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Isnaini Achmad Renaldi





A. Background of the Research

Currently, the word "Bilingualism" is not strange enough. Because bilingualism is now
required for international travel, the media, immigration, and the global economy,
according to Asrifan et al. (2017). As said by Muthoharoh (2019) Bilingualism is the
ability to communicate fluently in two languages. Bilingualism is a phrase that
describes someone who can communicate in more than one language. Bilingualism is
characterized as the ability to communicate fluently in two languages, such as how
Indonesians speak Indonesian and English. Someone who can communicate in two
languages is referred to as "bilingual." Therefore, bilingualism in the environment is
quite influential, especially in learning English. For various reasons, English in schools
has been viewed as significant, not least because of the belief in English literature's
'humanizing' properties (Davison & Dowson, 2009).

Listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills cannot be separated in English language
learning (Fitriana, 2019). Those skills must be developed without sacrificing one
another. Then English is also a compulsory subject in Indonesia, taught from
elementary to high school. Even though English is taught as a subject in Indonesia,
students' capacity to communicate in English is still limited. Because many students
consider English a strange subject, they dislike learning it (Muthoharoh, 2019).
Nugroho et al. (2020) stated the learning environment is another important aspect in the
growth of learners' language acquisition. Therefore, the language environment is very
influential in the world of education, especially in Indonesia; this is done to familiarize
students with using the target language, because the goal in learning a second language
is to communicate with that language.

Pesantren, which initially only had a traditional background, gradually became more
modern in curriculum and physical buildings. Still, in modern words, it does not
eliminate the traditional culture in boarding school. According to Pasi et al. (2020),
Pesantren is no longer based on the traditional Islamic education paradigm of talaqqi,
and instead reads turath books and holsters wherever possible or focuses completely on
Islamic religious instruction. Aziz & Dewi (2020) also mentioned from morning
through afternoon, all students at an Islamic boarding school attended informal
institutions, and after that, they joined several programs in their dormitories.

Currently, some pesantren are no longer only studying Islamic sciences such as reading
the yellow book but also studying general learning in the form of those in public schools
today such as studying science, even in pesantren there is a bilingual program
implementation. In Islamic boarding schools, two language uses or LK2 (Foreign
Language) are applied daily, namely Arabic and English. Usually, there is a scheduled
week using Arabic and another week using English, but it all depends on the rules set at
each Islamic boarding school.

Muhammadiyah Boarding School Darul Arqom Sawangan Depok is one example of the
many modern Islamic boarding schools developing rapidly regarding physical
buildings, curriculum, and the student's abilities. The privilege at MBS Darul Arqom
Depok is that besides studying religion more deeply, we can also learn science,
Indonesianness, leadership, and skills (language and entrepreneurship). The language
skills applied at MBS Darul Arqom are using a bilingual program. The students in
communicating must use LK2 (Foreign Language) in English and Arabic. The
application of bilingual programs in Islamic boarding schools is growing rapidly
because of the scope and willingness of the students to support it. A bilingual program
in Islamic boarding schools is indeed quite working. As Dewanti (2015) stated,
implementing a bilingual program in boarding schools is one method that has been quite
effective in encouraging pupils to master the English language. Therefore, almost all
modern Islamic boarding schools use a bilingual program as a special program in every
Islamic boarding school because it is rare in public schools that use bilingualism around
their schools; only schools that use an international curriculum. However, Dewanti
(2015) stated if the bilingual program is only used in subjects that are relevant to the
subject, general subjects still use Indonesian as an instructional language. After
observing MBS Darul Arqom Sawangan Depok, this also happened at the Islamic
boarding school. Students use or apply for bilingual programs only in dormitories; if in
formal or general classes, they still use Indonesian to communicate, but if in lessons
about languages such as Arabic and English, they still apply bilingualism by mixing the
language with Indonesian. However, it all depends on the teacher who teaches them.
This happens because teachers in this boarding school have various backgrounds. Not
all teachers can use foreign languages, so in formal learning, students are not required to
use bilingualism in classroom learning. Therefore, this study aims to determine students'
perceptions as well as the advantages and obstacles experienced by students from using
bilingual program in Islamic boarding schools toward English learning in the classroom.

B. Research Gap

Based on the background of the study above, some problems are identified as follows :

1. The implementation of bilingual programs in boarding school is still limited,

making it less than optimal.
2. Students' perceptions about the implementation of bilingual programs that only
exist in dormitories need to be known towards student English learning in class.

C. Research Questions

Based on the research problems stated previously, the researcher formulates research
questions as follows:
1. How was students’ perception on the implementation of bilingual program in the

dormitory towards learning English in the classroom?

2. What were the advantages and obstacles students perceived in implementing a

bilingual program in the dormitory towards learning English in the classroom?



Perception is the process of absorbing stimuli through sensory receptors from someone
and converting it into a meaningful entity, such as an idea or a picture of something
(Surayatika, 2020). Or it can be said that the existence of perception means that there is
an event or action because perception is formed from a memory, action or learning that
is done by someone so that after that there is perception. Prinz & Bridgeman (1995) said
perception is an interactional method that considers both sensory information and
information held in memory. Then the primary characteristic of visual perception,
according to Fish (2009), is that when we see the world, the objects in the environment,
along with their qualities and other features, determine the contours of the subject's
conscious experiences.

Adiwinata (2017) said perception is the perception and interpretation of sensory

information by people (p. 32). The way people react to information is also part of
perception. People can think of perception as a process in which they take in sensory
information from their surroundings and utilize it to interact with them. Perception
permits people to interpret sensory data and turn it into something useful. Or it can be
said that perception results from a person's mindset or experience of something.

In conclusion, perception is described as the process by which people interpret and

arrange their sensory perceptions to give meaning or impressions to their surroundings.


A. Research Design

This study uses a qualitative method. Where qualitative research according to Creswell
(2012) is deliberate sampling to find participants and settings that can best help
understand the central phenomenon.

B. Participants
The subject of this research is the second-grade students of Pesantren Yatama Mandiri
a total of 25 students to know students’ perception on the implementation of bilingual
program in the dormitory towards learning English in the classroom. And also to know
the advantages and obstacles experienced by students from using bilingual program in
Islamic boarding schools to learn English in the classroom.

B, Research Instrument

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire according to Safitri (2021) is a data collection tool that consists of

questions with the goal of acquiring information from participants.

2. Interview

An interview is a process in which researchers conduct interviews using an

interview guideline. A face-to-face question-and-answer process in which the

interviewer and the interviewee or respondent exchange information for research
objectives using a tool called an interview guide, according to Nazir (2005).

Asrifan, A., Jabu, B., Atmowardoyo, H., & Chen, Y. (2017). Analysis of students’
perceptions of bilingual-based materials in English for educational technology in
Indonesia. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(6), 204–212.

Davison, J., & Dowson, J. (2009). Learning to Teach English in the Secondary School
(D. Jon& Jane Dowson (eds.); 3rd ed.). Tylor & Francis Group.

Dewanti, A. (2015). The role of bilingual program at pondok pesantren modern (modern
boarding school) in developing English skills of santri. Universitas Sebelas

Fitriana, W. (2019). Public speaking program in bilingual class at MAN 2 kudus.

Universitasislam negri walisongo.

Muthoharoh, R. L. S. (2019). The implementation of bilingual method on the students ’

speaking performance at the eleventh grade MA Al Huda Tulung Balak East
Lampung. Institut Agama Islam Negri Metro.

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