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Fig. 27. Distribution of grit tempered ceramics at Santa Catalina (based on data from power auger
survey). Contour interval scale in five-sherd increments.

Our excavation strategy is discussed in (fig. 26). During March, May, and November
some detail elsewhere (chap. 6). We began by (1980), 32 such 1 m units were excavated to
excavating randomized 1 m test pits (fig. 25), an average depth of 50 cm. Although ample
selecting coordinates for the southeastern cultural materials were recovered- much
corner of each sample square from a table of from the Spanish period -feature recognition
random numbers. Although the units of mea- was low due to the relatively small "win-
surement and the sampling fractions differ dow" provided by each 1 m test pit. Roughly
somewhat, this procedure is remarkably sim- 200 person-days were invested in the ran-
ilar to the independently derived methods domized test pit procedures at Santa Cata-
used by Stanley South roughly eight months lina, but a much larger sampling fraction
before in his successful search for, and ex- would have been required to facilitate feature
ploration of, 16th century Santa Elena on recognition; without considerably greater in-
Parris Island, South Carolina (South, 1979, vestment of time and effort, any pattern rec-
1984; fig. 1, this volume). ognition from test pitting alone would nec-
Randomized test pitting at Santa Catalina essarily be restricted to the artifact level. At
was slow, tedious, and rather unproductive Santa Catalina, randomized test pitting told

bit, one that produced a hole ca. 32 cm in

diameter, to the same depth. This larger di-
ameter was used throughout the rest of the
These revised procedures were then ap-
plied to the study area north of the creek.
Beginning in Quad III, the sampling interval
was changed from 20 m to 10 m. This tech-
nique quadrupled the available sample and
provided more adequate spatial control on
artifact distributions.
We had dug 615 auger pits by March 1981
(fig. 25). Once the grid had been transit plot-
Fig. 28. Ervan Garrison and Deborah Mayer ted, a crew of two could dig approximately
O'Brien using a GeoMetrics Proton Magnetom- 12 auger holes per hour. Two screeners,
eter (Model 806A) in the initial remote sensing working behind the auger crew, could screen
survey at Santa Catalina de Guale in May 1981. the fill from approximately four holes per
hour. The auger survey consumed roughly
150 person-days, but a significant proportion
us little more than how, when, and where not ofthis time was spent clearing vegetation and
to dig for structural evidence.
laying in grid locations for the auger holes.
Auger testing generated important data at
A POWER AUGER APPROACH three distinct levels. Once field testing
was complete, we identified all elements re-
The time had come to narrow the focus covered (raw data are supplied in the Ap-
and change the methods, and we began look- pendix to this volume) and plotted their dis-
ing around for better ways to find that hidden tributions in a series of simple dot density
needle in the haystack. Fortunately, by this maps. Sherd density varied considerably
time, we had learned of Kathleen Deagan's across the 9 ha sampled. The central and
successful search for 16th century St. Augus- western Quads (I, II, III, IV, XX, and XXI)
tine. Following her example, we decided to were found to contain extremely high den-
employ a systematic auger test survey on the sities of Altamaha and grit tempered sherds
high probability area at Wamassee Creek (Appendix, table 1; fig. 27). We noted sig-
(Deagan, 1981; see also Percy, 1976; South nificantly lower ceramic densities in periph-
and Widmer, 1977; McManamon, 1984); eral Quads V, VI, and VII.
similar techniques have been used recently Moreover, figure 27 suggests that Mission
with great success at other mission sites in Santa Catalina may have been divided into
Spanish Florida (Shapiro and Poe, 1984; Sha- districts (or barrios). Note particularly the
piro and Marrinan, 1986). distribution of sherds surrounding the central
The augering procedure began in Novem- mission buildings; the interior compound-
ber 1980. We started in Quad I so that the the "mission" proper- seems to have been
test units dug previously could be compared. contained within a rectangular walled enclo-
Sherds were compared simultaneously to sure. A second, much larger walled area ap-
provide a control for the auger holes. One pears to the northwest, probably part of the
auger test was excavated in the southeast cor- Guale pueblo. In both cases, refuse appears
ner of each 20 by 20 m block (slightly to the to have accumulated along 450 angles, ap-
northwest of the stake). The first auger hole parently confined by a series of walls or fences.
was excavated on November 9, 1980, to test These general impressions were further
the equipment. A 20 cm bit was used, reach- sharpened when we focused strictly on His-
ing to a depth of about 88 cm. Sherds, bone, panic ceramics. More than one-third (12 of
and shell were recovered when the donut of 31) of the olive jar and majolica sherds came
spoil dirt was screened. The units were com- from Quad IV (table 1). If the conventional
pletely backfilled. We then shifted to a larger assumption that Hispanic/aboriginal sherd

Fig. 29. Locations of three major magnetic anomalies and associated test pits at Santa Catalina. The
locations of now-known Spanish period structures have been added for reference.

ratios reflect relative social status (cf. South, Based strictly on this evidence, we decided
1977, pp. 172-175; Loucks, 1979; Deagan, to focus all further yield evaluation on a sin-
1983, pp. 114-116; 1985, p. 300) holds for gle 100 by 100 m square in the overall sam-
a mission context, then Quad IV once again pling grid for St. Catherines Island: Quad IV,
would seem the most likely location for the a totally unremarkable piece of real estate,
central mission complex. covered by the same scrub palmetto/live oak

showed three major subsurface magnetic

anomalies, patterning so strong that we de-
cided to begin testing right away. As the Tex-
as A&M team left to work up the data, they
told us simply, "If we were y'all, we'd dig in
three places: right here, over yonder, and es-
pecially right here."
We explored these three magnetic anom-
alies during the few days remaining in the
May 1981 field season (fig. 29). The "over
yonder" anomaly occurred near an auger hole
Fig. 30. The initial exacavations (Test Pit B) which had previously produced burnt daub.
in Structure 2 at Santa Catalina, now thought to A single 4 x 1 m excavation unit (Test Pit
be the Spanish cocina. A) was positioned to straddle the magnetic
anomaly. We encountered a dense burnt daub
forest typical of the western margin of St. concentration in the northern portion of the
Catherines. The only evidence of any human trench, at a depth of 20-25 cm below the
occupation was a little-used field road for is- contemporary ground surface. An unfired clay
land research vehicles. Although shell mid- floor appeared in the southern halfof the unit,
den scatters were evident here and there, Quad at about 30 cm below surface. Charcoal, a
IV contained absolutely no additional surface single nail, and Altamaha ceramics were
evidence distinguishing it from its surround- found associated. We designated this area
ings. In effect, the simple and expedient auger Structure 1, and postponed further excava-
testing procedures allowed us to narrow the tion to the next field season. We now know
focus from 10 ha to 1 ha. that Structure 1 is the remarkably well-pre-
served Franciscan church (iglesia), which
The first instrument prospection at Santa
Catalina was a proton magnetometer survey,
conducted May 14-18, 1981, by Ervan G.
Garrison and James Tribble (both then as-
sociated with Texas A&M University). The
instrument was a GeoMetrics Proton Mag-
netometer, Model 806A, modified for terres-
trial survey. This proved to be a rather cum-
bersome procedure, since none of the
surrounding vegetation had been cleared from
Quad IV (fig. 28). We employed one cycle/
sec sampling, with a sensor height of 1.2 m.
Readings were taken at 2 m intervals
throughout Quad IV. All field data were hand
transcribed, then input to the AMDAHL V6/
V7 computer at Texas A&M. A series of pre-
liminary CONREC maps were produced to
array the initial magnetometer findings; sub-
sequently, more satisfactory graphic repre-
sentations were obtained based on later mag-
netometer research (see below). Fig. 31. Initial test pit at the Spanish well, San-
But the remote sensing research paid off ta Catalina de Guale. Ring A is partially exposed,
handsomely, even before the computer plots surrounded by the well construction pit; six such
were available. The raw instrument readings rings lay below (May 1981).

contained 400-450 Christian Guale Indian Structure 2 is the mission kitchen (cocina),
burials. on which archaeological exploration contin-
The magnetic anomaly pointed out "right ues as of this writing (June 1986).
here" was a small mound, thought at the time The third magnetic anomaly-"especially
to be perhaps a grave or tomb. We positioned right here" (Test Pit C)-turned out to be a
Test Pit B (3 x 3 m) to straddle the 30 cm Hispanic period barrel well, entirely exca-
rise (fig. 30). A dense concentration of daub vated in May 1981 (fig. 3 1). We found seven
was encountered about 25 cm below the decomposing iron rings above the well-pre-
ground surface, associated with deer bones, served remains of an oak casing, and olive
two iron spikes, and fragments of olive jar, jar and majolica sherds within the construc-
majolica, and Altamaha ceramics. Artifacts tion pit of the well.
were left in place, and three additional test Thus, even without benefit of computer en-
pits were laid out, defining a 5 x 5 m test hancement and graphics, the magnetometer
area. When the daub wall and artifact con- data were sufficiently powerful to indicate the
centration were found to extend throughout presence of significant Hispanic period struc-
this area, we designated it Structure 2, and tural features at Santa Catalina.
stopped excavation. We now think that
We have already described the initial pro- clastic sediments. Such low humic sandy soils
ton magnetometer survey at Santa Catalina. and overlying fluvially deposited sediments
Even at this preliminary stage, the geophys- are typically low in magnetic susceptibility
ical prospection had paid off by pinpointing when compared to iron-rich sediments and
three major subsurface features, two Spanish soils of igneous origin (Aitken, 1974, pp. 220-
period wattle-and-daub structures, and the 225; Weymouth, 1986, pp. 345-346). Given
mission well. This was the last step in the site this generally low magnetic susceptibility, we
discovery process at Santa Catalina, which hoped that magnetometer prospection could
proceeded as a progressive narrowing of detect subsurface anomalies of very low mag-
probabilities. With structural evidence at netic contrast and intensity, in the range of
Santa Catalina positively identified (in May 2-5 gammas (Garrison et al., 1985, pp. 303-
1981), our research objectives shifted from a 304).
question of site location to more compelling The first magnetic survey was conducted
issues of site structure. using a Geometrics G-806 proton magne-
A PROTON MAGNETOMETER tometer, equipped with a portable console,
APPROACH powerpack, and sensor (fig. 28). Sensor height
was standardized at 1.2 m, using a standard
Magnetic prospection is one of the more collapsible aluminum staff; sensor orienta-
commonly applied remote sensing tech- tion was maintained on compass north.
niques in archaeology. Weymouth (1986, pp. Readings were taken at 2 m intervals along
351-369) provides an up-to-date history and the grid and recorded in notebooks. As only
methodological overview of such research in one instrument was being used, diurnal vari-
the New World (see also Scollar, 1969; Stepo- ation of the earth's field could only be sam-
naitis and Brain, 1976; von Frese and Noble, pled at intervals. Generally these readings
1984). were made on the south edge of Quad IV in
Elsewhere, we describe some of the spe- a magnetically ambient spot predetermined
cifics of how this magnetic survey was con- by a random walkover with the survey in-
ducted at Santa Catalina (Garrison et al., strument.
1985); this section highlights relevant por- The initial results on Quad IV were so
tions of that discussion and integrates the promising that we decided to expand the scope
magnetometer research into the overall re- to encompass the 9 ha research frame (fig.
search design employed on St. Catherines Is- 25). Subsequent surveys of other quadrangles
land. were carried out with a Geometrics G-816
From the outset, we thought that the cul- portable proton magnetometer; the earlier
tural and geomorphic contexts at Wamassee Quad IV results were replaced with readings
Creek boded well for magnetic survey. The from the new magnetometer. The basic dif-
preliminary archaeological survey had dem- ference in the two instruments is the manual
onstrated, for instance, that the Wamassee sampling mode necessary with the latter in-
Creek area generally lacked modem surface strument. Both magnetometers had ± 1 gam-
iron debris. We also knew that subsurface ma sensitivity and were deployed in like con-
deposits of lithic materials were virtually ab- figurations in the field, e.g., sensor height,
sent on St. Catherines Island. Had they been console-sensor separation distance, and so
present, surface iron and buried rocks could forth.
have seriously hampered magnetometer sur- DATA REDUCTION AND
Other than the scattered shell deposits, soil
in this area consisted primarily of Holocene Managing the St. Catherines survey data
and Pleistocene sand, interfingered with more presented a number of challenges. At com-

pletion of the magnetometer work, an area printer produced the smaller versions includ-
300 x 300 m had been surveyed (with the ed here.
exception of a few small swampy sections). Magnetic survey data from Santa Catalina
The entire survey consisted of nine 100 x were rendered in five different mapping for-
100 m quadrangles. Each full quadrangle mats:
contained 2601 magnetometer readings (e.g., 1. Figure 32 is the baseline magnetic con-
fig. 32), and the final matrix of all nine quad- tour map from the resurvey of Quad IV (after
rangles contained 22,801 values, including excavations had begun), with positive anom-
unsurveyed areas of the marsh, Wamassee alies imaged as solid lines and negative
Creek, and the area south ofWamassee Creek. anomalies imaged as broken lines. For each
Magnetometer readings were subsequently of the nine quadrangles, a separate 10 x 10
entered into magnetic disk files on the Texas in. contour map was produced for field use.
A&M Amdahl computer (as described in de- A similar map was generated from the initial
tail by Garrison et al., 1985). That a single magnetometer survey of Quad IV; but in the
magnetometer had been employed compli- interests of consistency, the entire area was
cated the data reduction because we could resurveyed by AMNH staff. In this case, bold
only approximate the normal daily changes contour lines were placed at 10 gamma in-
in magnetic intensity, called diurnal varia- tervals with an additional dark line placed at
tions. Periodic readings, taken at control the 5 gamma contour. We plotted readings
points to track the diurnal variation, provid- between + 3 and +19 and between -3 to
ed the values for ambient magnetism. These -19 gammas at two-gamma intervals; be-
were correlated with the survey values re- yond ± 20 gammas, we placed lines only every
corded at 2 m intervals. Monitored every 15 10 gammas. No values between +2 and -2
to 20 minutes, this ambient magnetism was were plotted. Asterisks or plus signs sym-
subtracted from the contemporaneous survey bolized data voids caused by marsh, Wa-
readings to provide corrected readings re- massee Creek, or archaeological excavations.
flecting magnetic variability in the archaeo- 2. For each quadrangle, SAS/GRAPH
logical record per se. generated a pair of three-dimensional plots,
The lack of a control magnetometer re- displaying all magnetometer readings except
duced the reliability of small variations in those between +4 and -4 gammas. These
magnetism (Breiner, 1973); some degree of pairs proved useful for comparing relative
microscale variability was sacrificed by this intensities of various anomalies. The first 3-D
procedure (e.g., Weymouth and Huggins, plot showed positive magnetic readings as
1985; Weymouth, 1986). Use ofa single mag- peaks, with negative values rendered as
netometer also created a series of linear fea- depressions. The second, a mirror image of
tures on the accompanying graphics (a prob- the first, indicated negative values as peaks
lem discussed by Weymouth, 1986, p. 346). and positive values as depressions. In figure
To filter the raw magnetometer counts, val- 33, Quad IV is shown with the Z-axis having
ues from +2 to -2 gammas were set equal positive gamma values imaged as peaks. All
to zero. Contour maps thus reflect only those three-dimensional images have an artificial
anomalies with a strength greater than ± 3 spike inserted at the northeast corner to serve
gammas. as a scale. The spike has a value of +100
After experimenting with the imagery, we gammas or -100 gammas, depending on
decided to display the magnetic variability at whether the negative or positive values are
Santa Catalina in three different formats: being graphed as peaks on the image.
conventional contour maps, three-dimen- 3. James Baker then used FORTRAN
sional graphics, and alphanumeric grey-tone software to synthesize data from all 22,801
contour maps (see Garrison et al., 1985, pp. data points into a large contour map, includ-
304-309). All plotting was initially achieved ing all nine target quadrangles. Figure 34
on VERSATEC 11-inch and 36-inch electro- shows a much reduced version of the original
static plotters, but a XEROX 9700 laser 30 x 30 in. map.

N100 LLL
200 -150 Wi00

Fig. 32. Magnetic contour map of Quad IV at Santa Catalina; scale in meters (after Garrison et al.,
1985, fig. 5). Locations of the three known mission structures and the Spanish well are plotted and
4. Two three-dimensional graphics served XEROX 9700, represents a diminutive ver-
as counterparts to the contour map in figure sion of the original 3 ft square format, plotted
34. We reversed the negative and positive on a 36 in. VERSATEC plotter; this figure
ends of the Z-axis on the two different plots shows positive anomalies imaged as peaks on
to allow study of both negative and positive the Z-axis.
anomalies and to allow comparison of their 5. The Quad IV SYMAP represents 2601
relative intensities. Figure 35, plotted on the data points (fig. 36), showing areas of mag-




Fig. 33. Three-dimensional ("birds-eye") magnetic map of Quad IV at Santa Catalina. Grid interval
equal to 2 m; values within ±4 gammas plotted equal to zero (after Garrison et al., 1985, fig. 6).

Santa Caudina
deC guafe

I anomaly

A I negatives
L ZanomalIy
Water &
[a areas

gm Excavations

300 Quad XXII 200 Quad 11 lOOm. Quad 0


Fig. 34. Geomagnetic contour map of Quads I-IV, VI-VII, and XX-XXII at Santa Catalina de
Guale (after Garrison et al., 1985, fig. 7). Locations of the known mission structures are plotted and
numbered as in figure 32.
netism as broad structural features. Because GENERAL PROJECTIONS BASED ON
highly anomalous readings do not obstruct MAGNETIC SURVEY
the surrounding patterns of magnetism, fea-
tures such as buildings and shell middens tend Archaeological excavations in Quad IV
to show up better. Each alphanumeric sym- provide a phenomenological tool for evalu-
bol on the map corresponds to a reading tak- ating the large-scale topographic imaging dis-
en during survey. Because the character type cussed here. In turn, data generated from pro-
font which comprises the image contains more ton magnetometer survey provide a series of
characters per inch than lines per inch, the expectations for the archaeological record at
graphic appears rectangular rather than Santa Catalina de Guale. We can eventually
square, which the quadrangle is in reality. compare these projections with our excava-
Contour levels can be varied in the SYMAP tion results to determine how well the mag-
program to optimize contrast and to make netometer performed, but such a study can-
magnetic features more distinct. In figure 36, not be attempted until excavations and
the areas of negative or less than ambient laboratory analysis of the material culture are
magnetism show as a lighter shade of grey complete.
with areas of positive magnetism being em- But even at this relatively early stage, we
phasized by a darker pattern. can make some general observations about



50 -



0 00

Fig. 35. Three-dimensional magnetic map of nine quads at Santa Catalina; grid interval and values
as in figure 33 (after Garrison et al., 1985, fig. 8).

the accuracy of magnetic projection at Santa bution of dipoles, behave as a dipolar anom-
Catalina. aly yielding a larger-amplitude positive read-
1. Point sources, with a uniform distri- ing and a lesser-amplitude negative reflection

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1 55555757 55 5.575 S 25SS 4 . 00075 H557
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of the maximum (as defined by Weymouth SITE STRUCTURE AS PROJECTED BY

and Huggins, 1985). This is due to a relatively MAGNETIC SURVEY
normal orientation of the earth's field at St.
Catherines Island. To date, archaeological As with all magnetic anomaly character-
excavation has verified few such point anom- izations, these interpretations will contain
alies. errors, particularly at the microscale ofsmall-
2. Broad-scale structural features tend to er magnetic features. This is due to the in-
appear as monopolar, positive anomalies with teraction between individual anomalies and
maximum deflections centered over the fea- the burial matrix. At St. Catherines the major
ture. This high correlation of the location of extraneous factor appears to be widespread
maximum deflection and actual location is shell deposition in many quadrangles. The
expected, given the earth's field at this lati- broad-scale negative behavior of the shell
tude. That is, Spanish period structural re- middens will mask smaller point sources and
mains tend to correspond to large areas of features of negative signatures.
relative positive magnetism. Finding these These cautions notwithstanding, a number
structures by magnetic prospection proved to of hypotheses were offered about the settle-
be the signal success ofthe survey. Burnt wat- ment structure of Santa Catalina de Guale
tle-and-daub buildings appeared as low-level (after Garrison et al., 1985, pp. 312-313).
(8-19 gammas), relatively large orthogonal 1. Within Quad IV, two clear-cut activity
features. The signatures of a house floor, walls, zones are apparent, based strictly upon sub-
and hearths were positive, but even the surface magnetic structure. Positive magnetic
strongest deflections did not exceed 50 gam- features to the north and east of Structure 1
mas. Typically, most positive features were (the church) are closely tied to the Spanish
of the 10-20 gamma range. grid alignment; shell midden deposition, on
3. Depositional or fill features tend to ap- the other hand, resulting in lessening mag-
pear as monopolar, negative anomalies of low netism, is evident to the south and east of
intensity (1-6 gammas). This is also due to Structure 1. While it is possible that the shell
interaction of the earth's field with the anom- deposits precede the mission occupation, it
alies' local field and to the decreased mag- is more likely that Quad IV is the central
netic susceptibility of the fill or depositional district of the doctrina of Santa Catalina de
material as compared to the siliceous soil ma- Guale.
trix on St. Catherines Island. The Spanish 2. Quads III and XX are clearly laid out
well, for instance, appeared as a sharply de- according to the mission grid system defined
lineated negative (-35 gamma) anomaly re- in Quad IV. This patterning probably cor-
stricted to a 3-4 m area. Buried shell middens responds to the Guale Indian pueblo at Santa
and deliberately shell-enhanced architectural Catalina.
features commonly show up as areas of neg- 3. The Spanish grid system remains in evi-
ative relative magnetism. dence even in peripheral areas (parts of Quad
4. The mission grid system is well reflected VI, all of Quad VII, and the majority of Quad
on our magnetic contour maps (e.g., figs. 32, XXI). Although the nature of this interme-
34). Preliminary excavations disclosed that diate settlement remains to be defined, these
the entire mission complex at Santa Catalina quads may also be part of the pueblo.
de Guale was oriented 450 west of magnetic 4. Little evidence of a Spanish grid plan
north. Fortunately, the magnetic survey tran- occurs in Quads I, II, VI, and XXII. These
sects were run magnetic north-south, so it is areas probably contain fields and small, out-
a simple matter to distinguish the linear pat- lier settlements.
terns of diurnal magnetic variability from The 1 6th/ 17th century settlement at Santa
magnetic anomalies due to 17th century Catalina trends southeast to northwest, its
Spanish occupation of the area. That is, every structures concentrated near the Wamassee
time we see a 450 angle on the magnetic con- inlet but not approaching its immediate shore.
tour maps, we strongly suspect the presence This, coupled with the clear delineation of
of Spanish period structural remains. the Spanish grid system (especially running

In the spring of 1982, we briefly discussed
with Gary Shapiro the possibility of con-
ducting a soil resistivity assessment of Santa
Catalina. Proton magnetometer research had
already been completed by that time, and
excavations had begun at Structures 1 and 2.
After examining soil resistivity research con-
ducted by Shapiro and Mark Williams at Fort
Michilimackinac (subsequently published by
Williams and Shapiro, 1982), we contracted
for a pilot study to determine the potential
Fig. 37. Mark Williams and Gary Shapiro con- and feasibility of large-scale resistivity pro-
ducting soil resistivity survey near Structure 2, spection at Santa Catalina. Shapiro and Mark
Santa Catalina de Guale (May 1982). Williams conducted this initial survey in May
1982 (fig. 37).
through Quads XX, IV, III, and stopping at This pilot study was directed at three areas
Quads XXII, II, I), suggests the demarcation inside Quad IV. All resistivity readings were
of the settlement. taken on the Williams Model 103 Resistivity
Meter, designed and built by Mark and Mar-
A SOIL RESISTIVITY APPROACH shall Williams. The device, specifically de-
signed for archaeological application, incor-
Soil resistivity is an "active" method of porates a number oftechnical advantages over
site prospection (sensu Weymouth, 1986, p. most commercially available resistivity de-
314), monitoring the electrical resistance of vices (see Williams, 1984).
soils in a restricted volume near the surface. The following standardized procedures
Perhaps due to its relatively low cost, soil were used in the Santa Catalina survey (see
resistivity has been a popular technique of also Shapiro, 1984; Williams and Shapiro,
geophysical prospection over the past three 1982). Soil resistance was measured by four
decades (esp. Carr, 1982, pp. 5-8; see also probes set in a line at 1 m intervals; probe
Carr, 1977; Parrington, 1983, pp. 113-115; insertion depth was 20 cm. Readings were
Bevan, 1983; Weymouth, 1986, pp. 331-340). taken using the "double-dipole" probe con-
Degree of soil resistance depends on many figuration. In this arrangement, current is
factors, the most important of which is often passed through the first two probes, while the
the amount of water in the soil (inversely second two are passive (potential) electrodes.
related to its resistivity). Thus, buried fea- A numeric value (in units roughly equivalent
tures can be detected by their differential re- to ohms) indicates electrical resistance of the
tention of groundwater: Compaction, such as soil between the two center probes.
occurs in house floors, paths, and roads, re- Readings were consistently taken on east-
duces pore sizes and potential to retain water, west grid lines at 1 m intervals. Each 20 m
thereby registering as high resistance (Wey- east-west line resulted in 21 readings. The
mouth and Huggins, 1985). line was then advanced 1 m to the north (or
Aggregation of fill in pits, ditches, and mid- south) and another 21 readings taken. This
dens, will alter resistivity. Foundations or procedure resulted in a gridded array of re-
walls, particularly those in historic period sistance values which were recorded on graph
sites, generally increase resistivity over that paper at a scale of 1: 100. These data, stored
of the surrounding soil; generation of humus on magnetic diskettes, were used to produce
due to occupation activity increases ion con- dot-density maps. Locations of trees, back-
tent in the soil, thereby reducing resistivity dirt piles, roads, and other features that might
(Weymouth, 1986, p. 321; see also Shapiro, have affected earth resistance were recorded
1984). directly on the graph paper.


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-- '205
-f *N
rE U. *s *-u ,--...

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Santa Cata(ina de (
0 m 4
I ow [ High t
Resistance 9e_
Fig. 38. Soil resistivity contour map of Structure 1 (iglesia) at Santa Catalina.

Three hand-contoured, color-coded maps ident in all three resistivity maps) -the same
were produced, reproduced as black-and- alignment first noted in the magnetometer
white renderings in figures 38 and 39. Al- contour maps presented in the previous sec-
though additional excavation and detailed tion. Consistent with the 1573 Laws of the
feature-by-feature comparison will be nec- Indies (Crouch et al., 1982), Mission Santa
essary to evaluate fully the information in Catalina was constructed according to a rigid
these resistivity maps, the outcome of di- town plan, in this case, oriented 450 west of
rected test excavations is sufficiently clear to north.
allow preliminary interpretation. The results Test excavations have permitted us to
are striking. identify some of the structural elements in-
Resistivity testing at Santa Catalina was volved. As it turned out, resistivity test area
first attempted in an 18 x 8 m test area near A straddled the front wall of the church at
the presumed (unexcavated) southeastern Santa Catalina; the church facade itself ap-
margin of the church (Structure 1). In figure pears as the well-defined diagonal across the
38, plotted at a scale of five resistance units center of figure 38.
(roughly equivalent to ohms), one can rec- The round feature at coordinate
ognize several aspects characteristic of all re- N122W144 has not yet been tested, but the
sistivity research at Santa Catalina. The most extremely low area of soil resistance in the
obvious is the distinctive 450 orientation (ev- southeastern quadrant is now known to be a

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