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Secrets of the Dashamsha






Chapter One

Secret #1
The Special Significance of Planets in the D-10 Laana
Chapter Two

Secret #2:
ets in the 10th house of the MO
Chapter Three

Secret #3
Exchanges in D-10
Chapter Four

Secret #4
Planets Conjunct in D-10
Chapter Five

Secret #5
Planets in Mutual Aspect in D-10
Chapter Six

Secret #6
Other Types of Sambandhas in D-10
Chapter Seven
Secret #7
Unconnected But Strong Period and Sub-Period Lords in D-10
Chapter Eight

Secret:# 8
Planets Falling in the 10th from Dasa Laona in D-10
Chapter Nine

Secret # 9
Shubha Sankhva Yogas in D-10
Chapter Ten

Secret #10
TerminationATransition Houses in D
Chapter Eleven
Using The Dasamsha to Rectify Birth Times


A Common Question

It was a query I had encountered many times in my astrological career, coming in this case from an Indian man who had settled
abroad and was now living in Australia. When I first spoke to him he was in a temporary position rather beneath those he had held
previously in terms of the level of responsibility and compensation. Moreover, getting to this job required quite a long commute by
train. He had recently gotten passionately interested in Jyotisa, had joined my mentorship program, and was using this commuting
time to study. During one of our first tutorial sessions, he asked if I would give him some input about when he might be able to ob-
tain a better, permanent position more commensurate with his qualifications and career history. See his birth chart.

\ Mc,j j SUM'X
T AS,-Mr » 7 Pis B Ail 9 Tau 10 Gam
8 X4
/ Ke ra Ke,.»

/ Ma„
CAqu 11 Can
jjfiiz.r Vg,o«

RaJ7J Su,
10 >5 Cap 12 Leo
M04.7 ..
/ \ Me.
jBim Aa,.«
kSag 3 Sco 2 Ufar 1 Virg

At the time of his question, he was running Jupiter-Mercury in the Vimsottan dasa sequence.

From a static potential point of view, his birth chart presents an interesting paradox with regards to career indications. On one
hand, he has the very best raja yoga for his Virgo lagna, an exchange between the 9th lord Venus and the 10th lord Mercury. His 10th
house Gemini gets further enhanced by the aspect of the natural benefic Jupiter in its mulatrikona sign, though retrograde. The other
side of the story is the way in which this otherwise powerful and beautiful raja yoga gets spoiled by the influence of three natural
malefics, Mars, Saturn and the Sun, who are also the lords of the Trik houses (6, 8,12). Born in the Sun dasa, he also never gets the
Mercury or Venus major periods in order to get the full fruit of the raja yoga.

The result has been a decent level of career success in leadership positions but also instability/breaks in career life, with the
occasional loss of positions whether voluntary or involuntary. Such had been his recent history.
Up until April of 2012, he had been with a company for a good stretch of nine years getting promoted, but a downturn in his
industry brought about a consolidation and his position became redundant. It happened shortly after entering his Jupiter-Saturn
period. This career instability continued during his Jupiter-Mercury period during which he had four different positions with four
different companies in four years, the last two being short-term contract positions.

This career instability can be seen from the dasa lagna, Sagittarius, where Mercury is again the 10th lord, but now falling in the
6th house with Saturn, giving temporary Dur Yoga.

\ MCiio SUm-x,
\ MOnr / \ S#* JO Ma,„
10 8 4 Pis 5 All 6Tau 7 Gam
/ \
/ N. Ke,.„
/ \
>3A()U 5 Can
1 & )
ASvm Mo,--
Ma,.r 9 Leo
2 Cap
/l Ve.oo
SUtraA Jfitrn A«,.,
S3|B w \
/ MCirs ISag 12 Sco 11 Libf 10 Virg

His question came to me in the later part of 2016, rather towards the end of Jupiter-Mercury, so his prospects in the following
sub-period of Jupiter-Ketu beginning in December was the focus of my attention. One glance at his dasamsa and straightway I told
him that I really liked this period/sub-period for obtaining a better, permanent position. The main thing that I saw was that Jupiter and
Ketu were together in D-10. It has been my repeated observation that when any two grahas are strongly connected in the vargas,
that period and sub-period in the dasa sequence very often brings significant developments in the person's life related to the indi-
cations of that divisional chart.

In this case, I also saw that Jupiter had a good source of strength being in an exchange with Mars and that if the birth time
was accurate enough to give a correct D-10 /agna, then these were falling in the 12th house of foreign countries. The Mars-Jupiter
exchange is between the 8th and 12th lords, giving potentially a Viparita raja yoga. Jupiter is also in an angular relationship with the
Moon giving KesarTYoga. Could Jupiter-Ketu then give him an unexpected and sudden rise?
I cross-checked this potential from the Jaimini angle and it was confirmed. Transits were also supportive. From Virgo transiting
Jupiter was aspecting his 10th lord Mercury. Transiting Saturn from Scorpio was aspecting 10th lord Mercury as well, and when it
moved into Sagittarius would aspect the 10th house Gemini. Less than two months after moving into Jupiter-Ketu he secured a per-
manent managerial position with multiple direct reports and a good compensation package.

SuSa JjaKe Me
KeJfi SaSu
3 i 11 Pis 12 Art 1 Tau 2 Gam
■ Me ■ 12

2 10 Aqu 3 Can

g ■10 9 Cap 4 Leo

Ve '7 \
Ma Ra
RaMo Ma ^ Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

My purpose in recounting this story of a successful prediction is to highlight the importance of using D-10 in making such
predictions. From the Parasari point of view, this one was made almost entirely on the basis of his dasarhsa.

The Dasarhsa (D-10)

Before going deeply into the secrets of the dasarhsa and their uses in timing achievements and career-related events, I must
pause and answer the question, "What exactly is a dasarhsa and how it is derived?" It should be clearly understood that all the
divisional charts of Jyotisa have no astronomical reality as a basis unlike the birth chart but are strictly mathematical derivations
of the rasi. Dasarhsa literally means "the tenth division" which refers to the division of a sign of 30 degrees into 10 equal parts as

0 to 3 1 st dasarhsa
3 to 6 2nd dasarhsa
6 to 9 3rd dasarhsa
9 to 12 4th dasarhsa
12 to 15 5th dasarhsa
15 to 18 6th dasarhsa
18 to 21 7th dasarhsa
21 to 24 8th dasarhsa
24 to 27 9th dasarhsa
27 to 30 10th dasarhsa

Any planet in a birth chart or any degree of a lagna is going to fall within one of these 10 segments of a sign. For example, if a
planet is at 25-35 of Leo it would fall within the 9th dasarhsa which is from 24 to 27 degrees.

Such a planet then gets placed in D-10 according to the following simple rules:

If the planet in the birth chart falls in an odd sign, then count from this sign inclusively the designated number of

For example, for a planet at 25-35 of Leo in the 9th dasarhsa, this is an odd sign so count nine signs inclusively from Leo to
arrive at Aries.

If the planet in the birth chart falls in an even sign, start the counting 9 signs from its place.

For example, for a planet at 10 degrees of Taurus, it falls in the 4th dasarhsa which is between 9 and 12 degrees. The 9th sign
from Taurus is Capricorn. Counting four signs inclusively from Capricorn places this planet in Aries in D-10

With some practice, this can be done mentally very quickly and there is value in learning to do this even though our astrological
software does it for us instantly. Later, when we look at using D-10 to rectify birth times based on the timing of career events, it is
very useful to be able to look at the degree of a birth lagna and mentally calculate how much time adjustment it would take to change
the D-10 lagna.

Using the chart of Paramahansa Yogananda and the instructions given above, I invite readers to practice this newly learned skill
of mentally calculating D-10 and then again using your own chart.
RUN |0.
\ /\ / Maine R312*40'
Sajo u Jp^'sr
E MOj-r 4 8 Pis 9 Ari 10Tau 11 Gam
X A®"* ■3

/ \ / \
7 Aqu 12 Can
Ve„« Parwahansa >ogananada MOs*?
\ / \ / Thu ''V1893 2OUO0
OomMipur INDIA ASj-sgr
M0»a« \ n. 8 Cap 1 Leo
» Ra, 4a
Su 12 /10
SUss'i? V @24*43' Sazou
Maiw Meow Ke 12*40'
£ Xii 'cm 8 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg

I will get you started by calculating the D-10 lagna. The degree of his birth lagna is 3-58 of Leo which puts it in the 2nd dasamsa.
Since Leo is an odd sign the counting starts inclusively from there. Counting two from Leo places his D-10 lagna in Virgo. His Jupiter
is in the even sign Pisces at 23-51 placing it in the 8th dasamsa which is between 21 and 24 degrees. The counting would start 9
signs from Pisces, which would be Scorpio. Counting 8 from Scorpio puts his Jupiter in Gemini in D-10

Now calculate the D-10 positions of the other grahas before reading further. The D-10 of Paramahansa Yogananda will be
shown later and you can check your work.

General Guidelines for Interpreting Divisional Charts

My initial understanding of how divisional charts were to be used came from reading the case studies and predictions from the
books of K.N Rao and from his classroom instruction. They have also been strongly influenced by the work of a man who Shri Rao
refers to in the introduction to his book Ups and Downs in Career.

"A remarkable astrologer of this century was the late Sheshadri Iyer who inspired men like me to go deep into the use of varga
charts, which I have done consistently"

Iyer wrote two books, New Techniques of Prediction, Volumes One and Two and I have made a close study of that portion
of Volume Two containing his approach to interpreting vargas. For a complete understanding of Iyer's approach to interpreting
divisional charts, students are referred to his work. The following are what I consider to be some of the most important principles
given there, which I have summarized based on my own understanding.
Begin by realizing that a particular divisional chart is an additional and more detailed view of a particular area of life indicated in
a more general way by one of the houses of the birth chart. For example, whereas all factors influencing the 7th house/7th lord of a
birth chart provide clues as to the person's experience in spousal relationships, the navamsa (D-9) supplements that view and pro-
vides more detail, particularly with respect to timing of events.

In analyzing divisional charts, all the general elements of chart interpretation, such as planetary dignities (exaltation, own sign,
etc.), aspects, hemming, directional strength, exchanges, yogas, and so forth should be applied. This is a very important point.

Dasas will show timing, that is, what a particular period and sub-period is likely to bring in so far as the area of life to which the
divisional chart pertains i.e., saptamsa for experiences with children, dasamsa for career life and so forth.

Iyer emphasizes that one of the most important and necessary conditions for a planet to give beneficial effect in any divisional
chart is its relative placement from the lagna of that divisional chart. Here the well-known classification of "good" and "bad" houses
applies. Placement in an angle house (1, 4, 7, 10,) or a trine house (1, 5, 9) is preferred, while planets falling in 2 or 11 are more
"neutral." Placement in the dussthana houses (3, 6, 8, or 12) is not considered as desirable.

Caution: Do not make a dogma of this statement but rather use it as a general guideline. Other factors can modify this principle.

Iyer suggests some exceptions to the above, which should become the focus for research and confirmation among students.
Personally, I have found them to be valid.

Mars in the 6th house of any division can give beneficial effects, especially when in a good condition.

Mercury in the 8th house of the chaturthamsha (D-4) can give good results especially if in a good condition.

The 3rd and 8th house are "termination houses" since they are the two houses of ayus or longevity. Planets in these houses
can bring about a break or the end of whatever that division indicates. Example: Planets in the 3rd or 8th house in D-10 can bring
career breaks and even retirement

The magnitude of the effect is to be judged by the "strength" of the planet. The most powerful placements are:

Own Sign
Planet in an exchange {parivarthana yoga)
Directional Strength
With respect to vargottama position, this is normally understood with reference to the navarhsa position of a planet only. Here
Iyer means that whenever a planet occupies the same sign in any divisional chart that it occupies in the birth chart, it can give its re-
sults very powerfully with respect to the affairs of that division.

Iyer contends that a planet that is very combust or defeated in a planetary war will not give good results for a division even if it
is strong and well placed there. Based on my own experience, I have some question about this principle. If there are compensating
or overriding factors in the birth chart and the planet is strong and well placed in a varga, my experience is that it does give good

NTcabhahga or "cancellation of debility" and NTcabhahga Raja Yoga applies to planets in divisional charts as well. I have found
this to be a very sound and reliable interpretive principle.

All the many graha yogas like Gaja Kesan and so forth should be seen and applied in the divisional charts and their effects
judged based on the strength of the planets involved. They will give their results with respect to the affairs of that division in the
period and sub-period of the constituent planets. This was a revelation to me that I had arrived at independently before studying Iyer.
It was then gratifying to see that he had come to the same conclusion.

Iyer contends that even if a planet is exalted, but falling in bad houses in a divisional chart, it will not bring beneficial effects to
the affairs of that division. As we shall see in examples given later, there are factors that modify this principle.

The effects of a planet in a divisional chart get modified based on its conjunction and aspect with other planets. Here the
emphasis is on the natural benefics and malefics, not the functional ones.

For example, the strong influence of Jupiter on a planet in a divisional chart will significantly enhance its ability to bring
beneficial effects, even if it is placed in a "bad" house. It gets redeemed. This will also be true when there is the influence of multi-
ple benefics on a planet or if there is benefic hemming of the house in which the planet is placed.

Planets that are under the influence of multiple malefics and/or in a house hemmed by natural malefics are in an unfavorable
condition accordingly.

Whereas Iyer gives more principles for interpreting divisional charts, I consider these to be the most fundamental and appropri-
ate for students to focus on initially.

One very important principle that I learned through experience is that the period and sub-period of two planets closely
connected in a divisional chart can prove highly significant for the affairs pertaining to that division, frequently timing major events,
especially if they form significant yogas. The sambandhas or connections that give this result are:
Exchange between two planets (parivarthana yoga).
Mutual aspect
Planet in the sign of another that also aspects it, whether or not in mutual aspect. Example: Moon in Sagittarius
aspected by Jupiter.
Simple dispositorship. Example: major period lord in the sign of Gemini and the sub-period of Mercury.

Also, planets placed in the lagna of a divisional chart can especially bring significant events pertaining to that division in its
period and sub-periods as will be illustrated in Chapter One.

An important consideration for any divisional chart, just as with the birth chart, is the overall condition and disposition of the
lagna/lagna lord. It is a very favorable point for a varga chart if the lagna:

is occupied or aspected by its lord

if there is the influence of natural benefics by occupation or aspect
if the lagna is exclusively hemmed by natural benefics
if the lagna lord is placed in an angle or trine house
if the lagna lord is in a good dignity or other condition of strength
if the lagna lord has the association of natural benefics
if the lagna lord participates in good yogas

Whereas all of what has been given here are general guiding principles for interpreting any of the vargas, we are focusing here
on their specific application to the dasarhsa.

Exceptional Dasarhsas

The interpretive guidelines outlined above can now be utilized to understand what makes a dasarhsa exceptional.

Clark Gable, the reigning King of Hollywood during the so-called Golden Era, inquired about his birth time at one point in his
adult life, possibly for astrological reasons, and was informed by the doctor who delivered him that it was 5:30 AM. It is likely a
rounded time but I believe it gives a correct dasarhsa that reflects the exceptional career life that he had, along with its timing.

His birth chart is a cornucopia of powerful and favorable yogas. See how many you can identify before reading further.
\ R3« 3
Sllig n
MCmm MOn-j,
10 Sa„ a( s 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
11 ■'

3 Aqu 6 Can
Su,„ Clark Gable Ma.
Fn 2lt,'1»l 5:3000
Mo,. CedKOH
2 Cap 9 Leo
4 's Ma.;
ASjrj, Sa„,.
/ V«.-...r Jp.r.. Ba. •
Us** ISfH 12 SCO 11 Libr IPViiH

You may have seen:

Harhsa Yoga
SarasvatT Yoga
Gaja KesarT Yoga
Chandra Adhi Yoga (variation)
Multiple raja and dhana yogas, including the best raja yoga for this lagna, a combination of the 9th lord Sun with
the 10th lord Mercury.
10 87 4 Pis 5 Ail 6Tau 1 Gam
iix As •
Ke / \ Ke JP
3 Aqu 5 Can
'46 Ma ( 3^ )
Me Ra
Su \ / Ra
2 Cap 9 Leo
/ \ / \ Ma
\ / AsVe
Mo \/ Jp 1
Sag 12 Sco 11 Libf 10 Virg

Then consider the strength of planets forming these yogas:

Jupiter is in its mulatrikona sign in the birth chart and exalted in navarhsa.
Venus is vargottama.
The bright, waxing Moon goes into its exaltation sign in D-9.
Mercury is in its exaltation sign in D-9.

Little wonder then that his stardom began just after moving into his Mercury mahadasa and continued over a period of 36 years.
His D-10 is no less exceptional.
kuoinuniiM 0 Q Power 4 sunn
Ve jp Me
T 7 Pis B All 9 Tau 10 Gem
8 Ra
/ As

6 Aqu 11 Can
( 3^)
Su Me Mo
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo 11 Jp
Ma Ke
* Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

Notice first that all nine grahas are placed in either angle or trine houses. Jupiter is in its own sign in an angle giving Harhsa Yoga
again, Mars is in its exaltation sign and there is a dramatic 1-9 exchange between Mercury and Venus, effectively canceling the de-
bilitation of the latter. His incredible film career encompassed the Mercury, Ketu and Venus major periods.

Sean Connery's equally stellar film career spanned an astonishing fifty-eight years. His exceptional dasamsa tells that story as
well, at least partially.
/ \ Rl ■ Ma,.^
\ jp.
10 4 Pis 5 Ari 6 Tau 7 Gem
"X Sa 12'*T
As ty

» Ve*-,,
1^8 3 Aqu BCan
MCst &
MOomt Sean Connery Su^„
Men aTl'1930 IB M 00
Rfil"! Eolnlugli UK
5 2 Cap 9 Leo
' X2 JPis-** 4
SlJg Aa,n*
/ Sa-.- Kfl.-,. Ve,, i. Mo,.,
iSag 12 SCO 11 Libr 10 Vim
Mo SaRa Mo
Sa As
2 i- 12
12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gam
3 As 11

Ra Me
Me Ma
/ 11 Aqu 4 Can
Ma Ve Ve
10 Cap 5 Leo

/ JP SuKe
OSag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6Virg

All of his grahas in D-10, except one, fall in angle or trine houses and the exception is the Moon in its exaltation sign in the 2nd
house. What is especially interesting about his D-10 is the fact that three planets are in their sign of debilitation but all give nJcab-
hariga raja yoga. His stardom began in the Rahu mahadasa, with this graha vargottama in the lagna, followed by Jupiter svaksetra in
the 9th and by Saturn again in the lagna. It was in this period that he finally received an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his per-
formance in The Untouchables. This award came in Saturn-Saturn-Rahu.

As you might suspect, ageless rock star and uber-performer Mick dagger has a very energized 3rd house/3rd lord of the
performing arts.
< io-II e Run ID-
Ma MoSa
Su Ma As
Jp t.- 3 Mo 1 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gam
« ■ As ■12
Me Sa
Ra SuMe
2 10 Aqu 3 Can
r &
Ke Mick Jagger Ve
Man 7aft/1933 2 3000
Oairton) OK
9 Cap 4 Leo
s :10

BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

7 out of 9 grahas are connected to it. An exalted 3rd lord Moon is in the 1 st house with the yogakaraka 9th and 10th lords Saturn.
The 3rd house has four grahas including an exalted Jupiter, and the 3rd house receives the aspect of both Mars and Saturn. Quite a
picture. He has been on stage and rocking for 54 years which have coincided with the full duration of his Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn
mahadasas. All this can be seen in the birth chart, but his D-10 gives further evidence as to why these major periods have proved
so extraordinary for career success and achievement.
Ke Su
E 9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam

As Ve JpAs
SAqu 1 Can
Sa r Ke ( 3*)
Mo Me
7 Cap 2 Leo
9 Mo .<«
Ve «Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg
Not all of his grahas are as well placed in angle and trine houses as in the dasamsas of Clark Gable and Sean Connery but look
at Rahu, Jupiter, and Saturn. They all fall in the angle with Jupiter exalted and forming Harhsa Yoga and Gaja KesarTYoga with the
lagna lord Moon, and Saturn is also exalted in an angle giving Sasa Yoga. Rahu is with Saturn giving its results.

British monarch Queen Victoria reigned for sixty-four years over an expanding, worldwide empire in which it was said: "the Sun
never sets." Her years as Queen coincided with her Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury mahadasas. See the placement of these gra-
has in her birth chart first, noting the 9-11 exchange between Jupiter/Saturn involving Rahu.

" Queen Victoria
/ \ Mon WA tftlQ 4 It*00
■ London UK
4 Leo

B Sag [7 Sco 6 Ubr 15 Vi>g
\ /\ Su MoVe
\ / \ / Jp As
\a VeMo i/ 11 Pis 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gam
As Jp
Ma Ke
10 Aqu 3 Can
Ra Ke >
Sa Ra

6 io sa 9 Cap 4 Leo
7 9

® Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

Rahu in her dasarhsa is in an angle giving the result of an exalted Sun. Jupiter is in the 1st house getting directional strength
and participating in a gorgeous Gaja KesarTYoga that includes the Moon in its exaltation sign and a svaksetra Venus. Saturn is the
yogakaraka planet so well placed in its own sign in the 9th house. Mercury is exalted as the 5th lord in the 5th. Hers was an extra-
ordinary destiny and this is reflected in part by her extraordinary D-10.

\ Me»4 Sa-.r
MOru «"
6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gam
Q a
/ \ / \
1 JPjrtt 5 Aqu 10 Can
\ 7^ / &
K.N. Rao
\ / \ / hAoc icwiwt 7 53 00
MacNkpatnarv ifOA
4 Cap 11 Leo
« 2
Sa*. Ma^i Varu Ma,,,
/ \ / \ As,.„Mo.„
/ \/ \ 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
UMnuinuu 0 Q Powtf 4 Sunn
Ma Ma
Ra As
3 1 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gam
4 >12
10 Aqu 3 Can
5*" >

Su Sa
Ke Me
e Ve ,o 9 Cap 4 Lao
7 9
Jp Su Ve Mo
Me Jp
Mo / BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

My Jyotisa-guru, K.N. Rao, had a distinguished career as a civil servant lasting several decades, reaching the rank of Director
General in the Indian Audits and Accounts Service. For more decades thereafter he has been known as one of the best astrologers
in the world, the founder and guiding light of a substantial Institute of Astrology, and the author of many books and articles. These
exceptional career achievements have come in the major periods of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and now Venus.

All these grahas are very well placed in angle or trine house in D-10. Jupiter and Mercury are together with the other benefic,
Venus, in an angle, Saturn is in an angle as the yoga/cara/fa planet in an exchange with the Sun, and Ketu is vargottama in the 5th

I have shown these five exceptional dasarhsas to illustrate the general interpretive principle of planets falling in angle and trine
house in good conditions and participating in favorable yogas in this division. If such planets show a promise in the birth chart then,
as we have seen, their mahadasas can give exceptional results for status and achievements.

Consider the lagna/lagna lords of these five dasarhsas.

Clark Gable's D-10 lagna gets the influence of the two best natural benefics, one svaksetra (Jupiter) and the other
(Venus) giving nTcabhahga raja yoga. The lagna lord Mercury goes to the 9th and is involved in a 1 -9 exchange
with Venus.

Sean Connery's D-10 lagna contains a raja yoga formed by a vargottama Rahu and 10th lord Saturn giving also
nTcabhahga raja yoga. These receive the aspect of a svaksetra Jupiter. The lagna lord Mars goes to an angle also
giving mcabhahga raja yoga.

Mick dagger's D-10 /agna contains an exalted Jupiter forming Harhsa Yoga and Gaja Kesan Yoga with the lagna
lord Moon, strongly placed in an angle and aspecting the lagna.

Queen Victoria has the lagna lord Venus in her D-10 lagna with an exalted Moon and Jupiter getting directional
strength, all forming a beautiful Gaja Kesan Yoga.

K.N. Rao has all three natural benefics aspecting his D-10 /agna including the lagna lord.

Next, consider the placement and condition of the 10th lord of their birth charts in these respective dasarhsas.

Clark Gable's 10th lord Mercury goes to the 9th in D-10 and is in an exchange.
Sean Connery's 10th lord Mercury falls in an angle house.
Mick dagger's 10th lord Saturn is in an angle and exalted.
Queen Victoria's 10th lord Saturn is in its own sign in the 9th house.
K.N. Rao's 10th lord Moon is in the 6th house of D-10 but vargottama.

By way of contrast, I am showing my own birth chart and dasamsa.

Ke,.* Jp: t; Ma,,, ve,,,
1 SSsMV S 7 Pis a Ah 9 Tau 10 Gam
»/ As,« •«
\ /\ Si.- „
/ \
s € Aqu 11 Can
/ \ Ka...
/ \ / Marc Boney MOy.-,.
// IMM 4iiai»51 16 54 00
\/ Toledo, OM
12 Leo
11 5 Ve„. 5 Cap
/_ \ JP»17 A»,„
SsL'i a Mgu JJ. Si- •
\ / Mdi3>r
Suw 4 Sag ^ 3 SCO 2 Ubr 1 Virg
niau DID row QPOM & audit
MeMa Sa/ KeVe
Su Sa
\B / 3 2 9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
y\ As Su
' 4 8 Aqu 1 Can
* Mo ( 3^ )
Ke Ma
\ / Jp
\ / 7 Cap 2 Leo
»- • 12
/9 11
/ \ JP / \
/ CSag 5 Sco 4 Ubr SVirg

My birth chart, while containing some good features/yogas, is not nearly of the same caliber as the five shown previously. It is
much more ordinary, as is my dasarhsa.

The positive features of D-10 are that the lagna does get the aspect of a weak Jupiter and the lagna lord Moon does go to an
angle with a natural benefic forming Gaja KesarTYoga. Both in my Ftahu and Jupiter mahadasas, with these grahas falling in angle, I
did hold some good positions and did achieve a decent level of career success, but nothing exceptional. Note that the 10th lord of
my birth chart, Mercury goes into a neutral house and is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn.
but ID-
\ /\ IX _ /
Jj&IS'O1 Kesne'

9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam

^ Sa2v4r >-2 J2i5:
ASJT-JT Sa21•47•
S Nv S
BAqu 1 Can
\ / \ / Indira Gandhi M3i6«22'
\ / \ / MCO 11/1W1917 2311 00
SU«r MOs'ss AJIahabad. INDIA
7 Cap 2 Leo
Me,ri, 8 •"
/9 Mo,» 11
Ve2ro- Me^iy
Raw Slia^'
Ra.., \/ \ 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

K.N. Rao's favorite examples of both an exceptional navarhsa and dasamsa was from the chart of Indira Gandhi, former Prime
Minister of India, about whose life he made many accurate predictions, including her demise within a few days of its occurrence.

She was elected Prime Minister twice, once in her Jupiter mahadasa and once in the Saturn major period, both of whom have
sources of strength in the rasi since they are involved in parivarthana yogas. What Shri Rao liked to highlight in particular was the un-
derlying strength of her planets as indicated in her D-9.

As Jfi Ra
i ■ 1 PIS 2 Ah 3 Tau 4 Gam
Jp Sa
12 12 Aqu 5Can
Ra Su
4 - 11 Cap 6 Leo
Su Ma Ve Me 10 Sag 9 Sco B Ubr 7 Virg
Jupiter and Mars are vargottama and the Sun, Saturn and Venus are all svaksetra.
kuhMunulH O 0 aawK t Sunn
Ma /\ Me
As /Mo
10 8 4 Pis SAP 6 Tau ream
ii x y
Sa Ve
Ra .
3 Aqu BCan
\ /
Ke Su
\ / \ / Ma
2 Cap 9 Leo
,V Su
/ Jfi As Ke
Me Sa
/ \/Ve 1 Sag 12 SCO 11 Libr 10 Virg

In her dasarhsa, only one graha falls in a bad house. Mars and Saturn are exalted, the Sun is svaksetra and Mercury is
vargottama. The Moon and Venus are in an exchange, which gives six out of nine grahas sources of strength in D-9. Jupiter, the
major period that first made her Prime Minister, is in an angle, and Saturn, the other mahadasa that put her in this position again, is
exalted in the 11th house.

I must emphasise in concluding this introduction that these very dramatic results, giving very high achievement and status
normally occur when a planet shows a good promise in the birth chart, and then is also very well disposed in D-9 and D-10.
Chapter One

Secret #1
The Special Significance of Planets in the D-AO Lagna
Nearly two decades ago I published my first article on the use of the dasamsa for predicting career rise and entitled it The Tenth Part
of Glory. There I shared my researches on the special significance of planets falling in the D-10 /agna and how when a person runs the major
period of such planets they oftentimes bring a highwater mark in their career life and coincide with their most notable achievements. This will
be especially so if such planets show a good promise in the birth chart, have sources of strength in the dasamsa and are configured there in
good yogas.

A quite notable recent example of this was Donald Trump's Rahu period in which he first became a reality TV star with his show The
Apprentice, and then made his improbable run to the White House where he sits now.

/ \ Sflo a
Ve™ R327,30' Me15^
\t Mar«r 8 Pis 9 AH 10 Tau 11 Gam
7 As,,, ^ Me,, i,.
j SUa. 7Aqu 12 Can
Mo*, MSs-aor
Donald Trump
Fn. W6 10 54 00 ASe-sr
Jamaca. NY
8 Cap 1 ISO
M028'5' JP24°20'
/ \
SSag 4 Sco 3 Ufar fZVirg

Too much has already been said about Rahu in his birth chart. Here I will simply highlight how it gives very powerfully the raja yoga created
by its conjunction with the /agna lord Sun in the 10th house getting directional strength and in a kendra sambandha with yogakaraka, Mars. He
was elected President in Rahu-Mars, with Mars being well-placed in the /agna and ruling the 4th house of the "throne."
■ to-iot *
Me Ma Ke
\ SaVe
Ra Mo
B E 6 Pis 7 Art 8 Tau 9 Gam
As 5

/ J£
5 Aqu 10 Can

/ \ / j£
\ / \ / 4 Cap 11 Leo
">12 Mo <>
Ke / \ As
Me SuRa Ma
Sa Ve 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Rahu sits in the lagna of his dasamsa and, among others things, gives the results of the powerful Bhen Yoga formed when planets are in
the 2nd, 1st, 12th and 7th houses.

I discovered this particular "secret of the dasamsa" just by researching major periods that coincided with when a person became famous
for some notable achievement or obtained a very high status. In that first article, I shared some 30 examples of this. For those readers who have
not yet seen this research paper, I am showing here quickly a number of additional illustrations with some commentary that brings out other im-
portant considerations.

Bill Clinton is another politician who gained his first significant office in a Rahu period, with this graha falling in the lagna of his D-10.
», "
Jp Su
Ke Sa
Ve As i]
fl 7 Pis B A<1 9 Tau 10 Gam
»x Ra
BAqu 11 Can
( 3*)
Sa Su
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 Ke
Ma As
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ufcr 1 Virg

He first became the Governor of Arkansas in January of 1979 in his ffa/w-Mercury period. Rahu is with Mars and Rahu-Mars was a period
in which he was successfully re-elected. This highlights another "secret." When two or more planets are together in the lagna of D-10, the pe-
riod and sub-period of these planets in the dasa sequence usually times a significant development in a person's career life.

As we saw in the case of Donald Trump, if a planet holds a very great promise in the birth chart and then also falls in the lagna of D-10
truly dramatic results ensue.
(JM1« •Jttt

Jp21,57' Ke27'2r Ma?4-y

8 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gam
Ra;,, AS^MIr Sa7'35'

Ve, Ma 12 Can
if-} ' Agu
Mo *e
Tiger Woods
Me2•54• Tue izrxviers 22 49 00 AS29-49
KSirjv 6 Cap Long Baac* CA
■1 1 Leo
Su, 10 «
MOzeaB' Ra3r2v
\ / SUij^y VBS^O'
Me, 5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Lifer 2 Virg
Uuuhuitium O a Poww 4 sunn
Jp Mo SuAs
Ra Su Mo Sa
3 _ 1 11 Pis 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gam
Sa •"
As Ra
/ \ / \
\jl/ \ 10 Aqu 3 Can
Ve Ke Ve
6 10 9 Cap 4 Leo

Me 7
* Ke Me
/ \ / \ BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

During his Sun mahadasa, from 2004 to 2010, Tiger Woods was the absolute reigning monarch of professional golf, and it is not difficult to
understand why astrologically when you see his Sun in the birth chart. It is the lagna lord in the 5th house forming raja yoga by placement. It
is also the focal point of a Subha Ubhayachari Yoga brought about by natural benefics in the houses on either side. At 15-25 of Sagittarius, his
Sun goes into its own sign Leo in the navamsa giving it an underlying source of strength. Then see that it is in the lagna of D-10. It also has a
source of strength there since it is involved in a parivarthana yoga with the lagna lord of Venus, a favorable 1 -4 exchange.

Notice also that the Sun is with Saturn, the yogakaraka of his D-10, and in keeping with the interpretive principle just mentioned, the
Sun-Saturn period from May of 2007 to April 2008 was one in which he particularly excelled. Such a sub-period proving so favorable is not
something that could have been predicted based on the rasi alone, where Saturn is the 6th and 7th lord in the 12th house from the birth lagna
and falls in the 8th from the dasa lagna, Sagittarius.

Movie star Paul Newman was nominated multiple times for an Oscar for his stellar performances in his Saturn major period, an exalted 3rd
lord of the dramatic arts. However, it was not until his Mercury mahadasa that he finally won for his reprisal of the role of "Fast Eddie" Felton in
the Color of Money released in 1986. It was his Mercury-Jupiter period.
!gijg4|igi| •EbU
SUnu /\ Ms,..
KCio w jpn-y
Mo, 10 Ask, ,t S 4 Pis 5 Ail 6Tau 7 Gam
"X >: 7
Me.; M
Mo,*, Ri»-,

SAqu 5 Can
/ \ Paul Newman
/ \ Su„„ Man 1^1925 « 3000
Ma, Ctevelina OH
S 2 Cap 9 Leo
Ma^*# Sa,„,
\ Raj, 4s,,
1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg

These two grahas form a powerful 1-10 raja yoga by conjunction in his 1st house, with Jupiter svaksetra and Mercury getting directional
strength. Now see his Mercury in dasamsa.
D10 Pqmmi 4
Ve /
MaMo As
Sa Me
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gam
As Sa
Me Ma Ve
9At}u 2 Can

Ra Su

■11 ■8 Cap 3 Leo

7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Libr 4 Virn

Here we find it in its own sign as the lagna lord in the lagna giving Bhadra Yoga and hemmed by the two best natural benefics, giving Subha
KartarTYoga for this varga.
RdbN (D-
\ /\ / MSIJMB Ra,2«4o
Sajo u Jp23•51•
E MOj-r 4 8 Pis 9 Ari 10Tau 11 Gam
X A®"* •3

/ \ / \
7 Aqu 12 Can
Ve„« Parvaahansa > cqananada M03»7
\ / \ / Thu HV1W3 2O UO0
OoraMipur INDIA ASj-jgr
M©r84' \ N. 8 Cap 1 Leo
» Raum
Su 12 10
12 —
SUss'i? V @24*43' Sa^nj
MSOM K6iy4Q'
.1 Xcl 'Jm 15 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Vira

In his famous book, Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda recounts how during most of his life all he ever wanted to do was
to go to some cave in the Himalayas and do sadhana (spiritual practices.) His great guru, Sri Yukteshwar, explained to him, it was his destiny
instead to spread the flame of Kriya Yoga in the West by coming to the United States. In his Moon mahadasa, the lord of his 12th house of foreign
countries, he became quite famous for doing so. In the birth chart, his Moon gives the results of the Mukufa Yoga formed by Jupiter falling in
the 8th house from the Moon in its own sign Pisces.
OaaakamMMiM D1 o aoMc a aunu
\ /\ Ra7 Ve
Mo /Su Ma
1 S
A 4 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gam
• As
Sa Ke Su
Me Jp
6 Aqu 11 Can
\ / \ / Ra
\ / \ /
10 2 5 Cap 12 Leo
ii Ma i
Ve Sa
Me Mo
Ke 4 Sag ^ 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg
In his dasarhsa, it is in the lagna forming a good Gaja Kesan Yoga and aspected by a natural benefic, an exalted Venus.
ilP'Dam—I HafcNlD-ljC
MO, -jr Ran,
Sa.«7 3 9 Pis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gam
Ma,7, >2
"JP24 « As 12*14 , \
§9v«, A8U-I#
BAqu 1 Can
Ve,.,. Mo„
Elvin Hayes
Sal 220000
Su 2-2T \ / HayMlie LA
8 7 Cap 2 Leo
/B\ •12
Me Mir M0j*'ir JPw'O
\ Ke... Su,,, Ve„ „
\ /
6 Sag 5 Sco A Ubr SVirg

Future member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Elvin Hayes, first electrified the sporting world when he led his college team, the Houston
Cougars, to a two-point victory over a dominant UCLA team led by Lew Alcindor, better known later as Kareem Abdul Jabbar. In the world of
college basketball, it has been called "The Game of the Century."

This event, along with the rest of his college career and the first part of his professional career, took place in his Sun mahadasa, which
would be difficult to predict just based on his birth chart alone. However, his D-10 tells the story clearly
Ra 7\
/ \ Me
As Ma Sa Ma
B 3
X2 ■9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
Su VeKe
BAqu 1 Can
I' f 3* j
/ \
/ \ JP Ra
\/ 7 Cap 2 Leo
. Sa

KeVe 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr SVirg

Here the Sun is in the D-10 lagna with a svaksetra Moon and participating in the Gaja Kesart Yoga formed by the Moon-Jupiter combination
in an angular relationship. Jupiter appears to be weak in its debilitation sign, but this gets effectively canceled by its exchange with Saturn.

Pop musical star Carlos Santana first experienced great success and fame in his Venus mahadasa.
Ft a.
Ra7'49' VeaviB"
Ma*-,, AS29' 1 • Ma2oM«" Me^
i \K/ 12 Pi# 1 Ah 2 Tau 3 Gam
• 11
MSav ASjr'- /\ SUr^r

SUjt, SajT-iy
4^10 11 Aqu 4 Can
Sa ir t j
/ \ M04,i2
Carlos Santana
Sun 7;20'1947 200 00
Mo. AuBan do Narrtm-o. MEX
5 10 Cap 5 Leo
BSag B Sco 7 Ubr 6Virg

Venus, the natural karaka of music and the arts is in the 3rd house of performance with the 3rd lord Mercury svaksetra, and these receive
the aspect of Jupiter from Libra. To understand how such a combination brought him great success as a musician it must be seen from the
perspective of dasa lagna.

\ Su,, R9r«g
\ SSlT'lJ RS/'O' VG21-16-
AS2yi' M^20'18■ MS^s'a1
Mo, i? 4 2/ ASirr 10 Pis 11 Arl 12 Tau 1 Gam
.. SUs'jr
/ \ \\
\ /
// SSt/'iy
/ \3/ \ 9 Aqu 2 Car
> &
/ \ Carlos Santana M04'i2'
/ \ / SMV 7;2(V1947 2 00 00
Autf^n de Navarro. MEX
\/ 8 Cap 3 Leo
Jp»M \ // \\ *Jp24'36'
\ / \
Ke™ 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

From Gemini the Venus-Mercury combination becomes a brilliant Maharaja Yoga and combining with Jupiter from this perspective, the
three natural benefics form SarasvatT Yoga. It was in Venus-Mercury that his big breakthrough occurred.

However, my research suggests that the Venus major period would not have proved so exceptional were it not for this graha's position in
the lagna of his D-10.
010 powm 4 a
Ra Su JP
3 Pis 4 Ari STau 5 Gem

^ "" As
Su Me Ma
10 [2 Aqu 7 Can
AsVe Sa
Ma Ke
\/ 1 Cap 5 Leo
Sa 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf SVirg

Legendary folk and country singer Johnny Cash also experienced first great success in the major period of a planet in the lagna of his
dasarhsa, in his case, Saturn.
RmM (D-1) 0«nw* RrrN |0- )Q«n«al
Mar ,4
Me,v« Atri Ve,,
Sli.itg Ra..„
1 ASot ^ 1 Pis 2 An 3 Tau 4 Gam
2- Ra^r «>
Vejjjr Sar» SUtru)
4/ \12/ N. 12 Aqu SCan
\ /\ / Johnny Cash
SarB Fh 2/2ft'iW2 7 3000
\ / \ /
K.nosJard AR
X/ \/ 11 Cap 6 Leo
4 •B
JfcM, Kevir
s \ / \ Mo, Ka,.„
y' N. / M0,j-3
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7Virg

Saturn in his birth chart is the 11th lord, svaksetra in the 11th house, and in a mutual glance with an exalted Jupiter. From Chandra lagna,
Libra, it becomes even better as the yogakaraka planet.

He entered his 19-year Saturn period at age twenty-two and Fortune smiled upon him thereafter, since he became a major recording star
with such hits as Folsom Prison Blues and / Walk the Line.
ki D10 PMMT 4 Sutlift bM*inMina*i D1 o roMf a sucua
Ra Jfi Mo KeSu
\ /
\ / As Ma MeVe
\® / 5 Pis BAP 7Tau 8 Gem
10 Sa r
// \. // \\
/ \
B \ 4 Aqu 9 Can
n 5
? y 1 *)

\ /

Mo \
12 v 3 Cap 10 Leo

1 3'"
/ Su\ Ra SaAs
Ma KeMeVejx 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Adam Lambert is a relative newcomer to musical fame. After finishing as runner-up in the popular TV show, American Idol, in 2008, he has
gone on to a very successful solo recording career, in addition to being the lead vocalist for the group Queen.

Great success and fame in the Venus major period are perfectly obvious from just the birth chart alone.

JPti Mo,,,,
As 7 Pis 10 Gem
BAP 9 Tau
Ma 77 M
Sa ■a &

B&r 6 Aqu 11 Can

9W3 &)
Kfi MB., „ Adam Lambert
SUta-,* Fn 1OT1S6? 22-44 4$
Vfi - V InWiapollF. IN
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
SUicj Mo,« v
JPy.-4V Ma.«
As. va,
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg
A vargottama Venus combines with Mercury in the 5th house, while Mercury is in a 1-5 exchange with the 5th lord Saturn. The Venus-
Mercury combination is the best raja yoga for Virgo and the 1 -5 exchange is a Maharaja Yoga. All the planets involved have sources of strength.
DnUumwiiM D1 0 POMMf t StUUI
\ JpMe Mo
As Ra
7 » 7 Pis BAP STau 10 Gam
»;x Ke
Ve SaSu
/ € Aqu 11 Can
Ma « «3

10 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 Ra
Jp Ma Ke
SuSa \ / Mo * Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

He moved into his Venus major period in 2008 and his appearances on American Idol came shortly thereafter. Venus is in the lagna of his
dasamsa in its debilitation sign, but see that Mercury and Venus here are two debilitated planets in a mutual glance. I wrote about such instances
in my article An Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery on the topic of planets in their debilitation signs giving strong results.
Mfe vSU);-^
3 Pis 4 Ari STau 6 Gem
« « Ra^u-
/ Asa,-, Sa. 0
/ Maw..
10 2 Aqu 7 Can
V»7 &
Mo., As >,-.7 JP,N
Bjorn Borg
/ W«1 SS'IBSC 23:3600
Mg„. Stockholm SWtD
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ke.^ 2 a oS
SUjJM 7 \ Ra,rt*
12 539 11 Sco 10 Libr BVirg
Swedish tennis great Bjorn Borg became a rising star when he entered his Mars mahadasa at age sixteen in 1972. He then later became a
dominating force in men's professional tennis during these seven years.

Ke Me Me As
As / Ma
2 12 12 Pi# 1 Afi 2 Tau 3 Gem

4^10 11 Aqu 4 Can

(?) SuSa
/ \
Su Mo Jp
10 Cap 5 Leo
JP 6
Sa / Mo
Ve Ra OSag 8 Sco 7 Ubr BVirg

His Mars is involved in a dhana yoga-giving 2-11 exchange from the birth lagna, but then note how this becomes a powerful 1-10 raja yoga
using the position of Mars in Aquarius as a dasa lagna.

In D-10, it becomes spectacular. Mars gives Rucaka Yoga as the 1 st lord svaksetra in the lagna receiving the aspect of a vargottama Jupiter.
His first major victories were in the Italian and French Opens in 1974 at the age of eighteen, making him the youngest ever to win these events.
It was his Mars-Jupiter period.

Turning now from the world of sports to the cinema, French movie star Brigitte Bardot caused quite a sensation and became an interna-
tional sex symbol when in 1956 she appeared in the movie And God Created Woman. It was her Ffahu-Venus period.
\ Me.,, /
9 7 5 Pis BAP 7 Tau 8 Gem
^ ® Su . .y
Kg 15-33'
8 4 Aqu SCan

S329°12i Brigitte Bardot

Rai5'33, Fn SiWiSO 13 15.00
PARtS FR VG28•33,
Ma^s ff 3 Cap 10 Leo
'? ■ Mo,,, v,4 Ke,,ur
AS22'25' Jp4»2r
// N. y/ \
Me^is- Slinks*
2 389 1 Sco 12 Libr llVirg

In the birth chart, Rahu is in the 3rd house of the performing arts with the 3rd lord, and Venus is in the 10th house.

Rahu is in lagna of her dasamsa, strongly placed in its own sign, Aquarius, and Venus is theyogakaraka planet in its own sign. Without the
use of D-10, the very special significance of this period and sub-period that made her a big international star could not be seen but becomes
very readily apparent with it.

Ve Sa
12 10 2 Pis 3 AP *Tau 5 Gem
• As ;>: 9
/ \ Mo
/ AsR3
ii 1 Aqu SC«i
Ve 2-Mt Me
Ma KeSu
\ / 12 Cap 7 Leo
Sa Ke Me
\ JpMs
Mo H Sag 10 Sco S Ubr BVirg
Without the dasamsa the special significance of the Venus-Saturn period of actress Eve Saint-Marie would not be at all obvious either.
Sa, yfi.v,r

9 7 5 P» 6 Ail 7 Tau 8 Gem

10 AS..®-® x«
/ lie < Mo«m
KS:4V g 4 Aqu 9 Can
Ma,.! "*5 *
Sio-.T BAr.,
Eva Marie Saint
Frt. 7/4*1924 17 26 00
NewarV NJ
4 Mo 3 Cap 10 Leo

Su •»-« JC'.-, r
Aaw Sa ..
Ve Mgr 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr llVirg

In Venus-Jupiter Eve Marie Saint won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress opposite Marlon Brando in On the Water Front but she is
probably most known for her role with Gary Grant in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest which occurred in Venus-Saturn.

Venus giving this kind of result in its major period is not readily apparent from the birth lagna, where Venus goes to the 8th house with the
8th lord and 10th lord Sun. The concept of Viparita Raja Yoga may apply since Venus is the 12th lord in the 8th,

However, to better understand this apply dasa lagna.

nil* aqnciwn
A, / / yfi.v,r
/ Ma«4
BSo" 5
4 ¥Si4^r */ 10 Pis 11 Art 12 Tau 1 Gam
Me-j 44 X'
Slits 4S /
/ X
/ Kc , Mo„ 41
/ \
/ \a / 9 Aqu 2 Can
\ yj
\ c?
/ \ Eva Marie Saint Si...
\. / /
Fn 7.* 1924 17 2© 00

Sajw \ / NewaiK NJ
■ 11 Ma >8 Cap 3 Leo
B 10 MS,oat
/ KB; <v Jp.'..
/ AS.r* Sa^,
/ 7 Sag 6 Sco S Ubr 4Virg

Just like we saw in the case of Carlos Santana, now her Venus-Mercury combination becomes a 1 -5 Maharaja Yoga with the Sun as the 3rd
lord of performance. Saturn becomes an exalted 9th lord in the 5th house. However, it is her dasamsa that really tells the story of Venus-Saturn.
kMAMlMlUhl 01 0 fottm a sunn
Mo Ma
Me As
6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gem
Su - Ve
Sa Ra Ke
>5 Aqu 10 Can
( > ( &)
\ /A. /
Jj2 Ra
n >■; -a 4 Cap 11 Leo
13 3
Su Ve
/ \ / \ Me SaAs Mo
Ma 13 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12Virg

These two grahas are in the lagna in great dignity and forming a 1-5 Maharaja Yoga. Her star was at its zenith. These planets appearing
together in the D-10 lagna and activated in the dasa sequence timed this career peak in her life perfectly.
In order to demonstrate that this interpretive principle does not just hold true for world-famous personalities, the chart below is of a woman
who in the latter part of her Mercury mahadasa became a teacher of Hatha Yoga and opened her own studio that was very successful.

V Run ID- )0« natal

\ Ve„, Mo •, 44
MOa^- ASia'iy Ve3*22" M08*56*
Si! 18*28'
tdSs * 2 ' 12 Pi# 1 Arl 2 Tau 3 Gam
Su,,* a>;, ASu-iy yn
/ \ / Ker«v
\ /

4^10 11 Aqu 4 Can

/ \ JPl1*32' RSA'AS1
// Sa4'20' M39*38*
Rs,« \ / 5 Leo
10 Cap
Mar>. s •
/ \ ••
\ // \
\ /
/ 9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 8Virg

In the rasi, her Mercury is the 3rd lord strong in its own 3rd house of yoga asana.
iDIOPowf 4 8
Ra \ Ke
_ = . 4 6 Pis 9 An 10 Tau 11 Gem
Sa X As •3
Me Ve
7 Aqu 12 Can
/ \ / Me
Su / \ /
6 Cap 1 Leo
Mo »,0 ^
Ja Ve Sa Ra
JjD Su Ma
Ke 15 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr ZVirg

In D-10 it is in the lagna getting directional strength and receives the aspect of the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter.
The chart below belongs to a life-long friend of mine who after graduating from college landed an entry level sales position with Hilton
Hotels. Over the next few years, he rose up rapidly within the organization. It was his fla/w-Saturn period
la-iiawwMi RiUiio-ifaaiM)^
\ / \ /j
Ve*. / Jo*---
T Sart, s SUaw 7 Pis 8 Art STau 10 Gam
» ASra ■*
Ma, Ma,,;
Ba^r. Su^„
/ \ / \
Xjl/ € Aqu 11 Can
N. yS yS MOnr
MOr» 5 Cap 12 Leo
to ■: 3
i« i
X X \ * Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

It is explainable on the basis of the rasi since Rahu gives the results of Saturn and Saturn gives raja yoga as the 1st lord in the 5th and
in mutual glance with Jupiter, the 4th and 7th lord. Note, however, that Rahu and Saturn are in the lagna of D-10. This period and sub-period
marked the time of his initial career success exactly.

Me Ve
Sa Ma
6X ■9 Pa 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
Ma As
8 Aqu 1 Can
V ye (&)

\ Ke

8 reap 2 Leo
Mo 9 Ke
Me Su
/ Mo
Su 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg
Seeing such things retrospectively can then help you to predict successfully, as I did with this woman friend of mine who had completed
a course of study in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Her goal was then to pass her state examinations, become licensed and
get established in her own independent practice.

After a glance at her D-10 and seeing that the upcoming period/sub-period in Vimsottan would be her Mercury-Saturn, I assured her that
she would be successful in these goals. It proved correct.

\ /]
\ \ y/
Me,„ ® S' AS, 9r5
9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam

Bti-n ASu-js
/ \4 / BAqu 1 Can
7 Sa in?
M (*)
\ / \
\ / \ / K®' ■
Mo-tr \ / 7 Cap 2 Leo
a • ■12
-a 11
Ma^v. SUff^.Mav-u
Ma:,» Rijr» Mo f*/ Jp„« Va„,
/ 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr SVirg

\ Mo Ma
\ KeVe
Me 4
7- A 8 Pis 9 Ah 10 Tau 11 Gam
AS xa
\ Sa Su
Ra / Ve Mo
5 ' Aqu 12 Can
4 2
S 1 &)
Ke MeSa
\/ 6 Cap 1 Leo
» 10
Jp Su Ra
\ /
15 Sag 4 Sco 3 LJbr pVirg
She passed her examination and became a licensed practitioner in Mercury-Saturn-Sun!

Whereas I have found this interpretive principle to be quite useful and reliable you should not turn it into a complete dogma, as I am sure
instances can be found where it did not hold true. Much depends on the promise in the birth chart of such planets that then fall in the D-10
lagna, and their overall condition and disposition there. The most dramatic results, like those seen in the twelve examples of famous people,
occur when there is a great promise in the birth chart and then the planet(s) in the D-10 lagna are strong and configured in good yogas and/or
have the additional influence of natural benefics.

Otherwise, the result is more that of ordinary success. I can remember teaching a class to a group of Russian students where I was
showing this principle and I asked if anyone in the room had ever run the period and sub-period of two planets in the lagna of their dasarhsa.
One woman raised her hand and I asked her "What happened'?" She shrugged her shoulders and said, " / graduated from law school and got
a job." Just like my friend when he got his first positions in the hotel industry, this period and sub-period of two planets in the D-10 lagna had
marked a significant time and development in her career life, but it was a very commonplace thing.
Chapter Two

Secret #2:
Planets in the 10th house of the D-10
Planets in the 10th house of D-10

The first "secret of the dasamsa" that I discovered was the special significance of planets in the dasamsa lagna and how the
period and sub-period of two planets there oftentimes brought major achievements and/or significant developments in a person's
career life and status. Along with this, I also discovered that two planets in the 10th house of D-10 can give a similar result. How
dramatic a result again depends on the promise of these planets in the birth chart and their over-all condition and disposition in the
rasi, navarhsa, and dasamsa.

The chart of American actress Farrah Fawcett of Charlie's Angels fame illustrates this dramatically.

S3i,N Ra,i Bin 41 Mo,,,.

2 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
5 MO mi ■1
AS,, Sa,..,

6*12 UAqu 2 Can

Farrah Fawcett
Silxr. Sun 22/1947 15 10:00
Ma,iv« Cofpus Cfrisei TX
■11 B Cap 3 Leo
Ve 1 JD
;■ ir v*™ Jp^
Ke ,0 SU-,
Jp Ma, 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ufar 4Virg

She first became a star in her Saturn-Mercury period. The promise in the birth chart for great success and fame in this period
and sub-period can be seen from the fact that for her Gemini lagna these grahas form a 1-9 raja yoga by aspect. Mercury also
participates in both Lagna and Chandra Adhi Yoga. But the raja yoga falls along the 2-8 axis and the planets involved look unremark-
able as far as their condition in the birth chart. That picture changes drastically when you see their conditions in her navarhsa.
\ /\ / VeRa
Ke Ma
Xll / 9/ — 3 P1» 4 A<1 STau 6 Gem
Mo /\
/ \ As SuJp
/ \ /
/ 10 2 Aqu 7 Car
1®7 Sa
Ve Mo
1 Cap 8 Leo
Ma - Jp »
N / \
Ra/ Su NMe Ke Sa
12 Sag 11 Sco HOLibf SVirg

Here they are both in their exaltation signs and falling in the 9th and 10th houses. Now see their placement in D-10.
B 7 Pis BAP 9 Tau 10 Gem
9W3 6 Aqu 11 Can
Ke Ra ( ^)
Ve Su Ve
io 5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma 11
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Lifer 1 Virg

Here they are together in the 10th house as an angle-trine combination and with Mercury forming Bhadra Yoga. Based on all
these factors, which are perfectly consistent with lyers interpretative principles, the special potential of the Saturn-Mercury period
is obvious.
Beloved movie star Audrey Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actress in her very first major role as a princess in the film classic
Roman Holiday. It was her Jupiter-Rahi/ period.

ye»M vs*-.,
Siijo u As, <e 10 3 Ah
2 Pis 4Tau 5 Gam
Ea3.„ Si™ Mo,,* Ma,.,,
Me rjr „ 1 Aqu BCan
\ Audrey Hepburn
\ S* SWIM# 302 00
Kea„ 12 Cap twIlM BEL
\/ 7 Lao
3 ■ ■7
■' 4 ' 6
Ma;^12L_ 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr BVirg

These two planets reside in her 3rd house of the performing arts along with an exalted Sun. All of these grahas are the focal
point of exclusively benefic hemming between exalted Venus on one side and Mercury in a Great Friend's sign on the other, giving
a good Subha Ubhayachari Yoga.

\ Me
Mo As Ve
10 4 Pis 5 Ari erau 7 Gam
11 JP XT
Ra Su
Me Mo Ma
9 3 Aqu SCan

\ /
\ /
2 Cap 9 Leo
i Ke 4S
/ Sa Jp
Ma ISag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg
In her navarhsa, Jupiter and Rahu are again together, only this time in Jupiter's sign.

The significance of this period and sub-period for an exceptional career achievement becomes perfectly obvious after seeing
her dasamsa.
kuMnuiniM D 0 POMMf I StUUI
MaMe Me Mo
As Ma
2 12 Pis 1 A/1 2Tau 3 Gam
Mo ' Sa
Sa Ke
11 Aqu 4 Can
Ke ^f0 Ra
\ / \ Jp RaJp Ve
5 9 10 Cap 5 Leo
6 8
Ve Su
BSag a sco 7 Ubr avirg

They are together in the 10th house of this division. Here Jupiter is in its debilitation sign, but this gets modified by the condition
of its sign lord, Saturn, strong in its mOlatrikona sign. During the whole of the Saturn major period, which she moved into directly
following Jupiter-f?a/iu, she was a major international star.

Norman "Boomer" Esiason had a successful fourteen-year career as a quarterback in the National Football League in the U.S.
Jp'1-41 Means Suvss- MOn^e-

AS,, Ve2ri6 Ma27•49•

10 s 4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gam
KCn; 11 X X7

|3 Aqu BCan
MCa.-,, -r (A
Vez,,, JpUMf Ra,r2y
Boomer Esiason
Mon 4^17/1961 23 43:00
S36°9' Mip. NY
Su.j, 9 Leo
1 2 Cap
2 /
MOtra ASs'K'
Sag 12 SCO 11 Libf 10 Virg

This started when he was drafted out of college in 1984. It was his Rartu-Saturn period.

In the rasi, Rahu is in the 9th house giving the results of an exalted Sun. Saturn has a good dignity in both the birth chart and
navarhsa, being svaksetra.

Ra Su Mo Ma
4 2/ P 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gam
S Ma < Mo
As Sa Ra

6 £12 9 Aqu 2 Can

/ \ / Ke
/ \
Sa VeMe
\7 / S Cap 3 Leo
B- 10
MeKeVe 7 Sag 6 Sco SUbr 4 Virg

However, see that these two grahas are together in the 10th house of his dasarhsa with Saturn as a well-placed lagna lord of
I DIP Pwwr 41
\ Ma Ma SuMe
JR Mo Ke
10 2Pls 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gam

Mo As As
Su Ra
lAqu 5Can
Me Sa

3 12 Cap 7 Leo
Ve \ Jp RaSa
11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr BVirg

Johnny Depp first achieved stardom for his role in the hit TV series 21 Jump Street. This came in his Moon-Saturn period.
110-U ilDuii
MC( y, Su., c
Vtr. Bl37*tS
B \ s SUj.^ 9 PIS 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
• As, X* Ve3«
\ Me,M
/ As„»
4 BAqu 1 Can
Si*-* Johnny Depp Ma^
Sun <HK1903 6 44:00
Sa^. JPi, w 7 Cap Ow»nsboio. KY
2 Leo

MOjq 29
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

In the birth chart, his Moon is the lagna lord involved in a good KesarTYoga with the Moon in Jupiter's sign and Jupiter svaksetra
in Pisces. The Moon also gives the results of the Parvata Yoga formed by when the dispositor of the lagna lord is in an angle or a trine
and in its own or exaltation sign. Yet this initial stardom came in Moon Saturn, two grahas together in the 10th house of his dasarhsa.
kuMmwuM 0 o POMMT ft aumt
Ra Jp
Ma Ke Sa
\8 7 71 s4 7 Pis 8 Ail STau 10 Gem
As /
3 6 Aqu 11 Can
** Mo ( 3^ )
\ /x /
\ / \ /Jp Me
5 Cap 12 Leo
Me «>x x>
Ve / Ra
Ma AsKe
* Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

The moral of this story? Pay particular attention to the periods and sub-periods of planets falling in the 10th house of the
dasarhsa also. They can prove especially good for elevating a person in the context of the promise of these planets in the birth chart.
Chapter Three

Secret #3
Exchanges in D-10
Parivarthana Yogas in the Damshamsha

I have stated it many times in my articles and I will repeat it again here, planets exchanging signs make both planets capable of
giving their results strongly as if they were in their own signs. This holds true both in the birth chart and in the vargas. An exchange
is also the strongest way in which two planets can be sambhanda or associated. In keeping with a principle, I outlined in the general
guidelines for interpreting divisional charts, a third "secret of the dasamsa" that I discovered is that the period and sub-period of two
planets exchanging in D-10 usually proves quite significant for career developments and achievements, in keeping with the prom-
ise in the birth chart.

When discussing the D-10 of Clark Gable we saw that his Mercury and Venus are in a beautiful 1-9 exchange there.

\ KeSu
\ 7 / Ve jp Me
7 PIS B Ail 9Tau 10 Gam
»x Ra
/ \ As
// CAqu 11 Can
\ I3
\ Ma
Su Mo
5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo Jp
Ma Ke
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

What happens in Mercury-Venus? It was during this period that he played one of the first roles that made him such a big star,
that of Fletcher Christian in the film Mutiny on the Bounty. In other words, this period and sub-period marked a pivotal time in his
career life.

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria ascended his throne at the age of eighteen and reigned over his empire for sixty-eight years.
He came to power in his Venus-Jupiter period. Whereas both planets are well-placed in his birth chart, Jupiter, in particular, giving
Harhsa Yoga in the 4th house, it is the condition of these planets in his dasamsa that makes the special significance of this period
and sub-period quite obvious.
i IP-IK «|P-i|
Mo « i- So< ■
Ro.. Mo.. Ma-,.
\7 y/ s 7 Pis B A<1 9Tau 10 Gam
•• •*
\ Vo™
Kfitri- Ve,-„

s 6 Aqu 11 Can
»»3 P)
/ Sar. MOh - -
/ Franz Joseph 1 Mo. v R^.14r
wm a-io'ieao «1500 Su,-,,
Vanna AUS
Mo., <3 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 1
/ \ Afiirjr
4 Sag 3 SCO 2 Ubr 1 Virg

The major period lord Venus is exalted in the 5th house and in an exchange with the sub-period lord Jupiter in the 7th house.
a Did
Ve J2
5 P« 6 An 7 Tau 8 Gem
Me As
Ra Mo Ra
5 4 Aqu 9 Can
Ma "f Ke ( 3*)
Me Ke
« 3 Cap 10 Leo
Ve As Su
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11V.rg

The birth time of opera great Luciana Pavarotti does come from a birth certificate but produces a degree of lagna right on the
edge between Cancer and Leo. There is some question then about his ascendant and therefore the lagna of his D-10 as well.
Ke, M022,26 Ke24,2Z
S 3
X2 ■9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
SU;. ASjarj;
Saii-y AS2r32
Ms- [® Aqu 1 Can
S, &
Luciano Pavarott Ve^
Sot lO^IZ'IOTS 1 40 00
Modena IT
JP-r 7 Cap 2 Leo
8 ■«
MSmk Ra?*'??1 Ma24•4a, 81124^
Sam Jpvr
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 11)1 SVirg

I prefer Cancer/agna because SarasvatTYoga applies from this perspective, but regardless, he rose to great heights in the world
of opera in his Venus major period, and Venus-Saturn was especially outstanding. Venus is vargottama and Saturn is svaksetra in
both the rasi and navamsa.

In D-10 they exchange signs.

VeSu \ Ma Mo
10 8 4 Pis 5 Ah 6 Tau 7 Gam
Me 7
As Ke JP
» 3 Aqu SCan
\ \ VeSu Ra
\/ 2 Cap 3 Leo
1X mo
/ Sa 1
Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg
This period and sub-period ran from March of 1965 to May of 1968. From Wikipedia:

"Shortly after, on 28 April 1965, Pavarotti made his La Scala debut in the revival of the famous Franco Zeffirelli production of
La boheme, with his childhood friend Mirella Freni singing and Mimi and Herbert von Karajan conducting. Karajan had requested
the singer's engagement. After an extended Australian tour, he returned to La Scala, where he added Tebaldo from I Capuleti e i
Montecchi to his repertoire on 26 March 1966, with Giacomo Aragall as Romeo. His first appearance as Tonio in Donizetti's La fille
du regiment took place at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, on 2 June of that year. It was his performances of this role that
would earn him the title of "King of the High Cs."

The period just prior, Venus-Jupiter, was also quite outstanding. He made a triumphant American debut at this time. Note how
these two grahas are also sambandha, having mutual glance in D-10, with Jupiter in its exaltation sign.

Another famous Italian singer, Andreas Bocelli, also experienced an exceptional career peak when running the period and sub-
period of two planets in a parivarthana yoga in his dasarhsa.

/ \ Ma...

Jp«j1 \ e 4. 8 Pis 9 Ail lOTau 11 Gam
rV ■ 3
/ ASji-M- \

7 Aqu 12 Can
» / Ve,™
/ Andreas Bocelii
\ / MOr, r Mon SttZHSSS 51500 ASM-S*
\ / PIM.rr
6 Cap 1 Leo
/ \
\ Jp»it Su™
MO, 15
Sag 4 Sco 3 Ufcr 2Virg

His great success and fame has come primarily in his Jupiter and now Saturn mahadasas. In his birth chart, Jupiter is config-
ured in KesarTYoga and Saturn forms raja yoga with yogakaraka Mars from both the birth lagna and from Chandra lagna.

Both Saturn and Jupiter are svaksetra in his navamsa, and exchange signs in D-10.
Jp /X Ve Ma
Mo \ 9 Me Ra Ke
1° A
y\s * 5 Pis 6 An 7Tau 8 Gem
/X /\
/ X. / \
4 Aqu SCan
Su "f5 ( 3^ )
Ma Mo
12 X'4 3 Cap 10 Leo
Z1 3
M ' \ / \ JP Ve Ra
/ \ / \ Me
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libf 11V.rg

Sa Ve Ma MaSa Me
Me Ra Ve As
2 « 12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem
3X As
Su Ra

4*10 11 Aqu 4 Can

( &)
/ Jp JP Ke

5 10 Cap 5 Leo
Mo ® Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6Virg

Jupiter-Saturn from March 2000 to September 2002 proved exceptional.

For five years actress Shelly Long delighted TV audiences while playing the role of the pseudo-intellectual barmaid, Diane
Chambers, on the enormously popular show, Cheers.
/ \
\ / \ /I
MOjr-u: Si.. 1' Majrw
1 Su4«
C As, K 8P« 9 A<1 10Tau 11 Gam
/ \\ Majr# // \
/ \
/ a \
\l 7 Aqu 12 Can
/ii\ /\ / Su,„
/ \ As,,,
/ Je.,. Shelley Long Sa,,,
/ \ Tue e.WWfl 01300
\ / Foh Wayne. IN Ma„.,
\/ e Cap 1 Leo
/ \ / "
\ / BSi'27 VaTO
/ JPlruc IS Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg

For her performances she was nominated four out of these five years for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead
Actress in a Comedy Series, winning once. This all took place in her Sun mahadasa, her lagna lord in the lagna forming raja yoga
with Saturn, and it was in Sun-Saturn that she won the award.
Jfi Ma
Mo Su Me
B 6 6 PS 7 All 8 Tau 8 Gam
9 ■ ;>: a Ve
/ \
As Ra
/ 7 5 Aqu 10 Can
Ke rasa*
Ra KeSa Ve
4 Cap 11 Leo
12 r3
■ ■'
\ / Mo
Ma Me 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

However, Sun-Venus was an exceptional period/sub-period as well, one in which she was again nominated. Note the Sun's
placement in the lagna of D-10 in its debilitation sign, but in a parivarthana yoga with Venus.
Remarkably, legendary actress Barbara Stanwyck, whose career in films and on television spanned an incredible 64 years, won
an Emmy at the age of 75 for her performance in The Thorn Birds. It was her Mercury-Moon period.

it-4* Sa,,. Ve„„

K©,; 4t
12 a 3 Pis 4 Ail 5 Tau 5 Gam
As„ Su,,,,
Mfi r > •
10 2 Aqu 7 Cm
As*,, Barbara Stanwyck
!<•,.„ Toe 7.'18iie07 204500
Me ■rz? Bioohiyn. Kmge NV
Ra Ciir 8 Leo
2 « Mo ■3 si 1 Cap
3 SUo- 5
JP '.•2 Mi.--
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

These two grahas form a raya-yoga-giving 7-9 exchange in her birth chart but are vargottama in her D-10 and again in a
parivarthana yoga!

Me Ma JpRa
Su Ma
\ / \2 1 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
» v; As X
y N. Me
Mo Ra
9Aqu 2 Can
Ke Su
\ / \
\ / JP

■n 8 Cap 3 Lao
-K Sa
Ve / \ Ke
\ / \ Sa Ve
/ \l 7 Sag 6 Sco SUbr (4 Virg
Another actress, Laura Dern was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in 1992 for her performance in the film
Rambling Rose. It was her Jupiter-Mars period.

RUN ID- jOmnmU

2 Pis 3 An 4 Tau 5 Gem
Ba,~ - x. Vex..
Vej(r» Aetrr Jfir.J
/ \ / \ Me,..,,
" 1 Aqu 6 Car
SU.PM Laura Dern
\ / \ / Fn 2/10)1967 7:4800
Santa Monica. CA
\/ \/ 12 Cap 7 Leo
/ \ / \ Ma,,*.
Jp5» \/ \ 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Ubr BVira
NdltMmUM M OhMMtSpouM m.imuMmr
Ve /\ Me
KeAs Ve
\ Z Ke \ /
' — ii . . 1 PIS 12 An 3 Tau 4 Gem
2 M Mo
3^9 12 Aqu 5 Can
\ /\ / J^Sa
Ma Mo
11 Cap 6 Leo
Su ■»
Ra Ma
JfiSa 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

Jupiter is near its extreme degree of exaltation in the birth chart and Mars is svaksetra in her navarhsa. In D-10 Jupiter and Mars
are in a highly favorable 5-9 exchange.
\ [XltfMOMfnUM 01 Q Pommy 4 sunn
Ra /] Su
\ / Ke Ja
Me Mo Me
</ \4 / B P« 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gam
As ;>: 3
// \ Ve /\ Su
/ Mo
/ s \ 7 Aqu 12 Can
/ \
/ \ , AsVe
Ma \ / \ /
»v 6 Cap 1 Leo
5a 10 X'
/ \ Sa
\ Ja Ra
/ Ke 5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg

The lesson again is clear. The period and sub-periods of planets in an exchange in D-10 can prove exceptional in the context of
their promise in the birth chart.
Chapter Four

Secret #4
Planets Conjunct in D-10
Planets Conjunct in the Dasarhsa

Of course, the conjunction is another way in which planets are strongly associated and when two grahas are together in D-10, it
is my experience that as a period and sub-period these also can prove significant, and not just if they fall in the 1 st or 10th house of
a dasarhsa, or even angle or trines. I have used this interpretive principle to successfully predict, as illustrated in the very first case
study presented in the introduction. See another instance.

When you have paid an ungodly amount of tuition to a private school like Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and your
son has finally graduated, your fondest hope is that he will be able to get a job and become self-supporting. Such was the case with
my best friend from college. Look at the son's chart given below, keeping in mind that he graduated in his Sun-Mars period.

His Sun mahadasa shows a good potential for career-making in a media-related field since it is the 9th lord of his birth chart with
the 10th lord Mercury and in the 3rd house, forming the best raja yoga for his Sagittarius birth lagna. This is especially true since
both planets are vargottama.

Sa,» V6i3'38
Ma 19*40'
10 ASrj 8 4 Pis 5 Ail 6 Tau rGam
Me,rr "X X7
Su,,* x\ Sllis-sr Ke3*44
/ Jpin^
3 Aqu 6 Car
Ve,3» 'T
Sas-aa- MOIO*26'
\ / Ra3.44
1 • 2 Cap 9 Leo
2 /*

Ma,r«o ri«r AS7«35'

K«: 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg
Mo As
Ke As Ma
4 2 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
» ... >; i
/\ Me
/ Ma Mo
6 2 UAqu 2 Can
f Sa ( 3*)
8 Cap 3 Leo
Jfi 7
, ic" Me
\ Ra Ve JjD
Ve 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

The siddhamsa (D-24) clearly shows the educational achievement in Sun-Mars with the Sun in an angle svaksetra and Mars in
a good trine house, disposited hy yogakaraka Venus strong in its own sign.

j£ Sa Mo
10 2 Pis 3 A/1 4 Tau 5 Gam
Mo 'X 9
/ Me
/ \ As
/ \ /
1 Aqu 5 Can
f 2 ( &)
Ve / \ Sa Su
3> 12 Cap 7 Leo
4 Su
Me KeRa 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Ubr BVirg

However, it was after seeing his dasarhsa that I told him and his parents not to worry, and that "the stars were with him." I
predicted he would quickly get a position, and this is what happened just a month or so after he graduated. It was with a media
See that the Sun and Mars are together in his D-10, with the debilitation of Mars getting effectively canceled by the exchange
with the Moon. Recall now what was given by Iyer as an exception to his general principles wherein Mars can give good results in
the 6th house of a divisional chart if in special condition. The special condition, in this case, is the parivarthana yoga with the Moon.

Ve Ke
Ke Me
2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gem
Sa Ma
11 1 Aqu BCan

•7 12 Cap 7 Leo

Me Ra Sa
SuMa 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr BVirg

What I did not say is that the road was likely to be a bit rocky since Mars goes to the 6th house of the birth chart and the major
period lord, Sun, is in a dussthana house in D-10.

The position did not last long because of a lay-off, but then he was able to find another job quickly. Good periods professionally
were also predicted for Sun-Mercury which has proved correct, and for Sun-Venus still to come. Can you see why?

Actress Cameron Diaz made her movie debut in This Mask in 1994 in Mars-Moon.
Mej.j, Saj(T M028M®' Sa26' 7' AS29",IO'
2 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gam
SUnsr »4 Ve 27-BT X1
Mflie-ir ASmtw K01°4?'

/ UAqu 2 Can
f2 (A)
/ \ Cameron Diaz SUis-jr
Ra,^ W«kJ 8^0'1972 2 53 00
/ San D»ego CA Ma16.i7'
\/ 8 Cap 3 Leo
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg
In her rasi the mahadasa lord, Mars is in the 3rd house of the performing arts with the 3rd lord Sun and both are vargottama.

Jp VeAs
10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
Sa Ve
Ma As Ke
3 9Aqu 2 Can
fJ ( &)
■ ii 8 Cap pLeo
r- Mo 10

7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr IVirg

From the Chandra lagna, Aries, the Mars-Sun conjunction becomes a brilliant Maharaja Yoga. In D-10 Mars in its exaltation sign,
with the Moon in the 11th house, and the period/sub-period of these two planets marked a pivotal time in her career life.
Ve Ke
1 Pis 2 Ari 3Tau 4 Gem
■ Ke

12 Aqu SCan
Sa Me JpMa
\/ 11 Cap 6 Leo
» Ra
/ Su SaRa
10Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

So, did the later period of Rahu-Satum, together in the 7th house of her dasarhsa. This is when she appeared in the box office
smash hit, Charlie's Angels. Do you see how the conjunction of planets in her D-10 are marking significant achievements and devel-
opments in her career life when activated in the Vimsottan dasa sequence?

MOjr *a
ii 4 Pis 5 Ari CTau 7 Gem
As u »•
Jp; Kc , ki

^Aqu 8Can
( &)
Sllj 5t
MO/,* Sophia Loren Ve.„
Thu 14 10^)0
Bit... Rome <1
pcap 9 Leo

Ma ari» As,,. SUfy,

« 3:
1 Sag 12 SCO 11 Libr 10 Virg

Italian movie star, Sophia Loren also made her debut in the period and sub-period of two planets in the 11th house of her
dasarhsa. It was her Rahu-Venus period
Su As Mo
12 Pis 1 Art 2 Tau 3 Gam
Mo »x
Sa RaVe
\ /
■ i ■ 11 Aqu 4 Can
10 Cap 5 Leo
Ke ») « Me
Me Ma
Ma 19
Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr BVirg

Greater stardom followed in her Jupiter mahadasa, vargottama in both D-9 and D-10, configured in Kesan Yoga in the birth
chart, and falling in an angle in her dasarhsa.

3 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gem

Mo. c R»,,
10 Aqu 3 Car
Su_. Jennifer Jason Lee
MS::« Moo 7«lge7 17 3300
\ / SUr jp,-. Ma.. Los Angstss. CA
' Vfc , Mj ; . 9 Cap 4 Leo
9\ Ml„

B Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr 5 Vim

Jennifer Jason Lee is yet another actress who ran a period and sub-period of two planets in the 11th house of her dasarhsa that
marked an exceptional time in her film career. From late-1988 to mid-1991 she ran her Jupiter-Venus period and appeared in two
films in which her performances where critically acclaimed. From Wikipedia:
"In 1990, Leigh made a significant career breakthrough when she was awarded New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best
Supporting Actress and the Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayals of two very different
prostitutes: the tough streetwalker Tralala who submits to a brutal gang rape in Last Exit to Brooklyn, and Susie, a teenage prostitute
who falls in love with ex-con Alec Baldwin in Miami Blues. Roger Ebert included Last Exit in his list of Best Movies of 1990, calling
Leigh's performance brave"

Me KeVe
\ /\ /• Mo Su Jp
\./s \./ve ■9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
s As Jp
Ke As

BAqu 1 Can
r Me y 0
\ / \ /
Ra Mo
a >12 7 Cap 2 Leo
/" Ra
/ MaSa 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Vira
RmM ID-I) Qmnmat RmNID. Qmnm*
\ /\ /\
\ / \ /
Suj,,, \ Mazrw '-lp2Bf23 M024*or
g 4 M0j4 ty
a p« 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gam

/ \ Ra^ / \ Ke29"2«

VCr* 3 JP?.rr» 7 Aqu 12 Can

Sarw AS|3"39'
Paul Simon
\ / \ / Men 1013/1941 2 3300
Newark. NJ
»• •1 € Cap 1 Leo
io 'ir\
Ma,^ Meie.5o- Su26-3r
5 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg
This principle also held true for recording artist, Paul Simon, who first came to fame as one half of the singing/song-writing duo
of Simon and Garfunkel in the 1960s. Their hit song, The Sounds of Silence, released in October of 1966 reached #1 on the charts.
It was his Saturn-Moon period.

As an angle lord, Saturn forms raja yoga in the 10th house of his birth chart through its conjunction with the 5th lord Jupiter. It
gains strength by its placement in its mulatrikona sign in his navarhsa.

VeJfi 7 Mo
As Ke Me
6 4
>- 3 ■8 Pis 9 A/1 lOTau 11 Gam
Su Sa
a 7Aqu 12 Can
Ma (*)
Mo / AsSu
\ /
1 6 Cap 1 Leo
Ra Ra VeJjD
Ma Me 5 Sag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2Virg

Saturn is again in Aquarius in D-10, conjunct the Moon.

xSu Ke Me
Mo Ma
10 ♦ Pis 5 Afi 6Tau 7 Gem
Sa "x As
p Aqu 5 Can
( &)
Me /
i >•; 2 Cap 9 Leo
2 Ma ;s
As Ke JfiVe
Ra 1
Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

The modeling career of Fabio Lanzoni, whose image graced the cover of many romance novels in the 1980s and 90s, had its
big breakthrough in his Ftahu-Sun period. This is not at all apparent from the birth chart where they fall along the 6-12 axis. It be-
comes more apparent from a strong Chandra lagna, where they are now on the 5-11 axis.
Jpr, Su,,.
R3l6 41 Met,«2 MOIJ-JJ
Ketl)t Ma^rsj
6/ 6 Pis 7 Afi 8 Tau 8 Gem
S3 a ST •S
/ ASjj-»
/ / \
5 Aqu 10 Can
44 &
Fabio Lanzoni
/ Sun 2300:00
\ / Milan. IT
\ /- 4 Cap 11 Leo
v V6S-it / \ AeTTi* Ra„„
Ke,t4« Ma2r« Sa,,-., JPr.,
Me,j« Mo,:
SUv.T 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Yet, it is quite obvious in his dasamsa how the Rahu period in general and Rahu-Sun, in particular, proved exceptional career-
wise. They are together in the 7th angle house and aspected by two benefics, one exalted and one getting directional strength. The
Sun has its own source of strength from its sign exchange with Mars.
I DIP Pwwr 4 8
/ \ SaVe MoKe
Me As
4 KeMo >12 11 Pi# 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gem
As Me

/ 2 10 Aqu 3 Can
Ma "11
Ra / Ma
\ y 9 Cap 4 Leo
67 10
Jp RaSu JP

8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

Pete Rose of baseball fame became the National League's Rookie of the Year in 1963. It was his Mercury-Mars period.
SUry KS.r,
Sfljrjr Me,,* Su., Jp,,.,
J A#,;, Saj,1,,
P^ Ke,,, Ve„.,
Me.o-w 11 1 Pis 2 Ari 3 Tau 4 Gam

12 12 Aqu SCan
/ \ Pete Rose
Ma,,,, Man 5 4iOO
Dncinnat OH
11 Cap 6 Leo
•• Ra.
Mo, Rff-—-
10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

These two grahas are together in the 9th house of his dasamsa and receiving the aspect of the natural benefic, Venus. Mercury
is giving nTcabhanga raja yoga in the birth chart and Mars is exalted. In D-10 Mars is in an exchange with its sign lord, Saturn.
EtaMMnumUtf D1 Q POMf ( 8UU>
^Ra 7\ /
Su As
\4 / 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
As ' Su
s \ Me
Ve yS , ' v.\
3 \ 9 Aqu 2 Can
Mo •r z1 ( 3*)

\ y KeJp Ve
\ /
-6 Cap 3 Leo
B ,7 Me
/ \ Ma Sa
Sa \/Jp Ke\ 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

Bernard Arnault is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of LVMH. He is the richest man in France and the 12th richest
person in the world. In November 2016, his wealth was estimated to be $37.3 billion. The period of Rahu-Venus from November
1986 to November 1989 was among the most pivotal of his astonishing career. From Wikipedia:

"In 1987, shortly after the creation of LVMH, the new luxury group resulting from the merger between two companies, Arnault
mediated a conflict between Alain Chevalier, Moet Hennessy's CEO, and Henri Racamier, president of Louis Vuitton. The new group
held property rights to Dior perfumes, which Arnault believed should be incorporated into Dior Couture.

In July 1988, Arnault provided $1.5 billion to form a holding company with Guinness that held 24% of LVMH's shares. In
response to rumors that the Louis Vuitton group was buying LVMH's stock to form a "blocking minority", Arnault spent $600 million
to buy 13.5% more of LVMH, making him LVMH's first shareholder. In January 1989, Bernard Arnault spent another $500 million to
gain control a total of 43.5% of LVMH, and 35% of voting rights, thus reaching the "blocking minority" he needed to stop the disman-
tlement of the LVMH group. On 13 January 1989, he was unanimously elected chairman of the executive management board.
iipji •JSbU
/ Rpj.,.
WO, ,
Ke ri* \ g ASa^r \ 4 /
«Pts 9 Arl 10Tau 11 G«m
7 59B4V ■3
/ /\ Su™

5 ' Aqu 12 Can

Bernard Arnault
Jp,., sm 3fV1949 1700 00 Sa...
MOjo 6 Cap RoutM>ti. FR
•i 1 Leo
10 Slljrsr
Ve,o m Ra
Me^,, K«r,.
JPt 3 SSag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2Virg

See the many raja and dhana yogas from the birth lagna, but especially again from Chandra lagna. Then note the condition and
position of Rahu-Menus in his dasarhsa.
DttfumMnftfea DIG Poww 4 Buiut
Sa Ma RaVe
Ke Su Me
7 Pa a Arl 9 Tau 10 Gem
/ 6 Aqu 11 Can
r ( ^)

\ Ve
10 j 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 ; Me
/ Mo
i AsSu
\ /
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

They are together in the 9th house of D-10 with Rahu in its exaltation sign (according to Parasara Hora) and Venus in its own
sign. They also get the additional influence of two natural benefics, Mercury by conjunction and Jupiter by aspect. Little wonder this
period and sub-period marked a very pivotal period in his career life.
Stevie Nicks had her first great success as a rock star and recording artist as a part of the group Fleetwood Mac. Rumors, the
album released by them in February 1977, is one of the best-selling of all time. It was her Mars-Venus period
/ SU 11'54' MGa'av
Ra, AS25«28- R3?0U7' Ve)6i55-
,11 1 PIS 2 A/1 3Tau 4 Gam
Su,,« j x >10
M64 4V ,2 MO21 •; 12 Aqu SCan
Ve,B„ &
Jgs Ji Maio-y
Stevie Nicks
Wad SAftlMa 3 02 00
Phoenu, A2
4V 11 Cap 6 Leo
B 7
Sa, MOsrss* KSjo'a?"
\ !SS20'4?
Mdio y Jg3>21.
\ 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

Mars in the 6th house from the birth lagna seemed ill-suited to bring such fame and fortune. To understand it you must apply
dasa lagna.

/\ SUn^ MG4-4V
Sa, AS25*28- Ra20 47' ,
E 3 8 Pis BAP 10 Tau 11 Gam
1 Ma,, Ve,.,
7 Aqu 12 Can
**2 Su,
Ma io^
Stevie Nicks
/ Wed 3:0200
Phoonn, AZ
» ■1 >6 Cap 1 Leo
10 «•
Mo. M021'52' KG 20'E 7'
ASjs a
15 Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Virg
Mars now becomes \he yogakaraka and the planetary yogas along the 5-11 axis that include Venus become brilliant. However, it
is Mars and Venus in her D-10 that really tell the story of why her Mars-Venus period was an explosion of achievement and success.
DtfftiuiiumtJka D1 0 Fowar t Sum

\ /\ / SuKe
6 s 3 j 9 PIS 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
Me /•
. K* BAqu 1 Can
Ra Su

7 Cap 2 Leo
Ma %
Ve / Jb SaRa
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

Mars is the yogakaraka strong in its own sign in a trine joined with the natural benefic Venus. See how strong her dasarhsa is
with the lagna lord Moon there with Mercury getting directional strength and forming a good Gaja KesarTYoga with Jupiter. All g rah as
are falling in either angle or trine houses with two exalted planets, and two in their own signs. Hers is another example of a truly ex-
ceptional dasarhsa.

Her career is still going strong at age sixty-eight. From Wikipedia:

"In September 2014, Nicks released her eighth studio album, 24 Karat Gold: Songs from the Vault which reached number seven
on the Billboard 200. She also began a North American tour with Fleetwood Mac, now reunited with Christine McVie, the On with
the Show tour.

In May 2015, Nicks reissued Crystal Visions - The Very Best of Stevie Nicks on "crystal clear" transparent double vinyl. The vinyl
came with a vinyl messenger bag and a limited-edition lithograph."

All this is happening in her current Saturn-Mercury period, with Saturn exalted in D-10, giving Sasa Yoga and the sub-period lord
Mercury falling the 10th house from there. More about this important point later.

See again the dasarhsa of Clark Gable, who also had a long and distinguished career as noted earlier. One of his more notable
successes was the 1953 film, Mogambo, where he plays a big game hunter and safari guide who gets involved in a love triangle with
characters portrayed by Grace Kelly and Eva Gardner. It was his Ketu-Jupiter period.
DWMmMUM 01 0 POUMT 4 blitut
\ / \ / Sa
Ve jp Me
7 Pis B Ail 9 Tau 10 Gam
/ \ / \
6 Aqu 11 Can
f 3*)
\ /1\Sa
Su Me Mo
0 I5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo ' ,1 Jp ;'
Ma / Ke
7 \ / \ AsVe
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

Ketu and Jupiter are together in the 7th house of his dasarhsa and aspected by Venus.

Let these ten examples suffice to illustrate how the period and sub-period of two planets conjoined in D-10 can mark significant
developments in a person's career life. The examples are mostly dramatic ones in which these planets also show a good promise in
the birth charts, have sources of strength in D-1, D-9 or D-10, are mostly falling in a good house in the dasarhsa and are oftentimes
participating in good yogas. This is when you see the truly exceptional results.

However, I must acknowledge that these are not the people or the types of charts that an astrologer encounters in their day to
day practice. This is why I have also shown three examples in which successful predictions were given to "ordinary folks" using this
principle. I will conclude this segment with one more.
V©. ijp
Mdner \ 7 Kgrj, s 7 Pis
4 B A<1 9 Tau 10 Gam
/ \ ASI4-4J
/ Su,..
/ \s/ 6 Aqu 11 Can
( '
\ Moift
Merjs Sajrs, 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 Ve.rsr ■<>
Bin. Mo,,.
\ / \
/ Su, „ ♦ Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

This is the chart of a woman well-known to me to whom I have given many successful predictions over a period of 20 years.
She is a violin soloist, and musical educator/entrepreneur. In her Rahu mahadasa she developed some very innovative concerts
aimed at educating young children about classical music that were very popular in Germany and made her something of a minor
celebrity. Beginning in Rahu-Ketu she got married, had two children and her career life went on hold. It was difficult for her and she
wondered if it could ever be revived. I assured her that it would, especially between February 2012 and August 2014 in her Jupiter-
Saturn period.

This prediction was partially based on the fact that these two planets form an angle-trine combination in her birth chart with
Jupiter getting directional strength in the 1st house and Saturn being vargottama.
Ma / KeSa
JjD As
As Me
4 ,2 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
B ;>• i
Ra Sa
/ OAqu 2 Can
\ Me ( 3^)

7 8 Cap 3 Leo
Su a Ve
Mo Ve
Su Ra
7 Sag 8 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

It was also based on the fact that these two grahas are together in the 11 th house of her dasarhsa. Note also that the sub-period
lord Saturn is in an exchange here.

Me Mo
8 6
s A 6 Pis 7 Ah 8 Tau 9 Gem
/ Ke
Ma Ma
i 4 SAqu 10 Can
Ra 4 Ke f&)
Ra SaJf)
11 4 Cap 11 Leo
Su 12 a3
Me Mo
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
During this period, she went from having no position to having more than one, including becoming a faculty member at a
renowned music school teaching musical entrepreneurship. Her performing career as a violin soloist revived during this time as well.
Chapter Five

Secret #5
Planets in Mutual Aspect in D-10
Planets in Mutual Aspect in the Dasarhsa

After exchange of signs and conjunctions, the next strongest way in which planets become associated is through a mutual
aspect between them, which means that they will be 1-7 from each other in a chart. So, the fifth "secret of the dasarhsa" is that the
period and sub-period of such planets in D-10 can also mark significant developments and achievement in career/professional life.
i i

9 Sa. hit 5 Pis BAP 7Tau 8 Gem

10 Ss 4 5J
Ma7 ASisr

/ 4 Aqu 9 Can
"5* warn »
Sugar Ray Leonard
Ttui S/IMMd 1950 00
Wilmngion. NC
X/ Me is t JPww 3 Cap 10 Leo
Ke mis y
Ve •aaa Sa.
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Sugar Ray Leonard is regarded as one of the greatest boxers of all time, winning titles in four weight divisions in a career
which spanned 20 years from 1977 to 1997, which is long for a professional pugilist. This coincided with his Sun, Moon, and Mars

One of the greatest highlights of his boxing career was when he came out of retirement to face Marvin Hagler in what was
promoted as The Super Fight in Las Vegas on April 6, 1987. Hagler was heavily favored to win by the oddsmakers. It was Leonard's
Moon-Mercury-Moon period.

Note, these grahas first in the navarhsa and then his dasarhsa. Does anything strike you?
\ /\ /
\ / \ / Jp
5 Pis e An 7 Tau 6 Gem
Ve As Ma Su
Su \ Sa
4 Aqu 9Can
Mo Ve
Me Sa
3 Cap 10 Leo
Jp AsRa
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Ra Me
Su As Ma
10 4 Pis 5 An erau 7 Gem
11X Mo
/ Jp Ve Su
3 Aqu SCan
4s ( &)

\/ 2 Cap 9 Leo
Me Ra Ve Sa
Jp As
Ke 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

You should have seen that both planets have great strength since they are vargottama in D-9. The Moon is in the lagna of D-10
in Jupiter's sign and with a svaksetra Jupiter forming an excellent Gaja KesarTYoga, enhanced by the mutual glance with Mercury
in its own sign Gemini.

I am not a gambling man but if I had seen this prior to the fight I may have placed a large bet with those great odds and cleaned
up! Even so, it was very close. Leonard was awarded a controversial split decision. Moon-Mercury in a mutual glance in D-10 in
such a condition clearly timed a highwater mark in his incredible boxing career.

Prior to the release of her album Let's Talk About Love on November 14, 1997, with her signature song, My Heart Will Go On,
recording artist Celine Dion had been quite successful for some time. This event, however, put her in the stratosphere of mega-
stardom. It was her Sun-Venus period and these two make a mutual aspect in D-10 with the Sun in its exaltation sign, while Venus
is in its own sign with another benefic.

Sil* >» MOa is

9 AS, 3
S . 9 Pis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gam
K®jsr /\ Ve*.. ASv.
/ \
4 8 Aqu 1 Can
Ma.* *)
Mo.,, Jfi...
Celine Dion
Sat I'-joiaea 12 isoo
\, Raa Quebec CAN
7 Cap 2 Leo
• •
Su,., Xe.,*
/ \J 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

As Sa
SaAs 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gam

6JV12 SAcju 2 Can

f (&)
7 >8 Cap 3 Lao
Ve :B 10
7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg
Rocker Bruce Springsteen, known as "The Boss," also released an album that catapulted him to greater stardom in a period
and sub-period of two grahas in a mutual glance in his dasamsa. It was his Jupiter-Venus period.

10 Pis 11 Ah 12Tau 1 Gam
Sa irr

Su r w Ra 33 33 SAqu 2 Can
Ke 23 (J*
Me Bruce Springsteen
Fn 22 52 00 SOtr,
Mo- Freehold NJ
ve, • 11 BCap 3 Leo
Jp*..* v*„.„
Mo.-,, Ke^^
7 Sag 6 Sco S Ufar 4Virg

Both have a very good dignity in the rasi being in their mulatrikona signs and with Jupiter vargottama giving Harhsa Yoga. In D-10
Jupiter and Venus are in a mutual glance falling in angle houses and with Venus now in its exaltation sign.

Ve AsRa
10 Pi# 11 Ah 12Tau 1 Gam

Ma Ra Sa Su
3 O Aqu 2Cw
6 |^2
Ke Me Ma
3 Cap 3 Leo
/ Me 7 Sag 6 Sco SUbr 4Virg
Jupiter-Venus coincided with late 1978 until August of 1981. From Wikipedia:

"Springsteen continued to focus on working-class life with the 20-song double album The River in 1980, which included an
intentionally paradoxical range of material from good-time party rockers to emotionally intense ballads, and finally yielded his first hit
Top Ten single as a performer, "Hungry Heart". The album sold well, becoming his first No. 1 on the Billboard Pop Albums chart, and
a long tour in 1980 and 1981 followed, which included Springsteen's first extended tour of Europe and ending with a series of multi-
night arena stands in major cities in the U.S."

French politician Jacques Chirac, became President of France in 2002 in Jupiter-Saturn, with these two in a mutual aspect in
his dasamsa.
Sa ' fZ Me.. 3 Pis STau
12 x« 4 Ail 5 Gam
Su u »
AS, ■^51

I*7 2At,u 7 Can

Ve KTV /
t) Ma,r..
AS,r!.t Jacques Chirac
S«,.v, Tm 11/29/1902 1200 00 Jp.,
P»n» FH
>•. V 1 Cap 8 Leo
Ms - .-
JP. ft? Mo,,. Su,„ Va.r.

12 Sag 11 SCO 10 Libr 9 Virg
\ Jp Me
4 2 10 Pis 11 Art 12 Tau 1 Gam
5 X1
Ra Ke
9 Aqu 2 Can
6*12 Me ( 3*)
Ma Ke Ve
\/ 8 Cap 3 Leo
7 >■:
SaSu VeMo 7 Sag € Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

Here I suspect the birth time may need some slight adjustment. It is likely that the D-10 lagna is Cancer, not Gemini. Regardless,
this most significant milestone in his political career took place in the period sub-period of two planets in a mutual glance in his

Earlier we saw Audrey Hepburn's D-10 and how in JupWer-Ftahu, two planets in the 10th house of this varga, she made her
movie debut and won an Oscar. Another movie role for which she is widely known is as the bohemian socialite in the film classic
Breakfast at Tiffany's. She starred in this movie in her Saturn-Venus period. These two grahas are along the 5-11 axis of her dasamsa
with Saturn in its mOlatrikona sign and Venus in a pahvarthana yoga in an exchange.
umftiM D10 P«M kukmunuM 0 Q PoMMf 4 Sunn
\ MaMe Me Mo
\ As
\ // Ma
V, 2 12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gam
Mo 3 yn Sa
// \
\ / Sa Ke
/ i 11 Aqu 4 Can
\ Ke •F0 Ra f )
\ Jp
\ RaJp Ve
Su \ /
\ /
5 10 Cap 5 Leo

Ve / \


GSag 8 Sco 7 Ubr BVira
RMM |D-1) OarMMl lbikN (D*
/ N
V6i4'jj- Mo •w KSnr
RBTST & Mea, 7 Pis 8 Ari 10 Gam
9 Tau
•x ASirap /\ Ma5!r
/ \ / \ Su.,,. SU^ttMSHT
/ Jp ■ s . Ma,,..
/ \» / 6 Aqu 11 Can
9 5
t (3*)
Natalie Wood Va,*-^
Wed 7120.1938 11 1200
\ / S3a4-Br \ /
5 Cap
San Francaco OA
12 Leo
11 y l\
Ke, 51 AStrr»
\ / Ra •M
/ SIB'-js MOrsa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr iVirg

Sometimes success and even stardom can come at a very young age, as they did for Natalie Wood. She was only eight years
old when she appeared as the little girl who didn't believe in Santa Glaus in the Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street. It was in
her Venus-Moon period, two grahas in a mutual glance in her dasarhsa. The major period lord, Venus, gets the additional influence
of two natural benefics, Mercury by conjunction and Jupiter by aspect.
j£ Mo
6 € Pis 7 Art 8 Tau 9 Gam
Me Xs
Ve SaRa

io»4 Ra |5 Aqu 10 Can

Ke ( 3*)
Sa Ke
Ma /
\ / 4 Cap 11 Leo
11 -
Su As
/ Me
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Much greater stardom awaited her in the following mahadasa of the Sun, exalted in an angle in D-10 and with Jupiter, during
which she was nominated for three Academy Awards. One of these, a Best Actress nomination for her role in Love with a Proper
Stranger, came in Sun-Jupiter. The timing of these career peaks is just not possible based solely on the birth chart, but again be-
comes rather obvious when you see her dasarhsa.
Chapter Six

Secret #6
Other Types of Sambandhas in D-10
Other Types of Sambandhas in the Dasamsa

There is another way in which two planets get strongly connected that is often overlooked. This occurs when a planet is in the
sign of some other planet that then also aspects it. The aspect need not be mutual. Take for example when Venus is exalted in
Pisces, and then also gets the aspect of Jupiter. The sixth "secret of the dasamsa" is that when such a condition exists in D-10, the
period and sub-period of these two planets can also mark a significant achievement or development in a person's career life

They did so for actor Tommy Lee Jones when he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the 1993 thriller, The
Fugitive when he ran his Jupiter-Venus period.
RmM (D-1) Oanwal RmN ID- lOunaH
\ /\ z BAU17
\ / \ /
Xs Mo,-« , 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gam
Sa„, * x ASr« W
BS»r«T Sa,„

/ \ / \ 10 Aqu 3 Can
/ \a/ X
Su** Tommy Lee Jones
Sun 22 00 00 Su«..
X X'' X / Sun Subu. TX
Meow Kc?? u 9 Cap 4 Leo
6 ■ 10
r 9
Ve„„ K#,- Jp.v
Ve^Ma.-,, Me.-
/ Mav« BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

In his birth chart, Jupiter and Venus are together in Libra, his 6th house, helping to form a rather rare full Vipahta Raja Yoga in
which all the Thk house lords (6, 8, 12) are together in Trik houses with no other house lords. This is a partial explanation as to why
this period and sub-period proved so exceptional.

Another part of the explanation is strength of planets. The sub-period lord Venus is in its mulatrikona sign in the birth chart and
involved in an exchange with exalted Saturn in his navarhsa.
/ \
i 1 Pis 2 Ail 3Tau 4 Gem
2 As 'o Mo
Me Ve Ra
12 12 Aqu SCan
Mo (*)

4X 11 Cap 6 Leo
B Jp
Ra Sa
MaSa 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

In his dasarhsa, Venus is in its exaltation sign in the lagna and aspected by its dispositor and mahadasa lord, Jupiter, well placed
in the best trine.

Ke Me
Me Ve Su
i 2 Ari 3 Tau
2 >; As V-o Mo 1 Pis >4 Gem

Su Ke Sa
\12/ 12 Aqu SCan
3*9 ( 3*)
/ \
/ Ra
Sa Jp Mo
4> 11 Cap 6 Leo
Ra Ma 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

He won his Oscar on the night of March 21, 1994, in the dasa sequence of Jupiter-Venus-Mars, the very three planets forming
his rare Viparita Raja Yoga! Note that Mars is vargottama in both D-9 and D-10. It is precise timing like this, which I have seen re-
peatedly, that has given me full confidence in citrapaksha ayanamsa, the only one recommended to me by my teacher, K.N. Rao.
I saw this same sambandha principle play out with respect to my own dasamsa in a way that gave rise to one of the more
pleasant episodes of my career life, one that was completely unintended. In my early thirties, I decided to get an advanced degree,
a Masters in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University, in order to get my career on a different track. When nearing
completion of this I was invited to apply for the position of Assistant Dean of Students for their prestigious business school, the
Kellogg Graduate School of Management. I had not intended doing anything like this, but the thought of getting back from the
university some of the large amount of tuition I had recently paid greatly appealed to me. I saw it as a very temporary thing until I re-
couped financially.

I was hired into the position and enjoyed both the role and the working environment so much that I stayed four years. A good
portion of this coincided with my Ra/itv-Venus period. In the birth chart, Venus is the 9th lord in the 9th house of institutions of higher
learning. In D-'IO Rahu is in the sign of Venus and aspected by Venus.

^ MeMa Sa/ KeVe

Su Sa
\B / 9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
6/;>: \ As Su
\ 4 /' BAqu 1 Can
/V Mo
\ Ke Ma
\ / JP
X / 7 Cap 2 Leo
a> ■ 12
/ \ Jp
\, Ra
\ /
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ufcr 3Virg

Towards the end of this period, I fulfilled my ambition of starting my own counseling practice and also held a part-time position
at the Law School of Northwestern University. P?af7U-Venus quite predictably marked a highly favorable and pleasant period in my
career life, falling as these planets do in angle houses and with this form of sambandha.

Rahu-Moon, the period and sub-period of two planets again along the 4-10 axis of my dasamsa and in a 1-7 relationship, also
marked a significant development in my career life and the obtainment of a much-desired position. All this is very commonplace
though and not of the magnitude of a chart like that of Tommy Lee Jones. This has to do with the difference in the static potential
indicated in the birth charts as well as strength of planets etc. I show it here only to emphasize that in my experience these same
principles can be effectively utilized to predict for anyone using any D-10. They don't just apply to the charts of notable persons.

When timing periods and sub-period that could prove exceptional, I am also looking for a simple sambandha based just on
dispositorship. This could be a situation in which the sub-period lord is in the sign of the major period lord.

Below is the chart of a young Russian man who at the age of twenty-four experienced quite an unexpected career development
and rise in his Venus-Moon period. You might say that he found his life's calling at this time and enjoyed immediate and consider-
able success with it.

\ Ms

Sa- MO20'6
10 s / Me. 4 PIS 5 All 6 Tau 7 Gam
BSinr 11
' AS„.r ■7

Ma, TT JRSl7»11
, 3Aqu 6 Can
M0a \ KStr-iv

2 Cap 9 Leo
^ s Keinrj
/ ASIS'B' Me28•13,
/ SS7«B' SUa'sr V62,19f
ISag 12 Sco 11 Libf 10 Virg

His Venus is vargottama in its mdlatrikona sign in the birth chart and conjunct another benefic, the 10th lord Mercury. In D-10 the
major period lord Venus is again vargottama in Libra as the lagna lord. The sub-period lord Moon is exalted in the lagna in Venus'
sign Taurus. This is the kind of connection to which I am now referring where the major period lord is the dispositor of the sub-period
lord. In my experience the period and sub-period of two such planets in D-10 can also bring significant developments in a person's
career life. Of course, in this case the results were more dramatic because of the strength of the planets involved.
DIP PoiMf 4 amu* kuftinumiki 0' 0 POMMf 4 SUtUfl
\ /I As
As Mo
3 i 11 Pi# 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gem
Me 4X ;>• 12 Je
Sa Me
Ra/ Mo
Ma Ra
10 Aqu 3 Can
Su ^ Sa
Ma Ke Su
e :>■:
• 10 ■9 Cap 4 Leo
7 9
/ N.
/ ^ Ve
/ 7
Ve .Z BSafl . 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg
Chapter Seven

Secret #7
Unconnected But Strong Period and Sub-Period Lords in D-10
Strong Unconnected Planets in the Dasarhsa

Another observation of mine, let's call it the "seventh secret of the dasarhsa," is that the period and sub-period of two planets
who are strong in some way, like a good dignity, can also prove significant or even exceptional, regardless of whether or not they
are connected.

Marilyn Monroe's Jupiter-Venus period in which she won a Golden Globe Award for her performance in the comedy farce, Some
Like It Hot, illustrates this principle.

/ JP4T> 6 Sag SSco 4 Ljbr (3 Vim

Ke MeVe
Jp Su
Ma Mo
\T 5 7 Rs BAri 9Tau 10 Gam
B Sa
\ As / Ra Sa
\ / Su
6 Aqu 11 Can
( 3^)
\/ 5 Cap 12 Leo
Ra 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

In her dasarhsa, the major period lord, Jupiter is in an angle in its own sign, and the sub-period lord Venus is in the best trine
in its own sign.

TV journalist Tom Brokaw first became the prestigious anchor and main face of the NBC Nightly News on September 9, 1983,
in his Jupiter-Mercury period.

- Sa,-,
M©:, g
5 P« BAri 7 Tau 8 Gem
SUjtW »> As,
Mejj-jj ve^

1t^5 4At}u 9 Can

Vea \ S
Su«-» Tom Brokaw
\ Tu* 2«'t940 3 4000
Jp13S7 / Mo,, WetnMr SO
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ke^ «X
MaM u
\ As,,*,,
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg
Ve Me
Jp SuSa
4 Pis 5 An 6Tau 7 Gam

Ra As Ra
3 Aqu 6 Can
jp f 3*)
2 Cap 9 Leo
Su v;
Sa Me As Ve
ISag 12 Sco 11 Libf 10 Virg

Jupiter is a part of a Maharaja Yoga in the birth chart but see that in his D-10 Jupiter it is vargottama in Pisces in an angle giving
Harhsa and Gaja KesanYoga. Mercury is also in its own sign in an angle giving Bhadra Yoga. The special potential of this period and
sub-period could hardly be more obvious from the standpoint of his dasarhsa regardless of their not being connected unless you
take kendra sambandha.

Chess genius Bobby Fischer single-handedly defeated the powerful Soviet cadre that backed their reigning champion, Boris
Spassky, in their legendary match for the world championship in Iceland in 1972. It was the Cold War played out over a chessboard
and it riveted the attention of many millions around the world whether or not people played the game. Fisher won, even after
forfeiting an early match when he refused to play because some demands he made in regard to the playing hall were not met. It was
his Moon-Mars period.
Mo^. Sa.jjff
JPJIT Ve,,, Jp..
g ASrjo 3 ■9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
8 2
• Sa,3ai
/ \ / \ ASrjo
/ \ / \
\ BAqu 1 Can
M,.. ' Ba.<.
MSr-t, Bobby Fischer
Tue 14 3900
\ / 'X\. / VCrrT* 7 Cap Crncago. IL
a - •« 2 Leo
/9 Maru 11

/ \ / Me.-,r
/ \/ KScji 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr SVirg
Ve / \
SaAs Ve
Mo Me
^ 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gam
As Ke

s 10 Aqu 3 Can
Ra f" Ke ( ^)

J£ Ra

s >•;x 9Cap 4 Leo

/7 >
Su S Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

In his birth chart, the Moon is the lagna lord strongly placed in the 10th house giving raja yoga. It is aspected by a 10th lord
yogakaraka Mars, exalted and giving a powerful Ftucaka Yoga.

In his dasarhsa, the Moon and Mars are unconnected except by thkona sambandha, but both are strong in their own signs.
< iQ-ii e
\ Rais-is1 Ve.^T-
Ve„! Ra„
1 11 Pis 12 Ah 1 Tau 2 Gam
SUjT,, < •12
MCjim As,,* SUar-u-
Sa rv Me2e<,44■
2 10 Aqu 3 Can
s {P )
Kathleen Battle 832-14'
\ / Fn a.'ll'isaa 0 5000
JP,, w / Perls mouth, OH
\/ 9 Cap 4 Leo
6 MO.J2, 910
Ma, \ Jjks-M- Ma23-»
Kfiiri M0i4'22" Ke,5-i5-
fiSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

Ra \
4 BPS 9 Ah 10 Tau 11 Gam
Ve v Sa X3
/ As

7 Aqu 12 Can
/1l\ ( &)
Mo \
\ SaAs
■1 6 Cap 1 Leo
Me %0 12
Me Mo
Ma Ve Ra
KeJp IS Sag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg

1986 and 1987 were banner years in the stellar career of soaring soprano Kathleen Battle. From Wikipedia:

"During this period, she received three Grammy awards for her recordings: Kathleen Battle Sings Mozart (1986), Salzburg Recital
(1987), and Ariadne auf Naxos (1987). Battle's 1986 collaboration with guitarist Christopher Barkening entitled Pleasures of Their
Company was nominated for the Classical Album of the Year Grammy award."
These achievements coincided with her Jupiter-Venus period from January 1986 to September 1988. Just on the basis of the
birth chart, the special significance of this period/sub-period would have been difficult to predict. To be sure, Jupiter in her birth chart
is configured in Gaja KesarTYoga with the 3rd lord of performance. Seeing her dasarhsa, however, sheds instant light on the poten-
tial of this period and sub-period.

A very small adjustment to the birth time would give a Virgo rather than Leo D-IO lagna, which may be what it truly is.
/ \ Me Ve™ Ma^w
Ma«-W 2 ASrv 12 Siu^ 12 P« 1 All 2 Tau 3 Gam
3 • 11
\AOyrr Su»„
/ 11 Aqu 4 Can
/ \ / Liza Minnelli
/ \ / Tue 7 MOO
\ / Los AnQeles. CA
10 Cap 5 Leo
JEW \ Ke,-
/ \ JBvir
/ ^ Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6Virg

Liza Minnelli won an Oscar for Best Actress in the musical Cabaret in her Saturn-f?a/7u period. These two grahas are together in
the 3rd house of the performing arts in her birth chart.

In her dasarhsa the major period lord Saturn is in the best trine in its mulatrikona sign, while Rahu is vargottama in the lagna.
Some ancient texts also give Gemini as Rahu's own sign. Trikona sambandha may apply here as well.
\ /\ / kuoinuiniM 0 o POMMY 4 aunit
Me /
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
8 A 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
As •1
Ra Me Mo

\>/ \ 9 Aqu 2 Can
6 2 f 3^')
\ / x /
Ke Mo Ve
7 "" 0 Cap 3 Leo
B 10
Jfi / \ X \Sa Ke Su
Su VeMax 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Vira
RMM (D-1) O«owai RMNID- lOdlMMi
Ke^ \ / Mersy SUj'Q' Rag-s®-
Ma ,0-46
\1 ASj.r 5 € Pis 7 A/1 8 Tau 9 Gem
» ■ ■S
Ve27.8. Saabs'
/\ /\
/ \ / \ MOio-ss
XtX >5 Aqu 10 Can
Sdg Ur Kareem Abdul Jabber
\ X \ X Wad 4.i6<1S47 18 3000
VOfk. NV
\ X \ X 4 Cap 11 Leo
Mo.0.„ " •'
Vejr» Slljtr KSg-sfr
Md 'o 40 J£2,«5' ASJMT
MCjtt \/ R3aM 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

In only his second year as a basketball professional, Lew Alcindor, who later adopted the Muslim name of Kareem Abdul Jabbar,
led his team, the Milwaukee Bucks, to the NBA Championship. He was named The Most Valuable Player. It was his Moon-Jupiter
period, the two planets forming his KesanYoga. To more understand fully the extraordinary results that his Jupiter period gave I refer
readers to my article Of Elephants, Lions, and Skyhooks.

It suffices to note here, that his Moon in the birth chart is involved in a powerful 5-10 ra/a yoga-giving exchange. Jupiter is also
involved in an exchange in the rasi with its sign lord Mars. From 5 dasa lagna (Scorpio), this exchange becomes 1-5, a Maharaja

However, it is seeing the placement of these two planets first i his navarhsa and then dasarhsa that really sends this period and
sub-period into the stratosphere.
HMOBOhiniM'fiflOUM NaMmtM M DtoraMiSpouM
\ SaMe
\ / RaSu Ve
B 6 6 P» 7 Arl 8 Tau 9 Gam
Ma /\
/ \ As Je
Mo Jfi
5 Aqu 10 Can
\ /T\ 0

\ / Su Mo
n- [4 Cap 11 Leo
12 Z'2 \
/ \ Ra Ve Ma Sa
/ AsKe Me
\ //
/ \/ fiSag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

In D-9 Jupiter is exalted and the Gaja Kesan Yoga repeats.

Ve Su Sa
B 6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 8 Gem
» Ke
/ As Ma

i SAqu 10 Can
Me 44
11 4 Cap 11 Leo
***** /12\ Ra i3

Ve AsKe
SuMoSa 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
In D-10 Jupiter is again exalted, as is the Moon, though unrelated.

Hollywood movie star Eva Gardner's "breakthrough" performance in the 1946 film, The Killers, occurred in her Saturn-/?a/7tv
period. These two grahas are in the 3rd house of the performing arts, forming an unusual raja yoga that can occur when natural
malefics collect in the trisadaya houses (3, 6,11). The same combination was seen in the chart of Liza Minelli earlier.
(D-l) Ctenwal RmN |D-1)Q«o«ai

R3l-Xr Q ASn* ^
6 2 ■9 PIS 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gam
M026M5 ASr-ia1
/ \ / \
7 «Aqu 1 Can
Jp™ '*1
\ / \ / Ava Gardner
N. / Sun 1274.1922 191000
Verff Boon Nil NC
8 -12 7 Cap 2 Leo

/' Kf» M6i9-S6 JPl9'15'
Me„M M3,r« \ SU938
/ Su,* CSag 5 Sco 4 Ubr

Her D-10 sheds additional light on why this period and sub-period was so significant in her career life.
Su JP AsRa
12 11 Pis 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gam

2 10 Aqu 3 Can

Sa Ve
9 Cap 4 Leo
7 Ke s10
BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

The major period lord is theyoga/cara/ca, so strong and well placed in its own sign in the best trine. The sub-period lord Ftahu is
in the lagna of D-10 in its exaltation sign according to Parasara Hora and exclusively hemmed by natural benefics.

As a result of seeing so many examples like these I came to understand that when a person runs the period and sub-period of
any two planets with a good source of strength in D-10, it can spell an exceptional period in their career life regardless of whether
they are connected. It must be repeated, however, that this will be so only in the context of what these planets promise in the birth
chart. In every one of these seven examples, there was a great promise in the birth chart that then got boosted even higher by their
good condition in D-10.
Chapter Eight

Secret:# 8
Planets Falling in the 10th from Dasa Lagna in D-10
Planets Falling in the 10th from Dasa Lagna in the Dasamsa

While researching the periods and sub-period of when individuals had notable achievements or obtained a high status, I kept
noticing how often this occurred in the sub-period of planets falling in the 10th house from the placement of the major period lord
in the dasamsa. At first, this just seemed like some meaningless coincidence, since I had a hard time imagining that the concept
of dasa lagna "worked" in the divisional chart. Yet I came across this so often that I started to collect examples and accumulated
so many that I started to feel that it was not some random thing at all. I then began to experiment with trying to predict on this basis.

Recently, I received feedback on a prediction I gave some time ago to an Indian gentleman who had consulted me about his
career. I had indicated to him at the time that he would get a good position in Mars-Venus.
RMM ID»1> Onfii R—M |P»1>
Ma X 10
Mo 8
- &a 7 4 Pis SAri 6 Tau 7 Gem
" Me
Ra As Jp
9 3 Aqu B Can
12 6
\ /*\ /
/ \ /
Sa Ke
1 • -5 2 Cap 9 Leo
2 Me
/ \ / \ As Mo
1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg

In both his birth chart and dasamsa, Venus falls in the 10th house from Mars as the yogakaraka planet from this dasa lagna, and
these planets are vargottama relative to D-10. It proved correct.
a <P-10| DaHMmamrtM ^D-igf Pmm 4 a
\ MaMe SuAs
\ 1 / Su Ke
.11 1 Pis 2 Arl 3 Tau 4 Gam
2 Ke
Mo Ma
/ \ As Sa
/ Me
/ \ l2 ," ' 12 Aqu S Can

Sa\/ Jp Mo
11 Cap 8 Leo
B Ra 7 Ve
JpVe Ra
/ 10S®g 9 Sco 8 Libr 7 Virg

Using this principle with my own dasamsa I correctly foresaw that my Jupiter-Rahu period would be exceptional career-wise.
Jupiter-Rahu gives the effects of Jupiter-Saturn in my birth chart, which form a rather inferior raja yoga combination.
MeMa Sa KeVe
Su Sa
9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
7 1 8 Aqu 1 Can
Ra Mo &
Ke Ma
12 7 Cap 2 Leo
Jp Ra
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Libr 3 Virg

Jupiter is in its debilitation sign in D-10 without cancelation, so my level of success was only moderate. But in Jupiter-Rahu,
with the latter falling 10th from Jupiter with the additional influence of a benefic, I obtained a high position in the corporate world at
the best rate of compensation I ever enjoyed
Cautiously then, I am presenting this as the eighth "secret of the dasarhsa," while inviting students to test it on their own. I have
written about this also in my article Kaleidoscope of Time giving 15 examples. Quickly, I would like to show many more examples of
well-known individuals with recorded birth times, whose birth charts and the timing of their major career milestones can be found
and verified from information found online.

After his role in the film The Year of Living Dangerously in 1984, Australian actor Mel Gibson became an international star. It was
his Rahu-Mercury period.

Kgar-r/ ASjf44
slfir4» 4 \2 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gam
5 x1
As 3,-44
/ \
/ Mo,K 4ft- ■ j ■ OAqu 2 Can
6 J
f p
V*,^. JR. 44
/ M*.,- Mel Gibson
/ Tin IftlSM 16 45 00
\ / PeckskiK NY
7 ■ 11 BCap 3 Leo
/■ Su,,,. /io\
Su.,,. Ba^..
BSh* MOrv
Sa,M Mar,
Ma r4- 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

Again, we see a collection of natural malefics in a trisadaya house and note that these malefics, along with the major period lord,
Rahu, are in the 3rd house from Chandra lagna. The sub-period lord Mercury also falls in the 3rd house from the dasa lagna with an-
other benefic. Mercury and Venus are an angle-trine combination from both the birth lagna and the Moon.
Ve Su
,2 3 Pis 4 Arl STau 5 Gam
Me Ra
/ 10
■ 2 Aqu 7 Can
f7 Jb ( 3^ )
As KeSa
\y 1 Cap 6 Leo
2 >■: Mo
Ma Jfi
Su \/ KeSa 12Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf BVirg

According to some Sanskrit classics, Rahu's mulatrikona sign is Aquarius, and as you can see, Mercury falls in the 10th from
Rahu in Aquarius in his dasamsa.

Sally Fields became TV's Fly Nun back in the 1960s in her Mercury-Saturn period, with Saturn falling in the 10th house from a
vargottama Mercury in her dasamsa.
(JWJfl •JOJl
JpHl4 Mo. ,
Su^rr7 Sa ,*-j
yg,» 7/ 7 Pis 8 Ari 9 Tau 10 Gem
M©ir«r* ■* Sa„-,
KCvw / \ ASr M Sa,*, u
/ /
\»/ 6 Aqu 11 Can
Sally Fields
Wed Utt'lMC 4:2300
Pasadena, CA
5 Cap 12 Leo
Mo. ;2 Sa- Kfiia--
MOtrn SU^ A»k.-«
4 830 3 Sco 2 Ubr IVirn
Mo Ke Jp
11 3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gam
Jp As
/ i
/ 10 2Aqu rc*i
Su AsKe Sa
6 1 Cap S Lao
3 6
/ Me Ma
Sa 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 8 Virg

Actress Julianne Moore received an Oscar nomination for her performance in Boogie Nights in 1998 in her Jupiter-Ra/iu period.
Rahu falls in the 10th from Jupiter in D-10. After having been nominated four times she finally won Best Actress for Still Alice in 2015
in Saturn-f?a/?L/. Note that they are 1-7 from each other in her dasamsa.
/ \
\ As CT
MOjt 7 MO,7-7 Mo. ■*
ASvm 2
V1 10 Pis 11 Art 12 Tau 1 Gam
Bairjr »X
/ \ /\

tin 9 Aqu 2 Can

3* )
Julianne Moore Ra,,-,,
Sat 12tt.'19e0 17 53 00
Ve^y / FayeWewitte, NC
8 Cap 3 Lao
? B■ Sanr <V Ker
JPu 2> SST,...
VSTTT Ma,..,
Su,., /
Me,. t7 Sag 6 Sco SUbr (Virg
Ke SaMe
10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tail 1 Gem
Ma Sa
6>12 9 Aqu 2 Can
( 3*)
Ve RaSu
a Cap 3 Leo

Su Ra 7Sa9 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

Leonardo Di Caprio received an Oscar nomination and won a Golden Globe Award for his performance in The Wolf of Wall Street
in his Jupiter-Mars period, with Mars falling in the 10th house from Jupiter in his D-10. See also that Mars is in Jupiter's sign and re-
call my observations about connection through dispositorship.
Su* • Me, -t
As, 7 Pis 10 Gem
8 8 Ah 9 Tau
/ Mo
/ JPu-r.
/ Sa,
( 6 Aqu 11 Can
•r &
Leonardo Di Capoo
/ \ kten 11/1V1974 2 47 00
Los Angetes CA
2 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 • KChm-
Ve,r„ Ma.,
\ Ba> - SU^v MSr,, As,»
jp.. /
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Vim

Students of mine in a closed Facebook group associated with my article subscription program, The Jyotisa Journey, will attest
to the fact that prior to the 2016 Academy Awards I predicted that Di Caprio would win the Oscar for Best Actor, this time for his
performance in The Revenant. There were many factors that formed the basis of this prediction but one of them was a "secret"
already presented here. Jupiter in his D-10 forms a strong connection with Rahu, since Rahu is in Jupiter's sign, Sagittarius, and
receives Jupiter's aspect. It is also giving the results of a very good KesarT Yoga involving all the natural benefics in the signs of

Ma SuVe
As KeJp
S - 43 ■8 Pis 9 An 10Tau 11 Gam

\ / Sa
TAqu I &) 12 Can

Me /
6 Cap 1 Leo
Mo »10 Sa X
Ra Mo
Ma SSag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2Virg

The birth chart and dasarhsa of Laura Dern was shown earlier to illustrate how two planets exchanging in D-10, like Jupiter and
Mars in hers, can mark exceptional periods. This is when she was nominated for an Oscar.
s«.. Ri i • i'
Mo.,* '*»
,0 2 Rs 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gam
B*- . VCx-.
Ve«r, AAii-r JB/m
/ \ / \ MO,.,.
11 1 Aqu 3 Can
Laura Dern
Fn.2/ia<196? 7:46 00
\\/ / \\ / / Santa Monica. CA
3 12 Cap 7 Leo
' "6 7 KplTM,
\ Mafi, Kl'r*
/ \ / \
11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr 8 Virg
DaftakimamtJM D1 0 POWM l SUDii
Ra / Su
Ke Jfi
\ / \ / Me Mo Me
6 4
7 A 3 8 Pis 9 Ari 10Tau 11 Gam
Ve / Su
/ v7 Mo
7 Aqu 12 Can
\ / \ / (*)
6 Cap 1 Leo
Sa •„ „■
Jfi Ra
Ke SSag 4 Sco 3 Ubr 2 Virg

Much later in her Saturn-Rahu in 2008 she went on to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress on television
for her portrayal of Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, in the TV film Recount. Rahu falls in the 10th house from Saturn in
her dasarhsa.

These are all movie stars, but again I want to emphasize that I have found this principle working very well in anyone's dasarhsa,
not just those of famous people. See the birth chart and D-10 of this Indian man who consulted with me. Focus on Rahu and Sat-
urn in the birth chart.

Ke, " « , / Mo,,

8 3 Pis 4 A<1 5 Tau 6 Gem
12 As,r,r Maru
/ Me«-2r Jp , «■

V&.1. ZAqu 7 Can

Su,, f 3*)

/ As Sa..-.
2 6 1 Cap 6 Leo
3 JP« «, '5
/ BSni y#..i
Ma,. So ^4 Ba,.
Sa„ Me^,,
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf SVirg

This man received two promotions in his Ra/iu-Saturn period, and on the basis of the birth chart alone, this would have been
impossible to predict. Apply this principle and others given earlier to his D-10 and it become perfectly obvious.

Su Ra Ve
As Kej
12 ^ 3Rs 4 Arl 5 Tau 6 Gem
Su Mo
/ 10 2 Aqu 7 Can
1387 (3*)
4 7
Jp As
fi 1 Cap 5 Leo
Ra \ / Me Ke
\ / Me
Ve 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf 9 Virg

It was the period and sub-period of two planets both of whom have a very good dignity. Rahu is exalted (according to Parasara
Hora). Saturn is in its mOlatrikona sign. But then see that Saturn falls in the 10th from Rahu.
Now back to the charts of famous people.
, «»—la-i)
\ Ra,r« VCfj-s, SUT-m
\ Sa,
10 8 4 Pis SAri 6 Tau 7 Gam
"X X1

MOti-ar uJAqu SCan

Ra,,„ « Ke,.
Novakt Djokovic
\ Fn 5.22 ie67 23 25 00
/ BevsOe YUG
2 Cap 9 Leo
Ve,,,, i 2• 45
/ \ Ke,,,..
Su'rar 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

Novak Djokovic was ranked #1 in Men's Tennis during his Ketu-Jupiter period. See his dasarhsa where Jupiter in its exaltation
sign falls in the 10th house from Ketu.
D10 POWM A I DIP Powr A 8
SaSu Ra
9 Pis 10 Aft 11 Tau 12 Gem
Jp Mo
BAqu 1 Can
Ke '*
Su Ma
7 Cap 2 Leo
»• 11
Mo 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Virg

Long before becoming President of the United States, Gerald Ford was a star football player at Michigan University. It was his
Mercury-Saturn period.

Ve 13 IJ R33'53' AS^-ar Vew

Sa Maze-sy SU28,33'
12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gam
3> nSirsi n
Ma X 5!
11 Aqu 4 Can
[ & !
\ Me73
Gerald Ford
Mon 7/14*1013 0:4300
Omaha NE
5 10 Cap 5 Leo
6 JE inr In
MOtvh MOivie* KSs'sa1
Ke 19
Sag a sco 7 Ubr BVirg

In his dasarhsa, Mercury is in the lagna getting directional strength and Saturn falls in the 10th house as the yoga/cara/ca planet.
kuAKiuniiAi 01 a row* m. 8utu>

Su Ve KeJe
Ra 8
Me \ 6
9 A 5 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ma Mo Sa
5 Aqu 10 Can
( ^)
\ /^\ /
\ / \ /

4 Cap 11 Leo
;■ Je
Ma As
Ra MoMe
Su Ve i3Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Wg

Sonny Bono's initial fame as an entertainer came in his Venus-Jupiter period after the release of the smash hit tune, 7 Got You,
Babe," in 1965, sung with his partner, Cher.
RUM |0.
Ma,. /"\
/ \ /
\7 4 7 Pis 8 Ail 9 Tau 10 Gam
•x AS i; j; ' MOir^
/ Ke^>
// Me, Kb,
/ \ z / Ssr„ Su..„ Mo^,,
/ 6 Aqu 11 Can
i A)

\ / Ba.. Sonny Bono

Sat iHS'lSiS 2141:00
Bin / / Derwl M
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma,, As.^t,
MOi ^
Suw Sa7» ♦ Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

His dasarhsa tells the story brilliantly. Venus is in its mulatrikona sign. Jupiter is in its exaltation sign and falling in the 10th from

VeMa Su
Sa Ke
Jp Me
7 Pis 8 A/1 9 Tau 10 Gam
Ra As JP
6 \ 8 Aqu 11 Can
9*3 ( 3*)

\ / 5 Cap 12 Leo
10 Su
Ve As
Ma Mo
Sa ♦ Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

The dasarhsa of Queen Victoria of England was shown earlier as an example of a truly exceptional D-10. See it again and now
appreciate that she became Queen in her f?a/?u-Jupiter period.
\ /\ Su MoVe
\ / \ / Jp As
\a VeMo i/ 11 Pis 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gam
As Jp
Ma Ke
10 Aqu 3 Can
Ra Ke >
Sa Ra

e io sa 9 Cap 4 Leo
7 9
Me/ \ / \

BSag 7 Sco 6 Ubr SVirg

From Rahu, in Leo, the 10th house becomes Taurus containing the sub-period lord Jupiter along with an exalted Moon and a
svaksetra Venus! Now the spectacular Gaja Kesarl Yoga in her D-10 lagna becomes dynamically the 10th house from dasa lagna.

I have now shown more than 10 examples of this "secret of the dasamsa" and will stop here, though I have collected many
more. I once heard K.N. Rao say that he never taught an interpretive principle that he had discovered until he had tested it on 200
horoscopes. I am not quite there yet, but close. Close enough that I now feel confident predicting on this basis. One great thing
about this principle is that it is not dependent on a correct D^0 lagna. Of course, such predictions must also take into account the
promise of the planet in the birth chart.

The chart below is of a lovely Bulgarian woman who studies Jyotisa with me.
5 Iff
Ma.* Ke..,e
B Su IS XT 3 P» 4 All STau 6 Gem

Ma, 10 Mea-ir
i.sejT 2Aqu 7 Can
/ Mo„-;
Jp. <■
Ve. „
2 1 Cap 5 Leo
3 :6
Ra,.,# Su,,-,,
Kea 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf SVirg

Ma Mo Me
10 2 Pw 3 A/1 4 Tau 5 Gem
Ma vx 9

As Ke
11 1 Aqu 6 Car
2 *8 ( &)
Mo JpRa
12 Cap 7 Leo

Me Su VeSa
Ke \/ SaVe 11 Sag 10 Sco BUbr BVirg

Her Saturn gives an unusual kind of raja yoga in the birth chart as a result of a preponderance of natural malefics in the trisadaya
houses (3.6.11), and all the natural benefics in the angles. In the birth chart, Mercury is the 9th lord in the 10th house, in a mutual
glance with the 4th lord Mars, giving raja yoga again. Since the birth lagna and Chandra lagna are the same, the yoga repeats. From
dasa lagna, Mercury is the 1st lord in the 5th, again raja yoga. Mercury is also a part of SarasvatT Yoga and she owns and operates
an English language school with which she has been successful for some time.
Since Mercury falls in its own sign in the 10th house from Saturn in her dasarhsa, we have discussed how this period should
prove especially good for her career life. The last time we spoke she indicated "So far so good," but it is early in the period yet, so
it remains to be seen.
Chapter Nine

Secret # 9
Shubha Sankhya Yogas in D-10
Subha Sarikhya Yogas in D-10

In the introduction to this book I stated that what I know about interpreting divisional charts and using them to predict I've
learned from three sources primarily: K.N. Rao, first and foremost, secondarily from Seshadri Iyer and his later day advocates like
Hart de Fouw and his students, and lastly, from my own experience of working on hundreds, if not thousands of charts.

I first heard of Seshadri Iyer from Shri Rao's book, Ups and Downs in Career. This is a compilation of articles originally published
in B.V Raman's Astrological Magazine. Rao mentions that it was only he and Iyer who were showing the use of the divisional charts
beyond navarhsa in this publication. The statement peaked my curiosity, and led me to Iyer's books, New Techniques of Prediction,
Part One and Two, which I am told are now out of print. Somewhat simultaneously, I discovered that the excellent French Canadian
jyotisi, Hart de Fouw, taught Iyer's methods, which further sparked my interest.

Iyer appears to have been a very original astrological thinker and researcher, who did not confine his researches to just the 16
classical vargas given in Parasara Hora but used the so-called "tajika" divisions, D-5, D-6, D-8, and D-11 as well. In a rather concise
way, he gives 37 rules for interpreting vargas in Part Two of New Techniques of Prediction and then illustrates these using sample
charts. I outlined some of these in my Introduction, but this chapter is focused on another.

See rule # 18 and 19

(18) 'Benefics on either side of the lagna is said to confer yoga. True even in the case of divisional charts. But in such a situation
if any malefic joins the benefic, the yoga gets marred. Similarly, malefics on either side though spoils first, get better if any benefics
joins them. What is said of the lagna holds good with respect to the 7th house as well."

(19) "Just as the 2nd and 12th places from the lagna were dealt with in rule #18 above, if planets are placed equidistantly from
lagna such as 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, 6-8, 1-7, they cause effects as stated above depending on their natural benefic or malefic na-
ture. This is the special mention of Jaimini known as Sahkhya Yoga."

Iyer advocates, and my own experience substantiates, that all the graha yogas found in the ancient texts give their effects in
the divisional charts, not just in the rasi. Rule 18 is simply the application of Subha and Papa KartarTYoga in the vargas. This is clear

See again this example in the chart of a Hollywood movie star from the 1950 and 60s, Ava Gardner, considered the most
beautiful actress of her era. Her birth time of 7:10 AM comes from a written record.

Bs. -» \b ASr i 3 -9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam

■ >2
Sa, /\ ASr-u-
/ Mau-e-
I® Aqu 1 Can
Jp„ 7
Ava Gardner
Sun 12i?4<'1922 191000
Ve, Boon Nil MC
•12 7 Cap 2 Leo
Ke, Meis-se JPl9'15' Sa26'12'
Me,,« Ma,re Slb'sa Vej-za Rai*29r
SU,T, 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ljbr 3Virg

Her major stardom occurred in her Mercury mahadasa, which would be difficult to predict just based on the birth chart without
the application of Chandra and dasa lagna, from where Mercury is involved in significant angle-trine raja yogas. Mercury's ability to
give its results strongly is more obviously seen by its exaltation sign placement in her navarhsa.

Sa Ve Ma
As jp Mo
T 7 Pis BAri 9 Tau 10 Gem
Me Ke
6 Aqu 11 Can

Ra VeSa
Jp Mo
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

However, it is Mercury's placement and condition in her dasarhsa (D-10) that interested me based on the application of Subha
KartarTYoga to this division.
Su JP AsRa
12 11 Pis 12 Arl 1 Tau 2 Gam
2 10 Aqu 3 Can
Sa Ve
9 Cap 4 Leo
Mo BSag 7 Sco CUfcr SVirg

Mercury is in its own sign in the 2nd house, forming this pure beneficyoga with Jupiter in the 12th. Moreover, Mercury-Jupiter
was a highwater mark in her film career when she appeared in The Night of the Iguana (1964), for which she was nominated for a
Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.

After referencing the yoga formed by planets in the 2nd and 12th houses in divisional charts in rule #18, Iyer goes on to
enumerate kindred yogas formed by planets appearing in other houses equidistant from the lagna in the following pairs:


Iyer refers to these as Sahkhya Yogas and cites their source as Jaimini. The Sanskrit word sahkhya means "pertaining to
numbers" and there are more than one variety of these that go by this name in the Jyotisa shastra. There are a category of nabhasa
or "celestial pattern" yogas that go by this name and refer to how many signs are occupied by planets in a birth chart. For example,
Shula Yoga is formed when all the grahas excluding the Nodes fall in three signs.

The Sahkhya Yogas being referred to here are quite different, and it is somewhat surprising to me that Iyer refers to them in
this way, since they are actually given in the Jaimini Sutras as combinations that can bring imprisonment. See these sutras from the
chapter one, part three. Here I am giving only the translation not the Sanskrit:

1.3.42: If from the lagna an equal number of planets are in any of the following pairs of houses, 2-12, 5-9, 8-6, 3-11, 4-10
bandhana (bondage) yoga is caused.

1.3.43; If natural benefics aspect; restraint only. If natural malefics aspect; chains, beatings.

Here the emphasis is on an equal number of planets in each place to form bandhana yogas, and this is from the birth lagna and/
or the arOdha lagna, not varga lagnas.

A text dating from the middle ages, Jataka Tattva, gives similar combinations in its chapter on the 12th house, though empha-
sizing more the role of natural malefics in forming these. See these verses:

If malefics are in the 12th, 2nd, 5th and 9th, the person will be imprisoned.

A person shall undergo imprisonment if there is equality between the number of planets in the:

■ 2nd and 12th houses

■ 3rd and 11th houses
■ 4th and 10th houses
■ 6th and 8th houses

If Taurus, Aries or Sagittarius is ascending and malefics are in the 2nd, 12th, 9th, and 5th, the person would be
bound by ropes.

If Scorpio be ascending and malefics are in the 2nd, 12th, 9th, and 5th houses, the person would be shut up in a

If Gemini, Libra, Aries or Virgo ascend and malefics occupy the 2nd, 12th, 9th and 5th houses, the person will be
put in fetters.

If Pisces, Cancer, or Capricorn be ascending, and malefics are in the 2nd, 12th, 5th and 9th houses, the person
will be confined in a fortress.

Iyer's rule #19 suggests that in divisional charts, when just natural benefics occupy these placements (2-12, 3-11 etc.), then
a favorable effect ensues, and the opposite is true if occupied only by natural malefics. Furthermore, if sahkhya yogas formed by
benefics includes natural malefics, then they are marred, and if the sahkhya yogas formed by natural malefics include benefics, then
they are tempered.

Beyond this Iyer does not elaborate, but I mentioned earlier that Hart de Fouw and those who have studied with him teach a
much more explicated version of the application of sahkhya yogas in the vargas that is worthy of thoughtful consideration by any
serious student of Jyof/sa. In the past year I have endeavored to research this according to my own understanding (which may be
imperfect!) and what follows is some fruit of that research. I am indebted to Penny Farrow, a close student of Hart's and a brilliant
teacher of Jyotisa in her own right, for input this way.

These yogas can be categorized as involving natural benefics, malefics, or an admixture of both.

With respect to the formation of these, the following should always be kept in mind.

Mercury is always considered a benefic, regardless of its associations.

Rahu and Ketu are always considered malefics.
Moon is a benefic or malefic depending on its brightness in the birth chart. It should be at least half full to be
considered a benefic. The exception to this is when the Moon has some other source of strength such as being
in its own or exaltation sign, vargottama, or having directional strength.

Thus, the benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and bright Moon, and the malefics are Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu, and Ketu.

Angles, trines, 2, and 11 are considered "positive houses" and the dussthanas, 3, 6, 8, and 12, are considered
"negative houses.

When considering the formation of these yogas:

a subha (benefic) sahkhya yoga will be formed if there is at least one benefic in each of the two locations, for
example, 2-12, 3-11 etc., regardless if there are additionally malefics in these locations also. A better, pure yoga
is formed if only benefics are involved.

a Papa (malefic) sahkhya yoga will be formed if there is at least one malefic in each of the two locations, for
example, 2-12, 3-11 etc., regardless if there are additionally benefics in these locations also.

The idea as I understand it is that "like always forms with like," benefics with other benefics, and malefics with other malefics.

a misra (mixed) sahkhya yoga will be formed if there is only one malefic and one benefic in each of the two
Note: An exception exists here in which the Sun and Moon forming a sahkhya yoga without other planets involved is always
good and beneficial to both.

General Guidelines for Interpretation

Sahkhya Yogas for Benefios

Positive House Negative House

Subha Sahkhya Yoga best results excellent to good

No Sahkhya Yoga excellent to very good negative results

Misra Sahkhya Yoga very good to good good to neutral

Sahkhya Yogas for Malefics

Positive House Negative House

Papa Sahkhya Yoga negative results most negative results
Misra Sahkhya Yoga negative to neutral results negative results
No Sahkhya Yoga excellent to very good negative results

The table shown above gives some very general guidelines for interpreting sarikhya yogas in the vargas. It should be clearly
understood that all of the above are subject to modification and exception based on other conditions and the context of the birth
chart as a whole. Some of these exceptions will be highlighted later in this chapter.

However, before examining illustrations, it needs to be emphasized that the absolute hallmark of Iyer's approach to divisional
chart analysis is the categorization of all the houses into "positive and negative."

See the very first rule that he gives in New Techniques of Prediction, Part Two for interpreting vargas.

"The most important and necessary condition for a planet to give beneficial effects of a divisional chart is its relative good position
from the lagna of that divisional chart irrespective of other factors such as being in an inimical or debilitated sign or aspect or
conjunction with other planets. Thus, under this theory, the primary factor is its position for the divisional chart lagna. If the planet be
in places other than 3, 6,8, 12 (dussthanas) it gives good results, its magnitude depending on other factors. But if they are in dusstha-
nas they always give bad results whatever their other positions."

But there are exceptions to this rule:

a. Mars even in 6th in all divisional charts does good. For he aspects lagna from 6th.

b. Mercury even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of Mercury in 8 as being exceptionally lucky.
It is only here and not in other divisional charts.

c. Saturn though in 8 does not kill, is the general saying. This holds good only in D-8 when Saturn is in D-8 lagna
and not elsewhere.


As can be seen from this first rule, Iyer puts tremendous emphasis on a planet's placement from the lagna of a divisional chart
for it to give good results relative to that division, going so far as to say that it will never give good results if falling in a dussthana,
while citing only three exceptions. However, the big caveat here is the extreme sensitivity of divisional chart lagnas to even minute
inaccuracies in birth times, and the finer the division, the more this is true. Since even recorded birth times may not be exact, this
is a huge consideration in attempting to utilize or even test this principle.

See the following chart of an Indian woman born in the U.S. that I was asked to comment upon recently.

JpJ-4 7 5 Pis 6 Ari 7 Tau 8 Gem

Ra}1-„ 'o •6
fiiSuru /\

11 5 4 Aqu 9 Can
2 3^
R^ttt Ms-. „
3 Cap 10 Leo
,2i IZ-II
(V' c
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

The birth time, which comes from a written record, gives a Scorpio lagna of 20-44, which in turn gives a Capricorn D-10 /agoa.
a <P-10|P
Ra Sa
M Ma Mo
12 3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

1 - 7 2 Aqu 7 Can
Ma P
1 Cap BLeo
Mo ;«
Ve Ke
JpSu 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg
However, if you understand that the dividing line between the 7th and 8th dasamsa is 21 degrees, then you realize that if the
birth time is advanced a mere two minutes, the D-10 lagna becomes Aquarius. Since this is the chart of a career woman who owns
and operates a yoga center and is currently running her Venus major period, to be followed by that of the Sun, it makes a world
of difference. From Capricorn, both would fall in dussthanas, while from Aquarius, Venus would go to the 11th and the Sun to the 7th.

Accurate birth times giving an accurate set of correct divisional lagnas is the biggest problem in Jyotisa in general, and in
particular for using many of lyers1 rules to predict with the vargas. If you go looking for them, you may find many major period lords
giving good, even exceptional results when falling in dussthanas in D-10 charts that were generated from a recorded birth time. The
question then becomes was Iyer too dogmatic about this, did he overstate the principle, or was it simply that these D-10 charts
were inaccurate in so far as the lagna and needed to be rectified? The third possibility is special exceptions in which period lords in
dussthanas get "redeemed" and become qualified to give good, even exceptional results by some overriding principle.

These remain open questions for me, but based on my experience of 24 years, I can wholeheartedly support the concept that
the placement of a period lord in angle or trine houses in a varga is a very favorable point with respect to the results it can give
pertaining to that division. Yet I also recognize that there are conditions under which planets in dussthanas can still give good results
as I will highlight later in this chapter.

With respect to the exceptions that Iyer mentions, I have found them working very well, especially if Mars in the 6th of any
division or Mercury in the 8th of D-4 have sources of strength. I have collected many examples but will show just two.

This Russian woman acquired property in her Mercury-Mercury period. In the birth chart Mercury is in a mutual glance with the
4th lord, Saturn, so to a degree, the potential for this can be seen in the birth chart.
\ Me Ma Ve
S3?r3r M028'37'
B e € Pis 7 All 8 Tau 9 Gem
Jp » • Su 5
Ra As

10^.4 |5 Aqu 10 Can

( 3*)
/ \

4 Cap 11 Leo
12 23 Ke
/ Ra26'2V ASi6'35- Maze'lr
/ \
\ / Jpto-w Meal*- SUiV21' VSs'is'
Sa 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

However, apply Iyer's exception for Mercury in the 8th in D-4, and it becomes very clear.

MoKe Jp Jp Mo Ma
Ma As Ke
2 12 12 Pi# 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem
3X - ii Sa
■ i ■ 11 Aqu 4 Can
4*10 Su ( 3^)

5 - 10 Cap 5 Leo
VeRa Me BSag 8 Sco 7 LAr 6 Virg

Mercury is vargottama relative to this chart, and then see that it forms a subha sahkhya yoga with Venus in the 6th, debilitated
but also vargottama. Additionally, Mercury gets the aspect of a svaksetra Jupiter.

What I want students to understand from this example and others going forward, is the hypothesis that when a planet in a varga
has a good house placement (including the Mars in the 6th and Mercury in the 8th in D-4 exception) such conditions like having
sources of strength or participation in a subha sankhya yogas, become additional favorable qualifiers. They greatly enhance the
beneficial results such a planet can give. Subha sankhya yoga also appears to "redeem" natural benefics falling in the dussthanas in
vargas as I will show more examples of later on.

The siddhamsa (D-24), which Parasara Hora gives for educational achievement and learning, is a rather fine division and one
must be cautious as to whether even a recorded birth time will give a correct D-24 lagna. I know my own birth time to be very precise
and when I was first testing these exceptions of Iyer I discovered that my own siddhamsa appears to support the exception of Mars
in the 6th of any varga, in which case it will always aspect the lagna.
(D-/4| LMmtag
KeMo Ma
Jp Ra
11 3 Pis 4 Ari STau 5 Gam

ZAqu 7 Can
Mo As
1 Cap 5 Leo
JpSu Sa
Ma 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 9 Virg

I was blessed with parents that placed a high value on education and they personally sacrificed so that all six of their children
could go to the best private schools and receive an excellent education. My Mars major period encompassed my last two years in
high school where I finished high in my class ranking, and all of my college years at Northwestern University, where I graduated in

Mars is in the 6th house of my D-24 in no special condition. Venus is in its exaltation sign in a dussthana but involved in a subha
sankhya yoga with Jupiter in the 11th. It also is in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter. It is my understanding that one of the ways in
which a planet in a dussthana gets "redeemed" in the Iyer system and can produce good results accordingly is when it is in a benefic
sankhya yoga. This redemption can happen also through the aspect of Jupiter. Both would be true for Venus in this D-24.

Though my undergraduate degree came in the Mars mahadasa and my Master's in Rahu, I consider my best and most
important educational achievement to have been in the Jupiter major period, wherein I acquired my knowledge of Jyotisa, mostly
from K.N. Rao. Jupiter is well placed according to Iyer in the 11th house and participates in the subha sahkhya yoga with the ex-
alted Venus.

Whenever I come across any new interpretive principle my approach is always empirical, which is to say I neither accept it as
valid just based on some authority or even classical reference. Rather, I looked for opportunities to test it, and if I find it working in a
great majority of cases, then I will try predicting on its basis. This is the approach I took with these subha sahkhya yogas in the var-
gas, beginning with the dasamsa (D-10).

Subha Sahkhya Yogas in the Dasamsa

I have already shown one example of a 2-12 subha sahkhya yoga in the D-10 of the movie star, Ava Gardner. Now see another
rather intriguing one in the dasamsa of TV talk show host, Dick Cavett, after viewing his birth chart.
Mo,* SUi-iv
/\ Me.., Ke,.,r
11,10 ■ \« / 4 Pis 5 An 6 Tau 7 Gam
Sa22-« / \
VCio-jj // \\
/ 9 3 Aqu 8 Can
fa Mflfq-y ,s (?)
/ \
\ / Dick Cavett
// Tnu 10UOO
Kearney, NE
\/ \ /
■5 2 Cap 9 Lao
A, 4
/ n Kfirjr / \ Va... ^ Jp,, Mtr,.,
\ // \V Aa.-^ Ra r i ,■ SUrtT MaM(
/ \/ 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr lOVirg

Cavett had his first great success as a talk show host beginning in 1968 when ABC launched The Dick Cavett Show, which got
high ratings and ran for six years. It was his Ra/itv-Venus period, "that yogaj combination" I have written about which often brings
defining moments in a person's life. These two grahas are together in his lagna, along with his lagna lord, Jupiter giving Harhsa Yoga.
Part of the result that Rahu gives since it is in Jupiter's sign, closely conjunct Jupiter, is the significant angle-trine raja yoga produced
by the close kendra relationship between Jupiter and the 5th lord Mars. It is also giving a nodal raja yoga in its own right, acting as
a kendra lord aspected by a trine lord.
Ve /\ Jp
Ve Ke
\l2 2 Pis 3 All 4 Tau 5 Gam
1'7' As 9
\ As
lAqu BCan
Me Mo Su
■7 12 Cap 7 Leo
Ke v Su 6
Ma Ra Sa
Sa 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Ubr BVirg

One of the "secrets" outlined earlier was that the period and sub-period of two planets in exceptional conditions in D-10 will
often prove special for career rise and achievements, regardless of their house placement. In Cavett's D-10 that is true for Rahu and
Venus, where the former is vargottama and the latter is exalted.

His birth time is from a written record and is not on the edge between two dasarhsas. I believe it to be accurate, though there is
no way of knowing for sure. The birth time would have to be advanced seven minutes to change the lagna from Aquarius to Pisces.
Presuming his D-10 /agna is correct, both Rahu and Venus also fall in "positive" houses.

However, Cavett continued to have great success in his Jupiter period, hosting shows for CBS and PBS, as well as other TV
networks and radio stations. During this period, he was also nominated for multiple Emmy Awards. This mahadasa quite obviously
gave very good results in terms of career success, and this is what intrigues me, because Jupiter is in its debilitation sign in the 12th
house of his D-10, but involved in a pure 2-12 subha sahkhya yoga, or Subha KartarTYoga if you prefer. Is it a case then of this Jupiter
debilitated in a dussthana in D-10 getting "redeemed" by the benefic sahkhya yoga?

Hart de Fouw and his students teach that when a planet is very strong in the birth chart and is involved in favorable yogas, as
Dick Cavett's Jupiter certainly is, this will still enable it to give good results despite the bad placement and condition in D-10. So,
there could be more than one factor coming into play here.

However, this appears to be a modification of Iyer's own view as expressed in rule #2 in New Techniques of Prediction, Part Two:

Consider both the rasi chart and the divisional chart to weigh the effect. As stated above, position in the divisional chart
surpasses that in D-1 chart. Even though a planet is in a bad house in D-1, he gives good effect of the divisional chart if he
is there in a good position from the divisional lagna. Likewise, however powerfully and favorably a planet is situated in D-1 if
he is in a dussthana in the divisional chart he gives bad effects of the divisional chart.

In fairness to Iyer and his elaborators like Hart and his students, there is not necessarily a modification or discrepancy here.
When considering career success resulting in honors, awards and financial gains thereof, Iyer did not just consider D-10 but relied
heavily on the non-Parasari tajika varga, D-11. In fact, he seemed to be in love with this varga and highlights it frequently in his case
studies. Most good Jyotisa software will give D-11, but Iyer had a particular way of calculating it, so this is important to keep in mind.
The software I use, Sri Jyoti Star, has Iyer's method as an option.

When you consider Jupiter in Dick Cavett's D-11 it shows a contrasting picture to Jupiter in his D-10.

\ Jp Me Mo / Ma Ve / MoSu
\Su/ As \ / Me Jp
\12 10 2 Pis 3 An 4 Tau 5 Gam
Ke 'X /y
Ra /
\ / \
1 Aqu BCan
i 3*)
\ /*\ / Ma
\ / \ / Ve
3 7 12 Cap 7 Lao

/ \ / \ 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr BVirg

Now Jupiter is in the positive 2nd house in its own sign, in a KesarT Yoga, and again forming subha sahkhya yoga with Venus,
though not a pure one. I suspect that Iyer would point to the significance of this for Dick Cavett's experience on his Jupiter major

Jupiter in a very similar condition exists in the dasarhsa of legendary Christian evangelist, Billy Graham.
Ke20*36 JP?3*4-
1 n 1 Rs 2 Ail 3 Tau 4 Gam
2 ASuv ;>■ io

12Aqu SCan
r MOe. &
J2»4 Ma43 Sa4«34-
Biilly Graham
TKu 11W1»18 1 5 30 00
Raa ChWtolM NC
11 Cap 6 Leo
B r<{ MCi a
Mew Ra20'36- SU21*54
Manas' Mes^o- V 617'52'
Sd4 3 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7Virg

His birth chart exhibits the best raja yogas possible for a Pisces ascendant, the combination of the 1st and 10th lord, Jupiter,
with the 5th and 9th lords, Moon and Mars, along the 4-10 house axis of the birth chart. He has had great success and fame in all
these major periods, beginning with the Moon. Now see his dasamsa.
Ve Ra JfiMa
Ve Su
2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 6 Gam
'X S
As As
n 1 Aqu BCw
2 .C-S
Me RaMa Me
12 Cap 7 Leo

11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Ubr BVirg

His birth time does come from a written record but produces an ascending degree in the birth chart right on the edge between
the fourth and fifth dasamsa. It raises the question as to whether it is truly an Aquarius D-10 /agna or Pisces. His initial success and
great fame came in the Moon period, a fact which supports Aquarius since it puts the Moon in the lagna, versus the 12th. The next
three sub-periods, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, would all go to the 12th house if Aquarius is correct, while they would fall in the 11th, should
it be Pisces.

All of these grahas are so yoga-giving in the birth chart that their placement in D-10 may not be that much of an issue, but I am
discussing this D-10 because, with Aquarius lagna, Jupiter and Venus form a subha sankhya yoga with Jupiter in its debilitation sign,
and Venus in its exaltation sign, a similar pattern as in the D-10 of Dick Cavett. Both Graham and Cavett had great success and fame
in their Jupiter mahadasas.

If you look at the table again showing general guidelines for interpreting sankhya yogas involving natural benefics, the optimal
condition would be one in which the natural benefic is falling in a good house in an exceptional condition and is involved in a pure
subha sankhya yoga. If such a planet is also forming favorable yogas in the birth chart, this is where the most dramatic results should
be seen.

Sankhya Yogas For Benefics

Positive House Negative House

Subha Sankhya Yoga best results excellent to good

No Sankhya Yoga excellent to very good negative results

Misra Sankhya Yoga very good to good good to neutral

It is hard to imagine a chart showing a better potential for success in the dramatic arts than that of Academy Award-winning
actress, Sally Fields. Her birth time of 4:23 AM is from a birth certificate and gives a degree of birth lagna that is right in the middle
of 9th dasamsa.
RUM |0.
U- SUanr Sa,«u
5 7 Rs BAfi 9 Tau 10 Gam
IVwir«r *x ' . : Sa...
KCyrM Sa,vis
// \J|>/ 6 Aqu 11 Can

\ / \ / Sally Fields
wad 4 23 00
Pasaoena, CA
\/ \/ 5 Cap 12 Leo
Ma,.-. Su,r/, Aa^.-w
Vfl - * Jp.
/ \ /
\/ \\ ♦ Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg

Her 1 st and 10th lord Mercury goes to the 3rd house of the dramatic arts with the 3rd lord and forms the best possible raja yoga
for her Virgo lagna with Venus. From Chandra lagna the grahas in Scorpio again form angle-trine combinations involving the 3rd lord.

Success came her way at the very young age of 18 when she starred in the TV show Gidget in 1965-66. It was her Mercury-
Jupiter period. Examine the placement and condition of these planets in her dasarhsa.

Mercury is vargottama in the 11th house, and Jupiter is svaksetra in the 3rd house aspecting Mercury, but then see that these
two also form a 3-11 subha sahkhya yoga in this varga. A very bright, vargottama Moon also participates, so it is pure benefic yoga.
kiUununiiM 0 0 POMMf a HUM
Mo\ Ke jp
3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gem
Jp «" As
\ / \ Me Ra
/ 10 \ 2 Aqu 7 Can
, 7 (&)
Su AsKe Sa
1 Cap 5 Leo
% Ve
Ra Ma
Me Ma
\/ Sa 12 Sag 11 Sco lOLibf SVirg

Movie stardom came in the following Ketu mahadasa. Ketu in the birth chart gives the results of the Mercury-Venus-Mars
combination, and this is in keeping with the interpretive principle that the Nodes gives the results of the planets they are with even
more powerfully (prabalau) than the planets themselves. Ketu also falls in the lagna of D-10. However, her greatest success came in
the Venus major period, during which she won two Academy Awards for Best Actress in Venus-Sun and Menus-Rahu.

See how the dasa sequence favored her in which she runs the consecutive major periods of Mercury, Ketu, and Venus, all of
which activate the superior raja yoga in the 3rd house of the dramatic arts with the 3rd lord. Presuming her D-10 lagna is correct,
Venus in D-10 is interesting to consider since it falls in a very good house, but in its debilitation sign. It does receive the aspect of
a very strong Jupiter and benefic Moon. She won her first Oscar in Venus-Sun. Note the Sun's strong placement and condition in
D-10, exalted in an angle.

Since it was in Venus that she received her highest honors as an actress, it is also interesting to consider the position of Venus
in her D-11, since the focus here is on Iyer methods. Again, presuming the lagna of this varga is correct. Venus goes to the 8th, but
in a 6-8 subha sankhya yoga with Mercury and the Moon in the 6th. Once more the question becomes, is this benefic sahkhya yoga
redeeming this poor placement in D-11 or might this D-11 lagna be incorrect?
\ / \ /
\ , \ /

a j/ 9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gem
Su As *
/ \ / \ Ma
/ \ / \ As
Ra Ve
B Aqu 1 Can
Ke 4' ( 3^ )

8 7 Cap 2 Leo
Sa 9 11•«
/ \ Mo
SaJp KeRa Su
/ MeMo \/ VeMa 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3 Vira

Grace Kelly won an Oscar for Best Actress for her performanc in the film Country Girl from 1954. It was her Mercury-Mercury-
Moon period.
RmM 10-1) Ctonwal KM ID-1)
Ma,-,. /\ /
Ra,,,, Jfcr.T
\ / \ /
Sas ,j B / g
s 6 Pis 7 Ah 8 Tau 9 Gem
Ke„ „ Ve, w »
SUie-«r ASn-j* Mo,-^

101^4 5 Aqu 10 Can

Grace Kelly
Tu* 1V,2'1929 SJtM
\/ X/ PA
4 Cap 11 Leo
" 13 Ra,^ 33
MOa «« / /; 2 \ Me.,..
JfiaiiT Sa,.., Ma.. Su* ,. A*.,..
Ko,„. Ve._
3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Mercury, being the 9th lord in the 1st house with the 1 st lord Venus, and getting directional strength, clearly gives a powerful raja
yoga. From Chandra lagna Mercury becomes the 5th lord in the 9th with yogakaraka Venus and the 7th lord, Sun, so again raja yoga.
Presuming her recorded birth time of 5:31 AM gives a correct D-10 lagna, Mercury in this varga goes to the 3rd house, but is
involved in a 3-11 subha sahkhya yoga with Venus and the Moon.

Ke Su
11 Ve Me
^ 3 Pis 4M 5Tau 5 Gam
« Sa Mo
Me As
2 Aqu 7 Car
Ke f Ra
\ / \ (£)
AsSa Jj2
Ma \
1 Cap 8 Leo
Su Jjd 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr 8 Virg

Interesting, soon after this major success, she retired from films to take on the role of a lifetime as Princess of Monaco. One
Iyer principle that will be explored in the next chapter is that the 3rd and 8th house of the vargas are transition/termination houses
and that planets falling in these in the dasamsa, for example, can bring career transition/retirement. I have found this principle works
well, though not invariably.

Actor James Garner first came to fame in his Mercury major period for his role in the TV western, Maverick. He went on to star
in films as well during this period. I will leave it to the reader to see how the rasi so obviously shows this potential since it is Mer-
cury's condition in his dasamsa that interests me from the standpoint of this article.
Moan? Ve, - Suf,,
s 7 Rs 8 Ail 9 Tau 10 Gam
K§17 4a 8
As 14 ■«
CAqu 11 Can
James Gamer
SUxy s« i«oo oo
Nomwo OK
10 JpM.r 5 Cap 12 Leo
2 Ra,
11 Ve?4»
M®2 Sa.,, MO, i;
Ke.,-., A»,r,r
Ma. * Sag 3 Sco 2 Ufcr 1 Virg

Like, Grace Kelly his Mercury falls in the 3rd house of D-10 but is also involved in a 3-11 subha sankhya yoga, in his case with
an exalted Jupiter. He did not retire from acting in his Mercury period but had a long and distinguished career that extended all the
way through to his Moon mahadasa in his eighties.
iPIOwwr 41
Ma Mo
7 Pis BAri 9 Tau 10 Gem
Me Su
Ve As Jp JpSu
€ Aqu 11 Can
•t3 Mo
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
/ Ke As
Ma 4 Sag 2 Ubr 1 Virg

The recording artist known as Prince became a mega-star overnight when he released the album Purple Rain and starred in the
movie of the same name in 1984. It was his Jupiter-Venus period
Mans Meio^
\ /x /I
Vei4'33' SU 23*23'
\g e 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gam
9 5
5 Aqu 10 Can
\ /\ y Prince
\ / \ / Sal^n9M 18 17:00
MOH 4^ Minneapdit. MN
11 4 Cap 11 Leo
Ve„„ a
12 2 \ Sa29*35' AS2325 JP2a°39'
/X x Me,:« Rae-sr
Mar,, 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Jupiter in the birth chart does not seem like a period that would bring such name and fame at first glance. As a vargottama 6th
lord in the 12th house with additional malefic influence on both the 6th lord and the 6th house, it gives Harsa Yoga.

Jupiter's ability to give this result is much more obvious in his dasamsa, where Jupiter falls in the 10th house in strength in

Ke MoSa Me MeMo
As Ke
4 3 11 Pis 12 Ari 1 Tau 2 Gem
/ As

10 Aqu 3 Can
Su r Jfi
Ve SuVe
10 [9 Cap 4 Leo
S 9 Ma
Ra 8 Sag 7 Sco 6 Ubr 5 Virg
It is in a mutual glance with the sub-period lord, Venus, that brought the great success, and this is in keeping with the principle
referenced earlier about the period and sub-period of two planets strongly sambancZ/ra in a varga marking a significant development
relative to the meaning of that division. They are also forming a 4-10 subha sahkhya yoga.

I don't suspect there is a student of Jyotisa in the world who has not been shown the chart of Microsoft founder and billionaire
philanthropist, Bill Gates, by their teacher, and the great fruit of the spectacular raja and dhana yogas that his Venus period brought.
|0-1) Oanwii RmN |D-1)Oao«ai

\ / Kc ^ -, As,?v
Jpttt \ /
4 10 Pis 11 Ah 12 Tau 1 Gem
/ \ ASjr*
/ X?/ 9 Aqu 2 Can
M3ia'aT s MOh-MT P
/ Bill Gates Jpru
\ Ffi 1IV2ailS6S 21 2600
Su„ w \ / \ /
8 Cap
SedffUd WA
3 Leo
Vfiasr B\ •11
SaM Bi.Tv r Me^rw
/ \ Saw„Su.,., Ma,.,.
\ / \ 7Sag
/ 6 Sco 5 Ubr "Virg

There is no exact time from a birth certificate for him, but I believe that his D-10 lagna can be no other than Pisces, which puts
all the natural benefic in the angles and Gaja KesarTYoga along the 1-7 axis. Venus, the mahadasa that first brought him great fame
and fortune, would be in an angle and involved in a 4-10 subba sahkhya yoga with its sign lord, Mercury.
\ As Mo
\ As Su Ra
1 p« 2 Ail 3Tau 4 Gam
2 • Ra
Mo Sa
12 12 Aqu SCan
Ve Su

4> 11 Cap 6 Leo

Sa jp 7
Ke Me Ma
Ma 10 Sag 9 Sco 8 Ubr 7 Virg

The Moon, which is the period he has been in for the past 10 years, would also be involved in a 1 -7 subha sahkhya yoga, since
the Moon counts as a benefic in this chart, being very bright and waxing in the birth chart and vargottama relative this varga.

Jp4 21
5 Pis 6Ari 7 Tau 8 Gam
Ra,, „ «> ® Su„ „
Ke T s'33'

Ve 29 -31 Ma25*9'
11^5 ♦ Aqu 9 Can
Brigitte Bardot
Fn 131500
Ma. Rai5-33 PARIS. FR Ve28,33'
\/ 4 3 Cap 10 Leo
«X Mo,cc 3 Ke„
AS22'25' Jp4°2r
Me^s- SUn^y
2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libf 11 Virg

For French actress, Brigitte Bardot, her Rahu-Venus period, as it so often does, brought a defining moment in her life. Her
appearance in the controversial film, And God Created Woman, in 1957 made her an international star.
As we saw earlier, her dasarhsa tells that story very well, with Rahu in the lagna in its own sign, and Venus svaksetra in an angle.
• D10 ftMMr 4 flaaiM Oi—fcrnimiM Plfl Ptmm 4 a

Ve Sa
2 Pis 3Arf 4Tau S Gem
1 Aqu BCan
Ve Me
Ma KeSu
12 Cap 7 Leo

Sa Ke Me
Mo 11 Sag lOSco 9 Ubr BVirg

Note additionally, however, that Venus participates in a 4-10 sudha sankhya yoga with Jupiter and Mercury

SUe -r
Sa5-42- Keirse-
Me iv
Sas-« „/ ASa ,J \7V Ve
= 3 Pis 4 A/i STau 6 Gem
12 8
JPr.r Ba.:
/ \
/ \ y Ma6»53' MO^'r
V»7 2 Aqu 7 Can
/*\ &
Jane Fonda
\ / \ / Tue 12/21/1037 ^1700
MOa-, ASBMS1 Manhattan, NT
2 1 Cap SLeo
Kfiusa j
•• Me22-33 Ve25'3»
\ /
\ / SUe-ig' Rais'se1
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Ubr 9 Virg

Jane Fonda first became a movie star in her Venus mahadasa, \he yogakaraka planet for her Capricorn lagna placed in the 11th
house. There is much more to it than that though, as I could show many such charts with this lagna and a reasonably well placed
yogakaraka Venus that did not bring this result in its major period. Venus is with Rahu, but this is not a nodal raja yoga. However,
Venus forms a kendra sambandha with Mars the 4th lord and a trikona sambandha with Saturn as the 1st lord and the Moon as the
7th lord, and thus, multiple angle-trine combinations.

It was in the sub-period of Venus-Mercury that she first started getting recognition for her roles in movies in the early 1960s after
appearing on Broadway previously. Aside from Venus being in Mercury naksatra, this sub-period is not one you would readily iden-
tify as giving the fruit of raja yoga that the major period lord promises.

The time on Jane Fonda's birth certificate is 9:14 AM and this gives a Libra D-10 /agna as follows:

JpRa Ma
Ve Ke
6 6 Pis 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gam
Mo 9 -5
Sa As Su
5 Aqu 10 Can
-r Me

Su \ /
11X 4 Cap 11 Leo
Ma JpRa As
Ve / Ke a Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Venus falling in its exaltation sign in this varga further explains her budding stardom in this major period, but not its placement in
the 6th house, though additionally, it does get the aspect of Jupiter, who is also its sign dispositor. The sankhya yoga formed would
be of the mixed variety with Ketu in the 8th, not a negative according to the interpretive guidelines, but not a redeeming or enhanc-
ing feature either.

However, go back though to her birth chart and see that the degree of the birth lagna is 5-19 Capricorn. 6 degrees is the dividing
line between the second and third dasamsa. Advance the birth time just three minutes and the D-10 lagna becomes Scorpio, not
SaMo Ma
Ve Ke
9 SPts BAP 7Tau 8 Gem
10 Ra 7s

\ JP Su
/ 4 Aqu 9 Can
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
>3 Cap 10 Leo
Ve «';■ ;4 Me
Sa Ra
Mo JpAs
Ma 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr llVirg

Now Venus becomes an exalted planet in a trine house and forming subha sankhya yoga with Mercury, the sub-period that
began her stardom, with both aspected by a Jupiter that now gets directional strength in the 1st house. As K.N. Rao would say, "it
appeals to me."

The additional fact that supports Scorpio D-10 lagna is how her career underwent a major revival in her Ftahu and now Jupiter
major periods. Even at the very advanced age of late 70s when most actresses have long since been unable to get roles, her career
has flourished. Starting in 2015 she appeared in a popular Netflix original series with Lily Tomlin, Grace, and Frankie. As recently
as 2017 she was awarded the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 74th Venice Film Festival This has been happening in
her Jupiter-Venus period, which is very in keeping with the placement of these planets in the 1st and 5th respectively in D-10, in
strength, and in sambandha.

Marlon Brando first electrified audiences on Broadway with this portrayal of the character of Stanley Kowalski in the Tennessee
Williams' play, Street Car Named Desire, a role he would later reprise on screen, and for which he received his first Academy Award
nomination. It was his Venus-Moon period.

This timing is an illustration of a principle given in the Laghu Parasari about when the fruit of raja yoga will manifest. The major
period lord, Venus, shows the promise of raja yoga as the 7th lord svaksetra in a mutual aspect with the 5th lord Jupiter, getting
directional strength in the 1st house. The principle is that the fruit of raja yoga that Venus promises will come in the sub-period of
planets forming the yoga, which it did since he won his first Oscar for Best Actor in Venus-Jupiter for his performance in On the
Waterfront. But the fruit will also come in the sub-period of unrelated planets of a similar nature giving a similar result. His Moon,
though amavasya, forms a powerful 9-10 raja yoga with the Sun in the 5th house, and both are aspected by their sign lord, Jupiter.
The point is that the Moon's "similar nature" is that it also gives raja yoga.

MO^MS- Me4'26 Ve*.3.
9 7 5 Pis 6 Ari 7Tau 8 Gem
10 As,™ «
KSxv 4 Aqu 9 Can
1«5 &
RSn, Rae.4i.
Marlon Brando
TDu 4,^1974 23 0000
Omaha NE
12 3 Cap 10 Leo
MOjd i» j
Suj, Ve., ,
M324 54 Jpzrs 1
AS 10'56'
Me 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libf 11 Virg

However, this magnitude of result for his career that Venus-Moon gave would not have been what it was were it not for the
condition of these grahas in D-10.
Ve JpKe Su
9x 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 8 Gem
Sa As
Ra Ma

10*4 >5 Aqu 10 Can

( 3^)
■3 4 Cap 11 Leo

Jp Su Sa RaAs
Ve AZ. MeMo >3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

Both Venus and the Moon are in their exaltation signs. The question though is in which house do they truly fall? The birth time
does come from a written record, but since it is right on the hour, it makes you wonder how precise it is. Advance the time some four
minutes and the D-10 lagna becomes Scorpio, not Libra.

I am highlighting this case because if Libra is correct, then Venus and the Moon are an example of a very good 6-8 subha
sahkhya yoga, a condition that would redeem their placement in dussthana houses. If the D-10 lagna is Scorpio, then both Venus
and the Moon have very good houses placements.

The 1990 film, Pretty Woman, catapulted actress Julia Roberts to mega-stardom. It was her Venus-Mercury period.

\ MO ,23
JPrir Ra.x
s ASj 2 9 Pis 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
s y*
/ Ke4, BAqu 1 Can
Su,„» i1 3»
Me*, Ra* 3
Julia Roberts Jprv
SM 10W1987 0 I« 00
\ / ADanta OA
7 Cap 2 Leo
8 Sa i ]«
\ Ma,ri, Su,,
Ma„ » Ke,,
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg
a DID Powar 4 8
Ra SaMa Ma Ve
Me R
Ve Sa As
2 12 Pie 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gem
31 As x"
4*10 Su 11 Aqu 4 Can
\ / \
10 Cap 5 Leo
Mo % Jp
Ke Jp
Ke 19
Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr eVirg

In my article The 10th Part of Glory, I used her D-10 as an example of how the period and sub-period of two benefics in Xhelagna
of this varga can bring very special career results. Here it is an example of a 1 -7 subha sahkhya yoga since Venus and Mercury are
also in a mutual aspect with Jupiter along this axis of her dasamsa.

See a similar one in the dasamsa of actor Mark Hamill, who played the character of Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars trilogy.
a—Nio-paniwi n—mp-nc

10 4 Pis SAri 6 Tau 7 Gem

Ra.,» "
>3 Aqu 8 Can
Sa,.-„ A Ma,,.,
Su,„ Ve,.*
Mark Hamill Ke.r*
Me Tin »2&<1fi6l 14 43 00 Ma.,..
OMand. OA
Ke 2 Cap 9 Leo
45 Ve^,
Ma ., Se„.T
As.,., Su.*
Mo.. 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg
Muununiuu 0 Q POMMf 4 auoil
\Mo Me As
Me Mo
\3 2 12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gam
Jfi "
As RaSu
/ \ / \
4 11 Aqu 4 Can
Ra fo Ke
Su ' \ Ma
Ve Sa
10 Cap 5 Leo
Ma %
Sa Ve
Sag 8 Sco 7 Ufcr eVirg

It was in his Mercury-Jupiter period that he first gained worldwide fame for the role. I will leave it to readers to understand this
result in terms of the birth chart. In so far as the D-10, it is again the period and sub-period of two benefics in the lagna, with both
getting directional strength, and involved in a 1-7 subha sahkhya yoga with Venus.

Readers may have noticed that each variation of subha sankhya yoga (2-12, 3-11 etc.) has been shown in these examples. I
should say possible examples because whether they truly are or not depends entirely on the accuracy of these D-10 /agnas. I have
endeavored to use only charts based on birth times from written records, and in only one instance (Jane Fonda) have I suggested an
adjustment be made to the lagna. These examples would certainly seem to support Iyer's theory about the beneficial enhancement
that befalls a planet when configured in such yogas, and that the period and sub-period of these can time significant positive devel-
opments, especially if they also show this promise in the birth chart.
Chapter Ten

Secret #10
Termination/Transition Houses in D-10
Termination/Transition Houses in D-10

In the earlier presentation on some general guidelines for interpreting divisional charts adopted from the work of Sheshadri Iyer,
we saw that he identified the 3rd and the 8th houses of the vargas as "termination/transition" houses. This flows from the idea that
in a birth chart the 8th house is the house of longevity or ayus, as is secondarily the 3rd house, according to the principle of bhavat
bhavam, it being 8th from the 8th. These designations for the 8th and 3rd house is what is behind the astrological logic of why
planets in or ruling the 7th or the 2nd houses are marakas or "death-inflictors." The 7th and 2nd houses are the12th from these two
ayus houses, and since the 12th always represents loss, loss of longevity equals death.

Applying this concept to the dasarhsa one of Iyer's observations is that planets in the 8th house or the 3rd house of D-10 can
bring about the loss or termination of a career situation, or that a person retires from their career in the periods and sub-periods of
such planets. I have found good evidence for this, though I would include the 12th house of "loss" in these parameters as well. The
problem here though is that such placements do depend on an accurate D-10 lagna, and therefore a precise birth time. However,
before showing examples, let's review again some general principles.

Very generally speaking, major period lords falling in angles, trines, or the 2nd and 11th houses of D-10 will yield better results
than those falling in the dussthana houses, 3, 6, 8, and 12.

I say "very generally speaking" because this will not invariably hold true. It depends on a lot of other factors, not the least of
which is the potentials of the mahadasa lord as reflected in the birth chart and remember the exception of Mars in the 6th when in
a good condition.

Let's look now at some famous career "terminations" in relation to D-10.

When Grace Kelly gave up her stellar career to become Princess of Monaco, Alfred Hitchcock, who had directed her in a
number of films, quipped, "It's the role of a lifetime for her."
\ RMM 10-1) Qaowal RUN (D-1J O-mrM
Mdj'AS /
/ Ra... Jfi..,,
Sa4 „ B \ 6 /
6 Pis 7 All BTau 9 Gam
SUar4r AStr^t
/ 10(^4 5 Aqu 10 Can
/ Grace Kelly
Ttw 11/12/1829 5 3100
\ / \ / PhladeOlu PA
11X .3 4 Cap 11 Leo
/12 x'2 M®a
Sa,.., SUr-,. A$...^r
'* Ka,r. Ve.^
\/ 3 Sag 2 Sco H Ubr 12 Virg

She first became a star in her Saturn major period, the yoga/cara/ca planet for her Libra lagna, in the 3rd house of the performing

In D-10 Saturn is the lagna lord in the lagna, and her first starring role came in Saturn-f?ahu, with Rahu falling in the 10th in the
dasarhsa and 10th from the dasa lord. Do you see how consistent this is with "secrets" presented previously?

Ke Su
Ve Me
3 PIS 4 A/1 STau 5 Gem
Sa Mo
2 Aqu 7 Can
Ke Ra
AsSa Jj?

•« 1 Cap 8 Leo
»x3 »
/ Mo
Su 12 Sag 11 Sco lOLibr SVirg
Then came the Mercury mahadasa and her stardom increased. She won an Oscar for her performance in The Country Girl in
1954 in Mercury-Mercury.

Mercury gives raja yoga in the birth chart, forming a 1-9 combination in the lagna with the lagna lord Venus, and getting
directional strength in the 1st house. We see that Mercury goes to its debilitation sign in D-10 in the 3rd house, giving the unusual
raja yoga produced by debilitated planets in dussthanas while the lagna/lagna lord is strong, and it is involved in a subha sahkhya

Yet it was also shortly after she entered her Mercury major period that she retired from making movies and famously married
Prince Rainier III in April of 1956 at the tail end of Mercury-Mercury.

John F. Kennedy's Presidency and political career ended abruptly and tragically when he was assassinated on November 22,
1963, in his Jupiter-Saturn period. Jupiter is a maraka for his Virgo lagna and Saturn is a component of the terrible arista yoga con-
sisting of the lagna lord Mercury in the 8th house with the 8th lord Mars aspected by the 6th lord Saturn.
RMIM JD-I) OamMl ftaaN(D-
\ Mfl » ir Jp,,.Ve;.v
\ / M©7f»r Su,.., Kgiiw
\ T ,6/ 7 Pis 8 A/i 9 Tau 10 Gam

/ \ Sa,-,-.
\ 6 Aqu 11 Can
|, O)
John F. Kennedy
\. Tut STO'lOIT 150000 WO;* 'A
\ / \ / Ve„x BfOdUint MA
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
OUis i
/' \ Jp5 r. Ra .,7, ASnv
/ \
\ /
/ \* 4 Sag 3 SCO 2 Ubr 1 Virg

The major period lord Jupiter is in its debilitation sign in the 12th house of loss in his dasarhsa while the sub-period lord Saturn
is in the terminal 3rd house and likewise debilitated. The nation mourned the premature loss of this inspiring and charismatic leader.
DtMMnufnftM 01 0 POUMf 8 8ru fut
Me Jp/I Mo
Mo Sa
,0 2 Pis 3 Ari 4 Tau 5 Gam
Sa v" 9 Ma
As Ke As

2*. 1 Aqu 5Can

/ \ /
Su Jp
1 7 12 Cap 7 Leo
Ra 4 6
\ / Ke
Ve 11 Sag 10 Sco 9 Ubr BVirg

African-Americans, many white Americans, and all civil rights advocates mourned when Dr. Martin Luther King was assassi-
nated on April 4, 1968. There is no hospital record with his birth time since he was born in Atlanta, Georgia at home. Family records
indicate "right around noon." and this time does likely give a correct birth lagna, though the lagna of divisional charts are suspect.

RatiT / \
/ \ Jp8'19' EisMT-
Ma,., / \
3 2
Jp« 1« .12. MO»«r 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem
X " Ve,r4,
/ \ /\ M026-43
11 Aqu 4 Can
SUj,, Me,sm Martin Luther King
/ Tue 1/1511929 1200 00
SUne AUanto GA
5 :■ 10 Cap 5 Leo
« 8; •
9 Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6Virg

He was an ordained minister and preacher, which is befitting his 9th lord Jupiter in the lagna with directional strength, while the
10th lord Saturn goes to the 9th house. Both of these placements also give raja yoga and it was in his Jupiter-Saturn period that he
completed his doctoral studies in theology.

He was assassinated in his Mercury-Jupiter period and his D-10 is interesting to consider in this respect. Using a birth time of
exactly 12:00 PM gives the following D-10.

6 Pis 7 All BTau 9 Gam
As Ra Ve
7 5 Aqu 10 Can


11 ' ■3 4 Cap 11 Leo

Sa Su
As Ma
Me 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

The notable thing here regardless of the correct D-10 lagna is that Mercury, though in its debilitation sign, is in an exchange with
Jupiter. His great fame and stature as the leader of the American Civil Rights movement of the 1960s came in his Mercury major
period. It was at its height when he was assassinated in Mercury-Jupiter. Thus, in keeping with one of the "secrets of the dasamsa"
given earlier, this period and sub-period did mark a very significant time in this career life. But it also ended it, which got me think-
ing about his correct D-10 lagna.
Sa MoMa Me
As Su
9 7 5 Pis 6 Ari 7Tau 8 Gem

Ra Ve
/ 4 Aqu SCan
n 5
f (&)
Ra Ke
Me Ve
12 3 Cap 10 Leo
/ Mo
\ Sa As Su
Az_ JP 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libf 11V.rg

Advancing the birth time just two minutes to 12:02 changes the D-10 /agna to Scorpio, which would make Mercury the 8th lord
and put Jupiter in the 8th house. There is no way of knowing this for sure but I consider it likely based on my experience.

It is unlikely that anyone in Germany mourned when the career of Heinrich Himmler, Head of the Nazi SS and architect of the
death camps, ended when he committed suicide with cyanide to escape prosecution by the Allied forces at the end of World War II.

It was in his Venus period, the yogakaraka for his Capricorn lagna, that he became one of the most powerful men in Nazi
Germany after Hitler.
\ Sa,-,
/ \ M0746 Keio^g-
MoTw „ 9 ' -r'irir
Jp.i 3 Pis
12 4 A<1 5 Tau 6 Gem
As n <■ Ba.

1«2 ZAqu 7 Can

ASig^r Hannch Himmler VG6°28
Sun 1017.1900 15 30 00
Su Munch GER
2 • 1 Cap 8 Leo
JPlS'17' SU2l,23'
Sae'se Raio'ae' Me7-54'
Ve^ 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libr SVirg

Venus has a strong placement in its mulatrikona sign in D-10, and his status and power was at its height in Venus-Mars, with
Mars falling in the 10th from Venus. But thankfully Nazi Germany fell and Himmler along with it, with his career and life-terminating
in his Verwjs-Rahu period, two planets together in the 8th house of D-10.
Ke Sa
As Ke
i 1 PIS l2An 3 Tau >4 Gem
2X As Mo
Me Ma
i 12 Aqu 5Can
\ Mo
11 Cap 6 Leo
Ma <•
\ RaVe
. VeRa
10 Sag 9 Sco SUbr 7 Virg

Marilyn Monroe's life and therefore her movie career ended when she died of an overdose of sleeping pills, an apparent
suicide, but something that conspiracy theorists have questioned ever since. They are of the opinion that it was a murder somehow
orchestrated by the Kennedy's because she had been threatening to go to the press about her alleged affair with both Jack and
Bobby Kennedy. The truth will never be known but die she did in her Jupiter-Mars period, two planets together in her 8th house of
the birth chart.
R"" ID-
\ /x VGS'SS- Me 13-57-
\ / ^ SlJiT-sr Ra24'or
I ./ Slitr-sr ■9 Pis
a 10 Ah 11 Tau 12 Gam
6 ' 2 MS ; a'
/ \ Mxtm / Ma27,54
/ \
/ \ / Jp^o' AS20*15'
6 Aqu 1 Can
\ sa»» V65 MO2616 Marilyn Monroe
\ / \ Tue. 6/1/1000 9 30 OO
MOjs Loe AngeleB, CA
■ 12 7 Cap 2 Leo
9 11
/ \ \
/ X/
)u. Jp^t, 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 11)1 3Virg

As we saw earlier, Jupiter in D-10 is well placed in an angle in its own sign, one of the reasons advanced previously as to why
she became a famous movie star in this mahadasa. Mars is also in its own sign, but as the 3rd lord in the 3rd house.
i P10 Ftrnm 4 B
Ke MeVe
Ma Mo
T o 7 Pis 8 Ah 9 Tau 10 Gem
B Sa
/ As Ra Sa
C Aqu 11 Can
T (&)

/ \ Ke
10 5 Cap 12 Leo
11 Jp i• j Mo
/ Me As
Ra \ /
4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Virg
One of the more infamous career terminations in U.S. history occurred when Richard Nixon resigned his Presidency in the wake
of the Watergate scandal when facing certain impeachment. It happened on August 9, 1974, in his Mercury-Venus period.

8 Pis 9 Ari 10 Tau 11 Gam
/ 7 Aqu 12 Can
\ 'k !A)
\ §1. Mo™ Richard Nixon
\ / Thu 21 3600 ASm-JV
Ma / Wtmur. CA
9 8 Cap 1 Lao
JPi 10 12• V"
- Mo- Jp,, Ma ,
SSag 4 Sco 3 Ufar 2Virg

One thing I learned from K.N Rao about periods of planets in or ruling the 5th house is that they can bring a loss of position or
a career fall because the 5th house is the 8th from the 10th. He also repeatedly mentioned that Saturn in the 10th for political lead-
ers can indicate a fall from power. It can be seen in the charts of Napoleon, Hitler, and Nixon.

Nixon's birth time does come from a written record and it gives a 24-35 degree Leo birth lagna. This puts it right on the edge
between the 8th and 9th dasarhsa, which means the D-10 lagna is either Aries as given below, or Pisces if you back up the birth
time just a minute or so.
DtiiiMmimtfM D1 o pommt 4 sunn
\ Ve ,/\ RaJp/i Mo
JpRa As Ve
Mo As Sa
\2 u rr- 12 Pis 1M 2 Tau 3 Gam
3 n Me
\ / X.Ma
/ \ / \ SaMa
'■ i ■' 11 Aqu 4 Can
4 ><10 f 3^)
\ / \ /
\ / \ / Su
X/ \/ 10 Cap 5 Leo
s ■;»
>6 .\
Su Ke
Ke SSag a sco 7 Ubr aVirg

Regardless of which is correct, it must be noted that he became President on January 20, 1969, in his Saturn-Jupiter period,
two planets strong in their own sign in D-10. It is also interesting to note that his first political office as a U.S. Congressman from Cal-
ifornia came in Jupiter-Sun, again the period of two planets well dignified in D-10.

The question of his correct D-10 becomes interesting as well when considering his resignation and the end of his political career
in Mercury-Venus. If Pisces, this would put the major period lord Mercury in the 12th with two natural malefics, and the sub-period
lord Venus becomes the 3rd lord in the 3rd house. Again, this is pure conjecture on my part, but it appeals to me

On February 28, 2013, something that had never happened in the 2000-year-old history of the Catholic Church took place. Pope
Benedict XVI resigned his office. His birth time does come from a written record, but once again it creates a degree of birth lagna
rather on the edge between two dasarhsas.
RdfeN (D-
M05<>25' SU2M8- Vee^r Mag-jr
Silner „ ,0 2 Pis 3 An 4 Tau 5 Gam
1 9
• ASjrjv
43 KC7-31 Jp27,43
Ve«-2v „ 1 Aqu 5Can
S^14'g A)
Pope Benedict XVI
8«l 4ne/1«27 4 15.00
\ s \ / Mar^V GER
MSrsr 12 Cap 7 Lao
// \\ // \ 11 Sag 10 SCO 9 Ubr BVirg
D10 ririm t DkiUMmjmtfM D1 Q POMMT 4 SUAil
Sa Jp
Ve Su
Mo \ B / \ /
9 65 _ 6 PIS 7 An 8 Tau 9 Gam
Me As Ma Ke
>5 Aqu 10 Can
\ / ^ / Ma
Su Ra
4 Cap 11 Leo
Ke ;■
y/ \ / \ SaJp As
/Ve I3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg

He became a Cardinal of the Catholic Church in his Saturn-Venus period, which is easy to see from the birth chart alone, since
the mutual glance of these two grahas form a superior raja yoga along the 4-10 axis, with Saturn a vargottama lagna lord in the 10th
and Venus the yogakaraka in its own sign in the 4th. Regardless of the correct D-10 /agna, Saturn is again vargottama and Venus is
now in its exaltation sign here.

He became Pope in his Mercury-Saturn period, and Mercury as a major period lord giving this high office is not so obvious. Its
debility does get canceled by the strong placement of its dispositor, Jupiter in an angle and getting directional strength, and it does
give nTcabhahga raja yoga from both Chandra and dasa lagna. Saturn as the sub-period lord is more readily apparent. See also that
Mercury is in Uttara-Bhadra, a naksatra ruled by Saturn

From one angle Scorpio as the D-10 /agna has an appeal, given what both Jupiter and Saturn produced as major period lords,
since it would put these planets in the lagna with Saturn vargottama and Jupiter getting directional strength, this also places Mercury
in the more neutral 2nd house. However, how then does Venus-Venus show his resignation? If the D-10 lagna is actually Libra,
Venus becomes the 8th lord in the 6th.

Eddie Arcaro was one of the most successful jockeys in the history of horse racing and he became a very wealthy man with his
prize-winnings. His birth chart has many highly favorable yogas, especially the beautiful LaksmTYoga formed by the combination of
an exalted 11 th lord Venus with the 9th lord Jupiter in its own sign in the 9th house. His 10-year Moon period, followed by the 7 years
of Mars were the periods that brought his greatest success. The bright full Moon is vargottama and involved in an excellent Mukufa
Yoga, and Mars is the yogakaraka planet in the lagna giving nTcabhahga raja yoga.

Mo,.3 Sd,: Jp.-J Sftirtv

ASlA-^V 3 -9 Pis 10 Art 11 Tau 12 Gem
Kfi'a it •2
/ ASu-,,
649^3 34 (fe.,.r
Su,„ Ma.- - „
BAqu 1 Can
r /I 3»
Eddie Arcaro MOWM
/ SM 15 20 00
R8,^-,r Cincinneft OH
7 Cap 2 Leo
Mo>)« Ve,..,

SUr 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

His is another one of those spectacular dasarhsas in which almost every graha falls in either an angle or a trine, many in
exceptional conditions and forming good yogas.

Note in particular those planets whose periods encompassed his career on the track, which were the Sun, Moon, and Mars.
Sun is exalted, Venus is exalted, Mercury is vargottama. Yogakaraka Mars is well placed in an angle, and the lagna lord Moon of both
his birth chart and in D-10 is with two benefics and configured in Ga/a KesarTYoga. He won his first horse race in Sun-Moon, with
the Moon and this yoga falling in the 10th house from the Sun!
■ DIP ggggr 4 a
Ve Su
6 ■ ■9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
/ As
/ Ra As
BAqu 1 Can
r su ( 3*)
Ma Ke
Jp Ve JpMo
8 ■12 7 Cap 2 Leo
Sa Mo Sa
Bi 6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr 3Virg

However, in this world of conditioned existence, all good things end eventually and he retired from horse-racing in his early 40s
in Rahu-Satum. Rahu is in the 8th house and Saturn is the 8th lord aspecting Rahu.

Having looked at some of these famous career endings/transitions, we will now examine some in the lives of the oftentimes
beautiful, but less famous souls that an astrologer encounters in his day to day practice.

The chart below is of a man born in India, now residing in the U.S. who is a passionate student of astrology.
Ra^ Sa.; MC),,
Ma:.,. Ve.
Mtw 10 As.« a 4 Pis 5 Ah 6 Tau 7 Gem
11,X >T

/ \ /\
/ \
3 Aqu 6 Can
\ "T > ( 3*)
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
1 - 5 2 Cap 9 Leo
/2 , 4\
Ver,, Sun:,
Sa.: Me;, . \ii/ 1 Sag 12 SCO 11 Libf lOVirg

Examine the condition and overall disposition of the 10th lord Mercury. In my experience, you cannot reliably predict a person's
profession just by seeing the 10th house/10th lord from the birth lagna alone, but this will give clues as to their experience in career
life, success, status etc.

Just as in the very first case study discussed in the introduction of this book, we find some quality of Dur Yoga here, since the
10th lord Mercury goes to the 6th house, with the 6th lord and with the additional influence of the natural malefic Saturn. This gets
relieved somewhat by the influence of the natural benefic Jupiter as the lagna lord and the involvement of the 9th lord Sun. Some
angle-trine combinations also result from this complex configuration along the 6-12 axis of the birth chart.

The man has a good educational background, including a Masters degree in electrical engineering, but didn't really pursue this
field. From what little I know, I have the impression that his has been a rather checkered career history typical of such a configu-
ration, still with some good level of success in professional level positions. Yet he has been always considering doing other things
and even pursuing certifications in finance management, portfolio management, and actuarial science, but then not transitioning into
these fields. Just recently he has resigned his corporate job to pursue a career as a real estate broker. It is has happened in his Sat-
urn-Ra/iu-Venus period.

Remember that Saturn and Venus are part of his Dur Yoga and that in his chart Hahu will give Saturn's result being in Saturn's
sign Capricorn. Then see the placement of his Saturn in D-10.
Sa VeRa
Sa Mo
3Pts 4 Ari STau 6 Gem

Ve Su
2 Aqu 7 Can
Ra Ke (&)
Ma Jp
J 1 Cap 8 Leo
Mo 5
Me Jg 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf SVirg

It goes to the Srd house, suggesting based on Iyer's principle that this would be a period that could bring a career break/
transition. The sub-period and sub-sub period lords are together. It is not something I predicted but given the combination of the ac-
tivation of the Dur Yoga in the dasa sequence in concert with D-10, it was predictable.
This man's career transition was voluntary and his own choice. A much more painful situation is when you suddenly and
unexpectedly lose a valued position after you have passed the age of fifty, are supporting a household and family, and still have
children to put through college. I encountered many such individuals when I worked as a corporate outplacement consultant for nine
years, guiding corporate executives through an enforcement career transition when they lost their positions. It can be a time that
tries men's and women's souls.

See the chart of another man born in India currently living in the U.S. In recent years he has consulted with me about his chart
and those of his two daughters, who like him are quite intelligent and doing well academically. He is highly educated with a Ph.D.
and has been in senior management positions. He has also studied Jyotisa and knows it rather well. At one point in early 2016, he
wanted to discuss his Mercury-Saturn period because he had some concerns, and not without a good reason.
uut ID-
\ /| As^ar
' .4 ' 7 1/ Raay, 10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gam
/ > // \ Sa^Mo1 JQio^
\ /
/ Mdrss- \•/ 9 Aqu 2 Can
( 3*)

\ / \
\ / \ Sa.™ « Cap
■ 11 3 Leo
B 10
KCjav Ve„ SU23°37' KG2r34
VCre M63»52- MO20,6- Ma 9° 32"
MCjsj 7 Sag a sco 5 Ufcr 4 Virg

Once already in the Mercury mahadasa he had lost a position but had quickly found another. One good feature of the birth chart
relative to career is the that the 10th lord Jupiter is in its exaltation sign forming a KesarTYoga with the Moon, and Jupiter aspects
onto its own 10th house. But it is retrograde which means in my experience it will not reliably protect as it might otherwise and there
have been some career reversals at times.

While teaching in Russia in early October of 2016 I received an e-mail from him saying that there was some consolidation in his
company and that his position had been eliminated. Naturally, he was shocked. I had kept quiet prior to this hoping for the best but
seeing the position of these grahas in his D-10 when we first spoke was not encouraging.

The mahadasa lord is in the 3rd house with a malefic and the sub-period lord Saturn is in the 6th house with another malefic.
There is no relief from the modifying influence of natural benefics. The layoff occurred in Mercury-Saturn-Mercury.

However, his 10th lord is an exalted Jupiter aspecting the 10th house and has to provide some protection/relief in such
situations. Within a very short time period, two former colleagues offered him positions. While they are at his level, he is now working
in one until he finds a more appropriate position. He has had no major interruption in his income and health coverage for him and
his family. It took a while, as it usually does with someone at his level, but he was eventually able to secure another position com-
mensurate with previous levels of status and compensation.
DtatfhinumtfM D1 Q POWMf 4 SUOll
Ke /
Ke JfiAs
Ma 4 \ /Mo Mo
10 Pis 11 Ari 12 Tau 1 Gem
Me "X Jjd x.
As Su
/ \ / \
/X \ 9 Aqu 2 Can
( 3^ )
Su Me
\ / a Cap 3 Leo
7 Ve <"»
a ' ** io
Ve SaRa
RaSa 7 Sag 6 Sco 5 Ubr 4Virg

This is the chart of yet another Indian man living in the U.S., a wonderfully spiritual soul who has chosen to freely assist me in
my mission to spread the light of Jyotisa just as a service. He is also well educated and has occupied high-level positions in infor-
mation technology like Chief Technology Officer.
Jp.-. Ve
< RSaaer

11 SUva 9 3 Pis 4 Ari 5 Tau 6 Gem

12 X, Ma„
As».4» M0, „

10 2 Aqu 7 Can
1r / ( 3^)
■ \ / Su,„
\ / /
ICap 5 Leo
Mo,., 0s Me^.
Ke;i» Bfl.-rr
12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Ubr 9 Virg

Once again, we see a variation of Dur Yoga, with the 10th lord Venus in the 12th with the 12th lord and with the natural malefic
Rahu. But it is rather a mild one involving all the natural benefics, and some raja yogas and other favorable combinations are
forming. It can mean success in a foreign country, which he has had, but also some discontinuity in career life, especially as there
is a bigger problem with these planets in Sagittarius, one that ensures there will be some Dur Yoga manifestation. Can you see it?
Sagittarius is hemmed mildly by natural malefics in the signs/houses on either side. I don't know much about the career history, but
I do have the information that a big career change occurred just after he moved into Venus-Venus. Then more recently in March of
2016. It appears to have happened in Venus-Mars-Sun. Recall the two planets hemming his 10th lord Venus.
kuAmumiAi 01 Q POMMf 4 8UOI1
\ Mo Ve Ve
\ , \ / As
3 12
s A
As >" 12 Pis 1 An 2 Tau 3 Gam

/ \ / \ RaSa
11 Aqu 4 Can
Ra 'fo Ma
/ Ke
Su Ma
5 9 10 Cap 5 Leo
6 8
JpMe 19
Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr BVirg

If the D-10 lagna is correct (always a big "if"!) the placement of the mahadasa lord in this varga is not a problem. In fact, its
placement in its own sign Taurus with an exalted Moon is a big plus. Should it actually be Pisces it may suggest more position in-
stability. However, he has a very marketable skill set and my impression is that he does not have any trouble getting positions.

The birth chart and dasamsa given below is that of a man who has excelled in the healing arts.

\ /X /I Venr Me4-v Ma 13-24" K®4-55"

M012-53 SU6'42' Jp28°30'
BsU« B E 6 Pis 7 Ari 8 Tau 9 Gam
^ ■ ASjor4y '®
/ \ / \
5 Aqu 10 Can

Jpjt w 4 Cap 11 Leo
" SUb 47 X3
12 Me, 2
M0t2B3 /' Ma 1ST4 R34-55' AS20'43"
Ve,„ 3 Sag 2 Sco 1 Ubr 12 Virg
D10 ^ OBUuhuhiim 01 0 POMMT A autut
MaMe JpMo/ Mo Me
As SuSa
Su Jp Ma
2 12 12 Pis 1 Ari 2 Tau 3 Gem
Sa •"
As Ke
X \ / \
11 Aqu 4 Can
Ke *fo Ra 3*

\ / \ / Ra

S • ■8 10 Cap 5 Leo

/ \ / X
Ve «Sag 8 Sco 7 Ubr 6 Virg

His 10th lord Moon goes to the 6th house Pisces, combining with the Moon in a 1-10 ra/a yoga. The 10th lord is also configured
in KesarTYoga with the 6th lord Jupiter in the 9th with Ketu. His expertise has been in alternative medicine not allopathic, as he is an
expert in pulse diagnosis, medicinal herbs, acupuncture and the like.

Not long after entering his Venus mahadasa he made a major career and life transition when he left a clinical practice on the
east coast in the Boston area to take on an academic role on the west coast in Los Angeles. Note that Venus goes to the 8th house
of his D-10 and is in an exchange with the 8th lord Mars. The sub-period was of the Moon, in the 12th house of his dasamsa.

November 2005 brought another major shift when he started a role as the President of a school. This occurred in the Sun period.
Note how his Sun in the birth chart is exalted and in an Ubhayachari Yoga in the 7th house. Such planets can give a leadership
position since the 7th house is the 10th from the 10th. However, also note that his Sun in D-10 is in the 3rd house of transition. He
tendered his resignation of this position on October 1, 2015, though he remains with the school as president emeritus and senior
researcher and doctoral advisor. This happened in the fall of 2015 in his Moon-Saturn period, with the major period lord in the 12th
and the sub-period lord in the 3rd house of his dasamsa.


I have shown 12 examples of periods that brought career transitions or the end of careers and these case histories rather
confirm Sheshadri Iyer's researches that planets associated with the two termination houses in D-10 can bring these events. I will
caution the reader that these are not presented as definitive parameters for seeing such events. Career/job transitions can show up
in so many different ways just like any other event, and it is just not a question of D-10. It also has to do with the inherent potentials
of planets in the birth chart and the yogas in which they participate, as we have already seen in some of these cases.

This was true for me when I experienced my own major career transition not long ago, something that I foresaw, and which I
thought would be voluntary. The Lords of Karma had different ideas.
RMM |D-1) OtOMil ltuN|D- JOMMIII
\ / \ Ke,™ Jp../ Ma,,, Ve,,,
7 §ij4tr s 7 Pis BAfl 9Tau 10 Gam
8 ASt„ ■*

6 Aqu 11 Can

Marc Boney Mo,,.

WM 4.iai1»51 16 54 00
X/ x/ TotMo OM
io j Ve,,.* 5 Cap 12 Leo
JP,, /X Aa,„
BSiia MS« sr \ Si-.
/ \ / Ma„.r
Su.jy 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ufar IVirg

A Dur Yoga is present in my chart since the 10th lord Mercury goes to the 8th house with the 8th lord and the 12th lord, while
the 6th lord Saturn aspects the 10th house. It is modified and redeemed to a degree by the benefic hemming of the 8th house. Still,
when I moved into the Saturn major period, I foresaw that Saturn-Mercury, activating this yoga, would likely bring a career transition
out of the corporate world, one that I actually welcomed. Saturn in D-10, placed in the 12th house, and disposited by the 12th lord
Mercury, rather confirmed that view.

^ MeMa Sa/ KeVe

Su Sa
\B/ -9 Pis 10 Ari 11 Tau 12 Gam
As X' Su
\4 / 8 Aqu 1 Can
Mo (&)
Ke Ma
\ / 7 Cap 2 Leo
/■\ it
/ \ Jp / \
x 7
\ Ra
6 Sag 5 Sco 4 Ubr SVirg

I was a Director of Human Resources for a privately owned government contractor who executed large building projects on
military bases. Prior to this, I had been a consultant to the organization and a leadership coach to the owner. For a long time we were
very simpatico, but starting in 2012 we began having a lot of conflicts about personnel decisions. Just after moving into Saturn-Mer-
cury, I arrived at work one morning and was informed by him that he had decided to make a change. It was quite unexpected.
However, aside from some immediate concerns about the abrupt loss of a considerable income, I felt liberated and free to now
devote myself full-time to astrology. Benefic hemming has to have its meaning too.
Chapter Eleven

Using The Dasamsha to Rectify Birth Times

Double-Edged Sword

As I have indicated in the earlier chapters of this book, the difficulty working with and making predictions based on the
dasamsha is the question always looming in the background of whether the given birth time is accurate enough to give a correct
D-10 lagna. This is true for any of the vargas, particularly if it is a higher division, in which case the lagna becomes more and more
sensitive to even minute inaccuracies in a birth time. Yet this problem is also a "double-edged sword" because vargas can also be
used to rectify birth times. Throughout this book, I have highlighted instances in which just a few minutes adjustment to a birth time
changes a D-10 lagna that then makes a better case for the timing of an event.

See another example of this in the birth chart of the two-time heavyweight boxing champion, George Foreman.

Bio Mo.-j

\B \4/ «p» 9 All 10Tau 11 Gam

Sjlta j® '3

/Aqu 12 Can
/ MOa 5
George Foreman
\ / Ma,,., Bon l/IOHMt 21 16 00
Marshall TX
Ve4S 6 Cap 1 Leo
jp,a,M XI
Su,^, Ver, Ks. »
Sag 4 SCO 3 Ubr 2Virg

Recall that a dasarhsa consist of 3 degrees. His birth time, which does come from a written record, gives a 15-degrees, 10-
minutes Leo birth lagna, which gives a Capricorn D-10 /agna.
■ |D»HHPww>4a
\ MaKeSa
As Mo
11 3 Pis 4 All S Tau 8 Gam
« Ve e
Mo Me

\10/ 2Aqu 7 Can

/ \ Ve
Me As
\/ 1 Cap 5 Leo
/ Ke
JpRa \ 12 Sag 11 Sco 10 Libf BVirg

However, the dividing line between 5th and 6th dasamsa is 15-degrees, so his is right on the edge between these two. Back up
the birth time, a mere minute or so, and his D-10 /agna becomes Sagittarius, not Capricorn.

11 "X As —
Sa •• 7 4 Pis SAP 6 Tau 7 Gem

3Ac,u SCan
f ( &)
Mo Su Me
Ra Ve
2 Cap 9 Leo
v-2 Jp
As Sa
1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

George Foreman's great achievements, both in boxing and life in general, came in his Rahu and Jupiter major periods. He
first won the heavyweight title in Rahu-Satum. Based on all the examples given in this book about the timing of when people had
extraordinary achievements, the question becomes which of these two dasamsas best supports this timing. The answer should be
rather obvious. Sagittarius D-10 \agna, which puts both Rahu and Jupiter in an angle involved in Gaja KesanYoga, makes much
more sense than having these grahas fall in the 6th house of D-10. Also, the period/sub-period when he became champion, Rahu-
Saturn, is much more striking, with the sub-period lord in the lagna versus the 12th house.

Other Examples

Although the given time of 2:00 PM for the English poet, Lord Byron, does come from family records, in all likelihood it was
"rounded" and not precise. The degree oi lagna that his time gives is 12-58 Gemini, giving a Libra dasarhsa lagna.
RMN (0-1)

Lord Byron was an enormously popular author in his day, and one of the most famous people of the early 19th century. I have
even heard it said that with his fame—and notoriety—he was among the first to anticipate the modern-day cult of celebrity in which
people are "famous for being famous."

After majoring in revelry and dissipation at Cambridge, he traveled throughout Europe and parts of the Middle East, writing a
long poem, Childe Harold, along the way. It was published upon his return to England, and as Byron commented, "The next day, I
woke up famous."

It happened in Mercury-Venus. In the birth chart, Mercury is the lagna lord in the 7th house, an angle-trine combination showing
the potential for fame in this period. Venus is the 5th lord of authorship in the 9th house with the 9th lord Saturn in its mulatrikona sign,
again showing the potential for fame.

Note that both the 7th house and the 9th house are houses of travel. Mercury and Venus are not connected in the birth chart but
are the period and sub-period of two natural benefics, as well as functional benefics for this lagna. However, to see why Mercury-
Venus brought such spectacular fame and recognition for his literary achievement, one must see the disposition of these planets
in the dasamsa. Mercury and Venus are both exalted in D-10 and in mutual aspect with each other. There is also the additional
association of the benefic, Jupiter, without any blemish of malefic association. However, these planets would fall along the unfavor-
able 6-12 axis. Is it correct?

3 Sag B Sco 1 Ubr |l2V«a

The recorded birth time of 2:00 PM gives a 12-58 degree Gemini birth lagna. Subtract a mere 5 minutes from his time, and the
dasamsa lagna becomes Virgo, not Libra. Now the planet that brought him such success and fame would be an exalted 1st and 10th
lord in the lagna of D-10. The sub-period lord Venus becomes an exalted 9th lord, and the mutual aspect between them becomes an
extremely powerful 9-10 ra/a yoga. Given all that we have seen in this article about the results of planets in the D-10 lagna, a Virgo
dasamsa lagna seems much more likely to me.
Me Sa
84 7 Pis 6 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
Jfi Ke
As Ke
6 Aqu 11 Can
\ w
Ma Ma
5 Cap 12 Leo
Ra " 11 Ve »
/ \ / \
As Me
MoSa 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Libr 1 Virg

Another clue supporting Virgo dasarhsa lagna is that Don Juan is considered Byron's magnum opus, and the literary work that
made him immortal. He wrote the first Cantos and began publishing it in Mercury-Jupiter. If Virgo is indeed his true dasarhsa lagna,
this would mean the period and sub-period of the two planets placed therein. The special achievement-giving quality of this config-
uration would be highly consistent with what we've seen in the charts given earlier.

The chart of another English author later turned statesman, raises a similar question about the accuracy of the dasarhsa lagna.
Benjamin Disraeli first gain famed as an author for such novels as Vivian Grey. However, later he turned to politics and in 1868
became the only person of Jewish descent to ever hold the office of Prime Minister of England. His birth data also comes from a
written record, but with a time of 5:30 AM that is, again, likely to have been rounded, or imprecisely noted.

9 Ver, t Sa31, 5 Pis 8 An 7 Tau B Gem
10 Jpnr e
AS^^r KCrJcr
8 |4 Aqu 9 Can
'T 3^
Mo, M(W
Benjamin Disraeli
Ra..r Fn. 12."21.180* 9 WOO
MSjtjt' 3 Cap Lonaon.
10 Leo
"l Ke.. Sa^l'M
Su,, AS, V©., ,
2 Sag 1 SCO 12 Libr 11 Virg

Rahu-Moon is the period and sub-period that made him Prime Minister, and whereas, the sub-period lord Moon is the 9th lord
in the 10th house involved in Gajakesari Yoga in the birth chart, this alone hardly explains such a momentous elevation in the Rahu
major period. Besides, there is no connection between the dasa and antardasa lords here. But below see the dasamsa.

Note that the Moon and Rahu are together in D-10, apparently in the 2nd house. The Moon is involved in a 2-11 exchange with
Venus. All in all, this is not a bad combination, but one that will make him Prime Minister of England at a time when the Sun never
set on the British Empire? I don't think so.

Yet see what happens if you make Libra the dasamsa lagna, not Virgo. Now the Rahu-Moon combination falls in the lagna of
D-10 and becomes spectacular raja yoga, with the dasa lord Rahu giving the results the 1-10, Moon-Venus exchange. Great eleva-
tion then in Rahu-Moon becomes very clear.
RaMo Jp
7 Pis 6 An 9 Tau 10 Gem
- Me
Ve Su Ve
Ma Me
BAqu 11 Can

Sa Jp

10 •2 5 Cap 12 Leo
\ /I
Sa Ra
/ \ / \ As
Ma Mo
Su Ke 4 Sag 3 Sco 2 Ubr 1 Vug

This adjustment also helps explain his early literary fame, which first came in Venus-Mercury after Vivian Grey was published.
Making Libra the lagna of D-10 puts these two planets conjunct in the 10th house, forming a good 1 -9 raja yoga. They combine in no
such yoga in the birth chart and are completely unassociated there.

Based on all the cases seen earlier of the good results given by a dasa-antardasa of two well-disposed planets connected in the
angles of D-10, Libra as his D-10 /agna seems much more likely to me, even if it means adjusting the birth time some 14 minutes. It
is only a speculation on my part, but an educated one. One would need to see how the other divisional charts are getting affected,
and whether the timing of events related to them, like marriage in D-9 and childbirth in D-7, check out.

Another example of how a change in the birth time can affect the dasarhsa lagna is that of the American film director genius, George
Lucas. His fame as the creator of the epic space fantasy series Star Wars came in the late 1970's during his Jupiter dasa. His Jupiter
is exalted in the 4th house of his birth chart in a Gajakesari Yoga with the Moon in the 10th house, and conjunct 1st lord Mars forming
a Raja Yoga. The first movie of the series, Star Wars, is the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time, with the combined six movies in
the series grossing over 2 billion dollars.
\ SUo /
V6tr«t SlArj, Sa-.~,r
Sa^T \. 2 MCiik 12 P« 1 Ah 2 Tau 3 Gem
3 • Ve,,® %
11 Aqu 4 Can
Rfle cr Mo„ .j 3*
JPjsa KCfc-jT
George Lucas
\ / Sun &14i i944 5 39 00
\ - UMMtO. CA
10 Cap 6 Leo

SSas 8 SCO 7 Utor B Virg

■ IMOt Ptt%w>4fl
Su \ JpKe Mo
Ra Sa
As Ma
10 e 4 Pis 5 Ah 6 Tau 7 Gem
ii ;> 7
\»/ 3 Aqu 8 Can
Ma Su
Sa Me
2 Cap a Leo
^ Me
/ As JpKe Ve
Ra 1 Sag 12 Sco 11 Libr 10 Virg

He was bom on May 14, 1944, in Modesto, California. If his given birth time of 5:40 AM was adjusted just 1 minute earlier to
5:39 AM then his dasarhsa lagna becomes Scorpio where Jupiter is placed forming directional strength. Whereas, with 5:40 AM, the
D-10 lagna is Sagittarius with Jupiter placed in the 12th house. The success of Star Wars came in 1977 during his Jupiter-Mercury
dasa. From a Scorpio D-10 lagna, Mercury is placed in the 10th house, and at an angle from Jupiter in the 10th. In addition, The
Empire Strikes Back came during Jupiter-Ketu, with these two planets conjoined in the D-10 lagna if it were Scorpio. This seems
much more likely to me.
Ve Mo
Ra Sa
Su 9 Ke Ma
jp '6 5 Pis 6 An 7 Tau B Gem


4 Aqu 9 Can
45 Me
Mo Me
3 Cap 10 Leo
Ma / Ra Ve
Sa 2 Sag 1 Sco 12 Libr 11 Virg

Rectifying birth times using the vargas in this way requires a lot of skill and judgment born of experience. After adjusting a birth
time you then have to see the way in which this adjustment may effect other vargas and how the timing of relevant events get accu-
rately reflected in these divisions.

Marc Boney M.A. is an internationally renowned astrological teacher, writer, and consultant. He has been involved since 1974 with the
integration of the ancient wisdom of astrology with the counseling arts. He received his training in Jyotisa primarily from K.N. Rao, one of the
world's foremost Vedic astrologers. His focus is on using the Vedic system to help guide people in their lives, as well as training others.

Marc has been a featured speaker at international conferences, is a faculty member of the American College of Vedic Astrology, and was
the main presenter on Jyotisa at the Chopra Center for Weil-Being from 2000 to 2002. He is the author of 50 articles on this topic, and twelve
books on the Jaimini system of Jyotisa.

The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, of New Delhi, India honored Marc with a Distinguished Service Award for his contribu-
tions to the advancement of Vedic Astrology in the West.

Marc founded the Pacific Institute of Vedic Science, which offers quality educational programs in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotisa in the San
Diego area where he lives.

Prior to his current full-time involvement with these Vedic sciences, Marc held positions in the corporate world as a Director of Human
Resources, Outplacement Consultant, and Leadership Consultant.

Marc holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a BA in English Literature from Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois.

He is a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation since 1971 and later trained as a teacher and taught TM in the late 70s.

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