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Table of Contents

Chapter I Introduction................................................................................................1

1.2 Background of the Study..........................................................................................1

1.2 Research Questions..................................................................................................2
1.3 Purposes of the Study...............................................................................................2
1.4 Scope and Limitation...............................................................................................3
1.5 Significances of the Study........................................................................................3
1.6 Definition of Key Terms..........................................................................................4

Chapter II Literature Review.....................................................................................5

2.1 Definition of Perception...........................................................................................5

2.2 Definition of Hybrid Learning..................................................................................8
2.3 Relevant Previous Studies......................................................................................10

CHAPTER III Research Methodology...................................................................12

3.1 Research Design.....................................................................................................12

3.2 Population and Sample...........................................................................................12
3.3 Research Instrument...............................................................................................13
3.4 Data Collection Technique.....................................................................................15
3.5 Data Analysis Technique........................................................................................16

Reference List............................................................................................................18


Chapter I


This chapter generally discusses the background of study, research questions,

purposes of the study, and definition of key term. Each of them needs to be clearly

explained to get the deeper understanding about this research.

1.2 Background of the Study

English is a foreign language that is important and provides benefits to

many people. English can be learned by anyone and anywhere. The media

used can be from anything. In the era of digital, the internet is widely used to

learn English. According to Kamran & Mansoor (2017) English is now

becoming more crucial in social media. If a person is skilled in all four of the

English language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—they will

be able to communicate effectively with others. Starting 2021, the impact of

the coronavirus pandemic (Coronavirus desease-2019 / Covid-19) is still very

much felt. In Indonesia, the corona was entered on March 1 2020 since

Jokowi announced two people who were the first cases of Covid 19 and now

the number has reached more than 1 million people. Indonesia itself is one of

the countries with the most Covid-19 cases.

Therefore, the government mandated that teaching and learning be

conducted primarily in the face-to-face learning mode known as Pembelajaran

Tatap Muka (PTM) Terbatas and the online learning mode known as

Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) through Joint Ministerial Decree Number

03/KB/2021 regarding guidelines for the implementation of learning during

the COVID-19. These learning processes are referred to as hybrid learning.

Early in 2021, these approaches were used at primary and secondary levels.

However, as stated in Circular Letter Number 4 of 2021, referred to as the

"hybrid learning mode," they have already begun to be applied at the

university level as of the end of 2021.

From the decision above, it can be concluded that universities have been

able to carry out hybrid learning. Mulawarman University itself has

implemented this learning in accordance with government directives where

students carry out hybrid learning and always prioritize the health and safety

of students, lecturers, education staff and the surrounding community.

In choosing subject of the study, the writer chooses English Department

students in Mulawarman University in third semester. This study will use a

survey study method to collect the data. The data will collect using a

questionnaire with google form and will distributed by using WhatsApp.

1.2 Research Questions

What are English Department Students’ perception on hybrid

learning during new normal?

1.3 Purposes of the Study

Based on the background of the study and also the research questions,

the purposes of the study are to explore English Department Students’

perception on hybrid learning during new normal.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The study of this research will limit the problem by focusing on

exploring English Department Student’s Perception on Hybrid Learning

during new normal.

1.5 Significances of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give some benefits theoretically

and also practically. Both benefits as follow:

1. Theoretical benefit, this study can support and compliment previous

theories on the use of hybrid learning

2. Practical benefit, this study has benefit for the students, and English

lecturers. Those benefits as follow:

a. For Student

It is hoped that Hybrid learning can be easily carried out by

students because of the various methods so that online and face-to-

face learning can be done.

b. For the Lecturers

It is hoped that teachers will provide innovative learning with

Hybrid Learning. Hybrid learning is also one of the learning media

besides face-to-face learning, especially in the situation we are

facing today.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To prevent misinterpretation of the study, the author specifies some of

the operational term used in it. The terms are as follow:

a. Perception

Perception is our experience of the relevant information; we can

compare it to previous experiences and how you notice or interpret

something by using one of our senses.

b. Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning is a combination of an online learning environment

by gaining the flexibility of distance or outside of classroom learning,

and a face-to-face (F2F) classroom instruction.

c. English Department students

English Department students as they’ve been passed online learning

classes on the previous semester.

d. New normal

New normal is a step to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in the

health, social and economic fields. The new normal scenario is carried

out by taking into account regional readiness and the results of

epidemiological research in related areas.

Chapter II

Literature Review

This chapter will give the explanation about the literature review about

perception and hybrid learning. It needs to be clearly explained in order to have the

depth understanding related to this research.

2.1 Definition of Perception

Human are created different from each other. Perception is our experience

of the information content, this representation we can compare them with

previous experience and how the way you notice or understand something

using one of your senses.

According to (Qiong, 2017)) Perception is the process of being aware of or

understanding sensory information. Furthermore, according to Walgito (2010),

perception is a process that is preceded by sensing, which is the process of

receiving stimulus by humans using sensory devices, also known as sensory

processes. However, the process does not end there; the stimulus is continued,

and the next process is perception.

Kumar (2010) presents a philosophical explanation of the idea of

perception. psychology, and the cognitive sciences that perception is the

process of achieving awareness or understanding of sensory data. He then

explains that the process of choosing, organizing, and interpreting

information is called perception to be a complete and meaningful

representation of the world by someone. Or else said, by passing the

perceptual process, people can meaningfully interpret their concept depending

on their perceptions of what what they see, hear, taste, smell, and touch.

Then, Chen & Hoshower (2003)said that analyzing a student's perception is

crucial when evaluating a lecturer's effectiveness. As stated by according to

Petegem et al. (2007) a crucial factor that affects how well students learned is

how they perceived their lessons. As a result, it's critical for teachers to

understand their students' perceptions. Teachers and lecturers can improve

what the students dislike and can improve what they like, whether it is how to

teach, how to present material, or how the instructor assigns tasks, after

learning the students' perceptions. Therefore, it is important to understand

how students see things, both for evaluation and for improving instruction.

Based on the definitions of perception provided above, the writer can

conclude that students' perception is the way they interpret the picture and

understand what is felt. This process is divided into steps that begin with

gathering, recognizing, and interpreting sensory information.

In addition, (Qiong, 2017) stated that there are three stages of the

perception process, as follows:

1. Selection

The first stage in the process of perception is selection, in this

stage the environmental stimulus turns into meaningful experience.

2. Organization

An organization is the second stage in the perception process.

After receiving information from the outside world, it must be

organized in a certain way by identifying relevant patterns. This stage

has two different aspects. First, the organizing process provides the

context for human perception. At this level, raw stimuli from the

outside world are integrated into meaningful human experiences.

Second, the procedure shows that human perception is stable. In other

words, after selecting a stimulus and categorizing it, the stimulus

becomes more durable.

3. Interpretation

The interpretation stage is the third level of perception. That is

referred to as the process of assigning meaning to what the stimulus

chooses. Despite receiving the identical stimuli, each person will

interpret it differently.

Human perception is divided into two categories: object perception

(physical surroundings) and human perception (commonly referred to as

social perception).

1. The perception of the physical environment

The perception of the physical environment is not the same, in the

sense that different, because it is influenced by several factors, among


a. Background experience.

b. Cultural background.

c. Background psychological.

d. Background values, beliefs, and expectation.

e. Condition the tools factual sense in which the information is

up to the person it is through that door that.

2. The perception of the human

Perception of the human or social perception is the process of

capturing the sense of social object and events that we experience in

our environment everyone has an different picture of the reality

around him, in other word, every person has an different perception

of their social environment.

Perception can happen in past, present and future. According to

Soemanto (2009) Perception is divided into three types; the past,

present and future perception. Past perception is a reaction to

stimulation that involves the formation of personal impressions

based on past observations. The following perception is either

present perception or imaginative perception.The third and last

perception is future perception or initiative perception. Future

perception is a reaction to a stimulus that involves the formation of

personal impressions geared toward future observation.

2.2 Definition of Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning model combines and mixes several types of learning

environments, such as online learning and traditional classroom training

(Doering, 2006). Hybrid learning is a combination of an online learning

environment by gaining the flexibility of distance or outside of classroom

learning, and a face-to-face (F2F) classroom instruction. Hybrid learning also

affords learners the opportunity to meet with course instructors and their peers

face-to-face to discuss, debate, question, and acquire instruction. Courses that

are taught completely online obviously do not provide for these physically

experiences. Hybrid learning combines the benefits of both distance and face-to-

face learning. (Mosa Alnajdi, 2014)

Hybrid learning is known as learning that combines one or more learning model.

This is reinforced by the opinion of (Hendriyanti & Pamungkas, 2016) states that

the hybrid program that develops is a combination of one or more dimensions:

a. Face-to-face learning

Face-to-face learning is held in the form of learning activities in

class, practical activities in the laboratory, mentoring or on the job

training. Learning activities in the classroom include the delivery of

material through learning face to face, discussion presentations,

exercises and exams

b. Synchronous Virtual Collaboration

Synchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is

collaborative that involves interaction between teachers and students

delivered on time the same one. This collaborative activity is carried out

by utilizing Instant Massaging (IM) or chat. This facility will be used to

communicate between teachers and students class hours students.

c. Asynchronous Virtual Collaboration

Asynchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is

collaborative activities involving interactions between teachers and

students delivered on time different. The facility used in this learning

activity is online discussion, discussion boards or forums and E-mail.

d. Self-Pace Asynchronous

Self-Pace Asynchronous is a self-learning model in different times

where students can learn the material provided by the teacher in the

form of a material module teach or do assignments and exercises online.

Besides self-pacing asynchronous students can learn the subject matter

by means of links to other teaching resources.

2.3 Relevant Previous Studies

There are several previous studies related to this research. The previous

studies will support this research. The first related study was done by (Erliza,

2022) The purpose of this study was to look into undergraduate students'

perceptions of hybrid learning systems in the post-pandemic era. This study

used survey research design and the participants were 45 English department

undergraduate students at State University of Malang. The result showed

undergraduate students had positive evaluations of hybrid learning in

pedagogical, social, and technical aspects, according to the data. Nonetheless,

there were negative perceptions in technical aspects relating to students'

concentration in deeper learning and students' difficulties learning English

during hybrid learning.

The second related study was done by (Nashir & Laili, 2021) The aim of this

exercise was to describe hybrid as a form of learning solution on an intense

English program at STIKES Banyuwangi as a means of adapting to the new

normal era. This study used a descriptive qualitative method to collect data on

current phenomena relating to hybrid learning implementation on an Intensive

English Program and students' behaviour refers to this learning model. The

result of study indicated that hybrid learning make students easier in

practicing the conversation during Intensive English class and can improve

their learning outcomes and scores in English class, particularly in speaking.

The third related study was done by (Alfiras et al., 2021). The purpose of

the study was examine the hybrid learning model adopted in detail and to

identify the intensity of awareness, the perceptions and the impact on

performance of the hybrid learning model among the Interior Design

Engineering student. This study used quantitative in nature; especially

designed questionnaire (with closed ended questions) was used to collect data

from participants selected based on a purposive sampling technique. Students'

awareness of online resources through hybrid classes, students' readiness to

adopt hybrid classes, and teachers' efficiency in offering an unique learning

experience are all essential aspects in the hybrid learning model's success,

according to the results. The results also point to the importance of an

advanced Learning Management System LMS, as well as students' emotional

connections with their instructors and classmates, in enhancing the

participants' effective learning experience.


Research Methodology

The third chapter is about research methodology. It contains a variety of subjects,

including research design, data and data sources, research participants, data

collection technique, and data analysis technique.

3.1 Research Design

The research design of this study is a correlational research design.

According to (Creswell & Creswell, 2018) Quantitative research is an approach

for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables.

This study is a Quantitative descriptive research using a survey study method.

A survey design provides a quantitative or numeric description of trends,

attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that

population(Creswell, 2013). From sample results, the writer generalizes or

draws inferences to the population. The data about student perceptions will

collect using a survey study method using questionnaire with google form.

3.2 Population and Sample

Population is a group of individuals who have the same

characteristic(Creswell, 2013). The population of this study is the seventh-

semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University in

academic year 2019/2020. The total population of the fourth semester

students of English Department at Mulawarman University is 90 students

from three classes.

Moreover, a sample is a part of the target population that the writer

intends to observe in order to generalize about the target population(Creswell,

2013). In this research, simple random sampling will be used to find the

sample with equal and independent chance of selection from the population.

The number of the sample will be determined by using Slovin’s technique

with 5% or 0.05 standard error. The Slovin’s formula shown as followed:

After calculating the number of samples using Slovin's formula, the

samples obtained were 73 samples.

3.3 Research Instrument

Instrument is any equipment used by the writer to gather data, such as a

pencil-and-paper test, a questionnaire, or a rating scale(Fraenkel et al., 2012).

A research instrument is a tool used to obtain, measure, and analyze data from

subjects around the research topic. The instrument of the research will be

using questionnaire. A questionnaire, According to (Creswell, 2013) , is a

form used in a survey design that participants in a study fill out and return to

the writer.

The writer collecting the data used a questionnaire whose contents are

adaptation from Setia Erliza and Puteri Anugrah Septianingsih’s


The study questionnaire will consist of 10 close items that concentrate

on students' perceptions of online English learning during the covid-19

pandemic. The data for this study will be collected via Google Forms via

Whats App because it is not possible to distribute questionnaires directly due

to the pandemic.

The writer will analyze students' perceptions using a Likert Scale.

Students' perceptions are stated to be positive if most of their answers are

strongly agree, and negative if most of their answers are strongly disagree.

Each item's data is sorted depending on the dynamics of online learning.

According to Fortune et al. (2011), three problems usually happen in online

learning: dimension of effective teaching to item number 1 until 6, dimension

of atmosphere or learning environment to item number 7 until 14, and

dimension of student interaction to item number 15 until 20.

Table 3.1 The Table of Scoring System of the Questionnaire

No Statement Responses
1 Strongly agree
2 Agree
3 Disagree
4 Strongly disagree

Using five points Likert -scale, the scoring for each positive items are

strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), disagree (2), strongly disagree (1).

Table 3.3 Category score of Likert-scale

Strongly Strongly
Statement Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree

Score 5 4 3 2 1

3.4 Data Collection Technique

The writer will use questionnaire to collect the data. According to S.Roopa

and MS Rani (2012) Questionnaire is simply a list mimeographed or print or

print question that is complete by or for a respondent to give their opinion. The

questionnaire will use to find the students’ perception about online learning

during covid-19 pandemic.

The writer will give the questionnaire by google form and give a link to the

English Department Student in fourth semester using WhatsApp.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

Following the data collection from the students, the data then will be

analyzed. The writer will use SPSS 24 to determine the descriptive statistic

when analyzing the data. Students' text genre preferences and reading interests

will be determined using descriptive statistics such as frequency, means, total,

and percentage. To analyze the data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:

a. The writer collects the main data (item score/responses)

b. The writer will calculate the frequency, percentage, mean, and sum

score of the questionnaires.

c. To determine the level of students’ reading interest, the writer will

interpret the score of the reading questionnaire based on the criteria


Table 3.5 Criteria for Students Reading Interest

Score Criteria
90 - 66 High
65 - 42 Moderate
41 - 18 Low

d. Using SPSS24, the writer then will find the correlation between the


e. The writer will give conclusion.

Reference List

Alfiras, M., Nagi, M., Bojiah, J., & Sherwani, M. (2021). Students ’ Perceptions of Hybrid Classes in
the Context of Gulf University : An Analytical Study 2 . Literature Review.

Chen, Y., & Hoshower, L. B. (2003). Student Evaluation of Teaching perception and motivation.
Evaluation, 28(1).

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitave and Mixed Method Approaches.
SAGE Publications.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches. fifth edit.

Doering, A. (2006). Adventure learning: transformative hybrid online education. Distance

Education, 27(2), 197–215.

Erliza, S. (2022). Undergraduate Students ’ Perception of Hybrid Learning : Voices from English
Language Education Students in Pandemic Era. 7(1), 231–243.

Fraenkel, J. R., Walen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education (Eight Edit).

Hendriyanti, H., & Pamungkas, B. (2016). Implementasi Mpdel Hybrid Learning pada Proses
Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Statistika II di Prodi Manajemen FPEB UPI. Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan LPPM UPI, 182.

Kamran, S., & Mansoor, S. (n.d.). European Journal of Language and Literature Studies
Globalization and Language Use on Social Media in Pakistan.

Mosa Alnajdi, S. (2014). HYBRID LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Creating an interactive

learning environment View project.

Nashir, M., & Laili, R. N. (2021). Hybrid learning as an effective learning solution on intensive
English program in the new normal era. IDEAS: Journal of Language Teaching and Learning,
Linguistics and Literature, 9(2), 220–232.

Petegem, K. V., Aeterman, A., Rosseel, Y., & Creemers, B. (2007). Student Perception As
Moderator For Student Wellbeing. Social Indicator Research, 83, 447–463.

Qiong, O. (2017). A brief introduction to... Studies in Literature and Language, 15, 18–28.

Walgito, B. (2010). Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Andi Offset.


Strongly Strongly
Questions Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

1. In Hybrid learning, the lecturers supply

handbook for face-to-face learning in each

2. In Hybrid learning, the lecturers share

extensive information (e.g., resources’ links)
for online learning

3. The resources in hybrid learning are

appropriate to the learning objective in each

4. The content of the course in each lesson is

appropriate in Hybrid learning to reach the
learning objective

5. The content of the course runs well in

Hybrid learning environment

6. Expectations of assignments for learning

English in Hybrid learning are clearly stated

7. In hybrid learning, the tasks given in each

lesson are appropriate to reach the learning

8. The learning objectives are clearly stated in

each lesson

9. The organization of each lesson in hybrid

learning is easy to follow

10.The structure of the environment in hybrid

learning helps me focus on learning

11.Activities in hybrid learning are planned

12. The presentation of the course content in

hybrid learning is clear


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