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Pembb 1 : Dr. Hadeli, MA.,M.Pd.

Pembb 2 : Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd.
March 2, 2021. Kajur TBI
Complete the proposal. Use footnote system. Provide with 5 international and
5 national journals. Jan 19, 2021.



D 19

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment as One of the Requirements

For the Strata One (SI) Degree

Written by:


NIM: 1714050003






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................1

A. Background of The Study ..................................................................1

B. Focus of The Study.............................................................................4
C. Formulation of The Problem...............................................................4
D. Purpose of The Study..........................................................................4
E. Significant of The Study.....................................................................4
F. Definition of Key Terms ....................................................................5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE......................................7

A. Review of Related Theory...................................................................7

1. Online Learning............................................................................7
2. EFL...............................................................................................9
3. Whatshapp....................................................................................14
B. Relevant Study....................................................................................19
C. Conceptual Framework.......................................................................19
CHAPTER III RESEACH METHOD.........................................................21

A. Reseach Design...................................................................................22
B. Reseach Place and Time......................................................................22
C. Data Sources ......................................................................................22
D. Technique of Data Collection and Insruments....................................22
E. Data Validity.......................................................................................24
F. Technique of Data Analysis................................................................24



A. Background of study
In the distance learning policy, students are expected to gain a mor
e meaningful learning experience and are not required to achieve compreh
ensive curriculum comprehension.This learning is also focused on providi
ng understanding to students about the corona virus and the Covid-19 outb
reak. Online learning is carried out through whatsapp social media, becaus
e whatsapp is currently one of the social media that is widely used by peop
le as a medium of communication and many used for the benefit of sociali
zing. So that learning is carried out online (online) through whatsapp-base
d social media using the whhatsapp group feature,(Moodly ;2019)
Some features that exist in the WhatsApp application include Chat
Group, WhatsApp on the Web and Desktop, WhatsApp Voice and Video
Calls, End-To-End Encryption, Photo and Video Delivery, Voice Message
s, and Documents. WhatsApp social media through the variety of features
provided can be used for more useful activities, for example for education,
(Ishak Abdulhak;2015).
By using the group whatsapp, teacher can send and assign assignm
ents to students online via the whatsapp group, (Annamalai;2018). Several
social media that can be used used by teachers in implementing online lear
ning, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube,
(Luft;2014). The use of this application has several impacts on learning, es
pecially in learning English.
From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that
whatsapp is a tool for sending messanges to smart phones that can be used
for communication and interaction whith several people without using
internet quota/ internet data. Online learning at this time using the
WhatsApp application is one of the learning media that can be used by
teachers to explain learning material because in the WhatsApp application

there are several features that can be used for the teaching and learning
process. Then the whatsapp application is a medium that is easily
understood by teachers and students, the use of internet data is not much
then the whatsapp application teachers and students can discuss by
creating groups, students can send assignments. The whatsapp application
the teacher can explain learning material with four skills in English,
namely: writing, reading, speaking and listening.
In whatsapp there are several componets of whatsapp namely:
message, voice call and video whatsapp, photo and videos, document,
grpou chat, whatsapp on web and deskrop,end-to-end, voice massege.
Alshammari, Parkes, and Adlington (2017). In the whatsapp aplication
there are 4 features used to send messages, namely text, audio, video and
amojis. of these features the teacher can explain learning material to
Based on the results of existing research on the use of WhatsApp
as a medium for learning English at the time of Covid-19, there are several
studies that explain it.The first is students 'perceptions of the use of
WhatsApp as an online learning medium during the Covid 19 period, the
results show that students' perceptions are different but have the same core
of using WhatsApp in online learning, both the features that are often
used, the features you want to use, the advantages and disadvantages of
using WhatsApp, to suggestions for teachers. By research is Lesi Amiroh;
(2020). The second is about the Students 'Perception on the Use of
WhatsApp Application in Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students'
research of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab
Timur Jambi, where the results of her research on the use of WhatsApp in
English language learning are still not optimal. By research is Sihatul
That researchers are interested in carrying out research with titles.
“Analysis of EFL learning through Whatsapp on state junior high school 4
Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19”

B. Focus Of Study
This research focuses of research “The Learning process and
Teaching of EFL Learning though Whatsapp at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari”
and only focus learning process EFL though Whatsapp teacher and the
research will be focus on analysis strategy on teaching, english skill, and
fitur trough whatsapp at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari.

C. Formulation Of The Problem

1. How do teachers conduct teaching efl trough Whatsapp?
2. What is dominan skill thought by teachers?
3. What is dominan fitur of whatsapp use by teachers?

D. Purpose Of The Study

1. To describe teachers conduct teaching EFL trough whatsapp
2. To describe dominan skill thought by teachers
3. To describe dominan fitur of whatsapp use by teachers

E. Significant Of Study
Theoretically how teachers use learning applications to support the
teaching and learning process when using WhatsApp to add scientific insig
hts about online learning. Here some contributions to the user.

1. Theoretical benefit
The results of this study are expected to be used as the basis for pol
icies in supervising educators so that they can choose or use social med
ia WhatsApp in implementing online learning.
2. Practical Benefit
a. For teacher

This research is also useful for teacher or lectures, with this
research It is hoped that the results of this study can develop knowl
edge, skills and experience in using social media WhatsApp to carr
y out online learning.

b. For student’s
This research can provide students with experience and kno
wledge in using WhatsApp as an online learning medium during a
pandemic, and it is hoped that student learning outcomes can incre
c. For the Researcher
In this case, the researcher can deplu understand the concep
t of a theory used the study.
F. Definition Of Key Terms
In this part, there is some explanation from the title mentioned in the p
revious items. The title is “Analysis of EFL learning through Whatsapp on
state junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19”.
The definitions of key terms are as follows:
1. Teacher
Person who has teaching EFL at State Junior High School 4
Ampek Nagari and as the subject of this research.
2. English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching
Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. According to Bro
wn teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learne
r to learn, setting the conditions for learning. In EFL setting,
According to Gebhard stating that the teachers are consistently con
cerned with ways to get students to speak English in class, ways to
use the kind of materials and media available, manage classroom in
teraction, and getting students to take on more responsibility for th
eir learning. In this case, teachers have to use something to make th
eir process of teaching and learning more effective.

3. Learning process
It means that the process of students to make improve their ability
and become more understand about the materials.
4. WhatsApp
According to Annamalai, By using the group whatsapp, teacher ca
n send and assign assignments to students online via the whatsapp

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