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Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Farming or even backyard gardening plays a vital role in our community since

Dimataling is an agricultural land and it is one of the many sources of income here. In farming,

soil has a large contribution to the yields of the crops since it is the one of the big main source of

nutrients to the crops and also to some plants.

To further enhance the nutrients the plants get, Farmer used chemical or synthetic

fertilizers in order to have a large crop yields which is, According to the Fruit Growers Supply

(2019), Chemical or Synthetic Fertilizers refer to any number of synthetic compounds of

substances created with the express purpose of increasing crop yields. Synthetic/Chemical

fertilizers, such as Nitrogenous and Phosphatic Fertilizers, are very important and in high

demand for some farmers today.

The benefit of employing chemical fertilizers is that they enable farmers to increase

their crop yields on a particular plot of land. To ensure that every piece of land produces as

effectively as possible, chemical fertilizers are used. However, according to Sharma, A., &

Chetani, R. (2017), despite all of their advantages, inorganic fertilizers have significant

drawbacks that make them less desirable and among the most significant flaws are: Inorganic

fertilizers are human carcinogens: The EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs claims that the

majority of pesticides have been linked to components that have been linked to cancer. Organic

fertilizers are certain to be non-toxic to the body, the environment, and pesticides. Inorganic

fertilizers collect salt, which requires more energy to pull water from the soil and results in water
pollution. If there is a rainstorm soon after they are applied, the fertilizers might wash away and

pollute the environment, making the plants seem wilted or dried out ponds, streams, and other

sources of water. Additionally, it has the potential to contaminate food by leaking out of the

plant's root zone chain, where they build up and harm us. Unwise usage of inorganic fertilizers

can lead to nutritional imbalance, which restricts the uptake of other crucial nutrients. Low crop

yields are caused by a lack of nutrients and acidity in the soil. Ojeniyi 1995, 2002, as cited in

Sharma, A., & Chetani, R. (2017) asserts that some issues develop as a result of continued usage

of inorganic fertilizers since most farmers don't do soil tests before applying fertilizer.

micronutrient and secondary nutrient deficiency if the standard NPK type is routinely utilized, to

occur in the soil and crop. Total reliance on inorganic fertilizers causes soil fertility to decline

organic matter, a rise in soil acidity, a decline in the physical characteristics and structure of the

soil, and a rise in erosion Ojeniyi (1981).

In contrast to organic fertilizers like animal dung, which, in the opinion of Arcngelo

Loss, Gustavo Brunetto, et. al (2019), that organic waste products from recycling agri-foods or

other processes, such as swine, cow, sheep, and horse dung, may be used for nutrients to increase

nutrient cycling and lower the cost associated with the purchase of industrial fertilizers.

Additionally, repeated applications of animal manure (AM) to soils tend to improve their

physical and chemical characteristics, resulting in higher yields of grains and other crops.

Increased soil organic matter content is the outcome of adding organic manures. According to R.

J. Haynes and R. Naidu (1998), Numerous research have shown that this has the impact of

enhancing hydraulic conductivity, water stable aggregation, porosity, infiltration capacity, and

water holding capacity while decreasing bulk density and surface crusting. Two problems with
large manure applications include dispersion caused by increased K+, Na+, and NH4 + in the

soil and the production of water-repellent chemicals by decomposer fungus. Additionally, Olvo

(2019) claims that manure can significantly meet a crop's needs for micronutrients, nitrogen,

phosphorus, and potassium, which will boost the crop's rate of production.

Overall, organic fertilizers are preferable than synthetic/chemical fertilizers since they

are less expensive, can damage us if used improperly, and are safer. But there is no clearer

conclusion which of the following manures can greatly enhance the growth of certain plants or

crops. Thus, the goal of this study is to examine various types of manure, such as horse and

swine, and figure out which is more efficient.

1.2 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Comparative Assessment of Horse and Swine Manure as Fertilizers to the growth
of Spring Onions.

The comparison of
effects that can greatly
Horse enhance the growth of
Manure Spring Onions
Kinds of

The Effects of
Animal Manure
Swine to the growth of
Manure Spring Onions

The key results that could have an impact on this study are shown on this map. The

three factors included in this study are the various types of animal manures (including swine and

horse manures), their impacts on spring onion development, and a comparison of effects that can

significantly improve that growth. Therefore, the goal of this study is to determine whether there

is a connection between the three that is comparable.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, farmers employ chemical and synthetic fertilizers to increase crop yields, but

there are several drawbacks that could be harmful to the environment and human health. Organic

fertilizers mainly Animal Maure, in comparison, have a bigger and far safer effect than synthetic

fertilizers while having the same effect as chemical fertilizers. The fundamental problem is that

the farmers are unsure of which Manure is to use, either it is Horse manure or Swine Manure and

is there a significance between the Animal Manure to the enhancement of crop yields.

To address the issue, the researchers provide several question that will serve as guide to

further determine the future outcomes of this study.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of Animal Manure to the Growth of Spring Onions?

2. Is Horse Manure (HM) have a greater effect than Swine Manure (SM) as fertilizer to the

growth of Spring Onions?

3. Is there a Significance of Animal Manure to the enhancing capabilities of the growth of spring


1.4 Hypothesis

Ho1. There is no Significant relationship between the Animal Manure to the enhancing

capabilities of the growth of spring onions.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This study will be undertaken at Laueano Salusod National High School in the middle to

late first semester of the academic year 2022–2023 and will compare the effectiveness of horse

and swine manure as fertilizers for the growth of spring onions. The experimental design will be

used in this study as its research design, which is the primary factor in determining the study's


The study will not address any additional issues or factors that are not directly related to

how animal manure affects the growth of spring onions or even unrelated to how effects can be

compared that can significantly boost the growth of spring onions that are outside the scope of

the study.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Readers will receive a variety of benefits from this study in the form of information and

services, enabling them to understand its value. According to the researchers, the following will

gain from this study:

Student- They will know the different kinds of animal manures and its effects that can enhance

the growth of plants and crops.

Parent- They will know the essential attributes of animal manure to the enhancement

capabilities of their plants and crops.

Farmer- They will know the common minerals and also nutrients that have the similar contents

of chemical fertilizers which they can use to further enhance their crops and also to some plants.
1.7 Definition of terms

The following terms are defined operationally by the researchers.

Manure - Animal dung used for fertilizing land.

Growth – The process of increasing in physical size.

Comparison – A consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two

things or people.

Fertilizer – Is any material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soil or to plant tissues

to supply plant ntrients.

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