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Sophie Tues Nov 15/22

Capstone Update #1

So far I have completed a couple of helpful tasks. I have

finished my annotated bibliography which has helped
me gain more information and ideas about the topics I
want to cover. I have also found a really great and
resourceful mentor. On November 6th I reached out to
one of my favorite ocean science podcasters, and he
gave me the greenlight as him to be a mentor. I’ve
solidified the topics I’ll cover throughout the episodes
and am well on my way in collecting all my facts for said
episodes. I made the title of my podcast and made the
cover photo as well (imaged just above).

Right now I need a recording microphone (which I’m planning on borrowing from a friend). Then then
only other thing I really need is just time. I definitely need to clear
my schedule to figure out everything (Ex. Recording and release

By the end of this week, I want to have finished all my research for
my first episode topic: An intro to climate change. I also want to set
up my first meeting with my mentor (aiming to meet online on
Monday), and grabbed the recording mic from my friend Bo. The
goal is to record the first episode next week and release it on Friday
December 1st.

Possible issues I could run into is not being able to post it on Spotify
like I originally planned and having to post it to YouTube instead. Another worry I have is the guests I
want to have on the podcast being occupied or not willing to be interviewed.

I am quite stressed about my

Capstone as of right now because I
realize 8 weeks is not a lot of time,
and if I want to post 4 or 5
episodes, I would need to start next
week and record and edit an
episode a week which I think is
going to take me more time. I’m
really excited to start this next
week and see how my vision will
really come to life.

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