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"Create a Dialogue on Schooling and Community Development"

Maria: Good morning, Sam, Ana, Julie, Justine, and Charles. 

Sam, Ana, Julie, Justine, and Charles: Good morning, Maria. 

Ana: I have a question regarding the discussion of our teacher's last meeting? 

Justine: What a question, Ana! 

Ana-What is schooling and community development? 

Justine: For me, Ana. Schooling and community development are activities that allow us to help our
community and improve our skills. 

Sam: I agree with Justine. If we help our community, many people will be grateful to us, and this is an
opportunity for us to help other people in the future. As well, we have a chance to learn or discover
something new or different. Through this class, we can get more knowledge about education in general. 

Justine: I also agree with Sam. When we help our community, I feel like our community is a better place
to live in or it will be better for the next generation. 

Sam: Then we can say that we can help education in two ways. from a professional and personal

Charles: How about our classmates? What do they think? 

Julie: I agree with Sam and Justine. 

Julie: Moreover, I think I will also help others more often. simply because many people need our help. 

Maria: It would be nice to know what you think about this topic, friends. 

Ana: Okay, thank you everyone for answering my question regarding that topic. 

Julie: So <Pondering >... How does schooling play an important role in our community's development? 

Maria: Pardon! 

Julie: How does schooling play an important role in our community's development? 

Maria: schools play an important role in our community's development because we can teach, learn,
show our talents and skills in schools and, at the same time, we can help our community. 

Julie: Sam, you said learning is important. How? 

Sam: Learning is essential because we cannot obtain everything unless we learn. by reading newspapers,
watching the news, or reading textbooks. 

Maria: I agree with Sam. 

Julie:  Charles, what do you think about that point? 

Charles: I agree with Maria and Sam.

Ana: I think it is a good idea to get everything, but without schools, we have no chance to learn things so
easily. We have to find other places, such as the library or the internet. But it takes more time and we
cannot get everything we want. 

Julie: Thank you for your answers, classmate.

"Paragraph 2"

Julie: How is it? 

Charles: It is really good, Julie. Nice points, Sam and Maria. You use many examples to support your
point. I can learn something from your examples and also agree with that point. 

Sam: That's right, Charles. We can learn a lot of things while we are studying in school, and it's
important for us to learn many things because education is our most useful tool in the future. 

Maria: I agree with Charles and Justine, because we cannot learn and achieve our goals without an

Justine: I think we all have different ideas but the same points! 

Maria: What do you think about this? 

Ana: I think we have different ideas. But, we all agree that it is important to learn something new and
improve our skills. 

Charles: Well, some of us use examples to explain our points and others don't. This can affect how easily
people can understand our ideas. But it makes sense that everyone has different thoughts but the same
points because we are learning about the same topic in class. 

Julie: Thanks for your answers, classmate.

"Paragraph 3"

Maria: How can we improve our community's development? 

Sam: I think we can improve our community's education to make it better because many people need it.
And this school is a good place for us to learn and improve. And also, we have an opportunity to save
some money by doing our own work. (saving money) and saving money for other purposes such as
paying for school or college, etc.  If we want to improve the community's development, it is important to
know how the community is doing. By thinking about it, we can do something for the community. 

Sam: The government should give more support to the schools in our country so that schools can get
more money to build new buildings or pay teachers' salaries. 

Julie: That's a really nice and smart point, Sam. Well, I have a question for you, Sam. What about the
other students? 

Charles: Maybe we can find many topics over here to help our community. For example, some students
can volunteer at the local schools and teach their skills there. Some people can build a new building for
the school, and others can help children learn their lessons in school. 

Maria: That's wonderful if we find something new or different to improve our community's

Ana: I agree with Maria. 

Justine: What about you, Charles? 

Charles: I agree with Ana, Maria and also to you.

Julie: Thank you, classmate. Well, I will share my point. As Justine said, students can save money to pay
for their expenses. And by saving money, we can help our community more effectively because we have
more money to give the poor people in our community, do some projects to help them, and so on. 

Sam: Julie makes an excellent point. 

Ana: I think we all learned from each and every idea we shared! 

Charles, Sam, Maria, Julie, and Justine: Yes, we will!

So that's all for their learning discussion about schooling and community development. And the lesson
to be gleaned from this dialogue is to know that education is a great thing for our community's
development. We can learn everything we want in school, and at the same time, we can contribute to
our community's development by sharing what we know with others. And I think it shows us that it is
not only us who can do something for our community, but we have many opportunities to help other
people in need. 

Thank you, and God bless!

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