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Best Practices for ICT Intergration

Prepared to fulfil the assignment for ICT in ELT course

Lecturer: Refai, M.Pd

Group 4:

1. Fima Desti Anggraini 21340004

2. Husnun Mufidah 21340011
3. Nurul Hidaya Tika 21340041
4. Yoja Exgysta 21340029
5. Aliviah Nabila Putri 1053510102121



First of all, thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala because of the help of Allah, we finished
writing the paper entitled “Best Practice for ICT Intergration” on time. The purpose in writing
this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by mister Refai,M.Pd as lecturer in ICT in ELT
major. We realize that there are still many shortcomings in the writing of this paper. Therefore,
we would like to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper, we realize that
this paper is still far from perfection; therefore we hope that criticism and suggestions from
readers can help the author in improving his next paper. Finally, hope this paper can be useful to
add to the development of insight.




TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................II

CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1

A. Background..............................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation...............................................................................................1
C. Goals........................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II DISSCUSION............................................................................................2

1. Aligning ICT Activities with Language Learning Objectives.................................2

2. Developing Digital Literacy Skill Alongside Language Skill.................................4
3. Planning and Designing effective technology enhanced lessons............................5

CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................14




A. Background

In the era of globalization and industrial revolution 4.0, the integration of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) has become an integral part of various sectors, including
education, business and government. Education, in particular, is experiencing a significant
transformation by utilizing technological developments to improve the quality of learning.
However, while many educational institutions and organizations have attempted to integrate ICT,
there are still challenges and variability in the implementation of best practices.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What are the conditions of accessibility and use of technology in various

educational/organizational environments, and to what extent do these differences influence the
effectiveness of ICT integration?

2.What are the main obstacles faced by educational institutions or organizations in implementing
best practices for ICT integration, and how to overcome them?

3. How can the implementation of ICT best practices be directed to minimize security risks and
safeguard data privacy?

4.To what extent do cultural and social aspects influence acceptance and adaptation of best
practices in ICT integration?

C. Goals

1. Analyze the level of accessibility and use of technology in various educational institutions or

2. Identify and analyze the main obstacles faced in implementing ICT best practices.

3. Assess effective strategies to overcome security risks and maintain data privacy in the context
of ICT integration.


1. Aligning ICT Activities with Language Learning Objectives

The use of technology in language teaching learning is not something new. In the decades
preceding the use of computers, audio visual media were pedagogical aids in delivering
language courses. Among the tools used were the phonograph, radio, television and
telephone (Salaberry, 2001). Computers, according to Warschauer (1996), came to attention
of linguists and language researchers during the 1950s, the time CALL (Computer Assisted
Language Learning) was conceived. Ever since, computer technologies have gradually
become the major technological application in language learning. By employing ICT,
teachers could vary their teaching and learning activities. It could assist them to gradually
change their teaching style from teacher-centred to learner-centred, giving the learners the
chance to have an active role in the learning process. In addition, the rich multimedia
facilities of ICT could offer a huge range of authentic materials as well as opportunities to
have direct contact with either native speakers of English or English language learners from
different regions or countries, enabling teachers to be more confident with CLT. Regarding
that topic ICTs also should be aligned with the school’s educational goals and curriculum
objectives. Integrating technology for the sake of it may not yield the desired outcomes. By
aligning ICTs with educational goals, educators can enhance specific learning outcomes and
improve student performance. Here's a detailed explanation along with examples:

1) Learning Objectives:
Clearly articulate the language learning objectives, which could include improving
speaking skills, expanding vocabulary, or fostering cultural awareness. For the example,
develop the ability to express complex ideas in written form in the target language.
2) Selection of Appropriate ICT Tools:
Choose technology tools that align with and contribute to the attainment of the identified
language learning objectives. Example: Utilize language learning apps like Quizlet to
reinforce vocabulary and facilitate interactive learning.
3) Integration with Language Skills:

Ensure that ICT activities cover a range of language skills, such as listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Example: Integrate video conferencing tools for virtual language
exchange sessions to enhance speaking and listening skills.
4) Adaptation to Proficiency Levels:
Tailor the complexity of ICT content to match the proficiency levels of the learners.
Example: Provide adaptive learning platforms that adjust the difficulty of language
exercises based on individual student performance.
5) Interactivity and Engagement:
Design ICT activities that actively engage students, promoting sustained interest and
participation. Example: Implement gamified language learning platforms that encourage
competition and collaboration among students.
6) Feedback and Assessment:
Leverage technology for providing timely feedback on language performance and
integrate assessment tools aligned with language learning objectives. Example: Use
automated grading systems for language quizzes and provide detailed feedback through
online platforms.
7) Cultural Context and Sensitivity:
Ensure that ICT activities reflect cultural contexts, aligning with language learning
objectives related to cultural understanding. Example: Incorporate multimedia resources,
such as documentaries or podcasts, that expose students to authentic cultural content in
the target language.
8) Monitoring Progress:
Utilize technology to monitor and track students' progress, allowing for data-driven
adjustments to instruction. Example: Analyze data from online language learning
platforms to identify areas where students may need additional support.
9) Accessibility and Inclusivity:
Consider the accessibility of ICT resources to accommodate diverse learning needs.
Example: Ensure that online learning materials are available in multiple formats, with
features like subtitles for video content to support students with varied abilities.

By aligning ICT activities with language learning objectives in education, educators can
create a more dynamic and effective language learning experience, leveraging technology to
address specific linguistic goals and cater to the diverse needs of learners.

2. Developing Digital Literacy Skill Alongside Language Skill

Digital literacy is a critical competence for empowering citizenship in a digital world. It has
become a key element in teaching and learning across the different educational stages that has
been addressed since the last decade of the twentieth century within the field of open, distance,
and digital education. Developing digital literacy skills alongside language skills in the context
of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the intentional integration of
technology tools, techniques, and practices into language learning and communication processes.
This approach aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to effectively navigate,
comprehend, and create digital content while concurrently enhancing their proficiency in a
specific language. Developing digital literacy skills alongside language skills in the context of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is essential in today's technologically-driven
world. Here are some strategies to integrate these skills:

1. Incorporate Technology in Language Learning:

 Use language learning apps and online platforms that provide interactive exercises and
games to improve language skills.
 Encourage students to create digital content such as blogs, podcasts, or videos in the
target language.

2. ICT Integration in Language Lessons:

 Integrate ICT tools like multimedia presentations, online dictionaries, and grammar
checkers into language lessons.
 Use collaborative online platforms for group projects, discussions, and language practice.

3. Digital Research Skills:

 Teach students how to conduct effective online research, evaluate sources, and cite
information correctly in the target language.
 Emphasize critical thinking skills to assess the credibility and reliability of digital

4. Multimedia Literacy:
 Explore and create multimedia content in the target language, such as presentations,
infographics, and videos.
 Discuss the impact of visual and auditory elements on communication and language

5. Coding and Computational Thinking:

 Introduce basic coding concepts in the target language to enhance logical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
 Incorporate coding activities that involve language-related tasks, such as creating
interactive stories or language-based games.

6. Digital Communication:
 Use digital platforms for language exchange programs or collaborative projects with
students from other regions or countries.
 Emphasize proper digital etiquette and communication skills in online environments.

7. Cybersecurity and Digital Citizenship:

 Educate students on responsible and ethical use of technology, including issues related to
privacy, online safety, and cyberbullying.
 Discuss the importance of digital citizenship and its role in effective communication

8. Interactive Simulations and Virtual Reality:

 Explore language learning simulations and virtual reality experiences that immerse
students in language-rich environments.
 Utilize virtual field trips or language immersion programs to enhance language skills in
real-world contexts.

9. ICT for Language Assessment:

 Use digital tools for language assessments, including online quizzes, interactive
assignments, and digital portfolios.
 Provide constructive feedback using digital platforms, fostering a culture of continuous

10. Professional Development for Educators:

 Offer training for educators to enhance their own digital literacy skills, enabling them to
integrate technology effectively into language teaching.
 Encourage the use of online forums and communities for educators to share best practices
and resources.

By integrating these strategies, educators can create a dynamic learning environment that not
only enhances language skills but also equips students with the digital literacy skills necessary
for success in the digital age.

3. Planning and Designing effective technology enhanced lessons

In order to improve the learning experience and results, Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) must be included into the planning and design of effective technology-
enhanced English language teaching (ELT) programs. The following are some methods and
pointers for organizing and creating technology-enhanced ELT lessons:

1. Lesson planning

To arrange and prepare your courses more effectively, use websites and applications for
lesson preparation. You may also look for pre-existing concepts online and modify them to
include technology into your own teaching.

Example application for lesson:

1) Google Classroom: Google classroom is a service provided by Google for Education

that helps with teacher-student communication during the learning process. Google
Classroom gives teachers instant access to grades and feedback in real-time, enabling
them to monitor students' progress on assignments that they have completed or not.
Via Google Classroom, students can also simply access and receive materials as well
as turn in assignments.
2) Animaker : teachers can use the platform Animaker to make animated videos of
instructional materials. Teachers may find it easier to teach even complex material
with this application if they don't need to meet in person. Students can be exposed to
the produced animated videos as an engaging and interactive teaching tool.
3) Edmodo : Teachers can use Edmodo to share lesson plans, assign homework,
administer tests, keep track of student-teacher correspondence, and send reports
straight to parents.

Example web for lessons :

Certainly! If you're looking for examples of websites that offer online lessons, here
are a few well-known platforms across various subjects and purposes:

1. Coursera: [Coursera]( provides a wide range of online

courses from universities and colleges around the world. It covers subjects such as
computer science, business, arts, and more.

2. Khan Academy: [Khan Academy]( is a non-profit

educational platform offering lessons in various subjects, primarily targeting K-12
students. It covers math, science, economics, and more.

3. Udemy: [Udemy]( is a platform where experts can create
and sell courses on a variety of topics. It's known for its diverse range of courses,
from programming to personal development.

4. Duolingo: [Duolingo]( is a language-learning platform

that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language
proficiency assessment exam.

5. edX: [edX]( is another platform offering online courses from

universities around the world. It covers a broad range of subjects, including science,
business, and the humanities.

6. Codecademy: [Codecademy]( is focused on

teaching coding and programming. It provides interactive coding lessons in various
programming languages.

7. LinkedIn Learning: [LinkedIn Learning](

offers courses in business, technology, and creative skills. It's suitable for both
individuals and organizations looking to upskill.

Remember, the effectiveness of online learning platforms can depend on your specific
learning goals and preferences. It's always a good idea to explore a few and see which
one aligns best with your needs.

2. ICT supported learning activities

Teachers should take into account the following factors in order to implement successful
ICT-supported learning activities:

1. Selecting the appropriate technique and instrument: Taking technical support and
complexity into consideration, choose a tool and approach that complements the
learning task and provides the necessary functionality.
2. Defining criteria for interaction: Make sure that the selected technique and instrument
support the intended learning objectives by clearly defining the parameters for
3. Providing sufficient assistance: Make certain that students have access to the
technical and other assistance they need in order to use ICT tools efficiently.

Example of ICT-Supported learning activities include :

 Translation software: Using translation software to aid in the acquisition and

improvement of language
 Group presentation: Utilizing ICT tools to create and deliver group projects that
promote cooperation and highlight learning objectives.
 Online research: Investigating a range of subjects and topics through the use of
online resources and tools.

3. Integration of ICT tools

Information and communication technology (ICT) integration in education is the process

of incorporating ICT as a set of tools to improve teaching and learning in classrooms. In order to
meet the challenges of contemporary globalization, ICT integration in education seeks to
enhance and raise the quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of instruction delivered to
students. It also benefits from networking the learning communities. In order for ICT integration
in education to be effective, teachers must work together, plan ahead, and participate. Making
ICT transparent in relevant and goal-driven contexts is key to helping students focus on using
technology as a tool to accomplish other goals. ICT integration is a continuous process that
involves choosing the right ICT tools based on the learning activity and functionality, while also
taking technical support and complexity into consideration. Here some example for integration
of ICT tools.

1.Software and Apps for Language Learning: A variety of programs, including Rosetta Stone
and Duolingo, are available to assist students in honing their language skills.

2.Multimedia Presentations: Students can present on a variety of topics through multimedia

presentations they create with programs like Prezi or PowerPoint, enhancing them with
additional visuals, audio, and video content.

3.Online Projects and Research: Students can conduct research and produce projects on a variety
of subjects by using the internet. For example, they can look up and present information on a
particular facet of English literature or culture.

1. Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning in planning and designing effective technology-enhanced lessons

in ICT for English Language Teaching (ELT) is a subject that is gaining popularity. According to
research, there are a number of advantages and opportunities that come with integrating
information and communication technologies (ICT) into ELT and education. These include
improved exposure to English, easier access to learning resources, and easier peer and teacher
interaction. Furthermore, it has been discovered that technology-enhanced collaborative
language learning has benefits for language learning, different types of technologies, and
theoretical underpinnings.

2. Personalized learning

In ICT for English Language Teaching (ELT), personalized learning involves co-
designing lessons and projects to incorporate learner voice and choice, as well as choosing
appropriate technology for each student's individual education plan (IEP). Different roles of
technology are played in individualization, differentiation, and personalization; learning from
anywhere at any time is facilitated by personalized learning environments. However, the
adoption of technology-enhanced personalized learning necessitates adaptability in curriculum
objectives, evaluation, and student control over their own learning. Here some example :

1. Customized Lessons: Instructors are able to design customized lessons for every student
according to their learning preferences, areas of strength, and areas of weakness. This
enables students to push themselves in areas where they thrive and concentrate on areas
where they need more help.
2. Establishing flexible learning environments that let students work at their own speed and
in their own way is something that teachers can do. This can include opportunities for
self-directed learning or blended learning models that combine online and in-person
3. Software for Adaptive Learning: This type of learning software uses algorithms to
modify the degree of difficulty of the materials according to how well the students
perform. Students can work at their own pace and get tailored feedback thanks to this.

3. Teacher professional learning

In order to inform and modify teacher behavior in response to new technologies, effective
professional development for creating and organizing technology-enhanced ELT lessons is
crucial. Research and best practices in education consistently demonstrate that technology
integration will never be satisfactorily achieved without ongoing support and effective staff
development. These are some tactics that have been shown to be crucial for creating professional
development that is successful in creating technology integration in schools.

1. Pay attention to the teacher's stage of use: Teacher-centered professional development

programs that take this into consideration are more effective. A teacher who is tech
averse or a novice user, for instance, would not fit in in a class full of power users.
Consequently, professional development ought to be customized to the unique
requirements and competencies of educators.
2. Related to the curriculum objectives of the school: If teachers are to use technology
effectively to promote learning for all students in the classroom, they must have a well-
thought-out, continuous professional development program that is linked to the school's
curriculum goals, designed with built-in evaluation, and sustained by adequate financial
and staff support.

3. Give educators the chance to practice being at ease and productive in new roles:
Technology-related professional development gives educators the chance to transition
into new roles with ease and effectiveness. It ought to motivate educators to employ
technology to design fresh opportunities for instruction that will raise student
4. Continual and essential component of educators' careers: Modern technology demands
new definitions and resources for professional development. It needs to be seen as an
essential and continuous aspect of teachers' careers. It cannot accept the conventional
formats of one-time training sessions or private workshop.

4. Designing instruction

In order to effectively integrate technology into English Language Teaching (ELT)

lessons, careful planning and consideration of how to do so is necessary for instructional design.
Here are some essential guidelines and tactics for creating lessons that take advantage of
technology to improve learning.

1. Emphasis on instructional design: Rather than merely integrating technology into

prepared lectures, educators should take on the role of instructional designers, organizing
the use of technology to improve teaching and learning.
2. Continuous learning: To stay current with new technologies and design strategies,
instructional/learning designers must partake in continuous learning. The field of
instructional design and technology is always changing.
3. Put educational goals first: By putting educational goals first and coordinating the
pedagogical and physical design layers, the function should direct the form. By doing
this, it is ensured that technology is utilized to support learning objectives and improve
the educational process.
4. Align pedagogy with technology: It's critical to align pedagogy with the affordances of
the technology. In order to create effective learning experiences, this entails analyzing the
capabilities of the technology and matching them with the underlying pedagogical

5. Think about the students: It's crucial to take the needs and preferences of the students into
account when creating technology-enhanced instruction. This entails getting the students
ready for the lesson, focusing on particular goals, and setting up a setting that encourages
the use of technology in the classroom.



The paper on best practices for ICT integration explores strategies for effectively incorporating
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into various sectors. The key areas covered
include strategic planning aligned with organizational goals, ongoing professional development
to enhance ICT skills, investment in reliable technology infrastructure, seamless integration of
ICT into the curriculum, and fostering student engagement through interactive tools.
Additionally, the paper emphasizes the importance of assessments, feedback mechanisms, and
data-driven decision-making processes. It underscores the promotion of digital citizenship,
collaboration, and communication through digital platforms, as well as ensuring accessibility,
inclusivity, and addressing security and privacy concerns. The continuous evaluation and
adaptation of strategies based on technological trends and educational needs are highlighted as
crucial for successful ICT integration, leading to improved outcomes and preparedness for the
challenges of the digital era.



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