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Table Of Contents

Introduction . . . 3
Einherjar . . . 28
Fafnir . . . 5
Fenrir . . . 7
Fylgja . . . 23
Fossegrim . . . 9
Jormungandr . . . 11
Garmr . . . 13
Gullinbursti . . . 14
Hafgufa . . . 15
Hamingja . . . 23
Ragnarok by Louis Moe, 1898
Hamr . . . 22
Hugr . . . 23
Hymir . . . 17
Jotunn . . . 18
Landvaettir . . . 19
Lyngbakr . . . 16
Nacken . . . 9
Nidhogg . . . 21
Ratatoskr . . . 20
Selkolla . . . 24
Surtr . . . 25
Valkyrie . . . 27

ello there! Welcome to this little experiment Another thing to note is that there are Three Mythic
of mine where I see if I can take some of the Monsters in this book, those being three of the biggest
most terrifying and awe-inspiring monsters baddest boys in the world of Norse Mythology: Fenrir,
from real world mythology and turn them into Jormungandr, and Surtr. Using the Mythic Encounter rules
fearsome creatures for DMs to throw at their introduced in The Mythic Odyssey to Theros book, I decide to
poor, helpfless, unsuspecting players. As a really make these guys stat blocks worthy of their
lover of both mythology and Dungeons & mythological legends, and thus that's why they are the only
Dragons, I always love it when the two intersect. Wizards of three with Mythic traits. You can, of course, also choose to
the Coast have already added many iconic mythological run them without their mythic traits if you want them to be a
creatures, and allow for use of gods from various real world little bit easier of a fight, because that's the beauty of a Mythic
pantheons, but even so, there are some monsters they're trait.
missing that are just too awesome to not have in the greatest
roleplaying game of all time! CAUTION: Not playtested
How to use this book I feel that it is important for me to warn all who think about
using these monsters that most of these monsters have never
Well to be honest, you can use this in any way that you want! actually been used in a combat setting. What this means for
You paid for it, so use it as you see fit! If you're looking for you is that you should not rely purely on whatever CR this the
some direction, then I guess I can help out with that. A lot of stat block says, because in all honesty they are just educated
these monsters that I'm taking are huge and powerful guesses (which, I mean, aren't all CR labels kind of guesses
creatures that took either a hero of legend or an actual god anyways?) A monster that I think could squash a group of
themself to defeat. These creatures are great for final bosses, level 20 PCs could end up being squashed, and a monster
doomsday devices, or for when you just really want to shock that I think is a pushover could very easily end up pushing all
your players with something they can't find in the official your players to the grave. I've made up a lot of abilities and
books. actions, and some of them may be too powerful, and some
Because of these monster's connections with mythology, maybe not powerful enough. The bottom line is I don't know,
looking at these creatures is a great way to come up with so as long as you're wary of that, then everything should
inspiration for campaign building. Don't know how to add probably be fine. Probably.
Fenrir into your campaign? Then why not take some
inspiration from the ancients themselves! Use Fenrir's story Thanks Homebrewery!
to help shape your campaign or quest and then let the players I know a shout out is not exactly what you want to see at this
have an epic battle at the end with his own mythological part, but I feel it's important to shout out The Homebrewery,
inspired abilities! There are endless resources for myths out as without their website, this book would not look nearly as
there, so don't be afraid to do some digging to help good. So thanks! You guys rock!
incorporate these baddies into your world.
Why did you choose the monsters Thank you!
that you did? While I'm at it, I just want to say thank you for purchasing
this little project of mine! It means the world to me that you
An excellent question, to which the answer is somewhat would spend your hard earned money on a little guy like me,
simple. I chose the monsters that for one didn't already exist and I hope you enjoy reading through and learning about
officially in the game, and that also I felt could make for some these Massive Mythological Monstrosities!
fun and challenging monsters. There are of course more
monsters that exist throughout the world of Norse Mythology
that were not included in this resource, and there's a few ALL RIGHT, ENOUGH
reasons for that. For one thing, some monsters are only
mentioned by name and barely talked about again. Others DILLY DALLYING, LET'S
just really don't have much potential for DnD, like a giant GET ON TO WHAT YOU
boar that gets slaughtered every day to feed the warriors of
Valhalla. While that idea is fun and I did toy with making
some kind of joke stat block out of that, ultimately I just felt
that energy would be better suited put somewhere else. MONSTERS.

The World of Norse Mythology

he world of Norse Mythology is a fascinating The other group are the Aesir, who are the main collection
world where the idea of the end of the world of the most principal gods. This group is often considered to
permeates through a lot of it, otherwise known be more war like but are also just generally considered the
as Ragnarok. On this page, I'll give you a little most important and common gods. These gods live in Asgard
bit of background information on the Mythos and are the god that we are most familiar with in modern
of Norse mythology to help you understand media. The Aesir contains gods like Odin, Thor, Loki, Tyr,
some of the stories better. A LARGE amount of Ullr, and so forth.
what we know about Norse mythology is thanks to an At the beginning of time the Vanir and Aesir had a war that
Iclandic scholar known as Snorri Sturluson who wrote, or at brought about the combination of the Vanir and Aesir into
the very least compiled, today's largest source for modern one force. The Aesir-Vanir war is somewhat mysterious as it's
knowledge of Norse Mythology, the Prose Edda. not quite sure why it started except that a god named
The Prose Edda was written around 1220 and contains Gullveig was pierced by lances multiple times in Odin's hall,
story after story about the gods, Ragnarok, and so much and although they could not kill him, they burned him three
more. Look up any story we know from Norse Mythology and times and he came back each time. This murder apparently
more than likely the Prose Edda will come up in some way. In triggered the first ever war, and eventually the Aesir would
fact, most of the sources I used cited Sturluson, so he is a claim victory over the Vanir.
large part of why I was able to make this book, so cheers to
him. Cosmology
A world Doomed In the universe of Norse Mythology, there are Nine
Worlds/Realms that are all connected by the great ash tree
Ragnarok refers to the events that will bring about the end of Yggdrasil. These worlds each act as a home for different
the world, and where a bunch of the Norse gods are destined races, and it is possible to travel to these different worlds
to die. This is why a lot of stories involve these gods trying to through various means. There are even some creatures who
prolong these events from happening, but inevitably it will live on Yggdrasil itself. The Nine worlds are as follows:
happen. Asgard - Realm of the Aesir and the city where the gods
The Story of Ragnarok is actually not only well rule in their court.
documented, but very specific. Across various stories we Vanaheimr - literally translates to "Vanir-Home" where the
know which gods are killed by who and how, what begins Vanir come from.
Ragnarok, what ends it, and which gods survive and usher in Afheimr - Home of the Elves.
what is known as the new age. This specificity given to us Midgard - The home of the Humans, carved from the body
creates a very vivid image of the monsters involved and their of the primordial being Ymir and connected to Asgard by a
extreme power. While not gods, these monsters rival the gods rainbow bridge known as the Bifrost.
themselves and are able to kill them, a concept that might Jotunheimr - The home of Jotnar, the giants and separated
confuse some people who are only familiar with mythos like from Midgard by a series of rivers. Also somewhat strangely
the Greek and Roman mythos. referred to a lot as being "north."
However, much like the gods of Greece, the Norse gods do Hel - The world of the dead.
not always get along. In fact, at the very beginning of time, the Svartalfaheimr - The world of dwarves.
two groups of gods, the Vanir and the Aesir, fought a war Muspell - The world of fire and the home of Surtr, the fiery
which the Aesir won and made the Vanir subordinate to jotunn who will drown the world in fire. Also belonging to the
them. The world of Norse Mythology is full of gods and god- Sons of Muspell who Loki and Surtr will lead into battle on
like creatures butting heads and tricking each other, Ragnarok.
especially one infamous god named Loki. Not only does Loki Niflheimr - The world of ice.
cause mischief across many stories, but it is his offspring that
are the massive monsters that bring about Ragnarok, and he
who helps lead them.
The Gods
There are two main groups of gods in the world of Norse
Mythology. First are the Vanir, which are the older of the two
groups. The Vanir live in a place called Vanaheimr and are
the gods responsible for wealth, fertility, and commerce. This
includes gods like Njord, god of the sea and winds, Freyr, god
of fertility, farming, and weather, and his sister Freyja.

riginally the son of the dwarf king Hreidmar A loud incoherent clamour of bird sounds erupts from the
and the brother of Otr and Reginn, Fafnir's walls of the lair, forcing any creature that can hear to
greed would later cause him to live the rest of make a DC-15 Constitution saving throw or take 5d8
his life as a dragon looming over his treasure thunder damage and become stunned for until the next
stained with blood. Fafnir's brother, Otr, often Lair action.
liked to take on the form of an otter, and one
day while Loki, Odin, and Hoenir were
traveling, they saw Otr and thought he was just an otter. Loki
ended up killing Otr and the three of them skinned the otter
as a trophy. Furious, Hreidmar went and captured the three
Aesir, who then agreed to fill Otr's skin with gold as ransom
for their lives. Odin sent Loki to do so, forcing a dwarf named
Andvari to give up his gold, along with a ring that Andvari
claimed would bring to ruin anyone who came to possess
A betrayal for a betrayal. When the skin full of gold was
given to Hreidmar, he and his remaining sons accepted this
peace offering. However, not all would settle, as Fafnir and
Reginn demanded their share of the gold, but their father
refused. Enraged by his father's refusal, and powered by his
lust for gold, Fafnir would stab his father while he was
sleeping, and make away with the gold all for himself. Fafnir
then fled, taking the gold, and more importantly the ring, with
him. As he ran away from his crime and his only remaining
family, his greed began to consume him and his mind. Fafnir
found a place to make his lair and hid away all of the gold and
treasure he had murdered for in the lair. To top it all off, and
to make sure his treasures would stay safe, Fafnir would turn
himself into a dragon, and still remains as such to this day.
Fafnir's Lair
Fafnir's lair is where he keeps all of his treasure that he won
by murdering his father in cold blood. Those brave enough to
try to take back the treasure from the greedy claws of Fafnir
will find all sorts of magical items on top of the massive
horde of gold on which he sleeps. Of course, to actually
acquire the gold, one must survive the wrath of the former The dragon Fafnir guards the gold hoard. by Arthur
dwarf. Rackham. 1911.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) Fafnir may invoke
the power of his lair to perform one of the following actions.
Fafnir cannot use the same effect twice in a row.
Fafnir creates a circle of poison with a 15ft radius. Anyone
caught within the circle must make a DC-15 constitution
saving throw or take 5d8 poison damage and become
poisoned, or half as much on a success. Anyone who
attempts to walk through the circle must also make the
saving throw or suffer the same effects. A poisoned
creature can make the saving throw again at the end of
their turn. The circle lasts for 1 minute or until he uses
the ability again.
Fafnir slams his giant mountain of gold and sends gold
flying in a 60ft cone. Anyone caught in the cone must
make a DC-17 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d8
bludgeoning damage,, or half as much on a success. The
area of the cone then becomes difficult terrain until Fafnir
uses this effect again.

Fafnir Claw. Melee weapon attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
(2dd6 + 6) slashing damage.
Huge dragon, neutral evil
Tail. Melee weapon attack: +11 to hit, reach 15ft. Hit
Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor) (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90)
Speed 40ft. Greedy Presence (Recharge 6) Fafnir unleashes his own
greed to cloud the judgement of his enemies. Each
creature that can see Fafnir must make a DC 16
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Charisma saving throw or become charmed for 1
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14(+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) minute. When charmed in this way, the charmed
creature must use their action to collect any gold
Saving Throws INT +7, WIS +7 and/or shiny objects that are lying around, ignoring
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Frightened any danger that may be present. A creature may
Damage Immunities Poison repeat that saving throw at the end of its turn.
Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 15 Poison Breath (Recharge 6) Fafnir releases his
Languages Draconic, Dwarvish, Common poisonous breath in a 30ft cone. Each creature in
Challenge 15 (13,000) that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving
throw or take 16d6 poison damage, or half of that
Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Fafnir fails a saving throw on a success.
he can instead choose to succeed.
Swayed by Greed. Fafnir has Disadvantage against being
Legendary Actions
charmed. Fafnir has three legendary actions, which he regains at
the start of his turn. He can use one legendary action
Amphibious. Fafnir can breathe air and water. at the end of another creature's turn.
Communicate with Birds. Fafnir can freely communicate Claw. Fafnir makes one Claw action.
and understand birds, and they can also understand
him. Tail Attack. Fafnir makes one Tail attack.
Wing Attack (2 actions). Fafnir beats its wings, causing
Actions each creature to make a DC 19 Strength Saving
Multiattack. Fafnir may use his Greedy Presence if throw or take 10d8 bludgeoning damage and be
possible, then can make three attacks: One Bite knocked prone, or take half as much damage on a
attack and two Claw attacks. success.
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
(2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus (2d6) poison


ne of the monstrous children of Loki and
Angrboda, Fenrir is destined to be one of the
bringers of Ragnarok. A monstrous wolf with
incredible strength, Fenrir's eyes blaze with
fire and flames burst from his nostrils. Just like
his brother, Jormungandr, Fenrir is prophesied
to take a part in the cataclysm of the world
known as Ragnarok. Until that day comes, Fenrir remains
bound by a magical ribbon to a great rock that keeps him
imprisoned until the day of reckoning.
Impeccable Growth and Unprecedented Strength.
While Jormungandr was cast into the ocean and Hel was cast
into Niflheimr, The Allfather declared that Fenrir shall be
watched more closely, raising him at home so they can watch
his actions. However, the fear that was instilled in the gods
because of Fenrir's part of the prophecy made most of the
Aesir want nothing to do with him, and the only one brave
enough to feed the young wolf was Tyr, the most daring of the
Aesir. What the gods couldn't have anticipated, though, was
how large Fenrir would become, as he only kept growing
larger and larger as time passed. Eventually, the gods decided
that binding the beast was the only option to keep him in
place. After he broke through two of the toughest chains they
had, the gods then brought forth a ribbon and challenged
Fenrir to attempt to break through it. Sensing that it was a
trap, Fenrir told them that he would only be bound if a god
placed his hand in Fenrir's mouth. Tyr once again was the
one to step up and face the beast, and as Fenrir realized that
the ribbon was magical and he was now trapped, he snapped
off Tyr's hand as punishment for the deceit the gods used to
bind him.
Releasing the Apocalypse. Fenrir's fate is to remain Fenrir devouring Odin by Dorothy Hardy, 1909.
bound until the day of Ragnarok. When the fateful day comes,
Fenrir shall be loosed, and he will advance and begin
devouring everything, placing his lower jaw against the earth,
and his upper jaw in the heavens. In order to stop him, Odin,
the Allfather, is said to be the one who will step up to face
him, but Fenrir will devour even the Allfather, killing him.
Fenrir's victory shall be short lived, as Odin's son Vidarr shall
tear him apart from his jaw, killing him. Whether the
prophecy will come true or not remains to be seen, but if the
wolf ever gets released, destruction shall feed his gullet until
he is finally satisfied.

Fenrir Devour the World (Recharge 5-6). Fenrir digs his jaw
into the earth, flinging debris in a 30ft radius circle
Gargantuan beast, neutral evil
around him in front of him. Any creature caught in
Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor) that circle must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving
Hit Points 1232 (85d20 + 340) throw or take 12d12 bludgeoning, or half on a
Speed 40ft. success. That area then becomes difficult terrain
until cleared.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Devour the Gods (Recharge 6). Fenrir devours the divine
essence of a god, imbuing his body with power. Until
30 (+10) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) the end of his next turn, anyone who can see Fenrir
must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
Damage Resistances Piercing, slashing, and become blind for 1 minute, repeating the saving
bludgeoning from non-magical weapons throw at the end of their turns. On top of that, Fenrir
Damage Immunities Fire, radiant. gains +10 to his AC.
Senses Darvision 60ft, passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Giant. Legendary Actions
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) Each round Fenrir has three legendary actions that he
regains at the start of his turn. He can use these
Öllum Verður Eytt (Mythic Trait; Recharges after a Short actions at the end of another creature's turn.
or Long Rest). When Fenrir is reduced to 0 hit points,
he doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, he Bite. Fenrir makes one Bite attack.
regains 600 hit points and a swarm of chains erupt
from his location. These chains surround him in a Dash. Fenrir can move up to half his movement speed.
circle with a 60ft radius and are constantly moving. Devour (3 Actions). Fenrir can use one of his Devour
Any creature that starts its turn in these chains must abilities if available.
make a DC 20 Dexterity Saving Throw or become
restrained. The chains are considered difficult terrain
whether one succeeds the saving throw or not.
Mythic Actions
If Fenrir's Mythic trait is active, it can use the options
Unbound. Fenrir has advantage on any saving throw below as legendary actions for 1 hour.
against being restrained and advantage on any check
to become unrestrained. However, Fenrir has Tear Into Their Flesh. Fenrir makes two attacks, one Claw
disadvantage on similar saving throws and checks if attack and one Bite attack.
it has to do with being restrained via a magical item.
All Shall Know My Suffering (3 Actions). Fenrir's chains
Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Fenrir fails a saving throw lash out at anyone within the chain aura around him.
he can instead choose to pass it. The targets must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving
throw or become restrained and take 8d12 Force
Actions Damage, or half as much on a success.
Claw. Melee weapon attack: +18 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
(3d10 + 10) slashing damage.
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +18 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
(3d12 + 10) piercing damage.
Devour the Sun (Recharge 6). Fenrir swallows the Sun
and holds it in his stomach until the end of his next
turn. For that time, any creature that starts its turn
within 30ft of Fenrir takes (5d12) fire damage, and
every attack Fenrir makes adds an additional (8d10)
fire damage.


he Fossegrim, also known as the Stromkarlen,
is a mysterious creature that is said to be
related to a water spirit. However, this is no
ordinary water spirit but instead one that is an
expert fiddler unparalleled by any mortal
being. When the Fossegrim plays it's fiddle, the
sounds of the forest, the wind, and the water
flow over it's fiddle, creating a sound like no other.
The Picky Teacher. The Fossegrim does not simply play
the fiddle to provide entertainment, but also to attract those
who wish to learn this skill. When a would-be student wishes
to learn from the Fossegrim, they must come with one of two
very specific offerings, and only on the fifth day of the week.
For the first offering, the supplicant must bring the fickle
teacher the meat of a goat killed by throwing it, head turned
away, into a waterfall that flows northwards. The other option
is to bring the Fossegrim smoked mutton four times in a row
that was stolen from a neighbor.
If the Fossegrim finds the meat on these offerings to be
sufficient, then it shall take the offerer's finger and draw it
across the fiddle until it bleeds. From that point on, the
student will be able to play the fiddle so well that nature itself
will stop to listen. If the meat is found lacking, then the
Fossegrim will only teach them how to tune the fiddle.
The Nacken. A close relative to the Fossegrim, the Nacken
are male water spirits or a somewhat more malevolent type.
While most Nacken mind their own business and not
purposefully cause mischief, there are some Nacken who do
seek to toy with, or even kill, those who would hear its song.
With their violin, the Nacken can play songs that enchanted
women and children who hear it. For those Nacken with evil Fossegrimen by Nils Bergslien, 2015.
intentions, they then lure these women and children to a lake
or river, and drown them before they come to. What's more, it
is hard to spot a Nacken for what they truly are, as they are
shapeshifters, and no one really knows what their true form

Nacken Fossegrim
Medium fey, chaotic neutral Medium fey, Chaotic good

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 27 (6d8) Hit Points 36 (8d8)
Speed 30ft, 30ft swim Speed 30ft, 30ft swim

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+2) 18 (+4)

Condition Immunities Charmed Saving Throws Dex +7 Wis +5

Senses passive Perception 12 Condition Immunities Charmed
Languages Common, Sylvan Senses passive Perception 13, Truevision 30ft.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages Common, primordial.
Challenge 5 (2050 XP)
Shapeshifter. As an action, a Nacken can transform
into a humanoid, beast, or fey that is equal to or Fiddle Mimicry. Using it's fiddle, the Fossegrim can
lower than its challenge rating. When it does so it perfectly mimic the sounds of the forest, wind,
gains its stats and any actions that it has, but it and water. It requires a DC 15 investigation
retains its alignment and personality. When it check to discover the mimicry.
drops to 0 HP, the Nacken reverts to its true
form. Amphibious. The Fossegrim can breathe both in air
and in water.
Amphibious. A Nacken can breathe both in air and
in water. Mystical Teacher. Any creature that the Fossegrim
draws its finger along its fiddle gains proficiency
in performance and the Fiddle, as well as the
Actions Fossegrim's power.
Enthrall. The Nacken chooses one humanoid it can
see within 60ft and starts playing its violin. The Spellcasting. The Fossegrim is considered a level 8
target must make a DC 14 Charisma Saving spellcaster and uses Charisma as its spellcasting
Throw or become charmed by the Nacken. The ability (Spell Save DC 15 and +7 to hit).
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
its turn. If the target is female or a child, it has Cantrips- Vicious Mockery, Truestrike, Minor
disadvantage on the saving throw. Illusion, Prestidigitation.
Level 1 (4 slots)- Charm Person, Earth Tremor,
Silent Image.
Level 2 (3 slots)- Blindness/Deafen, Enthrall.
Level 3 (3 Slots)- Major Image, Non Detection,
Hypnotic Pattern
Level 4 (2 Slots)- Charm Monster
Fiddle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, 5ft. Hit
(1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Fiddle with the Mind (Recharge 6). The Fossegrim
begins playing its fiddle, capturing the attention
of those who can hear it. Every creature within
60ft of the Fossegrim must make a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw or become charmed for
10 minutes. When charmed in this way, the
creature is also under the effect of the Calm
Emotions spell. The creature can make the saving
throw again at the end of their turn, and a
creature who succeeds the saving throw is
immune to this effect for 24 hours.


he World Serpent, the Midgard Serpent, one of
the bringers of Ragnarok, Jormungandr is a
sea serpent with who is destined to bring
death to the gods. As one of the three offspring
of Loki and the giantess Angrbroda, there is a
prophecy surrounding him and his siblings,
Fenrir and Hel, that they shall bring great
misfortune. The Allfaather Odin had the three of them
brought before him, and he tossed Jormungandr into the
ocean when he would remain until Ragnarok came.
The World Serpent. As Jormungandr lay at the bottom of
the ocean, he continued to grow. For years, he grew and grew
until he grew so large that he wrapped his body around the
world and caught his tail in his mouth. There, he remains, tail
in mouth confining Midgard in the coils of his body. It is said
that one of the signs of Ragnarok is when Jormungandr will
let go of his own tail and slither on the land causing the
waves to surge onto land. Once out of the ocean,
Jormungandr will spew into the sky, and his movements shall
loosen the ship Naglfar, piloted by Loki and carrying the sons
of Muspell to do battle with the Aesir. Thus, Jormungandr
waits for the day when he releases his tail and helps bring
about the destruction of the gods.
A Rivalry of Thunder. Through the intertwinings of fate,
Jormungandr has a deadly rivalry that has existed for
countless years, his rivalry with the god Thor. Already Thor
and Jormungandr have met multiple times with some near
devastating results. First they met in the court of Utgarda-
Loki, a jotunn ruler, where Utgarda-Loki deceived Thor in an
attempt to belittle him. To test Thor's strength, the jotunn
king told Thor to pick up a mere gray cat. Despite his best
efforts, Thor was only able to get one of the cat's paws off the
ground, embarrassing him. Utgarda-Loki revealed his trick,
showing him that the cat was actually Jormungandr in
disguise. Thor never forgot the embarrassment he endured in
part thanks to Jormungandr, and he would attempt to enact
revenge when they met again. When Thor and Hymir went on
a fishing trip, it was none other than Jormungandr that Thor
reeled in after using a head of one of Hymir's oxen as bait.
Thor immediately sprung into action, bashing the World
Serpent multiple times in the head with his hammer before
Hymir cut the line, allowing for Jormungandr to sink back
into the ocean.
One Final Meeting. It is prophesied that Thor and
Jormungandr have one more destined meeting, but this time
it will be at the end of the world. During Ragnarok, Thor is
said to confront Jormungandr and end their vicious rivalry
once and for all. Thor will slay Jormungandr after a battle of
cataclysmic proportions, but the victory will be short lived, for
after Thor takes nine more steps, he will fall dead. This fated
meeting surely weighs heavily on the god of thunder, but for
the World Serpent, it will be a day he has long waited for.
Whatever happens when Ragnarok finally comes, there is
only one thing for certain, that Jormungandr will be there,
and that destruction will follow in his wake.

Untitled. Unknown artist, 1680.

Jormungandr Poisonous Bite. Melee weapon attack: +14 to hit, reach
10ft. Hit (3d10 + 5) piercing damage plus (3d10)
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil
poison damage. The target must make a DC 27
Armor Class 24 (Natural Armor) Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. A
Hit Points 2,050 (100d20 + 1,000) poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Speed 100ft. end of their turn. This type of poison cannot be
cured by the Lesser Restoration spell.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Poison Spit. Ranged weapon attack: +14 to hit, reach
50ft. Hit (5d10 + 5) poison damage. The target
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) must make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned. A poisoned creature can repeat
Saving Throws STR +14 CHR+10 CON +19 the saving throw at the end of their turn. This type of
Damage Resistances Acid poison cannot be cured by the Lesser Restoration
Damage Immunities Poison, Piercing, Bludgeoning, and spell.
Slashing from non-magical attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning. Poison the Skies (Recharge 6). Jormungandr shoots
Condition Immunities Restrained, Poisoned, Prone poison into the air covering the atmosphere with his
Senses Tremor sens 120ft, passive perception 17 poisonous breath. Every creature in a 100ft radius
Languages Giant, Common, Draconic, Celestial. must make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or
Challenge 29 (155,000 XP) take 20d10 poison damage, or half as much on a
Andlát Midgarðs (Mythic Trait; Recharges after a Short or Wrapped Around the World (Recharge 6). Jormungandr
Long Rest). When Jormungandr is reduced to 0 hit attempts to constrict his enemies using his massive
points, he doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, body. Creatures caught inside a 50ft radius circle
Jormungandr regains 1025 HP and begins to exude centered on a spot within 100ft of Jormungandr
a thick cloud of poison from his damaged skin in a must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or
60ft radius. This cloud is considered complete become restrained. As a bonus action, Jormungandr
darkness in a 30ft radius, and dim light past that. Any can inflict (3d12) Bludgeoning damage to anyone
creature that breathes in must succeed on a DC 27 restrained by him.
Constitution Saving Throw or become poisoned.
Creatures can remake the saving throw if they are Legendary Actions
outside of the cloud at the end of their turns.
Each round Jormungandr has three legendary actions
The World Serpent. Once per turn, when Jormungandr that he regains at the start of his turn. He can use
moves, every creature within 120ft of him must these actions at the end of another creature's turn.
make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
prone due to the shaking of the ground caused by Bite. Jormungandr makes one Poisonous Bite attack.
his movement Slither. Jormungandr can move up to half of his
Nine Steps Towards Death. Any creature that becomes movement speed.
poisoned by Jormungandr and has been poisoned for Spit. Jormungandr makes one Poison Spit attack.
9 of their consecutive turns instantly dies at the end
of their 9th turn.
Mythic Actions
Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Jormungandr fails a If Jormungandr's Mythic trait is active, it can use the
saving throw he can instead choose to succeed. options below as legendary actions for 1 hour.
Immeasurable. Jormungandr has advantage on all skill Seethe With Poison. Jormungandr makes two attacks,
checks that use strength, but he also cannot use the either two Poisonous Bites, or two Poison Spits.
dash action.
None Living Shall Survive (3 Actions). Jormungandr
Actions recharges and uses his Poison the Skies ability.
Multiattack. Jormungandr makes three Poisonous Bite
attacks. Jormungandr can replace any Poisonous Bite
attack with a Poison Spit attack.


nderneath the World Tree Yggdrasil, there lies A Bloody Killer. While Garmr's past is unknown, his
a land that the dead call home. It is known as future is already written in prophecy. Even today, every soul
Hel, named after the goddess that presides that passes through Helgrind can look over and see the
over it, the daughter of Loki and Angrboda. hound and gaze upon his bloody pelt which he has come to
While Valhalla is where the chosen heroes be identified with. No amount of time has removed these
who fall in combat go, Hel is where everyone stains from his fur, and when Ragnarok comes, his fur shall
else goes. There are multiple places in Hel be stained once again. In the battle of the end times, Garmr
where a soul can go depending on what the soul did in life, shall find himself face to face with Tyr, and the two are
but no matter where they go, they all must pass through destined to do battle. In a twist of cruel fate, the two shall end
Helgrind, the gates of Hel. It is nearby this gate that a certain up killing each other, and their bodies shall stain the world
hound remains chained. His name is Garmr, and it is there with each other's blood. At that point though, Garmr will have
that he shall remain chained until Ragnarok comes. already completed his mission, and Ragnarok will have
The Herald of Ragnarok. No one knows what crime already begun.
Garmr committed that caused him to be chained near the
gates of Hel, but perhaps the Aesir learned of the part he is to
play at the end of times, and for that they chained him. It is
said through the prophecy of Ragnarok that the blood-stained
hound shall one day break free of his chains, and when he
does he will let loose a howl that will shake Yggdrasil to its
core. That howl is the sign for the beginning of the end, for it
is Garmr's howl that will begin the events of Ragnarok.

Garmr Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Garmr fails a saving

throw he may choose to succeed.
Huge beast, chaotic evil

Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor) Actions

Hit Points 517 (45d12 + 225) Multiattack. Garmr may make two Claw attacks and one
Speed 40ft. Bite attack.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, 10ft reach. Hit
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (2d8 + 8) Slashing damage plus (1d8) acid damage.
26 (+8) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, 5ft reach. Hit
(2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus (1d8) acid damage.
Saving Throws DEX +12, CON +12
Damage Immunities Radiant, Fire, Necrotic, Acid. Signal the End (Recharge 6). Garmr let's out a long and
Condition Immunities Restrained, Grappled. earth shaking howl, let all who can hear it know the
Senses Darkvision 120ft, passive perception 9. end has come. Each creature within 120ft that can
Languages Common, Infernal hear him must make a DC 20 Con save. On a fail, the
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) creature is deafened for 1 minute. A creature that
fails and has less than 50 HP is dropped to 0 HP. A
Blood Pool. If Garmr does not move on his turn, a pool Creature that fails and has less than 25 HP dies
of blood with a 10ft radius forms beneath him. Each instantly.
turn that he stands in the same spot, the pool grows
and expands its radius another 10f. The first time Legendary Actions
that a player in the blood pool moves on their turn, Garmr has three legendary actions which he may use at
they must make a DC-22 DEX saving throw or be the end of another creature's turn. He regains the
knocked prone and lose their movement. The pool actions at the end of his turn.
goes away 1d4 turns after Garmr has moved from
the pool's position. Any creature that starts their Bite. Garmr makes one Bite attack.
turn prone in the pool takes 2d10 Acid damage.
Ooze Blood. Garmr expands the Blood Pool by 10ft.
Blood Rush. If Garmr drops a creature to 0 HP, he may
Boiling Blood (2 Actions). Garmr heats up the blood
use his full movement to move towards another
pool at his feet to a boiling level. Each creature
besides Garmr must make a DC 20 Constitution
Blood Frenzy. When Garmr hits an attack, he may saving throw or take (5d12) Acid damage.
sacrifice 10HP in order to attack again.


hen Loki made a bet with the dwarf Brokkr
that he and his brother Eitri could not make
items of quality that he had acquired from the Gullinbursti
Sons of Ivaldi, he could not have expected Large construct, lawful good
what the two brothers would make in
response. Loki showed the brothers Sif's hair, Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Freyr's ship Skidbladnir, and Odin's spear Hit Points 187 (15d10 + 105)
Gungnir to set the bar for the brothers, and then the two Speed 60ft.
brothers went to work.
Forged by Fire. Eitir went out and slayed a pig, placing the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
pigskin into the hearth and told his brother to blow. Eitir
worked the skin while Bokkr blew, neither brother stopping 20 (+5) 18 (+3) 24 (+7) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
in their work. At one point, Bokkr was even stung by a fly, but
continued to blow and worked through the pain. When the Damage Resistances Slashing, piercing, and
work was done, Eitir pulled out of the hearth a boar whose bludgeoning from non magical attacks.
mane and bristles were made of gold. This creation would be Damage Immunities Fire
named Gullinbursti, meaning Golden-bristled. Condition Immunities Restrained, Grappled, Blinded.
Senses Darkvision 120ft.
Freyr's Faithful Stead. As a gift to the god Freyr, the dwarf Languages -
brothers presented Gullinbursti and offered it to the god to Challenge 8 (3,900 EXP)
use as his mount. Eitir explained that the boar could run
through both air and water better than any horse ever could, Better Than Any Horse. Gullinbursti is unaffected by
and that the glow of it's golden bristle could illuminate even difficult terrain,can walk on water, and can Dash
the darkest night. Freyr accepted the gift happily, and ever as a bonus action.
since then, Gullinbursti has been his faithful steed.
Golden Bristles. Gullinbursti emits light from his
body that illuminates any kind of darkness within
Charge. If Gullinbursti moves straight towards a
target for 30ft or more, his Gore attack does an
extra 3d6 damage.
Construct Nature. Gullinbursti doesn't need to eat or
drink to survive, and only needs to remain
inactive for four hours to get a long rest.

Multiattack. Gullinbursti makes one Gore and one
Stomp attack, or can
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft.
Hit (3d6 + 5) piercing damage. The target must
then make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft
on a prone target. Hit (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning
Shine Through the Darkness (Recharge 6)
Gullinbursti intensifies the glow from his bristles,
attempting to blind his opponents. Any creature
within 100ft of Gullinbursti must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw or be blinded for one
minute. Affected creatures can redo the saving
throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect
Freyr by Johannes Gehrts, 1901. on a success.

Hafgufa and Lyngbakr

he seas can be one of the most dangerous The Fish of Stone. Said to be the mother of all sea
places that man can traverse, and there are no monsters, Hafgufa's full description is elusive, no doubt due
better examples of these dangers than the two to the fact that those who have seen her full massive body
creatures known as Hafgufa and Lyngbakr. were never heard from again. The most common description
Two massive creatures, both with the natural that comes from those that describe it is that Hafgufa
appearance able to fool sailors into thinking appears on the surface through her nose, which has the
that they are simply a part of the great blue uncanny appearance of two large stones rising out of the
ocean, only for them to realize too late that they were wrong. water. Hafgufa is said to feed by belching up excess food,
Hafgufa and Lyngbakr are the type of creatures which expert luring fish closer to her before swallowing all that gathered.
sailors warn novice ones about, and those who do not heed Whether purposeful or not, sailors, ships, and even whales
those warnings do not live to regret. also sometimes find themselves devoured by Hafgufa's
enormous maw.
The Island Whale. The greatest whale of the sea,
Lyngbakr has a slightly more insidious reputation. Due to its
massive size, Lyngbakr when staying still can be mistaken as
an island covered in heather. Not only does this appearance
act as a clever camouflage, but is also how it baits its victims.
Those who are unwary of the true nature of the "island" they
stumble upon become doomed the moment they step on
Lyngbakr's back, the whale submurges, drowning its victims
in the salty grave of the sea.

Hafgufa Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15ft. Hit
(5d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Gargantuan beast, unaligned
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
Armor Class 25 (Natural Armor)
(6d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage
Hit Points 925 (50d20 + 400)
Speed 20ft, Swim 60ft. Belch (Recharge 5-6). Hafgufa releases a massive belch,
sending leftover food flying in a 60ft cone. Any
creature caught in the cone must make a DC 20
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Constitution saving throw or become stunned for
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 26 (+8) 4 (-3) 4 (-3) 6 (-2) one minute, and the cone becomes difficult terrain.
A creature that failed can remake the saving throw at
Saving Throws STR +11 DEX +7 the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.
Damage Immunities Fire
Condition Immunities Restrained, Prone Legendary Actions
Senses passive Perception 7 Hafgufa has 3 legendary actions, which are made at the
Languages None end of another creature's turn. She regains these
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) legendary actions at the end of her turn.

Stoneskin. Hafgufa has resistance to all damage types Slam. Hafgufa makes one Slam attack.
except psychic. When Hafgufa has less than 600 HP, Swim. Hafgufa moves up to her movement speed.
that resistance goes away. When Hafgufa has less
than 300 HP, she has vulnerability to all damage Sharpened Rock (3 Actions). Hafgufa's stone skin
except psychic. Fire damage has no effect no matter suddenly becomes sharpened to a point, and anyone
her HP. who hits Hafgufa with a melee attack takes (3d10)
piercing damage.
Massive Camouflage. When Hafgufa is staying still, she
is indistinguishable from a large rock formation.
Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Hafgufa fails a saving
throw she can instead choose to succeed.

Multiattack. Hafgufa can make One slam and one bite
attack or can make one slam and one Belch attack.

Lyngbakr Submerge. If in water, Lyngbakr dives underwater. Every
creature on his back must make a DC 18 Dexterity
Gargantuan beast, unaligned
saving throw or be taken with him, becoming
Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor) restrained and unable to breathe. While Lyngbakr is
Hit Points 435 (30d20 + 120) Submerged, he cannot make Slam attacks, and
Speed 20ft. Swim 80 ft. attacks against him have disadvantage.
Breach. When submerged, Lyngbakr bursts forth from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the water with deadly force, sending waves crashing
in a 60ft radius. Each creature caught in this radius,
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 10 (+0) 6 (-3) and any creature on his back, must make a DC 19
Strength saving throw or be knocked backwards to
Saving Throws. DEX +10, CON +10, WIS +6 the edge of the radius and take 10d10 force
Damage Vulnerabilities. Lightning. damage. On a success, the creature takes half as
Damage Resistances. Fire. much damage and is not knocked back.
Damage Immunities. Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning
from non magical attacks. Legendary Actions
Senses passive Perception 10, blindsense 120ft. Lyngbakr has three Legendary actions that he takes at
Languages None the end of another creature's turn. He regains these
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) legendary actions at the of his turn.

Massive Camouflage. When Lyngbakr is staying still, he Slam. Lyngbakr makes one Slam attack.
is indistinguishable from an island.
Swim. Lyngbakr moves up to half his movement speed.
Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Lyngbakr fails a saving
throw he can instead choose to succeed. Churn Waves (3 actions). Lyngbakr makes a singular
heavy movement that churns waves around him in a
Island Back. Lyngbakr's back is flat enough to stand on 30ft radius. Every creature in that area makes a DC-
easily, and is not difficult terrain, however hitting her 19 Strength saving throw or takes 5d10 force
while standing on has a +3 to his AC. damage, taking half on a success.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
(4d8 + 5) Bludgeoning damage.

Anonymous, circa 1633.


otnar, while often the enemies of the gods,
sometimes become the parents of them. On a
select few occasions, the communion of two Hymir
Jotnar brings a powerful being into existence, a Huge giant, neutral evil
being that later will rise to ascension and become
a god. Hymir is one jotunn who can claim to be Armor Class 20 (Leather Armor)
the father of divinity. Hit Points 389 (19d20 + 190)
The Jotunn Hymir is the father of the god Tyr, and despite Speed 40ft.
Tyr's sense of justice, his father was not so just-spirited.
Though wise, Hymir is an evil spirited jotunn who is often STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
callous, ill-tempered, and cold-hearted. There are not many,
however, who would dare challenge the jotunn to his face, as 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 14 (+2)
Hymir's strength and wit equals that of the Aesir.
The Trials of Thor. Perhaps Hymir's most famous bout Saving Throws STR +13 CON +16
was not necessarily one of violence, but one of tests as he Damage Immunities Cold, Radiant, Bludgeoning,
famously tested the god of thunder, Thor, who along with Tyr Slashing, Piercing from non magical attacks.
Senses passive Perception 22, Tremorsense 120ft.
sought to get his mile deep cauldron. Hymir, loath to give up Languages Giant, Common, Celestial
one of his prize possessions, decided to instead challenge the Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)
god of thunder after Thor ate two of his three boars he had
fetched for dinner. Hymir set out to fish in the morning, and Rival of the Gods. Hymir has advantage on all attacks
told Thor that if he wished to come he must bring his own against a Celestial creature and Clerics.
bait. In response, Thor found a huge ox, one of Hymir's
prized beasts, and tore off its head with his bare hands. Harder than Crystal. If an attack crits against Hymir,
Out on the water Thor cast his bait. While Hymir caught the damage die is not doubled.
two whales, Thor ended up catching the Midgard Serpent
Jormangandr, who Thor then had to beat back down into the Legendary Resistance. 3/day if Hymir fails a saving
throw, he can instead choose to succeed.
depths with his hammer. Once they had rowed back, Hymir
told Thor to pull his weight and either secure the boat, or Actions
carry the whales. Thor then promptly carried both the boat
and the whales to the shore. Multiattack. Hymir can make one Swipe attack and
Hard-headed. Though Hymir was impressed with the god's two Slam attacks. If it has a creature grappled, it
strength, he still refused to give up the cauldron. He told Thor can make a Headbutt attack in place of a Swipe
that in order to procure his cauldron, he needed to prove his
strength by smashing his crystal goblet. Seemingly an easy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10ft.
task, Thor flung the goblet against the wall and floor, but Hit (3d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
everytime the goblet came back unscathed. Frustrated, Thor
was about to give up when Hymir's wife, Tyr's mother, Ice Spear. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit. 50/100ft
confided in him, telling him to smash the goblet against range. Hit (1d8 + 2) piercing plus (3d8) cold
Hymir's head when he was full on food, for surely no crystal damage.
was harder than her husband's head. Swipe. Melee weapon attack. +13 to hit, reach 10ft.
Following her instructions, Thor waited until Hymir was Hit (1d10 + 7) Bludgeoning damage and the
full on the feast before taking the goblet and slamming it into target becomes grappled (Escape DC 21). Hymir
the jotunn's forehead. Sure enough, the goblet shattered into can only have two targets grappled this way.
pieces, and begrudgingly, Hymir agreed to give Thor and Tyr
the cauldron. He did not, however, say that he would give it Headbutt. Melee weapon attack. +13 to hit against
peacefully. After Thor and Tyr walked with the cauldron for a one grappled creature. Hit (5d12 + 7)
bludgeoning damage.
bit, Hymir sent multi-headed creatures after them to take it
back, one of them wielding the mighty Mjollnir. Thor slew Primordial Rage (Recharges 6). Using the power each
every one, and then took Mjollnir for himself. jotunn inherits from Ymir, Hymir can cause an
explosion of primordial energy to erupt from
their body. Each creature within 60ft of the
jotunn must make a DC 21 Strength saving
throw or take 10d10 force damage and get
thrown away from the jotunn 60ft and be
knocked prone.


iants who were born as descendents of the Diverse and Huge. The jotnar are not creatures to scoff at,
great primordial jotunn known as Ymir, the for their size and strength alone are enough to bring most to
Jotnar are a common enemy of the Aesir, and their knees. However, it is hard to describe the jotnar with
are the race destined to fight them at the one singular description, for each jotunn is unique, and some
world's end in Ragnarok. Led by Loki and have more powers than others. While some, such as the
Hyrmr, they together with the forces of Hel and jotunn Skymir, are so large their gloves can be mistaken for
the Sons of Musphell will collide with the houses, others control the very forces of nature, while others
Aesir,ending their millenia long rivalry in blood and fire. still stand out for having up to even nine heads. This diversity
Primordial Beginnings. The Jotnar trace their origins causes each jotunn to be a unique threat to the gods, and to
back to the very beginning of the world and heaven. Before any unfortunate fool who happens to stumble in their path.
anything, there was Ymir, the first being. Where Ymir existed,
there was nothing but a sprawling chasm of chaos as the
earth and heavens had not yet been created. But, as Ymir Jotunn Variants. Since each Jotunn is unique, here
slept he sweat, and from that sweat, life was born. Under his are provided some variants to the normal Jotunn
stat block in order to show off the variety of these
left hand grew a man, and under his right hand a women. massive creatures.
From underneath his left foot a six headed man. From these
first creatures, the jotnar would trace their lineage. Gigantic. Truly earning their race's name, these
Eventually, Ymir was killed by the three sons of Borr, and Jotunn are truly massive. Gigantic Jotnar are
from his remains, the world was formed. considered gargantuan creatures and gain an
The Rivals of the Gods. Though some of the Aesir sought extra 200 flat HP. On top of that, their Strength
giantesses as lovers, more often than not, the jotnar and the and Constitution are increased by 2, and they
gods are bitter rivals. Over the course of the universe, the are immune to being restrained.
jotnar see many wrongdoings done by the gods, starting with Many-Headed. These Jotunn are born with all the
the killing of Ymir. Thor killed many of their brethren with benefits of having more than one head, and are
Mjollnir, Odin stole the mead of poetry from them, and more powerful foes for it. Many-Headed Jotnar
have advantage against being charmed,
countless other trespesses against them that lead the jotnar frightened, blinded, deafened, and stunned and
to their dislike towards the gods. The gods do not take this gain a +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom.
hate lightly, for they know the fate that awaits them at Force of Nature. Having control of the very
Ragnarok and have seen the jotunn's strength first hand, forces of nature, these jotunns are terrifying
causing even the Aesir to tread lightly when dealing with a even to the most powerful Spellcasters. Force
jotnar. of Nature Jotnar have Innate Spellcasting, using
Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (Spell
Save DC 17, +9 to hit). They can cast Watery
Sphere, Wall of Fire, Control Winds, and
Erupting Earth (at 5th level) each 2/day.

Jotunn Rivals of the Gods. A Jotunn has advantage on all attacks

against celestial creatures and clerics.
Huge giant, Chaotic neutral
Armor Class 20 (Leather Armor) Multiattack. A Jotunn can either make two Slam attacks
Hit Points 250 (20d12 + 120) or two Ice Spear attacks.
Speed 40ft.
Slam. Melee weapon attack: + 10 to hit. 10ft reach. Hit
(3d12 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Ice Spear. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit. 50/100ft
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
range. Hit (1d8 + 2) piercing plus (3d8) cold
Saving Throws STR +10 WIS +9 CHR +8
Damage Resistances Piercing,Slashing, and Bludgeoning Primordial Rage (Recharge 5-6). Using the power each
Damage Immunities Cold, Radiant jotunn inherits from Ymir, a jotunn can cause an
Senses Tremorsense 120ft explosion of primordial energy to erupt from their
Languages Giant body. Each creature within 60ft of the jotunn must
Challenge 13 (10000 XP) make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or take 10d10
force damage and get thrown away from the jotunn
Primordial Ancestry. A Jotunn will never get lost while in 60ft and be knocked prone.
the Material Plane, and can freely return there even if
forced to a different plane of existence.

ature is always a force to be reckoned with,
doubly so when a Landvaettir watches over
it. These "land-wights" are guardian spirits Landvaettir
that watch over specific parts of nature, Tiny fae, neutral good
which can be as small as a rock in the
woods, or as large as an entire nation. Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
These spirits come in all shapes and sizes, Hit Points 14(6d4 -1)
taking on whatever form they wish while they watch over the Speed 40ft.
land and promote its growth.
Fear of Dragons. For those who wish not to be disturbed STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
by these spirits of nature, there is one surefire way to get rid
of them. In older times, it was discovered that the dragon 6 (-2) 22 (+6) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)
heads carved into many sailor's masts scared the Landvaettir.
For whatever reason, the sight of a dragon's head scares Damage Resistances Poison, Lightning, Fire.
these creatures, and they will abandon everything, even their Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned.
homes, in order to get away from it. Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Sylvan
The Four Great Landvaettir. Throughout the Land there Challenge 3 (8700 XP)
are four Landvaettir considered the most powerful and who
watch over the largest territories. These Landvaettir are Nature's Serenity. Any Beast with less than 8
massive in size and take the forms of great beasts, sparking Intelligence that is within 100ft of the
up frenzy in local creatures in order to defend the land. There Landvaettir becomes automatically charmed by
is Dreki, who appears as a dragon, who defends the east, the Landvaettir.
Gammur the eagle who defends the north, Gridungur the bull
who defends the west, and Bergrisi the giant who defends the Fear of Dragons. If a Landvaettir is within 60ft of a
south. Dragon, or something that looks like a Dragon's
Stones of Reverence. Those who wish to honor the Head, it automatically becomes frightened.
Landvaettir have a tradition of keeping a singular stone in Innate Spellcasting. A Landvaettir is considered a
their garden. The grass around this stone is to remain level 8 spellcaster. Their Spellcasting ability is
untrimmed and the area untouched, as this acts as a personal Wisdom (Spellsave DC 15, +7 to hit). A
home for any Landvaettir that may watch over their home. If Landvaettir can innately cast the following spells:
a Landvaettir settles in such a shrine, those who live around
it experience great growth in their crops, and animals are At will- Speak with Animals, Commune with Nature,
serene and will never attack unless provoked. Poison Spray.
1/day- Wrath of Nature, Guardian of Nature.
Poison Spray. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach
10ft. Hit (2d12) poison damage.
Nature's Frenzy. The Landvaettir can command up
to 3 creatures charmed by them to each attack a
creature within their range.

Nidhogg and Ratatoskr

n the great ash tree known as Yggdrasil, there
are many creatures who live and move about
it's divine branches. One such creature is Ratatoskr
Ratatoskr, the squirrel who can run all around Small beast, any alignment
the Great Ash without issue, never failing to
deliver his messages. Yggdrasil sits at the Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
center of the universe and unites each realm of Hit Points 52 (15d6)
its existence. From Niflheimr to Midgard to Asgard, all are Speed 50ft, Climb 50ft
connected by this Great Ash. It is the very backbone of the
universe, and without it, the world as we know would STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
crumble and cease to exist.
The Squirrel of Yggdrasil. Hopping, scurrying, and 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
climbing all around the World Tree is one squirrel, Ratatoskr,
who faithfully delivers his messages between two other Saving Throws DEX +8 WIS +5
creatures who reside among the Great Ash, the serpent Senses Darkvision 60ft, Blindsight 60ft.
known as Nidhogg, and a great eagle who lives atop the tree. Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Back and forth Ratatoskr runs, delivering messages of hate
and envy between the two, never tiring, never faltering. For
what reason the squirrel does this is unknown, and he is a Resident of Yggdrasil. Ratatoskr can cast Plane Shift
at will.
hard one to catch in order to get answers out of. Perhaps
there is no reason at all. All that is known is that for as long Unstoppable Messenger. Difficult terrain does not
as Yggdrasil stands, Ratatoskr shall continue to ascend and affect Ratatoskr. Ratatoskr can perfectly convey
descend it. any message given to him within 24 hours.
The Serpent Above Niflheimr. Stationed at the third root
of the Great Ash, the one that connects Niflheimr to the rest Yggdrasil's Acorns. Ratatoskr carries acorns from the
of the Universe, is a singular serpent. This Giant serpent World Tree at all times, which when thrown
explode and cause radiant damage.
continuously gnaws on the root of Yggdrasil until Ratatoskr
comes to visit and recite the newest message from the eagle Actions
which mocks him. In response, Nidhogg spits out more
venomous words of hatred for the squirrel to return to the Mutliattack. Ratatoskr can make one Claw and one
eagle. However, Yggdrasil does not seem to be the only place Bite attack, or make two Acorn attacks.
where Nidhogg roams, but also in Hel, where the serpent Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5ft reach.
seeks out the corpses of the dead on the sunless island of Hit (1d6 + 1) Bludgeoning plus (1d6) radiant.
Nastrond, and sucks out the blood from said corpses. Then,
when he is satisfied, he leaves Nastrond and returns to the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5ft reach. Hit
Great Ash, where he continues to gnaw. (1d8 +1) Bludgeoning plus (1d6) radiant.
Mysteries of the World Tree. For what reason does Acorn. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 30ft
Ratatoskr continue to deliver hateful messages between the reach. Hit (2d8 + 5) radiant damage.
eagle and the serpent? Why does Nidhogg continuously gnaw
at the third root of Yggdrasil? Is it possible it traps him from
going further up the Great Ash? Is Ratatoskr's messages a
part of some great duty he must uphold? Or does he simply
do it for pleasure? No one knows the answer to these
questions but the creatures themselves, and thus the motives
of these mysterious creatures that dwell on the World Tree
may never truly be known. No one is even truly sure if they
are creatures of good or evil, just that they shall continue to
do what they do likely until the end of time.

Nidhogg Hatred Towards the Eagle. Nidhogg has advantage on all
attacks targeting a creature with wings.
Gargantuan beast, any alignment

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) Actions

Hit Points 232(15d20 + 75) Gnaw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft reach. Hit
Speed 40ft, Fly 40ft, Swim 40ft (1d10 + 3) piercing damage and (1d8) necrotic,
gaining a number of hit points equal to the necrotic
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hi, 5ft reach. Hit
(1d12 + 3) bludgeoning and the target is restrained.
The target uses their action to make a DC 15
Saving Throws CON +9 WIS +7 Dexterity Saving Throw in order to become un-
Damage Resistance Necrotic restrained.
Damage Immunities Fire
Senses passive Perception 13 Trap in Niflheimr (Recharge 6). Nidhogg's giant body
Languages Common slams on top of one target he can see within 100ft,
Challenge 12 (8400) attempting to send the target to Niflheimr and trap
them within. The target must make a DC 17 CON
Resident of Yggdrasil. Nidhogg can cast Plane Shift at saving throw or become trapped in Niflheimr, unable
will. to take any actions on their turn and taking (2d12)
fire damage. The target can attempt the saving throw
Feast on Corpses. Nidhogg can use it's action to feast again at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a
on one dead creature, healing for half of the success. If a creature dies while in Niflheimr due to
creature's max hit points. this effect, their body is transferred to the island of
Nastrond in Hel.

Parts of the Self

hat makes up one's Self? Is it one's body, mind
and soul? Is it magic? Is it some sort of
biological phenomena? In reality there are Hamr
numerous parts that make up one's self, and Small aberration, unaligned
they each are as real as you that can also
detach and act on their own if need be. One's Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
"Self" is really more like a hive put together Hit Points 2 (1d6 - 1)
delicately and cooperatively by the parts of the Self rather Speed 40ft.
than by bees. Amongst these parts of the Self, there are four
that are considered the most "important" and commonly STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
referred to. These are the Hamr (Form), Hugr (Thoughts),
Fylgja (Follower), and Hamingja (Luck). 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Hamr. The Hamr is what creates one's form or shape, it's
what makes someone look like what they do. Hamr, however, Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
is not fixed, and can change on it's own, or can be changed by Exhausted, Restrained, Grappled, Prone.
an outside source. Shapeshifters and other such creatures Senses passive Perception 12
Languages ---
master their own Hamr, and use it to alter their form to Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
whatever they want.
Hugr. The Hugr is one's thoughts and mind, and creates Part of the Self As a Bonus Action, a Hamr can
one's personality and consciousness. While the Hugr mostly attach itself to a creature with an intelligence
only affects its owner, it can also cause certain psychological score of 6 or more. When attached like this, it is
effects in creatures that it thinks about. Someone who invisible and is immune to all damage and status
randomly has a thought about a former loved one might be conditions. If the creature it is attached to dies,
affected by that person's Hugr. People with a particularly the Hamr appears in an unoccupied space 5ft
strong Hugr can actually control this, and can either charm around where the target died.
or intimate them by altering their target's thoughts merely by
thinking about them. The Form. A creature who has a Hamr attached to it
Fylgja. The Fylgja is a spirit that always follows around its innately gains the ability to cast Polymorph on
owner, and its well being is directly tied to the wellbeing of its itself 3/day.
owner. If the Fylgja dies, the owner dies, and the opposite is Actions
also true. For this reason, Fylgja hardly ever detach from
their owner. Not too unlike a familiar, the Fylgja often takes Slam. Melee weapon attack: +0 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
on the appearance of an animal that relates to its owner, and (1d4 - 2) psychic damage.
is often connected to the Fate of its owner. The Fylgja
appears in places that the owner is destined to go, or appears
in the dreams of one that its owner is destined to meet.
Hamingja. The Hamingja is perhaps the most independent
part of one's self, as not only does it control one's luck, but
also can split off from its owner and change ownership on its
own will. Hamingja controls the little random things that
bring one success. Having an affinity for music, being blessed
with more endurance, being able to swing a weapon a bit
faster, all of those things are controlled by one's Hamingja.
Hamingja often travel down one's ancestral tree, attaching
itself to its previous owner's descendants. Hamingja can also
be willingly given to someone close to you in order to help
them out when they need it.

Hugr Fylgja
Small aberration, unaligned Small aberration, unaligned

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 8 (3d6 - 1) Hit Points 8(3d6 - 1)
Speed 40ft, 40 fly Speed 40ft, 40 fly

6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances Psychic Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,

Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Exhausted, Restrained, Grappled, Prone.
Exhausted, Restrained, Grappled, Prone Senses passive Perception 14, Truesight 60ft
Senses passive Perception 16, Truesight 60ft Languages Understands all languages but cannot
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak
speak. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Part of the Self. As a Bonus Action, a Fylgja can
Part of the Self. As a Bonus Action, a Hugr can attach itself to a willing creature with an
attach itself to a willing creature with an intelligence score of 6 or more. When attached
intelligence score of 6 or more. When attached like this, it is invisible and is immune to all
like this, it is invisible and is immune to all damage and status conditions. If the creature it is
damage and status conditions. If the creature it is attached to dies, the Fylgja also dies.
attached to dies, the Hugr appears in an
unoccupied space 5ft around where the target The Follower. A creature who has a Fylgja attached
died. to it can innately cast Gift of Alacrity, Augury, and
Divination each 1/day.
The Thoughts. When a Hugr is attached to a
creature, that creatures gains the ability to cast Shapeshifter. The Fylgja can cast Polymorph on
Fear, Charm Person, and Suggestion each 1/day. itself at will.
The DC for these spells is 14. That creature also
gains resistance to psychic damage. Actions
Fated Slam. Melee weapon attack: Automatic Hit,
Actions reach 5ft. Hit (1d6 - 2) bludgeoning damage
Psychic Slam. Melee spell attack: +6 to hit, reach
10ft. Hit (1d4 + 4) psychic damage.

Hamingja The Luck. A creature who has a Hamingja attached to

them has advantage on all attack rolls and ability
Small aberration, unaligned
checks. The Hamingja can attempt to attach to an
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) unwilling creature, who must make a Charisma
Hit Points 11(4d6 - 1) saving throw DC 13 in order to avoid getting
Speed 40ft, 40 fly attached. A creature who is attached to in this way
has disadvantage on all ability checks and attack
Independent Luck. When a Hamingja is not attached to
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) a creature, it gets advantage on all attacks and ability
Condition Immunities sCharmed, Frightened, Exhausted,
Restrained, Grappled, Prone Actions
Senses passive Perception 15, Truesight 60ft Slam. Melee weapon attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
Languages Understands all languages but cannot speak. (2d6) bludgeoning.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Part of the Self. As a Bonus Action, a Hamingja can

attach itself to a willing creature with an intelligence
score of 6 or more. When attached like this, it is
invisible and is immune to all damage and status
conditions. If the creature it is attached to dies, the
Hamingja appears in an unoccupied space 5ft
around where the target died.

devil who's true form is that of a woman with
the head of a seal, Selkolla wanders around in
the daylight just as boldly as she does at night. Selkolla
Selkolla is a devil of trickery who uses her Medium fiend, neutral evil
shape changing abilities to sleep with married
men, causing their souls to become impure and Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
exhaust them physically. Anyone who tries to Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48)
stop Selkolla is usually met with a brutal beating, if not Speed 40ft.
outright death.
A Neglected Origin. While a man and a woman were STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
taking their baby girl to be baptized, they took a break next to
a large rock on the road. While they sat, the couple became 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 18 (+4)
lustful towards each other, and stowed away from the road in
order to make love with each other. When they came back to Damage Resistances Necrotic, Poison
the rock, they found their baby black skinned, deformed, and Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
dead. The couple decided to leave the dead baby, but as they Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 12
began to leave, they heard a cry. Looking back they saw that Languages Common
the baby was actually alive, but it was so hideous they didn't Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
want to touch it. They ran to the nearest village and came
back to the large rock with a group of villagers to help, only to Shapeshifter. As a bonus action, Selkolla can change
find the child had disappeared. Thus began the life of her appearance to match that of another
Selkolla. humanoid she has seen, or revert back to her
Predator of Married Men. One of Selkolla's most well true form.
known misdeeds was when she shapeshifted into the form of
a married man's wife. She then met the man at his farm and Siphoning Aura. Selkolla has an aura around her in a
tried to seduce him. When the man realized that she was not 20ft radius. Any humanoid in this aura has their
his wife, he tried to escape, but Selkolla blocked his path, Strength and Constitution reduced by 2.
causing a struggle that left the man exhausted. In truth,
Selkolla need not have sex with the man to afflict him, as Actions
nearly being around Selkolla was enough to drain the man's Multiattack. Selkolla can make one Unarmed Strike
virility. Every night Selkolla would pursue the farmer, and attack and one Drain attack.
every night the farmer went home exhausted far more than Unarmed Strike. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit,
he ever was. Selkolla continued this plaguing of the man until reach 5ft. Hit (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
she was driven away by a hero.
Drain. Selkolla can target one humanoid within her
aura and force them to make a DC 15
Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed throw the
target gains 1 point of exhaustion and Selkolla
gains 3d8 HP back.


he third monster to help bring about
Ragnarok, Surtr is a jotunn wrapped in flames
and destined to burn the world in flames.
Surtr, who stands at the entrance of Muspell,
shall turn his back and instead lead the Sons
of Muspell to meet the Aesir during the final
battle in the field at Oskopnir. The Fiery jotunn
shall help the Sons of Muspell destroy the Bifrost before
having a confrontation with Freyr. Then, to end it all, Surtr
will burn the whole world in fire.
The World Ender. While his other two counterparts,
Fenrir and Jormangandr, are predicted to be slain, Surtr has
no such fate laid out for him. The Swarthy One instead is
fated to overcome all the gods, starting with Freyr in his
fateful encounter during Ragnarok, who he will slay. Freyr's
death shall be the climax of the apocalypse, for immediately
after that shall Surtr engulf the world in flames. There, the
fires shall burn until it is quenched and Surtr shall disappear.
Once the fires have died, Vidarr and Vali shall inhabit the
temple of the gods, and then a new dawn will come over the
world. Before that future, though, the fires of the jotunn must
be endured, and according to prophecy, the world must burn.
The Enigma of Ragnarok. While the Prophecy of
Ragnarok is very specific with most things, it is mysterious
and vague when it comes to Surtr. For what reason does the
Jotunn go from defending the land to destroying the gods?
Why does he wish to see the world burned? And how did he
become so powerful as to rival the gods? Only time will tell
the answer to these questions, but more than likely the
answers will come too late ...

The Giant with the Flaming Sword by John Charles Dollman,


Surtr Multiattack. Surtr may make three attacks, one Flaming
Sword attack, and two Stomps. He may substitute
Huge giant, neutral evil
his Flaming Sword attack for his End the World
Armor Class 25 (Half Plate Armor) ability.
Hit Points 1650 (100d12 + 100) Flaming Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, 10ft
Speed 40ft. reach. Hit (4d10 + 8) slashing damage plus (4d10)
fire damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, 5ft reach. Hit
26 (+8) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
End the World (Recharge 6). Surtr hurls the flames from
Saving Throws CON +19 Dex +14 his sword across the world drowning it in fire. All
Damage Immunities Fire, Slashing, Piercing, and creatures within 120ft must make a DC 27
Bludgeoning from non-magical attacks. Constitution saving throw or be lit on fire for 1d4
Senses passive Perception 21, Darkvision 60ft rounds. Each round that the target is on fire, they are
Languages Giant, Common blind, deafened, and take 10d10 fire damage at the
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) start of their turn.
Sá sem lýkur þessu öllu (Mythic Trait; Recharges after a Legendary Actions
Short or Long Rest). When Surtr drops to 0 hit points,
he doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, Surtr's Surtr has three legendary actions which he may use at
fiery aura becomes impossibly intense, making the the end of another creature's turn. He regains the
flames almost become physical. In order for a actions at the end of his turn.
creature to move through the aura, they must make Flaming Sword. Surtr makes one Flaming Sword attack.
a DC 25 Strength Saving Throw. If they fail, they
cannot move through the aura and are stuck where Dash. Surtr moves up to his whole movement speed.
they are if already in the aura. Ranged attacks against
Surtr while this trait is active have disadvantage. Engulf. Surtr extends his Swathed in Fire aura up to
Directly around him the flames are practically solid, 60ft until the end of his next turn.
and must be broken to reach him. The flame has 500
HP and an AC of 25. Once broken through, the next Mythic Actions
successful attack on Surtr will kill him. If Surtr's Mythic trait is active, it can use the options
below as legendary actions for 1 hour.
Overcome the Gods. Surtr automatically succeeds all
saving throws from spells that are level 4 and lower. Barrage of Immortal Flame. Surtr makes two attacks, one
He may add his Constitution modifier to any saving Flaming Sword attack and one Stomp attack.
throws that are level 5 or higher.
The End of it All (3 Actions). Surtr's immense power
Swathed in Fire. Any creature that starts its turn within becomes too much for a mere mortal to handle.
30ft of Surtr takes 4d10 Fire damage. When this action is used, any creature with 50 or
less hit points is instantly killed.
Breaker of the Bifrost. Surtr is immune to any spell or
ability that would send him to a different plane of
existence or demi-plane that he is not currently in.
Magic Weapons. All of Surtr's attacks are considered


Valkyries and the Einherjar

hen a brave warrior dies upon the battlefield,
what happens to their soul? Does it vanish
into oblivion, forever to be forgotten? No, this Valkyrie
is not the fate for those brave warriors who Medium Celestial, Lawful Good
sacrifice everything during combat. For those
warriors most worthy, there lies a special Armor Class 17
place for them known as Valhalla. Hit Points 162 (25d8 + 50)
The Hall of the Slain. Valhalla is a paradise for those Speed 30ft, 30ft fly
chosen warriors brought to it after death. These chosen
warriors, known as Einherjar, are the best of the best, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
they are rewarded in death by being brought to this great
golden hall. Here, the Einherjar spend their days sparring and 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)
feasting as endless supplies of mead and meat is brought to
them. In order to supply this merriment, two creatures are Saving Throws. WIS +9 CHR +7
offered to the Einherjar and serve as substance. The first Damage Resistances. Piercing Slashing Bludgeoning
being Heidrun, a she-goat who feeds off of the tree known as from non magical attacks.
Damage Immunities. Radiant
Learadr. From her udders, mead flows and keeps the Senses Truesight 60ft
Einherjar drunk and merry. Second is the beast Saehrimnir, a Languages Common, Celestial
large beast who is slaughtered and cooked each day, only for Challenge 12 (5300 XP)
it to be resurrected once more. Saehrimnir's meat keeps the
Einherjar well fed and energized and they continue their daily Chooser of the Slain. If a creature is killed by a
fighting. Valkyrie, the Valkyrie may choose where the
The Champions of Odin. The afterlife of the Einherjar is creature goes after death. The Valkyrie may also
not all fun and games, however, for each one knows that they choose if the creature can be resurrected or not.
have a grave duty ahead of them. Each Einherhar, as payment Wish-Maiden. A Valkyrie may cast the Wish spell
for admittance into Valhalla, is recruited into Odin's army that once a day, but only if it to satisfy the wish of
will march with the Aesir at Ragnarok. When the final battle another Good aligned creature.
of Ragnarok comes, the Einherjar will face off against the Magic Weapons. All of Valkyrie's weapons are
champions of Hel and Loki, and the Champions of Odin will considered magical.
engage in bloody combat one last time. Until that day, Spellcasting. The Valkyrie is considered a Level 13
however, the Einherjar fight each other for sport, and drink spellcaster and uses Wisdom as it's spellcasting
when the fights are done. ability (Spell Save DC 17, +9 to hit).
Choosers of the Slain. Who decides which warriors Level 1 (4 Slots)- Ceremony, Divine Favor, Heroism
Level 2 (3 Slots)- Find Stead, Lesser Restoration
become Einherjar and which go elsewhere? None other than Level 3 (3 Slots)- Crusader's Mantle, Elemental
Odin's handmaidens, the Valkyries. Valkyries are female Weapon, Revivify
spirits who escort the souls of the bravest warriors to Level 4 (1 Slot)- Aura of Purity
Valhalla to become Einherjar. These spirits are Odin's "Wish Actions
Maidens" as they grant whatever wish the All-Father has, part
of that being granting Odin's wish to bolster up his forces for Multiattack. The Valkyrie can make 3 attacks with
Ragnarok. However, Valkyrie are not just spectators who her Spear.
watch battles unfold, nor are the simply maids adhering to Spear. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft,
their master's whims. No, the Valkyries are so much more thrown (20/60ft). Hit (1d6 + 4) piercing damage
plus (4d8) radiant damage, or (1d8 + 4) piercing
powerful, as it is said that Valkyries also have the power to plus (4d8) radiant damage if using two hands.
decide who lives and dies in battle, along with possessing
powerful magic to aid them in their own battles. While the
Einherjar are to be the main forces for Odin in Ragnarok,
The Valkyries will also fight by his side, and no doubt with
devastating results.

Medium Celestial, Any Good or Neutral alignment

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and

Slashing from non magical attacks, Radiant
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Celestial
Challenge 7 (1800 XP)

Valhalla's Rally. When an Einherjar's health gets

dropped to 0, it does not die, and at the end of its
next turn, if there is another Celestial within 30ft of
it, it regains consciousness and heals up to half of
its maximum hit points.
Relentless Fighters. If an Einherjar is knocked prone,
it may use it's reaction to stand back up.
Reckless Attack. On its first attack, the Einherjar
may choose to gain advantage on all it's melee
attacks, but then all attacks against it have
advantage until the start of its next turn.

Multiattack. The Einherjar can make up to two
attacks with its spear.
Spear. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft,
thrown (20/60ft). Hit (1d6 + 4) piercing damage
plus (2d8) radiant damage, or (1d8 + 4) piercing
plus (2d8) radiant damage if using two hands.

The Ride of the Valkyrs by John Charles Dollman, 1909


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