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Dr. Syafrizal, M.Pd

Arranged By:
Rizka Adilla Aurenzha


Learning activities carried out online today make some students have quite a lot of
free time than usual. To take advantage of free time, students can do positive things, such as
doing assignments, doing research, adding knowledge, and much more. Not a few are
currently students who use an application that is booming in their circle, namely TikTok. In
the TikTok application, there are many things that students can explore, from entertainment
videos to learning videos. not a few are currently content creators who make learning videos
on their TikTok accounts. Therefore, this study analyzes the use of TikTok as a media for
increasing vocabulary for students of English education in their spare time. in this study using
a qualitative approach using the phenomenological method. The results of this study from a
number of respondents stated that TikTok can increase vocabulary improvement in English
students' free time.
Keywords: TikTok, Vocabulary, Free Time, English Student
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………….3
CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................4
A. Background..............................................................................................................................4
B. Research Problem....................................................................................................................5
C. Research Question...................................................................................................................5
D. Research Significance..............................................................................................................5
E. Research Benefits.....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................................6
1. THEORY..................................................................................................................................6
1) Definition of Vocabulary.....................................................................................................6
2) Definition of TikTok............................................................................................................6
3) Learning Media....................................................................................................................9
4) Definition of Free Time.......................................................................................................9
5) Definition of Learning Video…………………………………………………………..…10

CHAPTER III....................................................................................................................................11
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................11
A. Research Design.....................................................................................................................11
B. Research Instrument.............................................................................................................11
C. Data Collecting Technique....................................................................................................11
CHAPTER IV....................................................................................................................................12
FINDING AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................12

A. Background
During the pandemic, almost all activities are carried out online and carried out
at their respective homes starting from school, work and so on. Schools in Indonesia
have been implementing online learning systems for more than 2 years because of this
pandemic. For some students who have experienced school as usual face to face may
feel the difference with online school, as we know if school as usual students almost
spend all their time at school to learn, play, interact and also hone skills.
In carrying out online learning students do it through applications such as
zoom, google meet, google classroom and so on to attend learning meetings with
teachers or do assignments.
Different from offline schools, online schools may feel boring for some
students because after the online meeting with teachers and friends they can’t play or
rest with friends like in regular schools. Some of student’s who feel bored after online
school usually they open their social media applications to fill their spare time after
school. One of the applications that is currently rife among school students from
elementary to high school is the TikTok application.
The TikTok application has been booming since the beginning of 2020 and
since the time of the pandemic this application has become a trending application
among all ages. In using TikTok application, students can see videos from all
countries on their homepage, even in TikTok not only for entertainment videos but
also many accounts that make short learning videos in TikTok.
At this time online learning can be quite effective because there is assistance
from social media whose scope can help in learning, especially language learning.
language learning may be more effective with additional help from social media
because in social media there are many new languages and various kinds that students
may discover and know when playing social media so that they can increase their
vocabulary in languages other than their mother tongue or everyday language. their
day. If we look briefly at increasing vocabulary, it can be said that it is helped by the
positive use of social media by students.
B. Research Problem
Based on the background exposed above, a decision on the research problem
can be made as follows:
1. There are still students who have not used the TikTok application for additional
2. There must be a young learner assistant in accessing the TikTok application so
that there are no negative things to watch or do
3. There are still too many young learners who access the TikTok application as an
entertainment media only
C. Research Question
1. Is TikTok application affect vocabulary improvement?
2. How TikTok is used as an additional learning media during young learner’s free
3. Is the free time spent playing TikTok useful to improve young learner vocabulary?
D. Research Significance
1. To analyze the use of media that is currently viral among young learners
2. To find out how increasing the use of TikTok for young learners in increasing
3. To see how enthusiastic young learners are if they do study using TikTok media
E. Research Benefits
1. For students
The benefits of this research are useful for prospective teacher students to know
that today's learning media are adequate for teaching learning materials and media
that are often used by students so that students feel more enthusiastic in learning if
they use media they know and like.
2. For lecture
The benefits for lecturers are to find out adequate media to use for learning and
also to make assignments for students in order to create research using today's
1) Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a component that is part of the structure of language, grammar
and phonology. Vocabulary cannot be separated from the above components
because vocabulary has an important role.
Charles D. Fries (1945: 959) says that vocabulary is an essential part in
learning a foreign language, where students are required to master word for word
so as to allow the increase in the student’s vocabulary. The term vocabulary is a
collection of several words that are combined, so that they have meaning or
meaning. Vocabulary cannot be separated from the four skills in language,
reading, writing, listening, and speaking (Hornby: 1984: 959).

2) Definition of TikTok
TikTok is application video features music with a duration of only about 30
seconds or more simply is a short video social platform combined with music.
TikTok is a social media that launched in 2016 from China. Zhan Yiming is
the founder of this TikTok app. TikTok has also been registered in the Play store
which is also the Play store itself a google facility application that makes it easy
for mobile phone users to access or download other applications such as Tik Tok.
People nowadays are getting smarter and more creative in using social media,
for example at this time making TikTok videos as videos about learning as well as
media to collect assignments and provide lesson material not just for
TikTok users can channel their creativity and uniqueness because TikTok is an
interesting audio-visual media for users and viewers.
Apart from being an entertainment media, TikTok also has benefits for its
users, including:
a. Personal Brand
Many young people use Tiktok as their platform to promote various brands
through Tiktok, with this there are also many influencers and those who
want to become influencers by building charm and image with a lot of
popularity and followers so that it can become potential if there is another
endorsement offer.
b. Business
On TikTok, there are lots of content creators who give each other
recommendations for goods, food, household items to interesting tourist
attractions that make the audience become consumptive. This makes the
growth of new businesses.
In addition, Tiktok can also become the brand image of every product
promoted by content creators on Tiktok by using hashtags which are a way
to promote certain brands where later users who watch the content will
find it easier to find brands and products as well as on the internet. users of
this application are very active in providing comments and also input
where this can be an evaluation material for a brand so that the brand
becomes better and bigger.
c. To hone a skill
Honing skills here means that the Tiktok application makes someone
creative by producing works through the content they create in various
fields such as the ability to dance, dance, paint, cook and so on. In
addition, this application also improves skills in the field of photography
and videography because in uploading content, Tiktok provides various
kinds of music and effects so that we can express as we like which can
create interesting video content.
In addition to having several benefits, the Tiktok application also has a lot of
English learning content in it. Here are some Tiktok accounts that contain content
for learning English
a. Andrea Holm English
b. English Understood
c. Learning English
d. Real Life English
e. Speak English with Mish
f. English with Tanya
The list above is some TikTok account that has good content for learning
English (Erin McGann: 2021).
In addition to the accounts for learning English above that come from
overseas account owners, here are some TikTok accounts owned by users in
Indonesia itself according to Dhiya Priyanka (So.Co, 2020).
1. Johnhiday
The man who works as a teacher in this village uses TikTok to share
knowledge about the English language. The owner of the real name John
Pare often provides new vocabulary as a substitute. It is very helpful for
students who want to improve their vocabulary.
2. Callmechia
Through her TikTok video, Fathia Izzati a.k.a. Chia teaches many idioms
that are often used in English. Another type of content presented by Chia
is about the difference between American English and British
pronunciation which is still questioned by many people. The content is
suitable for students to watch who want to improve their speaking skills.
3. Jessica_lee
In her TikTok content he often shares videos about important lessons
about English grammar and the differences in words and also slang words
in the content. very suitable for students to watch in order to increase their
grammar knowledge.

After knowing several accounts that have good content for learning English
on TikTok, here are strategies that can be used in using TikTok to learn according
to Terry Heick in Teachthought: 2021.
1. Have an Own Channel
2. Teach Some Mini Lessons
3. Document the Learning Process
4. Asynchronous Student Collaboration
5. Project Based Learning by TikTok
6. Explore Specific Topics
3) Learning Media
Learning media can be in the form of print, audio, visual, audio visual where
this media is used to facilitate the delivery of learning materials.
According to Schramm (1977) quoted in Rudi and Cepi (2008: 6) explains that
learning media is a message-carrying technology that can be used for learning
Technological sophistication makes learning media develop, where space and
time when delivering material is no longer an obstacle in the learning process.
Learning media have various forms and functions depending on what is needed in
the learning process.
Currently, learning media are increasingly developed and sophisticated so that
students do not only get knowledge from book media but in this era, there are
many learnings that use more sophisticated and innovative technology in the
delivery of learning materials.
In this era, social media has no doubt its usefulness in helping learning, not
only for entertainment. Examples of social media in this era that have helped the
learning process include Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and many others.
As the understanding of learning media by Syaful Bahri Djamarah and Azwan
Zain (2010:121) revealed that learning media are any tools that can be used as a
channel for messages to achieve learning objectives.

4) Definition of Free Time

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of time has at least 7
meanings. Three of them below can be used to re-understand what is meant by
free time, namely
1) The whole series of moments, when a process, action or state exists or
takes place,
2) a certain time to do something,
3) Chance, tempo, chance. The word Luang has 2 meanings, namely vacant /
empty, free or not busy.
From the three meanings above, it indicates that free time always requires no
actions to be done during that time.
Free time is the time when we can do whatever we want. But if we fill our
free time by resting all day long, then this is not a good thing. Although we can do
whatever we want, we also have to do positive and useful activities.

5) Definition of Learning Video

Video is a series of motion pictures accompanied by sound that forms a unit
that is assembled into a plot, with messages in it for the achievement of learning
objectives that are stored with the storage process on tape or disk media (Arsyad,
2004: 36 in Rusman et al. 2011: 218).
The use of video as a learning media has been carried out for several years in
conducting learning. the use of video is done to hone students' creativity and skills
in carrying out learning practices. especially since the pandemic, the average
learning is done using video media or so on.
There are many advantages that can be obtained when using video as a
learning medium, among others, the media can be played repeatedly or more than
once for understanding the material.
Besides that, using video as a learning medium also has its drawbacks, namely
it takes up a lot of space on the gadget, but that's rarely the case nowadays since
the help of space for storing files on the internet, for example Google Drive.
A. Research Design
In this study will use a qualitative approach with phenomenological research
methods. The use of qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach
seeks to capture various problems that exist in society and reveal the meanings
contained in them.
According to Schutz, phenomenology as a method is formulated as a media to
examine and analyze the inner life of individuals in the form of experiences
regarding phenomena or appearances as they are, which is commonly called the
stream of consciousness (Campbell, 1994: 233).
B. Research Instrument
The definition of research instruments is the tools that will be used to collect
data, this research instrument can be in the form of questionnaires, observation
forms, other forms related to data recording and so on (Notoatmodjo: 2010).
In this research instrument that will be used in the form of online
questionnaire that done via Google Form.
C. Data Collecting Technique
According to Sugiyono (2014: 230), a questionnaire is a data collection
technique by which researchers provide a list of questions or written statements
to be answered by respondents.
In this data collecting technique researcher will use online questionnaire that
will be given for English student via Google Form.


Currently, the use of TikTok has skyrocketed in all circles, especially since the
pandemic has required students and some workers to carry out all their activities at
home. No wonder TikTok has become a very booming application since the
beginning of the pandemic in Indonesia.

Even today many people are famous from the TikTok application because of
its interesting content. Not inferior to entertainment content, even learning content is
currently found by many TikTok users.

Many teachers, lecturers and other experts create learning video content
through TikTok and as a result little by little on the TikTok platform many learning
videos are made by creative teachers and lecturers who are able to make learning
media that is not boring for their students.

Above all, the use of social media as a media of learning is able to increase the
skills of students to access technology that is ongoing and in accordance with the
times. When viewed in terms of use, researchers have analyzed that this social media
application has quite an advantage for students, teachers and other circles, but of
course there are advantages in that there are drawbacks, namely not a few of the
content on social media that has inappropriate values for children that under age to
see. Therefore, it would be better if the use of social media should be accompanied by
parents for students who are still under age.

 Result of Questionnaire
The questionnaire made by the researchers in this study is to see Tiktok as a
media in increasing vocabulary during free time by English students during this
The respondents obtained are 24 English students who have filled out the
questions for the researcher's questionnaire survey.
The following are the questions contained in the questionnaire:
1) Do you often use the TikTok app in your spare time? If so, how many times a
day do you use the TikTok app? Explain
2) What video content do you browse frequently on TikTok? Explain
3) Have you ever watched videos about learning English on TikTok in your spare
4) Who are the content creators that you know and often watch their videos
related to learning videos on TikTok? (e.g. Johnhiday, Call me Chia)
5) In your opinion, using TikTok as a learning media in improving English
vocabulary is effective or not? Explain

Of the five questions in the questionnaire above, 24 respondents received

answers as follows:

1) In the first question, the average answer of English students often uses the
TikTok application for approximately 8 hours and opens the application 3 times
in their spare time
2) The second question, the content that is often explored by English students is the
average educational content, content on how to write a thesis and motivational
3) The third question, the highest answer is that English students have watched
English learning videos in their spare time on TikTok
4) The next question on average English students often watch English learning
videos from the content of Kampung Inggris, Call Me Chia and Johnhiday
5) And for the last question, English students on average answered that TikTok
was good enough to be used as a learning media to increase vocabulary in their
spare time, because TikTok covers all circle of age and also easy to access.

From the results of the questionnaire that has been carried out with a total of
24 respondents who are English students, stating that TikTok is an application that
can be used to learn while taking advantage of spare time and can add insight to
get new English vocabulary.
Not only that, TikTok also has many advantages in terms of its use, for
example, it is efficient and can also be affordable by all people from teenagers to
the elderly.
This application does not make you bored to learn because there are many
content creators who have a lot of creativity to provide new material. Also, videos
on TikTok don't take much time, which is only 15 seconds, which of course
doesn't make viewers feel bored while watching learning content videos.
Compared to learning videos, which are usually more than one minute long,
TikTok is the most time efficient application but is equally useful for transmitting
knowledge to the audience.
With the current sophistication of technology that requires educators and
students to be technology literate, also coupled with this pandemic, making
learning must be done online.
Online learning must be carried out effectively and in such a way that learning
can still be achieved like schools in general. Using TikTok can build students to
be technology literate, will use it positively in using their smartphones and also
build their creativity.
In accordance with the results of the questionnaire above which states that,
many English education students use their free time by opening the TikTok
application, not only as an entertainment media, but also as a learning media to
increase English vocabulary.
It's no wonder why there are currently more content creators who share their
knowledge on the TikTok application, because the audience is now increasing,
especially foreign language learning content, thesis writing and others.
This will at least make it easier for students to remember the proverb seeking
knowledge can be done anytime and anywhere.
The results of the questionnaire above stated that 22 out of 24 use TikTok in
their spare time, even opening and using the TikTok application more than twice a
day. From these results it can be concluded that at least TikTok can fill the spare
time of English students and use it to add insight.
For a questionnaire with questions about whether or not respondents have
watched English learning videos, the results obtained are 19 out of 24 respondents
have watched English learning videos in the Tiktok application.
For the effectiveness of the TikTok application in increasing English
vocabulary, 20 of 24 respondents answered that the TikTok application was
effective in increasing English vocabulary. There are many reasons listed why the
TikTok application is effective for increasing vocabulary, including its easy-to-
access use, lots of easy-to-understand English content, both vocabulary,
pronunciation and grammar, short duration and others.
From the questionnaire questions about who are the known content creators
for learning English, the average respondent knows Kampung English, Call me
Chia, Aaron O'brien
From some of the answers to the questionnaire that have been answered by the
respondents regarding the analysis of the use of TikTok as a media for increasing
English vocabulary in their spare time, they stated that it was good and effective
to do. this was also given by the respondents with clear reasons and also answered
in fact with the current situation.
The findings above are factual results that were analyzed by researchers
related to tiktok analysis as a media for increasing vocabulary for English students
in their spare time during the pandemic.
In addition, 2 out of 24 respondents are students who do not use the TikTok
application. but it does not become an obstacle for this research because the
majority of the respondents are people who are active in using TikTok.
After being analyzed by the researcher, 22 respondents answered the
questionnaire almost the same about the use of this application. So, this allows
students who are not yet active in using TikTok to start using it to add insight,
especially in English vocabulary lessons.
In addition, with a reduction in activity as usual since the pandemic, this can
be used to fill free time in a useful and positive way and not waste a lot of time
and energy.
Nowadays, technology is increasingly sophisticated which has facilitated its
use for various needs. Education today must follow the sophistication of
technology in order to keep up with the era of globalization.
There are many positive things that can be used and taken from using TikTok
in everyday life, for example, practicing creativity, increasing motivation, creating
unique and interesting videos and also sharing knowledge with others.
In addition to the above, the use of social media must also have limits so that
we do not leave our other activities that can be done at home or around the

The conclusion that can be written by the researcher is that the use of the
TikTok application can increase vocabulary for English students during their free
time during the pandemic. The researcher conducted this study, namely to analyze
and find facts between the use of social media and learning media whether it can
be combined into new things that create new enthusiasm and motivation for
learning for students and users of the application.
This research is still far from perfect word, therefore it would be better if this
research could be continued until it continues to get the same answer.
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