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Mid-Term Test

Technology in ELT
Name : Katrin Oktavia K. Sihombing

NIM : 2213321009

Class : English Education 2021 D

1. The use of technology can help students learn more independently. Does students’
being independent in learning have a good impact on students and teachers ?
2. TPACK requires teachers and prospective teachers to have ability in using technology.
TPACK is also believed to be able to promote teachers’ creativity and innovation.
3. With the rapid advancement of technology, do you think conventional media will no
longer be needed? Explain!
4. Do you think digital media can be applied in the teaching and learning process in
Indonesia today? And when you become a teacher, what will you do to overcome the
problems with rules of using digital technology in classrooms?


1. Yes, the use of technology can help students learn more independently, which can have
a positive impact on both students and teachers. When students learn more
independently, they become more responsible for their own learning, which can lead to
increased motivation and engagement in the learning process. They also develop
important skills such as self-direction, time management, and critical thinking, which
can help them succeed not only in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and
professional lives. For teachers, having independent learners can free up time and
resources that can be used to focus on other aspects of teaching, such as providing
individualized support, assessing student progress, and designing engaging learning
activities. It can also lead to a more student-centered classroom environment, where
students take ownership of their learning and actively engage in the learning process.
2. In order to effectively implement TPACK, teachers and prospective teachers must have a
strong foundation in using technology. This includes not only basic technical skills, but
also an understanding of how to select and use appropriate technology tools and
resources to enhance learning outcomes for their students. When teachers have a
strong foundation in TPACK, it can promote creativity and innovation in their teaching
practice. For example, teachers who understand how to use technology to support
student learning can design more engaging and interactive lessons that incorporate a
variety of multimedia resources. They can also use technology to provide personalized
learning experiences for their students and to facilitate collaboration and
communication among students.
3. While the rapid advancement of technology has certainly changed the media landscape,
it's unlikely that conventional media will become completely obsolete. Conventional
media, such as newspapers, magazines, and broadcast television, still serve important
roles in society and have unique advantages that digital media may not be able to fully
replace. Furthermore, conventional media can provide a more immersive and engaging
experience. For example, print media allows readers to physically engage with the
content and can provide a more focused reading experience. Broadcast media can
provide a shared experience for viewers, such as watching live events or news
broadcasts together. That being said, it's clear that digital media has become a
dominant force in the media landscape and has its own unique advantages, such as the
ability to reach wider audiences and to provide interactive and personalized
experiences. However, conventional media still plays an important role in society and
will likely continue to do so in the foreseeable future.
4. Yes, digital media can be applied in the teaching and learning process in Indonesia
today, especially considering the growing availability and accessibility of digital devices
and internet connectivity in the country. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has
accelerated the adoption of digital media in education, as many schools and universities
have had to switch to online learning to ensure continuity of education.
As a teacher, if I were to encounter problems with rules of using digital technology in
classrooms, there are several strategies that I would consider:
• Educate students on digital citizenship: I would teach students about responsible
and ethical use of digital media, including online safety, privacy, and digital
etiquette. By emphasizing these principles, students will be better equipped to
use digital media responsibly in the classroom.
• Create a clear digital media policy: I would work with school administrators and
colleagues to create a clear policy on the use of digital media in the classroom.
This policy would outline expectations for both teachers and students, and
would help ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to using
digital media in the classroom.
• Foster collaboration and communication: I would encourage collaboration and
communication among students and colleagues when it comes to using digital
media in the classroom. By sharing ideas and strategies for effective use of
digital media, we can all learn from each other and improve our teaching and
learning practices.

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