively spaced 18 cm apart. Measuring
clockwise from A, B is at 240°, C is at 135° and D is at 270°. The radii are 15 cm, 12 cm, 6 cm and 18 cm. If the
speed of the shaft is 120 rpm, find the magnitude and direction, resultant reaction relative to A of the resultant
moment at a plane midway between A and B.
Soln. :
Given : mA = 120 N ; rA = 15 cm ;
A = 0 ; mB = 200 N ;
rB = 12 cm ; B = 240 ;
mC = 300 N ; rC = 6 cm ;
C = 135 ; mD = 160 N ;
rD = 18 cm ; D = 270.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-5 Balancing

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(a) Position of Planes of Masses (b) Angular Positions of Masses

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Fig. P. 1.5.10
Let RL is the dynamic reaction in plane L. Let us assume plane A is the reference plane (R.P.)
1. Force and Couple Data [Table P. 1.5.10] :

Table P. 1.5.10

at le
Plane Mass (M) N Radias (r) M CFw
(m.r.) Nm
Distance from R.P. (l) m
Couple  w (mrl) Nm
ic o
A(R.P.) 120 0.15 18 0 0
bl w
2 2
L - - RL/w 0.9 9 RL/w

B 200 0.12 24 0.18 4.32


C 300 0.06 18 0.36 6.48

D 160 0.18 28.8 0.54 15.55

Pu K

2. Summation of couple in Horizontal Direction :

 ( mrl )H = 0

9 RL/2 cos L + 4.32 cos 240 + 6.48 cos 135 + 15.55 cos 270 = 0
RL/2 Cos L = 6.74 …(a)

3. Summation of Couple in Vertical Direction :


 ( mrl )V = 0
9 RL/ sin L + 4.32 sin 240 + 6.48 sin 135 + 15.55 sin 270 = 0

RL/2 sin L = 14.70 …(b)

4. Resultant Force in Plane Mid-Way Between A and B :

Form Equations (a) and (b)

2 2 2 2
(RL/2 cos L) + (RL/2 sin L) = (6.74) + (14.70)
RL/2 = 16.17 N-m
2   120
 RL = 16.17 
 60 
= 2553.46 N …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-6 Balancing

From Equation (a) and (b)

RL / 2 sin 2 14.70
= 6.74
RL/2 cos 2
tan L = 2.18
L = 65.36 …Ans.
Therefore the resultant reaction of magnitude RL = 2553.46 act at the angle L = 65.36

Ex. 1.5.11 : Four masses are attached to the shaft at planes A, B, C and D at equal radii. The distance of planes B, C and D

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from A are 50 cm, 60 cm and 130 cm respectively. The masses at A, B and C are 60 kg, 55 kg, and 80 kg
respectively. If the system is in complete balance, determine the mass at D and the position of masses B, C

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and D with respect to ‘A’. SPPU - May 09, May 13, 10 Marks, Dec. 14, 12 Marks)
Soln. :
Given :
mA = 60 kg ; mB = 55 kg ;

at le
mC = 80 kg
rA = rB = rC = rD.
; mD = To be found ;
ic o
It is assume that plane D is the reference plane(R.P)

1. Force and Couple Data [Table P. 1.5.11] :

bl w
Table P. 1.5.11

Plane Mass (m) kg Centrifugal Force  r2 (m), kg Distance from R.P. (l), m Couple  r2 (m.l), kg-m

A 60 60  0.13  7.8
Pu K

B 55 55  0.08  4.4

C 80 80  0.07  5.6

D (R.P.) mD mD 0 0

2. Couple Polygon :
B = 230

and C = 140 …Ans.

Fig. P. 1.5.11(Contd…)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-7 Balancing

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Fig. P. 1.5.11

3. Force Polygon :

at le
MD =
MD = 40.6 kg
D = 330
oc  scale = 2.9  14
ic o
Ex. 1.5.12 : A rotating shaft carries three unbalanced masses of 4 kg, 3 kg and 2.5 kg at radial distances of 75 mm, 85 mm
bl w
and 50 mm and at the angular positions of 45°, 135° and 24° respectively. The second and the third masses are
in the planes at 200 mm and 375 mm from the plane of the 1 mass. The angular positions are measured
counter clockwise from the reference line along x axis and viewing the shaft from the first mass end. The shaft

length is 800 mm between bearings and the distance between the plane of 1 mass and the bearing at that end
is 225 mm. Determine the amount of counter masses in plane at 75 mm from the bearings for the complete
Pu K

balance of the shaft. The first counter mass is to be in a plane between the first mass and the bearing at a
radius 75 mm. The second mass is in a plane between the third mass and the bearing at that end at a radius

40 mm. SPPU - Dec. 18, May 19, 14 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : m1 = 4 kg ; r1 = 75 mm ; 1 = 45o
m2 = 3 kg ; r2 = 85 mm ; 2 = 135o

m3 = 2.5 kg ; r3 = 50 mm ; 3 = 240o
mA = ? ; rA = 75 mm ; A = ?
mB = ? ; rB = 40 mm ; B = ?
Force and couple Data

Centrifugal force   Couple  

2 2
mass Radius Distance from
Plane 2
(m)kg (r)m (mr)kg.m RP (l),m (mrl) kg.m

A mA 0.075 0.075 mA 0 0

1 4 0.075 0.3 0.150 0.045

2 3 0.085 0.255 0.350 0.089

3 2.5 0.050 0.125 0.525 0.065

B mB 0.04 0.04mB 0.650 0.026mB

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-8 Balancing

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bl w

1) From Couple polygon


0.026 mB = co
Pu K

 0.026 mB = 0.074
mB = 2.85 kg ... Ans.

and B = 328o ... Ans.

2) From force polygon

0.075 mA = do

0.075 mA = 0.2324
mA = 3.1 kg ... Ans.
A = 254o ... Ans.

Ex. 1.5.14 : A shaft is supported in bearings 1.8 m apart and projects 0.45 m beyond bearings at each end. The shaft
carries three pulleys one at each end and one at the middle of its length. The mass of end pulleys is 48 kg and
20 kg and their centre of gravity are 15 mm and 12.5 mm respectively from the shaft axis. The centre pulley has
a mass of 56 kg and its centre of gravity is 15 mm from the shaft axis. If the pulleys are arranged so as to give
static balance, determine :

(a) the relative angular positions of the pulleys; and

(b) the dynamic forces produced on the bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 r.p.m.
(SPPU - Dec. 13,16 Marks)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-9 Balancing

Soln. :
Given : mA = 48 kg ; rA = 15 mm = 0.015 m;
mB = 56 kg ; rB = 15 mm = 0.015 m;
mC = 20 kg ; rC = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m;
2  N 2   300
  = 60 = 60 = 31.42 rad/s.
Let RL = dynamic reaction of bearing L due to unbalanced dynamic couple, N.
RM = dynamic reaction at bearing M due to unbalanced ynamic couple, N
Fig. P. 1.5.14(a) shows the actual system, while Fig. P. 1.5.14(b) shows the equivalent system with masses revolving at

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given radii in different planes. The plane of bearing L is selected as reference plane (R. P.)
1. Force and Couple Data [Table P. 1.5.14] :

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Table P. 1.5.14

Plane Mass (m),kg Radius (r),m Centrifugal Force  2 (mr), kg-m Distance from R.P. (l), m Couple  2 (mrl), kg-m2
A 48 0.015 0.72 – 0.45 – 0.324
RL /  2
M at le –


RM /  2
1.8 RM / 2
ic o
C 20 0.0125 0.25 2.25 0.5625
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.5.14
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-10 Balancing

2. Force Polygon :

Refer Fig. P. 1.5.14(c) ;

(i) Let us assume that force due to mass of pulley A acts in horizontal direction.

(ii) Draw oa = 1 kg-m, parallel to OmA to some suitable scale (1 mm = 0.025 kg-m).
 
(iii) From points ‘a’ and ‘o’, draw ab and ob equal to 0.72 kg-m and 0.84 kg-m respectively with scale. These vectors
intersect at point ‘b’.
(iv) From force polygon, the angular positions of masses mB and mC are obtained. They are, B = 161 and C = 284.

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 
(iv) Now in Fig. P. 1.5.14(d), draw OmB to ab and OmC parallel bo , to represent angular positions of masses mB and mC .

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3. Couple Polygon :

Refer Fig. P. 1.5.14(e) ;

(i) Draw oa = – 0.324 kg-m2, parallel to OmA in opposite direction with some suitable scale (1 mm = 0.025 kg-m2 ).

at le 
(ii) From a draw ab = 0.756 kg-m2, parallel to OmB.
(iii) From b draw bc = 0.5625 kg-m2, parallel to OmC.
ic o
 1.8 Rm
(iv) Join co, vector co represents
bl w
(v) By measurement, co = 39 mm
 2 Rm
(vi) Now, co  Scale of couple polygon =

2 Rm 1.8 Rm
39  0.025 = ; 0.975 =
2 2
Pu K

Rm 0.972 Rm
 2 = 1.8  = 0.54 kg.m.
 2

 Rm = 0.54 2
(vii) Dynamic force at the bearing M is given by,
RM = 0.542 = 0.54 (31.42)2
or RM = 533 N. ...Ans.

4. Force Polygon :
 Now draw once again the force polygon considering the dynamic forces at bearings M and L, as shown in
Fig. P. 1.5.14(f).
 RL
 The closing side of the polygon i.e. vector co represents 2 .

By measurement, co = 21.5 mm
 RL
Now, co  Scale of force polygon =
21.5  0.025 =
 = 0.5375
 RL = 0.5375 2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-11 Balancing

 Dynamic force at the bearing L is given by,

RL = 0.5375 2 = 0.5375  (31.42)2

or RL = 530.62 N ...Ans.

 Thus the dynamic forces at the two bearings are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

Ex. 1.8.4 : The cranks of a four cylinder marine oil engine are arranged at a angular interval of 90. The engine speed is
700 r.p.m. and the reciprocating mass per cylinder is 800 kg. The inner cranks are 1 m apart and symmetrically
arranged between the outer cranks which are 2.6 m apart. Each crank is 400 mm long. Determine the firing

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order of the cylinders for best balance of reciprocating masses amongst the firing order 1-2-4-3 and 1-4-2-3

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and also determine the magnitude of the unbalanced primary couple for that arrangement.
SPPU - Dec. 10, Oct 16(In Sem),10 Marks)
Solution :

Given : N = 700 r.p.m. ; m = 800 kg ;

at le r = 0.4 m.
2N 2    700
 = 60 = 60 = 73.3 rad/sec.
ic o
 Force and Couple Data (Table P. 1.8.4) :
Table P. 1.8.4 : Force and Couple Data
bl w

Plane Mass (m) kg Radius (r), m Centrifugal Distance Couple  2 (mrl),

Force  2 (mr), kg-m from R.P. (l), m kg-m2

1 800 0.4 320 – 1.3 – 416

2 800 0.4 320 – 0.5 – 160
Pu K

3 800 0.4 320 + 0.5 + 160

4 900 0.4 320 + 1.3 + 416

Fig. P. 1.8.4 (Contd…)

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-12 Balancing

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bl w n
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Fig. P. 1.8.4

2. Best Firing Order :


From Fig. P. 1.8.4 it is seen that, the unbalanced primary couple is minimum for firing order 1 – 4 – 2 – 3. Hence firing
order1 – 4 – 2 – 3 is most suitable firing order which gives minimum unbalanced primary couple.
3. Minimum Unbalanced Primary Couple :
From Fig. P. 1.8.4(g) by measurement,

od = 430
Hence minimum unbalanced primary couple is,
CPU = od  2 = 430  (73.3)2
CPU = 2310.3 N-m
Ex. 1.8.6 : The intermediate cranks of a four cylinder symmetrical engine, which is in complete primary balance, are 90 to
each other and each has a reciprocating mass of 300 kg. The centre distance between intermediate cranks is
600 mm and between extreme cranks it is 1800 mm. Lengths of the connecting rod and cranks are 900 mm and
300 mm respectively. Calculate the masses fixed to the extreme cranks with their relative angular positions.
Also find the magnitudes of secondary forces and couples about the centre line of the system if the engine
speed is 1500 r.p.m.
Soln. :
Given : m2 = m3 = 300 kg ; l = 0.9 m ;
r = 0.3 m ; N = 1500 r.p.m.
2  1500
  = 60 = 157.07 rad/sec
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-13 Balancing
l 0.9
and n = r = 0.3 = 3

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io dg
at le
ic o
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.8.6
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-14 Balancing

1. Force and Couple Data :

Table P. 1.8.6 : Force and couple data

Plane Mass (m), Radius (r), Centrifugal Distance Couple  2 Primary Crank Secondary Crank
kg m Force  2 from R.P. (mrl), kg-m2 Position ‘’ Position ‘2 ’
(mr), kg-m (l), m
1 (R.P.) m1 0.3 0.3 m1 0 0 1 21

2 300 0.3 90 0.6 54 0 0

ns e
3 300 0.3 90 1.2 108 90 180

4 m4 0.3 0.3 m4 1.8 0.54 m4 4 24

io dg
2. Primary Balancing :
(i) Primary couple polygon :
0.54 m4 = o b = 120

at le  m4 = 222.22 kg
4 = 245
(ii) Primary force polygon :
ic o
0.3 m1 = oc = 66.66
bl w
 m1 = 222.22 kg
and 1 = 210

3. Secondary Balancing :

(i) Secondary force polygon :

Pu K

 2 (157.07)2
FSU = od  n = 114  3

= 937.49  103 N = 937.49 kN

(ii) Secondary couple polygon :

 2 (157.07)2
CSU = o c  n = 154  3

= 1.266  106 N = 1.26  103 kN

Ex. 1.8.7 : A 4 cylinder engine is arranged as shown in following Fig. P. 1.8.7. The reciprocating masses in planes 1 and 4
are each 100 kg and in planes 2 and 3 are each 173 kg. If the crank radius is 0.3 m, the length of connecting
rod 1.2 m and speed 120 rpm. Determine the magnitude of primary and secondary forces and couples.
SPPU - May 09.

Fig. P. 1.8.7(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-15 Balancing

Soln. :
Given : m1 = 100 kg ; m2 = 173 kg ;
m3 = 173 kg ; m4 = 100 kg ;
r = 0.3 m ; l = 1.2 m ;
l 1.2
N = 120 r.p.m. and n = r = 0.3 = 4 ;

2  120
  = 60 = 12.56 rad/sec

1. Force and Couple Data :

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Table P. 1.8.7 : Force and Couple Data

io dg
Plane Mass Radius Centrifugal Force  Distance from Couple  2 Primary Crank Secondary Crank
(m), kg (r), m 2 (mr), kg-m R.P. (l), m (mrl), kg-m2 Position,  Position, 2 
1 100 0.3 30 0 0 30 60
at le 173
480 i.e. 120
ic o
i.e. 300

2. Primary Balancing :
bl w
 From Fig. P. 1.8.7(d) and Fig. P. 1.8.7(e) it is seen that primary force polygon and primary couple polygon are closed.
Hence, there is no primary unbalanced force and primary unbalanced coupled acting on engine.

3. Secondary Balancing :
(i) Secondary force polygon : From Fig. P. 1.8.7(g), it is
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seen that secondary force polygon is closed. Hence

there is no secondary unbalanced force.
(ii) Secondary couple polygon : From Fig. P. 1.8.7(h), it

seen that secondary coupled polygon is not closed.

Hence secondary unbalanced couple is,
– 2
CSU = od  Scale  n

(12.56) 2
= 50  1.5  4
or CSU = 2957.88 N-m …Ans. Fig. P. 1.8.7(b) Position of planes

(c) Primary Crank Position (d) Primary Force Polygon (e) Primary Couple Polygon
Fig. P. 1.8.7 (Contd…)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-16 Balancing

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ic o
(f) Secondary Crank Position (g) Secondary Force Polygon (h) Secondary Couple Polygon
Fig. P. 1.8.7
bl w
Ex. 1.8.8 : A four cylinder vertical engine has a crank length of 150 mm. The planes of rotation of the first, second and
fourth cranks are 400 mm, 200 mm and 200 m respectively from the third crank and their reciprocating masses

are 50 kg, 60 kg and 50 kg respectively. Fine the mass of the reciprocating parts for the third cylinder and the
relative angular positions of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete primary balance.
Pu K

SPPU : Dec. 16, Aug.17 (In Sem), Dec. 17, 6 Marks

Soln. :
Given data :

r = 150 mm = 0.15 m ; m1 = 50 kg ;
m2 = 60 kg ; m4 = 50 kg.
1. Force and Couple Data :

Let us assume 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent the plane of cranks. Let m3 be mass sat crank 3, and 2 , 3 , 4 cranks angles with
respect to crank 1.
The position of planes of cranks is shown in Fig. P. 1.8.8(a).
Table P. 1.8.8 : Force and Couple Data

Plane Mass Radius Centrifugal force Distance Couple  2 Primary crank

(m) kg (r) m  2 (m  r) kg-m from (m  r  l) kg-m2 position
R.P (l) m

1 50 0.15 7.5 – 0.4 –3 0

2 60 0.15 9 – 0.2 – 1.8 2

3 (R.P) m3 0.15 0.15 m3 0 0 3

4 50 0.15 7.5 0.2 1.5 4

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-17 Balancing

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bl w
Fig. P. 1.8.8

2. Primary Balancing :

Given that the engine is in complete primary balance. Therefore the primary force and couple polygons must be closed.

(i) Primary couple polygon :

Pu K

Assuming the position of crank 1 as horizontal, draw the primary couple polygon, using the data in column (6) of
Table P. 1.8.8, so that to form a closed polygon, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.8(c), to some suitable scale (say, 1 cm = 1 kg-m2)

By drawing lines ‘02’ and ‘04’ in Fig. P. 1.8.8(b) parallel to vectors 12 and 20 respectively, we get the angular
positions cranks 2 and 4 as
2 = 160 anticlockwise from crank 1 ...Ans.
and 4 = 26 anticlockwise from crank 1 ...Ans.

(ii) Primary force polygon :

Draw the primary force polygon, using the data column (4) or Table P. 1.8.8, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.8(d), to some
suitable scale. By measuring the closing side, we get

 Fp3 = 04  Scale
Fp3 = 4.5  2
0.15 m3 = 9 kg-m
or m3 = 9/0.15 = 60 kg ...Ans.
and 3 = 227 anticlockwise from crank 1 ...Ans.

Ex. 1.8.10 : A four stroke five cylinder inline engine has a firing order 1 - 4 - 5 - 3 – 2 - 1. The centre lines of cylinders are
placed at equal interval of 150 mm. The reciprocating parts per cylinder have mass of 1.5 kg, the piston stroke
is 100 mm and the connecting rods are 175 mm long. The engine rotates at 600 rpm. Discuss the primary and
secondary balancing, values of maximum unbalanced couples about the central plane and the position of crank
1 from its inner dead centre position at which these values occurs. (SPPU - Dec. 14,12 Marks.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-18 Balancing
Soln. :
Given : m = 1.5 kg ; S = 0.1 m ;
l = 0.175 m ; N = 600 r.p.m.
S 0.1
 r = 2 = 2 = 0.05 m
l 0.175
n = r = 0.05 = 3.5

2  N 2   600
  = 60 = 60 = 62.83 rad/s

ns e
1. Force and Couple Data (Table P. 1.8.10) :
Table P. 1.8.10 : Force and Couple Data

io dg
Plane Mass (m), Radius Centrifugal Force Distance from Couple  2 Primary Crank Secondary Crank
kg (r), m  2 (mr), kg-m R.P. (l), m (mrl), kg-m2 Position ‘’ Position ‘2 ’

1 1.5 0.05 0.075 – 0.3 – 0.022 0 0

576 i.e. 216


4 at le
3 (R.P.)






– 0.15

– 0.011

432 i.e. 72

1152 i.e. 72

864 i.e. 144

ic o
5 1.5 0.05 0.075 0.3 0.022 288 576 i.e. 216
bl w
2. Crank Positions :
 Assuming the engine to be vertical, the positions of the cylinders are shown in Fig. P. 1.8.10(a).

 The angles are measured from cylinder 1 and cylinder 3 is considered as a reference plane (R.P).
 Since the engine is working on four stroke cycle, the angle between two cranks = 5 = 144.
Pu K

 Considering firing order : 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1

 1  0, 4  144,

5  144 + 144 = 288

3  288 + 144 = 432


2  432 + 144 = 576

3. Primary Balancing :

(i) Primary force polygon :

Draw the primary force polygon by taking the data from column 4 of Table P. 1.8.10, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.10(c). From
Fig. P. 1.8.10(c). It is seen that, primary force polygon is closed and hence there is no unbalanced primary force.

(ii) Primary couple polygon :

 Draw the primary couple polygon by taking the data from column 6 of Table P. 1.8.10, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.10(d).
The vector od represents the unbalanced primary couple CPU.
 From Fig. P. 1.8.10(d); by measurement,
od = 0.016 mm
 Hence, the unbalanced primary couple is,
CPU = od  2 = 0.016  (62.63)2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-19 Balancing

= 62.76 N.m …Ans.

 Transferring the direction of unbalanced primary couple to the primary crank positions of the crank, it is seen that
maximum unbalanced primary couple occurs when crank 3 is at 90 or 120 from the line of stroke.
4. Secondary Balancing :

(i) Secondary force polygon :

Draw the secondary force polygon by taking data from column 4 of Table P. 1.8.10, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.10(f). From
Fig. P. 1.8.10(f), it is seen that the secondary force polygon is closed hence there is no unbalanced secondary force.

ns e
(ii) Secondary couple polygon :
 Draw the secondary couple polygon by taking data from column 6 of Table P. 1.8.10, as shown in Fig. P. 1.8.10(g). The

io dg
vector od represents unbalanced secondary couple CSU.
 From Fig. P. 1.8.10(g) ; by measurement,
od = 0.05 mm

at le
Hence, the unbalanced secondary couple is,
– 2
CSU = od  Scale of primary couple polygon  n

– 2 0.05  (62.63)2
ic o
CSU = od  n = 3.5 = 56.03 N.m …Ans.

 Transferring the direction of unbalanced secondary couple to the secondary crank positions of the crank, it is seen that
bl w
the maximum secondary unbalanced couple occurs when crank 3 is at (90 / 2) or (270 / 2) i.e. 45 or 135, from the
line of stroke. (In secondary crank positions, all angles are double of the actual crank angles)
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.8.10 (Contd…)

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-20 Balancing

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 1.8.10

Ex. 1.8.11 : A five cylinder in line engine has distance between axes of neighbouring cylinders equal to 700 mm, crank

at le rd st

rd th
lengths 325 mm. Mass of reciprocating parts of 1 , 3 and 4 cylinders are 155 kg each. Angle between first
and 3 crank is 285 and that between 1 and 4 crank is 435. Assuming crank no. 1 at zero degrees, find
reciprocating masses and crank angles of second and fifth cylinder so as to achieve complete primary balance.
ic o
SPPU - Dec. 10.
Soln. :
bl w
Given : m1 = m3 = m4 = 155 kg ;r = 325 mm = 0.325 m.
1. Force and Couple Data :

Table P. 1.8.11 : Force and Couple Data

Plane Mass Radius (r), Centrifugal Force  Distance from Couple  2 Primary Crank
Pu K

(m) kg m 2 (mr), kg-m R.P. (l), m (mrl), kg-m2 Position ‘’

1 155 0.325 50.375 – 0.7 – 35.26 0

2(RP) m2 0.325 0.325 m2 0 0 2

3 155 0.325 50.375 0.7 35.26 285
4 155 0.325 50.375 1.4 70.52 435
5 m5 0.325 0.325 m5 2.1 0.6825 m5 5

Fig. P. 1.8.11 (Contd…)

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-21 Balancing

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
bl w
Fig. P. 1.8.11

2. Primary Balancing :

(i) Primary couple polygon :

From couple polygon by measurement,
Pu K

oc = 35 mm
CP5 = oc  Scale = 35  1 kg-m2

0.682m5 = 35
 m5 = 51.28 kg ...Ans.
5 = 285 ...Ans.

(ii) Primary force polygon :

From force polygon by measurement,
od = 81 mm
FP2 = od  Scale = 81  1 = 81 kg-m
0.325 m2 = 81
m2 = 249.23 kg
and 2 = 165 ...Ans.

Ex. 1.8.13 : The six cylinders of a single acting, two stroke diesel engine are pitched 1 m apart and the cranks are spaced at
60 intervals. The crank length is 300 mm and the ratio of connecting rod length to crank radius is 4.5. The
reciprocating mass per line is 1350 kg and the rotating mass is 100 kg. The speed is 200 rpm. Show with
regard to primary and secondary balance that the firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 gives unbalance in primary moment
only and the order 1-4-5-2-3-6 gives secondary moment unbalance only. Compare the maximum values of
these moments, evaluating with respect to the central plane of the engine. SPPU - Dec. 06,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-22 Balancing

Solution :
Given : m1 = 1350 ; m2 = 100 kg ;

r = 0.3 m ; n = 4.5 ;
N = 200 r.p.m.
2  N 2   200
  = 60 = 60 = 20.94 rad/s

I. For Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4 :


ns e
Since engine is working on two stroke cycle, the angle between two cranks = 6 = 60 for firing order 1 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 4

1  0, 5  60

io dg
3 60 + 60 = 120
6 120 + 60 = 180
2 180 + 60 = 240

at le 4 240 + 60 = 300

Table P. 1.8.13(a) : Force and Couple Data
ic o
Plane Mass m = Radius Centrifugal Force Distance from Couple  2 Primary crank Secondary crank
m1 + m2 (r) m 2
  (mr), kg-m (RP) (l), M mr (l) kg-m2 position  position 2 
bl w
1 1450 0.3 435 – 2.5 – 1087.5 0 0

2 1450 0.3 435 – 1.5 – 652.5 240 480i.e. 120


3 1450 0.3 435 – 0.5 – 217.5 120 240

4 1450 0.3 435 0.5 217.5 300 600i.e. 240

Pu K

5 1450 0.3 435 1.5 652.5 60 120


6 1450 0.3 435 2.5 1087.5 180 360


Fig. P. 1.8.13(a) : Position of Planes

1. Primary Balancing :
(i) Primary force polygon : From Fig. P .1.8.13(c) it is seen that, primary force polygon is closed. Hence, there is no
primary unbalanced force.
(ii) Primary couple polygon : From Fig. P. 1.8.13(d), primary unbalanced couple is,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-23 Balancing
CPU = of   Scale  2
= 50  30  (20.94)2 = 657  103 N. m
or CPU = 657 kN-m …Ans.
2. Secondary Balancing :
From Fig. P. 1.8.13(f) and Fig. P. 1.8.13(g), it is seen that, secondary force as well as couple polygons are closed. Hence,
there is no secondary unbalanced force or couple.

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.8.13

II. For Firing Order 1-4-5-2-3-6 :

Since engine is working on two stroke cycle, the angle between two cranks = 6 = 60, for firing order 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 6

1  0, 4  60 5  60 + 60 = 120

2 120 + 60 = 180 3  180 + 60 = 240
6 240 + 60 = 300
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-24 Balancing

Table P. 1.8.13(b) : Force and Couple Data

Plane Mass m = Radius Centrifugal Distance Couple  2 Primary crank Secondary

m1 + m2 (r) m Force  2 (mr), from (RP) mr (l) kg-m2 position  crank position
kg-m (l), M 2
1 1450 0.3 435 – 2.5 – 1087.5 0 0
2 1450 0.3 435 – 1.5 – 652.5 180 360
3 1450 0.3 435 – 0.5 – 217.5 240 480 i.e. 120
60 120

ns e
4 1450 0.3 435 0.5 217.5
5 1450 0.3 435 1.5 652.5 120 240

io dg
6 1450 0.3 435 2.5 1087.5 300 600i.e. 240

at le
ic o
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.8.13
1. Primary Balancing :
From Fig. P. 1.8.13(i) and Fig. P. 1.8.13(j), it is seen that, primary force as well as couple polytons are closed. Hence
there is no unbalanced primary force or couple.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-25 Balancing

2. Secondary Balancing :
(i) Secondary Force Polygon : From Fig. P. 1.8.13(l), it is seen that, secondary force polygon is closed. Hence there is
no secondary unbalanced force.
(ii) Secondary unbalanced couple : From Fig. P. 1.8.13(m), the secondary unbalanced couple is,
2 (20.94)2
CSU = of   n = 73  40  4.5 = 284.527  103 N-m

or CSU = 284.527 kN.m …Ans.

ns e
Ex. 1.8.14 : Each crank and the connecting rod of a six cylinder four stroke in-line engine are 60 mm and 240 mm
respectively. The pitch distances between the cylinder centre lines are 80 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 80 mm and 80

io dg
mm respectively. The reciprocating mass of each cylinder is 1.4 kg. The engine speed is 1000 rpm. Determine
the out of balance primary and secondary forces and couples on the engine, if the firing order be 1-4-2-6-3-5.
SPPU - May 08, Dec. 18, May 19, 14 Marks.
Soln. :
Given :

at le m = 1.4 kg

l = 0.24 mm

r = 0.06 mm ;
l 240
 n = r = 60 = 4
ic o
N = 1000 rpm
2N 2  1000
  = 60 = 60 = 104.71 rad / sec
bl w
Angle between adjacent cranks = 6 = 120
Table P. 1.8.14 : Force and Couple Data

Plane Mass Radius Centrifugal Distance Couple  2 Primary Secondary

Pu K

(m), kg (r) m Force from (RP) (l), (m r l) kg-m 2 crank crank position
 2 (mr), kg-m m position  2

0 0

1 1.4 0.06 0.084 – 0.210 – 0.01764

2 1.4 0. 06 0.084 – 0.130 – 0.01092 240 480 i.e. 120
3 1.4 0. 06 0.084 – 0.05 – 0.0042 480 i.e. 120 960 i.e. 240
4 1.4 0. 06 0.084 0.05 0.0042 120 240

5 1.4 0. 06 0.084 0.130 0.01092 600 i.e. 240 1200 i.e. 120
6 1.4 0. 06 0.084 0.210 0.01764 360 720 i.e. 360

Fig. P. 1.8.14(Contd…)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-26 Balancing

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
bl w n

Fig. P. 1.8.14
Pu K

From Fig. P. 1.8.14 it is seen that all polygons are closed polygon. Hence, there is no unbalance primary or secondary
force or couple.

Ex. 1.9.3 : A three cylinder radial engine has axes at 120° to one another and their connecting rods are coupled to a single
common crank. The stroke length is 100 mm and length of each connecting rod is 150 mm. If the mass of
reciprocating parts per cylinder is 1 kg, determine the primary and secondary force of the engine running at
2400 rpm. (SPPU - May 15, 10 Marks(

Soln. :
Given :
S = 0.1 m ; l = 0.15 mm ;
m = 1 kg ; N = 2400 r.p.m.
2N 2   2400
  = 60 = 60 = 251.32 rad/s.
S 100
 r = 2 = 2 = 0.1 = 0.05 m
l 0.15
 n = r = 0.05 = 3

 Consider three cylinders located at 120 from each other, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.3(a). The crank angles for each
cylinder are measured from the line of stroke. Since the crank rotates in clockwise direction, the angles in clockwise
direction are taken as positive while the angles in anticlockwise direction are taken as negative.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-27 Balancing

ns e
io dg
at le Fig. P. 1.9.3(a) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine
Crank Angles for Primary and Secondary Crank Positions (Table P. 1.9.3) :
Table P. 1.9.3
ic o
Position Primary Crank Position ‘’ Secondary Crank Position ‘2’
bl w
Direct Reverse Direct Reverse

1 (R.P.) 0 0 0 0

2 120 – 120 240 – 240

3 240 – 240 480 – 480

Pu K

2. Primary Forces :

(i) For cylinder 1 ( = 0) : Both direct and reverse cranks will coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in Fig.
P. 1.9.3(b).
(ii) For cylinder 2 ( =  120) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 120 from its
line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 120 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.3(b)

(iii) For cylinder 3 ( =  240) : For direct crank position rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of
reverse stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.3(b)
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.3(b) it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position.

(v) Unbalanced primary force :

FP = m + m + m 2 r = 3 m 2 r
2 2 2 2
= 2  1  (251.32)2  0.05

or FP = 4737.13 N …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-28 Balancing

ns e
io dg
at le
Secondary Forces :
Fig. P. 1.9.3(b) : Primary Forces

For cylinder 1 (2 = 0) : Both direct and reverse crank will be coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in
ic o
Fig. P. 1.9.3(c).
(ii) For cylinder 2 (2 =  240) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
bl w
line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of stroke,
as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.3(c).
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.9.3(c) : Secondary Forces

(iii) For cylinder 3 (2 =  480) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 480 from
its line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 480 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.3(c).
(iv) Form Fig. P. 1.9.3(b), it is seen that, for direct crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to reverse crank position. Therefore,
(v) Secondary unbalanced force :
m m m r 3 r
FS =  2 + 2 + 2   (2)2  4 n = 2 m (2)2 4 n
 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-29 Balancing
3 0.05
= 2  1 (2  251.32)2 
or FS = 1579.04 N …Ans.

4. Total unbalanced force :

The total unbalanced force is,
FU = FP + FS = 4737.13 + 1579.04
 FU = 6316.17 N …Ans.

ns e
Ex. 1.9.4 : The three cylinders of radial engine have a common crank of radius 75 mm. The connecting rod length is
225 mm. Find the maximum primary and secondary forces when running at 2800 r.p.m. if the reciprocating

io dg
mass per cylinder is 2 kg. SPPU - Dec. 15, 6 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : r = 0.075 m ; l = 0.225 m;
N = 2800 r.p.m ; m =2 kg.

at le 2N 2   2800
 = 60 = 60
= 293.22 rad/s.
ic o
l 0.225
 n = r = 0.075 = 3
bl w
 Consider three cylinders located at 120 from each other, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.4(a). The crank angles for each
cylinder are measured from the line of stroke. Since the crank rotates in clockwise direction, the angles in clockwise
direction are taken as positive, while the angles in anticlockwise direction are taken as negative.
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.9.4(a) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-30 Balancing

1. Crank Angles for Primary and Secondary Crank Positions :

Table P. 1.9.4
Position Primary Crank Secondary Crank
Position ‘’ Position ‘2’
Direct Reverse Direct Reverse
1 (R.P.) 0 0 0 0
2 120 – 120 240 – 240
3 240 – 240 480 – 480

ns e
2. Primary Forces :

io dg
(i) For cylinder 1 ( = 0) : Both direct and reverse cranks will coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in Fig.
P. 1.9.4(b).
(ii) For cylinder 2 ( =  120) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 120 from its
line of stroke; for reverse crank positions, rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 120 from for line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.4(b)

at le
(iii) For cylinder 3 ( =  240) : For reverse crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 240 from
its line of stroke; for reverse crank position and rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line
of stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.4(b)
ic o
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.4(b), it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position.
bl w
(v) Unbalanced primary force :
m m m 3
FP =  2 + 2 + 2  2 r = 2 m 2 r
 

= 2  2  (293.22)2  0.075
Pu K

or FP = 19344.42 N …Ans.

Fig. P. 1.9.4(b) : Primary Forces

3. Secondary Forces :
(i) For cylinder 1 (2 = 0) : Both direct and reverse crank will be coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in
Fig. P. 1.9.4(c).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-31 Balancing

(ii) For cylinder 2 (2 =  240) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke ; for reverse crank position, rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of stroke,
as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.4(c).
(iii) For cylinder 3 (2 =  480) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 480 from its
line of stroke ; for reverse crank position, rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 480 from its line of stroke,
as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.4(c).

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
Fig. P. 1.9.4(c) : Secondary Forces
bl w
(iv) Form Fig. P. 1.9.4(c), it is seen that, for direct crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to reverse crank position.
(v) Secondary unbalanced force :

m m m r
FS =  2 + 2 + 2   (2)2  4 n
 
Pu K

3 r
= 2 m (2)2 4 n
3 0.075
= 2  2  (2  293.22)2 

or FS = 6448.14 N …Ans.

4. Total Unbalanced Force :

The total unbalanced force is,

FU = FP + FS = 19344.42 + 6448.14
 FU = 25792.56 N …Ans.

Ex. 1.9.5 : The three cylinders of an air compressor have their axes at 120 to one another and their connecting rods are
coupled to a single crank. The length of each connecting rod is 270 mm and the stroke is 180 mm. The
reciprocating parts have a mass of 2.6 kg per cylinder. Determine the primary and secondary forces if the
engine runs at 2400 r.p.m. (SPPU - May 12, 8 Marks)
Soln. :
l = 0.27 m ; S = 0.18 m;
m = 2.6 kg ; N = 2400 r.p.m.
2N 2   2400
 = 60 = 60 = 251.32 rad/s.
S 0.18
r = 2 = 2 = 0.09 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-32 Balancing
l 0.27
and n = r = 0.09 = 3

 Consider three cylinders located at 120 from each other, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.5(a). The crank angles for each
cylinder are measured from the line of stroke. Since the crank rotates in clockwise direction, the angles in clockwise
direction are taken as positive while the angles in anticlockwise direction are taken as negative.

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
bl w
Fig. P. 1.9.5(a) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine
1. Crank Angles for Primary and Secondary Crank Positions :
Table P. 1.9.5

Position Primary Crank Position ‘’ Secondary Crank Position ‘2’

Pu K

Direct Reverse Direct Reverse

1 (R.P.) 0 0 0 0

2 120 – 120 240 – 240

3 240 – 240 480 – 480
2. Primary Forces :
(i) For cylinder 1 ( = 0) : Both direct and reverse cranks will coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in

Fig. P. 1.9.5(b).
(ii) For cylinder 2 ( =  120) : For direct crank position rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 120 from its
line of stroke ; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 120 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.5(b).
(iii) For cylinder 3 ( =  240) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke ; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.5(b).
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.5(b), it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position.
(v) Unbalanced primary force :
m m m 3
FP =  2 + 2 + 2  2 r = 2 m 2 r
 
= 2  2.6  ( 251.32)2  0.09

or FP = 22169.77 N …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-33 Balancing

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 1.9.5(b) : Primary Forces

3. Secondary Forces :
(i) For cylinder 1 (2 = 0) : Both direct and reverse crank will be coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in

at le
Fig. P. 1.9.5(c).
(ii) For cylinder 2 (2 =  240) : For direct crank position rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke, for reverse crank position and rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of
ic o
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.5(c)
(iii) For cylinder 3 (2 =  480) : For direct crank position rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 480 from its
line of stroke, for reverse crank position and rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 480 from its line of
bl w
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.5(c)
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.5(c) it is seen that, for direct crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to reverse crank position.

(v) Secondary unbalanced force :

m m m r 3 r
FS =  2 + 2 + 2   (2)2  4 n = 2 m (2)2 4 n
Pu K

 
3 0.09
= 2  2.6 (2  251.32)2 

or FS = 7389.92 N …Ans.

4. Total Unbalance Forces :

The total unbalanced force is,

FU = FP + FS = 22169.77 + 7389.92
 FU = 29.55  103 N …Ans.

Fig. P. 1.9.5(c) : Secondary Forces

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-34 Balancing

Ex. 1.9.6 : A three cylinder of an air compressor have their axes at 120 to each other and their connecting rods are
coupled to a single crank. The stroke is 100 mm and length of each connecting rod is 150 mm. The weight of
reciprocating parts per cylinder is 15 N. Find the maximum primary and secondary forces acting on the frame of
the compressor when running at 3000 rpm. Describe clearly a method by which such forces may be balanced.
(SPPU - Dec. 13, 10 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : S = 0.1m ; l = 0.15 m ;
mg = 15 N ; N = 3000 r.p.m.

ns e
2   3000
 = 60

io dg
= 314.15 rad/s.
S 0.1
r = 2 = 2 = 0.05 m
l 0.15
 n = r = 0.05 = 3

at le 15
m = 9.81 = 1.52 kg

Consider three cylinders located at 120 from each other, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.6(a). The crank angles for each
ic o
cylinder are measured from the line of stroke. Since the crank rotates in clockwise direction, the angles in clockwise
direction are taken as positive while the angles in anticlockwise direction are taken as negative.
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.9.6(a) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine

1. Crank Angles for Primary and Secondary Crank Positions (Table P. 1.9.6) :

Table P. 1.9.6

Primary Crank Position ‘’ Secondary Crank Position ‘2’

Direct Reverse Direct Reverse

1 (R.P.) 0 0 0 0

2 120 – 120 240 – 240

3 240 – 240 480 – 480

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-35 Balancing

2. Primary Forces :
(i) For cylinder 1 ( = 0) : Both direct and reverse cranks will coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in Fig.
P. 1.9.6(b).
(ii) For cylinder 2 ( =  120) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 120 from its
line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 120 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.6(b).
(iii) For cylinder 3 ( =  240) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke ; for reverse crank position, rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of
stroke, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.6(b).

ns e
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.6(b), it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position.

io dg
(v) Unbalanced primary force :
m m m 3
FP =  2 + 2 + 2  2 r = 2 m 2 r
 
= 2  1.52  (314.15)2  0.05

at le or FP = 11250.68 N ...Ans.
ic o
bl w n
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.9.6(b) : Primary Forces

3. Secondary Forces :
(i) For cylinder 1 (2 = 0) : Both direct and reverse crank will be coincide with the common crank OC, as shown in

Fig. P. 1.9.6(c).

Fig. P. 1.9.6(c) : Secondary forces

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-36 Balancing

(ii) For cylinder 2 (2 =  240) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 240 from its
line of stroke; for reverse crank position, rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of stroke,
as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.6(c).
(iii) For cylinder 3 (2 =  480) : For direct crank position, rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 480 from
its line of stroke; for reverse crank position rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 480 from its line stroke,
as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.6(c).
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.6(c) it is seen that, for direct crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to reverse crank position.

ns e
(v) Secondary unbalanced force :

io dg
m m m r
FS =  2 + 2 + 2   (2 )2  4 n
 
3 r
= 2 m (2 )2 4 n
3 0.05
= 2  1.52 (2  314.15)2 


at le FS = 3409.29 N

Total Unbalanced Force :

4  3.3
ic o
The total unbalanced force is,
bl w
FU = FP + FS = 11250 + 3409.29
 FU = 14659.29 N ...Ans.

Ex. 1.9.9 : In a three cylinder engine, axes of cylinders are coplanar and the angles between the neighbouring cylinder
axes are 60. All cylinders drive the same crank of length 220 mm. Each connecting rod is 850 mm long.
Pu K

Reciprocating mass per cylinder is 1.5 kg and the engine runs at 1200 r.p.m. Find the primary and secondary
direct and reverse unbalance forces. Also find maximum primary and secondary unbalanced force.

(SPPU - Dec. 19, 10 Marks)

Soln. :

Angles between cylinder axes,  = 60

Length of crank, r = 220 mm = 0.22 m


Length of connecting rod , l = 850 mm = 0.85 m

l 0.85
 Obliquity ratio, n = r = 0.22 = 3.864

Mass of reciprocating parts, m = 1.5 kg

Speed of engine, N = 1200 r.p.m.

2   1200
  = 60 = 125.66 rad/s

[I] Analysis for Crank Angle,  = 0 :

 Consider three cylinders with angles between neighbouring cylinder axes as 60, as shown in Fig. P. 1.9.9(a).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-37 Balancing

ns e
io dg
Fig. P.1.9.9(a) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine (when  = 0)

at le
Consider a line of stroke of cylinder 1 as a reference position. The primary and secondary crank positions are given in
Table P. 1.9.9(a).
Table P. 1.9.9(a)
ic o
Position Primary Crank Position ‘’ Secondary Crank Position ‘2’
bl w
Direct Reverse Direct Reverse

1 0 0 0 0

2 60 – 60 120 – 120

Pu K

3 300 – 300 600 i.e. 240 – 600 i.e. – 240

1. Primary forces :

(i) For cylinder 1,  = 0, therefore both direct and reverse cranks will coincide with the common crank OC, as shown
in Fig. P. 1.9.9(b).
(ii) For cylinder 2,  =  60, hence rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 60 from its line of stroke for direct
crank position and rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 60 from its line of stroke for reverse crank

(iii) For cylinder 3,  =  300, hence rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 300 from its line of stroke for direct
crank position and rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 300 from its line of stroke for reverse crank
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.9(b), it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position. Therefore,
The unbalanced primary force is,
m m m 3
FP =  2 + 2 + 2  2 r = 2 m 2 r
 
= 2  1.5  0.22  ( 125.66 )2

 FP = 7816.26 N …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-38 Balancing

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 1.9.9(b) : Primary Forces

2. Secondary forces :

at le
(i) For cylinder 1, 2 = 0, therefore both direct and reverse cranks will be coincide with the common crank OC, as
shown in Fig. P. 1.9.9(c).
(ii) For cylinder 2, 2 =  120, hence rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 120 from its line of stroke for
ic o
direct crank position and rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction 120 by from its line of stroke for reverse
crank position.
bl w
(iii) For cylinder 3, 2 =  240, hence rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 240 from its line of stroke for
direct crank position and rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 240 from its line of stroke for reverse
crank position.

(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.9(c) it is seen that there is unbalanced secondary force due to both direct and reverse crank
Pu K

Fig. P. 1.9.9(c) : Secondary Forces

 The component of unbalanced secondary force due to direct crank, along OY (upward direction) is,
m m r mr2 mr2
FSD =  2 + 2  2  sin 30 ( 2 )2 4n = 2n + 2n
   
or FSD = n
 The components of unbalanced secondary force due to direct crank, along OX (horizontal direction) are balanced.
 The secondary force due to reverse crank along OY (upward direction) is,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-39 Balancing

FSR = m – 2 m ( 2 )2 r
 2  2  4n
FSR = – 2n
 The total unbalanced secondary force is,
FS = FSD + FSR ...[Both are acting in upward direction]
2 2
mr mr mr2 1.5  0.22  ( 125.66 )2
= 2n – 2n = 2n = 2 3.864
or FS = 674.28 N …Ans.

ns e
 This is the minimum unbalanced secondary force at  = 0. The unbalanced secondary is maximum when  = 45.
[II] Analysis for Crank Angle,  = 45 :

io dg
at le
ic o
bl w n

Fig. P. 1.9.9(d) : Three Cylinder Radial Engine (when  = 45)

Pu K

 Consider position of common crank OC as a reference position. The primary and secondary crank positions are given
in Table P. 1.9.9(b).

Table P. 1.9.9(b)

Position Primary Crank Position ‘’ Secondary Crank Position ‘2’

Direct Reverse Direct Reverse

1 45 – 45 90 – 90

2 105 – 105 210 – 210
3 – 345 345 690 i.e. 330 – 690 i.e. – 330

1. Primary forces :
(i) For cylinder 1,  =  45, hence rotate crank 1 in clockwise direction by 45 from its line of stroke for direct crank
position and rotate crank 1 in anticlockwise direction by 45 from its line of stroke for reverse crank position.
(ii) For cylinder 2,  =  105, hence rotate the crank 2 in clockwise direction by 105 from its line of stroke for direct
crank position and rotate the crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 105 from its line of stroke for reverse crank
(iii) For cylinder 3,  =  345, hence rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 345 from its line of stroke for direct
crank position and rotate the crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 330 from its line of stroke for reverse crank
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.9(e) it is seen that, for reverse crank position the system is balanced and unbalanced force is only
due to direct crank position. Therefore,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-40 Balancing

The maximum unbalanced primary force is,

m m m
FP =  2 + 2 + 2  2 r
 
3 3
 FP max = 2 m2 r = 2  1.5  0.22  (125.66)2

 FP max = 7816.26 N …Ans.

ns e
io dg
at le
ic o
Fig. P. 1.9.9(e) : Primary Forces
bl w
2. Secondary forces :
(i) For cylinder 1, 2 =  90, hence rotate crank 1 in clockwise direction by 90 from its line of stroke for direct
crank position and rotate crank 1 in anticlockwise direction by 210 from its line of stroke for reverse crank

(ii) For cylinder 2, 2 =  210, hence rotate crank 2 in clockwise direction by 210 from its line of stroke for direct
Pu K

crank position and rotate crank 2 in anticlockwise direction by 210 from its line of stroke for reverse crank
(iii) For cylinder 3, 2 =  330, hence rotate the crank 3 in clockwise direction by 330 from its line of stroke for

direction crank position and rotate crank 3 in anticlockwise direction by 330 from its line of stroke for reverse
crank position.
(iv) From Fig. P. 1.9.9(f) it is seen that, there is unbalanced secondary force due to both direct and reverse crank

Fig. P. 1.9.9(f) : Secondary Forces

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 1-41 Balancing

 The component of unbalanced secondary force due to direct crank along OX (horizontal direction) is,
m m r
FSD =  2 + 2  2  cos 60 ( 2 )2 4n
   
mr2 mr2
= 2n + 2n

or FSD = n
 The components of unbalanced secondary force due to direct rank along OY (upward direction) are balanced.
 The unbalanced secondary force due to reverse crank along OX (horizontal direction) is,

ns e
m m r mr2
= 2  2  – 2  ( 2 )2 4n = 2n
   

io dg
 The total maximum unbalanced secondary force is,
mr2 mr2
FS max = FSD + FSR = n + 2n

3 mr2
= 2n

 at le =
3  1.5  0.22  ( 125.66 )2

FS max = 2022.84 N
2 3.864
ic o
bl w n
Pu K

ns e

io dg
Introduction, Precessional angular motion, Gyroscopic couple, Effect of gyroscopic couple on an airplane,
Effect of gyroscopic couple on a naval ship during steering, pitching and rolling, Stability of a Four Wheel drive
moving in a curved path, Stability of a two wheel vehicle taking a turn, Effect of gyroscopic couple on a disc
fixed rigidly at a certain angle to a rotating shaft.

at le
ic w
Ex. 2.5.3 : The propeller of aero weights 500 N & has radius of gyration of 0.8m. The propeller shaft rotates at 2000 rpm,
clockwise, as view from tail end. The plane turns left, making a U-turn, i.e, through 180, of 120 m radius, at a
bl o
speed of 360 km/h, determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect on aircraft. Also find the reactions on bearing
if the distance between two bearings of the propeller is 0.75 m. .SPPU - Dec. 18, 8 Marks.
Soln. :

Given : Radius of curvature, R = 120 m

Flying speed, V = 360 km / hr
Pu K

360  1000
= = 100 m/sec
60  60

Mass of engine and propeller, m = 9.81 = 50.96 kg

Radius of gyration of engine and propeller, k = 0.8 m

Speed of engine, N = 2400 r.p.m.

2 2000
 = 60 = 209.44 rad/s

1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Mass moment of inertia of engine and propeller is,
I = m k2 = 50.96  (0.8)2 or I = 32.62 kg-m2
Precessional angular velocity is,
V 100
p = R = 120 or p = 0.833 rad/s

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is,

C = I  p = 32.62  209.44  0.8333
C = 5691 N-m
or C = 5.691 kN-m ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-2 Gyroscope

2. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when Aeroplane takes a Left Turn

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 2.5.3 : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn

The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from rear end. Under this condition if aeroplane takes a left turn, then
bl o
effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane. (Refer Fig. P. 2.5.3).
3. Reaction on Bearing

Fig. P. 2.5.3(a) shows a loading diagram of an axle.

 The axle is subjected to :
Pu K

(i) Reactive gyroscopic couple, (C)

(ii) Weight of the disc. (mg)

Let, RA = Reaction at bearing A, N

RB = Reaction at bearing B, N.
Fig. P. 2.5.3(a) shows a loading diagram of an axle.
 The axle is subjected to :

(i) Reactive gyroscopic couple, (C)

(ii) Weight of the disc. (mg)
Fig. P. 2.5.3(a)

Let, RA = Reaction at bearing A, N

RB = Reaction at bearing B, N.
 Taking moments about point B,
RA  0.75 – mg  0.037 – C = 0
 RA  0.75 – 500  0.0375 – 5691 = 0
 RA = 7838 N (upward) … Ans.
 Taking moments about point A,
RB  0.75 – mg  0.0375 + C = 0
 RB  0.75 – 500  0.0375 + 5691 = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-3 Gyroscope

 RB = – 7338 N (upward)
or RB = 7338 N (downward) … Ans.

Ex. 2.5.4 : An aeroplane flying at 240 Km/h turns towards left and completes a quarter circle of 60 m radius. The mass of
rotary engine and the propeller of the plane amounts to 450 kg with a radius of gyration of 320 mm. The engine
speed is 2000 rpm clockwise when viewed from the rear. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect. In
what way is the effect changed when :
(i) Aeroplane turns towards left.

ns e
(ii) The engine rotates clockwise when viewed from the front and aeroplane turns (a) left (b) right.
SPPU : Dec. 19 ,12 Marks

io dg
Soln. :
Given : Radius of curvature, R = 60 m
Flying speed, V = 240 km / hr
240  1000
60  60

at le = 66.66 m/sec
Mass of engine and propeller, m = 450 kg
ic w
Radius of gyration of engine and propeller,
k = 320 mm = 0.32 m
Speed of engine, N = 2000 r.p.m.
bl o

2 2000
 = 60

= 209.43 rad/s

1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Pu K

Mass moment of inertia of engine and propeller is,

I = m k2 = 450  (0.32)2

or I = 46.08 kg-m2
Precessional angular velocity is,
V 66.66
p = R = 60

Or p = 1.1111 rad/s
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is,
C = I  p = 46.08  209.43  1.1111
C = 10722.81 N-m
or C = 10.72 kN-m ...Ans.

2. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when engine rotates clockwise when viewed from rear and Aeroplane takes a Left
Turn :
The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from rear end. Under this condition if aeroplane takes a left turn, then
effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane. Refer Fig. P. 2.5.2(a)
3. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when engine rotates clockwise when viewed from front and Aeroplane takes a
Left Turn :
The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from front. Under this condition if aeroplane takes a left turn, then effect
of reactive gyroscopic couple is to dip the nose and raise the tail of the aeroplane. Refer Fig. 2.5.8
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-4 Gyroscope

4. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when engine rotates clockwise when viewed from front and Aeroplane takes a
right Turn :
The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from front. Under this condition if aeroplane takes a left turn, then effect
of reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane. Refer Fig. 2.5.6
Ex. 2.8.2 : A ship is propelled by a turbine rotor of mass 500 kg and has a speed of 2400 rpm. The rotor has a radius of
gyration of 0.5 m and rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from stern. Find the gyroscopic effects in the
following cases :
a) The ship runs at a speed of 15 knots (1 knot = 1860 m/h). It steers to the left in a curve of 60 m radius.
b) The ship pitches ± 5° from the horizontal position with the time period of 20 sec of simple harmonic motion.

ns e
c) The ship rolls with an angular velocity of 0.04 rad/s clockwise when viewed from stern. Also calculate the
maximum acceleration during pitching. SPPU - Dec. 14, 10 Marks

io dg
Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 500 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N = 2400 r.p.m.
 Angular speed of rotor,

at le =
2 2400
60 = 251.32 rad / s
ic w
Radius of gyration of rotor,
k = 0.5 m
Mass moment of inertia of rotor,
bl o

I = m k2 = 500  (0.5)2

= 125 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship,
Pu K

R = 60 m
Speed of ship, V = 15 knots

= 15  1860 m/hr
15  1860
= 3600 = 7.75 m/sec.

1. When Ship Steer To Left


Precessional angular velocity,

V 7.75
p = R = 60 = 0.129 rad/s.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I p
= 125  251.32  0.129
= 4052.53 N-m
 C = 4.052 kN-m ...Ans.
The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple
is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.2].
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-5 Gyroscope

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 2.8.2
bl o
2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Falling (i.e. Pitching is Downward)
 Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,

2 = 10 ;

 = 5= 5  180
Pu K

= 0.087 radians
 Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

2 2
o = T = 20 = 0.3141 rad / sec

 Angular velocity of precession is,

p =  o cos o t

Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.

 Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
p (max) = o = 0.3141  0.087
or p (max) = 0.02732 rad/s
 Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I  p (max)
= 125  251.3  0.02732
or Cmax = 858.18 N-m
or Cmax = 0.8581 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.2(a)].
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-6 Gyroscope

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 2.8.2(a)
bl o

3. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching


 Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,

 =  sin o t
Pu K

 Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,

dt =  o cos o t.

 Angular acceleration during pitching is,

d2 
= –  2o sin o t
Angular acceleration is maximum when sin o t = 1

 Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,

p (max) = –  2o = – 0.087  (0.3141)2
or P (max) = – 0.0085 rad/sec2 ...Ans.
 Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.

Ex. 2.8.3 : The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 30 tons, a radius gyration of 6 mm and rotates at 2400 r.p.m. in a
clockwise direction when viewed from aft. The ship pitches through a total angle of 15, 7.5 above and 7.5
below the horizontal, the motion being simple harmonic and having a period of 12 sec. Determine the maximum
gyroscopic couple on the holding down bolts on the turbine and the direction of yaw as the bow rises.
SPPU - Dec. 10.

Soln. :
Given : m = 30 tons = 30  103 kg ;
K = 6 mm = 0.06 m N = 2400 r.p.m. ;
Tp = 12 sec. ,  = 7.5
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-7 Gyroscope
Angular velocity of rotor
2 N 2 2400
= 60 = 60 = 251.3274 rad/s

Angular velocity of SHM is,

2 2
o = T = 12 = 0.523598 rad/s

Maximum gyroscopic couple is,

Cmax = I  pmax= m K2  o 

= 30  103  (0.06)2  251.32  0.5235  7.5  180

ns e
= 1860 N-m = 18.60 kN-m …Ans.

io dg
Due to effect of reactive gyroscopic couple ship will move towards star board.
Ex. 2.8.4 : A ship is pitching a total angle of 15, the oscillation may be taken as simple harmonic and the complete period
is 32 seconds. The turbine rotor mass is 600 Kg, its radius of gyration is 450 mm and it is rotating at 2400 r.p.m.
Calculate the maximum value of gyroscopic couple set by the rotor and its effect, when the bow is descending
and the color is rotating clockwise looking from aft. What is the maximum angular acceleration to which the ship

at le
Soln. : Given :
Mass of rotor,
is subjected to while pitching ?

m = 600 kg
.SPPU - May 13, 8 Marks.
ic w
Speed of rotor, N = 2400 r.p.m.
2 2400
 Angular speed of rotor, = = 251.32 rad/s
bl o
Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 450 mm = 0.45 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor,

I = m k2 = 600  (0.45)2
Pu K

= 121.5 kg-m2
1. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Descending (i.e. Pitching is Downward)

Amplitude of swing is,

Total angle, 2 = 15

 = 7.5 = 7.5  180 = 0.13089 radians

Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

2 2
o = T = 32 = 0.1963 rad / sec

Angular velocity of precession is,

p =  o cos o t
Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
p (max) = o = 0.1963  0.13089
or p (max) = 0.0257 rad/sec
Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I  p (max) = 121.5  251.32  0.0257
or Cmax = 784.75 N-m
 Cmax = 0.78475 kN-m ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-8 Gyroscope

The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bow end and pitching is downward. Hence, the
effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side.
2. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching
Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
 =  sin o t
Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,
dt =  o cos o t.

ns e
Angular acceleration during pitching is,
d2 
= –  2o sin o t

io dg
Angular acceleration is maximum when sin o t = 1
 Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,
p (max) = –  2o = – 0.13089  (0.1963)2
or P (max) = – 0.005043 rad/sec2 ...Ans.

at le
Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.4
Ex. 2.8.5 : The turbine rotor of a ship is of mass 3500 kg. It has a radius of gyration of 0.45 m and a speed of 3000 rpm,
clockwise when looking from stern. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect upon the ship :
(i) When the ship is steering to the right on a curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 36 km/hr;
(ii) When the ship is pitching in a simple harmonic motion, the bow falling with its maximum velocity.
The period of pitching is 40 seconds and the total angular displacement between the two extreme positions of
pitching is 12 degrees. (SPPU - May 15, Dec. 18, 10 Marks)
Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 3500 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N = 3000 r.p.m.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-9 Gyroscope
2 3000
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60 = 314.15 rad/s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 0.45 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k2 = 3500  (0.45)2 = 708.75 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 100 m
36  1000
Speed of ship, V = 36 km/hr = 3600 = 10 m/sec.
1. When Ship Steer To Right
V 10
p = R = 100 = 0.1 rad/s.

ns e
Precessional angular velocity,

Reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = I  p = 708.75  314.15  0.1 = 22.26  103 N-m

io dg
 C = 22.26 kN-m ...Ans.
The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple
is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.5]

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.5
2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Falling (i.e. Pitching is Downward)
Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,
2 = 12

 = 6= 6  180 = 0.1047 radians

Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

2 2
o = T = 40 = 0.1570 rad / sec

Angular velocity of precession is,

p =  o cos o t
Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
p (max) = o = 0.1570  0.1047
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-10 Gyroscope

or p (max) = 0.0164 rad/s

Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I p (max) = 708.75  314.15  0.0164
or Cmax = 3661.81 N-m
or Cmax = 3.66 kN-m ...Ans.
The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. P.2.8.5(a)].

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.5(a)

Ex. 2.8.6 : The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 3400 kg. It has a radius of gyration of 0.44 m and a speed of 3200
r.p.m. clockwise when looking from stern. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect upon the ship :

i) When the ship is steering to the left on a curve of 90 m radius at a speed of 35 km/h.
ii) When the ship is pitching in a simple harmonic motion, the bow falling with its maximum velocity. The period
of pitching is 35 seconds and the total angular displacement between the two extreme positions of pitching is 10
degrees. (SPPU - Dec. 15, 10 Marks)
Soln. :
Given :
Mass of rotor, m = 3400 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N = 3200 r.p.m.
2 3200
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60 = 335.10 rad/s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 440 mm = 0.44 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k2 = 3400  (0.44)2 = 658.24 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 90 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-11 Gyroscope
35  1000
Speed of ship, V = 3600 = 9.72 m /s
1. When Ship is Steering to Left
V 9.72
Precessional angular velocity, p = R = 90 = 0.1080 rad/s.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = I p = 658.24  335.10  0.1080

= 23827.23 N-m
 C = 23.82 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the stern end and ship takes left turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple is

ns e
to raise the bow and dip the stern of the ship.

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Descending (i.e. Pitching is Downward)

io dg
Amplitude of swing is,

 = 10 = 10  180 = 0.1745 radians

Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

at le
Angular velocity of precession is,
2 2
o = T = 35 = 0.1795 rad / sec
ic w
p =  o cos o t
Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
bl o

p (max) = o = 0.1795  0.1745 = 0.0313 rad/sec

 Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

Cmax = I  p (max)
= 658.24  355.10  0.0313
Pu K

= 7316.09 N-m
 Cmax = 7.31 kN-m ...Ans.

 The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the stern end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect
of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side.

Ex. 2.8.7 : The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2.2 tonnes and rotates at 200 rpm clockwise when viewed from the

aft. The radius of gyration of the rotor is 320 mm. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect when the
(i) Ship turns right at a radius of 20 m at a speed of 20 km/h
(ii) Ship pitches with bow rising at an angular velocity of 0.7 rad/s.
(iii) Ship rolls at an angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s. (SPPU - May 16, 10 Marks)
Soln. :

Mass of rotor, m = 2.2 tonnes = 2.2  1000 = 2200 kg

Speed of rotor, N = 200 r.p.m.

2 200
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60 = 20.94 rad / s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 320 mm = 0.32 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k2 = 2200  (0.32)2 = 225.28 kg-m2

Radius of rotation of ship, R = 20 m
20  1000
Speed of ship, V = 20 km/hr = 3600 = 5.55 m/sec.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-12 Gyroscope

1. When Ship Steer To Left

V 5.55
Precessional angular velocity, p = R = 20 = 0.27 rad/s.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is, C = I p = 225.28  20.94  0.27 = 1273.68 N-m

 C = 1.273 kN-m. ...Ans.

 The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple
is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P.2.8.7].

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.7

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is rising (i.e. Pitching is upwards)


 The maximum angular velocity of precession is, p (max) = 0.7 rad/s

 Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

Cmax = I  p (max) = 225.28  20.94  0.7

or Cmax = 3302.15 N-m

or Cmax = 3.30 kN-m ...Ans.

 The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is upward. Hence, the effect of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards star board [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.7(a)].
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-13 Gyroscope

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 2.8.7(a)

3. When Ship is Rolling

Pu K

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no
precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.

Ex. 2.8.8 : A rotor of the turbine of a ship has a mass of 2500 kg and rotates at a speed of 3200 rpm. Counter clockwise as
seen from stern. The rotor has a radius of gyration of 0.4 m. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect
(a) Ship steers to the left in a curve of 80 m radius at a speed of 7.75 m/s

(b) Ship pitches 5 degrees above and below the mean position and the bow is descending with its maximum
velocity. The pitching motion is SHM with a periodic time of 40 seconds.
(c) Ship rolls and at instant, its angular velocity is 0.4 rad/s clock wise when viewed from stern. Also find the
maximum angular acceleration during pitching. (SPPU - Dec. 16, 16 Marks)
Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 2500 kg
Speed of rotor, N = 3200 r. p. m.
2 3200
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60 = 335 rad / s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 0.4 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor,
I = m k2 = 2500  (0.4)2
= 400 kg-m2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-14 Gyroscope

Radius of rotation of ship, R= 80 m

Speed of ship, V = 7.75 m/sec.

1. When Ship Steer To Left

Processional angular velocity,
V 7.75
p = R = 80 = 0.097 rad/s.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I  p = 400  335  0.0967

ns e
= 12957 N-m

io dg
 C = 12.98 kN-m ...Ans.
The rotor rotates counter clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes left turn, then effect of gyroscopic
couple is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship.

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Falling

at le
(i.e. Pitching is Downward)
Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,

ic w
 = 5= 5  180

= 0.087 radians
bl o
Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,
2 2
o = T = 40

= 0.157 rad / sec

Angular velocity of precession is,
Pu K

p =  o cos o t
Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.

Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,

p (max) = o = 0.157  0.087

or p (max) = 0.0136 rad/s


Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

Cmax = I  p (max)

= 400  335  0.0136

or Cmax = 1830.30 N-m
or Cmax = 18.30 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates in counter clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the
effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards star board.

3. When Ship is Rolling

 In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same.
 Hence, there is no precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.

4. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching

 Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-15 Gyroscope

 =  sin o t
 Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,
dt =  o cos o t.
 Angular acceleration during pitching is,
d2 
= –  2o sin o t
 Angular acceleration is maximum when sin o t = 1

ns e
Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,
p (max) = –  2o = – 0.087  (0.157)2

io dg
or P (max) = – 0.00215 rad/sec2 ...Ans.

Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.

Ex. 2.8.9 : A rotor of a turbine on ship has its axes of rotation parallel to the propeller shaft and is supported in bearings

at le 5 m apart. The rotor has a mass of 350 kg and radius of gyration of 600 mm. The rotor rotates at 1200 r.p.m. in
an anticlockwise sense when viewed from the front. If the ship is making right turn at 5 rad/s, determine the
ic w
magnitude and direction of the bearing reactions due to gyroscopic effect. SPPU - Dec. 07, Dec. 13, 9 Marks.
Soln. :
Given :
bl o

Length between two bearings, l = 5m

Mass of rotor, m = 350 kg

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 600 m = 0.6 m

Pu K

Speed of rotor, N = 1200 r.p.m.

1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :


 Angular velocity of rotor,

2   1200
= 60
= 125.66 rad/s

 Precessional angular velocity, P = 5 rad/s

 Mass moment of inertia of rotor is,

I = m k2 = 350  (0.6)2
or I = 126 kg-m2
 Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on ship is,
C = I  P = 126  125.66  5
or C = 79168.131 N-m
 C = 79.1681 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the front. Hence, the effect of reactive gyroscopic
couple is to raise the stern and dip the bow. [Fig. P. 2.8.9(a)]
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-16 Gyroscope

ns e
io dg
at le
Bearing Reactions :
Fig. P. 2.8.9(a)
ic w
 Due to reactive gyroscopic couple, the force applied by the shaft on the bearing ‘A’ near the bow end is in downward
direction and on the bearing ‘B’ near the stern end is in upward direction as shown in Fig. P. 2.8.9(a).
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.9(b)

 The bearing reactions are opposite to these forces.

 Fig. P. 2.8.9(b) shows the reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the shaft and bearing reactions.
 Taking moments about B,
RA  5 – C = 0

 RA  5 – 79.1681 = 0
 RA = 15.83 kN (upward) … Ans.
 Taking moments about A,
RB  5 + C = 0
 RB  5 + 79.1681 = 0
 RB = – 15.83 kN (upward)
or RB = 15.83 kN (downward) … Ans.

Ex. 2.8.10 : The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2000 kg and rotates at a speed of 3000 r.p.m. clockwise when looking
from a stern. The radius of gyration of the rotor is 0.5 m. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effects upon
the ship when the ship is steering to the right in a curve of 100 m radius at a speed of 16.1 knots (1 knot
= 1855 m/hr). Calculate also the torque and its effects when the ship is pitching in simple harmonic motion, the
bow falling with its maximum velocity. The period of pitching is 50 seconds and the total angular displacement
between the two extreme positions of pitching is 12. Find the maximum acceleration during pitching motion.
SPPU - Dec. 17, 12 Marks
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-17 Gyroscope

Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 2000 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N = 3000 r.p.m.
2 3000
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60
= 314.15 rad / s
Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 0.5 m
Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k2 = 2000  (0.5)2

ns e
= 500 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 100 m

io dg
Speed of ship, V =16.1 knots = 16.1  1855 m/hr
16.1  1855
= 3600 = 8.29 m/sec.

1. When Ship Steer To Left

 Precessional angular velocity,

at le V 8.29
p = R = 100 = 0.0829 rad/s.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

ic w
C = I p = 500  314.15  0.0829 = 13021.5 N-m
 C = 13.02 kN-m ...Ans.
bl o
 The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple
is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship. [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.10(a)].
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.10(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-18 Gyroscope

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Falling (i.e. Pitching is Downward)

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 2.8.10(b)
 Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,
Pu K

2 = 12

 = 6 = 6  180

= 0.1047 radians
 Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,
2 2
o = T = 50

= 0.12566 rad / sec

 Angular velocity of precession is,
p =  o cos o t
 Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.
 Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
p (max) = o = 0.12566  0.1047
or p (max) = 0.01315 rad/s
 Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I  p (max) = 500  314.15  0.01315
or Cmax = 2066.63 N-m
or Cmax = 2.066 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.10(b)].
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-19 Gyroscope

3. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching

 Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
 =  sin o t
 Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,
dt =  o cos o t.
 Angular acceleration during pitching is,
d2 
= –  2o sin o t

ns e
 Angular acceleration is maximum when sin o t = 1
 Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,

io dg
p (max) = –  2o
= – 0.1047  (0.12566)2

or P (max) = – 0.00165 rad/sec2 ...Ans.

at le
Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.
Ex. 2.8.11 : A ship is propelled by a turbine having a mass of 6500 kg and a speed of 2600 rpm. The direction of rotation of
rotor is anticlockwise when viewed from the bow end. The radius of gyration of rotor is 460 mm. Determine
ic w
gyroscopic effect when :
(i) Ship is steering to the left in a curve of 60m radius at a speed of 18 knots (Take 1 knot = l856m/hr).
bl o
(ii) Ship is pitching in SHM with bow descending with maximum velocity. The time period of pitching is 20
seconds and the ship pitches 7.5° above and 7.5° below the normal position.
(iii) Ship is rolling and at the instant, its angular velocity is 0.035 rad/sec counterclockwise when view from

stern end.
(iv) Also find the maximum angular acceleration during pitching. SPPU : May 19, 14 Marks
Pu K

Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 6500 kg

Speed of rotor, N = 2600 r.p.m.

2 2600
 Angular speed of rotor,  = 60 = 272.27 rad/s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 460 mm = 0.46 m


Mass moment of inertia of rotor,

I = m k2 = 6500  (0.46)2
= 1375.4 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 60 m
Speed of ship, V = 18 knots = 18  1856 m / hr
18  1856
or V = 3600 = 9.28 m /s

1. When Ship is Steering to Left

 Precessional angular velocity,
V 9.28
 = R = 60 = 0.154 rad/s.

 Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I  p = 1375.4  272.27  0.154
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-20 Gyroscope

= 57669.94 N-m
 C = 57.66 kN-m
 Amplitude of swing is,

 = 7.5 = 7.5 180 = 0.13089 radians

 Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,

2 2
o = T = 20 = 0.3141 rad / sec

 Angular velocity of precession is,

ns e
p =  o cos o t
 Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos o t = 1.

io dg
 Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
p (max) = o  = 0.3141  0.13089
= 0.0411 rad/sec

at le
Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I  p (max) = 1375.4  272.27  0.0411
= 15398.73 N-m
ic w
 Cmax = 15.39 kN-m ...Ans.
 The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bow end and pitching is downward. Hence, the
effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side.
bl o

3. When Ship is Rolling


In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no
precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.
Pu K

4. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching

 Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
 =  sin o t

 Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,

dt =  o cos o t.
 Angular acceleration during pitching is,

d2 
= –  2o sin o t
 Angular acceleration is maximum when sin o t = 1
 Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,
p (max) = –  2o = – 0.13089  (0.3141)2
or P (max) = – 0.01291 rad/sec2 ...Ans.

 Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.

Ex. 2.8.12 : The rotor of the turbine of a ship has a mass of 2.2 tones and rotates at a speed of 1800 rpm clockwise when
viewed from the aft. The radius of rotor is 320 mm. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect when rotor
has a radius of gyration of 0.4 m. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect when :
(i) The ship turns right at a radius of 250 m with a speed of 25 km/h.
(ii) The ship pitches with the bow rising at an angular velocity of 0.8 rad/sec.
(iii) The ship rolls at an angular velocity of 0.1 rad/sec. SPPU : Dec. 19, 12 Marks
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-21 Gyroscope

Soln. :
Mass of rotor, m = 2.2 tonnes = 2.2  1000
= 2200 kg
Speed of rotor, N = 1800 r.p.m.
 Angular speed of rotor,
2 1800
= 60 = 188.49 rad / s

Radius of gyration of rotor,

ns e
k = 0.4 m
Mass moment of inertia of rotor,

io dg
I = m k2 = 2200  (0.4)2 = 352 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship,R = 250 m
25  1000
Speed of ship, V = 25 km/hr = 3600 = 6.94 m/sec.


at le
When Ship Steer To Right
Precessional angular velocity,
V 6.94
p = R = 250 = 0.0278 rad/s.
ic w
Reactive gyroscopic couple is,
C = I p = 352  188.49  0.0278
bl o

= 1843.01 N-m

 C = 1.843 kN-m. ...Ans.

The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple
is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.12(a)].
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.8.12(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-22 Gyroscope

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is rising (i.e. Pitching is upwards)

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 2.8.12(b)
Pu K

The maximum angular velocity of precession is,

p (max) = 0.8 rad/s

Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

Cmax = I  p (max)
= 352  188.49  0.8
or Cmax = 53078.78 N-m

or Cmax = 53.078 kN-m ...Ans.

The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is upward. Hence, the effect of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards star board [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.12(b)].

3. When Ship is Rolling

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no
precession of the axis of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.

Ex. 2.9.3 : A motor car negotiates a curve of 45m radius at a speed of 65 km/ hr. Determine the magnitudes of the
centrifugal and gyroscopic couples acting on the motor car, and state the effect of each of these on the road
reactions on the wheels. Assume that : i) Each road wheel has a moment of inertia of 5 kg.m and an effective
road radius of 0.6 m, ii) The rotating parts of the engine and transmission are equivalent to a flywheel of mass
85 kg with a radius of gyration of 0.2 m. The engine turns in a clockwise direction when viewed from the front.
iii) The back axle ratio is 4:1, the drive through the gearbox being direct. iv) The car weighs 15 kN and has its
centre of gravity at 0.6 m above the road level. The car takes a right hand turn. SPPU - Dec. 15, 10 Marks.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-23 Gyroscope

Soln. : Given :
Total weight of car, mg = 15 kN
Radius of wheel, r = 0.6 m
Assuming, Wheel track, a = 1.5 m
Assuming, Wheel base, b = 2.5 m
Height of CG above the road surface, h = 0.6 m
Assuming Distance of C.G. from front axle, l = 1m
Mass moment of inertia of each wheel, IW = 5 kg-m2
Gear ratio, G = 4
Mass of engine, mE = 85 kg

ns e
Radius of gyration of engine parts, kE = 0.2 m
 Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = mE ( kE )2 = 85  (0.2)2 = 3.4 kg-m2

io dg
Radius of curvature of path, R = 45 m
65  1000
Speed of the vehicle, V = 65 km / hr = 3600 = 18.05 m/sec
Weight of the vehicle is, Mg = 15  1000 = 15000 N
V 18.05

at le Angular velocity of the wheels is, W =

Precessional angular velocity of the vehicle is, p =

r = 0.45 = 40.11 rad/s
V 18.05
R = 65 = 0.2776 rad/s
ic w
MV2 15000  (18.05)2
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = R = 65 = 75185.19 N
Reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels is,
bl o
Cw = 4 Iw w p = 4  5  40.11  0.2776
or Cw = 222.69 N-m …Ans.
Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine is, CE = IE W p = IE G W p = 3.4  4  40.11  0.2776

or CE = 151.42 N-m
Since the position of engine axis and wheel axis are perpendicular to each other the reactive gyroscopic couple due to
Pu K

four wheels and reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine act perpendicular to each other, as shown in Fig. P.2.9.3.
1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Fig. P.2.9.3 : Forces and Couples Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving Curved Path
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-24 Gyroscope

2. Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading Along Transverse Plane of Vehicle :

ns e
Fig. P.2.9.3 (a) : Loading Diagram Considering Reactive Gyroscopic

io dg
Couple Due to Four Wheelsand Centrifugal Force
Fig. P.2.9.3 (a) shows the loading diagram considering reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels (Cw) and
centrifugal force (Fc)
Taking moments about A and B,

at le – 2 Ri  1.5 – Fc  0.6 – Cw = 0
– 2 Ri  1.5 – 75185.19  0.6 – 222.69 = 0
 Ri = 15111.26 N
ic w
Taking moments about C and D,
2 Ro 1.5 – Fc  0.6 – Cw = 0
2 Ro  1.5 – 75185.19  0.6 – 222.01 = 0
bl o

 Ro = 15111.26 N
3. Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading Along Longitudinal Plane of Vehicle

Fig. P.2.9.3 (b) shows the loading diagram considering reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine (CE) and weight of
vehicle (Mg).
Pu K

Taking moments about A and C,

– 2 RR  2.5 + Mg  1 – CE = 0

– 2RR 2.5 + 15000  1 – 222.69 = 0

 RR = 2955.46 N
Taking moments about B and D,
2 RF  2.5 – Mg  1.5 – CE = 0

2 RF  2.5 – 15000  1.5 – 222.69 = 0

 RF = 4544.53 N

Fig. P.2.9.3 (b) : Loading Diagram Considering Reactive Gyroscopic Couple Due to Engine and Weight of Vehicle
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-25 Gyroscope

4. Resultant Reactions of Ground on Wheels

From Fig. P.2.9.3(b)
 Resultant reaction of ground on wheel A is,
RA = Ro + RF = 15111.26 + 4544.53 = 19655.79 N ...Ans.
 Resultant reaction of ground on wheel B is,
RB = Ro + RR = 15111.26 + 2455.46 = 18066.72 N ...Ans.
 Resultant reaction of ground on wheel C is,
RC = Ri + RF = – 15111.26 + 4544.53 = 10566.73 N ...Ans.

ns e
 Resultant reaction of ground on wheel D is,
RD = Ri + RR = – 15111.26 + 2955.46 = 12155.8 N ...Ans.

io dg
Ex. 2.9.4 : A rear engine automobile is travelling around the track of 100 m mean radius. Each of the four road wheels has
a moment of inertia of 1.6 kg-m and an effective diameter of 600 mm. The rotating parts of the engine have a
moment of inertia of 0.85 kg-m , the engine axis is parallel to the rear axle and the crankshaft rotates in the

at le same sense as the road wheels. The gear radio, engine to back axle is 3 : 1. The vehicle has a mass of
1400 kg and its center of gravity is 450 mm above the road level. The width of the track of the vehicle is 1.5.
Determine the limiting speed of the vehicle round the curve for all four wheels to maintain contact with the road
ic w
surface to avoid skidding of vehicle .SPPU - Dec. 10, May 14, 11 Marks.
Soln. :
bl o
Radius of curvature of path, R = 100 m
Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = 1.6 kg - m2

Diameter of each wheel D = 0.6 m

D 0.6
Radius of wheel, r = 2 = 2 = 0.3 m
Pu K

Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 0.85 kg-m2

Gear Ratio, G = 3

Mass of vehicle, M = 1400 kg

Height of C.G. above the road surface, h = 0.45 m
Width track, a = 1.5 m

(1) Centrifugal force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Weight of vehicle is, Mg = 1400  9.81=13734 N

Angular velocity of wheels is,
W = r = 0.3 = 3.33 V rad/s

Processional angular velocity of the wheel is,

P = R = 100 = 0.01V rad/sec

MV2 1400  V2 2
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, Fc = R = 100 = 14V , N

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,

C = (4 Iw  G IE) W P = (4  1.6 + 3  0.85) 3.33 V  0.01 V

C = 0.298 V2 N-m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-26 Gyroscope

2) Reactions of Ground on Wheels

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o

Fig. P. 2.9.4(a) : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle

Pu K

Fig. P. 2.9.4(b) : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

Fig. P. 2.9.4(a) shows forces and couple acting on fours wheel and Fig. P. 2.9.4 (b) shows loading diagram of wheels.
Taking moments about A and B,
– 2 Ri  a + Mg  2 – FC  h – C = 0

Mg Fch C
Ri = 2 – 2a – 2a

13734 14V2 0.45 0.298V2

= 2 – 2  1.5 – 2  1.5
Ri = 6867 – 2.1 V2 – 0.0993 V3 = 6867 – 2.199 V2
Taking moments about C and D
2  Ro  a – Mg  2 – FC  h – C = 0
2 Ro a = 2 + FC  h + C
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-27 Gyroscope

Mg FC  h C
Ro = 4 + 2a + 2a

13734 14V2 0.45 0.298 V2

= 4 + +
2  1.5 2  1.5
Ro = 3433.5 + 2.199 V2, N
(3) Condition for Stability of Vehicle
For stability of vehicle
Ri  0 ;

ns e
6867 – 2.199 V2  0
2.199 V2  6867 ;

io dg
V2  3122.78
V  55.8818 m/s ...Ans.

Ex. 2.9.5 : A rear engine automobile is travelling along a track of 100 meters mean radius. Each of the four road wheels

at le has a moment of inertia of 2.5 kg m and an effective diameter of 0.6 m. The rotating parts of the engine have a
moment of inertia of 1.2 kg-m . The engine axis is parallel to the rear axle and the crankshaft rotates in the
same sense as the road wheels. The ratio of engine speed to back axle speed is 3 : 1. The automobile has a
mass of 1600 kg and has it centre of gravity 0.5 m above road level. The width of the track of the vehicle is
ic w
1.5 m. Determine the limiting speed of the vehicle around the curve for all four wheels to maintain contact with
the road surface. Assume that the road surface is not cambered and centre of gravity of the automobile lies
centrally with respect to the four wheels. .SPPU - Dec. 17, 12 Marks.
bl o

Soln. :
Radius of curvature of path, R = 100 m

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = 2.5 kg - m2

Diameter of each wheel D = 0.6 m
Pu K

D 0.6
Radius of wheel, r = 2 = 2 = 0.3 m

Mass moment of inertia of engine,


IE = 1.2 kg-m2
Gear Ratio, G = 3
Mass of vehicle, M = 1600 kg

Height of C.G. above the road surface,

h = 0.5 m
Width track, a = 1.5 m
(1) Centrifugal force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple
Weight of vehicle is,
Mg = 1600  9.81= 15696 N
Angular velocity of wheels is,
W = r = 0.3 = 3.33 V rad/s

Processional angular velocity of the wheel is

P = R = 100 = 0.01V rad/sec

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,

MV2 1600  V2 2
Fc = R = 100 = 16V , N
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-28 Gyroscope

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,

C = (4 Iw  G IE) W P
= (4  2.5 + 3  1.2) 3.33 V  0.01 V
C = 0.4528 V2 N-m
2) Reactions of Ground on Wheels

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P.2.9.5(a): Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle


Fig. P.2.9.5(b): Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

Fig. P.2.9.5(a) shows forces and couple acting on fours wheel and Fig. P.2.9.5(b) shows loading diagram of wheels.
Taking moments about A and B,
– 2 Ri  a + Mg  2 – FC  h – C = 0

Mg Fch C 15696 16V2 0.5 0.4528 V2

Ri = 2 – 2a – 2a = 2 – –
2  1.5 2  1.5
Ri = 7848 – 2.66 V2 – 0.150 V3 = 7848 – 2.81 V2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-29 Gyroscope

(3) Condition for Stability of Vehicle

For stability of vehicle
Ri  0 ; 7848 – 2.81 V2  0

2.81 V2  7848 ; V2  2792.88

V  52.84 m/s ...Ans.

Ex. 2.9.6 : A four wheeler motor car of mass 2 tonnes has height of CG 60cm above ground level. The engine parts and
transmissions are equivalent to a flywheel of 80 kg with radius of gyration of 15cm and there axis coincides with

ns e
the axis of wheel. The car negotiate a curve of 60m radius (take towards right turn) at 72 km/hr with overall gear
ratio 4: 1. The radius of road wheel is 30cm and its MI is 3kg-m . Assume wheel track as 1.5m, weight

io dg
distribution as 50:50, determine reaction at each wheel. SPPU : May 19, 14 Marks

Soln. :

Given :
Radius of curvature of path,

at le R = 60 m.
Mass moment of inertia of one wheel,
Iw = 3 kg-m2
ic w
 Radius of each wheel,
r = 30 cm = 0.3 m
bl o
 Mass moment of inertia of engine,
IE = 80  0.152 kg-m2 = 1.8 kg-m2

Gear ratio, G = 4
Mass of vehicle,
Pu K

M = 2000 kg
Height of C.G. above the road surface,

h = 60 cm = 0.6 m
Wheel track, a = 1.5 m
Speed of Vehicle ,
72  1000

V= 3600 =20 m/s

1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Weight of the vehicle is,
Mg = 2000  9.81 = 19620 N
Angular velocity of the wheels is,
V 20
W = r = 0.3 = 66.66 V rad / s

Precessional angular velocity of the wheels is,

V 20
p = R = 60 = 0.333 V rad / s

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,

M V2 2000 (20)2
Fc = R = 60 = 13.33  103, N

Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-30 Gyroscope

C = (4 Iw G IE) w p
= (4  3 + 4  1.8) 66.66 V  0.333 V
or C = 426.19 , N-m.

2. Reactions of Ground on Wheels

 Fig. 1-Q.10(a) shows forces and couple acting on fours wheel and Fig. 2-Q.10(a) shows loading diagram of wheels.
Taking moments about A and B,
– 2 Ro a + Mg  2 + Fc h + C = 0

ns e
Mg a
 2 Ro  a = 2 + Fc h + C

io dg
Mg Fc h C
 Ro = 4 – 2a – 2a

19620  1.5
= 2 + 13.33  103 + 426.19

2 Ro  1.5 = 14715 +7998 +926.19

at le or Ro = 7713.06, N
Taking moments about C and D,
ic w
2  Ri a – Mg  2 + Fc  h + C = 0
Mg a
 2 Ri a = 2 – Fc  h – C
bl o
19620  1.5
= 2 + 13.33  103  0.6 – 426.19

2 Ri  1.5 = 14715 – 7998 – 426.19

or Ri = 2096.93, N
Pu K

Fig. P. 2.9.6(a) : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-31 Gyroscope

ns e
Fig. P. 2.9.6(b): Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

io dg
Ex. 2.11.3 : A two wheeler motor vehicle and its rider weigh 130 kg and their combined centre of gravity is 750 mm above
the ground level when the vehicle is upright. Each road wheel is 600 mm diameter and has M.I. of 1.2 kg-m
about its axis of rotation. The rotating parts of the engine have M.I. of 0.4 kg-m . The engine rotates at 5 times
the speed of the road wheels and in the same sense. When the vehicle is rounding the curve of 130 m radius at

at le a speed if 60 km/hr. Determine :

Magnitude of total gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle.
Angle of banking so that there will be no tendency of side slip. SPPU - May 05, 10 Marks
ic w
Soln. : Given :

Mass of motor cycle with rider, M = 130 kg.

bl o
Height of C.G. of motor cycle and rider above ground,
h = 750 mm = 0.75 m

Diameter of wheel, D = 600 mm = 0.6 m

D 0.6
Radius of wheel, r = 2 = 2 = 0.3 m
Pu K

Mass moment of inertia of wheel,

Iw = 1.2 kg-m2

Gear ratio, G = =5
Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 0.4 kg-m2
Speed of motor cycle, V = 60 km / hr

60  1000
= 3600 16.66m/s
Radius of curvature, R = 130 m

1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple :

 Angular velocity of wheel is,
V 16.66
w = r = 0.3 = 55.53 rad / s

 Angular velocity of engine is,

E = G w = 5  55.53
or E = 277.66 rad / s
 Precessional angular velocity is,
V 16.66
p = R = 130 = 0.1281 rad / s.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-32 Gyroscope

 Weight of vehicle is,

Mg = 130  9.81
or Mg = 1275.3 N
 Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
MV2 (130  16.66)2
Fc = R = 130
or Fc = 277.55 N
 Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,

ns e
C = (2 Iw + GIE ) w p cos  … [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]
= (2  1.2 + 5  0.4)  55.53  0.1281 cos 

io dg
or C = 31.29 cos , N-m

2. Angle of Banking :
 Taking moments about O

at le
Mg h sin  – Fc h cos  – C = 0
1275.3  0.75 sin  – 277.55  0.75 cos  – 31.29 cos  = 0
956.47 sin  = 239.41 cos 
ic w
tan  = 0.25
 = tan –1 [0.25]
 = 14.05
bl o
or ...Ans.

3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :


Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = 31.29 cos 
Pu K

= 31.29 cos (14.05)

or C = 30.35 N-m ...Ans.

Ex. 2.11.4 : A two wheeler vehicle and its rider together weigh 2.2 kN and their combined centre of gravity is 600 mm above
the ground level when the vehicle upright. Each road wheel of 600 mm diameter and has a moment of inertia of
2 2
10 Nm . The rotating parts of the engine have a moment of inertia of 1.7 Nm . The engine rotates at 5.5 times

the speed of the road wheels and in the same sense. Determine the angle of heel necessary when the vehicle
is rounding a curve of 30m radius at a speed of 55 km/hr. .SPPU - Dec. 11.10 Marks
Soln. : Given :
Mass of motor cycle with rider,
Mg = 2.2 kN = 2.2  103 N
2.2  103
 M= 9.81 = 224.26 kg
Height of C.G. of motor cycle and rider above ground,
h = 600 mm = 0.6 m
Diameter of wheel, D = 600 mm = 0.6 m
D 0.6
Radius of wheel, r = 2 = 2 = 0.3 m

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, IW = 10 Nm2

Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 1.7 Nm2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-33 Gyroscope
Gear ratio G = = 5.5m
55  1000
Speed of motor cycle V = 55 km/hr = 3600
= 5.27 m/s
Radius of curvature, R = 30 m

1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple :

 Angular velocity of wheel is,

ns e
V 15.27
W = r = 0.3

io dg
= 50.92 rad/sec
 Angular velocity of engine is,
E = G W

at le = 5.5  50.92 = 50.92
E = 280.06 rad/sec

Processional angular velocity is,

ic w
V 15.27
p = R = 30 = 0.509
bl o
 Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
MV2 224.26  (15.27)2
Fc = R =


Fc = 1743.04 N
Pu K

 Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,

C = (2IW + GIE) = W p cos  … [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]

= (2  10 + 5.5  1.7)  50.92  0.509 cos 

or C = 760.70 cos , N-m

2. Angle of Banking :

Taking moments about O

Mgh sin  – Fc h cos  – C = 0

2.2  103  0.6 sin  – 1743.04  0.6 cos  – 760.70 cos  = 0

2200.6 sin  = 1806.52 cos 

tan  = 0.82
 = tan [0.82]
 = 39.35 …Ans.
3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :

Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = 760.70 cos 

= 760 .70 cos (39.35)

or C = 588.23 N-m …Ans.

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 2-34 Gyroscope
Ex. 2.11.5 : The wheels of a motor cycle have a moment of inertia of 3 kg-m and the engine parts, a moment of inertia of
0.25 kg-m . The wheel axles and crank shaft of the engine are all parallel to each other. If the ratio reduction
gears is 5 : 1, the wheel diameter is 700 mm, determine in magnitude and direction the gyroscopic couple when
the motor cycle is negotiating a curve of 30 meters radius at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. If the mass of
motor cycle with rider is 205 kg with centre of gravity at 70 cm above the grand in vertical position, determine
the speed of motor cycle rounding a curve of 60 m if the road condition and tyre permit a heel of 45.
SPPU - May 12, 10 Marks
Soln. : Given :

ns e
Mass of motor cycle with rider, M = 205 kg.
Height of C.G. of motor cycle and rider above ground,

io dg
h = 70 mm = 0.70 m
Diameter of wheel, D = 700 mm = 0.7 m
D 0.7
Radius of wheel, r = 2 = 2 = 0.35 m

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, Iw = 3 kg-m2

at le Gear ratio, G =
Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE = 0.25 kg-m2
ic w
Speed of motor cycle, V = 40 km / hr
40  1000
= 3600 11.11m/s
bl o

Radius of curvature, R = 60 m
Angle of heel,  = 45

1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple :

Pu K

 Angular velocity of wheel is,

V 11.11
w = r = 0.35 = 31.74 rad / s

 Angular velocity of engine is,

E = G w = 5  31.74
or E = 158.73 rad / s
 Precessional angular velocity is,

V 11.11
p = R = 60 = 0.1851 rad / s.

 Weight of vehicle is,

Mg = 205  9.81
or Mg = 2011.05 N
 Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
MV2 205  (11.11)2
Fc = R = 60
or Fc = 421.72 N
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,
C = (2 Iw + GIE ) w p cos  … [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]
= (2  3 + 5  0.25)  31.74  0.1851 cos 450
or C = 30.11 N-m …Ans.



ns e
io dg
Fundamentals of Vibration : Elements of a Vibratory System, Vector Representation of S.H.M., Degrees of
Freedom, Introduction to Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Vibratory Systems : Bicycle, Motor Bike and
Quarter Car. Types of Vibration, Equivalent Stiffness and Damping, Formulation of Differential Equation of
Motion (Newton, D’Alembert and Energy Method) ; Undamped Free Vibrations : Natural Frequency for

at le
Longitudinal, Transverse and Torsional Vibratory Systems. Damped Free Vibrations : Different Types of
Damping, Viscous Damping - Over Damped, Critically Damped and Under Damped Systems, Initial
ic w
Conditions, Logarithmic Decrement, Dry Friction or Coulomb Damping - Frequency and Rate of Decay of
bl o n

Ex. 3.12.5 : For the system shown in following Fig. P. 3.12.5(A) : k1 = 2000 N/m, k2 = 1500 N/m, k3 = 3000 N/m and
k4 = k5 = 500 N/m. Find mass (M), such that the system has a natural frequency of 10 Hz.
Pu K

(SPPU : Oct. 19(In Sem.), 6 Marks)


Fig. P. 3.12.5(A)

Soln. :
Given : fn = 10 Hz.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-2 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

ns e
io dg
(b) (c) (d) (e)
Fig. P. 3.12.5(B)

 From Fig. P. 3.12.5(B)(b):

at le
The springs K1, K2, K3 are in series. Therefore, their equivalent stiffness Ke1 is given by,
1 1 1
Kel = K1 + K2 + K3
ic w
1 1 1 1
 Kel = 2000 + 1500 + 3000
Kel = 666.66 N/m
bl o

 From Fig. P. 3.12.5(B)(c):


The springs K4 and K5 are in parallel. Therefore, their equivalent stiffness Ke2 is given by,

Ke2 = K4 + K5
Pu K

= 500 + 500 = 1000 N/m

 From Fig. P. 3.12.5(B)(d) :

The spring Kel and Ke2 are in parallel. Therefore, their equivalent stiffness Ke3 is given by,

Ke3 = Kel +Ke2 = 666.66 +1000 = 1666.66 N/m

 From Fig. P. 3.12.5(B)(e):
The natural frequency for spring-mass system is given by,

1 Ke3
fn = m
1 1666.66
 10 = m
 m = 0.4221 kg ...Ans.
Ex. 3.12.8 : Find the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig. P. 3.12.8(a).

Fig. P. 3.12.8(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-3 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :
 If the mass ‘m’ is displaced through small linear distance ‘x’, the pulley will rotate through an angle ‘’ as shown in
Fig. P. 3.12.8(c).

ns e
io dg

at le
From Fig. P. 3.12.8(c) :
Fig. P. 3.12.8
ic w
Angular displacement of pulley = 

Angular velocity of pulley = 
bl o
Angular acceleration of pulley = 
Linear displacement of mass = x = r

Linear velocity of mass = x = r
·· ··
Linear acceleration of mass = x = r
Pu K

[I] Equilibrium Method


From Fig. P. 3.12.8(c);

 Linear motion of mass ‘m’ :
 [Inertia force + External forces] = 0

mx+T = 0
T = –mx ...(a)
 Rotary motion of pulley :
[Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
 Io  + Kr   r – T  r = 0 …(b)
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),
·· ··
Io  + Kr2  + mx r = 0
·· ·· ·· ··
Io  + Kr2  + mr2 = 0 …[ ··· x = r  ]
(Io + mr2)  + Kr2  = 0

1 Mr2 + mr2 ·· + Kr2  = 0

… ··· Io = 2 mr2 for pulley 
2   
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-4 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
··  Kr2 
+ 1 = 0
 Mr2 + mr2
2 
·· K 
  + M  = 0 …(c)
 + m
2 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n =
 + m

ns e
2 
 n = , rad/s

io dg
 + m
2 
 Natural frequency :
Now, fn =

at le or fn =
2 M
+ m
, Hz ...Ans.
ic w
[II] Energy Method
bl o

From Fig. P. 3.12.8(c);


 K.E. of system :
1 ·2 1 ·2
Linear K.E. of mass = 2 mx = 2 mr2 
Pu K

1 1 ·2
Rotary K.E. of pulley = 2 Io 2 = 2 Io 

Total kinetic energy is,


1 ·2 1 ·2
KE = 2 mr2  + 2 Io 

 P.E. of system :
1 2 1 2 2
Kx = Kr 

Potential energy of spring =

2 2
 PE = 2 Kr2 3

 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·2 1 ·2 1
 dt 2 mr2  + 2 Io  + 2 Kr2 2 = 0
 
1 2 · ·· 1 · ·· 1 2 ·
2 mr 2   + 2 Io 2  + 2 Kr 2   = 0
·· 1 ··  ··· I o = 1 2 
mr2  + 2 Mr2  + Kr2  = 0 2 Mr for pulley 

·· M ··
m + 2  + K = 0

M + m ·· + K = 0
2 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-5 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
·· K 
  + M  = 0 ...(d)
 + m
2 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (d) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = M
2 +m
 n = M , rad/s

ns e
2 + m

 Natural frequency :

io dg
fn =
1 K
or fn = M , Hz ...Ans.
2 + m

at le
Ex. 3.12.13 : A roller, shown in Fig. P. 3.12.13(a), rolls over the surface without slipping. Find the natural frequency of the
system. SPPU - May 02, May 04.
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 3.12.13(a)
Pu K

Soln. :
 If the roller is displaced through a small linear distance ‘x’, it will rotates through an angle ‘’, as shown in
Fig. P. 3.12.13(a).

 Let, Fr be the frictional force acting at the point of contact between roller and surface.

Fig. P. 3.12.13(b) : Displaced Position

 From Fig. P. 3.12.13(b) :
Angular displacement of roller = 
Linear displacement of roller = x = r
· ·
Linear velocity of roller = x = r
Deflection of each spring = x + b sin 
= x+b …(as sin  ≃ )
= r + b = (r + b) 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-6 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

[I] Equilibrium Method

From Fig. P. 3.12.13(a) ;

 Linear motion of roller :
 [Inertia force + External forces] = 0
 m x + 2K (r + b)  – Fr = 0
 Fr = m x + 2K(r + b)  ...(a)

ns e
 Rotary motion of roller :
[Inertia torque + External torques] = 0

io dg
 Io  + 2K (r + b)   b + Fr  r = 0 …(b)
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),
·· ··
Io  + 2Kb (r + b)  + [m x + 2K (r + b) ] r = 0

at le

Io  + 2Kb (r + b)  + [mr  + 2K (r + b) ] r
Io  + 2Kb (r + b)  + mr2  + 2 Kr (r + b) 
= 0

= 0
ic w
(Io + mr2)  + 2K [b (r + b) + r (r + b)]  = 0

1 mr2 + mr2 ·· + 2K [b (r + b) + r (r + b)]  = 0

2 
bl o

3 mr2 ·· + 2K [(r + b)2]  = 0

2 

·· 2K (r + b)2 
+  = 0
 3 mr2 
 2 
Pu K

 +
·· 4K (r + b) 
 = 0 …(c)
 3mr2 

 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
4K (r + b)2
2n =

4K (r + b)2
 n = , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =
1 4K (r + b)2
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 3mr2

[II] Energy Method

From Fig. P. 3.12.13(a) ;

 K. E. of system :
1 ·2 1 ·2
Linear K. E. of roller = 2 m x = 2 mr2 
1 1 ·2 1 ·2
Rotary K. E. of roller = 2 Io 2 = 2 Io  = 4 mr2 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-7 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
Total kinetic energy is,
1 ·2 1 ·2
KE = 2 m r2  + 4 mr2 

 P. E. of system :
Potential energy of two springs = 2 2 K (r + b)2 2
 
= K (r + b)2 2
PE = K (r + b)2 2
 Energy method :

ns e
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·2 1

io dg
 dt 2 mr2  + 4 mr2  + K (r + b)2 2 = 0
 
1 2 · ·· 1 2 · ·· ·
2 mr 2   + 4 mr 2   + K (r + b) 2  = 0

·· ·· 1 ··
mr2  +  + 2 mr2  + 2K (r + b)2  = 0

at le 3 2 ··
2 mr  + 2K (r + b)  = 0
ic w
·· 2K (r + b)2 
+ = 0
 3 mr2 
 2 
bl o

or  + 
·· 4K (r + b)2
= 0 …(d)
 3mr2 

 Natural circular frequency : This is Equation (d) the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion we get,
Pu K

4K (r + b)2
2n =
4K (r + b)2
 n =

, rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =

1 4K (r + b)2
or fn = , Hz ...Ans.
2 3mr2
Ex. 3.12.16 : Assuming that the cord is inextensible and neglecting mass of pulley, determine the natural frequency of the
system, shown in Fig. P. 3.12.16(a).

Fig. P. 3.12.16(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-8 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :

[I] Equilibrium Method

The mass of pulley is neglected, hence only two springs (K1 and K2) and mass ‘m’ forms a system. It is convenient to
find the natural frequency by converting two springs K1 and K2 into equivalent spring Ke, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.16.
Force in spring 2 = F

ns e
Force in spring 1 = F/2

io dg
at le
ic w
(b) (c) (d)
bl o

Fig. P. 3.12.16

 Deflection of mass (x) :

Deflection of spring 2, x2 =
Pu K

F/2 F
Deflection of spring 1, x1 = =
K1 2 K1

Total displacement of mass ‘m’ is,

x1 F F 1 1
x = x2 + 2 = K + 4 K =  K + 4 K  F
2 1  2 1

or x =  4 K1 + K2  F ...(a)

 4 K1 K2 
 Equivalent stiffness of spring [Fig. 3.12.16(d)] :
4 K1 K2
=4K +K 
Ke = x =
 4 K 1 + K 2 F  1 2

 4 K1 K2 
 Natural circular frequency :
Ke 4 K1 K2
n = m = m (4 K1 + K2) , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
Now, fn =
1 4 K1 K2
or fn = m (4 K1 + K2) , Hz ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-9 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

[II]Alternate Solution

ns e
io dg
at le Fig. P. 3.12.16(e)
ic w
 From Fig. P. 3.12.16(e) :
Force in spring 2 = mg
bl o

 Static deflection of spring 2, 2 = K

Force in spring 1, = mg/2

Pu K

 Static deflection of spring 1, 1 = 2 K


 Static deflection of mass m :


1 mg mg
 = 2 + 2 = K + 4 K = mg 1+ 1 
2 1  K2 4 K1 
mg (4 K1 + K2)
or = 4 K 1 K2 ...(b)

 Natural circular frequency :

g g 4 K1 K2
n = = mg (4 K1 + K2)

4 K1 K2
or n = m (4 K1 + K2) , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =
4 K1 K2
or fn = m (4 K1 + K2) Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 3.12.18 : Determine the natural frequency of vibration of the spring mass system, taking into account the mass of spring.
SPPU - May 02.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-10 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :

ns e
Fig. P. 3.12.18

io dg
 From Fig. P. 3.12.18 :
Mass attached at free end of spring = m
Mass per unit length of spring = 
Length of the spring = l

at le Mass of spring = ms=  l

Displacement of mass ‘m’ and free end of spring = x
ic w
Velocity of mass ‘m’ and free end of spring = x
Stiffness of spring = K
bl o

[I] Energy Method


 K.E. of system :
Pu K

(i) Consider a small element of the spring of length ‘y’ at a distance ‘y’ from fixed end of spring.

(ii) Velocity of the small element ‘y’ = l x

(iii) Kinetic energy of the small element of spring

= 2  Mass of small element of spring  (Velocity of small element of spring)2
1  y · 2  y2 x2

= 2  ( y)  l x =  y
  2 l2
(iv) Total kinetic energy of spring
l · · l
 y2 x2  x2
=  2 l2 2l 
y = 2 y2 y
0 0
· ·
 x2  y3  l  x2 l3
= 2  3  =   1   l  ·2
2  3 =2 3 x
2l 0 2l
1  ms  ·
= 2 3 x2 [∵ ms =  l ]
 
1 ·
(v) Kinetic energy of mass ‘m’ = 2 m x2

(vi) Total kinetic energy of system is,

1  ms  · 1 ·
KE = 2 3 x2 + 2 m x2
 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-11 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 P.E. of system :
Potential energy of the spring = 2 K x2
 PE = 2 K x2

 Energy Method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d  1  ms  · 2 1 · 2 1 
 dt 2 3 x + 2 m x + 2 K x2 = 0
   

ns e
1 m s  · ·· 1 · ·· 1 ·
2 3 2xx+2m2xx+2K2xx = 0

io dg
 ms  ··x + m ··x + Kx = 0
··  ms 
x m+ 3 +Kx = 0
 

at le  x+
··  K
 m + ms 
 3 
x = 0 …(a)
ic w
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) the differential equation of motion for given system. Comparing this
equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = ms
bl o

m+ 3


 n = ms , rad/s
m+ 3
Pu K

 Natural frequency :
Now, fn =

1 K
or fn = ms Hz ...Ans.
m+ 3

 Thus, while finding the natural frequency of the spring mass system, the mass of spring can be accounted by adding

one third of the spring mass to main mass.

Ex. 3.12.20 : The circular disc of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’ is pivoted, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.20(a). At equilibrium condition,
both springs are under tension. Find the natural frequency of vibration of system.

Fig. P. 3.12.20
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-12 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :
Let, y = initial deflection of springs
 Let us assume that the disc is rotated by angle ‘’ in clockwise direction as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.20(c). Due to this, the
deflection of right side spring reduces by ‘x’ while the deflection of left side spring increases by ‘x’

ns e
io dg
 at le
From Fig. P. 3.12.20 (b) :
Fig. P. 3.12.20
ic w
Angular displacement of pulley = 
Angular velocity of pulley = 
bl o
Angular acceleration of pulley = 

Initial deflection of springs = y

Deflection of springs due to rotation of pulley = x = r 
Pu K

Final tension in left spring = K (y + x)

= K (y + r)

Final tension in right spring = K (y – x)

= (y – r)

[I] Equilibrium Method


From Fig. P. 3.12.20(c) ;

 Rotary motion of pulley :
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
 Io  + K (y + x) r – K (y – x) r = 0
Io  + K (y + r ) r – K (y – r ) r = 0
 Io  + Kyr + Kr2  – Kyr + Kr2  = 0
Io  + 2 Kr2  = 0
1 2 ·· 1
2 mr  + 2Kr 
= 0 [ ··· Io = 2 mr2 for pulley ]

1 ··
2 m + 2K  = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-13 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
··  2K 
 + m/2  = 0
 
··  4 K
 + m  = 0 ...(a)
 
 Natural circular Frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for given system. Comparing this
equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = m

 n = m , rad/s

ns e
 Natural frequency :
n 1 4K

io dg
fn = = m
2 2
1 K
or fn = m , Hz ...Ans.

 at le
K.E. of system :
[II] Energy Method
ic w
The kinetic energy (Rotary) of the disc is,
1 1 · 1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2 = 2 Io 2 = 4 mr2 2
bl o
 P. E. of system :
The potential energy of both springs, is

1 1
PE = 2 Kx2 + 2 Kx2 = Kx2 = K (r)2
Pu K

 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0

d 1 2 ·2 2 2
dt 4 mr  + Kr   = 0
1 2 · ·· ·
4 mr 2   + Kr 2 
= 0

m ··

2  + 2 K = 0
··  2K 
 + m/2  = 0
 
··  4K 
 + m  = 0 ...(b)
 
 Natural circular Frequency : This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion we get,
2n = m

 n = m , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
n 1 4K
Now, fn = = m
2 2
1 K
or fn = m , Hz ...Ans.

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-14 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Ex. 3.12.21 : An electric motor supported by 4 springs, each having stiffness K, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.21(a). If the mass
moment of inertia of motor about the axis of rotation is Io, find its natural frequency of vibrations.

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 3.12.21
Soln. :
 Let, the motor rotate through an angle ‘’ in clockwise direction due to which two left hand springs are stretched by

at le
distance x, and two right hand springs are compressed by same distance x as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.21.
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.21
 From Fig. P. 3.12.21(a)(b) :

Angular displacement of pulley = 

Angular velocity of pulley = 
Angular Acceleration of pulley = 

[I] Equilibrium Method

From Fig. P. 3.12.21(a)(b) ;

 Rotary motion :
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
 Io  + 2 Ka   a + 2 Ka   a = 0
Io  + 4 K a2  = 0
··  4 Ka2 
 +  = 0 ...(a)
 Io 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-15 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

2n = Io
 n = Io , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =
1 4Ka2
fn = Io , Hz ...Ans.

ns e
[II] Energy Method

io dg
 K.E. of system :
The kinetic energy of motor is,
1 1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2 = 2 Io 2

at le
P.E. of system :
The potential energy of spring is,
ic w
PE = 4  2 Kx2  = 2Ka2 2
 
 Energy method :
bl o
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·
 dt  2 Io 2 + 2Ka2 2  = 0

 
1 · ·· ·
2 Io 2   + 2Ka 2  = 0
Pu K

Io  + 4Ka2  = 0

 + I  = 0
 o 
 Natural circular frequency :
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion we get,

2n = I

 n = Io , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =
1 4Ka2
fn = Io , Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 3.12.23 : A U-tube manometer having column length ‘l’ contains liquid with its both ends open to atmosphere. Find the
natural frequency of oscillations of liquid column, when tube is slightly displaced.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-16 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :

ns e
io dg
(c) F.B.D. of Displaced Fluid
Fig. P. 3.12.23

 Fig. P. 3.12.23(a) shows U-tube manometer in equilibrium position i.e. when fluid is at rest.

at le
Fig. P. 3.12.23(b) shows U-tube manometer in displaced position of fluid i.e. when fluid is displaced by distance ‘x’ in
upward direction in right column of U-tube.
Therefore the total difference in level in two columns is ‘2x’.
ic w
 From Fig. P. 3.12.23 :
Density of fluid = 
bl o
Cross sectional area of the tube = A
Mass of the fluid = m = Al

Mass of the displaced fluid = m1 = A 2x

Gravitational force exerted by the displaced fluid = F = m1 g
Pu K

[I] Equilibrium Method


From Fig. P. 3.12.23(c);

 Motion of displaced fluid :
 [Inertia force + External forces] = 0

 mx+F = 0
m x + m1 g = 0
 A l x + A 2 x g = 0
··  2g 
 x+ l x = 0 ...(a)
 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = l

 n = l , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-17 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

1 2g
or fn = l , Hz ...Ans.

[II] Energy Method

 Velocity of liquid particles : The liquid column is displaced from equilibrium position through a distance x. Therefore
each particle in liquid column has a velocity x at that instant. Therefore,
 K.E. of system : The Kinetic energy of fluid is,
1 · 1 ·
KE = 2 mx2 = 2 Al x2

ns e
 P.E. of system : The liquid of mass Ax is raised through a distance x. Therefore, the PE the potential energy of
displaced fluid is,

io dg
= (Ax) gx = Agx2
 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0

at le
d 1 ·
 dt  2 Al x2 + Agx2 

· ··
2 Al 2 x x +  Ag2x x

= 0

= 0
ic w
Al x + Ag2x = 0
lx + 2gx = 0
bl o

··  2g 
 x+ l x = 0 ...(b)
 

 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
Pu K

2n = l


 n = l , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
fn =

1 2g
or fn = l , Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 3.12.24 : A V-tube manometer having liquid column of length ‘l’ has both ends open to atmosphere, as shown in
Fig. P. 3.12.24(a). Find the natural frequency of oscillation of liquid column when tube is slightly displaced.

Fig. P. 3.12.24(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-18 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :
 Fig. P. 3.12.24(b) shows V-tube manometer in equilibrium position i.e. when fluid is at rest.
 Fig. P. 3.12.24(c) shows V-tube manometer in displaced position of fluid i.e. when fluid is displaced by distance x in
upward direction in right column of V-tube. Therefore total difference in level in two columns is ‘2x’.

ns e
io dg
(b) Equilibrium Position (c) When Fluid is Displaced (d) F.B.D. of Displaced Fluid

at le
Actual length of fluid column =
Fig. P. 3.12.24
ic w
 From Fig. P. 3.12.24 :
Density of fluid = 
bl o

Cross sectional area of the tube = A

Mass of the fluid = m = Al

Mass of the displaced fluid = m1 = A
Pu K

Actual displacement of fluid =

Velocity of fluid =
Acceleration of fluid =
Gravitational force exerted by the fluid = F = m1 g

Gravitational force exerted by the fluid along the column
= F = m1 g cos  =  A 2 x g

[I] Equilibrium Method

From Fig. P. 3.12.24(d) ;

 Displacement of liquid :
 [Inertia force + External forces]
= 0
 + m1 g cos = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-19 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
Al ·· A2x
x+  g cos  = 0
cos cos
l ··
x + 2gx = 0
··  2g 
 l/cos  x = 0
··  2g cos 
 x+ x = 0 ...(a)
 l 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing

ns e
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2g cos

io dg
2n = l
2g cos
 n = l , rad/s

 Natural frequency :

at le fn =

1 2g cos
ic w
or fn = l , Hz ...Ans.

[II] Energy Method

bl o

 K.E. of system :

Kinetic energy of fluid is,

· ·2
1  x  1

KE = 2 m   = Al x 2
Pu K

 cos  2 cos 
x 
 P. E. of system : The liquid of mass  A
 cos  is raised through a distance x.

 Potential energy of displaced fluid is,

PE =  A x  gx = x2
 cos  cos
 Energy method :

dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 x2 Ag x2 
 dt  2 Al +  = 0
 cos  cos 

· ·· ·
Al 2 x x Ag ·
+ 2x x = 0
2 cos2  cos 
l ·· 2g
x+ x = 0
cos2 cos
··  2g  cos  

 cos  l  x = 0
··  2g cos  
 x+ x = 0 ...(b)
 l 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for given system, comparing this
equation with fundamental equation simple harmonic motion, we get,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-20 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
2g cos
2n = l
2g cos
 n = l , rad/s

 Natural frequency :
fn =

1 2g cos
fn = l , Hz ...Ans.

ns e
Ex. 3.12.28 : Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of the simple pendulum, shown in Fig. P. 3.12.28(a), considering

io dg
the mass of rod. .SPPU - Dec. 13, 8 Marks.

at le
ic w
bl o
Fig. P. 3.12.28(a)
Soln. :

 Mass M.I. of system about point of suspension O :

Let, m = suspended point mass, kg
Pu K

mr = mass of rod, kg
L = length of rod, m

Io = mL2 +  12 + mr  2   = mL2 + 3
mr L2 L 2 mr L2

   
or Io =  m + mr  L2 ...(a)
 3 

[I] Equilibrium Method

(b) Displaced Position (c) F.B.D of System

Fig. P. 3.12.28
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-21 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Angular motion about ‘o’ :

From Fig. P. 3.12.28(c) ;
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
·· L
 Io  + mgL sin + mr g 2 sin  = 0 …(b)

 Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),

 m + mr  L2 ·· +  m + mr  gL sin  = 0
 3   2 
 m + mr  L2 ·· +  m + mr  gL [ ···  is small, sin  ≃  ]

ns e
= 0
 3   2 
··  m + mr / 2  g

io dg
+ m+m /3 L = 0 …(c)
 r 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion of a simple pendulum. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
 m + mr / 2  g

at le 2n = m + m / 3 L

n =
 r 
 m + mr / 2  g
 m + mr / 3  L , rad/s
ic w
 Natural frequency :
Now, fn =
bl o

or fn =
1  m + mr / 2  g , Hz ...Ans.

2  m + mr / 3  L
Pu K

[II] Energy Method


Fig. P. 3.12.28(d)

From Fig. P. 3.12.28(d);

 K.E. of system :
1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2

 P.E. of the system :

PE = mg (L – L cos ) + mr g (2 – 2 cos )
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-22 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
= mgL (1 – cos ) + mr g 2 (1 – cos )

or PE =  m + mr  gL (1 – cos )
 2 
 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d  1 ·2  mr  
 dt 2 Io  + m + 2 gL (1 – cos) = 0
   
1 · ··  mr  ·

ns e
2 Io 2  +  m + 2  gL sin   = 0
1 · ··  mr 

io dg
2 Io 2   +  m + 2  gL = 0 …(d)

…[ ···  is small, sin  ≃  ]

Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (d)
 m + mr  L2 ·· +  m + mr  gL = 0

at le  3   2 
··  m + mr / 2  g
 + m+m /3 L  = 0
  …(e)
ic w

 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (e) is the differential equation of motion of a simple pendulum. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
bl o

2n =
 m + mr / 2  g
 m + mr / 3  L

 n =
 m + mr / 2  g , rad/s
 m + mr / 3  L
Pu K

 Natural frequency :
fn =

fn =
1  m + mr / 2  g , Hz ...Ans.
2  m + mr / 3  L
Ex. 3.12.34 : Find the natural frequency of vibration for the system, shown in Fig. P. 3.12.34(a). Neglect the mass of

cantilever beam. Also, find the natural frequency of vibration when :

(i) K = ; and (ii) I = .

Fig. P. 3.12.34(a)
Soln. :
 Deflection of cantilever beam due to weight W :
 = 3EI ...[From Table 3.11.1]
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-23 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Stiffness of cantilever beam :

K1 = = = 3
 WL3 L
 Equivalent spring stiffness : The cantilever beam and helical tension spring behave like two springs in series
[Fig. P. 3.12.34(c)]. Hence, stiffness of equivalent spring can be found as follows :
1 1 1
Ke = K1 + K
1 1 1 L3 1 KL3 + 3EI
 K = 3EI + K = 3EI + K = 3EI K

ns e

io dg
or Ke = …(a)
KL3 + 3EI
 Natural frequency of vibration of equivalent system :
1 Ke
fn = m

at le fn =
m (KL3 + 3EI)
, Hz ...Ans.
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

(b) (c) (d)

Fig. P. 3.12.34

1. When K =  :
 Equivalent stiffness of spring :
1 1 1 1 1 1
Ke = K1 + K = K1 +  = K1 + 0

 Ke = K1 =
 Natural frequency of vibration of system :
1 Ke 1 K1
fn = m = 2 m
1 3EI
or fn = , Hz ...Ans.
2 mL3

2. When I =  :
 Equivalent stiffness of springs :
1 1 1 L3 1 L3 1
Ke K1 K 3EI K 3E + K
= + = + =

1 1
 K = 0+K

 Ke = K
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-24 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Natural frequency of vibration of system :

1 K
fn = m , Hz ...Ans.
Ex. 3.12.36 : Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of a semicircular disc suspended its center.
Soln. :

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 3.12.36

at le
Mass M. I. of semicircular disc about O :
Io = 2 , kg-m2 ...(a)
ic w
[I] Equilibrium Method
bl o

From Fig. P. 3.12.36(b) ;


 Angular motion about point ‘O’ :

 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
Pu K

·· 4r
 Io  + mg sin  = 0
·· 4r

Io  + mg  = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  4mgr 
 +  = 0 ...(b)
 3 Io 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing

this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2n =
3 Io
 n = , rad/s
3 Io

 Natural frequency :
n 1 4mgr 1 4mgr
fn = = =
2 2 3 Io 2 3 mr2/2

1 8g
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 3 r
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-25 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

[II] Energy Method

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 3.12.36(c)
From Fig. P. 3.12.36(c) ;
 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of semicircular disc is,

 at le
P. E. of system :
1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2
ic w
Potential energy of semicircular disc is,
4r 4r
PE = mg  
 – 3 cos  
bl o

 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0

d 1 ·2 4r 4r
 dt  2 Io  + mg  
  3 – 3 cos    = 0
Pu K

1 · ·· 4r ·
2 Io 2   + mg 3 sin  = 0

·· 4r
Io  + mg  = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  4 mgr 
 + = 0 ...(c)
 3 Io 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing

this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2n =
3 Io
 n = , rad/s
3 Io
 Natural frequency :
n 1 4mgr 1 4mgr
fn = = =
2 2 3 Io 2 3 mr2/2

1 8g
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 3 r

Ex. 3.12.37 : Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of a half solid cylinder of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’, when it is slightly
displaced from mean position and released.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-26 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :

[I] Equilibrium Method

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 3.12.37
From Fig. P. 3.12.37(b) ;

at le
Angular motion about ‘p’:
 [Inertia torque + External torques]
·· 4r
= 0
ic w
 Ip  + mg sin  = 0 ...[ ··· Body is oscillating about point P so taking Ip ]
·· 4r
Ip  + mg  = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
bl o

··  4mgr 
 +  = 0 ...(a)
 3 Ip 

 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
Pu K

2n =
3 Ip

 n = , rad/s
3 Ip
 Natural frequency :
fn =

1 4mgr
or fn = , Hz …(b)
2 3 Ip
where, Ip = mass moment inertia of half solid cylinder about point ‘P’.

[II]Energy Method

Fig. P. 3.12.37(c)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-27 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

From Fig. P. 3.12.37(c);

 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of half solid cylinder is,
1 ·
KE = 2 Ip 2

 P. E. of system :
Potential energy of half solid cylinder is,
4r 4r
PE = mg  
 3 – 3 cos  

ns e
 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0

io dg
d 1 ·2 4r 4r
 dt  2 Ip  + mg  
  3 – 3 cos    = 0

1 · ·· 4r ·
2 Ip 2   + mg 3 sin   = 0

at le  +
Ip  + mg

··  mg4r 

 = 0

= 0
…[ ··· sin  ≃  ]

ic w
 3Ip 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a given system, comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
bl o
2n =
3 Ip

 n = , rad/s
3 Ip
Pu K

 Mass M. I. and solid half cylinder about point ‘P’ :

From Fig. P. 3.12.37(a),

Io = IG + m (OG)2
4r 2 mr2 4r 2
 IG = Io – m  = 2 –m 
 3   3 
IG = m  2 –
r2 16r2 
 92 

4r 2
Ip = IG + m (GP)2 = m  2 –
r2 16r2 
 9 
 3 
= m 2 –
r2 16r2 
+ m  r2 +
16r2 8r2 

 9 
 92 3 
1 16 16 8  3 8 
= mr2  2 – 2 + 1 + 2 – = mr2  2 –
 9 9 3   3 
9 – 16 
or Ip = mr2  …(d)
 6 
 Natural frequency :
n 1 4mgr
fn = = , Hz …(e)
2 2 3 Ip
Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (d),
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-28 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

1 4mgr
fn =
2 (9 – 16)
3 mr2
1 24mgr
2 (9 – 16)
3 mr2

1 8g
or fn = , Hz ...Ans.
2 r (9 – 16)

Ex. 3.12.38 : A flywheel, having a mass of 20 kg, is allowed to swing as pendulum about a knife-edge at the inner side of the

ns e
rim. If the time period for one oscillation is 1.2 seconds, determine the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel
about its geometric axis. Take inner radius of flywheel as 0.15 m.

io dg
Soln. :

[I] Equilibrium Method

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.38

From Fig. P. 3.12.38(b) ;

 Angular motion about point ‘O’ :
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
 Io  + mg sin  0.15 = 0

Io  + 0.15 mg  = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  0.15mg 
 +  = 0 ...(a)
 I o 
 Natural circular frequency : Comparing this Equation (a) with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we
2n = Io
 n = Io , rad/s ...(b)

 Natural frequency :
fn =
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-29 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

1 n 1
 t = ∵ fn = t 
p 2  p

1 1 0.15mg
or tp = 2 Io
1 1 0.15  20  9.81
 1.2 = Io
 Io = 1.073 kg-m2
 Mass M. I. about C. G. (IG) :

ns e
 IG = Io – mr2
 IG = 1.073 – 20  (0.15)2

io dg
or IG = 0.6234 kg-m2 ...Ans.

[II]Energy Method

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.38(c)

From Fig. P. 3.12.38(c) ;

 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of flywheel is,
1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2

 P. E. of system :
Potential energy of flywheel is,
PE = mg (0.15 – 0.15 cos)
 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·2
 dt  2 Io  + mg (0.15 – 0.15 cos)  = 0
 
1 · ·· ·
2 Io 2   + mg 0.15 sin  = 0
Io  + 0.15 mg = 0
…[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  0.15 mg 
 +  = 0 ...(c)
 I o 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-30 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Natural circular frequency : Comparing this Equation (c) with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we
2n = I
 n = Io , rad/s

 Natural frequency :
1 n
fn = t =

ns e

1 1 0.15mg
 t =

io dg
p 2 Io

1 1 0.15  20  9.81
 1.2 = Io

Io = 1.073 kg-m2

at le
Mass M. I. about C. G. (IG) :

Io = IG + mr2
ic w
 IG = Io – mr2 = 1.073 – 20  (0.15)2

or IG = 0.6234 kg-m2 ...Ans.

bl o

Ex. 3.12.39 : A uniform rod of mass ‘m' is supported, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.39(a). Determine the frequency of the resulting
motion. SPPU - Dec. 06.
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.39(a)
Soln. :

Fig. P. 3.12.39
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-31 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
Spring force = Kx = K 2 

Equilibrium Method

From Fig. P. 3.12.39(b);

 Angular motion about ‘O’ :
 Inertia torque + External torques = 0
 L
I0  + Kx 2 = 0

ns e
 L L
  I0  + K 2  2 = 0

io dg
 L2
 I0  + K 4  = 0

 KL2
  + 4 I   = 0 …(a)
 0

at le
Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2 KL2
ic w
n = 4 I

 n = 4 I0
bl o

 Natural frequency :

1 KL2
Now, fn = = 4 I0
2 2
Pu K

I0 = 12

1 KL2
 fn =

2 4 ML2
1 3K
or fn = M , Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 3.12.40 : Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of the system shown in Fig. P. 3.12.40(a).

Fig. P. 3.12.40(a)
Soln. :
 Fig. P. 3.12.40(b) shows the system when beam is displaced through an angle ‘’, due to which left spring K1, is
stretched by distance ‘x’ and right spring K2, is compressed by distance x2.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-32 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

(b) : Displaced Position (c) F.B.D. of System

Fig. P. 3.12.40

ns e
 From Fig. P. 3.12.40(b) :
Deflection of spring 1 = x1 ≃ a

io dg
Force due to spring 1 = K1 x1 = K1 a
Deflection of spring 2 = x2 ≃ b
Force due to spring 2 = K2 x2 = K2 b

1. Equilibrium Method :

 at le
From Fig. P. 3.12.40(b) ;
Angular motion about ‘O’ :
ic w
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
 Io  + ( K1 x1 ) a + ( K2 x2 ) b = 0
bl o
Io  + K1 a2  + K2 b2  = 0
2 2
··  K1 a + K2 b 

 +  = 0 ...(a)
 Io 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
Pu K

this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

K1 a2 + K2 b2
2n = Io

K1 a2 + K2 b2
 n = Io , rad/s

 Natural frequency :

fn =

1 K1 a2 + K2 b2
or fn = Io , Hz …(b)
mL2 m (a + b)2
Now, IG = 12 = 12
m (a2 + b2 + 2 ab)
= 12
m (a2 + b2 + 2 ab)
 Io = IG + mc2 = 12 + mc2

or Io = m 
a2 + b2 + 2 ab 2 
+c ...(c)
 12 
Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (b),
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-33 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

1 K1 a2 + K2 b2
fn = , Hz ...Ans.
a2 + b2 + 2 ab
+ c2 
 12 
2. Energy Method :

From Fig. P. 3.12.40(b);

 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of beam,
1 ·
K. E. = 2 Io 2

ns e
 P. E. of system :
1 1

io dg
Potential energy of spring 1 = 2 K1 x1 = 2 K1 a2 2
1 2 1
Potential energy of spring 2 = 2 K2 x2 = 2 K2 b2 2

Total potential energy is,

 at le
Energy method :
1 1
PE = 2 K1 a2 2 + 2 K2 b2 2
ic w
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·2 1 1
 dt  2 Io  + 2 K1 a2 2 + 2 K2 b2 2  = 0
 
bl o

1 · ·· 1 · 1 ·
2 Io 2  + 2 K1 a 2  + 2 K2 b 2  = 0
2 2

 Io  + K1 a2  + K2 b2  = 0
Pu K

Io  + ( K1 a2 + K2 b2 )  = 0
2 2
··  K1 a + K2 b 

+  = 0 …(d)
 Io 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (d) is the differential equation of motion for a given system, comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
K1 a2 + K2 b2

n = Io
K1 a2 + K2 b2
 n = Io , rad/s

 Natural frequency :
n 1 K1 a2 + K2 b2
fn = = Io , Hz …(e)
2 2
mL2 m (a + b)2 (a2 + b2 + 2 ab)
Now, IG = 12 = 12 =m 12
(a2 + b2 + 2 ab)
Io = IG + mc2 = m 12 + mc2

Io = m 
a2 + b2 + 2 ab 2 
or +c …(f)
 12 
Substituting Equation (f) in Equation (e),
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-34 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

1 K1 a2 + K2 b2
fn = , Hz ...Ans.
a2 + b2 + 2 ab
+ c2 
 12 

Ex. 3.12.41 : A slender bar of length ‘L’ is supported symmetrically on two rollers rotating in opposite direction with the same
speed, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.41(a). The coefficient of friction between the bar and the roller material is ‘’.
Write the equation of motion for the system and find the natural frequency of oscillation of the slender bar. What
will be the effect on the system, if the direction of rotation of rollers is reversed ? SPPU - May 05.

ns e
io dg
Soln. :at le Fig. P. 3.12.41(a)
ic w
 Fig. P. 3.12.41(a) shows the bar in displaced position. Due to shifting of bar reactions RA and RB will not be same. The
frictional force between bar and rollers acts as a restoring force.
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.41(b) : Displaced Position

1. Determination of Reactions :

From Fig. P. 3.12.41(b) ;


Taking moment about point ‘B’,

RA  2 a = mg (a – x)
mg (a – x)
 RA = 2a

Taking moment about point ‘A’,

RB  2 a = mg (a + x)
mg (a + x)
 RB = 2a
2. Determination of Restoring Force :
 Frictional force at point ‘A’ :
 mg (a – x)
FA =  RA = 2a
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-35 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Frictional force at point ‘B’ :

 mg (a + x)
FB =  RB = 2a
 Restoring force :
F = FB – FA
 mg (a + x)  mg (a + x)
= 2a – 2a
 mg  mg 2x
= 2a (a + x – a + x) = 2a

ns e
or F =
  mg  x
 a 

io dg
3. Linear motion of bar :
From Fig. P. 3.12.41(b),
 [Inertia force + External forces or Restoring forces] = 0

at le ··
 mx + F = 0
··  mg 
 mx +
 a x = 0
ic w
··  g 
 x+ a x = 0 ...(a) ...Ans.
 
bl o
4. Natural circular frequency :
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental

equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2n = a
Pu K

 n = a , rad/s

 Natural frequency :
fn =

1 g

or fn = a , Hz …Ans.

5. Effect of Reversing Direction of Rotation of Rollers :

 When the direction of rotation of the rollers are reversed, then the direction of frictional forces change and the
resultant frictional force becomes [Fig. P. 3.12.41(c)],
 mg  x
F= –
 a 

Fig. P. 3.12.41(c) : Displaced position

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-36 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

And the equation of motion becomes

··  mg 
mx – x = 0
a 
··  g 
or x – a x = 0 …(b)
 
 This Equation (b) does not represent S.H.M. Hence, no oscillations take place.
Ex. 3.12.42 : L-shaped rod is suspended, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.42(a). The length of each side is ‘l’ while mass of each
side is m. Determine the natural frequency of oscillations of the system.

ns e
io dg
Soln. :at le Fig. P. 3.12.42(a)
ic w
 Mass moment of inertia of L-shaped rod about ‘O’ :
l 2
Io = 2  12 + m  2   = 6 + 2
ml2 ml2 ml2
   
bl o
or Io = 3 ml2 ...(a)

[I] Equilibrium Method

Pu K

 The L-shaped rod is displaced by a small angle ‘’ in anticlockwise direction, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.42(b).

Fig. P. 3.12.42(b) : Displaced Position

 Angular motion of rod about ‘O’ :
From Fig. P. 3.12.42(b) ;
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
·· l l
 Io  + mg 2 sin (45 + ) – mg 2 sin (45 – ) = 0
·· l
Io  + mg 2 [ sin (45 + ) – sin (45 – ) ] = 0

·· mg l
Io  + 2 [2 cos 45  sin] = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-37 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
·· sin 
Io  + mg l = 0
·· mg l 
Io  + = 0 …[ ··· sin  ≃  ]
··  mg l 
+  = 0 …(b)
 Io 2 
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),
··  mg l 
+ = 0
2m l2
 3 2

ns e
 
··  3g 

io dg
  +  = 0 ...(c)
 2l 2
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

at le 2n =
2l 2

 n =
2l 2
, rad/s
ic w
 Natural frequency :
fn =
bl o
1 3g
or fn = , Hz …Ans.

2 2l 2
Pu K

[II] Energy Method


Fig. P. 3.12.42(c)
From Fig. P. 3.12.42(c);
 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of L-shaped rod,
1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2

 P. E. of system :
l l
Potential energy of left rod = – mg  2 cos (45 – ) – 2 cos 45 
 
l l
Potential energy of right rod = mg  2 cos 45 – 2 cos (45 + ) 
 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-38 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Total potential energy is,

l l l l
PE = – mg  2 cos (45 – ) – 2 cos 45  + mg  2 cos 45 – 2 cos (45 + ) 
   
 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d l · l l 
 dt  2 Io 2 + mg 2 [cos 45 – cos (45 + )] – mg 2 [cos (45 – ) – cos 45]  = 0
 
d  l ·2 l 
dt  2 Io  + mg 2 [2 cos 45 – cos (45 + ) – cos (45 – ) ] 
  = 0

ns e
1 · ·· l · ·
2 Io 2  + mg 2 [ 0 + sin (45 + )  – sin (45 – )  ] = 0

io dg
·· l
Io  + mg 2 [2 cos 45  sin] = 0
·· mg l  sin
Io  + = 0
·· mg l 

at le Io  +

·· 
 o 

= 0

= 0
…[ ··· sin  ≃  ]

ic w
I 2
 Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (d),
··  mg l 
+  = 0
bl o
2m l2
 3 2
 

··  3g 
  +  = 0 ...(e)
 2l 2
Pu K

 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (e) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2n =
2l 2
 n = , rad/s
2l 2
 Natural frequency :

fn =
1 3g
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 2l 2

Ex. 3.12.43 : The slender rod of length ‘L’ having mass ‘m’ is oscillating without slipping on a curved cylindrical surface of
radius ‘r’, as shown in Fig. P. 3.12.43(a). Find the natural frequency of oscillation of the rod.

Fig. P. 3.12.43(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-39 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Solution :

[I] Equilibrium Method

ns e
(b) Equilibrium Position (c) Displaced Position

io dg
Fig. P. 3.12.43

 Rotary motion of slender bar at about point ‘O’ :

 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0

at le Io  + mgr sin = 0
Io  + mgr  = 0
··  mgr 
…[ ··· sin  ≃  ]
ic w
 +  = 0 ...(a)
I o 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
bl o
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
22 = I

 n = Io , rad/s
Pu K

 Natural frequency :
n 1 mgr

fn = = Io , Hz …(b)
2 2
Io = IG + m (r)2
Io = 12 + m (r)2

or Io ≈ 12 …(c)

...[ neglecting m (r)2, since  is very small]

Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (b),

1 mgr
fn =
2 ml2

1 12gr
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 l2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-40 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

[II] Energy Method

ns e
Fig. P. 3.12.43(d)

io dg
From Fig. P. 3.12.43(d);
 K. E. of system :
Kinetic energy of slender rod is,
1 ·
KE = 2 Io 2

at le
P. E. of system :
Potential energy of slender rod is,
 r –r
ic w
PE ≃ mg
 cos  
 Energy method :
bl o
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d  1 ·2  r –r = 0

 dt 2 Io  + mg
  cos   
d  1 ·2  1 
Pu K

dt  2 Io  + mgr  cos  – 1   = 0
d  1 ·2  1 – cos    = 0
I o  + mgr
dt  2  cos   

1 · ··  cos   sin  + (12 – cos ) sin   ·

2 Io 2  + mgr  cos  
= 0

·· sin
Io  + mgr = 0
cos2 

·· tan
Io  + mgr = 0
cos 
Io  + mgr  = 0 …[ ··· tan  ≃  and cos  = 1 ]
··  mgr 
 +  = 0 ...(d)

I o 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (d) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
22 = I

 n = Io , rad/s
 Natural frequency :
n 1 mgr
fn = = Io , Hz …(e)
2 2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-41 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Io = IG + m (r)2
Io = 12 + o …(f)

...[ neglecting m (r)2, since  is very small]

Substituting Equation (f) in Equation (e),
1 mgr
fn =
2 ml2

ns e
or fn = , Hz …Ans.
2 l2

io dg
Ex. 3.12.44 : Find the natural frequency of vibration of the system shown in Fig. P. 3.12.44(a).

at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 3.12.44(a)
Pu K

Soln. :

[I] Equilibrium Method


(b) Equilibrium Position (c) Displaced Position

Fig. P. 3.12.44

From Fig. P. 3.12.44(b);

 Rotary motion of system about point ‘O’ :
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-42 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
 Io  + mgL sin = 0
Io  + mgL = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  mgL 
 + = 0 ...(a)
I o 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = I

ns e
 n = Io , rad/s

io dg
 Natural frequency :
n 1 mgL
fn = = Io , Hz …(b)
2 2
1 

at le or
Io = MI of cylinder about ‘O’ + MI of pendulum about ‘O’ = 2 Mr2 + Mr2 + m (L – r)2
3 2
Io = 2 Mr + m (L – r)2
 
ic w
Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (b),
1 mgL
fn = 3 , Hz ...Ans.
bl o
2 2
2 Mr + m (L – r)

[II]Energy Method
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.12.44(d)

From P. 3.12.44(d);
 K. E. of system :
1 ·
Kinetic energy of system is, KE = 2 Io 2

 P. E. of system :
Potential energy of pendulum is, PE = mg (L – L cos)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-43 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Energy method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0
d 1 ·2
 dt  2 Io  + mg (L – L cos)  = 0
 
1 · ··
2 Io 2  + mgL sin   = 0
 Io  + mgL = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
··  mgL 
 +  = 0

ns e
I o 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (d) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing

io dg
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = I

 n = Io , rad/s

at le
Natural frequency :
n 1 mgL
ic w
fn = = Io , Hz …(e)
2 2
Io = MI of cylinder about ‘O’ + MI of pendulum about ‘O’
 1 Mr2 + Mr2  + m (L – r)2
bl o
2 
or Io = 2 Mr2 + m (L – r)2 ...(f)

Substituting Equation (f) in Equation (e),

Pu K

1 mgL
fn = 3 , Hz ..Ans.
2 2 2
2 Mr + m (L – r)

Ex. 3.12.45 : A cylinder of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’ rolls without slipping on a concave cylindrical surface of radius ‘R’. Find the
natural frequency of oscillations, SPPU - Dec. 15, 4 Marks.
Soln. :

Fig. P. 3.12.45
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-44 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 From Fig. P. 3.12.45(b) :

Arc CP = Arc CP
 R = r
 = r

Translatory displacement of center of cylinder = (R – r) 

Total rotational displacement of cylinder =  – 

ns e
[I] Equilibrium Method

io dg
From Fig. P. 3.12.45(b);
 Rotary motion of cylinder :
 [Inertia torque + External torques] = 0
·· ··

at le  Ic ( – ) + mgr sin = 0
 R ·· ·· 
Ic  r –   + mgr = 0
  …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
ic w
R ··
Ic  r – 1   + mgr = 0
 
Ic ··
bl o
r (R – r)  + mgr = 0
··  mgr 
 +  I (R – r)   = 0

 ...(a)
 c 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
Pu K

this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2n = I (R – r)

 n = Ic (R – r) , rad/s
 Natural frequency :

n 1 mgr2
fn = = Ic (R – r), Hz …(b)
2 2
Mass M.I. of cylinder about point ‘C’ is,
1 3
Ic = IG + mr2 = 2 mr2 + mr2 = 2 mr2 ...(c)

Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (b),

1 mgr2
fn = 3 2
2 mr (R – r)

1 2g
 fn = 3 (R – r) , Hz ..Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-45 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

[II]Energy Method

ns e
io dg
at le
From Fig. P. 3.12.45(c) ;
Fig. P. 3.12.45(c)
ic w
 K. E. of system :
1 · 2
Translatory K. E. of cylinder = 2 m [(R – r) ]
bl o
1 · ·
Rotary K. E. of cylinder = 2 Io ( – )2

Total kinetic energy is,

1 · 2 1 · ·
KE = 2 m [(R – r) ] + 2 Io ( – )2
Pu K

 P. E. of system :
P. E. of cylinder = mg [(R – r) – (R – r) cos]

or P. E. = mg (R – r) [1 – cos]
 Energy Method :
dt (KE + PE) = 0

d 1 · 2 1 · · 2
 dt  2 m ( (R – r)  ) + 2 Io ( – ) + mg (R – r) (1 – cos) = 0
 

d  1
1  R ·  
m (R – r)2 ·2
 + I  –   + mg (R – r) (1 – cos)  = 0
dt  2 2  r
 
d 1 2 ·2
11 2 1 2 ·2 
dt  2 m (R – r)  + 2 2 mr r2 (R – r)  + mg (R – r) (1 – cos)  = 0
d 1 2 ·2
1 2 ·2 
dt  2 m (R – r)  + 4 m (R – r)  + mg (R – r) (1 – cos)  = 0
d 3 2 ·2 
dt 4 m (R – r)  + mg (R – r) (1 – cos ) = 0
3 · ·· ·
4 m (R – r) 2   + mg (R – r) sin   = 0

3 2 ··
2 m (R – r)  + mg (R – r)  = 0 …[ ··· sin ≃  ]
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-46 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

··  mg (R – r) 
+ 3
 (R – r)2   = 0
2 
··  2g 
  + 3 (R – r)  = 0 ...(d)
 
 Natural circular frequency : This Equation (d) is the differential equation of motion for a given system. Comparing
this equation with fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2n = 3 (R – r)

ns e
 n = 3 (R – r) , rad/s

io dg
 Natural frequency :
fn =

at le or fn =
3 (R – r) , Hz …Ans.
ic w
Ex. 3.18.12 : In a damped vibrating system, the mass having 20 kg makes 40 oscillations in 25 sec. The amplitude of natural
vibrations decreases to one eighth of the initial value after 8 oscillations. Determine :
(i) the logarithmic decrement;
bl o
(ii) the damping factor and damping coefficient; and
(iii) the spring stiffness.

Soln. :
N 40
Given : m = 20 kg ; fd = t = 25 = 1.6 Hz;
Pu K

x8 1
x0 = 8 ; n = 8.

1. Logarithmic Decrement :

Let, x0 = Initial amplitude

x8 = Final amplitude after 8 oscillations

x0 = 8
 x8 = 8

Fig. P. 3.18.12

The logarithmic decrement is,

 = n loge  x 
 n
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-47 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
= 8 loge  x 
…( when n = 8 )
 8
= 8 loge ( 8 )

or  = 0.2599 …Ans.
2. Damping Factor :
 0.2599
= =
4 2 + 2 4 2 + ( 0.2599 )2
or  = 0.0409 …Ans.

ns e
3. Spring Stiffness :

io dg
d = fd  2 = 1.6  2
= 10.05 rad/s
Again, d = n 1 – 2
 10.05 = n 1 – ( 0.0409 )2

at le Now,
 n = 10.09 rad/s

n =
ic w
 10.09 = 20
bl o
 K = 2039.27 N/m …Ans.
4. Damping Coefficient :

c c
= c =
c 2m n
Pu K

or 0.0409 =
2  20  10.09
or c = 16.50 N-s/m …Ans.

Ex. 3.18.14 : A mass, suspended from a helical spring, vibrates in a viscous fluid medium whose resistance varies directly
with the speed. It is observed that, the frequency of damped vibration is 120 per minute and the amplitude
decreases to 20% of its initial value in one complete cycle. Find the frequency of the free undamped vibrations
of the system.

Soln. :
Given : fd = 60 = 2 Hz ; x1 = 0.2 x0 ; n = 1.

1. Logarithmic Decrement :
x0 1
 x = 0.2

The logarithmic decrement is,

 = n loge  x 
 n
= 1 loge  x 
…( when n = 1 )
 1
1 1
  = 1 loge 0.2  = 1.6094
 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-48 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

2. Damping Factor :

4 2 + 2
= = 0.248
4 2 + ( 1.6094 )2

3. Frequency of Undamped Free Vibrations :

d = fd  2 = 2  2
= 12.56 rad/s

ns e
Again, d = n 1 – 2

io dg
 12.56 = n 1 – ( 0.248 )2
 n = 12.96 rad/s
n 12.96
Now, fn = =
2 2

at le fn = 2.06 Hz

Ex. 3.18.17 : A flywheel of mass 10 kg and radius of gyration 0.3 m makes torsional rotations under a torsion spring of

stiffness 5Nm/rad. A viscous damper is fitted and it is found that the amplitude is reduced by a factor 100 over
ic w
any two successive cycles. Determine :
(i) the damping factor ;
(ii) the damping coefficient ;
bl o

(iii) the damped frequency ; and

(iv) the periodic time of oscillations. SPPU- Dec. 15, 4 Marks.

Soln. :
Given : m = 10 kg ; k = 0.3 m ;
Pu K

Kt = 5 N m/rad ; n = 2;
= 100.


1. Logarithmic Decrement :
 Mass moment of inertia of flywheel :
I = mk2 = 10 ( 0.3 )2

= 0.9 kg-m2
 Natural circular frequency of torsional vibrations :
n = I
= 0.9
= 2.357 rad/s
 Logarithmic decrement :
 = n loge  
 n
= 2 loge  
 2
or  = 2.3025
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-49 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

2. Damping Factor :

4 2 + 2
4 2 + ( 2.3025 )2
= 0.344 …Ans.

3. Damping Coefficient :

ns e
2I n
 0.344 =

io dg
2  0.9  2.357
ct = 1.4595 N-m-sec/rad …Ans.

4. Periodic Time of Damped Oscillations :

d = n 1 – 2

at leNow,
= 2.357 1 – ( 0.344 )2 = 2.2129 rad/s

tp =
d 2.2129
ic w
or tp = 2.84 sec …Ans.
bl o
Ex. 3.18.20 : A disc of torsion pendulum has a moment of inertia of 0.05 kg-m and is immersed in a viscous fluid. During
vibration of pendulum, the observed amplitudes on the same side of the neutral axis for successive cycles are

found to decay 50 % of the initial value. Determine :

(i) the logarithmic decrement ;
Pu K

(ii) the damping torque per unit velocity ; and

(iii) the periodic time of vibration.
10 2
Assume G = 4.5  10 N/m for the material of shaft for shaft d = 0.10 m and l = 0.50 m

Soln. :
Given : I = 0.05 kg-m2 ; d = 0.10 m ;
L = 0.50 m ; G = 4.5  1010 N/m2

x0 = 0.5.

1. Logarithmic Decrement :
0 1
= 0.5
 = n loge
 0 
 n 
 = 1 loge
 0  [ ∵ when n = 1]
 1 
1 1
 = 1 loge 0.5  = 0.6931 …Ans.
 
2. Damping Factor :
 0.6931
= =
4 + 
2 2
4 + (0.6931)2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-50 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

= 0.1593

3. Damping Torque for Unit Velocity :

 Torsional stiffness of shaft :

4.5  1010  32 (0.10)4
Kt = L = 0.5
or Kt = 883.57  103 N-m /rad
 Natural circular frequency of system :

ns e
Kt 883.57  103
n = I = 0.05

io dg
= 4203.74 rad/s
 Damping torque for unit velocity :
Now,  =
2I n

at le 0.1593 =
2  0.05  4203.71
ct = 66.96 N-m-s/rad …Ans.
ic w
4. Periodic Time of Vibration :
 Circular frequency of damped vibration :
bl o
d = n 1 – 2
= 4203.14 1 – (0.1593)2

d = 4149.49 rad/sec
 Time period of damped vibration :
Pu K

2 2
tp = =
d 4149.49
= 0.0015 sec …Ans.

5. Frequency of Disc if it is Removed from Viscous Fluid :

n 4203.14
fn = =
2 2

= 668.95 Hz …Ans.

Ex. 3.18.21 : A vibrating system consists of a mass of 50 kg, a spring of stiffness 30 kN/m and a damper. The damping
provided is only 20% of the critical value. Determine :
i) the damping factor;
ii) the critical damping coefficient;
iii) the natural frequency of damped vibration;
iv) the logarithmic decrement; and
v) the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes. SPPU - May 09
Soln. :
Given : m = 0 kg ;
K = 30 kN/m = 30  103 N/m ;
c = 0.2 cc.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-51 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

(i) Natural circular frequency of system :

K 30  103
n = m= 50
= 24.5 rad/sec

(ii) Damping factor :

c 0.2 cc
 = c = c = 0.2 …Ans.
c c

ns e
(iii) Critical damping coefficient :

io dg
cc = 2 m n = 2  50  24.5
= 2450 N-s/m …Ans.

(iv) Natural circular frequency of damped vibration :

at le d = n 1  2 = 24.5
= 24 rad/sec
1  (0.2)2
ic w
(v) Natural frequency of damped vibration :
d 24
fd = = = 3.82 Hz …Ans.
2 2
bl o

(vi) Logarithmic decrement :

2 2   0.2

= = = 1.2825 …Ans.
1 2
1  (0.2)2
Pu K

(vii) Ratio of two successive amplitudes :

x0 x0
 = n loge  x  = 1 loge x 
 n  1

x0  1.2825
x1 = e = e = 3.6 …Ans.

Ex. 3.18.22 : In a single degree damped vibrating system, a suspended mass of 8 kg makes 30 oscillations in 18 sec. The
amplitude decreases to 0.25 of the initial value after 5 oscillations. Determine :

(i) the stiffness of the spring ;

(ii) the logarithmic decrement ;
(iii) the damping factor ; and
(iv) the damping coefficient. SPPU - May 08, Dec. 14, 8 Marks
Soln. :
m = 8 kg ; N = 30 ;
tp = 18 s ; x5 = 0.25 ;

n = 5.

1. Logarithmic Decrement :
x0 1
x5 = 0.25
x0 x0
 = n loge  x  = 5 loge  x 
1 1
…(when n = 5)
 n  5
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-52 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations
1 1
 = 5 loge 0.25
 
 = 0.278 …Ans.

2. Damping Factor :
 0.278
= 2 2
4 + 4 2 + 0.278
= 0.0442 …Ans.

3. Stiffness of Spring :

ns e
N 30
fd = t = 18 = 1.66 Hz

io dg
 d = 2 fn = 2   1.66 = 10.47 rad / sec
but d = n 1  2
10.47 = n 1  0.0442

at le n = 10.48

n =
ic w
 10.48 = 8
 K = 878 N / m
bl o

or K = 0.878 N / mm …Ans.

4. Damping Coefficient :

c c
= c =
2 m
Pu K

c n

 0.0442 =
2  8  10.47

c = 7.40 N-s/m …Ans.

Ex. 3.18.30 : An over damped system, shown in Fig. P. 3.18.30, has a spring of stiffness 14 kN/m, a viscous damper having
damping coefficient of 1400 N-s/m and a mass of 8.6 kg. It is at rest in its static equilibrium position when it
receives an impulse force acting to the right that imparts an initial instantaneous velocity of 25 m/sec to the

(i) Determine an expression for the displacement ‘x’ of the mass in terms of time ‘t’
(ii) What will be the maximum displacement of the mass from the initial position ?
(iii) What length of time will be required for the mass to attain the position of maximum displacement ?
SPPU - May 05.

Fig. P. 3.18.30
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-53 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

Soln. :
K = 14 kN/m = 14  103 N /m ;
m = 8.6 kg ; c = 1400 N s / m ;
At t = 0 ; x = 0.01m ;

At t = 0 ; x = – 25 m / s.
(Negative sign indicates direction of motion is return )

1. Natural Frequency and Damping Factor :

ns e
 Natural circular frequency :
K 14  103
n = m=

io dg
= 40.34 rad/s
 Damping factor :
c c 1400
= c = = = 2.01
2m n 2  8.6  40.34

at le

2. Expression for Displacement :

Since  > 1, the system is over damped. Therefore, the equation of motion of over damped system is,
ic w
x = A e[–  + ]
2 – 1 n t
+ B e [–  – ]
2 – 1 n t

= A e[– 2.01 + ] + B e[– 2.01 – ]

2 2
( 2.01 ) – 1 40.34 t ( 2.01 ) – 1 40.34 t
bl o

or x = A e– 10.74 t + B e– 151.27 t …(a)

 Differentiating Equation (a) w.r.t. time, we get,

x = – 10.74 A e– 10.77 t – 151.27 B e– 151.27 t ...(b)
Pu K

 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0 in Equation (a), we get,

0 = A e0 + B e 0

0 = A+B …(c)
 Substituting t = 0 and x = – 25 in Equation (b) we get,
– 25 = – 10.74 A e0 – 151.27 B e0
 – 25 = – 10.74 A – 151.27 B ...(d)

 Solving Equation (c) and (d), we get,

A = – 0.177
B = 0.177
 Substituting these values of A and B in Equation (a), we get,
x = – 0.177 e– 10.74 t + 0.177 e151.27 t ...Ans.

3. Time Required for Attaining Maximum Displacement :

The mass will attain the position of maximum displacement when velocity becomes zero i.e. x = 0
 0 = – 10.74  ( – 0.177 ) e– 10.74 t – 151.27  0.177 e– 151.27 t
 t = 0.01882 sec …Ans.
4. Maximum Displacement :
The maximum displacement of mass at time t = 0.01882s is,
 0.01882  0.01882
xmax = – 0.177 e– 10.74 + 0.177 e– 151.27
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-54 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

xmax = – 0.1343 m …Ans.

 Negative sign indicates the displacement is on opposite side of the mean position.

Ex. 3.18.31 : In a spring mass-damper system, m = 10 kg, K = 16 kN/m and c = 1600 N-s/m. If the mass is displaced by 0.1
m and released with a velocity of 2 m/sec in the direction of return motion, determine :
(i) the circular frequency ;
(ii) the damping factor ; and
(iii) the displacement after 1/100 sec. (SPPU - Dec. 12, 12 Marks)

ns e
Soln. :
Given : m = 10 kg ; K = 16 kN/m = 16  103 N /m ;

io dg
c = 1600 N-s/m ;
At t = 0 ; x = 0.1m ;

At t = 0 ; x = – 2 m / s. …(Negative sign indicates direction of motion is return)

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.18.31

1. Natural Circular Frequency and Damping Factor :


 Natural circular frequency :

K 16  103
n = m= 10 = 40 rad/s …Ans.

 Damping factor :

c c 1600
= c = = =2 …Ans.
c 2m n 2  10  40

2. Expression for Displacement :

Since  > 1, the system is over damped. Therefore the equation of motion of over damped system is,
[–  + ]
2 – 1  t
[–  – ]
2 – 1  t
x = Ae

= Ae
[– 2 + 2
2 – 1 40 t ] +Be
[– 2 – 22 – 1] 40 t

or x = A e( – 10.71 ) t + B e( – 149.28 ) t …(a)

 Differentiating Equation (a) w.r.t. time, we get,
x = – 10.71 A e– 10.71 t – 149.28 B e– 149.28 t ...(b)
 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0.01 in Equation (b), we get,
0.1 = A e0 + B e0
 0.1 = A + B ...(c)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-55 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Substituting t = 0 and x = – 2 in Equation (b), we get,
– 2 = – 10.71 A e0 – 149.28 B e0
– 2 = – 10.71 A – 149.28 B ...(d)
 Solving Equations (c) and (d), we get,
A = – 0.094
B = 0.006
 Substituting these values of A and B in Equation (a), we get,

ns e
x = 0.094 e– ( 10.77 ) t + 0.006 e– ( 149.28 ) t ...Ans.

3. Displacement after 1/100 sec :

io dg
at t = 1/100,
x = – 0.094 e– 10.77  0.01 + 0.006 e– 149.28  0.01
or x = – 0.083 m …Ans.

at le
Negative sign indicates the displacement is on opposite side of mean position.

Ex. 3.18.32 : A spring-mass-dashpot system consists of spring of stiffness 400 N/m and the mass of 4 kg. The mass is
displaced 20 mm beyond the equilibrium position and released. Find the equation of motion of the mass, if the
ic w
damping coefficient of the dashpot is :
(i) 160 N-s/m ; (ii) 80 N-s/m SPPU - Dec. 04.
Soln. :
bl o

Given : m = 4 kg ; K = 400 N/m.

1. Equation of Motion for c = 160 N-s/m :


c1 c1 160
1 = c = = =2
2m n 2  4  10
Pu K

 When  = 2, the system is over damped. Therefore the equation of motion of over damped system is,

x = A e[–  + ]
2 – 1 n t
+ B e [–  – ]
2 – 1 n t

= A e[– 2 + ] + B e [– 2 – ]
2 2
( 2 ) – 1 10 t ( 2 ) – 1 10 t

or x = A e– 2.67 t + B e– 37.32 t …(a)

 Differentiating Equation (a) w.r.t time, we get,

x = – 2.67 A1 e– 2.67 t – 37.32 A2 e– 37.32 t ...(b)

 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0.02m in Equation (a),

0.020 = A + B ...(c)

 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0 in Equation (b) we get,

0 = – 2.67 A1 e0 – 37.32 A2 e0

 0 = – 2.67 A – 37.32 B ...(d)

 Solving Equations (c) and (d), we get,

A = 0.0215
B = 1.54  10– 3

 Substituting values of A and B in Equation (a), the equation of motion of system for  = 2 is,
x = 0.215 e– 2.67 t – 1.54  10– 3 e– 37. 32 t ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-56 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

2. Equation of Motion for c = 80 N-s/m :

 Natural circular frequency :

n = m
= 4 = 10 rad/s
c2 c2
2 = c =
c 2m n

ns e
= =1
2  4  10

io dg
 When  = 1, the system is critically damped. Therefore the equation of motion of critically damped system is,
 t
x = ( A + Bt ) e– n

= ( A1 + Bt ) e–10 t
 x = A e–10 t + B t e–10 t ...(e)

at le
Differentiating Equation (e) w.r.t. time, we get,

x = – 10 A e–10 t + B e–10 t – 10 B t e–10 t ...(f)
ic w
 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0.02 m in Equation (e), we get,
0.02 = A e0 + B  0  e0
 A = 0.02
bl o

 Substituting t = 0 and x = 0 in Equation (f), we get,

0 = – 10 A e0 + B e0 – 10 B  0  e0
0 = – 10  0.02 + B
Pu K

B = 0.2

 Substituting values of A and B in Equation (e) the equation of motion of system for  = 1 is,

x = 0.02 e– 10 t + 0.2 t e– 10 t ...Ans.

Ex. 3.19.3 : A horizontal spring mass system with Coulomb damping has a mass of 0.5 kg attached to a spring of stiffness
980 N/m. If the coefficient of friction is 0.025, calculate.

(i) The number of cycles corresponding to 50 % reduction in amplitude, if the initial amplitude is 50 mm.
(ii) The time taken to achieve this 50 % reduction. SPPU - May 16, 6 Marks0
Soln. : m = 0.5 kg ; K = 980 N/m ;
 = 0.025 ; xo = 5 cm = 0.05 m.
 Natural circular frequency :
K 980
n = m = 0.5 = 44.27 rad/s
 Loss of amplitude per cycle :
4 Fr 4  RN 4  m g
= K = K = K

4  0.025  0.5  9.81

= 980 = 0.0005 m

 Amplitude at 50% of initial amplitude :

xn = 0.5  xo = 0.5  5 = 2.5 cm = 0.025 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-57 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Number of cycles corresponding to 50% reduction in amplitude :

xn = xo – n 
 0.025 = 0.05 – n  0.0005
n = 50 cycles …Ans.
 Time taken to achieve 50% reduction :
2 2
t= n = 50  44.27
or t = 7.09 s …Ans.

ns e
Ex. 3.19.6 : A mass of 500 kg is suspended with a spring. The system vibrates with a natural frequency of 3 rad/s. If the
initial amplitude is 24 mm and subsequent half amplitudes are 20 and 16 mm, determine the stiffness of spring

io dg
and coulomb damping force. Also find the number of cycles corresponding to 50% reduction of its initial
Soln. :
Given : m = 500 kg ; n = 3 rad/s ;

at le
x0 = 24 mm
x1 = 16 mm.
; x1/2 = 20 mm
ic w
1. Stiffness of Spring :
n = m
bl o

 3= 500

 K = 4500 N/m
= 4.5 N/mm …Ans.
Pu K

Fig. P. 3.19.6

2. Damping Force :
 Loss of amplitude per half cycle :

2 = x0 – x1/2 = 24 – 20 = 4 mm
 Loss of amplitude per cycle :
 = x0 – x2 = 24 – 16 = 8 mm
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 3-58 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Free Vibrations

 Damping force :
4 Fr
= K
4  Fr
 8= 4.5

Fr = 9 N …Ans.

3. Number of Cycles Corresponding to 50 % Reduction of its Initial Amplitude :

Amplitude at 50% of the initial amplitude is,

ns e
xn = 0.5  24 = 12 mm

io dg
We know that, xn = x0 – n  

 12 = 24 – n  8 = 1.5 cycles

n = 1.5 cycles …Ans.

at le 
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

ns e
io dg
Forced vibrations of Longitudinal and Torsional Systems, Frequency Response to Harmonic Excitation,
Excitation due to Rotating and Reciprocating Unbalance, Base Excitation, Magnification Factor, Force and
Motion Transmissibility, Quality Factor, Half Power Bandwidth Method, Critical Speed of Shaft Having Single
Rotor of Undamped Systems.

at le
ic w
Ex. 4.2.6 : A machine part of mass 4 kg vibrates in a viscous fluid. Find the damping coefficient when a harmonic exciting
force of 50 N results in resonant amplitude of 250 mm with a period of 0.4 sec. If the excitation frequency is 2
Hz, find the percentage increase in the amplitude of forced vibration when the damper is removed.
bl o
SPPU - Aug. 15(In Sem), Oct. 16(In Sem), 6 Marks.

Soln. :

Given : m = 4 kg ; Fo = 50 N ;
X = 250 mm = 0.25 m ; tp = 0.4 s ;
Pu K

f1 = 2 Hz .
1. Damping Coefficient (c) :

 Circular frequency of forced vibrations :

2 2
 = t = 0.4 = 15.70 rad /s

 At resonance :

  =  n = 15.70 rad/s
 Spring stiffness :
n = m
 15.70 = 4
 K = 986.96 N / m
 Damping coefficient :
F0 / K
X= 2 2
  
1 –   +  2 
  n   n 
F0 / K
= [ ∵  = n ]
[ 1 – (1)2]2 + [2  1]2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-2 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
F0 / K
F0 / K c 
= ... ∵  =
c  2 m n 
2 m n
F0  2 m  n
or X = 2Kc
50  2  4  15.70
 0.250 =
2  986.96  c

ns e
 c = 12.72 N-s/m ...Ans.
 Damping factor :

io dg
c 12.72
= = = 0.10
2m n 2  4  15.70

2. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations Under New Condition :

 Circular frequency of forced vibrations :

at le f1 =
ic w
 2 =
 1 = 12.56 rad/s
bl o
 Amplitude of forced vibrations at 1 = 31.41 rad/s and with damper :
F0 / K
X1 =

2 2
    
1 –     +  2  
  n   n
Pu K

50 / 986.96
= 2 2
1 – 12.562 12.56
+ 2  0.1  15.70
 15.70   

or X1 = 0.128 ...Ans.
 Amplitude of forced vibration at 1 = 31.41 rad/s and without damper :
F0 / K 50 / 986.96
X2 = 2 =

  12.56
1–  1 –
 n  15.70
or X2 = 0.140 m. ...Ans.
 Percentage increase in amplitude of vibrations when damper is removed :
X2 – X1 0.140 – 0.128
=  100 = 0.128  100
= 9.37% ...Ans.

Ex. 4.2.7 : The damped natural frequency of a system, as obtained from a free vibration test is 9.8 Hz. During the forced
vibration test with constant exciting force on the same system, the maximum amplitude of vibration is found to
be at frequency of 9.6 Hz. Find the damping factor for the system and its natural frequency.
(SPPU - May 13, 6 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : fd = 9.8 Hz ; fmax = 9.6 Hz.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-3 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

 Damping factor :
X 1
MF = X = 2 2 2
1 –     + 2
 n   n

Let, = a = Frequency ratio
 M. F. = …(a)
(1 – a ) + (2a)2
2 2

The frequency at which maximum amplitude occurs can be obtained by differentiating above Equation (a) with respect

ns e
to ‘a’ and equating it to zero.
1 –

io dg
0 – 2 [(1 – a2)2 + (2a)2 ] 2  [ 2(1 – a2)  – 2a + 42  2a]
da = [ (1 – a2)2 + (2a)2 ]

– [ – 4a (1 – a2) + 82a ]
 = 0
[ (1 – a2)2 + (2a2) ]3/2

at le
 [ – 4a + 4a3 + 82a ] = 0
4a3 – 4a (1 – 22) = 0
ic w
a2 – (1 – 22) = 0
 a = (1 – 22)
bl o
 = 1 – 22 …(a)
Where max = frequency corresponding to maximum amplitude.

We know that,
d = n 1 – 2
Pu K

 = 1 – 2 …(b)

Dividing Equation (a) by (b),

max 1 – 22
d 1 – 2
fmax 1 – 22
 f =

d 1 – 2
9.6 1 – 22
 9.8 =
1 – 2
1 – 22
 0.9596 =
1 – 2
  = 0.196 …Ans.
 Natural frequency :
and d = fd  2 = 9.8  2 rad/s
n =
1 – 2
9.8  2
1 – (0.196)2
or n = 62.78 rad/s …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-4 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Ex. 4.2.8 : A 45 kg machine is mounted on four parallel springs each of stiffness 2 × 10 N/m. When the machine operates
at 32 Hz, the machine's steady- state amplitude is measured as 1.5 mm. What is the magnitude of the excitation
force provided to the machine at this speed ? (SPPU - May 19, 5 Marks)
Soln. :
m = 45 kg ; K = 2  105 N/m
Ke = 4 K = 4  2  105 N/m
f = 32 Hz
X = 1.5 mm = 1.5  10–3 m

ns e
  =   2  = 32  2  = 201.06 rad/s

io dg
1. undamped natural Circular Frequency (n) :

Ke 4  2  105
n = m= 45
or n = 133.33 rad/s …Ans.


at le
Frequency ratio (r) :


ic w
= 133.33 = 1.50

3. Amplitude of Forced Vibration (X) :

bl o

F0 / K

2 2
  
1 –   + 2  
  n   n 
Pu K

F0 / Ke F0 / Ke
X= or 2 [ ∵ Assuming No damping]
1 – r2 r –1
F0 / 4  2  105

1.5  10–3 =
(1.50)2 – 1
 F0 = 1500 N …Ans.

Ex. 4.4.3 : The vibrating system is displayed for vibration characteristics. The total mass of the system is 30 kg. At the

speed of 900 rpm, system and eccentric mass have a phase difference of 90° and corresponding amplitude is
18 mm. If the eccentric unbalance mass of 1.2 kg. has radius of rotation 45 mm, determine :
(i) the natural frequency ;
(ii) the damping factor,  ;
(iii) the amplitude at 1550 rpm ; and
(iv) the phase angle at 1550 rpm. (SPPU - Dec. 14, 10 Marks(

Soln. :
Given : m = 30 kg ; N = 900 r.p.m. ;
 = 90 ; X = 18 mm = 0.018 m ;
e = 45 mm = 0.045 m ;
m0 = 1.2 kg .

1. Natural Circular Frequency (n) :

2N 2  900
 = 60 = 60
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-5 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

= 94.24 rad/sec

 2   
 n

 = tan – 1
 2
1– 

 n 

 2   
 90 = tan 
 
1– 
    n

ns e

 2   
 tan (90) = 
 

io dg
1– 
    n

 2   
  = 
 

1 –   
at le  1–
= 0
ic w
  = 1

bl o
 = 1
 n = 

or n = 94.24 rad/s. ...Ans.

Pu K

2. Damping Factor () :


X  n 

 o e
1 –     + 2  
2 2 2
 m   n    n
At resonance,  = n, hence,
X 1

 oe 2
 m 
mo e 1.2  0.045
  = 2mX =
2  30  0.018
or  = 0.05 ...Ans.

3. Amplitude at 1550 r.p.m. (X1) :

2N 2  1550
1 = 60 = 60 = 162.31 rad/s.
mo e  1 
 m   n 
X1 =
2 2 2
      1
1 –   + 2
  n    n 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-6 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

1.2  0.045 162.312

 30   94.24 
X= 2
1 – 162.312 162.31 2
+ 2  0.05   94.24 
  94.24     
X1 = 0.002716 m
or X1 = 2.71 mm ...Ans.

4. Phase Angle at 1550 r.p.m. (1) :

 2  
2  0.05   94.24 

ns e
 
    = tan  1 – 162.31 
1 = tan – 1 2

 1 –      94.24  

io dg

= tan – 1 [– 0.087]
 1 = 174.98 or 354.98 ...Ans.

at le
Ex. 4.4.5 : A single cylinder vertical petrol engine of total mass 320 kg is mounted on a steel chassis and causes a vertical
static deflection of 2 mm. The reciprocating parts of the engine have a mass of 24 kg and move through a
vertical stroke of 150 mm with SHM. A dashpot attached to the system offers a resistance of 490 N at a velocity
ic w
of 0.3 m/s. Determine :
(i) the speed of driving shaft at resonance; and
bl o
(ii) the amplitude of steady state vibrations when the driving shaft of the engine rotates at 480r.p.m.
SPPU - Dec. 16, Aug 17 (In Sem), 6 Marks,

Soln. :

m = 320 kg ;  = 2 mm = 0.002 m
Pu K

mo = 24 kg ; S = 150 mm = 0.15 m;
F = 490 N ; v = x = 0.3 m/s ;

N = 480 r. p. m ; s = 2r = 0.15 m
 r = 0.075 m
 Damping resistance :
F 490

c = v = 0.3 = 1633.3 N-sec. m

 Natural circular frequency :

g 9.81
n = = 0.002 = 70.04 rad/sec

 Damping factor () :
2N 2  480
 = 60 = 60 = 50.272 rad/sec

 50.272
and = 70.04 = 0.717
c 1633.3
∴ = =
2m n 2  320  70.04
  = 0.0364
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-7 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

1. Speed of driving shaft at resonance :

n  60 70.04  60
Nn = =
2 2
Nn = 668.75 rpm. …Ans.

2. Amplitude of steady vibration (X) :

 mo r    

 m  n 
2 2

ns e
1 –     2     
  n     n  

io dg
 24  0.075  (0.717)2
 320 
[1 – 0.7172]2 + [2  0.0364  0.717]2
2.891  10–3
0.236 + 0.00272

OR at le X = 5.917  10–3 m
X = 5.917mm
ic w
Ex. 4.4.6 : A 70 kg machine has a rotating unbalance of 0.15 kg-m. The machine operates at 125 Hz and is mounted on a
foundation of equivalent stiffness 2000 kN/m and damping ratio 0.12. What is the machine’s steady - state
bl o
amplitude ? (SPPU - May 12, 4 Marks(

Soln. :

Given : m = 70 kg ; moe = 0.15 kg-m ;

f = 125 Hz ; Ke = 2000  103 N/m;
Pu K

 = 0.12 .
 
1. Frequency Ratio  :

 n 
 = f  2  = 125  2  = 785 rad/s.
Ke 2000  103
n = m = 70 = 169.03 rad/s

 785
∴ = 169.03 = 4.644

2. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations (X) :

mo e   
 m   n 
X= 2 2
        
1 –   + 2 
  n     n
0.15 (4.644)2
 70 
= 2 2
[1 – (4.644)2 ] + [2  0.12  (4.644)]
X = 2.24  10–3
or X = 2.24 mm ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-8 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Ex. 4.4.7 : A vertical single stage compressor has a mass of 500 kg, mounted on springs having stiffness of
1.96  10 N/m and a dashpot having damping factor of 0.2. The rotating parts are completely balanced and the
equivalent reciprocating parts weigh 2 kg. The stroke of the compressor is 0.2 m. Find the dynamic amplitude of
vertical motion and the phase difference between the motion and the excitation force, if the operating speed is
200 r.p.m ? SPPU - May 09, May 14, 8 Marks)

Soln. :

Given : m = 500 kg ; K = 1.96  105 N/m;

 = 0.2 ; mo = 2 kg ;

ns e
S = 0.2 m ; N = 200 r.p.m.;
S 0.2

io dg
 r = 2 = 2 = 0.1 m

 
1. Frequency Ratio  :
 n

2N 2  200

at le  = 60 =

n =
= 20.94 rad/sec.

1.96  105
500 = 19.79 rad/s
ic w
 20.94
∴ = = 1.06
n 19.79
bl o
2. Dynamic Amplitude (X) :
mo r   
 m   n 

X= 2 2
    
1 –   + 2  
Pu K

  n   n
2  0.1 (1.06) 2
 500 

X= 2 2
= 2.3042  10 m
[1  (1.06) ] + [2  0.2  1.0]

X = 2.3042 mm ...Ans.

3. Phase Angle () :


 2   2  0.2  1.06 = tan 1 ( 3.43)
1      = tan
1 n 1
 = tan 2
 1  (1.06)2 
   

 = 106.25 or 286.25 ...Ans.

Ex. 4.5.3 : A refrigerator unit of mass 30 kg is to be supported by three springs. The unit operates at 500 r.p.m. If 10% of
the shaking force of refrigerator unit is to be transmitted to the supporting structure, determine the spring
constant. SPPU - May 08.

Soln. :

Given : m = 30 kg ; N = 500 r.p.m;

Tr = 10% = 0.1.
2  N 2  500
  = 60 = 60 = 52.35 rad/sec
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-9 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

1. Natural Circular Frequency (n ) :

  2
1 + 2 n
 
Tr = ...(a)
2 2
    2   
1 – n  + 2 n
     
Since damping is not present (i.e.  = 0), Equation (a) becomes,
1 1
Tr = =

ns e
2 2
    2    2 
1 – n  n – 1
      

io dg
or Tr =

 2
n – 1
 
 0.1 =

at le

– 0.1 = 1
 n  – 1
ic w
 2n = 249.13
bl o
 n = 15.78 rad/s.

2. Equivalent Spring Constant (Ke) :


n = m
Pu K

 15.78 = 30
 Ke = 7470.25 N/m

3. Spring Constant (K)

Three springs having stiffness K are used. Assuming they are in parallel, the equivalent spring stiffness is,
Ke = 3K

7470.25 = 3K
∴ K = 2490.08 N/m …Ans.

Ex. 4.5.6 : A machine weighing 100 kg is supported on 4 springs. It has 80 mm stroke and it runs at 1000 r.p.m. If the
springs are symmetrically placed with respect to C.G. of the machine, neglecting damping, determine the
combined stiffness of the springs such that the force transmitted to the foundation is 1/25 times the impressed
force. It is found that, damping however small, reduces the amplitude of successive vibrations by 25%
Determine :
(i) the force transmitted to foundation at 1000 r.p.m;
(ii) the force transmitted to foundation at resonance, and
(iii) the amplitude of vibration at resonance, if weight of the reciprocating parts is 2 kg. SPPU - Dec. 06, Dec. 12)

Soln. :

m = 100 kg ; S = 2r = 0.08 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-10 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
N = 100 r.p.m. ; Tr = 25 ;

x1 = 0.75 x0 ; m0 = 2 kg .
2 N 2   1000
 = 60 = 60 = 104.72 rad/s

1. Combined Stiffness of Springs (Ke) :

 Natural circular frequency :
Tr = 2 2
…(when  = 0)
  

ns e
1 –  
  n 

io dg
or Tr = 2 2
   
  –1
  n 
or Tr = 2
   –1

at le or
25 =
ic w
104.22 –1
 n 
 n = 20.53 rad/s
bl o
 Combined Stiffness of Springs :

n = m
20.53 =
Pu K

 Ke = 42176.83 N/m …Ans.

2. Logarithmic Decrement :
The logarithmic decrement is,
1  x0
 = n loge  x 
 n

 x0
 = loge  x  …(when n = 1)
 1
 x0  1
loge 0.75 x  = loge 0.75 = 0.288
 0  
3. Damping Ratio () :
1 – 2
0.288 =
1 – 2
 = 0.045

4. Transmitted Force at 1000 r.p.m :

 Impressed force at 1000 r.p.m. :
F0 = m0 2 r = 2 (104.72)2  0.04
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-11 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

= 877.30 N
 Frequency ratio :
 104.72
= 20.53 = 5.10
 Transmitted Force at 1000 r.p.m :
1 + 2 
FT  n
Tr = F =
2 2
   

1 –   + 2 

ns e
  n   n
FT 1 + (2  0.045  5.10)2

io dg
877.30 =
[1 – (5.10)2]2 + [2  0.045  5.10]2
FT = 38.73 N …Ans.

5. Transmitted Force at Resonance :

at le
Impressed force at resonance (i.e. at  = n) :
F0 = m0 2n r = 2 (20.53)2  0.04 = 33.74 N
Transmitted Force at resonance (i.e. at  = n) :
ic w
FT 1 + (2 )2
Tr = F =
0 (2 )
bl o
FT 1 + (2  0.045)2
33.74 = 2  0.045

FT = 369.39 N …Ans.

6. Amplitude of Vibration at Resonance :

Pu K

2 2
   

+ 2 

Ke 1 –   n
  n  
= … at resonance i.e.  = n
Ke (2 )2

= = 8.88  10– 3 m
42176.83  2  0.045
or X = 8.88 mm ...Ans.

Ex. 4.5.7 : An electric motor weighs 25 kg and is mounted on a rubber pad which deflects by 1 mm to motor weight. The
rotor weighs 5 kg, has an eccentricity of 0.1 mm and rotates at 1500 r.p.m. Find the amplitude of vibration of the
motor and the force transmitted to the foundation under the following conditions :
(i) there is no damping.
(ii) damping factor = 0.1 SPPU - Dec. 06, Oct. 18(In sem),6 Marks

Soln. :

Given : m = 25 kg ;  = 1  103 m ;

mo = 5 Kg ; e = 0.1  10– 3 m ;

N = 1500 r.p.m.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-12 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
mg 25  9.81
K = = = 245.25  103 N / m ;
 1  10– 3
2  N 2    1500
 = 60 = 60 = 157.08 rad/s

1. Natural Circular Frequency :

K 245.25  103
n = m= 25
= 99.045 rad/s

ns e
2. Frequency Ratio :
 157.08

io dg
= 99.045 = 1.586

3. Impressed Force :
F0 = m  e

at le 2
= 5  (157.08)  0.1  10 = 12.33 N

Amplitude of Vibration When There is No Damping (i.e.  = 0) :

ic w
2 2
   

K 1 –   + 2 
  n   n
bl o
X= 2
…(when  = 0)
  

K 1 –  
  n 
Pu K

245.25  103 (1 – (1.586)2)
= 3.31  10 – 5 m

X = 0.0331 mm …Ans.

5. Amplitude of Vibration When Damping  = 0.1 :


245.25  103 [1 – (1.586)2] + [2  0.1  1.586]2

= 3.25  10– 5 m
X = 0.0325 mm ...Ans.

6. Force Transmitted When There is No Damping (i.e.  = 0) :

1 + 2 
FT  n
Tr = F =
2 2
    

1 –   + 2  
  n   n
FT 1
Fr = 2
…(when  = 0)
  
1 –  
  n 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-13 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
FT 1
12.33 = 2
[1 – (1.586)2]
FT = 8.13 N …Ans.

7. Force Transmitted When  = 0.1 :

1 + 2 
FT  n
12.33 = 2 2
   

1 –   + 2   

ns e
  n   n
1 + (2  0.1  1.586)2

io dg
= 2
[1 – (1.586)2] + [2  0.1  1.586]2
FT = 8.36 N …Ans.

Ex. 4.5.8 : The weight of an electric motor is 125 N and it runs at 1500 rpm. The armature weighs 35 N and its CG lies

at le 0.05 cm from the axis of rotation. The motor is mounted on 5 springs of negligible damping so that the force
transmitted is 1/11th of the impressed force. Assuming the weight of the motor is equally distributed among the
5 springs, determine :
ic w
(i) the stiffness of each spring ;
(ii) the dynamic force transmitted to the base at operating speed ; and
bl o
(iii) the natural frequency of the system. SPPU - May 14.

Soln. :

125 3.5
m = 9.81 = 12.74 kg ; m0 = 9.81 = 3.56 kg ;
Pu K

N = 1500 r.p.m. ;
r = 0.050 m = 0.5  10–3 m ;

Tr = 11 ; Ke = 5 K .

2   1500
 = 60 = 157.07 rad/s

1. Natural Frequency :

Tr = 2 2
…(when  = 0)
  
1 –  
  n 
1 1
or Tr = 2
= 2
   –1
   
  –1 n
  n 
1 1
or 11 = 2
157.07 –1
 n 
 n = 45.34 rad/s
n 45.34
Fn = =
2 2
or Fn = 7.21 H2 …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-14 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

2. Stiffness of Each Spring (K) :

n = m + mo
45.34 = 12.74 + 3.56
∴ K = 6701.63 N/m

3. Transmitted Force at 1000 r.p.m :

 Impressed force :

ns e
F0 = m0 2 r = 3.56 (157.07)2  0.05  10–3

io dg
= 43.91 N
 Frequency ratio :
 157.07
= 45.34 = 3.46
 Transmitted Force Without Damping :

at le Fr
Tr = F =
0 
  –1
ic w
Fr 1
 43.91 =
(3.46)2 – 1
bl o
 Fr = 4 N …Ans.

Ex. 4.5.10 : A machine of 100 kg is supported on spring of total stiffness 700 kN/m and has an unbalanced rotating element,

which results in a disturbing force of 300 N at a speed of 2500 rpm. Assuming a damping factor of 0.25,
determine :
Pu K

(i) the amplitude of vibration ; (ii) the transmissibility ; and

(iii) the transmitted force. (SPPU - Dec. 13, 8 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : m = 100 kg ; K = 700  103 N/m ;
F0 = 300 N ; N = 2500 r.p.m. ;
 = 0.25 ;

2  2500
  = 60 = 261.80 rad/sec.

1. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations due to Reciprocating Unbalance (X) :

 Natural circular frequency :
K 700  103
n = m = 100
= 83.66 rad/s.
 Frequency ratio :
 261.80
= 83.66 = 3.12
 Amplitude of forced vibrations due to reciprocating unbalance :
2 2
    2   
1 –    + 2 n
  n   
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-15 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
700  103
[1 – (3.12) 2 ] 2 + [ 2  0.25 (3.12)] 2
 X = 4.32  10 –5 m
or X = 0.043 mm ...Ans.

2. Transmissibility (Tr) :

  2
1 + 2  

 n

ns e
Tr =
2 2
    2   
1 – n  + 2 n

io dg
     
1 + ( 2  0.25  3.12)2
[1 – (3.12) 2 ] 2 + [ 2  0.25 (3.12)] 2
or Tr = 0.1854

at le
Transmitted Force (FT) :
Tr = F
ic w

0.1854 = 300
bl o
 FT = 55.64 N ...Ans.

Ex. 4.5.11 : A 75 kg machine is mounted on springs of stiffness 11.76  10 N/m with an assumed damping factor of 0.20. A
2 kg piston within the machine has a reciprocating motion with a stroke of 0.08 m and a speed of 3000 cycles
Pu K

per minutes. Assuming the motion of the piston to be harmonic, determine the amplitude of vibration of the
machine and the vibratory force transmitted to the foundation. SPPU - Oct. 19(In Sem.), 6 Marks)
Soln. :

Given : m = 75 kg ; K = 11.76  105 N/m;

 = 0.20 ; mo = 2 kg ;
S = 0.08 m ; N = 3000 cycle/min.
2N 2    3000

 = 60 = 60
 = 314.15 rad/sec
S 0.08
r = 2 = 2 = 0.04 m

1. Damping Coefficient (c) :

 Natural frequency of system :
K 11.76  105
n = m = 75
= 125.16 rad/sec
 Damping coefficient :
= c

∴ c =   cc =   2 m n = 0.2  2  75  314.15
 c = 3754.8 N-s/m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-16 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

2. Amplitude of Vibration (X) :

Amplitude of forced vibration is,
 mo r    
 m  n 
        
2 2 2

1 –   + 2  
  n     n 
2  0.04   314.15 
 75  125.16 

ns e
  314.15   
2 2 2
1 – 125.16 + 2  0.2 125.16 
      

io dg
 X = 0.0125 m …Ans.

3. Transmitted Force (FT) :

 Impressed force :
F0 = mo 2 r = 2  (314.15)2  (0.04)

at le F0 = 7895.2 N
Transmissibility (Tr) :
ic w
We know,
 
1 + 2 
 n 
bl o
Tr =
    
2 2 2
 
1 –   + 2
  n   n 

1 + 2  0.2  125.16 
 
Pu K

  314.15  
2 2 2
+ 2  0.2  125.16 
1 – 125.16    

Tr = 0.2630
 Transmitted force (FT) :
 Tr = F

FT = Tr  Fo
 FT = 2078 N ...Ans.

Ex. 4.5.12 : An instrument panel of an aircraft is mounted on isolators. The isolator has a negligible damping and it deflects
6 mm under the weight of 30 kg. Find the percentage of motion transmitted to the instrument board, if the
vibration of the aircraft is at 2400 r.p.m.

Soln. :

Given :  = 0 ;  = 6 mm = 0.006 m ;
m = 30 kg ; N = 2400 r.p.m.
2 N 2   2400
 = 60 = 60 = 251.32 rad/s.

1. Stiffness of Isolator (K) :

mg 30  9.81
K= = 0.006 = 49050 N-m

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-17 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

2. Natural Circular Frequency (n) :

K 49050
n = m = 30 = 40.43 rad/sec.

3. Frequency Ratio :
 251.32
= 40.43 = 6.2153

4. Motion Transmissibility (Tr) :

  2

ns e
1 + 2 n
 
Tr =

io dg
2 2
    2   
1 – n  + 2 n
     
 If the damping is negligible ( = 0), the motion transmissibility is,
1 1
Tr = =

at le     2
1 – n 
   
1 1
   2 
n – 1
  
ic w
= =
   2– 1 (6.2153)2 – 1
 
bl o
or Tr = 0.02657
 Tr = 2.657 % ...Ans.

 Therefore, the percentage motion transmitted to the instrument board is 2.657 %

Ex. 4.5.13 : A body of mass 80 kg is suspended from a spring which deflects 20 mm due to the mass. If the body is
Pu K

subjected to a periodic disturbing force of 700 N and of frequency equal to 0.63 times the natural frequency.
find :

(i) The amplitude of forced vibration ;

(ii) Transmissibility ;
(iii) The dynamic Magnification Factor ; and
(iv) The force transmitted to support.

Soln. :
Given : m = 80 kg ; static = 20 mm = 20  10– 3 m ;
F0 = 700 N ;  = 0.63n .

1. The Amplitude of Forced Vibration is,

 Stiffness of spring :
mg 80  9.81
K= = = 39240 N/m
static 20  10 – 3
 Natural circular frequency :
K 39240
n = m = 80 = 22.14 rad/s
Fo / K 700/39240
X= 2= …[∵  = 0]
 1 – (0.63)2
1– 
 n 
or X = 0.02957 m …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-18 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

2. Transmissibility :
1 1
Tr = 2= 2 …[∵  = 0]
 1 – (0.63)
1– 
 n 
Tr = 1.65 …Ans.

3. Magnification Factor :
M.F. = …[∵  = 0]
 2
1– 
 n 

ns e
or M.F. = 1.65 …Ans.

io dg
4. Force Transmitted to Support :
FT = Fo  Tr
= 700  1.65 = 1155 N …Ans.

at le
Ex. 4.5.14 : A machine having a mass of 1000 kg is mounted on the rubber pad having stiffness of 2000 kN/m and
equivalent viscous damping coefficient of 1050 N-sec/m. If the machine is subjected to external disturbing
harmonic force of 0.6 kN at the frequency of 6 rad/sec, determine :
ic w
(i) The amplitude of vibration of machine
(ii) The maximum force transmitted to the foundation because of unbalance force
bl o
(iii) The transmissibility ; and
(iv) the magnification factor.

Soln. :
Given : m = 1000 kg ;
Pu K

K = 2000 kN/m = 2000  103 N/m ;

c = 1050 N-sec/m ; F0 = 0.6  103 N ;

 = 6 rad/sec.

1. Amplitude of vibration :
 Natural circular frequency :
K 2000  103

n = m = 1000
= 44.72 rad/sec
 Frequency ratio :
  / n = 6 / 44.72 = 0.42
 Damping factor :
c c
= c =
c 2 m n
= = 0.011
2  1000  44.72
 Amplitude of vibration :
Fo / K
X= 2 2
1–    +  2 
 
  n     n  
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-19 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
0.6  103 / 2000  103
[1 – (0.42)2]2 + [2  0.011 (0.42)]2
X = 3.65  10 m …Ans.

2. Transmissibility :
 2
1 +  2
 n 
Tr = 2 2
1–     2
+  2
  n    n 

ns e
1 + (2  0.011  0.42)2
[1 – (0.42)2]2 + [2  0.011 (0.42)]2

io dg
or Tr = 1.21 …Ans.

3. Maximum Force Transmitted to Foundation :

FT = Fo  Tr

at le
Magnification Factor :
= 0.6  103  1.21 = 726 N

ic w
M.F. = 2 2
1–     2
+  2
  n    n 
bl o
[1 – (0.42)2]2 + [2  0.011 (0.42)]2

or M.F. = 1.2141 …Ans.

Ex. 4.5.15 : A vibratory body of mass 150 kg is supported on springs of total stiffness 1050 kN/m. It has a rotating
Pu K

unbalanced force of 525 N at a speed of 6000 r.p.m. If the damping factor is 0.3,
Determine :

(i) the amplitude caused by the unbalance ;

(ii) Its phase angle ; and
(ii) the transmissibility .

Soln. :

m = 150 kg ;
K = 1050 kN/m = 1050  103 N/m ;
Fo = 525 N ;  = .3 ;
N = 6000 r.p.m.
2  6000
 = 60 = 628.31 rad/s

1. Amplitude due to unbalance :

 Natural circular frequency :
n = m
1050  103
= 150
= 83.66 rad/s
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-20 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

 Frequency ratio :
 628.31
= 83.66 = 7.50

 Unbalanced force :
Fo = mo 2 r ;
525 = mo r  (628.31)2
mo r = 1.32  10–3
 Amplitude of forced vibration due to rotating unbalance :

ns e
mor   

 m  n 

io dg
X= 2 2 2
1 –     + 2  
  n    n 

1.32  10  (7.50)2

 150 

at le [1 – (7.50)2 ]2 + [ 2  0.3  7.50]2

X = 8.92  10–6 m …Ans.

ic w
2. Phase Angle :

 2    2  
 1 –     – tan
( – ) = tan–1 –1
bl o
 n 
    n

2  0.3  7.5
= tan–1  – tan–1 [2  0.3  7.5]
 1 – (7.5)2 
Pu K

= tan–1 [– 0.081] – tan–1 [4.5]

= 175.36 – 77.47
or ( – ) = 7.88 or 277.88


3. Transmissibility :
 2
1 +  2
 n 
Tr =

1 –    2 2 + 2   2
 n    n 
1 + (2  0.3  7.5)2
[1 – (7.5)2 ]2 + [2  0.3  7.5]2
or Tr = 0.083 …Ans.

4. Transmitted Force :
Tr = F ;

0.083 = 500

FT = 41.90 N …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-21 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Ex. 4.5.16 : A reciprocating air compressor has a mass of 1000 kg running at 1500 r.p.m. The equivalent reciprocating parts
of compressor are of 1 kg and stroke length is 0.2m. To reduce the effect of vibration, isolators of rubber,
having static deflection of 2 mm under compressor weight and an estimated damping factor of 0.2, are used.
determine :
(i) the amplitude of vibration of compressor ;
(ii) the force transmitted to foundation ;
(iii) the phase lag ;
(iv) the phase angle between transmitted force ; and exciting force.

ns e
(v) the speed at which maximum amplitude of vibration would occur. (SPPU - May 12, 8 Marks)

io dg
Soln. :
Data :  = 2 mm = 0.002 m ; m = 1000 kg ;
N = 1500 r.p.m. ; m0 = 1 kg ;
S = 0.2m  = 0.002m ;


at le  = .2 .
Amplitude of vibration :
Stiffness of springs :
ic w
m 1000  9.81
K= = 0.002 = 4.90  106 N/m

2N 2  1500
bl o
= = 60 = 157.07 rad/sec

 Natural circular frequency :

K 4.90  106
n = m = 1000 = 70 rad/sec
Pu K

 Frequency ratio :
 157.07
= 70 = 2.24

 Amplitude of vibration of machine :

m0 r   2
 m  n
1      + 2   
2 2 2

  n  
 n

1  0.1 (2.24)2
 1000  3
= 2 2
= 0.3  10 m
[1  (2.24) ] + [2  0.2  2.24]

X = 0.3 mm …Ans.
2. Phase angle w.r.t. Exciting Force :

 2   2  0.2  2.24
1      = tan
1 n 1
 = tan 2
 1  (2.24)2 
   

 = 167.42 or 347.42 …A
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-22 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

3. Force Transmitted to Foundation :

 Impressed force :
F0 = m0 2 r = 1  (157.07)2  0.1 = 2467.09 N
 Transmissibility :
 2
1 + 2 
Tr =
1      + 2 
 2
2 2

 n   n

ns e
1 + (2  0.2  2.24)
= 2 2
[1  (2.24)2] + [2  0.2  2.24]

io dg
Tr = 0.80 …Ans.
 Force Transmitted to Foundation :
Tr = F

at le 0

0.80 = F
ic w
FT = 0.80  2467.09
or FT = 1973.67 N …Ans.

4. Phase Angle of Transmitted Force w.r.t. Exciting Force :

bl o

n 1  
2 

(  ) = tan 2  tan

1 
 n
Pu K

(  ) = tan
1 2  0.2  2.24  tan 1 [2  0.2  2.24]
 1  (2.24)2 
(  ) = 125.55 or 305.55


Ex. 4.5.17 : A machine having a mass of 100 kg is mounted on the springs and damper. The total stiffness of the springs is
7.84  10 N/m while the damping ratio of the damper is 0.2. A vertical harmonic force F = 392 sin (314.15t) N

acts on the machine. For the steady state vibrations of the system, determine :

(i) the amplitude of vibration of the machine ;

(ii) the transmissibility ;
(iii) the transmitted force ; and
(iv) the phase difference between motion and the exciting force. (SPPU - Dec. 11, 10 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : m = 100 kg ; K = 7.84  105 N/m;
 = 0.2 ; F = 392 sin ( 314.15 t ) .
1. Amplitude of Vibration of Machine :
 Impressed force :
F = F0 sin (t) = 392 sin (314.15 t )
 Therefore, from above Equation we can write,
F0 = 392 N and  = 314.15 rad/s
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-23 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

 Natural Circular Frequency :

K 7.84  105
n = m = 100 = 88.54 rad/sec.

 Frequency ratio :
 314.15
= 88.54 = 3.54
 Amplitude of vibration of the machine :
2 2 2
1 –     + 2     

ns e
 n   n 

io dg
= 2
7.84 10 5
[1 – (3.54)2 ] + [2  0.2  3.54 ]2
X = 4.30  10–5 m …Ans.
2. Transmissibility :

at le Tr =
1 –    

1 + 2    
 n  
2 2

+ 2    
ic w
 n     n 

1 + ( 2  0.2  3.54 )2
= 2
bl o
[1 – (3.54)2 ] + [2  0.2  3.54 ]2
or Tr = 0.1496 …Ans.

3. Transmitted Force :
Tr = FT
Pu K

 FT = Tr  F0 = 0.1496  392
 FT = 58.64 N …Ans.

4. Phase Difference Between Motion and Exciting Force :

 2      2  0.2  3.54 
1 –     = tan
 = tan–1 –1
 1 – (3.54)2 

    n

 = 172.99 or 352.99 …Ans.

Ex. 4.5.18 : An exhaust fan, rotating at 1000 rpm, is to be supported by four springs, each having a stiffness of K. If only
10 percent of the unbalanced force of the fan is to be transmitted to the base, what should be the value of K?
Assume the mass of the exhaust fan to be 40 kg. (SPPU - May 18, 8 Marks)

Soln. :
Given :
Mass of refrigerator, m = 40 kg
Speed of refrigerator unit, N = 1000 r.p.m.
2  1000
  = 60
= 104.71 rad/sec.
Transmissibility, Tr = 10% = 0.1
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-24 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

1. Natural Circular Frequency (n ) :

The transmissibility is,

  2
1 + 2 n
 
TR = ...(a)
2 2 2
    
1 – n  + 2 n
     
 Since damping is not present (i.e.  = 0), Equation (a) becomes,

ns e
Tr =
    2
1 – n 

io dg
   
   2 
n – 1
  

at le or Tr =

 2
n – 1
 
ic w
 0.1 =
 n  – 1
bl o

 – 0.1 = 1

 2n = 996.73
Pu K

 n = 31.57 rad/s.

2. Spring Constant (K) :


 Four springs having stiffness K are used. Assuming they are in parallel, the equivalent spring stiffness is,
Ke = 4K
 Therefore, the natural circular frequency of the system is,

n = m
or n = m
 31.57 = 30
 K = 7474.98 N/m ...Ans.

Ex. 4.5.19 : A machine of one tone is acted upon by an external force of 2450 N at a frequency of 1500 r.p.m. To reduce the
effects of vibration, isolator of rubber having a static deflection of 2mm under the machine load and an
estimated damping ratio  = 0.2 is used. Determine :

(i) the force transmitted to foundation.

(ii) the amplitude of vibration of machine, and

(iii) the phase lag. SPPU - May 16.

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-25 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Soln. :
Given : m = 1000 kg ; Fo = 2450 N
N = 1500 r.p.m. ; Xst = 2  10–3 m;
 = 0.2
 
1. Frequency Ratio  :
 n 
mg (1000) (9.81)
 K= X = = 4905000 N/m
st 2  10–3

ns e
K 4905000
n = m= 1000 = 70.035 rad/sec

io dg
2N 2   1500
 = 60 = 60 = 157.07 rad/s

 157.07
r= = = 2.24
n 70.35


at le
Force Transmitted (FT) :

Transmissibility :

1 + 2
 2
ic w
 n
Tr = 2 2
1 –   2 + 2
 n    n
bl o

1 + (2 × 0.2 × 2.24)

2 2
[1 – (2.24)2] + [2 × 0.2 × 2.24]
Tr = 0.3259
Pu K

 Transmitted force :
Ft = Tr Fo = 0.3259 × 2450 = 798.45 N

3. Amplitude of vibration (X) :

X= 2
  2 2   
1– + 2
 n   n

2450 / 4905000
X= 2 2
= 1.21 × 10–4 m
[1 – (2.24)2] + [2 × 0.2 × 2.24]
X = 0.1214 mm … Ans.

4. Phase Lag ( – )

 2   2 × 0.2 × 2.24
     = tan
 = tan–1 –1
 1 – (2.24)2 

1 –    

 = 12.55 … Ans.

and,  = tan–1 2  = tan–1 [2 × 0.2 × 2.24]
 n
= 41.86
 ( – ) = 12.55 – 41.86 = – 29.31 … Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-26 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Ex. 4.6.3 : A vehicle has a mass of 490 kg and the total spring constant of suspension system is 58800 N/m. If the profile
of a road may be approximated to a sine wave of amplitude 40 mm and wave length 4 m, determine :
(i) the a critical speed of vehicle ;
(ii) the amplitude of steady state vibration of the mass when the vehicle is driven at critical speed and
damping factor = 0.5 ; and
(iii) the amplitude of steady state motion of mass when the vehicle is driven at 57 km/hr and damping factor =
0.5. SPPU - May 03.
Soln. :

ns e
Given : m = 490 kg ; K = 58800 N/m ;

io dg
Y = 40 mm = 0.04 m ;  = 4 m.

at le
ic w
Fig. P. 4.6.3
bl o
1. Critical Speed of Vehicle (vc) :
 Natural circular frequency of system :

K 58800
n =
m= 490 = 10.95 rad/s.
Pu K

Time period = Velocity

 tp = v

2 
 = v

 The critical speed of vehicle will be at resonance (i.e.  = n)
2 

 = v
n c

2 4
 10.95 = vc
6.97  3600
 vc = 6.97 m/s = 1000
 vc = 25.10 km/hr ...Ans.

2. Amplitude of Steady-State Motion (X) :

The steady-state amplitude due to excitation to support is,

Y 1 + 2  
 n
X= 2 2
1 –     
+ 2 
 n   n
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-27 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

(i) When  = 0.5 and  = n :

Y 1 + (2)2 0.04 1 + (2  0.5)2
X= =
2 2  0.5
X = 0.05656 m
or X = 0.056.56 mm ...Ans.

(ii) When  = 0.5 and v = 57 km/hr :

 Force circular frequency :
57  1000

ns e
v= 3600 = 15.83 m/s

io dg
tp = v

2 
 = v

2 4
= 15.83

 at le   = 24.87 rad/s
Steady-state amplitude :
ic w
2 2


1 + 2  
 n
0.04 1+ ( )
2  0.5  10.95

2 2
2 2 2
bl o
1 –    
 (10.95)   (10.95)

+ 2  1 – 24.87  + 2  0.5 24.87 
 n   n

= 0.02097 m
or X = 20.97 mm ...Ans.
Pu K

Ex. 4.6.5 : The springs of an automobile trailer are compressed 0.1 m under its own weight. Find the critical speed when
the trailer is travelling over a road with a profile approximated by a sine wave of amplitude 0.08 m and

wavelength of 14 m. What will be the amplitude of vibration at 60 km/hour ?

(SPPU - May 13, 6 Marks, May 14, 8 Marks

Soln. :

Given :  = 0.1 m ; Y = 0.08 m ;


 = 14 m ; V = 60 km/hr.
Velocity of vehicle, v = 60 km/hr
60  1000
= 3600 = 16.66 m/s

Fig. P. 4.6.5
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-28 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
 
1. Frequency Ratio :
 n 
g 9.81
 n == 0.1 = 9.90 rad/s

Time period = Velocity

 tp = v

2 
 = v

ns e
2 14
 = 16.66

io dg
  = 7.47 rad/s.
 7.47
∴ = 9.9 = 0.7545
2. Steady-state amplitude (X) :

at le X=
Y 
1 + 2 n 
  

ic w
2 2
1 –    
+ 2
 n   n

Take,  = 0
bl o

∴ X = 2
= 2
1 –    
    – 1

 n   n 
Pu K

= = 0.1057 m
[ ( 0.7545 )2 – 1]
or X = 105.76 mm

3. Critical Speed of Vehicle (vc ) :

At the critical speed of vehicle,  = n , Therefore,
2 
= v
n c

2 14
 9.90 = v c
22.05  3600
 v c = 22.05 m/sec = 1000 km/hr

or v c = 79.41 km/hr ...Ans.

Ex. 4.6.6 : A motor car moving with a speed of 100 km/hr has a gross mass of 1500 kg. It passes over a rough road which
has a sinusoidal surface with an amplitude of 75 mm and a wavelength of 5 m. The suspension system has a
spring constant of 500 N/mm and damping ratio of 0.5. Determine the displacement amplitude of the car and
time lag. SPPU - May 02, Dec. 13, 8 Marks.

Soln. :
100  1000
Given : v = 100 km/hr = 3600 = 27.77 m/sec ;

m = 1500 kg ; Y = 75 mm = 0.075 m ;
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-29 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

 = 5 m ;K = 500 N/mm = 500  103 N/m ;

 = 0.5.

ns e
Fig. P. 4.6.6

io dg
 
1. Frequency Ratio  :
 n 
K 500  103
n = = 1500 = 18.257 rad/s

at le m
Time period = Velocity

ic w
 tp = v

2 
 = v

bl o

2 5
 = 27.77


  = 34.90 rad/s.
 34.9
 = 18.257
Pu K


2. Steady-State Amplitude Due to Excitation of Support (X) :


Y 1 + 2
 n
2 2
1 –    
+ 2
 n   n

0.075 1 + (2  0.5  1.91)2

= 2
[1 – ( 1.91)2] + [2  0.5 ( 1.91)]2
= 0.049 m
or X = 49 mm ...Ans.

3. Time Lag :

 2  
  
●  = tan–1 2

1 –    

2  0.5  18.257
= tan–1
 1 –  34.26   2

 18.257 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-30 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

= tan–1 [ 0.7437 ]
or  = 143.36 or 323.36
 34.26
 = tan–1 2  = tan–1 2  0.5  18.257

 n   
= tan–1 [1.8765]
or  = 61.95 or 241.95
 Phase lag :
( – ) = 143.36 – 61.95

ns e
( – ) = 81.41
 Time lag :

io dg
Phase lag ( – )
Time lag = =
 
81.41 
= 34.26 

at le
Ex. 4.6.7 :
Time lag = 0.04147 s

A machine of 200 N is supported by a spring and dashpot. The spring is stretched by 100 mm due to weight of
ic w
machine and the dashpot has a coefficient of damping 800 N-s/m. If the support is vibrating with an amplitude
of 20 mm and frequency of 8 rad/sec, determine:
(i) the amplitude of machine ;
bl o

(ii) the relative amplitude between machine and support ; and

(iii) the amplitude of machine when dashpot is removed and frequency of support is (a) 8 rad/sec (b) equal to

natural frequency of machine.

Soln. :
Pu K

Given : m = 9.81 = 20.38 kg ;  = 100 mm = 0.1 m ;

c = 800 N-sec/m ; Y = 20 mm = 0.02 m ;

 = 8 rad/sec ; K = 0.1 = 2000 N/m .

 
1. Frequency Ratio  :
 n 

 Natural frequency of system :

K 2000
n = m = 20.38 = 9.90 rad/s
 Damping factor :
c c 800
= c = = = 1.9825
c 2 m n 2  20.38  9.90
 Frequency ratio :
 8
= 9.90 = 0.8080
 Amplitude of Machine (X) :

Y 1 + 2  
 n
2 2
1 –     
+ 2  
 n   n 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-31 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

0.02 1 + (2  1.9825  0.8080)2

[ 1 – (0.8080) 2 ] 2 + [2  1.9825  0.8080 ] 2
= 0.02082 m
or X = 20.82 mm ...Ans.
2. Relative Amplitude between Machine and Support (Z) :
 2
Y  
 n
2 2
    2   

ns e
1 –   + 2 
  n   n

io dg
0.02  (0.8080) 2
1 – (0.8080) 2 ] 2 + [ 2  1.9825  0.8080 ] 2
= 4.052  10 – 3 m
or Z = 4.052 mm ...Ans.


at le
Amplitude of Machine (X) :

The steady-state amplitude is,

ic w
Y 
1 + 2  
 n
bl o
2 2

1 –     + 2 3

 n   n 

(i) When  = 8 rad/s and  = 0 :

Pu K

X= 2
1 –    
 n  

= = 0.057614 m
[1 – (0.8080) 2 ] 2
 X = 57.61 mm ...Ans.

(ii) When  = n and  = 0 :

X= 0

 X =  ...Ans.

Ex. 4.6.8 : An automobile, weighing 9.8 kN when fully loaded and 2.45 kN when empty, vibrates in a vertical direction while
travelling at 96 km/hr on a rough road having a sinusoidal wave form with an amplitude Y and wavelength
4.88m. Assuming that the automobile can be modeled as a single degree-of-freedom system with stiffness 350
kN/m and the damping factor 0.5. Determine the amplitude ratio of the vehicle when fully loaded and when
empty. SPPU - Oct 16 (In Sem), 6 Marks.

Soln. :
9.8  103
Given : mf = 9.8 kg = 1000 kg ;
2.45  103
me = 9.8 =250 kg;
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-32 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

96  103
v = 96 km/hr = 3600 = 26.66 m/sec. ;

 = 4.88 m ;
K = 350 kN/m = 350  103 N/m;
 = 0.5.

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 4.6.8
1. Forced Circular Frequency () :

at le
Time period :

tp =
Wavelength  4.88
Velocity = v = 26.66 = 0.183 s
ic w
 Forced Circular Frequency :
2 2
 = t = 0.183 = 34.32 rad/s.
bl o

2. Case I :Vehicle Fully Loaded :

 Natural circular frequency :

K 350  103
n = mf = 1000 = 18.70 rad/s
Pu K

 Ratio of amplitude due to excitation of support :


1 + 2 
34.32 2
1 + 2  0.5  18.70 

X  n  
Y = 2 2
= 2 2
1 –     
+ 2  1 – 34.32  34.32
2 2
+ 2  0.5  18.70  
 n   n  18.70    

or Y = 0.69 m ...Ans.

3. Case II : Vehicle is Empty :

 Natural circular frequency of system :
K 350  103
n = me = 250 = 37.41 rad/s.
 Ratio of amplitude due to excitation to support :
2 2

1 + 2 
1 + 2  0.5  37.41
X  n   
Y = 2 2
= 2 2
1 –   2 + 2   1 – 34.322 + 2  0.5  34.32
   37.41   37.41
 n   n 
or Y = 1.45 …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-33 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Ex. 4.9.2 : A vertical shaft 12.5 mm in diameter rotates in sleeve bearing and a disc of mass 15 kg is attached to the shaft
at mid-span. The span of the shaft between bearings is 0.5 m. The mass center of the disc is 0.5 mm from the
axis of the shaft. Determine critical speed of rotation of shaft. What is range of speed in which bending stress in
2 5 2
shaft will exceed 125 N/mm . Take E = 2  10 N-mm . SPPU - May 09
Soln. :
Given : d = 0.0125 m ; m = 15 kg ;
l = 0.5 m ; e = 0.5 mm = 0.5  10 m;
b = 125 N/mm2 = 125  106 N/m2 ;

ns e
E = 2  105  106 N/m2 = 2  1011 N/m2.

io dg
1. Static Deflection of Shaft () :
 Since the shaft is supported in sleeve (journal) bearings, which is long bearing, it is assumed that the shaft is supported
between fixed ends.
Wl3 Mg l3
 = 192EI =

at le =
192 E 64 d4

15  9.81  (0.5)3

192  2  10  64 (0.0125)
11 4

= 0.4  10 3 m
ic w
2. Critical Speed of Shaft (Nc) :
bl o
g 9.81
c = =  = 156.6 rad/sec
 0.4  10 3
c 156.6  60

Nc = =
2 2
Nc = 1495.42 r.p.m. …Ans.
Pu K

3. Unsafe Dynamic Load for Shaft :

M M 32 M 32 Wdl

b = Z = = =
 3  d3 d3 8
32 d

4 Wdl
or b =

 b d3   125  106  (0.0125)3

 Wd = 4l = 4  0.5

or Wd = 383.5 N

4. Unsafe Speed Range :

 Deflection of shaft due to dynamic load ‘Wd’ :
Wd l3 383.5  (0.5)3
y = 192EI =

192  2  1011  64 (0.0125)4
= 1.0417  10 m
Fig. P. 4.9.2(a)
 The value of ‘y’ will be positive when  < c, and negative when  > c . Hence, taking positive as well as negative value
of y,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-34 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations
2 2
  e   e
n c
y = =
 2  2
1  1 
n c
3 (N/Nc)2  0.5  10
 1.0417  10 =
1  (N/Nc)2
 2.0834 =
1  (N/Nc)2
Fig. P. 4.9.2(b)

ns e
 For positive value :

io dg
+ 2.0834 =
1  (N/Nc)2
2.0834  2.0834 (N1/Nc)2 = (N1/Nc)2
2.0834 = 3.0834 (N1/Nc)2

at le N1/Nc = 0.6756
N1 = 0.6756 Nc = 0.6756  1495.42
or N1 = 1010.3 r.p.m. …Ans.
ic w
 For negative value :
+ 2.0834 =
bl o
1  (N/Nc)2
– 2.0834 =
1  (N/Nc)2

 2.0834 + 2.0834 (N2/Nc)2 = (N2/Nc)2

Pu K

 2.0834 =  1.0834 (N2/Nc)2

Nc = 1.923

N2 = 1.932 Nc = 1.923  1495.42

or N2 = 2875.7 r.p.m. …Ans.
Speed range is form 1010.3 rpm to 2875.7 rpm.

Ex. 4.9.5 : The rotor of a turbo super charger weighing 9 kg is keyed to the center of a 25 mm diameter steel shaft 40 cm
between bearings. If the shaft material has a density of 8 gm/cm3, determine :
(i) the critical speed of shaft;
(ii) the amplitude of vibration of rotor at a speed of 3200 r.p.m, if the eccentricity is 0.015 mm; and
(iii) the vibratory force transmitted to the bearings at this speed. Assume the shaft to be simply supported.
SPPU - Dec. 08)

Soln. :

Given : m = 9 kg ; d = 0.025 m ;
l = 0.4 m ;  = 8 gm/cm3 ;

N = 3200 r.p.m. ; e = 0.015  10 3 m.
 Assumptions :
(i) The shaft is simply supported.
(ii) Modulus of elasticity, E = 200  109 N/m2 .
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-35 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

1. Static Deflection of shaft () :

Static deflection of simply supported shaft is,
WL3 mgl3 9  9.81  0.43
 = 48 EI = 4 =
d   0.0254
48  t  64 48  200  109  64
 = 3.0696  10 m
 Critical Speed of Shaft (Nc) :
W Mg 9  9.81
K= = =
  3.0696  10 5

ns e
= 2.8762  106 N/m

io dg
K 2.8762  106
c = m= 9
or c = 565.31 rad/s
c 365.31
 Nc = = = 89.97 r.p.m.
2 2

2. at le or Nc = 89.97 r.p.m.

Amplitude of Vibration (y) :

ic w
2  N 2  3200
= 60 = 60 = 335.1 rad/sec

 335.1
bl o
 = 565.31 = 0.5927

 e

c (0.5927)2  0.015  10


y= =
 2 1  (0.5927)2
1 
 c

Pu K

= 8.123  10 m
or y = 8.123 m …Ans.

3. Dynamic Load :
 Dynamic load due to deflection of shaft :
Wd = K  y = 2.8762  106  8.123  10

= 23.36 N
 Load on shaft due to self weight :
W = mg = 9  9.81 = 88.29
 Net dynamic load on each bearing:
W + Wd 88.29 + 23.36
Rb = 2 = 2
or Rb = 55.83 N …Ans.

Ex. 4.9.6 : A rotor has a mass of 10 kg and is mounted midway on a 20 mm diameter horizontal shaft supported at its ends
by two ball bearings. The bearings are one meter apart. The shaft rotates at 2000 rpm. If the center of mass of
rotor is 0.02 mm away from the geometric axis of the rotor due to certain manufacturing defect, find the
amplitude of the steady state vibration and the dynamic force transmitted to the bearing. Also calculate the
maximum bending stress in the shaft (Assume E = 200 GPa for shaft material). SPPU - May 11)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 4-36 Single Degree of Freedom Systems : Forced Vibrations

Soln. :

Given : m = 10 kg ; d = 0.02 m ;
l = 1m ; N = 2000 ;
e = 0.02 mm = 0.02  10–3 m ;
E = 200  109 N/m2.

1. Static Deflection of Shaft () :

W l3 mg l3
 = 48 EI =

ns e
48  E  64

io dg
10  9.81  ( 1 )3
  (0.02)4
48  200  109  64
9.6  1012  10–9

at le  = 1.30  10–3 m

Critical Speed of Shaft (c) :

ic w
W mg 10  9.81
K= = = = 75398.22 N/m
  1.30  10–3
K 75398.22
c = m =
bl o
 c = 86.83 rad/sec

3. Amplitude of Steady-State Vibrations (y) :

2  N 2    2000
Pu K

 = 60 = 60 = 209.43 rad/sec

 209.43
∴ = 86.83 = 2.411

Amplitude of vibration is,

( / c)2e (2.411)2  0.02  10 – 3 1.1625  10–4
y= = = – 4.8129
1 – ( / c) 2
1 – (2.4111)2

or y = – 2.4155  10–5 m
Negative sign indicates the displacement is out of phase with centrifugal force.

4. Dynamic Load on Bearings :

 Dynamic load on shaft due to deflection :
Wd = Ky = 75398.22  (2.4155  10–5 )
Wd = 1.8212 N
 Load on shaft due to self weight :
W = mg = 10  9.81 = 98.1 N
 Net dynamic load on each bearing :
W + Wd 98.1 + 1.8212
Rb = 2 = 2
or Rb = 49.96 N …Ans.


ns e
io dg
Free Vibration of Spring Coupled Systems - Longitudinal and Torsional, Torsionally Equivalent Shafts, Natural
Frequency and Mode Shapes, Eigen Value and Eigen Vector by Matrix Method, Combined Rectilinear and
Angular Motion, Vibrations of Geared Systems

at le
Ex. 5.3.5 : Find natural frequencies and mode shapes for the system shown in Fig. P. 5.3.5(a). Take m1 = 15 kg,
m2 = 20 kg and K = 200 N / m.
ic w
bl o

Fig. P. 5.3.5(a)

Soln. :
1. Frequency Equation :
Pu K

Assumption : x2 > x1 .

Fig. P. 5.3.5
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-2 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Two differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.5(d),
m1 x1 – K ( x2 – x1) = 0
and m2 x2 + K ( x2 – x1) = 0
m1 x1 + K x1 – K x2 = 0 …(a)
and m2 x2 – K x1 + K x2 = 0 ...(b)

ns e
 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :
x1 = X1 sin t ...(c)

io dg
x2 = X2 sin t
Therefore, x1 = – X1 2 sin t
x2 = – X2 2 sin t ...(d)

at le
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),
– m1 X1 2 sin t + K X1 sin t – K X2 sin t = 0
 – m1 X1 2 + K X1 – K X2 = 0
ic w
 ( K – m1 2 ) X1 = K X2
X1 K
 X = ...(e)
bl o
2 ( K – m1 2)
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),

– m2 X2 2 sin t – K X1 sin t + K X2 sin t = 0

 – m2 X2 2 – K X1 + K X2 = 0
Pu K

 (K – m2 2) X2 = K X1
X1 (K – m22 )
 X = ...(f )

2 K

 Frequency Equation :
From Equations (e) and (f ),
K (K – m22 )

= K
( K– m 1 )

 (K – m12) (K – m22) = K2
 K2 – K m22 – K m12 + m1m24 = K2
 m1m24 – ( m1 + m2) K 2 = 0
(m1 +m 2)K
 4 – m1m2 2 = 0 ...(g)

 This Equation (a) is called frequency equation.

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

 Substituting m1 = 15 kg, m2 = 20 kg and K = 200 N / m in Equation (g), we get,
( 15 + 20) 200
4 – 2 = 0
15  20
 4 – 23.33 2 = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-3 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

+ 23.33  (23.33) – 0

 2 = 2
23.33 23.33
 2 = 2  2
2 2
 n1 = 0 and n2 = 23.33

 n1 = 0 rad /s and n2 = 4.830 rad / s …Ans.

 It is seen that as if one of the natural frequencies of the system is zero, the system is not vibrating. There is no relative
motion between masses m1 and m2 and system can be moved as a rigid body. Such systems are known as semi-
definite systems or degenerate systems.

ns e
3. Ratio of Amplitudes :

io dg
For first mode shape :
X1 K
X2 = K– m1 2

 X1  K 200

at le or

 X2 
 X1 
 X2  1

= 1
m1 n1
200 – 15  0

ic w
For second mode shape :

 X1  K 200
bl o
= =
 X2 2 K– m1 n2
200 – 15  23.33

 X1 

or = – 1.3337 ...Ans.
 X2  2
Pu K

4. Principal Mode Shapes :

 The two principal mode shapes for given system are shown in Fig. P. 5.3.5(e) and Fig. P. 5.3.5(f).

Fig. P. 5.3.5

Ex. 5.3.6 : Two subway cars, as shown in following Fig. P. 5.3.6(a) have 2000 kg mass each and are connected by a
coupler. The coupler can be modeled as a spring of stiffness K = 280 kN/m. Write the equations of motion and
determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes. (SPPU - May 16, 12 Marks(

Fig. P. 5.3.6(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-4 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
Soln. :
1. Frequency Equation :
 Assumption : x2 > x1.

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o

Fig. P. 5.3.6

 Two differential equations of motion :

Pu K

From Fig. P. 5.3.6(d),

m1 x1 – K ( x2 – x1) = 0

and m2 x2 + K ( x2 – x1) = 0
or m1 x1 + K x1 – K x2 = 0 …(a)
and m2 x2 – K x1 + K x2 = 0 ...(b)

 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :

x1 = X1 sin t ...(c)
x2 = X2 sin t
Therefore, x1 = – X1 2 sin t
.. ...(d)
x2 = – X2 2 sin t
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),
– m1 X1 2 sin t + K X1 sin t – K X2 sin t = 0
 – m1 X1 2 + K X1 – K X2 = 0
 ( K – m1 2 ) X1 = K X2
X1 K
 X2 = ( K – m1 2) ...(e)

Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),

– m2 X2 2 sin t – K X1 sin t + K X2 sin t = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-5 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 – m2 X22 – K X1 + K X2 = 0
 (K – m2 2) X2 = K X1
X1 (K – m22 )
 X = K ...(f )

 Frequency equation :

From Equations (e) and (f ),

K (K – m22 )
= K
( K– m 1 )

ns e
 (K – m12) (K – m22) = K2

io dg
 K2 – K m22 – K m12 + m1m24 = K2
 m1m24 – ( m1 + m2) K 2 = 0
(m1 +m 2)K
 4 – m1m2 2 = 0 ...(g)


at le
Two Natural Frequencies :

Substituting m1 = 2000 kg, m2 = 2000 kg and K = 280 kN/m = 280  103 N/m in Equation (g), we get,
(( 2000 + 2000)) 280  103
ic w
4 – 2 = 0
2000  2000
 4 – 280 2 = 0
bl o
+ 280  (280) – 0

 2 = 2

280 280
 2 = 2  2
2 2
Pu K

 n1 = 0 and n2 = 280

 n1= 0 rad /s and n2 = 16.73 rad / s …Ans.

 It is seen that as if one of the natural frequencies of the system is zero, the system is not vibrating. There is no relative

motion between masses m1 and m2 and system can be moved as a rigid body. Such systems are known as semi-
definite system or degenerate system

3. Ratio of Amplitudes :

 For First mode shape :

X1 K
X2 = K– m1 2

  X1  =
280  103
 X2  K–
m1 n1 (280  103) – (2000  0)

or  X1  = 1 ...Ans.
 X2  1
 For second mode shape :
 X1  =
280  103
 X2 2 K–
m1 n2 280 – 103 – (2000  280)

 X1  = –1 ...Ans.
 X2  2
4. Principal Mode Shapes :
 The two principal mode shapes for given system are shown in Fig. P. 5.3.6(e) and Fig. P. 5.3.6(f).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-6 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

(e) First Mode Shape at n1 = 0 rad /s for

 X1  = 1

 X2  1

ns e
io dg
(f) First Mode Shape at n2 = 16.73 rad /s for 
 X1  = – 1

 X2 2
Fig. P. 5.3.6

at le
Ex. 5.3.7 : Determine the natural frequency and corresponding mode shapes of given system, shown in Fig. P. 5.3.7(a)
Assume each spring stiffness as K. (SPPU - Dec. 15,12 ,Marks(
ic w
bl o

Fig. P. 5.3.7(a)

Soln. :
Pu K

1. Frequency Equation :
Assumptions :

(i) The masses are constrained to move in the direction of spring axis.
(ii) The springs are weightless.
(iii) x2 > x1

Fig. P. 5.3.7 : Spring Mass System having Two Degrees of Freedom

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-7 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Two differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.7(d),
m1 x1 + K1 x1 – K2 (x2 – x1) = 0 …(a)
m2 x2 + K2 (x2 – x1) + K3 x2 = 0 …(b)
 By rearranging the terms of Equations (a) and (b) we get,
m1 x1 + (K1 + K2) x1 – K2 x2 = 0 …(c)
m2 x2 + (K2 + K3) x2 – K2 x1 = 0 …(d)

ns e
 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state condition :

io dg
x1 = X1 sin t …(e)
x2 = X2 sin t …(f)
 Therefore,
x1 = – X1 2 sin t …(g)

 at le ..
x2 = – X2 2 sin t
Substituting Equations (e), (f) and (g) in Equation (c), we get
ic w
– m1 X1 2 sin t + (K1 + K2) X1 sin t – K2 X2 sin t = 0

 – m1 X1 2 + (K1 + K2) X1 – K2 X2 = 0
bl o
 [ – m1 2 + (K1 + K2)] X1 – K2 X2 = 0
 [(K1 + K2) – m1 2] X1 = K2 X2

X1 K2
 X2 = [(K1 + K2) – m1 2] …(i)
Pu K

 Substituting Equations (e), (f) and (h) in Equation (d) we get,

– m2 2 X2 sin t + (K2 + K3) X2 sin t – K2 X1 sin t = 0


[– m22 + (K2 + K3) ] X2 – K2 X1 = 0

X1 [(K2  K3) – m22]
 X2 = K2 …(j)

 Frequency equation :
From Equations (i) and (j) we get,
K2 [(K2  K3) – m22]
= K2
[(K1  K2) – m1 2]
 [(K1 + K2) – m12][(K2 + K3) – m22] = K2
 (K1 + K2) (K2 + K3) – m12 (K2 + K3) m22(K1 + K2) + m1m24 = K2
2 2
 K1K2 + K1K3 + K2 + K2K3 – [m1(K2 + K3) +m2 (K1 + K2)] 2 + m1m24 = K2

 m1m24 – [m1(K2 +K3) + m2(K1 +K2)]2 + [K1K2 + K2K3 + K3K1] = 0 …(k)

 The above Equation (k) is quadratic in  and gives two values of  , (two positive values of  and two negative values
2 2

of ). The two positive values of  give natural frequencies n1 and n2 of the system.
 Therefore, Equation (k) is called as frequency equation.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-8 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 5.3.7(e)

 Refer Fig. P. 5.3.7(e),

 Substituting, m1 = m, m2 = 2m, K1 = K3 = K and K2 = 2K, in Equation (k),

at le
m  2m 4 – [m (K + K) + 2m (K + K)] 2 + [K K + K K + KK] = 0
 2 m2 4 – [2 Km + 4 Km ]2 + [K2 + K2 + K2] = 0
ic w
 2 m2 4 – 6 Km 2 + 3K2 = 0
6 Km  36 K2 m2 – 4 (2 m2 3 K2)
 2 =
bl o

6Km 36 K2 m2 – 24K2 m2
 2 = 
4m2 4m2

6K 12 Km 6K 12 K
 2 = 4m  2
= 4m  4 m
Pu K

6 12  K K
 2 =  4  m = (1.5  0.86) m

2 K 2 K
 n1 = (0.64) m and n 2 = (2.36) m

 n1 = 0.80 m , rad/s and n2 = 1.53 m , rad/s …(l)

 Therefore n1 and n2 are the two natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig. P. 5.3.6(e)

3. Ratio of Amplitudes : :
 From Equation (i),
X1 K2
X2 = [(K1 + K2) – m1 2]

 Substituting, m1 = m and K1 = K2 = K in Equation (m)

X1 K
X2 = [(K  K) – m 2]
X1 K
 X2 = 2K – m2 ….(n)

 For first mode shape :

2 K
 Substituting 2 = n1 = 0.64 m in Equation (n), we get,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-9 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 X1  =
= 2K – 0.64 K
 X2 1 K
2K – m0.64 m
 
  X1  1
= 1.36
 X2 1
  X1  = 0.73 …(o)
 X2 1
 For second mode shape :
2 K
 Substituting 2 = n2 = 2.36 m in Equation (n), we get,

ns e
 X1  =
= 2K – 2.36 K
 X2 2 K
2K – m 2.36 m

io dg
 
  X1  K 1
= – 0.36 K = – 0.36
 X2 2
  X1  = – 2.77 …(p)

at le
Principal Mode Shapes :
 X2  2
ic w
The two principal mode shapes II are shown in Fig. P. 5.3.7(f) and Fig. P. 5.3.7(g)
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.7 : Principal Mode Shapes for Case III

Ex. 5.3.9 : The two railway coaches, each of mass 2000 kg, are connected by coupling, as shown in Fig. P. 5.3.8(a).
Determine the natural frequencies and amplitude ratio for vibration of the railway coaches, when K = 40  10 N/m.

Fig. P. 5.3.9(a)
Soln. :

1. Equivalent Spring :

 The two coaches are connected by coupling where, the two springs are in series. Therefore equivalent spring stiffness
1 1 1 2
Ke = K + K = K
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-10 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

K 40  106
 Ke = 2 = 2
or Ke = 20  106 N / m
 The equivalent system is shown in Fig. P. 5.3.9(b).

ns e
Fig. P. 5.3.9(b) : Equivalent System

2. Frequency Equation :

io dg
Assumption : x2 > x1

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.9

 Two differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.8(e)
m x1 – Ke ( x2 – x1) = 0
and m x2 + Ke ( x2 – x1) = 0
or m x1 + Ke x1 – Ke x2 = 0 …(a)
and m x2 – Ke x1 + Ke x2 = 0 ...(b)
 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :
x1 = X1 sin t
x2 = X2 sin t
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-11 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
Therefore, x1 = – X1 2 sin t
.. ...(d)
x2 = – X2 2 sin t
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),
– m X1 2 sin t + Ke X1 sin t – Ke X2 sin t = 0
 – m X1 2 + Ke X1 – Ke X2 = 0
 ( Ke – m 2 ) X1 = Ke X2
X1 Ke
 X2 = ( Ke – m 2) ...(e)

ns e
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),

io dg
– m X2 sin t – Ke X1 sin t + Ke X2 sin t = 0
 – m X22 – Ke X1 + Ke X2 = 0
 (Ke – m 2) X2 = Ke X1
X1 (Ke – m 2 )

 at le
Frequency equation :
From Equation (e) and (f ),
 X2 = Ke ...(f )
ic w
Ke (Ke – m 2 )
(Ke– m 2) Ke
bl o
 (Ke – m 2) (Ke – m 2) = K2
2 2
 K e – 2 Ke m 2 + m2 4 = K e

 m24 – 2 Ke m2 2 = 0
2 Ke
Pu K

 4 – m 2 = 0 ...(g)

3. Two Natural Frequencies :


Substituting m = 2000 kg and Ke = 20  106 N/m in Equation (g),

2  20  106 2
 4 – 2000  = 0

 4 – 20000 2 = 0

+ 20000  (20000) – 0

 2 = 2
20000 20000
 2 = 2  2
2 2
 n1 = 0 and n2 = 20000

 n1 = 0 rad /s and n2 = 141.42 rad / s ...Ans.

 Since one of the natural frequency is zero, system is not vibrating. There is no relative motion between two coaches,
and system can be moved as a rigid body.
4. Ratio of Amplitudes :
 First mode shape :
X1 K
X2 = K– m 2

  X1  =
20  106
 X2 1 K– m
n1 20  106 – 2000  0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-12 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

or  X1  = 1 ...Ans.
 X2  1
 For second mode shape :
 X1  =
20  106
 X2 2 K– m
n2 20  10 – 2000  20000

or  X1  = –1 ...Ans.
 X2  2
5. Principal Mode Shapes :

ns e
 The two principal mode shapes for given system are shown in Fig. P. 5.3.9(f) and Fig. P. 5.3.9(g).

io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.9

Ex. 5.3.10 : Fig. P. 5.3.10(a) shows an engine connected to a compartment by a spring coupling having effective linear

stiffness of 3  10 N/m. The engine weighs 20 tonnes where as the compartment weighs 15 tonnes. Determine
the natural frequency. SPPU - Dec. 15,12 Marks.

Fig. P. 5.3.10(a)

Soln. :
1. Frequency Equation :

Assumption : x2  x1
 Two differential equations of motion :
m1 x1 – K ( x2 – x1) = 0
and m2 x2 + K ( x2 – x1) = 0
or m1 x1 + K x1 – K x2 = 0 …(a)
and m2 x2 – K x1 + K x2 = 0 ...(b)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-13 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 5.3.10
bl o
 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :
x1 = X1 sin t

x2 = X2 sin t ...(c)
Therefore, x1 = – X1 2 sin t
Pu K

x2 = – X2 2 sin t ...(d)

 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),

– m1 X1 2 sin t + K X1 sin t – K X2 sin t = 0
 – m1 X1 2 + K X1 – K X2 = 0
 ( K – m1 2 ) X1 = K X2

X1 K
 X2 = ( K – m1 2) ...(e)

 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),

– m2 X2 2 sin t – K X1 sin t + K X2 sin t = 0
 – m2 X22 – K X1 + K X2 = 0
 (K – m2 2) X2 = K X1
X1 (K – m22 )
 X = K ...(f )

 Frequency equation :
 From Equations (e) and (f ),
K (K – m22 )
= K
(K– m1 2)
 (K – m12) (K – m22) = K2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-14 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 K2 – K m22 – K m12 + m1m24 = K2

 m1m24 – ( m1 + m2) K 2 = 0
(m1 +m 2)K
 4 – m1m2 2 = 0 ...(g)

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

 Substituting m1 = 20000 kg, m2 = 15000 kg and K = 3  106 N / m in Equation (g), we get,

(20000 + 15000)  3  106 2
4 –  = 0
(20000  15000)

ns e
 4 – 350 2 = 0
+ 350 

io dg
(350) – 0

 2 = 2
350 350
 2 = 2  2
2 2
 n1 = 0 and n2 = 350

 at le  n1= 0 rad /s and n2 = 18.70 rad / s …Ans.

It is seen that as if one of the natural frequencies of the system is zero, the system is not vibrating. There is no relative
ic w
motion between masses m1 and m2 and system can be moved as a rigid body. Such systems are known as semi-
definite systems or degenerate system.
Ex. 5.3.12 : Determine the natural frequencies for the system, shown in Fig. P. 5.3.12(a). Use following data :
bl o
K1 = 1000 N / m ; K2 = 500 N / m ;
m1 = 50 kg/s ; m2 = 10 kg.
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.12(a)

Soln. :
 The equivalent system shown in Fig. P. 5.3.12(b).
1. Frequency Equation :
Assumption : x2  x1.
 Two differential equations of motion :
m1 x1 + K1 x1 – K2 ( x2 – x1) = 0
and m2 x2 + K2 ( x2 – x1) = 0
or m1 x1 + ( K1 + K2 )x1 – K2 x2 = 0 …(a)
and m2 x2 – K2 x1 + K2 x2 = 0 ...(b)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-15 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
at le
Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :
Fig. P. 5.3.12
ic w
x1 = X1 sin t
x2 = X2 sin t ...(c)
bl o
Therefore, x1 = – X1 2 sin t
.. ...(d)
x2 = – X2 2 sin t

 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),

– m1 X1 2 sin t + (K1 + K2) X1 sin t – K2 X2 sin t = 0
Pu K

 – m1 X1 2 + (K1 + K2) X1 – K2 X2 = 0
 (K1 + K2 – m1 2) X1 = K2 X2

X1 K2
 X = ...(e)
2 (K1 + K2 – m1 2 )
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),
– m2 X2 2 sin t – K2 X1 sin t + K2 X2 sin t = 0

 – m2 X2 2 – K2 X1 + K2 X2 = 0
 (K2 – m2 2) X2 = K2 X1
X1 (K2 – m22 )
 X2 = K2 ...(f )

 Frequency equation :
From Equations (e) and (f),
K2 (K2 – m22)
= K2
(K1  K2 – m1 2)
 (K1 + K2 – m12) (K2 – m22) = K2
2 2
 K1 K2 – K1 m22 + K2 – K2 m22 – K2 m12 + m1 m2 4 = K2

 m1m24 – (K1 m2 + K2 m2 + K2 m1)2 + K1 K2 = 0

K1 K2 K2 K1 K2
 4 –  m + m + m  2 + m m = 0 ...(g)
 1 1 2 1 2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-16 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

 Substituting K1 = 1000 N / m, K2 = 500 N / m, m1 = 50 kg and m2 = 10 kg in Equation (g),
1000 500 500 1000  500
4 –  50 + 50 + 10  2 + = 0
  50  10
 4 – 80 2+ 1000 = 0
+ 80  (80) – 4  1000
 2 = 2
80 48.98
 2 = 2  2 = 40  24.49

ns e
2 2
 n1 = 15.50 and n2 = 64.49

io dg
 n1 = 3.93 rad /s and n2 = 8.03 rad / s …Ans.

Ex. 5.3.13 : Write governing differential equations for system given below (SPPU - May 19, 5 Marks)

at le
ic w
Fig. P. 5.3.13(a)

Soln. :
bl o
Systems that require two independent Coordinates to describe their motion are called two degree of freedom systems.
1. Frequency Equation :

Assumption : x2  x1.
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.13(A)

 Two differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.13(A)(d),
m1 x1 + K1x1 – K2 ( x2 – x1) = 0 …(a)
and m2 x2 + K2 ( x2 – x1) = 0 …(b)
 Rearranging the terms in Equation (a) and (b)
or m1 x1 + ( K1 + K2) x1 – K2 x2 = 0 …(c)
and m2 x2 – K2 x1 + K2 x2 = 0 ...(d)
 Solutions for x1 and x2 under steady state conditions :
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-17 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

x1 = X1 sin t
x2 = X2 sin t ...(e)
x1 = – X1 2 sin t
.. ...(f)
x2 = – X2 2 sin t
Substituting Equations (e) and (f) in Equation (c),
– m1 X1 2 sin t + (K1 + K2) X1 sin t – K2 X2 sin t = 0

ns e
 – m1 X1 2 + (K1 + K2) X1 – K2 X2 = 0
 [(K1 + K2) – m1 2] X1 = K2 X2

io dg
X1 K2
 X = ...(g)
2 [(K1 + K2) – m1 2]
Substituting Equations (e) and (f) in Equation (d),
– m2 X2 2 sin t – K2 X1 sin t + K2 X2 sin t = 0

at le  – m2 X2 2 – K2 X1 + K2 X2 = 0
 (K2 – m2 2) X2 = K2 X1
X1 (K2 – m22 )
ic w
 X2 = K2 ...(h)

 Frequency equation :
bl o
From Equations (g) and (h ),
K2 (K2 – m22 )

[(K1  K2) – m1 2]
 [(K1 + K2) – m12](K2 – m22) = K2
Pu K

(K1 + K2) K2 – (K1 + K2) m22 – m12 K2 + m1m24 = K2
 m1m24 – [(K1 + K2) m2 + m1 K2] 2 + ( K1 + K2 ) K2 – K2 = 0

2 2
m1m24 – [(K1 + K2) m2 + m1 K2] 2 + K1 K2 + K2 – K2 = 0

4 –
 (K1 + K2) + K2 K1 K2
2 + m m = 0 ...(i)
 m1 m2 1 2

Ex. 5.3.14 : A double pendulum having length l is shown in Fig. P. 5.3.14(a). Determine the natural frequency of the double
pendulum when K = 50 N / m, m1 = 3 kg, m2 = 5 kg, l = 200 mm and a = 100 mm.
SPPU - May 12, May 14,10 Marks.

Fig. P. 5.3.14(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-18 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

Soln. :
1. Frequency Equation :
 Assumption : x2  x1 (2 > 1)
 Resultant spring force acting on each rod :
From Fig. P. 5.3.13(a),
Fs = K (x2 – x1) = K (a 2 – a 1)
or Fs = K a (2 – 1)

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 5.3.14(b) : Displaced Position

 Two differential equations of motion :

bl o
From Fig. P. 5.3.14(c),
 Taking moments about points A and B, we get,

I1 1 + m1 g sin 1 l – Ka (2 – 1) a = 0
Pu K

and I2 2 + m2 g sin 2 l + Ka (2 – 1) a = 0

 Since 1 and 2 are small, sin 1 ~– , and sin 2 ~
– 2

Fig. P. 5.3.14(c) : Displaced Position

 Therefore,
m2 l2 1 + m2 g l 1 + Ka2 (1 – 2) = 0 …[∵ I1 = m1 l2] ...(a)
and m2 l2 2 + m2 g l 2 + Ka2 (2 – 1) = 0 …[∵ I2 = m2 l2] ...(b)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-19 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Solution for 1 and 2 under steady state conditions :

1 = 1 sin t ...(c)
2 = 2 sin t
Where, 1 and 2 are the amplitudes of vibration of the two pendulum under steady state conditions.
Therefore 1 = – 1 2 sin t
.. ...(d)
2 = – 2 2 sin t
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),

ns e
– m1 l2 1 2 sin t + m1 g l 1 sin t + Ka2 (1 sin t – 2 sin t) = 0
 – m1 l2 2 1 + m1 g l 1 + Ka2 (1 – 2) = 0

io dg
 – m1 l2 2 1 + m1 g l 1 + Ka2 1 – Ka2 2 = 0
 (m1 g l + Ka2 – m1 l2 2) 1 = Ka2 2
1 Ka2
 = ...(e)
2 (m1 g l + Ka2 – m1 l2 2)

at le
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equations (b),
– m2 l2 2 2 sin t + m2 g l 2 sin t + Ka2 (2 sin t – 1 sin t) = 0
ic w
 – m2 l2 2 2 + m2 g l 2 + Ka2 (2 – 1) = 0

 – m2 l2 2 2 + m2 g l 2 + Ka2 2 – Ka2 1 = 0
bl o

 (m2 g l + Ka2 – m2 l2 2) 2 = Ka2 1

1 (m2g l + Ka2 – m2 l22 )

 = …(f)
2 Ka2
Pu K

Frequency Equation :

From Equations (e) and (f ),

(m2 g l + Ka2 – m2 l22 )

(m1 g l + Ka2 – m1 l2 2 ) Ka2

 (m1 g l + Ka2 – m1 l2 2) (m2 g l + Ka2 – m2 l2 2) = K2 a4

m1 m2 g2 l2 + Ka2 m1 g l – m1 m2 g l3 2 + Ka2 m2 g l + K2 a4 – Ka2 m2 l2 2 – m1 m2 g l3 2 – Ka2 m1 l2 2 + m1 m2 l44 – K2 a4 = 0


m1 m2 l44 – [m1 m2 g l3 + Ka2 m2 l2 + m1 m2 gl3 + Ka2 m1l2 ] 2 + Ka2 m1 g l + Ka2 m2 g l + m1 m2 g2 l = 0

 m1 m2 l44 – [2 m1 m2 g l3 + Ka2 m2 l2 + Ka2 m1 l2 ] 2 + Ka2 m1 g l +Ka2 m2 g l + m1 m2 g2 l2 = 0

2 2 2
 2g Ka2 + Ka2  2 + Ka g + Ka g + g = 0
4 –  l +  …(g)
 m1l2 m2l2  3 3
m2 l m1 l l2

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

From Equation (g),

2  9.81 50  (0.1)2 50  (0.1)2 2 50  (0.1)2  9.81 50  (0.1)2  9.81 (9.81)2
 4 –  0.2 + +  + + =0
 3  (0.2)2 5  (0.2)2  5  (0.2)3 3  (0.2)3 (0.2)2
 4 – 104.79 2 + 2732.89 = 0
+ 104.76  2
(104.76) – 4  2732.89
 2 = 2
104.76 6.56
= 2  2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-20 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 2 = 52.38  3.28
2 2
 n1 = 49.1 and n 2 = 55.66

 n1 = 7 rad /s and n2 = 7.46 rad / s …Ans.

Ex. 5.3.15 : Two uniform rods AB and CD, having lengths 0.08 m and 0.1 m respectively, are pivoted at their upper ends as
shown in Fig. P. 5.3.15(a). The mass of rods AB and CD are 3 kg and 5 kg respectively. The stiffness of spring
is 2000 N / m. Determine. :
(i) the natural frequencies, neglecting effect of gravity ;
(ii) the angular amplitude of rod CD for second mode of vibration, if rod AB moves through 1 on either side of

ns e
the vertical; and

io dg
(iii) the maximum force in spring during second mode of vibration.

at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 5.3.15(a)
Pu K

Soln. :
1. Frequency Equation :

Fig. P. 5.3.15(b) : Displaced Position

Assumption : x2  x1.
 Resultant spring force acting on each rod is :
Fs = K (x2 – x1)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-21 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Fs = K (l2 2 – l1 1)
 Two differential equations of motion :
From Fig. P. 5.3.15(c),
Taking moments about point A and C, we get,
I1 1 – K (l2 2 – l1 1) l1 = 0
and I2 2 + K (l2 2 – l11) l2 = 0

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o
Fig. P. 5.3.15(c) : FBD of System

m l2

 Since mass moment of inertia of uniform rod is 3 , therefore

m1 l1 ..
Pu K

3 1 + K (l1 1 – l2 2) l1 = 0 ...(a)

m2 l2 ..
and 3 2 – K (l1 1 – l22) l2 = 0 ...(b)

 Rearranging Equations (a) and (b), we get,

m1 l1 ..
3 1 + K l1 1 = K l22 ...(c)

m2 l2 ..

And 3 2 + K l22 = K l1 1 ...(d)

 Solutions for 1 and 2 under steady state conditions :

1 = 1 sin t
2 = 2 sin t ...(e)
Where, 1 and 2 are the amplitudes of the vibration of two rods under steady state conditions
Therefore, 1 = – 1 2 sin t
2 = – 2 2 sin t ...(f )
 Substituting Equations (e) and (f ) in Equation (d), we get
– m1 l1
 3 1  sin t + K l1 1 sin t = K l2 2 sin 2

– m1 l1
 3 1 2 + K l1 1 = K l2 2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-22 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

K l m1 l1 
2 1 = K l2 2
 1– 3 
1 K l2
 = ...(g)
2 K l m1 l1 
 2
 1– 3 
 Substituting Equations (e) and (f ) in Equations (d),
m2 l2
– 3 2 2 sin t + K l2 2 sin t = K l1 1 sin t
– m2 l2

ns e
 3 2 2 + K l2 2 = K l1 1

K l m2 l2 

io dg
 2 2 = K l1 1
 2– 3 
K l m2 l2 
1  2– 3 
 = K l1 ...(h)

at le
Frequency equation :
From Equations (g) and (h), we get,
K l
 2–
m2 l2 
ic w
K l2 3 
= K l1
K l m1 l1 2
 1– 3 
bl o

K l m1 l1 2
 K l m2 l2 
2 = K2 l1 l2
 1– 3   2– 3 

K m2 l1 l2 2 K m1 l1 l2 2 m1 m2 l1 l2 4 2
 K2 l1 l2 – 3  – 3  + 9  – K l1 l2 = 0
m1 m2 l1 l2 4 K m1 l1 l2 K m2 l1 l2  2
Pu K

  –
9  3 + 3  = 0
m1 m2 l1 l2 4 K l1 l2
 9  – (m1 + m2) 3 2 = 0

3 (m1 + m2) K
 4 – m1m2 2 = 0 …(i)

2. Two Natural Frequencies :


 From Equation (i)

+ 3 (m1 + m2) K 3 (m1 + m2) K
 –0
m1m2  m1 m2 
  = 2
3 (m 1 + m 2 ) 3 (m 1 + m2) K
 2 = 2 m m K2 m1 m2
1 2

2 2 3 (m1 + m2) K
 n1 = 0 and n2 = m1 m2
 n1 = 0 rad / s ...Ans.
3 (m1 + m2) K
and n2 = m1 m2 rad / s

3 (3 + 5) 2000
 n2 =
 n2 = 56.56 rad / s ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-23 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Since effect of gravity is neglected, therefore first natural frequency is zero. If effect of gravity is consider then first
natural frequency will also be non-zero.
3. Ratio of Amplitudes for Second Mode of
Vibrations :

 1  =
K l2
 2 2 K l m1 l1 2 
 1– 3 
 1  =
2000  0.1
 2 2 2000  0.08 –
3  0.08
 (56.56)

ns e
 1  = – 2.08

io dg
 2 2
1 
= – 2.08 …(When 1 = 1 )

2 = – 0.48 ...Ans.

at le
Therefore when rod AB moves through 1, then rod CD moves through angle – 0.48. The negative sign indicates it
moves out of phase with rod AB.
Maximum Spring Force During Second Mode of Vibration :
ic w
 Spring force during second mode of vibration :
= K[ l2 2 – l1 1 ]
bl o
or Fs = K [ l2 2 sin t – l1 1 sin t ]
 Maximum spring force during second mode of vibration :

Fsmax = K [ l2 2 – l1 1 ]
 
= 2000 0.1  – 0.48  180 – 0.08  1  180
Pu K

 
or Fsmax = – 4.468 N ...Ans.

Ex. 5.3.18 : Determine the natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig. P. 5.3.18. k = 90 N/m, I = 25 m, m1 = 2 kg,
m2 = 0.5 kg. SPPU - May 17, 12 Marks.

Fig. P. 5.3.18

Soln. :
 Two natural frequencies for given case is given by
(m1 + m2) g + kl  [(m1 + m2) g + kl]2 – 4m1 l kg
2 = 2 m1l
Put value of K = 90 N/m, l = 0.25 m,
m1 = 2kg, m2 = 0.5 kg
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-24 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

(2 + 0.5) 9.81 + 90  0.25  [(2 + 0.5) 9.81 + 90  2.5]2 – 4  2  0.25  90  9.81

2 =
2  2  0.25
2 = 24.5 + 22.5  (24.5 + 22.5)2 – 1764
= 47  2209 + 1764 = 47  21.09
 1 = 8.25 rad/s and 2 = 5.08 rad/s …Ans.

Ex. 5.3.19 : Determine the natural frequencies of the system, shown in Fig. P. 5.3.19(a), Assume that cord is inextensible
and there is no slip between cord and pulley. Take K1 = 30 N / m, K2 = 50 N / m, m1 = 2 kg and m2 = 8 kg

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
Fig. P. 5.3.19(a)

Soln. :
bl o
1. Frequency Equation :
 Let, the mass moves downward by distance x and pulley rotates through an angle  about O in clockwise direction as

shown in Fig. P. 5.3.19(c).

Deflection in spring 1 = r 
Pu K

Deflection in spring 2 = (x – r ).


(d) : F.B.D. of System

Fig. P. 5.3.19

 Differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.19(d),
m1 x + K2 (x – r ) = 0
and I  + K1 r  r – K2 (x – r ) r = 0
or m1 x + K 2 x – K 2 r  = 0
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-25 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
and I  + K1 r2  – K2 r x + K2 r2  = 0
or m1 x + K 2 x – K 2 r  = 0 ...(a)
and I  + ( K1 + K 2 ) r 2  – K 2 r x = 0 ...(b)
 Solutions for x and  under steady state conditions :
x = X sin t
 =  sin t

ns e
x = – X 2 sin t

io dg
.. ...(d)
 = –  2 sin t
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),
– m1 X 2 sin t + K2 X sin t – K2 r  sin t = 0
 – m1 X 2 + K2 X – K2 r  = 0

at le  (K2 – m1 2 ) X = K2 r 

K2 r
ic w
 (K2 – m1 2)
 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),
– I  2 sin t + (K1 + K2 ) r2  sin t – K2 r X sin t = 0
bl o

– I  2 + ( K1 + K2 ) r2  – K2 r X = 0
 [( K1 + K2 ) r2 – I 2 ]  = K2 r X

X (K1 + K2) r2 – I 2
 = K2 r ...(f )

Pu K

 Frequency equation :
 From Equations (e) and (f),

K2 r (K1 + K2) r2 – I 2
= K2 r
(K2 – m1 2)
 (K2 – m1 2 ) ( K1 + K2 ) r2 – I 2 = K22 r2
 (K2 – m1 2 ) ( K1 r2 + K2 r2 – I 2 ) = K22 r2

 K1 K2 r2 + K22 r2 – K2 I 2 – K1 r2 m1 2 – K2 r2 m1 2 + I m1 4 = K2 r2
 I m1 4 – ( K1 r2 m1 + K2 r2 m1 + K2 I ) 2 + K1 K2 r2 = 0
 K1 r2 K2 r2 K2  K1 K2 r2
 4 –  +
m1  
2+ + = 0

I I I m1

 K1 r + K2 r + K2  2 + K1 K2 r
2 2 2
 4 – 1 = 0 …[ ··· M.I. for pulley, I = 2
 m 2 1 m 2 m1  1 2
2 m2 r ]
2 2r 2 2r  2 m2 r m1
 2 K 1 2 K 2 K2 
 4 –  m + m + m  2 + m m
2 K1 K2
= 0
 2 2 1  1 2

 2 ( K1 + K2 ) K2  2 K 1 K2
 4 –  +  2 + = 0 ...(g)
 m2 m1  m1 m2

2. Two Natural Frequencies :

Substituting K1 = 30 N/m, K2 = 50 N/m, m1 = 2 kg and m2 = 8 kg in Equation (g),
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-26 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 4 –
 2 (30 + 50) 50
+ 2
 2 + 2  30  50 = 0
 8  28
 4 – 45 2 + 187.5 = 0
+ 45  (45) – 4 (187.5)
  = 2
45 35.70
= 2  2

 2 = 22.5  17.85
2 2

ns e
 n1 = 40.35 and n2 = 4.65

 n1 = 6.35 rad /s and n2 = 2.1563 rad / s ...Ans.

io dg
Ex. 5.3.20 : Marine engine is connected to a propeller through gears, as shown in Fig. P. 5.3.20(a). The mass moment of
inertia of flywheel, engine, gear 1, gear 2 and propeller are 9000, 1000, 250, 150 and 2000 kg-m respectively.
Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system in torsional vibration. Neglect mass moment of
inertia of engine, gear 1 and gear 2. (SPPU - May 13,12 Marks)

at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.20(a)

Soln. :

Given : IF = 9000 kg-m2 ; IE = 1000 kg-m2 ;

IG1 = 250 kg-m2 ; IG2 = 150 kg-m2 ;
IP = 2000 kg-m2.
1. Assumptions :

(i) The flywheel can be considered as fixed since its mass moment of inertia is very large compared to that of other
rotors of the engine.
(ii) The engine and gears can be replaced by a single equivalent rotor (I1) as shown in Fig. P. 5.3.20(b).
(iii) The propeller can be replaced by a single equivalent rotor (I2).
(iv) The shaft 1 can be replaced by torsional spring of stiffness Kt1.
(v) Shaft 2 can be replaced by torsional spring of stiffness Kt2.

Fig. P. 5.3.20(b)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-27 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
2. Equivalent Mass Moment of Inertia (I1) :
np zg 40
G = n = z = 20 = 2
g p

 Moment of Inertia of gear 2 (pinion), referred to shaft 1 :

(IG2)eq = G2  IG2 = (2)2 (150) = 600 kg-m2
 The distance between the engine and the gear unit is small. Hence, the engine and the two gears can be replaced by a
single rotor with a mass moment of inertia of I1 ,
I1 = IE + IG1 + (IG2)eq = 1000 + 250 + 600

ns e
= 1850 kg-m2
3. Equivalent Mass Moment of Inertia (I2) :

io dg
The mass moment of inertia of propeller referred to shaft 1 is, I2 = G2  Ip = (2)2  2000 = 8000
4. Torsional Stiffness of Shaft 1 and Shaft 2 :
Take G = 80  109 N/m2 (for steel)
GJ01 G  d1 (80  109) () (0.10)4

at le Kt1 = l = l 32 =
1 1 
Kt1 = 98.17  104 N-m/rad
(0.8) (32)
ic w
GJ02 G  d1 (80  109) () (0.15)4
Kt2 = l = l 32 =
2 2  (1.0) (32)
or Kt2 = 397.60  104 N-m/rad
bl o

5. Frequency Equation :
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.3.20(c) : F.B.D


Two differential equations of motion :

From Fig. P. 5.3.20(c),

I1  1 + Kt1 1 – Kt2 (2 – 1) = 0 …(a)


I2  2 + Kt2 (2 – 1) = 0 …(b)

By rearranging the terms in Equations (a) and (b),

I1  1 + (Kt1 + Kt2) 1 – Kt2 2 = 0 …(c)

I2  2 + Kt2 2 – Kt2 1 = 0 …(d)
 Solutions for 1 and 2 under steady state condition :
1 = 1 sin t …(e)
2 = 2 sin t …(f)
1 and 2 = amplitudes of vibration of two rotors I1 and I2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-28 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Therefore,
‥ 1
= – 1 2 sin t …(g)
‥ 2
= – 2 2 sin t …(h)
 Substituting Equations (e), (f) and (g) in Equation (c), we get,
– I1 1 2 sin t + (Kt1 + Kt2) 1 sin t – Kt2 2 sin t = 0
– I1 2 1 + (Kt1 + Kt2) 1 = Kt2 2
1 Kt2
= …(i)
2 [(Kt1 + Kt2) – I12]

ns e
 Substituting Equations (e), (f) and (h) in Equation (d), we get,

io dg
– I2 2 2 sin t + Kt2 2 sin t – Kt2 1 sin t = 0
(Kt2 – I22) 2 = Kt2 1
1 [Kt1 – I22]
 = Kt2 …(j)

at le
Frequency equation :
From Equations (i) and (j),
Kt2 [ Kt2 – I22]
ic w
= Kt2
[(Kt1 + Kt2) – I12]
[(Kt1 + Kt2) – I12] [Kt2 – I22] = Kt2
2 2
bl o
Kt1 Kt2 + Kt2 – I1Kt2 2 – I2Kt12 – I2Kt2 2 + I1 I2 4 = Kt2
I1I2 4 – (I1Kt2 + I2Kt1 + I2Kt2) 2 + Kt1 Kt2 = 0

4 –
 Kt2 + (Kt1 + Kt2) Kt1 Kt2
2 + I I = 0 …(k)
 I2 I1  1 2
Pu K

6. Two Natural Frequencies :

Substituting values of I1, I2, Kt1 and Kt2 in Equation (k),

397.6  10 (98.17 + 397.6)  104 2 98.17  104  397.6  104

4 –
 8000 + 1850  + 1850  8000 =0
4 – [497 + 2679.8] 2 + 263732.37 = 0
4 – 3176.8 2 + 263732.37 = 0

+ 3176.8  (3176.8)2 – 4  1  263732.37

2 =
3176.8  3006.18
= 2
= 85.3 and n2
= 3091.49
 n1 = 9.23 rad/s and n2 = 55.6 rad/s …Ans.

7. Mode Shapes :
 For first mode shape :
 1 =
 21 2
[( Kt1 + Kt2) – I1 n1]
397.60  104
[(98.17 + 397.6)  104 – 1850  85.3]
 1  = 0.828 …Ans.
 2 1
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-29 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 For second mode shape :

 1  =
 2 2 2
[(Kt1 + K2) – I1 n2 ]
397.6  104
[(98.17 + 397.6)  104 – 1850  3091.49]

 1  = – 5.22 …Ans.
 2 2
Ex. 5.5.3 : An automobile of mass 2000 kg has a wheel base of 2.5 m. Its C.G. is located 1.5 m behind the front wheel axle

ns e
and has a radius of gyration about C.G. 1.2 m. the front springs have a combined stiffness of 4000 N/m and
rear springs 4500 N/m. Refer Fig. P. 5.5.3(a).

io dg
Determine :
(i) The natural frequency
(ii) Amplitude ratio for two modes of vibration. SPPU - May 18, 12 Marks)

at le
ic w
bl o

Fig. P. 5.5.3(a)

Soln. :
Pu K

Given : Mass of automobile, m = 2000 kg

Wheel base, l = l1 + l2 = 2.5 m, l1 = 1.5 m,  l2 = 1 m
Radius of gyration, k = 1.2 m

 M.I. of automobile, I = mk2 = 2000  (1.2)2 = 2880 kg-m2

Equivalent spring stiffness for front wheel, K1 = 4000 N / m
Equivalent spring stiffness for rear wheel, K2 = 4500 N / m

(b) Equivalent Position (c) Displaced Position (d)

Fig. P. 5.5.3 : F.B.D of System

Fig. P. 5.5.3 (b) shows equivalent system, Fig. P. 5.5.3 (c) shows displaced position and P. 5.5.3(d) shows F.B.D. of
1. Differential Equations :
From Fig. P. 5.5.3(b), the differential equations of motion for a given system are,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-30 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
m x + K1 (x + l1 ) + K2 (x – l2 ) = 0
and I  + K1 (x + l1 ) l1 – K2 (x – l2 ) l2 = 0 ...(a)

m x + (K1 + K2) x + (K1 l1 – K2 l2 ) = 0
and I  + (K1 l1 – K2 l2 ) x + (K1 l21 + K2 l22 )  = 0 ...(b)

 Substituting values in Equations (b),

ns e
.. ..
2000  x + (4000 + 4500) x + (4000  1.5 – 4500  1)  = 0 and 2880  + (4000  1.5 – 4500  1) x + (4000  1.52 + 4500 

io dg
12)  = 0
or 2000 x + 8500 x + 1500  = 0
and 2880  + 1500 x + 13500  = 0

at le ..
x + 4.25 x + 0.75  = 0

 + 0.52083 x + 4.6875  = 0

ic w
2. Frequency Equation :
The solutions for x and  under steady state conditions are,
x = X sin t
bl o
and  =  sin t

Therefore, x = – X 2 sin t ...(f)

and  = –  2 sin t
Pu K

 Substituting Equations (e) and (f) in Equation (c),

– X 2 sin t + 4.25 X sin t + 0.75  sin t = 0

 – X 2 + 4.25 X + 0.75  = 0
 ( 2 – 4.25 ) X + 0.75  = 0
( 2 – 4.25 ) X = 0.75 
X 0.75

 = ...(g)
 (2 – 4.25)

Substituting Equations (e) and (f ) in Equation (d),

–  2 sin t + 0.52083 X sin t + 4.6875  sin t = 0

 –  2 + 0.52083 X + 4.6875  = 0
 – (2 – 4.6875)  + 0.52083 X = 0
 (2 – 4.6875)  = 0.52083 X
X (2 – 4.6875)
 = 0.52083 ...(h)

From Equations (g) and (h),

0.75 (2 – 4.6875)

(2 – 4.25) 0.52083
 (2 – 4.6875) ( 2 – 4.25 ) = 0.3906
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-31 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 4 – 4.25 2 – 4.6875 2 + 19.9219 = 0.3906

4 – 8.9375 2 + 19.53 = 0 ...(i)
 Equation (i) is known as frequency Equation
3. Natural Frequencies :
From Equation (i),
8.9375  (8.9375)2 – 4  1  19.53
2 = 2
8.9375  1.3262
or 2 =

ns e
8.9375 – 1.3262
 n1
= 2 = 3.8056

io dg
8.9375 + 1.3262
and n2
= 2 = 5.1318

 n1 = 3.8056 = 1.95 rad/s

and n2 = 5.1318 = 2.265 rad/s

at le n1 = 1.95 rad/s

n2 = 2.265 rad/s
ic w
4. Ratio of Amplitudes :
The amplitude ratio for first mode of vibrations is,
 X  = 20.75 = 0.75
bl o

  1 n1 – 4.25 (1.95)2 – 4.25 = – 1.68

The amplitude ratio for second mode of vibrations is,

 X  = 20.75 = 0.75
  2 n2 – 4.25 (2.265)2 – 4.25
Pu K

or X = 0.852
  2

Ex. 5.8.5 : Two rotors A and B are attached to the end of a shaft 500 mm long. Weight of the rotor A is 300 N and its
radius of gyration is 300 mm. The corresponding values of rotor B are 500 N and 450 mm respectively. The
shaft is 70 mm in diameter for the first 250 mm, 120 mm diameter for next 100 mm and 100 mm diameter for
11 2
the remainder of its length. Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material is 8  10 N/m . Find (i) the position of the

node and (ii) the frequency of torsional vibration. Draw the mode shapes. SPPU - May 11, Dec. 13, 12 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : l = 0.5 m ; mA = 9.81 kg;

kA = 0.3 m ; mB = 9.81 kg;

kB = 0.45 m ; d1 = 0.07 m;
l1 = 0.25 m ; d2 = 0.12 m;
l2 = 0.1 m ; d3 = 0.1 m;
G = 8  1011 N/m2 .

1. Equivalent Length :
l3 = l – (l1 + l2) = 0.5 – (0.25 + 0.1) = 0.15 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-32 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 The equivalent length of shaft having diameter d1 (70 mm) is,

de 4 de 4 de 4
le = l1  d  + l2  d  + l3  d 
 1  2  3
d1 4
d1 4
d1 4
= l1  d  + l2  d  + l3  d 
 1  2  3
d1 4
d1 4
= l1 + l2  d  + l3  d 
 2  3
0.07 4 0.07 4
= 0.25 + 0.1  0.12  + 0.15  0.01 
   

ns e
 le = 0.29757 m or …(a)
 le = 297.57 mm ≃ 298 mm

io dg
 The equivalent system is shown in Fig. P. 5.8.5(b)

2. Position of Node :
 Mass movement of inertia for rotor A :
IA = mA kA =  9.81   (0.3)2 = 2.75 kg-m2

at le 2
 
Mass movement of inertia for rotor B :
IB = mB kB =  9.81   (0.45)2 = 10.32 kg-m2
ic w
 
We know that, lA IA = lB IB
lB IB lB  10.32
bl o

 lA = IA = 2.75

or lA = 3.75 lB …(b)
But le = lA + lB …(c)
Pu K

Substituting Equations (a) and (b) in Equation (c),

0.29751 = 3.75 lB + lB

 lB = 0.06261 m = 62.6 mm
and, lA = 3.75  0.06261
or lA = 0.23478 m = 234.78 mm

3. Natural Frequency :
 Natural circular frequency of two rotor system :
 4
G  32 de
n = lA IA = lA IA

8  1011  32 (0.07)4
0.23478  2.75
or n = 1709 rad/s ...Ans.
 Natural frequency of two rotor system :
n 1709
fn = =
2 2
or fn = 271.99 Hz ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-33 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n

Fig. P. 5.8.5
Pu K

Ex. 5.8.6 : Two equal masses of weight 400 N each and radius of gyration 400 mm are keyed to the opposite ends of a
shaft 600 mm long. The shaft is 750 mm diameter for the first 250 mm of its length, 125 mm diameter for the

next 125 mm and 85 mm diameter for the remaining of its length. Find the frequency of free torsional vibrations
11 2
of the system and position of node. Assume G = 0.84  10 N/m
SPPU - Dec. 14, 8 Marks, Oct. 18(In-sem),Oct. 19(In Sem.), 10 Marks )

Soln. :
Given :
Mass of rotor A , mA = 400 N = 9.81 = 40.77 kg

Radius of gyration for rotor A,

KA = 400 mm = 0.4 m
Mass of rotor B, mB = 400 N = 9.81 = 40.77 kg

Radius of gyration for rotor B

KB = 400 mm = 0.4 m

1. Equivalent Length
 The equivalent length of shaft having diameter d3 = 0.0875 m is,
4 4 4
de de de
le = l1d  + l2 d  + l3 d 
 1  2  3
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-34 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
4 4 4
0.085 0.085 0.085
= 0.25  0.75  + 0.125 0.125 + 0.225 0.085
     
= 0.2517 m
 The polar moment of inertia of equivalent shaft is,

Je = 32 (0.085)4 = 5.12  10– 6 m4

2. Position of Node

For rotors A and B,

ns e
IA = mAKA2 = 40.77  0.42

= 6.52 kg.m2

io dg
IB = mBKB2 = 40.77  0.42

= 6.52 kg.m2
We have lA IA = lB IB

at le
Therefore, lA = I

lA = lB
ic w
But, le = lA + lB
 0.2517 = 2 lA ...(···lA = lB)
lA= lB = 0.1258 m …Ans.
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.8.6
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-35 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

3. Natural Frequency
 The natural circular frequency of two rotor system is,
GJ 84  109 5.12  10– 6
n = lA IA = 0.1258  6.52
or, n = 724.11 rad / s
 The natural frequency of two rotor system is,
n 724.11
fn = = = 115.24 Hz
2 2

ns e
or fn = 115.24 Hz

io dg
Ex. 5.8.7 : Two rotors, A and B are attached to the ends of the shaft 600 mm long. The mass and radius of gyration of
rotor A is 40 kg and 400 mm respectively and that of rotor B are 50 kg and 500 mm respectively. The shaft is
80 mm diameter for first 250 mm,120 mm for next 150 mm and 100 mm for the remaining length from the rotor
5 2
A. Assume, the modulus of rigidity of the shaft material 0.8  10 N/mm and find:
(i) Position of node on equivalent shaft of diameter 80 mm and on the actual shaft.

Soln. :
at le (ii) Natural frequency of the torsional vibrations.
ic w
Given :
mA = 40 kg ; mB = 50 kg ;
KA = 400 mm = 0.4 m ;
bl o

KB = 500 mm = 0.5 m;

l = 600 mm = 0.6 m ;
G = 0.8  10 N/mm = 0.8  1011 N/m2
5 2
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.8.7

1. Equivalent Length :

Equivalent length of shaft having diameter d1 = 0.08 m is,

 de 4 + l  de 4 + l  de 4
le = l1 d
 1 2
 d2  3  d3 
 d1  4 + l  d1  4
= l1 + l2 d ...[ ∵ de = d1 ]
 2  3  d3 
0.08 4 0.08 4
= 0.25 + 0.15  0.12  + 0.2  0.1 
   
or le = 0.3606 m
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-36 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

2. Position of Node :
 M.I. of rotor A :
IA = mA KA2 = 40  (0.4)2

= 6.4 kg-m2
 M.I. of rotor B :
IB = mB K2B = 50  (0.5)2

= 12.5 kg-m2
We know that,

ns e
lA IA = lB IB

io dg
 lA = I

lB  12.5
= 6.5 = 1.95 lB

But, le = lA + lB

 at le 0.3606 = 1.95 lB + lB
lB = 0.1222 m
ic w
and lA = 0.2383 m …Ans.

3. Natural Frequency :
bl o
 Natural circular frequency of two rotor system :
n =


G 32 (de )4
Pu K

= lA IA


0.8  1011  32 (0.08)4

or n =
0.2383  6.4
= 459.21 rad/s
 Natural frequency of two rotor system :

n 459.21
fn = =
2 2
= 73.08 Hz …Ans.

Ex. 5.8.8 : A torsional system is shown in Fig. P. 5.8.8(a). Find the frequencies of torsional vibrations and the positions of
9 2
the nodes. Also find the amplitude of vibrations. Take G = 84  10 N/m . SPPU - Dec. 08.

Fig. P. 5.8.8(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-37 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

Soln. :
Given :
IA = 30 kg m2 ; IB = 90 kg m2 ;
IC = 50 kg m2 ; G = 84  109 N/m2;
d1 = 0.045 m ; l1 = 2 m ;
d2 = 0.04 m ; l2 = 4 m .

1. Positions of Nodes :
 Equivalent length of shaft for d = 40 mm :

ns e
de 4 de
le = l1 d  + l2 d 
 1  2

io dg
4 4
40 40
= 2 45 + 4 40 = 5.247 m
   
 We know that,
IA lA = IC lC

at le IA lA 30
lC = I = 50  lA = 0.6 lA

de 4 4
le = 2 d  = 2 45 = 1.247 m
ic w
and …(b)
 1  
 For three rotor system :
1 1 1  1
bl o

IB l  l + l  l  = lA IA …(c)
1 A 2 C 

Substituting Equations (a) and (b) in Equation (c), we get

1  1 1  1
90 1.247 – lA + 4  0.6 lA = lA  30 …(d)
Pu K

 Solving above Equation, we get,

lA1 = 0.913 m and lA2 = 4.82 m

lC1 = 0.548 m and lA2 = 2.893 m

2. Two Nodes Vibration :

 Positions of nodes for lA1 = 0.913 and lC1 = 0.548 is shown in Fig. P. 5.8.8(b).

Fig. P. 5.8.8 (b)

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-38 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Natural frequency :
1 GJ
fn1 = lA1 IA

80  109  32 (0.04)4
2 0.913  30
or fn1 = 4.41 Hz …Ans.
 Amplitudes of rotors :
B A

ns e
= l
l1  lA1 A1

1.247  0.913
B = 1 

io dg
 …[··· Assuming A = 1]
 0.913 
or B = 0.366 rad …Ans.
C B
and =
lC1 l2  lC1

or at le  C = 0.366 
0.548 
4  0.548
 C = 0.058 rad …Ans.
ic w
3. Single Node Vibration
 The position of node for lA2 = 4.82 m and lC2 = 2.893 m is shown in Fig. P. 5.8.8(c)
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.8.8(c)

 Natural frequency :

80  109  32 (0.04)4
1 GJ 1
fn2 = lA2 IA = 2
2 30  4.821
or fn2 = 1.92 Hz …Ans.
 Amplitudes :
B A
l2  lC2 lA2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-39 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
4  2.893
 B = 1   4.82  = 0.741 rad

C B
and lC2 = l2  lC2
2.893 
C = 0.741 
4  2.893 = 1.937 rad
B = 0.741 rad
C = 1.937 rad …Ans.

ns e
Ex. 5.8.9 : A motor generator set consists of two armatures A and C, as shown in Fig. P. 5.8.9 (a), with a flywheel B
connected between them. The modulus of rigidity of the connecting shaft is 84  10 N / m . The system can

io dg
torsionally vibrate with one node at x = 95 mm from armature A, fly wheel being at antinode. Find :
(i) the position of the another node;
(ii) the natural frequency of vibration;
(iii) the radius of gyration of armature C.

at le Use the following data :

Masses : MA = 400 kg, MB = 500 kg, MC = 300 kg
Radius of gyration : kA = 300 mm, kB = 375 mm. SPPU - Dec. 06.
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.8.9 (a)


Soln. :
1. Equivalent Length :
The equivalent length of shaft having diameter d1(100 mm) is,
4 4
de de
le = l1d  + l2 d 

 1  2
100 100
le = 300 100 + 200  90 
   
le = 604.83 mm
Now, lie = 300 mm
 l2e = 604.83 – 300 = 304.83 mm

2. Position of Node :
Now, lA1 = 0.095 m

 For three rotor system :

1  1 1  1
IB l  – l + l – l  = l A IA
 1 A1 2 C1
Fig. P. 5.8.9 (b)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-40 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…
1  1 1  = 1
500  (0.37)2 0.3 – 0.095 0.304 – lC1 36  0.095
lC1 = 0.241 m or 241 mm
 Value of lC2 in actual system :
4 4
d2 90
lC2 actual = lC2 d  = 240 100
 1  
lC2 actual = 158.16 mm …Ans.

3. Natural Frequency :

ns e
1 GJ
fn = lA2 IA

io dg

84  109  32 (0.1)4
2 0.095  400  0.32
fn = 78.15 Hz …Ans.


at le
Radius of Gyration :
We know that,
ic w
IA lA1 = IC lC1
400  0.3  0.095 = IC  0.241
IC = 14.10 kg–m2
bl o

or mC KC = 14.19

or 300 KC = 14.19
KC = 0.2175 m …Ans.
Pu K

Ex. 5.9.3 : A twelve cylinder aero-engine drives an air screw through gearing. The air screw runs at 0.6 times the speed of

the engine. The shaft from the engine to the pinion is of 1000 mm length and of 70 mm diameter. The screw
shaft is 650 mm long and 90 mm in diameter. The mass moment of inertia of engine and air screw are 0.5 kg-
2 2
m and 15 kg-m respectively. Neglecting inertia of gears and shafts, determine the frequency of torsional
vibrations. Also suggest suitable location of the gears to avoid adverse effect of torsional vibrations. Assume

modulus of elasticity = 80 GN / m . SPPU - Dec. 05.

Soln. :
Given :
A 1
g = = 0.6 = 1.6666 ; l1 = 1 m ;
d1 = 0.07 m ; l2 = 0.65 m ;
d2 = 0.09 m ; IA = 0.5 kg-m2 ;
IB = 15 kg-m2 ;
G = 80 G N / m2 = 80  109 N / m2.

1. Equivalent Two Rotor System :

 When inertia of the gears is neglected, then the equivalent system will become two rotor system, as shown in
Fig. P. 5.9.3(a).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-41 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Condition (i) :
IB 15
IB = =
g2 ( 1.6666 )2
= 5.40 kg-m2

 Condition (ii) :

Take de = 70 mm
 le = l1 + g2 l2  d 

ns e
 2 
= 1 + (1.6666)2  0.65  0.09 

io dg
 
le = 1.6606 m

 For two rotor system :

at le 
IA lA = IB lB
0.5 lA = 5.40 lB
ic w
 lA = 0.5 lB

 lA = 10.80 lB …(a)

But, le = lA + lB
bl o
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),

 1.6606 = 10.80 lB + lB

 1.6606 = 11.80 lB
Pu K

 lB = 0.1407 m
and lA = 10.80 lB

 lA = 10.80  0.1407
 lA = 1.520 m

2. Natural Frequency :


Natural circular frequency of two rotor system :

n = lA IA

80  109  32 (0.07)4
1.520  0.5
or n = 498.12 rad /s
 Natural frequency of the system :
n 498.12
fn = =
2 2
or fn = 79.27 Hz ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-42 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.9.3(a)

3. Suitable Location of Gears :

 The best position of gears would be at node, which gives constant centre distance between two gears. This results in
proper meshing of gears and hence smooth power transmission. To achieve this, new length lBnew should be such that
lA = 1000 mm or 1 m.

 For two rotor system :

IA lA = IB lB New ;
0.5  1 = 5.40  lB New
 lB New = 0.09259 m
 lB New = 92.59 mm
 Length of actual shaft :
lB New = g2  l2 New  d  ;
 2 
0.09259 = (1.6666)2  l2 New   0.09 
 
l2 New = 0.09109 m
or l2 New = 91.09 m
or l2 New ≃ 91 mm ...Ans.
 Therefore, changing the length 650 mm to 91 mm results in the node shifting at gears, as shown in Fig. P. 5.9.3(b).
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-43 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.9.3(b)

Ex. 5.9.4 : An electric motor, running at 1500 r.p.m., drives a pump through gearing. The pump runs at 500 r.p.m. The
motor armature has mass moment of inertia of 400 kg-m and the pump impeller has a mass of moment of
inertia of 1400 kg-m . The motor shaft is 45 mm diameter and 180 mm long. The pump shaft is having 90 mm
diameter and 450 mm length.

(i) Find an equivalent system having a uniform shaft diameter of 45 mm and running at 1500 r.p.m ; and
9 2
(ii) Find the natural frequency of the system neglecting inertia of gears. Take G = 84  10 N / m
SPPU - Dec. 03, May 07

Soln. :

Given : NA = 1500 r.p.m. ; NB = 500 r.p.m ;

IA = 400 kg-m 2
; IB = 1400 kg-m2 ;
d1 = 0.045 m ; d2 = 0.09 m ;
l1 = 0.18 m ; l2 = 0.45 m ;
de = 0.045 mm ; G = 84  109 N / m2;
NA 1500
 G = N = 500 = 3.

1. Equivalent Two Rotor System :

 When inertia of the gears is neglected, the equivalent system will be two rotor system, as shown in Fig. P. 5.9.4.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-44 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 Condition (i) :
IB 1400
IB = 2 = = 155.55 kg-m2
g ( 3 )2

 Condition (ii) :
le = l1 + g2 l2  d 
 2 
= 0.18 + (3)2  0.45  0.09 
 

ns e
or le = 0.4331 m
 For two rotor system [Fig. P. 5.9.5(c)] :

io dg
IA lA = IB lB
 400 lA = 155.55 lB
 lA = 400 lB

at le
 lA = 0.3888 lB
= lA + lB
ic w
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),
 0.4331 = 0.3888 lB + lB
 0.4331 = 1.3888 lB
bl o

 lB = 0.311 m
and, lA = 0.3888 lB = 0.3888  0.311085

or lA = 0.120 m
Pu K

2. Natural Circular Frequency :

 Natural circular frequency of two rotor system :

G  32 ( de )4
n = lA IA = lA IA

84  109  32 ( 0.045 )4

0.1202  400
or n = 26.45 rad / s
 Natural frequency of two rotor system :
n Fig. P. 5.9.4
fn = =
2 2
or fn = 4.2 Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 5.9.5 : A reciprocating IC engine is coupled to a centrifugal pump through gearing. The shaft from the flywheel of the
engine to the gear wheel is 60 mm diameter and 950 mm long. Shaft from pinion to pump is 40 mm diameter
and 300 mm long. Engine speed is 1/4 the pump speed. The moment of inertia of the flywheel and gear wheel
2 2 2
are 800 kg-m and 15 kg-m respectively. The moment of inertia of the pinion ad pump impeller are 4 kg-m and
17 kg-m respectively. Determine the natural frequency and position of node of the torsional oscillation of the
system. Modulus of rigidity of shaft material is G = 84 GPa. (SPPU - May 12, 12 Marks)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-45 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

Soln. :
Given :
d1 = 0.06 m ; l1 = 0.95 m ;
d2 = 0.04 m ; l2 = 0.3 m ;
A = 4 B ; IA = 800 kg-m2 ;

IC = 15 kg-m2 ; ID = 4 kg-m2 ;
IB = 17 kg-m2 ; G = 84  109 N/m2 .
wA 1

ns e
g = w =4

io dg
1. Position of Node :
 When inertia of the gears is considered, then the equivalent system will become three rotor system as shown in
Fig. P. 5.9.5.
 Mass moment of inertia of rotor C :

at le = 15 +
IC = IC + 2

= 79 kg-m2
ic w
 Mass moment of inertia of rotor B :
IB = IB/g2 = 17/(0.25)2

bl o

= 272 kg-m2

 Equivalent length of second shaft :

Take de = 60 mm
Pu K

d1 4 0.06 4
 l2 = g2 l2  d  = (0.25)2  0.3  0.04 
 2   
= 0.095 m

 Three rotor system :

lA IA = lB IB
lA  800 = lB  272

or lA = 0.34 lB …(a)

Fig. P. 5.9.5 (Contd…)

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-46 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

ns e
io dg
Fig. P. 5.9.5

at le 1  1
1 
IC l1 – lA l2 – lB
lB IB
ic w
Substituting Equation (a) in Equation (b),
1  1 1  1
79 0.95 – 0.34 lB + 0.095 – lB = lB  272
bl o
1.325  1.267
lB = 2.88

lB = 0.09 m or 0.02 m

 lA = 0.34  lB = 0.34  0.09
Pu K

= 0.306 m
or 0.34  lB = 0.34  0.02 = 0.0068 m

 Natural frequency of two rotor system :

G  32 (de)4
1 GJ 1
fn = lA IA = 2 lA IA

84  109  32 (0.06)4
fn = ...[Taking lA = 0.306 m]
2 0.306  800
fn = 3.32 Hz ...Ans.

Ex. 5.9.6 : A motor drives a pump through gearing so that the pump runs at three times the motor speed. The mass of
2 2 2
moment of inertia of a rotor of motor is 100 kg-m , that of the gear is 10 kg-m and pinion is 0.6 kg-m . If one of
the natural frequency of the system is 60 Hz, find the moment of inertia of the pump impeller assuming modulus
5 2
of rigidity of the shaft material as 0.785  10 N /mm . The diameter of shaft from motor to gear is 70 mm and
length is 1000 mm. The diameter of shaft from pinion to pump impeller is 50 mm and length is 630 mm.
SPPU - Dec. 04.
Soln. :
Given :
g = 3 = 0.3333 ; IA = 100 kg- m2 ;
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-47 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

IC = 10 kg- m2 ; ID = 0.6 kg- m2 ;

fn = 60 Hz ;
G = 0.785  105 N / mm2 = 0.785  1011N / m2 ;
d1 = 0.07 m ; l1 = 1 m ;
d2 = 0.05 m ; l2 = 0.63 m.
 When inertia of the gears is considered, then the equivalent system will become three rotor system as shown in
Fig. P. 5.9.6.

ns e
io dg
at le
ic w
bl o n
Pu K

Fig. P. 5.9.6
 Mass moment of inertia of rotor C:
IC = IC + 2
 g
= 10 +
( 0.3333)2
IC = 15.40 kg-m2

 Natural frequency of torsional oscillation for first mode system :

G  32 ( de )4
1 GJ 1
fn = lA IA = 2  lA IA

0.785  1011  32 ( 0.07)4
 60 =
2 lA  100
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 5-48 Two Degree of Freedom Systems…

 lA = 0.01301 m
or lA = 13.01 mm
 Equivalent length of second shaft for diameter of 70 mm :
d1 4
l2 = g2 l2  d 
 2
0.07 4
= ( 0.3333)2  0.630  0.05 
 
or l2 = 0.2688 m
 For three rotor system :

ns e
1  1 1  1
+ =
IC l1 – lA l2 – lB lB IB

io dg
1  1 1  1
15.40 1 – 0.01301 + 0.2688 – lB = 1.301
lB 
lB 
1  1 1  1
15.40 0.9869 + 0.2688 – lB = 1.301

at le 0.2688 – lB = 0.09238

lB = 0.17641 m
ic w
lA IA = lB IB
0.01301  100 = lB IB
bl o
or IB =
1.301 1.301

But IB = = 0.17641

 IB = 7.3748 kg-m2
Pu K

IB = 2

 7.3748 =
( 0.3333 )2
 IB = 0.819 kg-m2 ...Ans.


ns e
A) Measurement : Vibration Measuring Instruments, Accelerometers, Impact Hammer, Vibration Shakers,

io dg
Vibration Analyzer, Vibration Based Condition Monitoring, Analysis of Vibration Spectrum, Standards
Related to Measurement of Vibration.

B) Control : Vibration Control Methods- Passive, Semi Active and Active Vibration Control, Control of
Excitation at the Source, Control of Natural Frequency, Vibration Isolators, Tuned Dynamic Vibration

C) at le

Noise : Fundamentals of Noise, Sound Concepts, Decibel Level, Logarithmic Addition, Subtraction and
ic w
Averaging, Sound Intensity, Noise Measurement, Noise Control at Source, Along the Path and at the
Receiver, Pass-by-Noise, Reverberation Chamber, Anechoic Chamber, Noise Standards.
bl o

Ex. 6.3.2 : In a seismic instrument if mass m = 0.1 kg, stiffness of spring, K = 1 N/mm and damping ratio,  = 0.5,

determine the amplitude of recorded motion if the motion of vibrating body is 3 sin 200 t (mm).
SPPU - May 19, 6 Marks
Pu K

Soln. :
Given : m = 0.1 kg ; K = 1 N/mm = 1000 N/m ;
 = 0.5 ; y = 3 sin 200t .

 Maximum displacement of vibrating body :

Y = 3 mm
 Excitation frequency :
 = 200 rad/s.

 Natural circular frequency of instrument :

K 1000
n = m= 0.1 = 100 rad/s.
 Frequency ratio :
 200
r= = =2
n 100
 Steady-state relative amplitude of recorded motion :
Y (  / n ) 2
Z= 2
         

 1 –   + 2 
  n     n 
Y ( r )2 3 ( 2 )2
= =
2 2
[ 1 – r ] + [ 2 r ] 2
[ 1 – (2) ] + [ 2  0.5  2 ]2
2 2

or Z = 3.3283 mm ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-2 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Ex. 6.3.3 : A vibrometer consists of a seismic mass of 1 kg, spring of stiffness 50 N/m and a damping factor of 0.7. The
amplitude of displacement shown on vibrometer scale is 10 mm. If the vibrometer is mounted on a machine
vibrating at 30 rad/s, determine the amplitude of vibration of a machine.

Soln. :

Given : m = 1 kg ; K = 50 N/m ;
 = 0.7 ; Z = 10 mm = 10  10 – 3 m ;
 = 30 rad/s.
 Natural circular frequency of vibrometer :

ns e
K 50
n = m = 1 = 7.07 rad/s

io dg
 Frequency ratio :
 30
r= = = 4.243
n 7.07
 Steady-state relative amplitudes of vibration :

at le Z=
Y (  / n ) 2
        
2 2

 1 –   + 2 
  n     n 
ic w
Y ( r )2 
 Z= ....··· = r
2 2
[ 1 – r ] + [ 2 r ] 2  n 
bl o
Y (4.243)
10  10– 3 =
[ 1 – ( 4.243 )2]2 + [ 2  0.7  4.243 ]2

 Y = 10  10– 3 m
or Y = 10 mm ...Ans.
Pu K

Ex. 6.3.4 : A fullarton tachometer is used to measure the frequency of vibration system. A mass of 0.02 kg is attached at
the end of the reed so that its resonance is at a frequency of 50Hz.If the reed is of 50 mm long and 5 mm wide,

9 2
determine the thickness of reed. Take modulus of elasticity for reed material as 200  10 N / m .
Soln. :
Given : m = 0.02 kg ; fn = 50 Hz ;
l = 50 mm = 0.05 m ; b = 5 mm = 0.005 m;

E = 2  10 N / m .
11 2

 Static deflection of reed :

fn =
2 
 50 =
2 
 = 9.9396  10– 5
 Area moment of inertia of reed cross section :
The reed is similar to a cantilever beam. Therefore static deflection of reed due to mass m is,
mg l3 0.02  9.81  (0.05)3
 = 3 EI =
3  2  1011  I
4.08  10– 17
9.9396  10– 5 = I ,m

 I = 4.155 10– 13 m4
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-3 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

 Thickness of reed :
I = 12 bt3
 4.105  10– 13 = 12  0.005  t3

 t = 1  10– 3 m
or t = 1 mm ...Ans.
Therefore thickness of reed is 1 mm.

ns e
Ex. 6.3.5 : A device used to measure tensional acceleration consist of a ring having a moment of inertia of 0.049 kg-m
connected to a shaft by a spiral spring having a scale of 0.98 N-m/rad and a viscous damper having a constant

io dg
of 0.11 N-m sec/rad. When the shaft vibrates with a frequency of 15 cpm, the relative amplitude between the
ring and the shaft is found to be 2. What is the maximum acceleration of the shaft ?
SPPU - Dec. 10, May 19, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Given :

at le I = 0.049 kg-m2

; K = 0.98 N-m/rad ;
c = 0.11 Nm-s/rad ; N = 15 cpm = 15 r.p.m.

Z = 2 = 2  180 = 0.03490 rad.

ic w
 Excitation frequency :
2N 2    15
  = 60 = = 1.57 rad/s
bl o
 Natural circular frequency of system :

K 0.98
n = m= 0.049 = 4.47 rad/s

Pu K

Damping factor :
c 0.11
  = = = 0.25
2 I n 2  (0.049)  (4.47)

 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :

  2
Y n
 
2 2
    2   

1 – n  + 2 n

     
0.03490 =
2 2
 1.57 2 1.57
+ 2 ´ 0.25 ´ 4.47 
1 – 4.47    
 Y = 0.253 rad
 Maximum acceleration of shaft :
y max = 2  Y = (1.57)2  (0.253)
y max = 0.6236 rad/s2 ...Ans.

Ex. 6.3.9 : A commercial type vibration pickup has a natural frequency of 6 Hz and a damping factor of 0.65. What is the
lowest frequency beyond which the amplitude can be measured within : (i) one percent error, (ii) two percent
error (SPPU - Dec. 15, 6 Marks)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-4 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Soln. :
Given : fn = 6 Hz ;  = 0.65 .
The steady state amplitude is,
Y (/n)2
Z= 2 2
1 –     
+ 2 
 n  n
Z r
 Y = … [put /n = r]
[1 – r ]
2 2
+ [2r]2

ns e
1. For 1 % Error :

io dg
Y = 1.01 or 0.99
From response curve of vibration measuring instrument, it is seen that, the curve for  = 0.65 does not go beyond Z/Y
= 1. Therefore, to get the frequency for 1% error, take Z/Y = 0.99.
 0.99 =
[1 – r2]2 + [2  0.65  r]2

at le
 0.02 r4 + 0.31 r2 – 1 = 0
Solving above equation and taking positive value, we get,
ic w
r = 2.74
f 
 f = = 2.74
bl o

 f = 2.74  6 = 16.4 Hz …Ans.


2. For 2% Error :
. Y = 1.02 or 0.98
Pu K

From response curve of vibration instument, it is seen that, the curve for  = 0.65 does not go beyond Y = 1. Therefore,

to get the frequency for 2%, error, take Y = 0.98

 0.98 =
[1 – r2]2 + [2  0.65  r]2
 0.04 r4 + 0.31 r2 – 1 = 0

 r = 1.55
f 
 f = = 1.55
n n
 f = 1.55  6 = 9.3 Hz …Ans.
Ex. 6.3.10 : A seismic instrument is mounted on machine at 1000 r.p.m. The natural frequency of seismic instrument is
20 rad/s. The instrument records relative amplitude of 0.5 mm. Compute displacement, velocity and
acceleration of machine. Damping of seismic instrument is neglected.
Soln. :
Given :
N = 1000 r.p.m. ; n = 20 rad/s;
Z = 0.5 mm = 0.5 mm ;  = 0.
 Excitation frequency :
2N 2  1000
  = 60 = 60 = 104.71 rad/s.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-5 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :

Y( / n)2
Z= 2
1 –   2 + 2   
 n   n
Y ( / n)2
 Z= 2 …[···  = 0]

1– 
 n

104.71 2
Y  20 
 

ns e
 0.5 =
104.71 2
1 –  20 
 

io dg
Y = – 0.538 mm
 Displacement of vibrating machine = 0.538 mm.
 Velocity of vibrating machine :

 at le or
y =   Y = 104.71  0.538
y = 56.40 mm/s
Acceleration vibrating machine :
ic w
y = 2Y = (104.71)2  0.538 = 5898.73 mm/s2 …Ans.

Ex. 6.3.11 : The static deflection of the vibrometer mass is 20 mm. The instrument when attached to a machine vibrating
bl o
with a frequency of 125 cpm, records relative amplitude of 0.03 cm. Find for the machine :
(i) the amplitude of vibration ;

(ii) the maximum velocity of vibration and ;

(iii) the maximum acceleration. (SPPU - Dec. 14, 6 Marks)
Pu K

Soln. :
Given :  = 20 mm = 0.02 m ; f = 60 Hz ;

Z = 0.03 cm = 0.003 mm.

 Natural frequency of instrument :
g 9.81
n = = 0.02 = 22.14 rad/s

Damping ratio,  = 0
 Excitation frequency:
 = 2   2.08 = 13.08 rad/sec
 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :
Y ( / n) 2
     
2 2 2

 1 –   + 2 
  n   n

Y ( / n) 2
 Z= ... [   = 0 ]
  2
1– 
n 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-6 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise
Y 22.14
 
 0.003 =
13.08  2
1 – 22.14 
 
 Y = 0.0055 mm ...Ans.

 Displacement of vibrating machine = 0.0055 mm

 Velocity of vibrating machine :
y =  Y = 13.08  0.00555

ns e
or y = 0.0731 mm/s ...Ans.

io dg
 Acceleration of vibrating machine :
y = 2 Y = (13.08) 2  0.0055
= 0.9409 mm / s2 ...Ans.

at le
Ex. 6.3.12 : A vibration measuring device is used to find the displacement, velocity and acceleration of a machine running at
120 rpm. If the natural frequency of the instrument is 5 Hz and it shows 0.04 mm. What are the 3 readings ?
Assume no damping. (SPPU - Dec. 13, 6 Marks)
ic w
Soln. :

Given : N = 120 r.p.m. ; fn = 5Hz

bl o

Z = 0.04 mm ;  = 0.
 Excitation frequency :

2N 2  120
= 60 = 60 = 12.56 rad/s.
Pu K

 Natural circular frequency of instrument :

n = fn  2 = 5  2 = 31.41 rad/s.
 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :

Y ( / n) 2
     
2 2 2

 1 –   + 2 
  n   n

Y ( / n) 2
 Z= ... [   = 0 ]
  2
1– 
n 
Y 31.41
 
 0.04 =
12.56  2
1 – 31.41 
 
 Y = 10.5 mm ...Ans.

 Displacement of vibrating machine = 0.2103 mm

 Velocity of vibrating machine :
y =  Y = 12.56  0.2103
or y = 2.64 mm/s ...Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-7 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

 Acceleration of vibrating machine :

y = 2 Y = (12.56) 2  0.2103
or y = 33.17 mm / s2 ...Ans.

Ex. 6.3.13 : A vibrometer, having the amplitude of vibration of the machine part as 4 mm and damping factor  = 0.2,
performs harmonic motion. If the difference between the maximum and minimum recorded values is 10 mm,
determine the natural frequency of vibrometer if the frequency of vibrating part is 12 rad/sec.
(SPPU - Dec. 12, 6 Marks)

ns e
Soln. :

Given : Y = 4 mm ;  = 0.2 ;

io dg
Difference between maximum and minimum recorded value is 10 mm, therefore taking steady state amplitude is
5 mm.

Z = 5 mm ;  = 12 rad/sec.


at le Z=
Y ( /n )2

 1 –   2 
+  2
 2
ic w
  n    n 
Y (r) 
Z= ...  ··· =r
[1–r ]  n 
bl o
2 2
+ [ 2r ] 2

4 (r)
[1–r ]

2 2
+ [ 2  0.2  r ]2
 r = 2.12
Pu K

Now, = r
 = 2.12

 n = 5.66 rad/sec ...Ans.

Ex. 6.3.14 : A seismic instrument with a natural frequency of 6 Hz is used to measure the vibration of a machine running at

120 rpm. The instrument gives the reading for relative displacement of the seismic mass as 0.05 mm.
Determine the amplitudes of displacements, velocity and acceleration of the vibrating machine. Neglect
damping. (SPPU - May 12, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : fn = 6 Hz ; N = 120 r.p.m.;
Z = 0.05 mm ;  = 0.
 Excitation frequency :
2 2  120
 = 60 = 60 = 12.56 rad/s.

 Natural circular frequency of instrument :

n = fn  2 = 6  2 = 37.69 rad/s.
 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-8 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise
Y ( / n) 2
 
2 2

 
1–  +  2
  n    n 
Y ( / n) 2

 Z= ... [   = 0 ]
  2
1– 
n 
Y 37.69
 
 0.05 =

ns e
12.56  2
1 – 37.69 
 

io dg
 Y = 0.4081 mm ...Ans.

 Displacement of vibrating machine = 0.4081 mm

 Velocity of vibrating machine :

at le ·
y =  Y = 12.56  0.4081 = 5.12 mm/s
Acceleration of vibrating machine :
y = 2 Y = (12.56) 2  0.4081 = 64.37 mm / s2

ic w
Ex. 6.3.15 : A vibrometer has a period of free vibration of 2 sec. It is attached to a machine with a vertical harmonic
bl o
frequency of 1 Hz. If the vibrometer mass has an amplitude of 2.5 mm relative to the vibrometer frame, what is
the amplitude of vibration of machine. (SPPU - Dec. 11, May 13, 6 Marks)

Soln. :

Given : tp = 2 sec ; f = 1 Hz ;
Pu K

z = 2.5 mm = 2.5  10–3 m.

 Natural frequency of vibrometer :

1 1
fn = t = 2 = 0.5 Hz

 Natural circular frequency of vibrometer :

n = 2   fn = 2   0.5 = 3.14 rad /s

 Circular frequency of machine :

 = 2   f = 2   1 = 6.28 rad/s
 Frequency ratio :
 6.28
= 3.14 = 2
 Steady-state relative amplitude of vibration :
Y (  / n)2
2 2 2
1 –     + 2     
 n    n  
Y (  / n)2
Z= 2 …[   = 0 ]
  –1
 n

Y ( 2)
2.5  10–3 = 2
(2) –1
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-9 Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Y = 1.875  10–3 m …Ans.

The amplitude of vibrating machine = 1.875 mm.

Ex. 6.3.16 : An accelerometer has a suspended mass of 0.01 kg with a damped natural frequency of vibration of
150 Hz. It is mounted on an engine running at 6000 rpm and undergoes an acceleration of 1g. The instrument
records an acceleration of 9.5 m/s . Find the damping constant and the spring stiffness of the accelerometer.
(SPPU - Dec. 16, Dec. 17, 8 Marks)
Soln. :

ns e
Given : m = 0.01 kg ; fd = 150 Hz ; N = 6000 r.p.m.,
2  6000
 = = 628.30 rad/s

io dg
Actual Acceleration, Y 2 = 9.81 m/s2
Measured Acceleration , Z n2 = 9.5 m/s2
The damped natural frequency is,

at le fd =
 d = 150  2 = 942.48 rad/s
The steady-state amplitude of vibration is,
ic w
Y ( /n )2
        
2 2 2

 1 –   + 2 
bl o
  n    n
Y (r)2 
...  ··· =r

 Z= 2 2
[ 1 – r ] + [2r] 2  n 
Z 2n 1
Pu K

Y 2 [ 1 – r ] + [2r]2
2 2

 9.5  =
 9.81 

( [ 1 – r2 ]2 + [2r]2
 9.5  =
 9.81  [ 1 – r2 ]2 + [2r]2
or [ 1 – r2 ]2 + [2r]2 = 1.066 …(1)

 
Now, =
d n 1 – 2
  n  628.32 r
or =  942.48 =
d 1– 2
1 – 2
 r = 0.6667 1 – 2 or r2 = 0.4444(1 – 2) …(2)
From Equation (1) and (2), we get
 – 1.4375 2 + 0.4794 = 0

 2 = 0.5260 and 0.9115

or  = 0.7253 and 0.9547
Taking  = 0.7253
Now, d = n 1 – 2
942.48 = n 1 – (0.7253)2
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-10Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

n = 1368.90 rad/s
The spring stiffness is,
K = m n = 0.01  (1368.89)2

K = 18738.56 N/m ...Ans.

The damping constant is,
c = 2 mn  = 2  0.01  1368.90  0.7253
c = 19.86 N.s/m ...Ans.

ns e
Ex. 6.3.17 : Vibrations of a machine tool structure subjected to an excitation at 2 Hz is measured using a seismic instrument
whose natural frequency is 5 Hz. The relative displacement shown is 0.4 m. Determine the acceleration of the

io dg
machine tool structure. (SPPU - May 17, 8 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : Z = 0.4 m = 0.4  10–3 m,
fn = 5 Hz, f = 2 Hz

at le
Natural frequency of system is,
 n = 2   fn = 2   5
n = 31.41 rad/s
ic w
and,  = 2  f
= 2  2 = 12.56 rad/s
bl o

 12.56
But, = 31.41 = 0.399

The steady state relative amplitude of vibration,

Y (/n)2
Pu K

2 2 2
 1 –     + 2   
 n    n

Y (/n)2
 Z= 2 …[ ···  = 0 ]

1– 
 n 
Y (0.399)2
 0.4  10–3 =
1 – (0.399)2

Y = 2.11  10–3 m = 2.11 mm

The acceleration of vibrating machine is,
y = 2 Y = (12.56)2  (2.11  10–3)
= 0.333 m/s2

Ex. 6.3.18 : For finding vibration parameters of a machine running at 260 rpm, a seismic instrument is used. The natural
frequency of the instrument is 7 Hz and the recorded displacement is 6 mm. Determine the displacement,
velocity and acceleration of the vibrating machine assuming no damping. (SPPU - Dec. 16, Dec. 17, 8 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : Speed of machine, N = 260 r.p.m.
2  260
 Excitation frequency,  = 60 = 27.22 rad/s.

Natural frequency of instrument, fn = 7 Hz.

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-11Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Amplitude of vibration, Z = 6 mm
Damping ratio,  = 0
 Natural circular frequency of instrument is,
n = fn  2 = 7  2 = 43.98 rad/s.
 The steady-state relative amplitude of vibration,
Y ( / n) 2
     
2 2 2

 1 –   + 2 
  n   n

ns e
Y ( / n) 2
 Z= ... [   = 0 ]
  2

io dg
1– 
n 
27.22 2
Y 43.98
 
 6 =
1 – 43.98

 

at le  Y = 9.66 mm
 Displacement of vibrating machine is 9.66 mm
ic w
 The velocity of vibrating machine is,
y =  Y = 27.22  9.66
bl o
y = 262.94 mm/s ...Ans.
 The acceleration of vibrating machine is,

y = 2 Y = (27.22) 2  9.66
y = 7157.36 mm/s2 ...Ans.
Pu K

·· 2
y = 7.15 m/s …Ans.

Ex. 6.3.19 : It is required to measure the maximum acceleration of a machine, which vibrates violently with the frequency of
700 cycles per min. Accelerometer with negligible damping is attached to it and the indicator travels by 8.2 mm.
If the accelerometer weighs 0.5 kg and has a spacing rate of 17500 N/m, what is the maximum amplitude and
maximum acceleration of the part ? (SPPU - Dec. 19, 6 Marks

Soln. :
Given :Speed of machine, N= 260 r.p.m.
 Excitation frequency, f = 700 cycle/mm
= 60 = 11.16 Hz

Excitation frequency  = 11.16  2 = 70.12 rad/s

Amplitude of vibration, Z = 8.2 mm
Damping ratio,  = 0
 Mass of accelerometer, m = 0.5 kg
 Spring constant, K = 17500
 Natural circular frequency of instrument is,
K 17500
n = m = 0.5 = 187.08 rad/s

 The steady-s tate relative amplitude of vibration,

Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-12Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise
Y ( / n) 2
 
2 2

 
1–  +  2
  n    n 
Y ( / n) 2

 Z= ... [   = 0 ]
  2
1– 
n 
70.12 2
Y 187.08
 
 8.2 =

ns e
1 – 187.08

 

io dg
 Y = 50.34 mm ...Ans.
 Displacement of vibrating machine is 50.34 mm
The velocity of vibrating machine is,
y =  Y = 70.12  50.34

at le ·
y = 3530.05 mm/s
The acceleration of vibrating machine is,
y = 2 Y
ic w
= (70.12) 2  50.34
y = 247.51  103 mm/s2 ...Ans.
bl o

·· 2
y = 247.51 m/s …Ans.

Ex. 6.3.20 : A vibrometer with a natural frequency of 2 Hz and with negligible damping is attached to a vibrating system
which performs a harmonic excitation. Assuming the difference between the maximum and minimum recorded
Pu K

values are 0.6 mm. Determine the amplitude of motion of the vibrating system when its frequency is 20 Hz and
4 Hz. (SPPU - Dec. 18, Dec. 19, 6 Marks)

Soln. :
Given : fn = 2 Hz ;  n = 2 fn = 2  2 = 12.56 rad/s
Difference between maximum and minimum recorded value is 0.6 mm, therefore taking steady-state relative
amplitude is 0.3 mm i.e. z = 0.3 mm

1) When system relative at frequency 20 Hz

 f = 20 Hz or  = 2  f = 2  20 = 125.66 rad/s
Steady – state relative amplitude of vibration is
 2
Y 
Z= 2 2
1 –   2 + 2  
 n   n
or Z= 2 [∵  = 0]
 –1
Y  12.56 
  Y (10)2
 0.3 = 2 = (10)2 – 1
125.66 –1
 12.56 
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-13Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

 Y = 0.297 mm ... Ans.

The amplitude of motion of the vibrating system is 0.297 mm.
2) When system vibrates at frequency 4 Hz

 f = 4 Hz or  = 2  4 = 25.13 rad/s
Steady state relative amplitude of vibration when no damping i.e  = 0 is,
Z= 2
 –1

ns e
25.13 2
Y 12.56 2
 

io dg
Y (2)
 0.3 = 2 = 2
25.13 –1 (2) – 1
 Y = 0.225 mm ... Ans.
The amplitude of motion of the vibrating system is 0.225 mm

at le
Ex. 6.3.21 : A vibrometer has a natural frequency of 5 rad/sec and a damping factor of 0.2. An instrument is used to
measure a vibrations of a body having a harmonic frequency of 45 rad/sec. The difference between the
ic w
maximum and minimum reading is 7 mm. Find the amplitude of motion of vibrating body.
(SPPU - Dec. 19, 6 Marks)
bl o
Soln. :
Given : n = 5 rad/s,  = 0.2

Difference between maximum and minimum recorded value is 7 mm, therefore taking steady-state relative amplitude
is 0.35 mm i.e. z = 0.35 mm
Pu K

When system relative at frequency 45 rad/s

  = 45 rad/s
Steady – state relative amplitude of vibration is

 2
Y 
Z= 2 2
1 –   2 + 2  
 n   n

45 2
 
0.35 =
2 2 2
1 – 45  45
+ 2  0.2  5 
 5  
 Y = 0.3460 mm ... Ans.
The amplitude of motion of the vibrating system is 0.3460 mm.

2 2
Ex. 6.19.5 : Determine the sound pressure level for a sound with rms sound pressure of 2 N/m and 0.4 N/m .
SPPU - May 17, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Take pref = 2  10– 5 N/m2 (reference).
Given :
(i) The sound pressure level at 2 N/m2 is, i.e. prms = 2 N/m2
The sound pressure level is,
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-14Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Lp = 20 log10
 prms  = 20 log  2 
 pref  10
 2  10– 5 
= 20 log10 ( 100 103 )
Lp = 100 dB …Ans.
2 2
(ii) The sound pressure level at 0.4 N/m is, i.e. prms = 0.4 N/m
The sound pressure level is,

Lp = 20 log10
 prms  = 20 log  0.4 
 pref  10
 2  10– 5 

ns e
= 20 log10 ( 20 103 )
Lp = 86.02 dB …Ans.

io dg
Ex. 6.19.6 : Determine different levels

(i) Sound pressure level, if rms sound pressure is 1 Pa,


Soln. :at le (ii)

Sound intensity level, if sound intensity is 1 W / m and

Sound Power level of a source generating 1 W of Sound Power. SPPU - May 18, 6 Marks)
ic w
(i) Sound pressure level, if rms sound pressure is 1 Pa
Given : prms = 1 N/m2 ; pref = 2  10– 5 N/m2 (reference).
bl o
The sound pressure level is,

Lp = 20 log10
 prms 
 pref 

= 20 log10  
 2  10– 5 
Pu K

= 20 log10 ( 0.5 105 )

or Lp = 93.97 dB …Ans.

(ii) Sound intensity level, if sound intensity is 1 W / m
Given : I = 1 W/m2 ; Iref = 10– 12 W/m2 (reference).
The sound power level is,
I 

Li = 10 log10  I
 ref 
Li = 10 log10  – 12 
 10 
Li = 10 log10 1012
Li = 10  12
Li = 120 dB …Ans.
(iii) Sound Power level of a source generating 1 W of Sound Power
Given : W = 1 W; Wref = 10– 12 W (reference).
The sound power level is,
W 1 
LW = 10 log10  W  = 10 log10 
 ref   10– 12 
= 10 log10 ( 1012 ) = 10 12
or LW = 120 dB …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-15Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Ex. 6.19.7 : Determine the sound pressure level of a source that generate a following rms sound pressure.
(i) 1.7 N/m (ii) 0.7 Pa SPPU - Dec. 18, 4 Marks)
Soln. :
(i) Sound pressure level at 1.7 N/m :

Lp = 20 log10
 prms  = 20 log  1.7 
 pref  10
 2  10– 5 
= 20 log10 (85000)
or Lp = 98.58 dB …Ans.

ns e
(ii) Sound pressure level at 0.7 Pa or 0.7 N/m :

io dg
Lp = 20 log10
 prms  = 20 log  0.7 
 pref  10
 2  10– 5
= 20 log10 (35000)
or Lp = 90.88 dB

at le
Ex.6.19.8 : Determine the sound power level of a source that generate a sound power of (i) 1.0 W (ii) 3.0 W
SPPU - May 19, 4 Marks)
ic w
Soln. :
(i) 1.0 W :
bl o
Sound Power level of a source generating 1.0 W of Sound Power
Given : W = 1 W; Wref = 10– 12 W (reference).
The sound power level is,

W 1 
LW = 10 log10  W  = 10 log10 
 ref   10– 12 
Pu K

= 10 log10 ( 1012 ) = 10 12

or LW = 120 dB

(ii) 3.0W :

Sound power level at 3.0 W

W 3 
LW = 10 log10  W  = 10 log10 
   10– 12 


= 10 log10 ( 3  1012 )
or LW = 124.77 dB

Ex.6.20.3 : Show that if sound pressure is doubled, the sound pressure level increases by six decibels.
SPPU - Dec. 16, Dec. 17, Dec.18, 6 Marks
Soln. :
Given :
Let, Prms1 = Sound pressure at condition 1, N/m2
Prms2 = Sound pressure at condition 2, N/m2
LP1 = Sound pressure level at condition 1
LP2 = Sound pressure level at condition 2
Prms2 = 2 Prms1 …(a)
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-16Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Sound pressure levels :

LP1 = 20 log10  P  …(b)
 ref 
LP2 = 20 log10  P  …(c)
 ref 
Difference of sound pressure levels :
Prms2 Prms1
LP2 – LP1 = 20 log10  P  – 20 log10  P 
 ref   ref 
Prms2 Pref 

ns e
= 20 log10  P  P
 ref rms1 
Prms2 
= 20 log10  P

io dg
 rms1 
2 Prms1 
= 20 log10  P
 rms1 
or LP2 – LP1 = 6 …Ans.

at le
Ex. 6.20.4 : Show that if the sound power is doubled, then the sound power level increases by approximately 3 dB.
SPPU - Dec.19, 4 Marks
ic w
Soln. :
Given :
bl o
Let, W1 = Sound power at condition 1, N/m2
W2 = Sound power at condition 2, N/m2

LW1 = Sound power level at condition 1

LW2 = Sound power level at condition 2
Pu K

W2 = 2 W1 …(a)

Sound pressure levels :


LW1 = 10 log10  W  …(b)
 ref 
LW2 = 10 log10  W  …(c)
 ref 

Difference of sound pressure levels :

W2  – 10 log10  W1 
LW2 – LW1 = 10 log10  W
 ref   Wref 
W2 Wref
= 10 log10  W  W 
 ref 1 
10 log10  W 
 1
2 W1
= 10 log10  W 
 1 
or LW1 – LW2 = 3dB …Ans.

Ex.6.21.3 : Determine the total sound power level due to three different sound powers 100 dB, 103 dB and 105 dB
Soln. :
Given : LW1 = 100 dB; LW2 = 103 dB;
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-17Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

LW3 = 105 dB; n = 3.

The total sound power level is,

 n 
LW = 10 log10
  10(LWn/10) 
 
n=1 
= 10 log10 [ 10(LW1/10) + 10(LW2/10) + 10(LW3/10) ]

[∵ n=3]
= 10 log10 [ 10 (100/10)
+ 10 (103/10)
+ 10 (105/10)

ns e
= 10 log10 [ 10 + 10
10 10.3
+ 10 10.5

io dg
or LW = 107.89 dB …Ans.

Ex. 6.21.4: Calculate the total noise, if there are 4 sourcing of noise having magnitudes 45 dB, 54 dB, 53 dB, and 52 dB.
What would be effect on total noise, if 45 dB noise is switched off ? SPPU - Dec. 19, 4 Marks)
Soln. :

at le
Given : Lp1 = 45 dB ; Lp2 = 54 dB ;
Lp3 = 53 dB ; Lp4 = 52 dB
ic w
n = 4.

(i) When all five machines are turned ON :

 n
bl o

Lp = 10 log10
  10(Lpn/10) 
 
n=1 

= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) ]

= 10 log10 [ 10(45/10) + 10(54/10) + 10(53/10) +10(52/10)]
Pu K

= 10 log10 [ 104.5 + 105.4 + 105.3 + 108.8 + 105.2 ]

or Lp = 58.06 dB …Ans.

(ii) When machine 1 is turned OFF (i.e. Lp1 = 0 ) :

 n 
 
 
Lp = 10 log10 10Lpn/10

n=1 

= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) ]

= 10 log10 [ 10(54/10) + 10(53/10) +10(52/10)]
= 10 log10 [ 105.4 + 105.3 + 105.2]
or Lp = 57.84 dB …Ans.

Ex. 6.21.5 : A customer care centre containing six offices, individually makes noise level of 60, 56, 62, 53, 51 and 54 dB
respectively. Add the noise levels when :
(i) All officers are working ; and
(ii) When first and second officers are not working. SPPU - May 13, May 19, 6 Marks)
Soln. :

Given : Lp1 = 60 dB ; Lp2 = 56 dB ;

Lp3 = 62 dB ; Lp4 = 53 dB ;
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-18Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Lp5 = 51 dB ; Lp6 = 54 dB ; n = 6.

(i) When all six offices are working :

 n 
Lp = 10 log10
  10(Lpn/10) 
 
n=1 
= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) + 10(Lp5/10) + 10(Lp6/10)] [n=5]
= 10 log10 [ 10 (60/10)
+ 10 (56/10)
+ 10 (62/10)
+10 (51/10)
+ 10 (83/10)
+ 10 ]

= 10 log10 [ 10 + 10
6 5.6 6.2 5.3 5.1 5.4

ns e
+ 10 + 10 + 10 + 10
or Lp = 62.95 dB …Ans.

io dg
(ii) When offices 1 and 2 are not working (i.e. Lp1 = Lp2 = 0 ) :

 n 
Lp = 10 log10
  10(Lpn/10) 
 
n=1 

at le = 10 log10 [ 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) + 10(Lp5/10) + 10(Lp6/10)]

= 10 log10 [ 10(62/10) + 10(53/10) + 10(51/10) + 10(54/10)]
ic w
= 10 log10 [ 106.2 + 105.3 + 105.1 + 105.4]
or Lp = 63.34 dB …Ans.
bl o

Ex.6.21.6 : Calculate the total noise if there are four sources of noise with 45 dB, 54 dB, 48 dB and 50 dB magnitudes.

SPPU - May 12)

Soln. :
Given :
Pu K

Lp1 = 45 dB ; Lp2 = 54 dB ; Lp3 = 48 dB ; Lp4 = 50 dB ; n = 4.

 n 
  10(Lpn/10) 

Lp = 10 log10
 
n=1 
= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) ]
= 10 log10 [ 10(45/10) + 10(54/10) + 10(48/10) + 10(50/10) ]

= 10 log10 [ 109 + 105.4 + 104.8 + 105.5 ]

or Lp = 58.20 dB …Ans.

Ex. 6.21.7 : A home theatre installation has 5 full range speakers. The 3 front ones are each capable of producing a sound
pressure level of 90 dB at the listening position. The 2 rear ones are each capable of producing a sound
pressure level of 85 dB at the listening position. What is the total sound pressure level that the whole installation
of 5 speakers is capable of producing at the listening position ? (SPPU - May 16, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : LP1 = LP2 = LP3 = 90 dB ; LP4 = LP5 = 85 dB ; n = 5.
 n 
LP = 10 log10   10 (LPn/10)
n = 1 
= 10 log10 [10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) + 10(Lp5/10)]
= 10 log10 [10(90/10) + 10(90/10) + 10(90/10) + 10(85/10) + 10(85/10)]
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-19Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

= 10 log10 [109 + 109 + 109 + 108.5 + 108.5]

LP = 95.60 dB

Ex.6.21.8 : Noise at the construction site is contributed by a few construction activities such as piling work : 104 dB,
Scraper : 93 dB, Bulldozer : 94 dB, Mobile compressor : 73 dB and Mechanical Shovel : 76 dB on a weighing
network. What is the overall sound pressure level? (SPPU - Dec. 18, 4 Marks)
Soln. :
Given :
LP1 = 104 dB, LP2 = 93 dB LP3 = 94 dB, LP4 = 73 dB, LP5 = 76 dB ; n = 5.

ns e
 n 
LP = 10 log10   10 (LPn/10)

io dg
n = 1 
= 10 log10 [10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) + 10(Lp5/10)]
= 10 log10 [10(104/10) + 10(93/10) + 10(94/10) + 10(73/10) + 10(76/10)]
= 10 log10 [1010.4 + 109.3 + 109.4 + 107.3 + 107.6]

at le
Ex.6.21.9 :
LP = 104.72 dB

Give four machines producing 100 dB, 91 dB, 90 dB and 89 dB. What is the total sound pressure level ?
ic w
(SPPU - May 17, 4 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : Lp1 = 100 dB, Lp2 = 91 dB, Lp3 = 90 dB,
bl o

Lp4 = 89 dB, n=4

Thus total sound pressure level is,

 n 
Lp = 10 log10
  10(Lpn/10) 
 
Pu K

n=1 
= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) ] …[  n =4 ]

= 10 log10 [ 10(100/10) + 10(91/10) + 10(90/10) + 10(89/10) ]

= 10 log10 [ 10 + 10
10 9.1 9
+ 10 + 10 ]

or Lp = 101.16 dB …Ans.

Ex. 6.21.10 : If two machines are producing 80 dB each what will be the overall sound pressure level? Derive the equation
you use. (SPPU - May 18, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Given :
Lp1 = 80 dB, Lp2 = 80 dB, n = 2
Thus total sound pressure level is,
 n 
Lp = 10 log10
  10(Lpn/10) 
 
n=1 
= 10 log10 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) ] [  n =2 ]
= 10 log10 [ 10 (80/10)
+ 10 (80/10)
= 10 log10 [ 10 + 10
8 8
or Lp = 83.01 dB …Ans.
Dynamics of Machinery (SPPU) 6-20Measurement & Control of Vibrations & Introduction to Noise

Ex. 6.22.4 : When operating independently in the presence of back ground noise, measurement at a given location of the
sound pressure level for machines 1, 2 and 3 are respectively 88 dB, 90 dB and 87 dB. When the machines are
turned off, the sound pressure level at the same point is 86 dB. Determine the overall sound pressure level
(SPL) of the three machines independent of the background noise. SPPU - Dec. 12, May 16, 6 Marks)
Soln. :
Given : Lp1 for machine 1 = 88 dB,
Lp1 for machine 2 = 90 dB
Lp1 for machine 3 = 87 dB

ns e
Lp2 i.e. ambient or background noise = 86 dB.
 Sound pressure level for machine 1 independent of background noise :

io dg
Lp = 10 log10 [ 1088/10 – 1086/10 ]
= 10 log10 [ 1088 – 1086 ]
or Lp = 83.67 dB
 Sound pressure level for machine 2 independent of background noise :

at le Lp = 10 log10 [ 1090/10 – 1086/10 ]

= 10 log10 [ 1090 – 1086 ]
ic w
or Lp = 87.79 dB
 Sound pressure level for machine 3 independent of background noise :
Lp = 10 log10 [ 1087/10 – 1086/10 ]
bl o

= 10 log10 [ 1087 – 1086 ]

or Lp = 80.13 dB

 Overall sound pressure level of three machines independent of background noise :

Lp = 10 log10 [ 1083.67/10 + 1087.79/10 + 1080.13/10 ]
Pu K

= 10 log10 [ 108.367 + 108.779 + 108.013 ]

or Lp = 89.71 dB …Ans.

Ex.6.23.2 : The set of measured values of the sound pressure level for a machine are : 92 dB, 91 dB, 88 dB and 90 dB.
Determine the average sound pressure level.
Soln. :

Given : Lp1 = 92 dB; Lp2 = 91 dB; Lp3 = 88 dB; Lp4 = 90 dB; n = 4.

The average sound pressure level is,
 1 n 
Lpavg = 10 log10  n  10Lpn/10 
 n = 1 
1 
= 10 log10  4 [ 10(Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + 10(Lp3/10) + 10(Lp4/10) ]  (n=4)
 
1 
= 10 log10  4 [ 10(92/10) + 10(91/10) + 10(88/10) + 10(90/10) ] 
 
1 
= 10 log10  4 [ 109.2 + 109.1 + 108.8 + 109 ] 
 
or Lpavg = 90.48 dB …Ans.


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