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Tiktok Influences on Teenagers Students at SMAN 8 Selayar

By :







Table of Contents

Table of Contents
BAB I Introduction
1. Reserarch background 3
2. Problem of Statement …………………………………………...…………………3
3. Objective of the Research………………………………………………………..3
4. Benefits of

BAB II Review of literature

A. Description of Theory……………………….........................................................5

BAB III Research method

A. Types of Research………………………………………………………………..8
B. Time and place of research……………………………………………………….8
C. Data collection device……………………………………………………………8
D. Conclusion………………………………………………………………...…….……………………………..12

References 14

1. Research Background

Tik Tok is one of the most popular and offered applications in Indonesia. Tik Tok allows
users to create a 15-minute film that includes music, filters, and other creative features.
ByteDance was first launched by a Chinese native company, China, this app was
launched by a Chinese native company, China, ByteDance was first launched which has a
short duration from Douyin. Douyin only had 100 million dollars in a year’s time.

In Indonesia, this application is said to be the best application on the Play Store owned
by Google in 2018. Tik Tok is also the most entertaining application category (Imron,
2018). The Chinese-made application was blocked by the Ministry of Communication
and Information (Kominfo) last July in mid-2018, due to negative content, especially for

This application is favored by teenagers, small children, and adults who feel the need for
entertainment. The app’s name is “Goblok,” which is the name of another app. Many
young people and adults are creating and posting videos on various social media
platforms, not only is this application getting more popular, but people who use this
“Goblok” application are also popular.

This application is widely used by a wide range of people from all walks of life because
it eliminates the risk of encountering negative content. Any negative content might,
however, cause mental development in the user that is the average age of teenagers under
18 years old because they have not been stable since their establishment or thought.
Adolescence is a dalah period.

2. Problem of Statement
1) What is the importance of social media?

2) What are the pros and cons of Tiktok social media?
3. Objective of the Research

The research objective is something to be achieved in a study. The objectives in carrying

out this research are : to find out how much influence Tiktok social media has on teenage

4. Benefits of Research
1) Theoretical Benefits

In the results of this study, srudents are expected to be able to know the influence of
Tiktok social media on student learning achievement itself. And it is hoped that the
results of this study can also add to the insight for those who are still a student. For
researchers are expected to develop knowledge about media social itself.

2) Practical Benefits

It is hoped that researchers can add insight into social media Tiktok in order to spread
knowledge about the pros and cons in using this Tiktok social media. And it is hoped that
researchers can find out and understand how much the influence of the Tiktok social
media on teenage student.


A. Description of Theory

Social media gives adolescents the opportunities to identify with other users have similar
interests, but it also offers a comparison to other users. This comparison is prevalent in all
generations of adolescents but becomes to a certain degree more anonymous on social
media. As identification has a role in the development of young people social media
offers this without the need for direct interaction. Studies have examined the use of social
media and apart from passing time, entertainment, and information seeking,
interpersonal/interactive searches the main searches made by adolescents and young
adults. Studies have found that among groups of young people who use social m edia the
reason for using the platforms is to overcome perceived shortcomings within themselves.

1. Importance of social media

Social media is increasing becoming a key component of our daily lives. Presidents to
first graders explore social media platforms and contribute to a continuous flow of
information, videos and image forums.

In a New York Times article, the need to participate in social media is described as "Fear
of missing out," an article that goes on to explain how things like conventions, secret
beach, and eating spicy food can help people understand that they exist. part of a high

Social media cannot be neglected in the daily agenda of personal life and public political
opinion. His supporters started chanting "Facebook, Facebook, Facebook!" shouted the
crowd at the inauguration of Brazil's new Jair Bolsonaro. “WhatsApp, WhatsApp,
WhatsApp!” says the narrator. ,” praising their chosen presidential victory platform.
Tiktok is the newest addition to the collection.

2. Pros and Cons from Tiktok
a) Pros

The government is interested in doing social activities during the Covid-19 pandemic
(social-distancing). Social restrictions are one of the methods of preventing and
controlling the Corona virus, breaking the chain of transmission of the Corona virus by
reducing interactions between humans.

Students, students by doing learning activities at home in other words. When e-learning
is used, it results in a lot of leisure time being spent by students and students. To fill
spare time, once the tiktok application is very appropriate.

Because of the large number of users and the fact that they come from various circles,
there are many works that have been uploaded in the application, the resulting in a few
uploads managed to become the public spotlight.

1. As an application that can encourage one’s creativity in making a work.

2. To express creativity, especially in making videos, the Tik Tok application itself
is a platform to easily create videos with special and unique effects. Tik Tok also
offers a variety of music for video backgrounds, so users can create more
interesting videos.
3. This tiktok application is also video and music based, and can train teenagers or
children to hone their video editing skills, for more useful content.
4. Now the Tiktok App is used for making school assignments, as I have personally
on my social media homepage, a student is practicing making lava mountains,
practicing front roll sports and many more.

b) Cons
1. Narcissism for teenagers is increasing.

Likes, comments, and shares are one of the most important assets for social media
users such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and the application under discussion,

Tiktok. If an Indonesian teenager willingly does a lot of things in order to get a lot of
likes, comments, and shares, don’t be surprised.

As a result, there are many uploads that destroy morale among children because the
Tiktok application does not select the videos to be uploaded because the Tiktok
application does not select the videos to be uploaded. As an example, consider a
woman who is engrossed in her erotic and is willing to go to extremes to achieve
pornographic goals.

2. Loss of shame

The videos of tiktok, djtiktok, contemporary tiktok, and so on make tiktok fans sink
even more with their excitement to sway. For example, a high school student
swaying in a clump in the middle of a school field wearing a school uniform.

As a result, the loss of shame that should be owned by teenagers who have taken
education is likely to persist. Character education provided by schools to their
students does not function to be moral, ethical, and have noble character.

3. A setback for the country

Education is important to introduce and deliver people to science to explore,

develop, and optimize the potentials that exist within themselves, especially among

Education is the best pillar to advance a nation. A country that can be said to be a
developed country because of the quality education and intelligent nation's children.
A person who has education can improve the quality of his mindset and optimize the
potentials that exist throughout himself to build a nation that is more content with



A. Types of Research

To achieve the objectives of this study, quantitative methods were used.

Quantitative data generally support the analysis and results of the questionnaire
survey. The results of this study were combined and sourced from larger studies of
general social media use. 12 questions were conducted for this research and in this
study 150 answers have been taken to fulfill the research objectives.

B. Time and Place of Research

1) Time

This research was carried out for a week starting from the month of June 2021.

2) Place

This research was conducted at SMAN 8 Selayar, Bontomatene sub-district, Selayar


C. Data Collection Device

The data collection technique is method used by thr author to capture or capture
information both quantitative and qualitative research from respondents in accordance
with the scope of research. There are several instruments in data collection techniques in
this study, which are as follows :

1) Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is carried out by giving a set of

questions or written statement to the respondent to answer. Questionnaire is a
technique efficient data collection if the researcher knows with certainly the
variables to be measured and know what expected of the respondent.

Questionnaire do have many advantages as a data collection instrument. Before the
questionnaire is prepared, it must be through the procedure :

a. Formulate the goals to be achieved with a questionnaire.

b. Identifying the variables to be targeted questionnaire.
c. Breaking down each variable into more sub-variables specific and singular.
d. Determine the type of data to be collected, as well as to determine the analysis

Anonymous questionnaires are good because the respondents are free express opinions.
However, the use of anonymous questionnaires has some weaknesses too.

a. It is difficult to trace if there is a shortage of filling because the respondents did

not understand the meaning of the item.
b. It is impossible to conduct further analysis if the researcher want to break up
groups based on the characteristics needed.

Questionnaires are a number of written questions that are used of written questions that
are used to obtain information from respondents in the sense of reports about his
personality, or the things he knows. The questionnaire was used and instruments. So in
using the questionnaire.

2) Documentation Method

Documentation is seen from the origin of the word, namely documents have meaning
written stuff. The document carried out in his research is by distributing questionnaires to
respondents to fill in.

The following are the results of research data collection :

Table 1: Question for respondens

Q1: What social media and dating apps do you use?

Q2: How often do you use your social media profile daily?

Q3: Do you find any satisfaction and/or approval from using your Tiktok profile?
Q4 : Have you ever had unpleasant experiences with your Tiktok app?
Q5 : Do you spend more time looking at other’s profiles or updating your profile?
Q6: What do you see as the greatest advantage of using the Tiktok app?
Q7: Do all your friends use Tiktok?
Q8: Do you think the use of Tiktok is a problem for society?
Q9 : Do you believe that anyone is honest with your Tiktok apps?
Q10:Do you feel that men and women use Tiktok differently and for different reasons?
Q11 : Are you transgender, male or female?
Q12: Have you ever received nude or sexually explicit pictures through your Tiktok app accounts?

In an attempt to remain non-biased 3 identical questionnaires were created and

administered to the study subjects. Each of the other questionnaires replaced the word
Tiktok with Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder. This is done to ensure that Tiktok is not
selected and comparisons can be made between platforms. The results are divided by
separating transgender, female, and male to clarify gender differences. Furthermore, the
study kept in touch with everyone who answered the questions to ensure any differences
were accounted for in the study.

3.1 Finding

The overall findings in this study strongly support Tiktok, but geographic participant
limitations must be taken into account and analysis of the results is limited to views and
conclusions based in Indonesia. In the following, each question is described with the
percentage of answers within the given possibilities. Questionnaire given in English.

Question 1: What social media and dating apps do you use?

Table 2: Answers for question 1

Tiktok Facebook Instagram Tinder Others None of

86 % 92% 88% 81% 10% 7%

Table 3 : Answers for question 2
Question 2: How often do you use your social media profile daily?

0 to 2 hours 2 to 4 hours 4 to 6 hours 6 to 8 hours 8 to 10 More

hours than 10
32% 35% 14% 15% 3% 1%

Table 4 : Answers for question 3

Question 3 : Do you find any satisfaction and/or approval from using your Tiktok

Yes No
91% 9%

Table 5 : Answers for question 4

Question 4 : Have you ever had unpleasant experiences with your Tiktok app?

Never Few Some Many Everyday

0% 25% 15% 33% 27%

Table 6 : Answers for question 5

Question 5 : Do you spend more time looking at other’s profiles or updating your profile?

Updating my profile The same amount of time Looking at other peoples

doing both profile
38% 24% 38%

Table 7 : Answers for question 6

Question 6 : What do you see as the greatest advantage of using the Tiktok app?

Being in Getting seen Having fun Being Possibility Other

touch with by others and relaxing popular for a future
friends career
56% 43% 88% 19% 6% 93%

Table 8 : Answers for question 7

Question 7 : Do all your friends use Tiktok?

Yes No
96% 4%

Table 9 : Answers for question 8

Question 8 : Do you think the use of Tiktok is a problem for society?

Yes No
22% 78%

Table 10 : Answers for question 9

Question 9 : Do you believe that anyone is honest with your Tiktok app?

Yes No
23% 77%

Table 11 : Answers for question 10

Question 10 : Do you feel that men and women use Tiktok differently and for different

Yes No
97% 3%

Table 12 : Answers for question 11

Question 11 : Are you transgender, male or female?

Transgender Male Female

5% 43% 52%

Table 13 : Answers for question 12

Question 12 : Have you ever received nude or sexually explicit pictures through your
Tiktok app accounts?

Yes No
96% 4%

D. Conclusion

According to the results of the survey, the target users of Tiktok are happy with the app.
Even if the majority of users have had a negative experience with the app, don't make it a
habit to use it.

In comparison to other surveillance apps, Tiktok also offers better security features.
More users of Instagram, Facebook, and Tinder have become targets and have had
negative consequences as a result of using the apps.

This app is mostly used to find out if it is really safe. TikTok videos seem harmless and
creative to users, but parents find that there are loopholes in the app's security.

Even if it isn't true, social networking, whatever it is, has a loyal following and parents
from one generation to the next has seen danger in a short period of time. Despite the
fact that Tiktok has made a million in Indonesia, it has yet to surpass the level of interface
problems for Facebook and other social media platforms.

It must be stated that, at this time, the app does not pose a problem for the user, but it
does pose a problem for the app's administrators. This may lie in ignorance of the
application, but it can also be a symptom of the time we are sitting in a time when there is
a limited literacy environment and highly literate technology users.

In any case, with the understanding that we offer when the item's popularity is something
we imagine, but efforts in education yield a possible answer to this problem. As a social
interaction tool, technology has become more and more common, and it can no longer be
used to hinder the emphasis on control, which necessitates the use of education in the

Curricular subjects can be introduced in elementary schools as a precautionary measure

and parental supervision that must be carried out in accordance with the use of social
media applications for minors.



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