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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

I have made myself a list of questions to answer while looking at 5 different coming of age films. So far I
have watched 2 of the movies and have answered the questions. I made these questions to give me
direction on what is a coming of age film, how is the story told and what are the characters like. With
just the 2 out of the 5 films watched I am starting to get a good idea of what a story could be and how I
can portray it. I have also brainstormed some ideas for what my movie could possibly be.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week I plan to watch another film and to answer my questions. I also plan to make a
complete idea and a plot graph where then I can start on a script.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

So far my needs have only been a laptop and access to movies. So far I have put 5 hours into my
capstone. 2 hours for each movie including answering the questions and 1 hour for brainstorming
possible plots.

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

I have not yet interacted with my mentor for anything related to my capstone but him and I remain in
touch in person.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I am currently struggling with coming up with a plot idea, I have been mainly stuck to the idea that
coming of age is a theme, which it is not. While looking at film festivals I came upon one that has the
theme of transitioning which I believe will be a great theme to incorporate into the genre of coming of

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

I have attached word documents of what I have gathered so far.

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