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A. Research Design

This research design of this study has been conducted by using

descriptive qualitative research. According to Sugiyono that the research

method is basically a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes

and uses1. According to Furthermore Raco stated that the research method

is a scientific activity carried out in stages beginning with the

determination of topics, data collection and data analysis. So that later

obtained an understanding and understanding of certain topics, issues, and


The method of the research is used qualitatif method. According t

o Fitrah and Luthfiyah that qualitative research is a research procedure

that uses descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people

or actors that can be observed3. According to Sugiyono, Descriptive

research is research that is conducted to describe a variable, either one or

more variables (independent) without making comparisons, or variables

that are connected to one other variable. A descriptive qualitatif method

were used to examine queastion that can best verbally describing how

participants in a study perceive and interpret various asects of their

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, Dan Kombinasi, Bandung: Alfabeta,
2018, Hal. 3.
J. Raco, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya, Jakarta:
Grasindo, 2013, Hal. 2.
M. Fitrah and Luthfiyah, Metode Penelitian: Penelitian Kualitataif, Tindakan Kelas and
Studi Kasus, Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2017, Hal. 44
According to moleong “sumber data penelitian kualitatif adalah

tampilan yang berupa kata-kata lisan atau tertulis yang dicermati oleh

peneliti,dan benda-benda yang diamati sampai detailnya agar dapat

ditangkap maknanya yang tersirat dalam dokumen bendanya”(the source

of qualitatif researchdata is appereance of word spoken or written

observed by the researcher,and the object is observed in detail to to capture

the meaning implied in the document)4.

Clearly, the writer in this study will do some aspects of research

analisys as a measure of the final result.Which means that the data is

obtained by using qualitaif method and it will be analyzed in order to see

the significance of the research. In this research,the researcher this online

English teaching and learning at junior high school 4 ampek nagari during

pandemi covid 19.

B. Research Place and Time

The study will be conducted on November 2021 at the SMPN 4 A

mpek Nagari. The reason for choosing this school becauce this school is

online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

C. Data Sources

1. Data

In this study, in the form of descriptive text about online English

teaching and learning at junior high school 4 Ampek nagari during

Maeleong, Metode Peneltian Kualitaif, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 200
pandemic covid-19 which the the authors obtained from observations,

interviews and documentation.

2. Data sources

Data sources are all things that can provide information about data.

There are two sources of data in this study, namely primary data and

secondary data. Primary data comes from resource persons, namely

teachers who teach English in SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari. Secondary data

in this study are in the form of archives, written data and documents

that are used to strengthen the data that has been previously obtained.

D. Instrument of Research

In this study, researcher collected data by using interview where

the researcher adopts the Yulia Firza and all, (2021) in the journal title is n

analysis of English language teaching activities during covid-19 pandemic

at SMP Purnama Jakarta. In this research, the instruments that the

researcher used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The

interview subject is the English teacher. The observation is conducted on

eight grade students. Meanwhile, the documentation is taken by record and

handwriting while interviewing the teacher and some pictures.

Table 1.1

Blueprint Instrument of Research


1 English online Teachers Preparation 1, 2, 3

teaching and Teaching activity 4, 5, 6

Assessment 7.8
Pupils Preparation 9

Learning materials 10

Facility Network 11
Media 12,13
Online WhatsApp 14,15,16,17

English Skill Speaking, reading, writing, 18, 19, 20

E. Technique of Data Collection

1. Observation

According to Sugiyono, observation is a complex activity, a

process that is assembled from various biological and psychological

processes. Observation techniques are carried out when it is related to

human behavior, work processes, natural symptoms and if the observed

respondents are not too large5. According to Sugiyono, In this study,

researchers used non-participant observation where the researcher was

not directly involved with the subject's activity being observed, but only

as an independent observer6. According to Sugiyono, observations taken

are structured observations, where observations are designed

Sugiono.Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,

systematically about what will be observed, when and where it is 7. The

research of observation teachers teaching and online learning English in

the class.

2. Interview

According to Sugiyono, an interview is a meeting of two people to

exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that a

meaning can be built in a topic. Interviews are used as activities in the

context of collecting data if a researcher wants to conduct an initial

study to find the problem to be researched, and also if the researcher

wants to know more about the respondents' things8.

The type of interview conducted in this study is structured

interview, meaning that the interview uses interview guidelines that are

systematically structured for data collection.

3. Documentation

According to Sugiyono, The documentation technique is a tool for

using data collection techniques through interviews in qualitative

research types9. Documentation is used to gather information about

problems in research so as to increase evidence of an incident.

Documentation data collection is carried out during interviews and

observations, aiming to provide reinforcement to research. In this

study, the documents needed related to the online English teaching and

learning at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari , the data could be in the form of

photos when the teacher was teaching online and other documents that
support the research. This data is used to complement previous

incomplete data or as supporting data.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analysis the data, researcher used the theory of Miles of Hubarman &

Saldana, suggesting that the activity in data analysis consists of there proc

edures. Bellow the details of the theory are shown in the chart a follows:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

searching for themes and patters neglecting needed. In this step, t

he researcher focused on online English teaching and learning at

junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19.

2. Data Display

The data display phase is done in the form of a short description

using original text, which can be also in the form of graphs, matri

ces, and chars. In the second step, the researcher will present the d

ata by simplifying the data by using original text in the form narra

tive text.

3. Conclusion / verification

In the last step of analyzing data conclusion. The researcher conc

lude the main points from all the data that has been collected, so t

hat become clearly. The conclusion will be an answer the formula

tion of problem in the beginning.

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