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Supervisor: Student’s name: Huỳnh Thanh Hương

Bùi Minh Châu (M.A) Student’s code: B1909035
Class: FL19Z8A2
Course: 45
Major: English

Can Tho, November 2022

I confirm that the B.A. graduation thesis entitled “Effects of using TikTok
application on EFL students’ speaking skills” is conducted under the supervision of
Ms. Bui Minh Chau (M.A.), School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University. I,
Huynh Thanh Huong hereby declare that the current graduation essay is the result of
my own work, except where due reference or citation is made.

Can Tho, 18th November 2022

Supervisor: Student

Bùi Minh Châu (M.A) Huỳnh Thanh Hương


II. SUMMARIES.........................................................................................................5
1. ARTICLE 1.......................................................................................................5
2. ARTICLE 2.......................................................................................................6
3. ARTICLE 3.......................................................................................................8
4. ARTICLE 4.......................................................................................................9
5. ARTICLE 5.....................................................................................................10
6. ARTICLE 6.....................................................................................................12
7. ARTICLE 7.....................................................................................................14
8. ARTICLE 8.....................................................................................................15
9. ARTICLE 9.....................................................................................................16
10. ARTICLE 10................................................................................................18


Speaking is considered one of the essential skills to be acquired by English as foreign

language (EFL) learners because of its practical use in communication. It has aroused the
EFL learners’ concern globally since the use of English as a tool for international
communication has apparently been on the rise. Also, according to Zaitun, Hadi and Indriani
(2021), mastering speaking skills has long been considered the ultimate goal of EFL learners
as it boosts their self-confidence and fosters the improvement of the other skills in learning

However, EFL learners have encountered many obstacles in improving their speaking skills.
There is a lack of authentic environments for them to practice. Apart from the classroom,
English is not used in the community by EFL learners (Mandasari, Kosassy & Jufri, 2022).
Meanwhile, speaking classes do not reveal its effectiveness. The students are not enthusiastic
in speaking classes and feel discouraged to engage in the traditional classroom activities
which follow the typical procedure of lecturing, questioning and answering or discussing. As
a result, these classes do not bring significant enhancement in oral performance for students.
Therefore, there is a necessity to change the way of learning speaking skills.

According to a number of researchers, technology has become one of the most important
tools for teaching and learning English, not only in the classroom but also over long distances
(Cagas, 2022; Mandasan, Kossassy & Jufri, 2022; Pratiwi, Ufairah & Sopiah, 2021). Thanks
to high technology, mobile functions have been innovated for various human learning
demands as the digital era has modernized. A lot of social media applications spring up all
over the world, among which is TikTok application which is a video streaming social media
site. These days, learning English via the TikTok application is more and more well-known
and booming with many trends during the COVID-19 pandemic (Zaitun, Hadi & Indriani,
2021). According to Putri (2022), TikTok is a learning medium that contains four objectives:
entertainment, socialization, informativeness, and academics for EFL students. It seems
advantageous that this app allows the students to record short videos with any trends in their
English learning. There are a lot of trending songs, hashtags, and many other instruments
such as duets, sharing, and exciting filters that the students apply to their videos (Pratiwi &
Ferstephanie, 2021). Consequently, students and instructors alike have been drawn to the
TikTok app for teaching and learning English. In addition to producing the videos, users may

get comments and feedback from teachers and people all over the world, providing an
opportunity to make friends from various nations and naturally improve their speaking

While it is undeniable that using the TikTok application has its advantages and limitations, it
creates a creative setting for students learning English to speak freely. This project includes
ten articles investigating the impact of using the TikTok app on EFL students' speaking skills.
The author determines, synthesizes, and evaluates the objective viewpoint to summarize the
studies relevant to the use of TikTok to improve English oral communication abilities.
Google Scholar, a Web search engine that primarily searches scholarly literature and
academic resources, was used to compile the studies presented in this annotated bibliography.
Ten studies over the last ten years were chosen to assure the dependability and creativity of
the study themes, which boosts confidence and brings attention to readers who are concerned
about these concerns. All of the summaries are organized alphabetically by the authors'
surnames and follow APA referencing and citation guidelines. Hopefully, this annotated
bibliography will provide both instructors and students with an overview of the effects of
"Effects of using TikTok application on EFL students’ speaking skills". The author tries to
encourage students who have worked hard to improve their public speaking skills. 



Cagas, R. D. (2022). The use of TikTok videos in enhancing the speaking and
grammar skills of higher eduation students. Language Education Forum, 3(1), 1-
3. DOI:10.12691/lef-3-1-1

The purpose of this research was to assess how criminology students enhance
their speaking and grammatical abilities by utilizing short videos on the TikTok
application. The participants were 16 criminology students from a private school in
Misamis Oriental attending a foreign language subject — English. In this study, the
researcher employed a single pre-experimental design. The first instrument was
observation, which was used to observe how the students were learning. The second
instrument was the TikTok videos used as pre- and post tests. During the experiment,
the students completed the pre-test by making a TikTok video telling a story. Then
there was a Focus Group Discussion activity; that is, via Zoom the researcher invited
some of the participants to answer several questions about their language learning
experience aiming at finding out main causes of the language incompetence. After
that, the participants completed the post-test, which encouraged students to produce a
short creative video on the topic they wished to discuss in depth. The post-test was
used to examine the variations in their results after including the TikTok application
for developing speaking and grammatical abilities. Cagas reported that the majority of
students scored between 20 and 39 on the pre-test, but the post-test resulted in a
considerable improvement, with students gaining the most between 40 and 70. The
study's findings revealed that using the TikTok app to learn English was enjoyable and
effective way to boost students' confidence in speaking the language. However, this
study had a small sample size and was exploratory in nature. The author affirmed that
when utilized with the right techniques and processes, the study determined that the
TikTok application was an interactive learning tool that might help students
strengthen their speaking capabilities. Furthermore, TikTok might be viewed as a
learning platform in 21st-century education.


Dewi, L.K. & Arifani, Y. (2021). The utilization of LINE video calls and Tiktok
videos for teaching pronunciation in Thailand. Celtic: A Journal of Culture,
English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, 8(2), 260-274. Doi:

This study aimed to investigate the utilization of LINE video calls for teaching
pronunciation by using the TikTok application seen from teachers’ and students’
viewpoints. The study was conducted at an elementary school – the Ban Huaiduanoi
School – in Thailand, using qualitative approaches. A teacher and three children from
grades one, two, and three took part in the experiment. Two semi-structured
interviews through a LINE video call were utilized in this study to obtain data on the
participants' thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The first semi-structured interview was
conducted with the teacher participant to discover the teacher’s perceptions and
experiences while implementing the LINE video call for teaching pronunciation using
the TikTok video as well as the affordances and obstacles from its utilization. The
second semi-structured interview explored the student participants’ perceptions and
experiences during the LINE video call implementation using TikTok. The interviews
lasted for approximately 25 – 30 minutes and were recorded for data analysis. The
researchers reported that the participants’ positive attitudes towards utilizing LINE
video call for teaching pronunciation using TikTok could be observed through the
interviews. The subjects agreed that because the application is not boring, it was able
to enrich students’ vocabulary, especially their pronunciation, build their self-
confidence in pronouncing the words in English, and enhance more interest in joining
the class. However, according to Dewi and Arifani, there were still several challenges.
To be detailed, the teacher mentioned two disadvantages: (1) the limited time in
creating the materials and (2) making the students focus on the learning process,
whereas the students complained about internet connection and many assignments to
do during online learning. Still, the authors acknowledged the students’ enthusiasm in
the use of TikTok application and LINE video calls and concluded that using Line

virtual meetings in conjunction with TikTok videos in teaching and learning was
highly recommended for assisting students in learning English efficiently.


Ferstephanie, J & Pratiwi, T. L. (2022). The effect of Tiktok to develop students’

speaking skill: A classroom action research. Wiralodra English Journal, 6(1),
1-12. DOI:

The goal of this study was to determine the efficacy of utilizing TikTok to
improve students' speaking skills. The researchers carried out this study using
classroom action research. The research involved 25 Kristen Kalam Senior High
School students in grade 10. The first instrument was observation in class as students
answered questions or read the assigned text. The following instruments were a pre-
test and a post-test used to assess the student’s speaking abilities. During the pre-test,
students were asked to practice the supplied dialogue with their partners, which they
had memorized. Next, the students performed the post-test cycle I by creating a one-
minute TikTok video that was made according to their creativity on dialogue from the
narrative story. Then, the students performed cycle II by making a one-minute TikTok
video following the trending and most well-known story such as Doraemon’s story
and True-Beauty story. Through data findings, Ferstephanie and Pratiwi reported that
the TikTok application improved self-confidence, pronunciation, vocabulary, and
fluency. The researchers found that the students were afraid of making mistakes in
pronunciation and being judged by their friends. They were unsure and felt pressured
to respond promptly to the presented question, so they replied bilingually. Besides, the
non-verbal were improved a lot such as gestures, body, and eye contact. The
participants understood the roleplay and their pronunciation was better than on the
pre-test. Moreover, the students surpassed in post-test cycle II. To be detailed, they
were confident to deliver meaningful the story, and they could create their unique
TikTok videos. However, the participants in this study only selected narrative stories
to create TikTok videos; they did not create their own content. The researchers
concluded that the use of TikTok improved students' speaking skills by encouraging
them and providing them with an upgrade in learning English speaking.


Herlisya, D., & Wiratno, P. (2022). Having good speaking English through TikTok
application. Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(3),
191-198. DOI:

The purpose of this study was to improve learning activity and speaking skills
by utilizing the TikTok application process. The researchers used descriptive
quantitive by conducting classroom action research. The participants were 20 students
at STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung in 2021 and 2022. The first instrument was an
observation sheet aiming at the activities that students performed in the learning
process. And the second instrument was the test to evaluate the student’s speaking
abilities. The test required the students to present or re-tell the video they had watched
on Tik tok in front of the class. The treatment was done in two cycles, both of which
had four meetings. During each cycle, students were asked to watch the videos about
education, place, dancing, cooking, famous people, news and etc. Next, the students
could create the TikTok accounts making their video or cover video depending on
their style and creativity. Then the researchers and the participants followed each
other’s account and could give comments, ask questions and give ‘like’ to the
accounts. The researchers reported that there was improvement of students’ learning
activities in cycle II compared to cycle I. To be specific, the mean score of students’
learning activities in pre cycle was 68.88, in cycle I was 69 with the criteria being less
active, whereas the mean score of students’ learning activities in cycle II was 76.75
with the criteria being quite active. So, the improvement of students’ learning
activities from the first cycle to the second cycle was 7.75 point. Despite
improvements, the majority of students struggled with grammar, auxiliary, and
fluency when describing a video. Additionally, the researchers found that the TikTok
program had flaws since students could not use it if they did not have internet
connection, and TikTok lags if the user device was not compatible. Herlisya and
Wiratno came to the conclusion that the TikTok application was a valuable learning
medium, a breakthrough in the field of education, and TikTok had many benefits that
enhanced the learning process.


Komariyah, T., Sulistiowati, W., Fajri, L.A., & Allatif, N. (2022). The implementation
of TikTok application to learn speaking skill in English language teaching
(ELT). Proceeding of Conference on English Language Teaching (CELTI
2022), 2, 142-154. DOI:

The goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using TikTok in
improving students' speaking skills in English Language Teaching (ELT) and revealed
students' perspectives on the subject. This study included both qualitative and
quantitative methodologies. The participants were English Education Department
students from Islamic University of Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto who utilized TikTok
as their learning medium. The first instrument was the observation, which was used to
determine the outcome of survey tables created with the TikTok app. The second
instrument was a questionnaire on Google Forms with ten questions. This test was
designed to assess the utility and success of enhancing vocabulary, speaking in terms
of efficiency and enjoyment, and using the TikTok period to practice speaking
abilities. The researcher conducted a pre-test in which the respondent completed a 5-
point scale Likert questionnaire using Google Form and answered three open-ended
questions. For post-test findings, the obtained data was examined by analyzing the
students' improvement from utilizing TikTok as their medium to gain speaking skills.
This study was completed in a single cycle. According to the study, the participants
listed several advantages of utilizing TikTok. For example, the students had modest
benefits (2.34 - 3.67) as a medium to link users with native speakers, inspire
themselves, and develop their speaking style. However, a disadvantage was that
students’ making mistakes were ignored and instead the focus was on assisting
students in enhancing their speaking abilities from English content creators. The
researchers reported that more than 60% of the respondents asserted that TikTok was
efficient and fascinating to use, particularly to enhance English speaking abilities,
since it featured numerous appealing elements that were exhibited on a specific
channel; therefore, the students frequently used TikTok application to improve their
English speaking skills. Also, Komariyah et al. revealed that more than half of the

students stated TikTok was extremely useful in improving pronouncing the word
correctly and speaking English fluently. In addition, according to the authors, the Duet
video function on TikTok was indicated as an advantageous tool for English students.
It was an intriguing feature in which users could select the materials they were
interested in. Furthermore, users might build and even improve their speaking style
and confidence. However, although they successfully released a video on TikTok and
received a large number of likes and views, they were apprehensive about making
mistakes when filming the video. The researchers then concluded that the TikTok
application was an extremely inventive medium for assisting students in enhancing
their speaking abilities, particularly in English Language Teaching (ELT).


Mandasari, M., Kosassy, S. O. & Jufri, Y. (2022). Incorporating of social media in

distance learning: A case study on how TikTok improves speaking skill among
ESP students. The 2nd International Conference on Government Education
Management and Tourism (ICoGEMT)+TECH, January 15th, 2022, Bandung
City, Indonesia, 1(1), 1-7. Retrieved from:

The objective of this study was to investigate students’ speaking skills in

English for specific purposes while using the TikTok app, as well as their attitudes
regarding utilizing this app in distance learning. Mandasari, Kosassy and Jufri used a
descriptive qualitative method, particularly classroom action research techniques in
this study. The participants were 35 students at STIA Lppn Padang. The instruments
consisted of a pre-and post- speaking test with two Themes (Theme 1 and Theme 2)
and a questionnaire designed to elicit students’ attitudes regarding TikTok
Application. The speaking test included speaking skills components such as
vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, comprehension, and grammar. The experiment
included 4 meetings and was divided into several activities. The first and the third
meetings had the purpose of providing the neccessary knowledge and the other two
were for students’ practice. To be specific, the first two meetings related to Theme 1,
“presentation in English”, in which the participants were first asked to learn some
new words and incorporate them in sentences related to how to do a good presentation
in English, then they had to create a TikTok video doing an English presentation in
Meeting 2. In the third meeting, the researchers introduced new vocabulary related to
Theme 2 about how to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic, and the fourth meeting
required the participants to make a video about it in TikTok App. According to the
researchers, before using the TikTok App, the students had the lowest scores, ranging
from 30 to 40. Nevertheless, after using the TikTok app, the students' speaking
abilities improved, increasing their ratings from 60 to 90. Furthermore, the results of

the questionnaire revealed that the students generally agreed that TikTok improved
their speaking abilities and provided them with new experiences. However, some
students stated that the TikTok app was difficult to use. The researchers concluded
that attempting to speak English by using the TikTok App engaged students and made
it simpler for them to communicate their ideas, which had a positive influence on ESP
students' speaking abilities.


Nguyen, H. H. (2021). Using Tiktok to improve speaking performance at an Academy

of Journalism and Communication EFL class. Proceedings of The 9th
OpenTESOL International Conference 2021. 509-524

This study aimed to fill a need by investigating the positive impact of TikTok
on the speaking abilities of students enrolled in an EFL class at the Academy of
Journalism and Communication (AJC). The quantitative technique was utilized by the
researcher. The participants were 30 freshmen from the Vietnamese Communist
Party's Faculty of History. The first instrument was the observation of the student's
reactions to the TikTok activities. As the second instrument, Nguyen performed a
semi-structured interview. The participants took the pre-test before the treatment.
They then were equally divided into two groups. The semi-structured interview with
15 participants lasted around 30 minutes, depending on their satisfaction with the
responses and what they wished to add. The remaining 15 participants attended the
30-minute focus group, making eye contact, discussing with the researcher, and
answering the question "If you have one minute to sum up your opinions, what are
you going to say?". The researcher found that after the students listened to and
practiced their favorite topic with the post-speaking exercise, they were happier and
more excited. Furthermore, when the students saw the celebrities on the screen, they
applauded, and the learning environment became less stressful. In the semi-interview,
13-15 participants stated that Tiktok was a useful application with a variety of topics
to help them improve their listening and speaking skills. Besides, the majority of the
participants in the focus group stated that Tiktok was simple to download and improve
pronunciation and fluency if there were any errors. However, the results showed that
Tiktok did not function effectively in resolving the issue of students speaking in
reduced speech. Speakers frequently connected words and emphasized the
significance of words. As a result, if the listeners were unfamiliar with this language
usage, they would struggle to understand the speech. Nguyen found that Tiktok's

positive impacts on AJC students modified their perspectives on the learning materials
and motivated them to practice speaking more.


Putri, S.M.D. (2022). The effectiveness of using TikTok to improve EFL learners’
speaking ability. Mimesis 3(2), 101-110. DOI:

The study's goal was to determine the efficacy of utilizing the TikTok app to
enhance EFL learners' speaking abilities during online learning. The qualitative
research approach was utilized by the researcher, who gathered a wide range of
empirical materials that depicted how individuals interacted with one another and how
people talked about their lives. The participants of this study were 20 students from
the English Educational Study Program at Tidar University. The instrument of this
study was a questionnaire in Google Forms which contained ten questions on a 5-
point Likert scale. The researcher reported that 45% of students strongly agreed with
learning English using TikTok as one of the learning methods. It helped them acquire
English-speaking skills. Besides, an average of 52.5% of the English Educational
Study Program students agreed that TikTok would drive them to enhance their
speaking abilities. They did not worry about making errors on TikTok since they
already realized the aim of this program, which was to entertain them. Furthermore,
65% of students chose neutral because most students could speak English on TikTok
to communicate with other friends from around the world. However, based on the
qualitative data, the researcher found some downsides to utilizing the TikTok
application to improve EFL learners' speaking abilities. For instance, the students
were easily distracted by TikTok entertainment and forgot to do other things. Finally,
TikTok did not have all the presumptuous features; the students might well have
chosen trusted native speakers with a large followers. Syifa still concluded that the
TikTok application boosted students' speaking abilities in their daily lives. The author
also suggested teachers incorporate it into the learning process and encourage students

to participate in oral communication by creating varied English-speaking material on


Pratiwi, A.E., Ufairah, N.N., & Sopiah, R.S. (2021). Utilizing the TikTok application
as media for learning English pronunciation. Proceedings International
Conference on Education of Suryakancana, 372-382. DOI:

The purpose of the research was to discover how students might improve their
pronunciation skills through the application. The researcher chose TikTok as a
medium to explore how effective social media was for learning English, particularly
pronunciation. This study used a qualitative research method. The participants were 8
Suryakancana University students majoring in English Education, including 5 from
the Regular class and 3 from the Non-Regular class. The first instrument was
observation. Observations were conducted to determine the results of utilizing the
TikTok app, particularly in teaching and learning English pronunciation throughout
the process. The questionnaire, which consisted of 10 open-ended questions, was the
second instrument. This tool was meant to determine the strengths and weaknesses of
the implementation, benefits, and challenges that occurred when students used TikTok
as a medium to enhance their pronunciation. The researcher utilized a pre-test in
which the responder was asked to look for and use the hashtag
#PronunciationChallenge, use the Duet function, and share the video with the
researcher. The researcher next examined the respondents' TikTok accounts. The data
from the videos of Regular Class and Non-Regular Class replies were evaluated for
post-test results. The data from the observations and questionnaires were examined by
the three researchers. According to the researchers, the participants of the Regular
Class outperformed those of the Non-regular Class because the Tiktok program gave
many recommendations, tips, techniques, and advantages. Specifically, after utilizing

the Pronunciation Challenge, 4 out of 5 Regular Class students improved their
pronunciation, while 1 person did not improve. The participants of Regular Class
increased their spelling and were more confident in speaking English. The difficulty
was that there was no special tool to assist them in learning pronunciation; they just
viewed videos or challenges and were unable to communicate or ask questions
directly with the source. The data from non-regular class revealed that three
participants improved their pronunciation abilities slightly, while the others did not
since they did not utilize TikTok. The issues that participants encountered were that
they had to use a large portion of their internet connection when broadcasting on
TikTok and that it was difficult to find a competent speaker. The authors then
concluded that the TikTok application could be utilized as a medium for English
pronunciation acquisition since it had numerous benefits in assisting students and
teachers in teaching and learning activities in the twenty-first century.

10. ARTICLE 10

Zaitun, Z., Hadi, M. S., & Indriani, E. D. (2021). TikTok as a media to enhance the
speaking skills of EFL students. Jurnal Studi Guru Dan Pembelajaran, 4(1),
89-94. DOI:

The purpose of the study was to see if students' speaking abilities might be
improved by narrating a tale about a person, item, or location that they wished to
explain by using the TikTok application. The researchers opted to apply classroom
action research techniques in this study, which used a descriptive qualitative method.
The participants of this study were 36 students from class VIII H SMP N 164 Jakarta
in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The first instrument was the
observation, in which the researchers directly observed the students’ activeness and
involvement. The second instrument was a pre-test and a post-test used to assess their
knowledge of the available learning material. The tests required the participants to
create a video in the manner of storytelling using the TikTok program. The final
instrument was a 5-point scale Likert questionnaire which included five questions
related to English learning using the TikTok social media application distributed to the
participants after the post-test. The pre-test results revealed that participants' ratings
for narrative videos almost varied between 30-40 scores with 15 students and 50-60
with 14 students, with an average of 40.2% from 30-50 scores. Meanwhile, the post-
test results indicated that students considerably improved their results. To be detailed,
the participants' ratings for narrative videos ranged from 40-50 with 14 students to 60-
70 with 17 students, for an average of 43%. Furthermore, 5 participants achieved a top
score of 80-90, namely 95, accounting for 13.8% of all students. From the qualitative
data, the researchers found that practically all students strongly agreed or agreed
with TikTok as a medium for learning English, which enhanced the participants'

confidence in improving their speaking abilities and gaining experiences. Moreover,
TikTok, which allowed students to express themselves through a range of free
expressions, was entertaining and pushed their English speaking and writing skills. In
addition, most students responded that they highly valued the important use of TikTok
in their daily life, particularly their English speaking abilities. However, three
participants were uninterested in utilizing the TikTok program since they had no idea
how to utilize it. The researchers then concluded that students can use many
characteristics of the TikTok application to enhance their speaking skills by
generating unique short videos. They emphasized that both teachers and students were
delighted with their new experiences with this app. Finally, using the TikTok app
while studying speaking skills enabled the participants to communicate with others
and significantly enhance their self-confidence.


The above-mentioned studies furnished trustworthy methodologies and evidence for

the advantageous influence of the TikTok application on students’ speaking skills. The
researchers emphasized the benefits of using TikTok in that it is well-known almost
among Generation Z as well as the students who are studying at university. That is
why the participants in these 10 articles were young learners who gave positive
feedback after engaging in TikTok to enhance their verbal skills.

To begin with the common purposes in each article, the researchers expressed their
viewpoints about how the new social media called TikTok or Douyin affected
students’ speaking skills depending on pronunciation, fluency, grammatical abilities,
and ideas when performing a short video according to the researchers’ requirements.
The methods conducted in the majority of the ten articles are qualitative and
quantitative. Besides, the researchers observed how the students learned to speak
English in class before participating in the post-test with the TikTok application to
assess their ability. In addition, the studies of Pratiwi et al. (2021), Komariyah et al.
(2022), and Putri (2022) employed a questionnaire including open-ended questions
integrated with a 5-point Likert scale, which were about the reasons why the
participants used TikTok and the advantages of practicing speaking via TikTok. On
top of that, the remaining studies showed that this app allowed users to connect with
native speakers, inspire themselves, and develop their speaking style (Pratiwi, Ufairah,
& Sopiah, 2021; Putri, 2022). Not only that, the TikTok application provided a lot of
opportunities for students to express their perspectives through the abundance of
hashtags and materials (Komariyah, Sulistiowati, Fajri, & Allatif, 2022;

Ferstephanie,  & Pratiwi, 2022; Nguyen, 2021). As these studies’ findings revealed,
the students who learned English speaking on TikTok through short videos or duet
trends with native speakers found it an enjoyable and effective way to improve
students’ confidence and develop ideas while communicating and boosting vocabulary
(Dewi & Arifani, 2021; Cagas, 2022; Mandasari, Kossasi & Jufri, 2022; Zaitun, Hadi
& Indriani, 2021)

While it is undeniable that the modernization of innovative TikTok features aids

students in learning a spoken language in general and speaking English in particular,
students have been underserved by this program in terms of academic and technical
development. In the studies of Dewi and Arifani (2021), Herlisya et al. (2022), and
Pratiwi et al. (2021), the participants complained about the internet connection, which
made it difficult for them to identify a competent speaker, incompatible gadgets, and
the learning process. Furthermore, the limitations of these investigations demonstrated
that students' mistakes were ignored (Putri, 2022; Herlisya & Wiratno, 2022; Dewi &
Arifani, 2021). Also, the students were afraid of making mistakes while recording, as
a result, they were easily distracted by the number of likes and views. In other words,
the participants took advantage of TikTok for entertainment and neglected to focus on
their primary work (Komariyah et al., 2022).

In conclusion, the major reason I chose this topic for my annotated bibliography is
that revolutionary social media technologies are becoming incredibly popular in our
daily lives and provide a variety of useful features for learning to speak English. I
believe that my detailed summaries, which include the aims, scopes, methodology,
and findings, will help future studies concerning technology improve students'
English-speaking skills. Not only that, studies related to this topic in the future can be
broaden in terms of the scope of research to include many aspects, such as
overcoming the drawbacks of utilizing TikTok to improve speaking abilities or
expanding the scope of studies to include many subjects.

Cagas, R. D. (2022). The use of TikTok videos in enhancing the speaking and
grammar skills of higher eduation students. Language Education Forum, 3(1),
1-3. DOI:10.12691/lef-3-1-1

Dewi, L.K. & Arifani, Y. (2021). The utilization of LINE video calls and Tiktok
videos for teaching pronunciation in Thailand. Celtic: A Journal of Culture,
English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, 8(2), 260-274. Doi:

Ferstephanie, J & Pratiwi, T. L. (2022). The effect of Tiktok to develop students’

speaking skill: A classroom action research. Wiralodra English Journal, 6(1),
1-12. DOI:

Herlisya, D., & Wiratno, P. (2022). Having good speaking English through TikTok
application. Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(3),
191-198. DOI:

Komariyah, T., Sulistiowati, W., Fajri, L.A., & Allatif, N. (2022). The implementation
of TikTok application to learn speaking skill in English language teaching (ELT).
Proceeding of Conference on English Language Teaching (CELTI 2022), 2, 142-
154. DOI:

Mandasari, M., Kosassy, S. O. & Jufri, Y. (2022). Incorporating of social media in

distance learning: A case study on how TikTok improves speaking skill among
ESP students. The 2nd International Conference on Government Education
Management and Tourism (ICoGEMT)+TECH, January 15th, 2022, Bandung

City, Indonesia, 1(1), 1-7. Retrieved from:

Nguyen, H. H. (2021). Using Tiktok to improve speaking performance at an Academy

of Journalism and Communication EFL class. Proceedings of The 9th Open
TESOL International Conference 2021. 509-524

Putri, S.M.D. (2022). The effectiveness of using TikTok to improve EFL learners’
speaking ability. Mimesis 3(2), 101-110. DOI:

Pratiwi, A.E., Ufairah, N.N., & Sopiah, R.S. (2021). Utilizing the TikTok application
as media for learning English pronunciation. Proceedings International
Conference on Education of Suryakancana, 372-382. DOI:

Zaitun, Z., Hadi, M. S., & Indriani, E. D. (2021). TikTok as a media to enhance the
speaking skills of EFL students. Jurnal Studi Guru Dan Pembelajaran, 4(1),
89-94. DOI:


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4. Herlisya, D., & Wiratno, P. (2022). Having good speaking English through
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5. Komariyah, T., Sulistiowati, W., Fajri, L.A., & Allatif, N. (2022). The
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6. Mandasari, M., Kosassy, S. O. & Jufri, Y. (2022). Incorporating of social
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skill among ESP students. The 2nd International Conference on Government
Education Management and Tourism (ICoGEMT)+TECH, January 15th, 2022,
Bandung City, Indonesia, 1(1), 1-7. Retrieved from:

7. Nguyen, H. H. (2021). Using Tiktok to improve speaking performance at an
Academy of Journalism and Communication EFL class. Proceedings of The
9th OpenTESOL International Conference 2021. 509-524

8. Putri, S.M.D. (2022). The effectiveness of using TikTok to improve EFL
learners’ speaking ability. Mimesis 3(2), 101-110. DOI:

9. Pratiwi, A.E., Ufairah, N.N., & Sopiah, R.S. (2021). Utilizing the TikTok
application as media for learning English pronunciation. Proceedings
International Conference on Education of Suryakancana, 372-382. DOI:

10. Zaitun, Z., Hadi, M. S., & Indriani, E. D. (2021). TikTok as a media to
enhance the speaking skills of EFL students. Jurnal Studi Guru Dan
Pembelajaran, 4(1), 89-94. DOI:


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