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I. II argues rhat ,aloball:uillcn lacks pri!dse deflmtJon.

2.. \'Jhch ~ holds th.a~ the ,end uf the natlC!n-stace7

.Answar: IH:,-persll.)h...1.U !i'
3. ~ "l!IEW argiu:ed that manual! workas 1m the west are l!lnda- threat..
.A.n5wa": Tmr
'1. ! 'Wl.ew hoJl:3 that ,globaltli:ltinn weakens, the power of nal!lornl , ~ 1
Answetr. Uy~~... lwlu,i
5. Glcbalinllmn expcsed many 11D dtve12 culhiml outputs and values.
Answa-: TRI('
6. In whiiJI year the satellite! 1t!:1!ilar and ~ . e r tlrie 'llrsl t!"iinsatlanllc ll!levklt!.m
broadcasts lau111ched?
lmswa": 1~
7. Agnculb..u"al and urban ravolutiDll'Si migra-Ucms, increased bade,. andl ancient
empres gre;v wt of Eura§ta.
~ IEltm.!tililfll

8. Emncmy deveJoped throu;h lndu51N!izatJon and lh~ colonlal dM5'on off labor.
.Alrlswef': .L::uru-A11.m, k
9 11u5 penDd
, ~ characterized by war (\'AV U) i!nd dlsp1.1tes (CCld Wair) over the
sbll fragile gJolJalllilltlon rprincess_.
Answar. ~ c far H,r:gcmany
JO.A ~ 1t1 f how easl ly infcu1nation aoo idecls pass luetweei people 111 Hlar owm
counuy and between dlf-ferant mumries (tndudes ac,c-ess tc, tntanet and
An5war, ~lill
l L \'Jtuch vtew holds thal 1"ht! power of Nittiontll Govern merit I ~ but their
l\a1W'e dle.nges.?
Answa:-: Skqitu:s
u . 11.. ~rg!leS ~t ~!~l.lan ~ , amol'JI olher VJir,gs from b!',Ji,ic ~umQTI urae,
W1 ~k bam:r .and more tuli11lmg l12e_: This beads him ~ trace Lhe lnltla1
gl,nhallZ£ttiQn of the hwnafl ~
~•er' Uan.hvu-c-~L
13. lt a11aLmd UW! ettUiH)l!I ~ nauan 1
staus nnd1 JUI~ ere na ~Gn~r rh ~ cmctsir:'Jn1
1m~lwi ~ lbuL lhe ded!!10n m~
A.ns'!Na-: 111.c !h1n1m~ ' C"CII!p
14.'What: ~-mt q-. the 20th ce:ihuy wRidi sient ~~ ~ t i ~ t 'the world
tllll1 rcsullm ta the dlmY)'!I In s,ldb.31 ffli9ratiDn ~rl'J!l, dedlneol ln Q,lcbaJ
remttb!Jlte!I and the e q ~ m urrem~ DNt debt7 1

~IJer: Lire.ill l>i?f! ~u:m

15.QJmmercia1 re110hJ!tmas comme..-Klcd Iii! 1:ne GliBrn-RGIIT@n
Yi'J:ntdj West Asa ·ar,~
IE.a!il Alrlt;1!.
MJMlcrl A Dru-l :u,
1. The: fo11owtng are muses of gr-eat depresston except:
Answer: Ch·i:-li bU)•a~ ol assets
l. What refers to the extension of econcmJc adivttles; of 1!1:ation ~ms aeroS5
Answer: lrit.:m,u lo1!11.1h1.1mt1n
3. World Trade O~nlzatjon was :foondedl aftb!r th@ OOKJuskm 0f 'lhe B~ettoo 1

Woods eonrereil\Ce tn too Unlted1States or America.

Anmer: F~l4c
4. What refers to fit.des that llmlt who cain enter a business and what l)tlces tihey
maiv change?
Answer: l:.m11ll rmc Regulu1 i1.1n
s. whrcih superpower represented the communist rdeolog,y during me Cold Wor7
AnMer: So\·l~I Unio.n
6. Eoonornk ,gl'oball!zation is i3i 1new phenomMmt.
.Answ,er:. fCll.lls.~
7. It. ls formatly know11 ~ the UnTtoo NatJcmi Pklnetary and Rn-1111dal Conference~
Answa-: B ~111un Wood., Con f~NJ1ct:
e. Sented as rnrum for traw, 1111ego1iatmns.
,Answer: Ck11i:m ~A~11:m an lmllii wuJ lu1der
9. \'Jhlch 1of [he, fo'llowl flfJ does not belong tc the !J1110up1
Answer: \\:orhJ •r,nnk 01_Hm.1,1A.Ulon
10 It 'r'adllltab!! tt"l@,ecol'ISUuctJon er Europe.

Answer: \\'ti1rlu 1-lrmL

11. COnsldeted by solifle ec.onomlsls, a ,are, ,and mreme 'l'cml er mc:es.slon.
Answ,er: lirtal Dcp.~on
12 He roriesaw an IMF that functroned more llke a bank,. making sure 't hat morrowJng
states muld repay the1 debts on liffle,•
.AnsWier: Hllff.Y ~ ~d' \\'hit~
lJ. It 15 the reduction of restrldions or bi,rrrers on the free a:c.nange or goods
betw~n natlons.
,MSW0r ~ lilicrn !iJJ11fo111
1-1. Bret.ton woads Gonferenc:e w11.s ttae gathering of 730 delegates fmm all 44 allied
na;ttcms m regulat,e t he international monerarv a.nd finanda1 order allter the
amc:lusion or World War I.
15. Member 1Quotas !;ltre die pr[mary souirc,e of JMF fITTa11daJ r~scmrc,eJ
16.An International organua1:km organim:I after Im World War I.
Al'lswt!r: l i:agull! of Namwns:
17.U as a fum:tional lnteg,ralion between intematlcmaUy dispeliSed actiuitfes. lhat l:s,
a quahtative tranmmation than just quanbtative change.

An!i.W8': ,~r i1npm1c: l ,lo

18. mternatronaJ r..llnetary Fwid~ fiundammra1I ml!iSDns, are the rollowlng: lend! ng,
capaclly deveJo.pmenl arum
Answer: ummtn1c Sun i!
19. formed in 19491 d1i1:ring ~e ~ttnn w~ Cnli!ferell\Oe., vmkh insitiibJHcn w~
created pnmarlfry for openrng ru1 markets for wortd trad'e1
,Answer: Ayr'-"cDK'nl 11n fDrnffl. rmd Tnullt
.20.An lnd.i'Jidual orr crganizalion tnat ha5 signl.Rcant pcilttraJ tnfluenr:e but il is Mt
illlied to any p,artit1ttar rounlry or state.
Answer; l Jnn-.-J N'p:1an!.
l w lin Westphalian [nterstate syslen, legal sowrieignty ts. no lon~er the mcmopolv of
national ggvemment:sJ
2 ·Th~ auk:m'nes 0-f Pwcie of W~hilJla faundm importi:lnt norms for 'the
Intemaocmall sys&m and serw as a made.I for mmtemparairv IIlltematlQflal law
and relations.
Answer~ rrut
3. WhtcJh of the f0Uowtng1ls. nm a princple embodied by the VlestphaHan tn:tersta'te
Answer: InLil?l"\'tnd(.ffl h1 DombUC' Aff_ajfj;
-1, W~lch rtitergovemmeru:al·on was ,treated after World Viar II In the aim
,Qif promow,g inte:mational peate i:'!U\C!t security aJ'ldl social~ e~ornicj and social
OLll!Lural mop-eral.Joni7
Ar.Mer; Unm.:J Nrwum
5. Al the lew~ cf nltklfl sta~, lheN! is sum a manag~ng autoorltv trie gcvemment
But at the lrltema.~ona'l level, QOVen'lmenl does ,act e:d5t..
AnS'V'rler: rm~
6+ Westphallan wars are 1
1n decline. Noflr'WesQ>hallan conmcts are on the rlse.
An:m.rer: 1nh:
7 . It oe:curs when a nrm perfOJmS more than one a:divrty rn the sequence of ltle
ma rke'llng process. \len 1~e1I i111,i:gnw.o.n
8, Et refers. to the ooUed.ion ,o f ~ r e l a t e d ~dtvttle:S, f1J les arid mechanEsms,

fonn~I amt informal,, mmng at a variety level5 in the world b)c!av~

Answer: .r-tt-~ of Oh>h.l.l Go\11."~l'

9. Win.fro ee_oll\Offlic ~ promotes Jrival:e owneM"'p of prmperty?
Answer: Soc:lllllimn

10. Which of the faUDWl !'lg dDeS nat belmng l:n ~ gmup7'
Answa-~C'ooe of C'omuct
ll, lt oa:urs w~n ttle cums,il'lll eontrols au mmpm11ents, from raw materials to flna~
AnS'll'!let: Forwnro l11t~inn
12. Rea1i5m assumes Ulat the mudure of the imermamnal system is anard,y an-d
that l!he sta:tes are 1rationa1' actors.
Answer: l'nk
13. Whrch meJicanHllsl: pradioe seeks • repece fmelgn goods with domestrc
Answer.: lmptnt Sub11mm.u1n
14. Global gc\femanm ta'l<es place wlthout gtooa11~ t.
,Answer: 1rur
15. It ts a rcoll'ernve amen and mJJective management m address tl:ie globa.lJ
Answer: ,alab.11 Ot11\' i:fflJtl.\CC
16. It ls a process 1111 whloh a company~ or lnlelnaJt'f p,oduces segrnents of
lts supply chaln1.
Answer;· H□d;wnrJ I Hl"'1'gfttUffl
17. l~ tihe naw economic eii\l,vJronmmu, the Importance of lfJls amtl l!)nateral akl as
sourres ro'r f!.mliis has Increased.
Answer: .Fli!~e
18. Ir,tema,tiana'l law is ~iming to mallenge the supremacy mstate sove:reignly.
Answer;· l'rnl!
19, Es a siluartilon in which separate ma.rkers for 1111.e sarne ,,,-oduct become one s~ngle
Answer.: M nl'1kd lntcgnmon
20. tt emlllhasb:es the fl)adfylng mfe of mmmnonai orgianl:mtlons,. economic
Inmfdep.eodence, and en1oa.aey•
.AnS'!Ner: LLbclDliml
1. \Wlat was t he riame of the wrrency that Thailand created?
AM'wer: St1J1ti Suk
2. Whim country ts net a member of APED'
AMWer: :tntlla
J. What approach to regiom!lism in whlt-h the states 1paol their s.ov~eignty in a way
Ulat Omits thel r a1.1tooomy in decid Ing ,over iswes,, whether &oncmlc, military, or
polibcal in nr.11L1.1re?
Answer: Suu,1 ,LI IUI mn.ih illl
4. Who r~ff!sentoo lhe PI\Jlippimes during the founding or me A.SEAN m 1967?
AAS\'/er: :Nur~i!olu•Jtamoa
S. 'What n:rerS to the fOfl'lllal PfDCeSS or 1lnteryDVmlfflental Ciollaboratbn belwt!e~
two or more slates?
AAswer: Rl!'g1on,dl~m
6. In what century· dldl the ff"l!Wemenm For nH!ooa11.srn antll fnctepandei'floe start:?
Ancswer: I 'hh
7. n ff!fers to U'le aea~n or formal l1nslll11t1,u,s that entails som-e degree er
renonda tlon or autonomous attlon by st,tes.
AAs\Yer: ?ilk!Jffldon

8. 11 refers to llmlted arrangements between smtes m pursue, tln.eir goals with.cut

losing their a1Jtonofll"IY to decide, lndeperadenttv in areas deenied audal m
1 1

Ar.&Wf!f: C ._,fl r,,:-r.iHo.H
9. Regltllrtall§m nave important demo,nstratmn effects In accll]stomlng actors m
the effects of Uberaliz.a:ttiln.
Answer: iruum_gl.!D'li.!IH or 1m-tmai.LOlllllh.za1i L111'1
10. • AcJJelerate the etlhflshmeot of an ASE.AN Communtly by 2015. ' "
Allmver: C l!'b111 Dii!clru.mon
U. ""~erate 'the. eoonormk growth, :!iOdal pmgr,~ and ruHJ1.n-al de1ttelnpment in
ttue rar.gicm through jwnt endl:iW'ors,''
Ansrter: B.m,i:ka~ lli:dum1100
12. \Vlun re_~rs 'to the oonsdous~ rather than unclirected, process or creal:frig
insti•tions by stat5 at the regional revel7
AM'i.tJer: Regm:tUII izalhln
13. What ASEAN ag1reemernt. ~ t e d the creation of the ASEAN Community tmm

.l 012 to 20151
Answer: Ci!!'llu
1'1. What cijlproa.fh to 1~BJIMatisln places importan,ee c,n state consent as the basis
for cooperation or 1lntegral:lin?
MS\~: Dnt1:q~t1Vl!rntmcn1llll li1:il

l5. What school of thnught whkh clalms I.he. Asia is a ~gboam lo g!obalb.1Uon?
Answer~ Gtt1~mll\ e \'ilclli\'

16.Whatsram was the, last to becoms a member of ASE.AN?

Answer~ l!.Jllls
17. \M\at c:ou n'try promole:S Ute East Asian Co-P~ t y Sp4,ere'?
Ans\~et: 11:1p;i,n
18. What refers to, the rapkl e:palltSlo.-. and lntensilbnJon of soda I r.e~tlons across
Mrkl time and spatt?
AM\ve-: GlohaJiz:J.mi 0111
l 9. What 11Egmal orga1rni1.atim m the world pramoes the ~upranatlonansm approach
t:o regionalism11'
Anw,er~ f::ill'up,m_n t •m~n
20. \\l'hat school of thought which cla1med the Asian ~,on as an objea 1lmpacted by

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