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3rd Level Shadar-Kai - DirgeWhisperer

1st Level Rogue

Shadar-Kai Racial Traits

Superior Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray
Sunlight Sensitivity: You have Disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception Checks that
rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in
direct sunlight
Trance - No need to Sleep. Trance for 4 hours per day
Necrotic Resistance - Resistant to Necrotic Damage
Blessing of the Raven Queen - As a Bonus Action you can teleport to an unoccupied space
within 30’ that you can see. When you arrive you are pure Shadow! You gain resistance to all
non-magical Damage till the start of your next turn. You can use 1x per Long Rest

Cursed by the Raven Queen Features

Curse of the Raven Queen - For all intents and purposes the Shadar-Kai are immortal. If they
perish they are made anew by The Raven Queen in her Fortress of Memories, ‘The Siege
Perilous’. The process is long and extraordinarily painful and the Shadar-Kai return less
themselves after each reincarnation. Their own memories dwindled and their own sense of self
diminished. The Catch 22 seems to be that after each successive reincarnation the Shadar-Kai
fear death less but are less useful in life. Eventually becoming hollow automatons that might as
well be truly dead

Unnerving Presence - There is something about you that tips others off, often sparking
wariness. Perhaps it is some sort of aura: animals reacting poorly to your entrance or a simple
air about you that indicates something is wrong. In direct interactions with others you have
Disadvantage on Persuasion Checks but also Advantage on Intimidation Checks.

Easily Forgotten - Because people don’t want to notice you, they don’t. Unless forced to,
others subconsciously avoid your very existence. People have a difficult time recalling your face.
You easily slip into and out of crowds, so long as you don't stand out by making a ruckus, your
very presence is willfully and thankfully ignored. Advantage on all Stealth Checks in crowds.
1x per day you can effectively cast Pass Without Trace on yourself and any allies alongside
you. Note - this only works in relatively crowded locales/situations.
Rogue Features
1st Level Feature - Sneak Attack - 1x per Turn - Extra 1d6

Once per Turn you can deal an extra 1d6 Damage to 1x creature hit with
an attack if you have Advantage on the attack roll or if an ally is within 5’ of
the target. The attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon

DirgeWhisperer Features
1st Level Feature - Spiked Chain Weapon Specialization

Spiked Chain - Exotic Martial

Weapon - Damage 1d4 Piercing/1d4 Bludgeoning - Properties: Ambidextrous - Finesse -
10’ Reach Note - This weapon counts as both
Piercing/Bludgeoning for sake of Resistances - Immunities and Vulnerabilities
Note - The Reach of 10’ also counts for Attacks of Opportunity if opponents try to pass through
their zone of control etc etc etc

Ambidextrous - This weapon functions as a Main Hand and an Off-Hand attack with no
penalties. The user receives their full Dexterity Bonus To Hit and To Damage with either

2x Chain Attacks per Turn - If Thavos takes the Attack Action with his Spiked Chain he can
follow up with a 2nd Attack Note: and a 3rd/offhand attack as a Bonus Action if it is available

4x Chain Dice per Short Rest - Each Chain Action requires the expenditure of 1x Chain Die.
You regain all expended Chain Dice after a Short Rest
Chain Save DC12

3x Chain Actions Known:

*Come Here You - As Part of an Attack Action - 10’ Range - 1d4+2 on a successful attack -
Strength Saving Throw DC12 or pulled forward for a Free Attack w/1d4+2 on a successful
hit: As part of this Action make a melee attack and attempt to spear a target within range with
the rope dart and yank it towards you by the chain. The target must be 10’ distant. On a
successful hit add the Chain Die to the Damage roll and the target must make a Strength
Saving Throw vs your Chain Save DC. On a failed Saving Throw the target is pulled 10’ towards
you in a straight line and you can then make yet another free attack. On a successful hit add the
Chain Die to the Damage roll

*Aimed Attack - Bonus Action - Chain Magical vs Resistances/Immunities - Roll 1d4 &
add +2 To Hit for that many attacks till start of next Turn: When you make your first attack
on your turn, you can use your Bonus Action to concentrate on each blow with deadly accuracy.
Your weapon becomes magical in regards to Resistance and Immunity to Damage until the start
of your Next Turn. Also make 1x Roll of your Chain Die and add your Proficiency Bonus To Hit
to that the number of subsequent attacks rolled or until the start of your next Turn , whichever is

*Blow Back - Reaction in response to a successful melee attack against you - 1d4+2 on a
successful attack: When a creature hits you with a melee attack you can use your Reaction to
respond with a melee attack of your own. On a successful hit add the result of the Chain Die to
the attack’s Damage roll

1st Level Feature - Shadow Call - 1x per Short Rest - Bonus

Action - 10x Min Concentration - 60’ Sphere of dim light/darkness
A 60’ radius sphere of dimness appears centered on the DirgeWhisperer. Within this space all
bright light becomes dim, and all previously dim light becomes dark. Can be used 1x per Short
2nd Level Feature - DirgeWhisper - 2x per Long Rest - Bonus
Action - 1x Minute Duration
You can use a Bonus Action to start the DirgeWhisper, which lasts for 1x minute. It ends early if
you are incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield. You can also dismiss the
DirgeWhisper any time you choose

• You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)

• Your walking speed increases by 10 feet

• You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks

• Opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage

You can use this feature 2x and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a Long rest

2nd Level Feature - Shadow Cloak - 1x per Short Rest - Action

when in dim light/darkness - 1x Minute Concentration - Invisible
to regular vision as long as you remain completely still
When in dim light or non-magical darkness, you swing your hands around your head as if
donning a cape and the surrounding shadows coalesce into a cloak that covers and obscures
you from sight. While in this space and immobile you cannot be seen by creatures without
darkvision or some means to detect invisible creatures. The effect ends when you end
concentration, take any action, reaction, bonus action, move, or the duration runs out. You are
able to see through this darkness as for you it is simply shadows. Can be used 1x per Short
3rd Level Feature - Stealth of the Shadows - 1x per Long Rest -
Action - 10x Minutes Concentration - Advantage on Stealth vs
regular vision - ends when Attack or lose Concentration
You draw upon the Shadowfell, pulling shadows to yourself from every available crook and
corner, and cloak yourself with its essence. For the duration you have Advantage on Stealth
Checks against creatures that rely on sight and don’t have Darkvision or similar. The effect ends
when you end concentration, you attack or the duration runs out. You are able to see through
this darkness as for you it is simply shadows. Can be used 1x per Long Rest

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