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What is Research?

Name: Jeanice Fionah M. Historillo

Grade and Section: Grade 12 – STEM


A. Read the following sentences. Put a check (/) on the space
before the number if you think that the sentence is a
description of research. Put a cross (X) if you think that
it is not.
X 1. Research must be hurriedly conducted.
/ 2. There should be enough data before conducting
/ 3. Research must observe a step-by-step process.
X 4. The researcher must have the final say in his or her
/ 5. A person’s opinion is acceptable and considered as
an answer to the questions asked by the researcher.
X 6. Any concern or issue confronted by the students is
/ 7. The causes why students fail in quizzes are worth
/ 8. The student-researcher must read literature related
to the problem he or she is studying.
X 9. The researcher must avoid listening to another
researcher to have an objective view of his or her
/ 10. The steps in the conducting research are patterned.
C. Using all the sentences you checked in Activity A and the
encircled words in Activity B, formulate a good and acceptable
definition of research.

Research is defined as the production of new knowledge or

the innovative application of previously acquired knowledge to
the development of novel theories, approaches, and
comprehensions. They consist of the methodical investigation
into and examination of information and sources in order to
establish facts and opinions. This might involve synthesizing
and analyzing earlier research to the point that it produces
original and innovative results. Research plays a crucial part
in tertiary education because it uses a systematic, step-by-step
method of study to provide answers to questions or find
solutions to issues. Despite the numerous issues that higher
education faces, research enables advancements. After all, its
primary goal is to provide a response to a query or to address a
problem. There is a system to follow in conducting research as
there is a system for formulating each of its parts. Any issue
that is unusual in nature and directly it is possible to
investigate a topic that directly or indirectly impacts every
profession. To evaluate an instrument's accuracy, validate
collects and analyzes data. Unusual phenomena may occur in
places like the community, school, or workplace and have the
potential to develop into issues, thus the research needs to be
practical. Research entails an investigation of new facts leading
to the discovery of new ideas, methods, or improvements. The
researcher needs to explain why they chose the variables they
did for the study. This might be accomplished by enhancing the
literature review or by talking about the many ideas that
underpin the choice of the variables. Therefore, each variable
needs to have enough indicators. A research instrument is a
device that you can use to gather, quantify, and evaluate
information on your research interests. Research productivity
plays a major role in attaining success in academia as it
relates to promotion and tenure, salary, and the fringe benefits
of the profession. Data may be used to support or refute
assertions made in study, verify or disprove a theory, or
advance understanding of a particular issue or problem.

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