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Pembb 1 : Dr. Hadeli, MA.,M.Pd.

Pembb 2 : Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd.



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment as One of the Requirements

For the Strata One (SI) Degree

Written by:


NIM: 1714050003






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................1

A. Background of The Study ....................................................................1

B. Focus of The Study...............................................................................4
C. Formulation of The Problem................................................................4
D. Purpose of The Study...........................................................................4
E. Significant of The Study.......................................................................4
F. Definition of Key Terms .....................................................................5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE......................................6

A. Review of Related Theory....................................................................6

1. Online Learning..........................................................................6
2. EFL................................................................................................8
3. Whatshapp..................................................................................13
B. Relevant Study......................................................................................18
C. Conceptual Framework........................................................................18
CHAPTER III RESEACH METHOD..........................................................20

A. Reseach Design....................................................................................22
B. Reseach Place and Time.......................................................................22
C. Data Sources ........................................................................................22
D. Technique of Data Collection and Insruments.....................................22
E. Data Validity........................................................................................24
F. Technique of Data Analysis.................................................................24



A. Background of study
In the distance learning policy, students are expected to gain a mor
e meaningful learning experience and are not required to achieve compreh
ensive curriculum comprehension.This learning is also focused on providi
ng understanding to students about the corona virus and the Covid-19 outb
reak. Online learning is carried out through whatsapp social media, becaus
e whatsapp is currently one of the social media that is widely used by peop
le as a medium of communication and many used for the benefit of sociali
zing. So that learning is carried out online (online) through whatsapp-base
d social media using the whhatsapp group feature,(Moodly ;2019)
Some features that exist in the WhatsApp application include Chat
Group, WhatsApp on the Web and Desktop, WhatsApp Voice and Video
Calls, End-To-End Encryption, Photo and Video Delivery, Voice Message
s, and Documents. WhatsApp social media through the variety of features
provided can be used for more useful activities, for example for education,
(Ishak Abdulhak;2015).
By using the group whatsapp, teacher can send and assign assignm
ents to students online via the whatsapp group, (Annamalai;2018). Several
social media that can be used used by teachers in implementing online lear
ning, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube,
(Luft;2014). The use of this application has several impacts on learning, es
pecially in learning English.
From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that
whatsapp is a tool for sending messanges to smart phones that can be used
for communication and interaction whith several people without using
internet quota/ internet data. Online learning at this time using the
WhatsApp application is one of the learning media that can be used by
teachers to explain learning material because in the WhatsApp application

there are several features that can be used for the teaching and learning
process. Then the whatsapp application is a medium that is easily
understood by teachers and students, the use of internet data is not much
then the whatsapp application teachers and students can discuss by
creating groups, students can send assignments. The whatsapp application
the teacher can explain learning material with four skills in English,
namely: writing, reading, speaking and listening.
In whatsapp there are several componets of whatsapp namely:
message, voice call and video whatsapp, photo and videos, document,
grpou chat, whatsapp on web and deskrop,end-to-end, voice massege.
Alshammari, Parkes, and Adlington (2017). In the whatsapp aplication
there are 4 features used to send messages, namely text, audio, video and
amojis. of these features the teacher can explain learning material to
Based on the results of existing research on the use of WhatsApp
as a medium for learning English at the time of Covid-19, there are several
studies that explain it.The first is students 'perceptions of the use of
WhatsApp as an online learning medium during the Covid 19 period, the
results show that students' perceptions are different but have the same core
of using WhatsApp in online learning, both the features that are often
used, the features you want to use, the advantages and disadvantages of
using WhatsApp, to suggestions for teachers. By research is Lesi Amiroh;
(2020). The second is about the Students 'Perception on the Use of
WhatsApp Application in Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students'
research of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab
Timur Jambi, where the results of her research on the use of WhatsApp in
English language learning are still not optimal. By research is Sihatul
The purpose of this study was done to find out how teachers use
this whatsapp application for the teaching and learning process in schools
where researchers will do research at this time whether effective or not, to

know that researchers will later enter one of the whatsapp groups of
teachers who teach English lessons, in the group researchers can see how
teachers explain lessons and discuss with students using whatsapp
That researchers are interested in carrying out research with titles.
“English teaching and learning through Whatsapp on state junior high
school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19”

B. Focus Of Study
This research focuses of research “The Learning process and
Teaching through Whatsapp at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari” and only focus
learning process through Whatsapp teacher and the research will be focus
on analysis strategy on teaching, english skill, and fitur trough whatsapp at
SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari.

C. Formulation Of The Problem

1. How do teachers conduct teaching efl through Whatsapp?
2. What is dominan skill thought by teachers?
3. What is dominan fitur of whatsapp use by teachers?

D. Purpose Of The Study

1. To describe teachers conduct teaching EFL trough whatsapp
2. To describe dominan skill thought by teachers
3. To describe dominan fitur of whatsapp use by teachers

E. Significant Of Study
Theoretically how teachers use learning applications to support the
teaching and learning process when using WhatsApp to add scientific insig
hts about online learning. Here some contributions to the user.

1. Theoretical benefit
The results of this study are expected to be used as the basis for pol
icies in supervising educators so that they can choose or use social med
ia WhatsApp in implementing online learning.
2. Practical Benefit
a. For teacher
This research is also useful for teacher or lectures, with this
research It is hoped that the results of this study can develop knowl
edge, skills and experience in using social media WhatsApp to carr
y out online learning.

b. For student’s
This research can provide students with experience and kno
wledge in using WhatsApp as an online learning medium during a
pandemic, and it is hoped that student learning outcomes can incre
c. For the Researcher
In this case, the researcher can deplu understand the concep
t of a theory used the study.
F. Definition Of Key Terms
In this part, there is some explanation from the title mentioned in the p
revious items. The title is “Analysis of EFL learning through Whatsapp on
state junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic covid-19”.
The definitions of key terms are as follows:
1. Teacher
Person who has teaching EFL at State Junior High School 4
Ampek Nagari and as the subject of this research.
2. English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching
Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. According to Bro
wn teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learne
r to learn, setting the conditions for learning. In EFL setting,

According to Gebhard stating that the teachers are consistently con
cerned with ways to get students to speak English in class, ways to
use the kind of materials and media available, manage classroom in
teraction, and getting students to take on more responsibility for th
eir learning. In this case, teachers have to use something to make th
eir process of teaching and learning more effective.

3. Learning process
It means that the process of students to make improve their ability
and become more understand about the materials.
4. WhatsApp
According to Annamalai, By using the group whatsapp, teacher ca
n send and assign assignments to students online via the whatsapp


A. Review Of Related Literature
1. Online Learning
a. The Definition Of Online Learning
The terms online learning and online learning are used to ex
press the same meaning. Online is a term in Indonesian, while onl
ine is a term in English. According to Kemendikbud,Based on the
Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), online means being in a netw
ork, connected via computer networks, the internet, and so on 1. A
ccording to Ally, Online learning is the use of the internet to acce
ss material, to interact with material, instructors and other learners,
to get support during the learning process with the aim of acquiri
ng knowledge, creating understanding and to develop from the lea
rning experience. Online learning can be defined as an interaction
between teacher and learner that is built into a network via a com
puter or other electronic device2.
According to Kasmir, that online learning for some people i
n Indonesia may still be considered new, while in their daily lives
without realizing that they have been carrying out activities relate
d to online activities. Online learning can be defined as an interact
ion between teacher and learner that is built into a network via a c
omputer or other electronic device.
From several statements above that online learning can use
social networking applications so that the learning process can ru
n effectively. Because the learning process is not carried out fac
e-to-face for that teachers and students can interact well when pro
cessing online learning. As we know in English learning there are
4 components that must be conveyed, namely: writing, reading, sp
Kemendikbud. (2020). KBBI daring. Https://Kbbi.Kemdikbud.Go.Id.
Ally, M. (2004). Foundations of Educational Theory for Online Learning. In Theory and practice
of online learning (pp. 15–44).

eaking, and listening, where the teacher must deliver the material
using the media used during the learning process so that the mater
ial presented can be understood by students
b. The Advantages of online learning
According to Empy dan Zhuang, there are several advantag
es of E-learning, among others:
1) Reducing costs. By using E-learning, we save time and mone
y to reach a learning place. With our E-learning can access fr
om various locations and places.
2) Flexibility of time, place and learning speed. By using E-lear
ning, teachers can determine time to study anywhere. And stu
dents can study according to their abilities each. In contrast to
studying in the classroom, where all students learn and stoppe
d at the same time.
3) Standardization and effectiveness of learning. E-learning alw
ays have the same quality every time it is accessed and regard
less of mood teacher. E-learning is designed so that students c
an better understand using simulation and animation.
c. The Disadvantages Of Online Learning There are several disadva
ntages of learning, among other:
1) Students must have computers and internet access.
2) Student also must have computer skills with the program, suc
h as an internet browser, email, and office applications.
3) Good internet connection, because it really needs it taking su
bject matter.
4) In the absence of an existing routine in class, then students m
ay stop learning or be confused about learning activities and a
ctivities the deadline for assignments, which will make stude
nts fail.
5) Students will feel very away with the instructor. Since instruc
tors are not always there to help students, So that students mu

st be disciplined and do assignments independently without a
ssistance instructor.
6) Students must also have writing skills and abilities good com
munication, because teachers and students do not meet face t
o face so allows misunderstanding in several ways3.
2. Teaching English as Foreign language
According to, Patel and Jain, Foreign Language is the language
where the secondary environment is not observed and the people of
linguistically foreign societies use such language 4. According to,
Gebhard that by EFL, English as studied by people who live in places
where English is not the first language of the people. So, people
studied English in other place where English is the first language 5. As
such, much of the teaching is directed at making students’ able to
analyze and comprehend English, so they can pass entrance
examinations, no necessary to preparing them to communicate in
English. In EFL, teacher and students have some characteristic that the
teacher more concern in how the student can speak or communicate by
English in class. According to, Dealing with Gebhard as follows: In
EFL settings, teachers are consistently concerned with ways to get
students to speak English in class, ways to use authentic language
teaching materials, having to teach to test, having too little time with
students, and getting students to take on more responsibility for their
learning. EFL students hear and read in English is in the classroom.
EFL students leave the classroom; they can enter any number of
situations in which they can use English6.

Effendi, Empy. & Hartono Zhuang. E-Learning Konsep dan Aplikasi.2005.

Patel,M.F.Praveen M. Jain. English language teaching (Methods, Tools & Teaching).2008.vol.35
Gebhard,Jerry. Teaching English as a Foreign Language or second LLangauge: A teacher and
Self development and Methodology Guide.1996.vol 2
Gbhard,Jerry. Teaching English as a Foreign Language or second LLangauge: A teacher and
Self development and Methodology Guide.1996.vol 3-4

Thus, the separation of the four language skills in the following
sections is only for the sake of easiness for discussion.
- Listening
Although speaking is the most common form of
communication, due to several reasons, listening is the first
skill to master in order to be proficient in a language. First,
namber one can say a word before listening to it. Thus, the
teacher must take into account that the level of language input
(listening) must be higher than the level of language production
(speaking). According to Smith, emphasizes: “… good listeners
often speak more exactly plus more creatively than poor
listeners; they have more words at their command.” Second, in
a conversation, one can respond accurately only after listening
precisely7. Realizing these reasons, we can see how important it
is for the learners. Despite its importance, listening to a foreign
language sounds is possibly the skill which learners usually
find the most difficult. This is quite natural since the sounds
they hear, at least in initial stages, are unfamiliar. Thus, to get
the message sent through an expression, they always feel under
unnecessary pressure to understand every word. Another
prominent cause that makes listening to a foreign language
sounds difficult for children is the fact that children, whether in
or out of the classrooms, are subjected to endless number of
sounds. To a higher extent, these sounds do not belong to the
foreign language they are learning. As a consequence, the
learners cannot concentrate on comprehending the sounds of
the foreign language they are learning. According to Field, It is
even worsened by the tendency of presenting listening
activities in EFL classes as simply opportunities for students to

Smith, James A. Creative teaching of the language arts in the elementary school. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon (1975).

practice listening to English8. The default method used in
listening class usually begins with some kinds of pre-teaching
of the context of the listening material combined with an
introduction to some of the vocabulary included in the text.
What comes next is often simply listening to the text, listening
again, plus finally answering some sort of comprehension
questions. According to Field, What is obvious in this default
method, which is referred to as focusing on product rather than
process, is that the learners merely practice to listen but do not
learn to discriminate the phonological features of the speech
they are hearing9. Such procedure is of course not necessarily a
bad activity. However, if it is employed as the only way for
students to learn listening, we cannot expect the learners learn
listening effectively. According to Rost, explains that the
teaching of listening needs to be focused on discriminating
sounds in words, especially phonemic contrasts, in addition to
deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words, predicting content,
noting contradictions, inadequate information, ambiguities,
plus differentiating between fact plus opinion10.
- Speaking
Speaking is one of the skills that has to be mastered by students
in learning English. According to Richards that in speaking
people tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas,
working out some aspects of the world, or simply being
together11. According to Fulcher and Davidson, that there are
five components of speaking skill that can be defined as

Field, J. (1998). Skills and strategies: Towards a new methodology for listening. ELT Journal 52
(2), 110-118.
Rost, M. (1990). Listening in language learning. London: Longman.
Richards, Jack. 30 Years of TEFL/ TESL: A Personal Reflection. Singapore: Seameo Regional
Language Centre.2002.

a. Pronunciation. Pronunciation is the way for students to
produce clearer language when they are speaking.
b. Grammar. Grammar is needed for the students to arrange
correct sentences in conversation both in written and oral
c. Vocabulary. Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of
d. Fluency. Fluency is defined as the ability to speak
communicatively, fluently and accurately.
e. Comprehension. Comprehension is an ability to
acknowledge and process stretches of discourse, to formulate
representations of the sentences meaning.
- Reading
Although reading is generally after listening and speaking in
the hierarchy of communication abilities to be developed, the
teaching of English in Indonesian primary school should make
reading one of the first priorities to develop. According to Kim,
This is not only because reading enables learners to access
knowledge from many written texts but also because reading
proficiency contributes to one’s self realization and the
development of his personal-social adjustment. And since
“reading is a very complicated process involving a variety of
factors that interact with one another, it should be developed in
graded and sequential phases12. The factors involved in reading
include sub-reading skills (such as word recognition,
skimming, scanning, sentence comprehension, getting the
topic, etc.) and background knowledge. According to Brindley,
emphasizes the essence of background knowledge factor in
reading by saying: Texts are not entirely self-contained; they

Kim, M. The use of computer in developing L2 reading comprehension: Literature review and
its implications.2002. ERIC Digest: 472 671. Retrieved April 11, 2005 from the ERIC database

refer to the world. Texts assume knowledge on the part of the
reader. Sometimes the knowledge is factually based and refers
to objects, events and people13.
- Writing
According to Brown, writing is thinking process, because
writing is a process of putting ideas down on paper to
transform thought into words and give them structure and
coherent organization14. It means that writing is difficult for
students as a non-native speaker. Students must be able write
descriptive text by knowing such as content, organization,
purpose, audience, vocabularies and mechanics such as
punctuation, spelling and capalization. Writing is an important
skill to be mastered in learning English as a foreign language.
According to Bello, states that writing enhances language
acquisition as learners experiment with words, sentences, and
other elements of writing to communicate their idea effectively,
and to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary they are learning
in class15. It means that writing is not only means of
communication where students can share their views and
thoughts, it is actually a pre request to master other language
From the descriptions above, it can be concluded that writing is
a process of organizing ideas in which the writer is demanded
to perform creativity in using the language skills to produce a
written text.

3. Whatshapp
a. Definition of Whathapp
Brindley, S.Teaching English. 1994. New York: Routledge
Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd
Edition). 200. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Bello, T. Writing Topics for Adult ESL Students. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Teachers of
English to Speakers of Other Language Convention.1997. Orlando, FI, USA.

Whatsapp is an internet-based application that has the potential t
o be used by its users as communication, because through WhatsApp
users can communicate and interact with each other easily without c
onsuming a lot of money, because using WhatsApp does not use cre
dit but uses internet quota / internet data.
According to Larasati in Raharti, that whatsApp is an applicatio
n for instant messaging, and allows us to exchange pictures, videos,
photos, voice messages, and can be used to share information and dis
cussions. Larasati concluded that the use of the WhatsApp applicatio
n as a means of learning discussion was included in the effective cate
According to Hartono, that WhatsApp is a cross-platform messa
ging application that allows users to exchange messages without SM
S fees, because WhatsApp uses the same internet data package for e
mail, web browsing, and others. The whatsApp application uses a 3G
/ 4G or WiFi connection for data communication.
This application provides users with useful features that can
support teaching and learning English language. Then, Alshammari,
Parkes, and Adlington (2017) states, WhatsApp allows teachers to
take on a greater facilitation role in their teaching. The teachers can
facilitate all features to support their English teaching. The features
of WhatsApp are as follows:
1. Message
The Message feature in WhatsApp is reliable and simple message.
Users can send messages to their friends and their family for free.
WhatsApp uses the phone's Internet phone connection to send
messages so users can avoid the cost of SMS.
2. Voice call and video WhatsApp

Raharti. “Whatsapp” Media Komunikasi Efektif Masa Kini (Studi Kasus Pada Layanan Jasa
Informasi Ilmiah Di Kawasan Puspiptek. Jurnal: Visi Pustaka. 2019.Vol. 21 (2): 148-151.

Doing voice call and video call by using WhatsApp is free. The
users are free to talk with their friends and family, even if they are in
another country. And with free video calls, the users can have face-to-
face conversations when voice or text is not enough. WhatsApp voice
and video calls use phone's Internet connection instead of cellular
calling minutes, so the users do not have to worry about expensive call
3. Photos and Videos
Through photos and videos feature, the users can share their
important moments by sending photos and videos on WhatsApp
immediately. They can even capture moments that are important to
you with a built-in camera. With WhatsApp, photos and videos will be
delivered quickly even if the users are in a slow connection.
4. Document
The users can share the documents easily. They can send PDFs,
documents, spreadsheets, slideshows and more, without the hassle of
using email or file sharing apps. In addition, they can send documents
up to 100 MB in size that will make it easier for them to share what
they need to share with the people they want.
5. Chat Group
153Users can connect with Groups via group chat. They can connect
with people who are important to themselves, like family or co-
workers. With group chat, users can share messages, photos, and
videos of up to 256 people at once. Users can also name groups, mute,
or customize notifications, and more.
6. WhatsApp on Web and Desktop
WhatsApp can make Conversations Run with WhatsApp on the web
and on desktops. Users can smoothly sync all chat to their computers
so they can chat on whatever device is most convenient for them. They
can download the desktop app or visit to get

7. End-to-end encryptionEnd-to-end encryption is security by default.
Users can share their personal moments in WhatsApp. When encrypted
end-to-end, users’ messages and users’ calls are secured. Only users
and people who communicate with users can read messages or hear the
call, and no one is in between, even WhatsApp.
8. Voice Message
WhatsApp users can use this feature to say what's in their mind by
tapping a tap on a voicemail item in a chat room. They can greet his
friend or his family and telling long stories.
In the WhatsApp application there are 3 features of teacher to
teaching language that are used to send messages, namely text,
audio, and video:
1. Text, which is how we write messages in text, as a teacher if in
the process of learning English can explain to students wrong
sentences such as spelling, vocabulary, grammar in text
messages, the teacher can explain to students by sending
messages to students.
2. Audio, namely by using a voice message to the recipient of the
message, in the audio we can explain the learning material in
detail and clearly.
3. Video, namely on video we can explain learning material
through video so that it can be accepted and understood by
Using whatsapp in english teaching in the classroom, there
are several steps that teachers should follow. The steps were
adapted from Speroff (2016);
1. Create a WhatsApp group 154 Teachers ask questions and store
their students' WhatsApp numbers in the internal phone memory.
After that, the teacher creates a group based on his class's
WhatsApp group.

2. Set rules Teachers must make agreements with their students about
the role of using WhastsApp. This includes language students must
be polite. Then, they may want to add their own rules about
whether students can send private messages to teachers outside the
group, what types of information should and should not be shared
in the group such as jokes, and informal chats in English or not?
3. Settings for the useTeachers class can be set for class usage. For
example, a teacher asks his or her students to bring earphones or
headphones to class the day before (and then in the morning) class.
Sometimes, one or two students who forgot to bring theirs, here
teachers can either have students double up and share the earphones
or have a few inexpensive headsets on hand to lend to students.
4. Assign the tasks an important stipulation is that WhatsApp is not a
teaching tool as such it is a mean of providing input to students and
a way for them to share their output. Both can be done in class to
alleviate classroom management issues (e.g. large classrooms
where students don’t get enough speaking time) and to help
learners improve their speaking performance and outside of the
class, to provide an additional opportunity for listening and
speaking or to assign and collect homework.

a. Advantages using WhatsApp Application

According to Hendro and Eko, There are 4 advantages of using
the whatsApp application, namely:
1. The exchange of information is faster and easier between
teachers and students.
2. Interaction on social media encourages the emergence of new
public spaces and new communication patterns between teachers
and students as producers of information itself.
3. Changes in practices and communication spaces that were
previously democratically managed.

4. Utilizing the whatsApp app students can study anywhere and
b. Disadvantages using whatsApp Application
According to Nur Lia Pangestika, There are 5 disadvantages
using the whatsApp application, namely:
1. WhatsApp among high school level students is more dominantly
used for non-formal communication or outside of learning.
2. Not all students become active users of whatsApp.
3. Miss communication are often occurs in receiving information.
4. Not all students are active in discussion activities in whatsApp
5. Network disruptions often occur in the use of whatsApp social
Based on some of the above meanings, the researcher can conclu
de that whatshapp is an application that is used to exchange informat
ion using internet access and in this application we can send message
s and features photos, videos and voice messages, during the current
pandemic whatshapp is one easy-to-use application for online learnin
g because whatshappp is an application with a small quota usage so t
hat many schools use WhatsApp as a learning medium during covid-

B. Relevant Of Study
The study that is related to this research as follows:
Students 'perception of the use of whatsapp social media in basic lear
ning in the pandemic time covid-19 by Lesi Amiroh In this study, the stud
ents' perceptions of using social media WhatsApp as a learning medium du
ring the pandemic. The results show that students' perceptions are different
but have the same core of using WhatsApp in online learning, both the
Hendro, K., &Eko, P. M.The effect of using whatsapps messenger on student achievement.2016.
Nur, L. P. Influence of Social Media Utilization WhatsApp the Distribution of Information

features that are often used, the features you want to use, the advantages
and disadvantages of using WhatsApp, to suggestions for teachers.
Students 'Perception on the Use of WhatsApp Application in
Teaching of English at Eight Grade Students' research of Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Nurul Hidayah Bhakti Idaman Tanjab Timur Jambi by Sihatul
Mardiah in the study data collection is done by interview. In this study
researchers analyzed data by reducing, displaying, and drawing
conclusions. Based on the results of the study, researchers found that
students' perception of the use of whatsapp application in English learning
is that students who argue that learning English through whatsapp
application does not give maximum results. Some students claim it is
difficult to understand the teaching materials provided by the teacher. So
whatsApp application is less able to help in the learning process of
teaching English lessons.
Students’ Perception on the Use of WhatsApp Messenger as a
Learning Tool in Writing Class by Dhizella Fasha Salwa Salsabella The
result of this research showed that there were some activities were carried
out using WhatsApp such as: the students used WhatsApp as the tool for
communication and discussion with their friend or the teacher outside the
class, sent the assignment by students, giving assignment by teacher. The
students perception toward using WhatsApp such as: students can learn
anywhere and save their energy in learning English, WhatsApp help
students to develop their English writing. The students frequency in using
WhatsApp such as: students used WhatsApp to did their assignment and
sent the result to the teacher at least once a week, students used WhatsApp
to communicate with their friends everyday.
C. Conceptual Framework
This the research focuses on analyzing how the teacher’s and stude
nt’s of the media social based whatshaap to English learning in the covid-
19 pandemic at junior high school.This online learning of EFL must use A
ndroid and Whtshapp computers, one of the applications needed by teache

rs and students during the online learning process because the WhatsApp a
pplication is easy to use.
In the middle of this pandemic, how teachers and students build go
od relationships when the online learning process is ongoing, especially in
WhatsApp, there is a learning group, of course the teacher must be able to
provide supportive lessons, especially when learning English so that stude
nts don't feel bored because the government has provided facilities educati
on so that teachers and students can take advantage of the online learning s
ystem that has been provided by the government so that teachers and stude
nts can learn without boundaries of time and space.

Online Learning

EFL Learning


Text, Audio and Video

English Learning (Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening)



A. Research Design

This research design of this study has been conducted by using qua
litative research. According to Sugiyono that the research method is
basically a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes and uses 19.
According to Furthermore Raco stated that the research method is a
scientific activity carried out in stages beginning with the determination of
topics, data collection and data analysis. So that later obtained an
understanding and understanding of certain topics, issues, and symptoms 20.
The method of the research is used qualitatif method. According to
Fitrah and Luthfiyah that qualitative research is a research procedure that
uses descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people or
actors that can be observed21. A descriptive qualitatif method were used to
examine queastion that can best verbally describing how participants in a
study perceive and interpret various asects of their environment.
According to moleong “sumber data penelitian kualitatif adalah tampilan
yang berupa kata-kata lisan atau tertulis yang dicermati oleh peneliti,dan
benda-benda yang diamati sampai detailnya agar dapat ditangkap
maknanya yang tersirat dalam dokumen bendanya”(the source of qualitatif
researchdata is appereance of word spoken or written observed by the
researcher,and the object is observed in detail to to capture the meaning
implied in the document)22.Clearly, the writer in this study will do some
aspects of research analisys as a measure of the final result.Which means
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, Dan Kombinasi, Bandung: Alfabeta,
2018, Hal. 3.
J. Raco, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya, Jakarta:
Grasindo, 2013, Hal. 2.
M. Fitrah and Luthfiyah, Metode Penelitian: Penelitian Kualitataif, Tindakan Kelas and
Studi Kasus, Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2017, Hal. 44
Maeleong, Metode Peneltian Kualitaif, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2001.

that the data is obtained by using qualitaif method and it will be analyzed
in order to see the significance of the research. In this research,the
researcher this analysis of EFL learning through whatsapp on state junior
high school 4 ampek nagari during pandemi covid 19.

B. Research Place and Time

The study will be conducted on Marc 2021 at the SMPN 4 Ampek
Nagari. The reason for choosing this school becauce this school is online
learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.

C. Data Sources
1. Data
In this study, in the form of descriptive text about the analysis of
EFL learning through whatsapp on state junior high school 4 Ampek
nagari during pandemic covid-19 which the the authors obtained from
observations, interviews and documentation.
2. Data sources
Data sources are all things that can provide information about data.
There are two sources of data in this study, namely primary data and
secondary data. Primary data comes from resource persons, namely
teachers who teach English in class VIII SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari, and
class VIII students. Secondary data in this study are in the form of
archives, written data and documents that are used to strengthen the
data that has been previously obtained

D. Technique of Data Collection and Instrument

1. Observation
According to Sugiyono, observation is a complex activity, a
process that is assembled from various biological and psychological
processes. Observation techniques are carried out when it is related to

human behavior, work processes, natural symptoms and if the observed
respondents are not too large23. According to Sugiyono, In this study,
researchers used non-participant observation where the researcher was
not directly involved with the subject's activity being observed, but only
as an independent observer24. According to Sugiyono, observations taken
are structured observations, where observations are designed
systematically about what will be observed, when and where it is25.
2. Interview
According to Sugiyono, an interview is a meeting of two people to
exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that a
meaning can be built in a topic. Interviews are used as activities in the
context of collecting data if a researcher wants to conduct an initial
study to find the problem to be researched, and also if the researcher
wants to know more about the respondents' things26.
The type of interview conducted in this study is structured
interview, meaning that the interview uses interview guidelines that are
systematically structured for data collection.
3. Documentation
According to Sugiyono, The documentation technique is a tool for
using data collection techniques through interviews in qualitative
research types27. Documentation is used to gather information about
problems in research so as to increase evidence of an incident.
Documentation data collection is carried out during interviews and
observations, aiming to provide reinforcement to research. In this
study, the documents needed related to the analysis of EFL learning

Sugiono.Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,


through WhatsApp at SMPN 4 Ampek Nagari , the data could be in the
form of photos when the teacher was teaching online and other
documents that support the research. This data is used to complement
previous incomplete data or as supporting data.

E. Data Validity
After obtaining the data, the researcher then tested the data
obtained by triangulating the data. According to Sugiyono, qualitative
research must be able to obtain credible data, therefore it is necessary to
test the validity of the data obtained 28. According to Sugiyono,Testing the
validity of data in qualitative research can be done by extending
observations, increasing persistence in research, discussing with
colleagues, and analyzing negative cases 29. The validity test that
researchers used in this study was triangulation. Triangulation is a data
collection technique where this technique is to correlate various data
collection techniques as well as existing data sources. Where in this study
the author will triangulate the source by checking the data that has been
obtained from several data sources. Then the technical triangulation is
done by checking the data to the same source but with different

F. Technique Of Data Analysis

In analysis the data, researcher used the theory of Miles of Hubarman & S
aldana, suggesting that the activity in data analysis consists of there proced
ures. Bellow the details of the theory are shown in the chart a follows:
1. Data Reduction
Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, s
earching for themes and patters neglecting needed. In this step, th
e researcher focused on analysis of EFL learning through whatsa


pp on state junior high school 4 Ampek Nagari during pandemic c

2. Data Display
The data display phase is done in the form of a short description u
sing original text, which can be also in the form of graphs, matric
es, and chars. In the second step, the researcher will present the da
ta by simplifying the data by using original text in the form narrati
ve text.
3. Conclusion / verification
In the last step of analyzing data conclusion. The researcher concl
ude the main points from all the data that has been collected, so th
at become clearly. The conclusion will be an answer the formulati
on of problem in the beginning.


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