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A measure of how easily information and ideas pass between people in their own country and between

different countries (includes access to internet and social media networks)

Answer: Social

Agricultural and urban revolutions, migrations, increased trade, and ancient empires grew out of
Answer: Eurasian

Commercial revolutions commence in the Greco-Roman world, West Asia and East Africa.
Answer: Afro-Eurasian

Economy developed through industrialization and the colonial division if labor.

Answer: Euro-Atlantic

It argues that globalization lacks precise definition.

Answer: Academic’s view

It argues that globalization stems, among other things, from basic human urge to seek better and more
fulfilling life. This leads him to trace the initial globalization of human species.
Answer: Hardwired

This period was characterized by war (WWII) and disputes (Cold War) over the still fragile globalization
Answer: Struggle for hegemony

Which view hold that globalization weakens the power of national governments
Answer: Hyperglobalist

Which view holds that the power of National Government increases but their nature changes?
Answer: Transformationalist

Which view holds that, the end of the nation-state?

Answer: Hyperglobalist

Considered by some economists, a rare, and extreme form of recession.

Answer: Great Depression

Served as forum for trade negotiations.

Answer: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

What refers to the extension of economic activities of nation states across borders?
Answer: Internationalization

An individual or organization that has significant political influence but it is not allied to any particular
country or state.
Answer: United Nations

It facilitates the reconstruction of Europe.

Answer: World Bank
World Trade Organization was founded after the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference in the
United States of America.
Answer: False

Member quotas are the primary source of IMF financial resource.

Answer True

An international organization organized after the World War I.

Answer: League of Nations

--He foresaw an IMF that function more like a bank, making sure that borrowing states could repay their
debts on time.
Answer: Harry Dexter White.

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Answer: World Trade Organization

Economic globalization is a new phenomenon.

Answer: False

The following are causes of great depression except:

Answer: Over buying of assets

Which superpower represented the Communist ideology during the Cold War?
Answer: Soviet Union

Formed in 1949 during the Bretton Woods Conference, which institution was created primarily for
opening up markets for world trade?
Answer: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Bretton Woods Conference was the gathering of 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations to regulate the
international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War I.
Answer: False

The outcomes of Peace of Westphalia founded important norms for the international system and serve
as a model for contemporary international law and relations.
Answer: True

Is a situation in which separate markets for the same product become one single market?
Answer: Market Integration

Which economic system promotes private ownership of property?

Answer: Socialism

It refers to the collection of governance-related activities, rules and mechanisms, formal and informal,
existing at a variety level in the world today.
Answer: Pieces of Global Governance

It is a process in which a company purchases or internally produces segments of its supply chain.
Answer: Backward Integration
In the new economic environment, the importance of IFIs and bilateral aid as sources of funds has
Answer: False

Which mercantilist practice seeks to replace foreign goods with domestic production:
Answer: Import Substitution

In Westphalian interstate system, legal sovereignty is no longer the monopoly of national governments.
Answer: False

At the level of nation state, there is such a managing authority-the government. But at the international
level, government does not exist.
Answer: True

Which intergovernmental organization was created after World War II in the aim of promoting peace
and security and social, economic, and social cultural cooperation.
Answer: United Nations

Which of the following is not a principle embodied by the Westphalian interstate system?
Answer: Intervention in domestic affairs

Global Governance takes place without global government.

Answer: True

It occurs when a firm performs more than one activity in the sequence of the marketing process.
Answer: Vertical Integration

Realism assumes that the structure of the international system is anarchy and that the states are
rational actors.
Answer: True

International law is beginning to challenge the supremacy of state sovereignty.

Answer: True

It emphasizes the pacifying role of international organizations, economic interdependence, and

Answer: Liberalism

It occurs when the company controls all components, from raw materials to final delivery.
Answer: Final Integration

Westphalian wars are in decline. Non-Westphalian conflicts are on the rise.

Answer: True

It is a collective action and collective management to address the global problems.

Answer: Global governance

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Answer: Code of Conduct

What refers to guidelines, policy declarations or codes of conduct which set standards of conduct?
Soft law

This theory argues that the roof cause of poverty and underdevelopment is imperialism as well as the
dependency of poor nations on the rich countries.
Dependency theory

As global problems intensify it becomes more and more necessary for people in the south to support
alternatives from the north.

Marxism argues that the instability in the international system result from different facets of class
struggle such as the problems due to the following EXCEPT:

Global interconnectedness is woven into the fabric of everyday life.


The global north has provided models of resistance to the world.

Human development index argues that economic development is the only way to measure progress.

The northern countries have the majority of wealth, the highest standard of living, and the greatest
industrial development, and the most populated.

What refers to the set of norms and rules governing the relations between governments or state
International law

This theory argues that societies undergo stages of growth and move from being a traditional society to
a modern one.
Modernization theory

A policy of cutting budget for social services, so as to reduce a country’s budget deficit.

Drawing the lines between the global south and the global north, the development and the developing,
the first and third world, has a powerful political function.
The second wave of the rise of the middle class in Southeast Asia begun in the countries of South Korea,
Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

What country promotes the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere?


What refers to the conscious, rather than undirected, process of creating institutions by states at the
regional level?

Japan’s colonization of the region in the 1930s and 40s – East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere manifested
that Asia is impacted by globalization.
The region as an alternative to globalization

What school of thought which claimed the Asian Region as an object impacted by globalization?
Externalist view

What approach to regionalism places importance on state consent as the basis for cooperation or

What approach to regionalism in which the states pool their sovereignty in a way that limits their
autonomy in deciding over issues, whether economic, military or political in nature?

What regional organization in the world practices the supranationalism approach to regionalism?
European Union

Which of the following best describes the externalist view on regionalism?

a. Spice Trade
b. Asian Financial Crisis in 1997
c. Rise of Japan
d. International migrant worker

Who represented the Philippines during the founding of the ASEAN in 1967?
Narciso R. Ramos

Which of the following is not a member of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation?
Select one:
a. Papua New Guinea
b. Russia
c. India
d. Mexico

What refers to the rapid expansion and intensification of social relations across world time and space?
In what particular place in Southeast Asia which created their own currency?
Santi Suk, Thailand

What state was the last to become a member of ASEAN?


What ASEAN agreement accelerated the creation of the ASEAN Community from 2012 to 2015?
Cebu declaration

What school of thought which claims the Asia is a springboard to globalization?

Generative view

Integration based largely on the principle of non-interference or intervention in domestic matters.


In what century did the movements for nationalism and independence start?

What regional organization which practices supranationalism?

1. Western beliefs advocate a belief in reincarnation or
● False
2. Humans must enter into an interpersonal relationship with
● Western beliefs
3. Relating to, using, or storing data or information in the
form of digital signals; involving or relating to the use of
computer technology.
● Digital
4. Refers to the ethical values and the system of moral
practice directly resulting from an adherence to the
● Works/Code
5. A religious belief system which has become generally
recognized as having independent status from any other
religion, but which nonetheless may have many,
sometimes mutually antagonistic, sects or denominations.
● World-religion
6. Media channels which transmit information basically
through radio or television and recently, internet through
social networking sites and other search engines and web
● Broadcast Media
7. According to Jack Lule, globalization and media are
combining to create a divided world of gated communities
and ghettos, borders and boundaries, suffering and surfeit,
beauty and decay, surveillance and violence invoking the
biblical town punished for its vanity by seeing its citizens
scattered, its language confounded, and its destiny shaped
by strife.
● True
8. No globalization without media
● True
9. Dominance of a particular country in the global media
marketplace is more a function of economic than cultural
● True
10. The way of life
● Dharma
11. Newspapers or journalists viewed collectively.
● Press
12. It refers to a community formed by like-minded
individuals bound by common interests, shared
aspirations, collective identity and the like.
● Imagined community
13. Cultural Globalization requires an organizational
● True
14. Is as old as mankind.
● Religion
15. Time is viewed in cycles.
● Eastern beliefs
16. Sacred writings of Christianity;
● Bible
17. Means of mass communication in the form of printed
publications, such as newspapers and magazines.
● Print Media
18. It refers to an international community formed by
constant interaction between citizens of various countries
and bound by shared cultural experiences, transcending
geographical distance and actual physical contact.
● Global Village
19. Cultural imperialism attempts to promote a Western
lifestyle and possibly Americanize the world.
● True
20. The importing or exchange of information by
speaking, writing, or using some other medium; the
successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.
● Communication
21. Imperialism with the concept of “globalization”
suggests “interconnection and dependency of all global
areas” happening “in a far less purposeful way.”
● False
22. Dominance of a particular country in the global media
marketplace is more a function of economic than cultural
● True
23. The main means of mass communication.
● Media
24. Global media has immense power in terms of how it
covers events outside the developing world.
● False
25. It refers to a corporations or entities globally engaged
in media production and/or distribution.
● Global Media
26. It occurs when the company controls all components,
from raw materials to final delivery.
● Forward Imtegration
27. Westphalian wars are decline. Non-westphalian
conflicts are on the rise.
● True
28. It is collective action and collective management to
address the global problems.
● Global Governance
29. Horizontal integration gives you more control over
your business.
- False
30. Views holds that power of National Government
- Transformationalist
31. Which mercantilist practice seeks to replace foreign
goods with domestic production.
- Import Substitution
32. International law is beginning to challenge the
supremacy of state sovereignty.
- True
33. Refers to guidelines, policy declarations or codes of
- Soft law
34. Commercial Revolutions commenced in the Greco-
Roman world, west Asia.
- Afro-eurasian
35. Views hold that “the end of the nation-state”
- Hyperglobalist
36. Period characterized by WWII and disputes (Cold
- Struggle of hegemony
37. Global interconnectedness is woven into the fabric of
everyday life
- True
38. Cultural globalization requires an organizational
- True
39. Holds that the power of National Government
increases but nature changes.
- Transformationalist
40. Westphalian system introduces wider webs of
transnational governance.
- True
41. Supreme authority to control the domestic affairs of
the state.
- Sovereignty
42. Economy developed through industrialization and the
colonial division of labor.
- Euro Atlantic
43. An interim agreement signed 1947
- GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
44. Refers to as a set of moves and rules governing the
relations between governments and state unities.
- International law
45. Refers to rules that limit who can enter a business.
- Price Control
46. Collective action and collective management
- Global governance
47. Created after world war 2 in the aim of promoting
international peace
- United Nations
48. Purchases or internally produces segment of its
supply chain
- Backward integration
49. Realism assumes that the structure of the
international system in anarchy
- True
50. Globalization creates both affluence and poverty.
- True
51. Argues that globalization stems, among other things.
- Hardwired
52. Economic system promotes privative ownership.
- Socialism
53. Firm performs more than one activity in the sequence
of the marketing
- Vertical Integration
54. Separate markets for the same product become one
single market.
- Market Integration
55. New economic environment, importance of IFI’s and
- False
56. Global governance takes place without global
- True
57. Westphalian Interstate system, legal sovereignty is no
longer the monopoly of National Govern
- False
58. Nation State, managing authority-the government.
But international, govern does not exist.
- True
59. Not principle embodied by the Westphalian interstate
- Intervention in domestic affairs
60. Collection of governance-related activities
- Global governance
61. Emphasizes the pacifying role of international
- Liberalism

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