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Impact of Students Attendance to Academic Performance


1. To identify the major factors influencing regular students attendance at the

Senior High School level.

2. To examine the relevance of the factors influencing student attendance to class

and their academic achievement.

3. To examine the existing interventions implemented by the Senior High Students

of Cabalantian National High School.

4. To make concrete recommendations on future strategies for tackling issue arising

from students absenteeism to class in Senior High School.

Research Question:

1.What are the major factors influencing regular students attendance at the Senior

High School Level?

2. What is the relevance of the factors influencing students attendance to class and

their academic achievement?

3. What existing interventions to control Abseentism are being implemented by the

CNHS to curb this excess?

4. What strategies are recommended to address low class attendance by students in



Dear Respondent,
I Adesina Bukola O., a final year student of the above named institution;I am carrying out
a study titled: Class Attendance and Undergraduate Students Academic Achievement in the
University of Ibadan. This is strictly an academic exercise, thus, all information provided will be
handled with confidentiality.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Adesina Bukola O.

SECTION A: Demographic Data

Instruction: Please tick ( ) the option that suits your response to questions below:
1. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age: 16 - 20 years ( ) 21 - 25 years ( ) 26 -30 years ( ) 31 years and above ( )

3. Where do you reside? Campus ( ) Home ( ) Off campus (but not home)( )
Others (Specify)______________________

4. Strand: Humss ( ) TVL ( ) STEM ( ) GAS( )

5. How far is your residence to school: Close ( ) Not Quite far ( ) Very far ( ) Within ( )

6. How often do you attend classes? (kindly choose an option)

Very regularly ( ) Regularly ( ) Sometimes ( )Rarely ( ) Not at all ( )

SECTION B:Class Attendance Inventory

Tick ( ) One of the columns marked.
SA=Strongly Agree; A =Agree; D = Disagree; SD=Strongly Disagree
S/N Family Issues SA A D SD
1 I have family issues that hinders my commitments to classes
2 Financial challenges is a major reason why I don’t attend classes
3 My parents care less whether I go to school or not because they
are too busy for me.
4 I reside in an environment which makes study poor and
5 I help my parents with their business and other errands and this
makes me late to class

S/N Peer Group Influences SA A D SD

1 I walk alone and dislike moving around with friends
2 I like to follow the more influential students in the school
3 My friends are the best source of inspiration to me.
4 My friends enjoin me to go with them for activities outside school
5 I don’t need my friends to decide whether or not I should attend

S/N Student - Teacher Relationship SA A D SD

1 A good interaction with lecturers usually impact on student's
academic achievement
2 students share with lecturers spontaneous information about
3 My lecturers make use of good communication and interpersonal
skill to bring out the best in me.
4 My lecturers make use of questioning techniques and feedback
methods while teaching students and this affects my attendance
to his classes
5 My interaction with lecturers support orderliness and discipline in
classroom, inspire creative thought in students and their desire to

SECTION C: Student’s Academic Achievement Scale

1. Kindly State your GPA/CGPA in the immediate past result released by the University (e.g.:

1.7) _______________________________

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