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Firefighters in our country deserve special respect and a decent salary


One of the most dangerous professions in our society is firefighting. The task of
professional owners, who are faced every day with fires caused by natural disasters or
due to improper observance of safety rules, trying to "find the language" of a speechless
enemy, is really not an easy task. At any moment, a speechless enemy will attack you, or
you may fall on a burning object, smell it and lose consciousness. Therefore, in
emergency situations, first of all, the efforts of fire fighters, who seek help and try to
move residents to a safe place, are heroic. Firefighters in our country deserve special
respect and a decent salary. Of course, I fully agree with this opinion. This is because fire
incidents are more frequent on hot days.
Therefore, we cannot imagine our society without the fire service.
In this regard, the most effective solution to the problem of preventing and eliminating
emergency situations, extinguishing fires, carrying out emergency rescue operations,
including accidents in the communal economy, floods in rural areas of the region, and the
consequences of traffic accidents, is extinguishing fires in remote settlements at the
expense of local executive bodies. creation of stations, training of fire-fighting specialists,
fire service plays a big task from a technical point of view. Of course, in case of a fire
under the feet, anyone is ready to run away from that place and give in to fear. And
emergency firefighting specialists rush to the middle of the flames at that moment.
This is not only his service, but his duty. Therefore, in some cases, we offer civil
assistance and immediately reward a witness of an emergency situation walking on the
street who tries to save a fire victim. Because fire is not an easy enemy. A profession that
is unique to real men and people of heart requires great courage.
In conclusion, working in the profession of fire and extinguishing fires quickly is not
possible for anyone, he must always be physically fit and be a qualified professional who
knows fire safety rules, fire fighting techniques and fire fighting techniques. Firefighters
put their lives at risk and put themselves at risk every minute. At any time, regardless of
the bitter cold of winter and the heat of summer, they fall into fire and water. Thus, the
goal of saving and helping is the first priority for those who bear the responsibility. In an
emergency, he tries to save the lives of others before himself. Therefore, their work is
considered one of the most difficult and complex professions in the world. We should
always respect them.

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