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Math in the Modern World


1. List 5 things that you can see/think of inside or maybe outside your house (but you
don’t need to go out, “BAWAL LUMABAS!”) that deals with numbers. Complete the
table below. The first one serves as an example.


The number where the 8 - 16 8 refers to the block number
houses are situated in of the house while 16 refers
subdivisions to its lot number. This
indicates that the house
adjacent to this house is 8-18
1. The number of spoons and 5–5-5 5 refers to the number of
forks and plates when dining spoon while another 5 refers
to the number of each fork
and another 5 refers to the
numbers of plates
2. The number of “Lucky Me” 7-9 7 refers to the Sweet and
pancit canton inside the box Spicy flavor of pancit canton
while 9 refers to the
Calamansi flavor of pancit
3. The number of pillow and 1-2 1 refers to the blanket while 2
blanket in one bed refers to pillow.
4. The number of our pets in 2-5 2 refers to our dog while 5
our backyard refers to our chicken
5. The number of appliances 1–1–2 1 refers to our television
in our living room while another 1 refers to our
electric fan while the 2 refers
to speakers

2. Consider an event or situation in your life that presents a mathematical pattern. Explain it in 5

Answer: When I was in my 9th grade my friends and I go to SM mall to buy rubik’s cube so I can
learn it. When we go to the store I was so fascinated because there’s many type of rubik’s cube
so I asked my friends which is better for me because I want to learn to solve rubik’s cube and
they answered 2x2 and 3x3 cube is better for me. So I choose the ordinary brand and buy it
because that is fit to my budget.

3. Explain the applications of math in nature based on the video that you watched.
Answer: Mathematics have so many patterns and can be used for anything and it depends on
what you are using it for what purpose.

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