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My free time and interests

In my free time, I do a lot of things.i like playing computer games. Or

eating some cookies. And usually, i hearing songs. I interest about a
lot of things. Firstly I like training things. new training movements or
fitness items. additionally, i like comedy films or action films. anyway,
i like training because that is good.
So I do a lot of things in my free time. and I think the time which I
spend to training that is not a free time.

Eating habits and food

Eating habits and food
My favourite food is the semolina pudding. Because it is delicious, I
can make it fast. And I cannot make a lot of food.
Anyway, I like fried meat. And broth if these made by my mum or by
my grandmum.
I do not like seafood because I vomit on them. So I never eat
seafoods. I am a wrestler. so I know a lot of things about protein and
isotonic drinks. I could speak about this in the other composition.
in fact, I like a lot of food if it is qualitative.

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