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Colors -

INSTRUCTION 2: Color the drops with the numbers

and the information you have.

by Kira 1




6 9



INSTRUCTION 1: Listen to the song and fill in the blanks INSTRUCTION 3: Find three animals in the song
____________ = un ours
I am (1)____________ today
____________ = un papillon
I chirp with joy like a cricket song. ____________ = _________
I am (2)____________ today
Gloomy and down like a morning fog. INSTRUCTION 4: Find 5 words linked to nature
I am (3)____________ today F__ = ____________
A__ = ____________
Loud and messy like finger paint on the wall. S__ = ____________
S___ = ____________
I am (4)____________ today S__ = ____________

Hopping mad like a playground ball.

INSTRUCTION 5: Find 3 verbs

I am (5)____________ today
TO C _ _ _ _ = ____________
Strong and tall a great big bear. TO H _ _ _ = ____________
I am (6)____________ today TO S _ _ _ _ = ____________

Bright and happy like a butterfly in the air.

INSTRUCTION 6: Match the English and French adjectives

gloomy bruyant
Chorus down déprimé
I'm a (7)____________ today loud sombre / ouvert
All the ____________ of the world.
I'm a rainbow today messy sale
happy fort
All the ____________ of the world.
strong heureux
I'm a rainbow today
All the ____________ of the world mad grand
Are in me. tall vif (couleur)
bright fou
I am (8)____________ today soft nouveau
I shine my light out like the sun. quiet doux
I am (9)____________ today new silencieux
Soft and quiet like new snow.
calm calme
I am (10)____________ today cool frais
Calm as glass and cool like the sea. great immense

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