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LECTURER : Mr.Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, M.Pd


YEAR 2020

Thanks to the presence of God Almighty for his gift and bless so the
author can complete this mini research to fulfill the task of It for ELT subject.
Thanks to Mr. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, M.Pd., the lecturer, which has given the
opportunity to us to finish this task.

The author realized that this paper is still imperfect. So the writer hope
critic and suggestion in order to make It better. Hopefully this paper can be useful
for us all, especially for us to understanding the use of technology in teaching and
learning English.


Group 4th



TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Problem.................................................................1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem.................................................................2

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................2

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD................................................................5


4.1. Findings..............................................................................................6

4.2. Discussions.........................................................................................9

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..........................................10



1.1 Background of the Problem

Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be integral

to achieving significant improvements in productivity. Used to support both
teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools,
such as computers and hand held devices; expands course offerings, experiences,
and learning materials; supports learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; builds
21st century skills; increases student engagement and motivation; and accelerates
learning. Technology also has the power to transform teaching by ushering in a
new model of connected teaching. This model links teachers to their students and
to professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve their own
instruction and personalize learning.

English learning and teaching at ikip gunungsitoli is much assisted by the

use of technology in traditional learning. Especially during the pandemic, which
teaching and learning traditionally has changed to blended learning, which
depends on technology in this case is used to help the
teaching and learning process run more efficiently and effectively for students to
be able to follow. The use of technology itself has a big influence on learning
outcomes. It also determines the success or failure of students to achieve the
competencies required in learning English.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

1) How is learning English learning teaching at IKIP Gunungsitoli? How

far the use of technology in teaching and learning process?
2) What technologies are used in teaching and learning some skill in
english such as grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and speaking?
3) What are benefits of teaching and learning English using technology?



Language teaching at a distance is now geographically widespread around

the world as a wellestablished means of extending access and opportunities to
language learners in both public and private settings. While much of the research
has been carried out by large‐scale traditional providers, emphasis has also been
given to the complexity and diversity of practices associated with technology‐
mediated distance language teaching, within particular institutional and
sociocultural settings including for such languages as Chinese and Arabic.
Importantly too there has been a shift in the positioning of distance language
programs from being regarded by many as a somewhat marginal enterprise, to
being recognized as sites for technological and pedagogical innovation that extend
the theory and practices of language teaching. Central to these developments has
been an abiding concern to identify the distinctive nature and effectiveness of
technology‐mediated distance language teaching, together with advancing theory,
research and practice to inform what is a burgeoning domain of activity.

Defining features of all these forms of distance language teaching are that
teachers and learners are physically separated, that “the bulk of the learning takes
place in non‐co‐presence” (Lamy 2013a, 144), and that technology is used to
mediate the teaching‐learning processes within the presence of an educational
organization (distinguishing it from private study).

Distance language teaching has evolved largely in response to

developments in technology, from early print‐based courses, to educational radio
and broadcast television, through to audio and videocassettes, and then to
computer technologies, with further possibilities offered by interactive
multimedia, Web 2.0 environments, and Second Life. Developments in
technologymediated distance language teaching mark a fundamental shift from
early approaches concerned with the production and distribution of learning
materials for independent study (including CD‐ROMs, video‐based courses, and
broadcast education for example), to more contemporary approaches concerned
with interaction, communication, collaboration and collective activity within
virtual learning environments. Technology is no longer solely used for
distribution purposes, as in broadcasting, and emphasis is now placed on
opportunities for communication using both text and sound, as in the chat, and
videoconferencing, meaning that it is possible for distance language education to
focus on communication and learning as a social process.

Number of different generational models of distance language teaching

have been identified from print‐based courses, to broadcast education, multiple
media courses, information and communication technology (ICT) courses
including asynchronous learning opportunities, then synchronous virtual learning
environments (for a review of these models, see White 2006). While generational
models focus on technologies for distance language teaching, a useful distinction
can also be drawn between traditional and emerging paradigms, shedding light on
the associated affordances and practices of distance language teaching. For
example, the development of course materials for independent study was at the
core of traditional paradigms for distance language teaching, with an emphasis on
learning the target language from carefully constructed print‐based texts and tasks,
and relying on one‐way technologies to foster the acquisition of listening and, to a
lesser extent, speaking skills. Ongoing advances in digital technologies were
central to new, emerging paradigms for distance language teaching focusing on
interaction initially via text and audio and then by graphics and video. Central to
the new opportunities was the possibility of developing interactive competence
(Kötter 2001) in the target language, and ways of managing individual learning
within an interactive environment with more immediate opportunities for
engagement and feedback from instructors and peers. Importantly, too, the new
learning environments offered opportunities for peer support, and for reflection
onlearning experiences in both private (with teachers) and shared (with peers)
conversations online. Thus, emerging paradigms for distance language teaching
made possible different combinations of individual and collaborative language
learning environments, and called for not only technological innovation but
pedagogical innovation. Importantly, too, they introduced new expectations of
what is required to work successfully in technology‐mediated distance language
learning environments for both learners and teachers. Distance language programs
around the world make use of both hi‐tech and low‐tech options, depending
largely on infrastructure. Importantly, earlier research using older technologies
such as the telephone (Graham 2000) can acquire new significance with the
introduction of accessible tools such as Skype; the value of those earlier studies
often lies in the rich accounts provided of pedagogical challenges, including for
example attempts to make conversations more interactive. There are also several
other applications that help in this field, including whats app, google meet, and
zoom video converence.


This research used descriptive research method, which aims to accurately

and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon.

The research was conducted in IKIP Gunungsitoli, with sample from 5

students 3rd and 5th semester, on October, 18th 2020.

In this research, we use some question that leads use of technology and the
impact to teaching and learning process and result.


4.1 Findings

As for the findings based on research conducted is about the use of

technology in English learning and teaching in IKIP Gunugsitoli. Here are the
result of interviewing 5 students IKIP Gunungsitoli.

1) Jenidar Permata Sari Gulo

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class B Semester 3

I think the English learning at IKIP Gunungsitoli is very good and

fun, where if we follow and master the vocabulary well, it will be an
asset for students to increase their knowledge of English. Also related
to the technology learning system is very important in supporting and
accelerating the learning system.

Current technology is very sophisticated, we automatically follow it so

that learning can also be carried out properly, the technology used such
as Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Google Meet and we can also search
from other references.

The benefits of learning English using technology are that it can

simplify the learning system, make it easier to understand and expand

2) Dokumentation: Interviewing Fatiaro Daeli

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester III
So far, English learning and teaching at IKIP Gunungsitoli is using
blended learning, sometimes using technology and sometimes
traditionally. The technology used is usually in the form of applications
that have been widely used, for example, such as Google classroom,
Google meet, for listening, usually using an audio player application.
for learning English skills such as grammar, vocabulary, reading,
listening and speaking usually also takes references from the internet.
then this is where we take advantage of technology in teaching and
learning English. There are several benefits of teaching and learning
English using technology, namely that it is easier for us to understand
and learn skills in learning English.

3) Antonius Puliter Zalukhu

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 5
Teaching learning process especially in English Department in
IKIP Gunungsitoli was using technology media like proyector, laptop
or computer and internet. in the field. But also using standard media
like whiteboard, earser and big ballpoint. Both of that media sometimes
used together in teaching lerning process. But the most using was
techonology media actually. Because in English Department, student is
expeted to learn and teach English properly. Technology was important
for that. So,the student can improve their skill in teaching lerning

Teaching learning in English especially for the basic skill like speaking,
reading, writing and listening is using techonolgy. For example in
listening. The student have to used computer, tape recorder and
handphone also to improve their listening skill. In other hand, like
grammar, vocabulary and reading, there is not neccesarry to using
techonolgy. The lecture was recomended for the student to use
dictionary book, grammar book, and other kinds of that.

I think, that was important to acknowledge that student are already

interested and engaged in using technology, this creates many amazing
opportunities for schools and teachers to benefit from intergrating some
forms fo technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning
more efffective. Some of that benefits like improves engagement,
improves knowledge retention, encourages individual learning,
encourages collaboration between teacher and student, and also student
can learn useful life skills through techonology.

4) Rosmine Daeli
Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 3
In general, the use of technology in the teaching and learning
process at IKIP Gunungsitoli is very minimal, why is that because
basically what is used is still manual and secondly, not all students have
technology when it is used and not all will understand how to use it.
but the situation is changing at this time, especially in a situation like
this slowly the use of technology is now starting to be used because a
problem in the world today is very bad. Such as: telegram, whatshap,
google classromm, email and even zoom, during this pandemic the use
of technology like this is very useful and very much needed by anyone.
The benefit is that it makes it easier for students to speak English,
especially in finding the most difficult sentences in English. The use of
English with technology makes it easy to communicate with each other,
exchange opinions and provide input.

5) Clara Susanti Zebua

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 5
Learning English Teaching at IKIP Gunungsitoli using technology.
Yes, thats true. Some of technology media, such like computer
laboratory, proyector and also internet. IKIP Gunungsitoli used all of
that media, so that, teaching learning process can be more effective.
Techonology are used in teaching learning especially with some skill in
English like reading, speaking, writing and listening, there is computer
and also internet. For example, in listening, college student need
computer to listening for audio or video.
Benefits of teaching and learning English using technology was great
and very effective. Why I say that, because in this era, especially for
medern learning, technology play an important role. Student and
teacher can doing teaching learning process with well and more
effective, and more so in the classroom.

4.2. Discussions

The use of technology has become an important part of the learning

process in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of
technology. Technology has been used to both help and improve language
learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus
enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in
importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners.

Based on the results of interviews with students of the IKIP Gunungsitoli

English study program, who cause to be experienced the important role of
technology in English learning and teaching, we know several issues that
technology is needed in learning for the expected learning process and outcomes.
The use of technologies plays a key role in language learning based on their own
pace, helps in self-understanding, does not stop interaction with the teacher, and
creates high motivation in learners for the effective learning of language skills.


The use of technologies plays a key role in language learning based on

their own pace, helps in self-understanding, does not stop interaction with the
teacher, and creates high motivation in learners for the effective learning of
language skills.

Technology provides interaction between teachers and learners, provides

comprehensible input and output, helps learners to develop thinking skills, makes
learning and teaching becomes more student-centered, promotes learners’
autonomy and helps them feel more confident, and increases learners’ motivation
to effectively learn a foreign language.

The use of the appropriate technology will also greatly affect the learning
process and outcomes. the teacher must adjust the class conditions and the skills
of language that are expected. When technology is used appropriately, it can bring
about a lot of advantages to teachers and learners. It is a resource that can be used
by learners because it helps them solve their learning problems and find methods
to use what they have learnt in ways that are effective and meaningful.

Learners should use technology to enhance their language skills because it

has as a crucial role in developing learners’ creativity and provides them with
interesting, enjoyable, and exciting alternatives to study the language.



Dokumentation: Interviewing Jenidar Permata Sari Gulo

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class B Semester 3

Dokumentation: Interviewing Fatiaro Daeli

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester III

Dokumentation: Interviewing Antonius Puliter Zalukhu

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 5

Dokumentation: Interviewing Rosmine Daeli
Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 3

Dokumentation: Interviewing Clara Susanti Zebua

Student of IKIP Gunungsitoli Class A Semester 5

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